What are the bad cosmetologists silent about. The consequences of Botox or what cosmetologists are silent. Skin biorevitalization

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Salon face procedures

Myth 84. Botox injections - a popular and affordable salon procedure

Indeed, Botox injections are in great demand and in the price persons of beauty salons occupy one of the first places. Rather, because this procedure has many on hearing, is chosen by many artists. But accessibility is also a question! For someone, the usual mechanical cleaning of the face in the cabin is an already expensive procedure.

Let's say right: Botox injections - the procedure is not cheap. Especially since the price depends on the number of units of the drug, its commercial name (Botox, dysport, etc.), where Mimic wrinkles, the type of salon are corrected (in the cosmetology clinic, this procedure, naturally, is more expensive), qualifications of a specialist and so on.

If people did not depend so much from their appearance, would the whole science of the aesthetic problems of the body and a whole set of methodologies aimed at the correction of these most aesthetic problems?

Beauty Industry is a very profitable business. No matter how cool, the cosmetologist makes money on your beauty. And the shameless cosmetologist is ready to earn and on your health! You are on different sides of the barricades, where the product is actually not a beauty, but the money.

And here is the injections of Botox, indeed one of the most popular and promoted directions bringing very good profits.

Botox is one of the trading titles of the drug based toxin botulinum. Trade names set (Botox, Distport, Kseomoin and Other), but it was Botoks who became a none name of all injections with botulinum-toxin. Each manufacturer gives its trading name to this analogue.

Myth 85. Botox injections can be done at home

Not! Not! And once again - categorically no! No "beauty injections" can not be done at home! If only because the reaction to injections can be different, up to an anaphylactic shock (this is a kind of allergic reaction).

No self-respecting and customer cosmetologist will do similar procedures "underground". Therefore, reading such ads in the newspaper, do not think about savings - think about the qualifications of the "specialist"!

Botox is a rather complicated procedure that a specialist should be carried out under appropriate conditions. Botox - a drug that is not worn in a handbag. For its storage, you need a refrigerator. There are weights and other nuances that we will talk below.

Myth 86. Botox is poison

And it is true!

Botox is a drug based on the strongest poison, botulinumoxin. Typically, manufacturers of these drugs or cosmetologists simply say that the preparation based on botulinumoxin. It is less likely that it is neurotoxin. And even if you yourself read that this is a neutrotoxic complex of botulinum-toxin type A, you can hardly understand what we are talking about.

Botulo-cellin - poison, which is produced by the pathogen of botulism. One gram of this substance (in pure form) can kill several thousand people! I hope that such a terrible, although the rare disease you know. Already since childhood, our moms and grandmothers scared us that the swirling canned food, an overdue fish or sausage cannot be. And scared by a terrible word - botulism!

This very botulinum is striking the nervous system so that the patient can not breathe, hands and legs do not move (paralysis of hands and legs), can not speak and swallow, saliva flows from the corners of the mouth, a permanent fog before his eyes, go to the toilet is simply impossible physically ... But this is not the worst! It is terrible that a lot of patients die in botulusme. And those who survive, have been experiencing constant weak for a few more months ... And how many complications cause botulism! Problems with heart and kidneys, pneumonia ...

Here is such a cunning, botulinumoxin! And all because this poison kills or disrupts the nerve cells that are responsible for the muscles. That is, the body ceases to control the work of the muscles. Therefore, the patient cannot breathe, paralyzed hands and legs, there are no sharpness in the eyes ... And women are voluntarily and gladly ready to "take" doses of poison for beauty!

However, manufacturers assure us that in their drugs the poison is qualitatively cleaned and strongly diluted. Call botulism, according to them, Botox can not.

Myth 87. Botox is better than dysport

Botox is produced by the American company Allergan and is used in cosmetology procedures since 1981. Distport, produced by the French manufacturer Beaufour Ipsen Pharma, is a newer remedy, but still having sufficient use experience (since 1990).

The main active ingredient in these drugs is one, the concentration of it is different in them, as well as some other differences in composition:

1. Botox contains 12.5 ng botulinum, as well as albumin and lactose.

2. Distport contains 5 ng botulinumsin, albumin and sodium chloride. Differences in concentrations make different and activity of one unit of the drug, when 1 unit of Botox corresponds to 4-5 units of dysport. Similarly, this information is not necessary to know this information, but the specialist can already eliminate, for example, Botox, if you have allergies to lactose.

Please note: if you are allergic to lactose, then Botox you are contraindicated! A competent specialist is obliged to figure out this moment.

It is impossible to say with confidence, which drug will be more efficient in your case. The annotations indicate that the effect of dysport can be maintained for 3-5 months, while the effect of the use of Botox can be noticed on the face up to 4-6 months.

Although the effect of the use of dysport is not so long, it will be possible to see it in 2-4 days, while the first result after the Botox injections will be noticeable only after 4-7 days. But the most complete smoothing of wrinkles from both drugs is observed approximately after 14 days.

Myth 88. Botox is absolutely safe

This can only declare a person who is important to sell you such a procedure. Let me remind you that Botoks is made on the basis of the strongest poison - botulinumoxin. Doctors note that so far the action of toxin is not fully studied!

Scientists have not fully come to the general opinion: how does the botulinum affect the nervous system of our organism and what are the consequences of its influence on individual bodies of our body? And this is taking into account the fact that botulism is officially known as a disease since 1793!

The manufacturers of Botox (dysport, etc.) are shuffled, that their drugs are absolutely safe, since it is microindose of superoble toxin. That is, the poison was well cleaned and diluted very strongly (for example, once in 100).

Doctors first began to apply drugs with botulinum to the treatment and nervous tick, and squinting, and hyperhydrogen (increased sweating), and cerebral palsy, and migraine.

On my channel in YouTube, I showed a small video about Botox injections (briefly on the theme we are discussing with you now). So, approximately half comments were negative, ranging from an impartial assessment of my appearance before praising results from Botox. The fourth part of the commenting women is confident that I did an endoscopic suspender, then the injection of Botox. My words about what you can look younger than my years, dealing with daily care of me, apparently cause bewilderment. And all because most women are just lazy! We had to offer such commentators to bet on any amount of money that I did not make injections, suspenders and other "enclosures".

Some commentators were praised by Botox's injections, reflected me "to study the instructions to study", where "full security" is indicated. Not for those attacked! Just I, as a professional doctor, who graduated from a medical institute, well focus on "pitfalls" of any instructions.

Forgive me, but I will explain several medical terms. Botox is considered a medical preparation. They are engaged in Pharmacology - medical science studying how medicinal (and not only) are affected by drugs on our body. In this science, there is a subsection "Pharmacodynamics", which studies exactly how the medicine acts on our body, i.e. the mechanism of impact. And here, some "advanced" commentators quote the instruction where the overall effect of botulinum toxin type A is described (not the Botox itself in a certain amount, but specifically the action of toxin). If it is interesting to you, then find the instructions for Botox on the Internet and immerse yourself in the world of biochemistry.

Please only note that even in this section of the instructions (namely, Pharmacodynamics) often encounter words "apparently", "maybe." So, maybe you will have a good result from Botox. And if the result is not the one expected, apparently, something went wrong. How do you like the wording?

The most amazing in some instructions (each manufacturer gives its "vision" to the drug) is the subtitle of the section "Pharmacokinetics" and in it phrase: "Pharmacokinetics data Botox ® drug is not provided."

But "Pharmacokinetics" is another section of pharmacology, which studies the processes taking place with the medicine, that is, what happens to the medicine and our organism under the action of this drug. So some manufacturers are bypassed this phrase, some, for example, write:

"Restoring the sympathetic nerve endings that innervate sweat glands, after subcutaneous injection of the drug not studied," or: "The mechanism of action of the drug Botox to weaken the symptoms of chronic migraine is not fully studied. Preclinical and clinical pharmacological studies suggest that Botox oppresses peripheral sensitization ... ", or:" The efficiency and safety of the drug Botox in adolescents (the correction of increased sweating) was not finalized, "or:" Classical studies of absorption (suction), distribution, biotransformation ( Transformations) and the removal of the active substance was not carried out because of the nature of this drug "(instructions for the Botox of the company" Allergan Pharmalizikalz ", Ireland is one of the most popular in the world).

Many terms? Did not understand anything? But the same information for doctors, and not for the consumer!

So what does all this say? The fact that both Botox in our body is absorbed where he falls exactly what happens to him how he is displayed and that at the same time happens with our body, to the end it is unknown or not studied.

Roughly speaking: "Who knows him, what will it be? We are flying you now, and then at least a flood! " Yes, animal tests were conducted, and the clinical studies in full on people were practically no! Such is the nature of this drug - he is poison!

Abroad are trying to track all unsuccessful cases of using Botox for more hard control over its application. By the way, you can easily become a "volunteer" in the test of Botox, if you decide on the "Prick of Beauty". And at least thus create a picture of his pharmacokinetics!

But Botox is a drug that is used in medical practice, and in cosmetology purposes. In the instructions only insert: do not use more than 250 units of botox in one procedure, and the doctor picks up the dosage (in our case - a beautician). And in general, the pharmacists shift responsibility to the doctor and the patient who should follow the instructions.

Return again to negative comments on my video in YouTube. There were women with enthusiastic reviews about the result after Botox. I am sincerely glad for you! Just like you, lovely women, prove the effectiveness of Botox for cosmetic purposes. His manufacturers should pray for you!

In April 2009, the FDA made amendments to the previously made a special warning, warning that the effect of Botox could spread from the injection area throughout the body, causing symptoms similar to the signs of botulism.

But poison remains poison, and every person is individual. If a drop of nicotine kills a horse, then who can guarantee that the injection of Botox will not kill us? And such cases are known in world practice. The death of patients came because Botox "migrated" from the place of the injection. That is, they put it in one place, and he manifests itself completely in the other.

In January 2009, the Canadian government claimed that Botoks, spreading to other parts of the body, could cause a negative effect, which is expressed in muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, pneumonia, speech disorder and respiratory issues.

The Specialists of the Italian National Research Council found that botulinumoxin can calmly move away from the place of the injection into any part of our body. In experimental rats, neurotoxin was discovered in the spinal cord! For a person, such a "journey" of poison would be fatal or caused paralysis.

By the way, did you watched the English version of Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbetch? In one of the series shows the "ideal" killing of the TV host by overdosing Botox injections. Just in the topic of our conversation!

Unfortunately, in our country it is difficult to find certain statistics. And why the sin to hone, manufacturers of Botox and similar means of hype. Alas, but our women do not know their rights, as well as the duties of the cosmetologist. Our women are just golden lived for such companies.

Abroad more severely belong to Botox injections. Basically Botox, Dourport and Kseomin are distinguished not only by the manufacturer, but also the dosage of botulinumoxin and resistance.

Botox began to actively apply from the beginning of the 1990s, but the FDA did not approve the use of this preparation for cosmetics until 2002. FDA has repeatedly warned about side effects and death from Botox injections. But, as we have already spoken, Botox injections are a very money business, so they continue to sell and do. However, to take responsibility from the manufacturer and cosmetologist, "invented" a prerequisite condition - notify the client about all side effects. Slightly: "And we warned you!"

Therefore, the Botox injections need to be treated very seriously, weighing everything for and against, having remembered that you can risk not only beauty, but also health!

Myth 89. Botox removes all wrinkles

Of course, this is the most "simple" way to almost instantly get rid of wrinkles. Made the injection - and within 48 hours, and even faster, wrinkles, as a magic wand, disappear!

But, first, Botox injections do in fact only with facial wrinkles. Age, deeply unable to them. And secondly, virtually ineffective Botox in the area of \u200b\u200bcheeks and chin (there are no wrinkles from the work of the mimic muscles, but from aging of the skin).

I agree that the Mimic wrinkles are the most "nasty"! They are special, because they are formed on the skin in the field of mimic muscles. And the muscles in one end are attached to the bones of the skull, and others tightly grasp with our skin. And as soon as we expressed some emotion - the muscles declined and pulled the skin behind them. Here is our face and showed emotion: joy, fear, thoughtfulness, surprise ... And with age, all our emotions are imprinted on the face in the form of wrinkles, from which women want to get rid of.

Well, and since it is difficult to force the mimic muscle, it is radically influenced by Botoks, that is, poison. Not on the muscle itself, of course, but on here the most special nerve fibers, at the end of these fibers. Botox is introduced into the mimic muscle, there it, according to the logic of things, blocks the transfer of nerve pulses. Whatever emotions we have been overwhelmed, any signals of the brain did not send - the muscles will not shrink! They relax and stop pulling the skin, and voila - no wrinkles!

All would be good, but back to doctors. Let me remind you that the medical term is "blocked" behind the beautiful word - paralysis. In some cases, it is the complete death of nerve fibers. Remember the phrase "nerve cells are not restored"? Restored, but slowly, and what we are older, the more difficult the recovery process.

Of course, manufacturers of Botox and analogs for each site of the face and body identified a "safe" dose of consumption in units (units), but still each of us reacts differently even on orange: someone can eat a kilogram, and someone Masters allergic from one slices!

Remember that no one guarantees that botulinumoxin will not begin his "journey" from the Mimic muscle on the body!

Botox injections are like a parachute jump. You will tell you how to behave how to jump and pull the ring, but will you make a step from the hatch of the aircraft, how the flight will pass, will you break the leg, whether the parachute will open at all - the case of the case and you yourself!

If everything went well, after a few hours you will notice the effect of Botox. For some, it will become unusual that they cease to "feel" face (or its individual sites). After 2-3 days, the Mimic muscles are weakened, and the maximum effect occurs after 1-2 weeks. In general, for this period, the nerve endings "won" finally "won" and you begin to admire yourself.

What do not say, and for the body it was stress! And while you admire yourself, he "mourned" the death of nerve endings and engaged in recovery work. The entire recovery process takes an average of 3 to 6 months. Exactly so much the effect of Botox injected will be visible.

And after 6 months, wrinkles will come back again! Well, someone is lucky and the effect will last until the year. And many will again go to the "war" with their face and wrinkles.

Botox injections have a temporary effect in the fight against wrinkles. And some have no effect at all, because a person, for example, may be individual insensitivity to Botox.

And, which is the most offensive that new mimic wrinkles can be formed - "compensatory"! Instead of paralyzed mimic muscles, the neighboring works are beginning to work intensively - and at the site of small mimic wrinkles may arise much deeper.

Myth 90. Botox injections can be done even to children

Do, but doctors and medical testimony. From the point of view of cosmetology, Botox is recommended to do not earlier than 35 years old!

Unfortunately, in pursuit of beauty, beauty contests, fame and money, some parents run Botox and children. It is a pity that this is not punishable by the Criminal Code.

I will quote another comment from my channel on YouTube (the author's stylistry was kept): "... Here, my younger sister was lucky less, she has been brightly pronounced mimic wrinkles transverse on her forehead. Now she is 22, and the issue of measures is already very acute, here and we are looking for information, so they stumbled upon you. You understand, if different from your physiology, then cream as a dead poultice, as my grandmother used to say. And if suddenly one procedure does not just freeze the facial expressions, but it will simply understand her wrinkling forehead, then the second, maybe, no one will do, but with the prospect of 25 look at 35, too, to live somehow not very nice, do not find? And the Malyavka my clever, itifies it right, engaged in yoga, monitors, high, slim, pretty blonde. And on the forehead wrinkles. She lives an active life, is not married yet, learns ... But do not judge for others what they need. Young person, which still has so much to be, including male crazy with eyelashes, wrinkles for nothing. Maybe later, we are deeply married, on the ears in the farm and concerns (if so complained) she will wait for himself with her hand, as you, for example, and until it is necessary for her. And the wrinkles are not needed. And she has the right to choose that method of influence that she will like. Not necessarily Botox. And any. By the way, in defense of Botox (although the protection of this method is not the purpose of my comment, the goal, by the way, to settle in such as you, dust for others to decide whether to qualify for the authority of the method, to rely on the healthy and contrary to this health itself to condemn people having people No more is a different opinion). So, about Botox. In Moscow, in some clinic, a man came (do not be angry, I don't call names, I don't remember), who is almost the first (maybe, the first) came up with a prick of this botox in the muscles of the face, he is a titled specialist, medic, all Affairs, and he was interviewed, and the question of the dangers answered that his daughter (young, by the way) he knees him. Well, do not be offended, the author, I understand that this uncle earned millions on it, but being already so rich and well-known specialist, I would not believe that it would be to use for advertising already such an advertised daughter's procedure. And if the father who knows every underwater stone allowed this daughter, then his opinion is a little more authoritative to me than yours. So doubting: Want - colitis, do not want - not Colite, but you want, even think about it, you have the pros. "

So we are ready to lay "manews" under the injections because you still have to "marry go and men to turn your head."

So, up to 18 years old are contraindicated! Moreover, abroad specialists do not recommend resorting to Botox to 35 years old! We will not be alone and return again to the Botox instructions, where it is written about the correction of globular (vertical interhorn) wrinkles: "No clinical indicators included an objective assessment of psychological impact." How again everything is incomprehensible, agree?

And all because the percentage of women dissatisfied with the result of injections is growing abroad. And psychologists have been alarming about dependence on "beauty enclosures". Botox becomes a special "drug youth".

In addition to health problems, Botox can bring a lot of psychological problems. In a permanent pursuit of youth, women lose a sense of measure. Therefore, foreign experts advise to make Botox injections already in adulthood (after 35 years) and only if there is a pronounced problem!

By the way, Botox injections are used not all over the world, as cosmetologists tell.

About 60 countries were allowed to use botulinum-toxin injections. But at the same time, the so-called protocol of the procedure is clearly prescribed. And in some countries you need to sign a whole package of documents and even pass the medical examination! All because in fact a small percentage of women can do "Prick of Beauty"!

Myth 91. Botox helps look younger and cope with the complexes

Indeed, after Botox, when wrinkles disappeared, the face will look younger. Temporarily, but just younger.

But what complexes are we talking about? If the woman was focused on wrinkles and they spoiled her life, then yes! Psychologically, it will become easier for her until the wrinkles appear again.

Another psychological complex appears here - dependence on Botox. We talked about this before. Psychologists, on the contrary, begin to beat the alarm that the faces of women cease to express emotions after Botox Ukolov. And they suffer from this, first of all, close, especially children.

42-year-old mother of three children, the laureate of the Oscar Julia Roberts Awards opposes the injections of Botox: "It is important for me that my children see when I'm angry when I am glad and when I am surprised. Your face tells the story, and this should not be a story about one trip to the clinic. I am very sorry that we live in such an unhealthy society, where women do not allow themselves to be at least to grow out. "

In the magazine "Psychology of Personality and Social Psychology", it was noted that Botox in certain situations is dulling or inhibits the manifestation of emotions. Professor of Psychology of the University of Southern California David Neil believes: "If the muscle signals coming from face to the brain are quenched, it becomes more difficult to read emotions." No matter how terrible, but in fact we are emotionally stupid!

Myth 92. Botox injections can be done as needed

Some foreign professionals believe that only four correering of wrinkles Botox will be safe, because there are no accurate data, where and how toxin accumulates in the body, how it is quickly displayed and is excluded at all (all the same our pharmacokinetics).

Manufacturers say they have 30 years of experience, and everything is fine. Doctors are more wary. After all, it is difficult to understand why a woman had complications on the heart or refused the kidney after the third procedure of Botox Ukolov?

A beautician can "answer" for the face, but he is not responsible for your body as a whole!

Some cosmetologists do not stop injuries, scars and different skin diseases where Botox will be introduced. And this is also contraindicated! By the way, if you have a tendency to form scars, then the rutter can be formed in the place of introducing Botox even thin needle. Yes, and from the moment of previous injections, the time passed, and our body has changed. New diseases could appear.

Even our, "native" chronic liver diseases and lungs, endocrine diseases, blood diseases with a violation of coagulation, acute infectious diseases, herpes on lips (and who is practically not practically?) - this is also contraindicated.

Does the cosmetologist ask you often about menstruation? How long have you been at the gynecologist and an endocrinologist? How fast are you going? What drugs are applied? Especially hormonal, antibiotics, calcium preparations and anticoagulants (medicines that reduce blood clotting)? Even the reception of some vitamins - contraindication to the procedure!

Women with Miastenia, astigmatism, pronounced myopia should be forgotten about Botox injections! Choose: either vision, or no wrinkles for several months. Oh yes! A good cosmetologist will still send you to the eyepiece by conclusion. True, I have never heard that our beauticians ask for such a conclusion. But abroad is an ordinary practice, if a woman is not only wearing glasses, but also just complains about small vision problems.

By the way, women who have fat hernias of the eyelid or lowered upper eyelids, the Botox also do not rush - the problem is only aggravated!

The most unpredictable lies for the words "individual intolerance". So you can guess if you are allergic to the drug Botox? And it will be necessary to make an allergy to "randomly" do not die from anaphylactic shock, for example.

So, the sample on allergies should be done every time, even if the last time everything was fine! Especially if the manufacturer of Botox or the party is changing. Allergies are generally better not to risk! Especially if you are allergic to protein products (eggs, milk). There are allergic reactions of slow-type, which can manifest after 24-72 hours. Cosmetologists are extremely rarely conducted by Botox Allergies 72 hours before the procedure. For some "cosmetologists" of an allergybing generally a great news! Especially since the finished mixture of Botox is stored in the refrigerator no more than a day.

I will again quote the instructions for Botox: "Complications after injection are exceptionally rare and may occur during injury to the needle of nerves or vessels in the event of a non-discharged procedure. The complications in the form of anaphylaxis are not described, nevertheless, when carrying out an injection, it is necessary to have means for emergency relief of anaphylactic reactions. "

Ask before the procedure: Is the cosmetologist ready to provide you with first aid? If so, does he have everything for this? Even if you do not know what is included in the first aid kit with anaphylactic shock, perhaps the confused face of the cosmetologist will make you think.

Myth 93. Botox injections can be made on a lunch break, without preparing

This opinion is very common in the USA, where Botox injections can compete with a trick to the dentist. If you are going to make Botox injections, then ... get ready! And not only morally and financially.

During the day, it is impossible to drink alcohol to the procedure (it enhances blood flow, and it is not known where botulinumoxin will go from the injection site). And a little earlier, at least two weeks, stop taking antibiotics and anticoagulants. And do not try to sleep, bolding in the pillow! Forget about your homework, where you need not to lean, and head to tilt! Even shoes will have to wear with proudly raised head. And let the floors boom someone else! And before the procedure, and a few days after, by the way!

Actually, how the procedure is carried out, I will not describe. Just say: hurt and unpleasant! It is not enough that many are panicly afraid of injections, so it is still painful, and in some places you need to anesthetize before starting. Of course, the cosmetologist will "calm down" that the procedure is carried out by very thin needles that it takes only 10 to 30 minutes, and the procedure is so "simple" that it is carried out in the most common conditions. And most importantly, Botox is cheaper than plastic surgery and almost does not require time to restore.

Still find a good specialist! And if possible, it is not changed. We have already said that Botox injections are offered even in newspapers. But! A good specialist is a doctor, not "cosmetics", graduated from Cosmetology courses.

It was the doctor who must comply with the proportions of Botox breeding, select a dose and calculate the consequences of Ukolov! Pricks are made at different depths in the muscles, under the skin ... and not always symmetrically, because our face is also not always perfect.

Botox injections - jewelry, in which the doctor knows the anatomy of the person, the drug, its features and dosage!

It is funny and sad when they say to medical errors: "After 3-6 months it will be held." I can not even imagine a woman who finished so much time to hide my worried face! Yes, these are not scars and scars, but the capened, asymmetrical face is also not a joy. It is difficult to present a psychological trauma of a woman!

If you are lucky and you found a good specialist, signed all the papers, if they were offered to sign them (practically taking the "guilt" on themselves), the cosmetologist, based on your problem, will determine the place of introduction, and the number of Botox units entered Anesthesia, acknowledged and introduce Botox.

But what awaits you after the procedure? Well, if all the same dreams: the face sharply for several years, the envy of the girlfriends and the admiring glances of men.

But it all was said if the procedure passed without complications. And what if the "parachute did not reveal"?

Usually, with "palace analysis", three reasons are distinguished: the fault of the doctor, the fault of the patient and the wine of the drug. Guess who will make extreme? In practice, the whole guilt is most often shifted on the patient: "Did not say," "did not observe", etc.

If you sign paper, be sure to read into small letters and try to read even what "between the lines"!

The smallest problem is pain and bruises at the injection site, and a headache for several days. But if the poison began to "travel", then you can get paralysis of the muscles of the face, involuntary salivation, the omission of a part of the person, irrelevant eyes, hung eyebrows, violation of swallowing, squint, and so on. It all depends on where and how much Botox is colole. And the photo of these "victims of poison" on the Internet can be found a lot.

Among the procedures needed to preserve beauty and youth, the face peeling is distinguished. According to cosmetologists, it contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles, eliminates stains, eliminates problems with rashes. But what needs to be taken into account so that the process justifies expectations?

What is the essence of the peeling procedure

Whatever the type of peeling you choose, the principle is unchanged: from the face is removed by a layer of dead cells, which returns climbing smoothness and health. Peelings also reduce wrinkles and prevent new education. When you remove dead layers, skin regeneration processes are accelerated. As a result, its texture is improved, the color is aligned. The only problem that the skin peeling will not solve is the presence of scars.

The first procedures for which cosmetologists were taken were disappointed with beauties: since the tools were distinguished by aggressiveness, the result was redness or inflammation. It was necessary to take into account before peeling a person that it would require not to leave the house during the week: injured covers needed to protect against environmental impacts.

As a result, cosmetologists abandoned deep and aggressive purification in favor of a series of gentle procedures for exfoliation (so called the removal of dead cells). But the head of the Australian Clinic Dr. Joseph Hkekik argues that the powerful impacts are not so invasive as before. Peeling Persons at the beautician or at home in most cases will not cause irritation or itching, so select the appropriate procedure.

Chemical types of peeling: what to expect

Chemical peelings produced by acids are in demand. Oxy acids are used in the salons:

  • glycolic;
  • apple;
  • dairy.

In combination with salicylovaya, which is part of the formula of most of the compositions, they produce careful exfoliation. The cleansing peeling implies that the cosmetologist processes the skin with a solution acting on the intercellular compounds: dead layers are exfoliated, and the surface is smoothed.

Acids are used in combination and separately. Cosmetologist Christina Snow, working at True Solutions International, declares: "Customers who first making peeling, we recommend a classic version - glycolic acid." It eliminates wrinkles and launches in the skin the process of collagen generation, which gives a long effect of rejuvenation. You can familiarize yourself with the procedure and rules for carrying out glycolic peeling, seeing the following video:

Salicylic acid is added to glycolic acid: the latter affects surface layers, reinforcing the action of other components. What gives peeling a person in this case? It provides comprehensive rejuvenation and eliminates rash. Dr.-Cosmetologist James Vivian explains: "Salicyl Acid relieves inflammation and destroys malicious bacteria. It also increases the skin resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Since the component removes cells from the surface layer, the remaining components for peeling penetrate deeper. "

Milk acid is used for exfoliation and for moisturizing. It stimulates the production of a hyaluronic acid organism necessary for skin elasticity. Under its action, covers produce fats, creating a natural barrier on the surface: it allows you to keep moisture in the dermis. The component is recommended to clients with fading and overwhelmed cover, and it is used for all skin or on certain sites. The facial peeling procedure can be complemented by vitamin A injections that enhances the rejuvenating effect.

In order for the doctor to make a suitable mix, contact the tested salons: the procedure should carry out a dermatologist-cosmetologist with experience.

What you have to: a phased description

Although the steps may vary, the process occurs as follows:

  1. During the preliminary visit, the patient, together with the doctor, chooses the appropriate option.
  2. On the day of the procedure, the skin is processed by a special composition. He is selected with the amendment on the features of the state and goals whom the patient wants to achieve. After applying, pinching sensations appear, and the intensity depends on the depth of purification.
  3. The active substance is washed off, the doctor causes a soothing drug, it is necessary to make cold compresses.

The specialist is obliged to explain the specificity of the care in the recovery period, and depending on the state of the skin and prescribe a re-visiting time.

Latest Trends in Cosmetology

Fashion on naturalness spread to the sphere of beauty: companies are developing additional compositions with natural extracts. Cosmetology networks offer a series including extracts of the following plants:

  • wheat containing soft enzymes;
  • blueberries, carefully affecting cover and saturating vitamins;
  • papaya, reinforcing exfolizing effect.

Such an option will cost more, but you will like the result.

Who fits the peeling procedure

Usually the effect is better in people with light skin and hair, and for customers with dark clocks, the beautician will select a special exfoliation with a type of problem. Skin peeling, conducted by a chemical method, for high melanin, cells in cells can lead to the appearance of spots on the face, so the qualification of the wizard remains a prerequisite.

Although the exfoliation will relieve small wrinkles, it is powerless with deep folds and ptosis. They manage to get rid of the fillers and lifting.

From what age can you do peeling a person? The answer depends on the type of problem. Teenagers often complain about acne, but with the help of soft purification, it will be possible to remove contamination from the pore, which will reduce the rashes. At the older age, the deliverance from dead cells smoothes surface wrinkles and removes pigment stains. When contacting a proven salon, you can do the procedure and elderly people.

Nuances of preparation and reducing period

Before the exfoliation process, tell a dermatologist about chronic diseases and accepted drugs: it may be asked to temporarily abandon them and prepare the coverage of drugs with glycolic acid or retinoids. Together with the doctor, you define the intensity of the upcoming procedure. If your body is prone to the formation of keloid scars, look for another option.

Also follow the following rules:

  • for several weeks before and after exfoliation, refrain from smoking;
  • apply funds with SPF filters even in cloudy weather and on days when you do not leave the house.

Features of the recovery period depends on what you chose the peeling of the person: it will become a decisive factor. With the surface type, you will appreciate the advantages and bypass without a long restoration, and the average degree will save from noticeable wrinkles without causing tangible discomfort. Deep chemical cleansing gives the best result, and it remains for a long time. But the duration of the procedure increases to 2 hours, and the recovery period may take 4 weeks. Feelings and consequences are comparable to the results of sunburn.

Features of physical impact

Physical peeling implies a mechanical removal of a layer of dead cells, which is performed using scrubies. They contain particles of substances affecting the skin by light friction. But not all drugs that will be offered in the store are equally useful: Dennis Gross dermatologist draws attention that the inclusion fraction should not be too big. According to him, scrubs really give effect, but they need to be used with caution. By softness and performance, they are inferior to the previous option, but at home are available.

Having learned what peeling with scrubies, you will ask a question how gentle it is for the skin. The answer depends on different factors:

  • what funds you use;
  • how do you spend the procedure.

Apply scrubs gently, rubbing massage movements for 1-2 minutes. Do not make a bet on the intensity of friction, otherwise microtraums will appear on the covers. It is also not necessary to choose products, which include crushed bones of fruit or shell of exotic nuts - sharp edges will damage the epidermis.

You used similar scrubs, but did not arise complaints? If you had the opportunity to consider purified skin under the microscope, you would change the opinion. Dr. Gross argues that the cover after such peels is as if treated with sandpaper. Rough gaps with uneven edges confirm that the means affect the uneven. True, not all products are damaged, so success depends on the right choice.

How to choose a suitable home procedure

What is peeling person conducted without microtrav? This is the procedure for which you chose one of the following types of scrub:

  1. The product with plastic abrasive particles will delight availability and gentlement. Tiny balls are performed from safe materials, and their edges do not cause microtrase. But finding similar scrubs is becoming increasingly harder because they were harmful to the environment - when you wash the product, with time plastic gets into the reservoirs and it turns out to be available to animals and birds. They eat balls, and those, being in the body, distinguish toxins. In the US, this type of scrub falls under the ban, and many countries are in a hurry to follow the example.
  2. Popularity is gaining funds in whose formula is sugar. When you apply them to a moisturized face, the grains are melted, which softens the impact of the scrub. You can make the product yourself, but many cosmetic brands have developed ready-made rules. They also took the seaside salt, because she supplies covers with useful minerals. Having learned how to do peeling and what it is, to give you a youth of youth.
  3. Peeling gels and gummages were initially used asiars, but the fashion was picked up and European girls who estimated the softness of funds. Products are available on the basis of cellulose, which removes the layer of burned cells from the skin and removes contamination. The tool is applied to a moisturized face and rubbed circular movements; Gradually, it rolls with lumps that wash off with water.

By choosing one of the proposed options, you will be satisfied with the result.

When it is better to refuse

When conducting physical peeling, facial contraindications are few. The reason for refusing it will be the following:

If there are no contraindications to use in your case, use the tool 1-2 times a week. Dermatologists argue that excessive care becomes the cause of problems, so it is not necessary to zealous.

What kind of better: physical or chemical

Learning how different types of peeling are made and what it is, you wonder what type is better. There is no universal response, since the choice depends on the features of the skin. Chemical exfoliants act on intercellular communications, so indispensable for those who suffer from acne. After all, the use does not imply friction of abrasive particles that irritate the already inflamed skin.

Physical methods will enjoy the possessors of the cover, inclined to excessive fatty. In the formula of scrubies may include acids, which allows combining the advantages of both options.

Hardware Exfoliation: Types, Benefits, Features

Hardware procedures are manufactured in special clinics. The dermatologist-cosmetologist will offer the following options:

  1. Vacuum peeling person is carried out using a device that creates negative pressure. Covers are attracted to the nozzle, and under its action is removed both from the dead layer and pollution.
  2. Brasing is similar on the principle of action with a mechanical option, but the special apparatus is used in the process.
  3. Ultrasonic type is considered gentle, but it does not affect the result. The covers under the action of the waves are smoothed, the rigorous tubes disappear, the skin gets rid of the burned layer.
  4. Laser procedures are popular in the West, as they differ in soft effect and performance. The abundance of options will allow to make a deep purification or bypass the surface removal of cells.

You can choose the appropriate type with a specialist, making amendments to the skin condition.

Features of laser exfoliation

What is a peeling person with a laser? This is a procedure based on the effects of its rays on the epidermis and dermis. It allows you to get rid of the following problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • pigment spots;
  • stretch marks;
  • uneven face color;
  • scars.

The lasers used are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Ablation (they are also called cold) are distinguished by aggressive action. They remove the top layer from the epidermis, which is fraught with redness. In most cases, after such peels, it takes time to restore - during the week there will have to stay at home.
  2. Non-ablation, or hot, belong to the number of non-invasive devices, as they affect the deep layers of the skin. They stimulate the production of collagen by the body, and do not remove the upper cells of the epidermis. In the full sense, the peeling procedure cannot be considered because it refers to progressive, but also expensive techniques.

Laser impact can be assigned even to 18-year-old customers, which it will save from the rashes and irregularities of the skin left after acne. Those who want to wrap reversing age-related changes are prescribed a set of procedures that also include lifting and grinding.

Peeling the person produced by this method requires special qualifications. In case of errors of the cosmetologist, it is possible to form the "Effect of Marley" - microbines remain on the spot of the burn from the laser. Customers also complain about the hemorrhage and the appearance of bubbles, so do not refer to the random master. The procedure should be carried out in the clinic, because the ordinary cosmetologist there will have neither knowledge or equipment to provide proper assistance.

The difference between laser peeling and grinding

Laser peeling and grinding vary depth impact on cover. If you choose exfoliation, the beam is sent to the epidermis, and the dermist remains untouched. The method will eliminate the wrinkles and age spots, but the cardinal transformation will not happen.

Grinding implies that the energy of the laser is directed to the dermis. With it, even strong age changes are removed, but the sensations will be painful, and the restoration is long.

In some cases, instead of separation of grinding into a separate procedure, dermatologists speak of deep laser peeling.

What is peeling: video


Peelings are processes aimed at removing a layer of burned cells. Chemical and mechanical types are distributed to which the hardware effect is added. The latter is the laser exfoliation, which allows effective rejuvenation. The final type of procedure is chosen along with a dermatologist, because only a specialist will be able to take into account all the features of the condition of the skin.

Face care

Myth 1. Skin condition depends on genetics

And it is true!

Indeed, some women look younger than their peers. Someone got elastic, dense (in the good sense of the word) skin, and someone is thin and dry. Someone in 25 years old begins to fight wrinkles, and someone in 40 years look like a young girl.

The level of humidifier, and the amount, and the production of elastin and collagen, hyaluronic acid, cells of the immune system, etc., and other ... in general, all that as a whole and helps our skin look younger, and this is a smooth and shining tone of the face, Elastic skin without wrinkles, tagged face.

But, unfortunately, the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, and the skin begins to age from anyone. The aging is laid by nature! The same genetics! Scientists only "set" the framework when this or that mechanism of aging the body in general and the skin in particular is approximately included. For example, it is believed that from 25 years the amount and production of elastin decreases, and from 30 years - collagen. But the whole process of aging is very individual. It all depends on ourselves, our habits: where we live, smoke, drink alcohol, that we eat and how much we drink clean water, what are the conditions of our work.

It should not think that secured housewives were lucky much more working women. We begin to grow old with youth! Most of the cosmetologists of the starting point of aging considers age 21 years!

Genetics can only "suggest" what to do, and orient. If Mama-Pope, grandparents (of the family member, in which we "were crushed") good skin and in old age, then you are most likely lucky. And this is a reason not to relax, but support the beauty of the skin!

If Mama-dad suffered from acne (rotored rape) in youth, then this reason to teach their children to properly care for the skin from adolescent age. Fortunately, now many cosmetics that help to avoid the appearance of acne and eliminate their consequences.

If mom-dad is raised early, then this is a signal to the fact that you need to start as soon as possible to "postpone" age-related manifestations on the face.

As Coco Chanel said: "At the age of 20, your face gives you nature, in 30 - it sculpts his life, but in 50 you must earn it yourself ..." You just need to work out a good habit to care for the skin of the Skin.

It is wrong to think that Anti-Age (anti-aging) should begin to use when the first wrinkles appeared. Youth is easier to save than to return. It should not be revealed to the possibilities of modern plastic surgery and hardware methods of person correction. They can add, but not to replace the daily skin care with cosmetics. If you correctly use the capabilities of modern cosmetology, the process of skin fading can be significantly slowed down.

Now there are even tests in the form of a "genetic skin passport", which determine the degree of skin aging and help to choose the necessary cosmetic procedures or cosmetics of a special direction.

In essence, the process of aging begins immediately after birth. But in cosmetology, the point of reference is considered to be 21 years. At this age, the process of accumulation of defects begins, but up to 30 years old there is enough forces for self-healing.

By 30-35 years of damage accumulates so much that signs of aging become noticeable. The first stage of obvious aging is the "tired face" (wrinkles may not be, but the person looks as if he worked a lot and did not sleep).

The second stage is observed in 35-40 years, when the number of hormones is reduced (it does not affect the reproductive (core) function, but the face looks "tired" in the morning, wrinkles appear, and it becomes clear how the type of person will grow).

The earlier start to care for yourself, the easier it is to "postpone age for later." After all, than we are older, the faster the aging processes go.

The third stage - after 45 years, when the number of hormones is sharply reduced (the process of skin restoration and the "floats" of the face is significantly slowed down). After 50 years, aging processes proceed more intense.

Most recently, scientists opened the aging gene, activating after 35 years. Skin cells every second receive a huge number of signals forcing them to perform certain actions. And the gene aging is shuffling these signals. And the cells gradually cease, for example, to produce collagen. By the way, the smaller the person sleeps, the stronger the aging gene is activated.

But science does not stand still! And now there are developments, such as TimeCode (active ingredient of some creams), which "neutralize" the action of the aging gene.

Myth 2. In the city, the skin is growing faster

You should not be as categorical, but the megapolis made little more young and beautiful. And it's not just a city rhythm and psychological stress. The city affects us and the skin and the lack of oxygen in the air.

Residents of major cities more often suffer from microcirculation disorders (blood supply) in the body, including in the skin. And this leads to early aging.

Our body should continuously consume oxygen, since oxygen processes go in all its tissues. Oxygen carrier is blood. Our skin is also breathing: 2-5% of oxygen flows into it through the pores, and 95-98% through blood.

Until 21-25 years, the person "grows", "grows" and the skin, so blood is distributed in the body evenly.

After 25 years, our body begins to redistribute blood in favor of the internal organs, pulling it away from the skin. For the body, much more important is that the vital organs are well suited: the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. The skin on this list is in the last place. Aggravate and accelerate this process stress, illness, sleepless nights, bad habits and improper nutrition and, of course, the megapolis makes it imposed.

This process takes 10-15 years. Some of the blood vessels suitable for the germinal (spike) leather layer are atrophy. And the first thing that women begin to notice, this is dim, unhealthy complexion ...

I think every woman experienced such a state "something is wrong" when it is impossible to describe what is happening with the skin. One of my client, 28 years old, after the birth of the baby could not describe the problem: "Something is wrong ... some kind of painful, non-fat ..."

The trouble of major cities is also in great gaspace. The percentage of oxygen in the city air is reduced to 13-14% instead of the necessary 17%. The numbers seem to be small, but it is essential for the skin! We do not notice how the skin begins to "choke" in the conditions of a big city. And even young girls look painful and pale.

Insufficient blood supply is the main cause of premature fading of the skin. It feels the deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.

What happens if our skin is missing oxygen and nutrients?

1. The process of updating the cells is slowed down. New cells are slower moving towards the surface of the epidermis, the skin is worse than being updated. In young age, the process of transformation of the cells of the epidermis is approximately 21-28 days, after 25 years this process is gradually starting to slow down, and by 40 years its duration can be up to 56-60 days, after 45-50 - to 76-80 days.

2. The exchange of substances in cells is reduced, intracellular pressure, which supports the cell walls in the stretched position decreases. They are wrinkled, become smaller. Their work and tasks are disturbed, and after all, there are no "unnecessary" cells in our skin. On the face, this is manifested by the appearance of wrinkles, irritation, peeling, and so on.

3. The layer of the matrix gel is reduced in the dermis. The skin is thinned, weakens her turgor (tension). It seems to be "blown away", and before the elastic cheeks will noticeably sag. The oval of faces ("saves", "floats" - "bulldogs of cheeks" appear), wrinkles appear and enhanced. The skin becomes thin, dry.

4. The number of fibroblasts - dermis cells producing fibers of connective tissue (collagen and elastin) decreases. Collagen is synthesized slower, in smaller quantity, and its quality deteriorates. As a result, the loss of skin elasticity, the fragility of the vessels, which means that Cuperose appears (extended vascular mesh), the oval of faces changes even stronger, the wrinkles becomes even more.

5. The number of Langerhans cells responsible for local skin immunity decreases. Immunity impairment leather leads to its increased sensitivity, the appearance of red spots, peeling and irritation. The skin becomes defenseless in front of damaging internal and external factors, which even more provokes the process of aging. Especially defenseless leather in front of the sun.

6. The number of melanocytes - cells producing pigment melanin decreases. This means that the abuse of a tan and solarium can not only provoke photoboring, but also increase the risk of cancer in cancer. And also leads to the formation of pigment spots.

7. The thinning of the dermis and the decrease in the rows of cells of the spike layer is accompanied by the thickening of the horn layer, i.e. the number of living cells decreases and the amount of dead increases. At the same time, the face is dull, tired of the appearance.

8. Song and sweat glands are atrophy. It seems well, which is less fun, but at the same time the skin has weak protection in the form of a natural water lobby (hydrolypide mantle).

Myth 3. With "female problems", the skin will grow faster

It is more correct to say, with a decrease in or violation of hormonal status.

You can look for a long time to look young, to liquidate a couple of wrinkles in a timely manner, and then suddenly notice that years are still taking their own.

Cosmetologists know: immediately after 35 years (plus-minus 3-4 years, depending on the genetics) the first aging jump occurs.

The next wait for us after 45-50 years, i.e. in most cases coincides with the onset of Klimaks. Why at that moment, when the childbearing function fade, is the skin sharply age?

It turned out, the whole thing in hormones. Reducing the level of female sex hormones - estrogen leads to the fact that the skin loses elasticity and elasticity, and, therefore, sharply "saves", thinning, becomes dry and pale. Why is this happening?

Hormones, which, together with blood current, delivered to all organs and systems of the body, serve as peculiar "keys" for skin cells. As soon as special receptors identify hormones, the cage semi-sends signal to function in full. If there is no signal, you can not "try." Here is such a mechanism.

Scientists note that during the first 5 years after menopause, up to 30% of collagen fibers are lost. It has been proven that after 40 years, a person loses 1% of the fibers per year, and during the menopause this percentage increases by 2 times. That is why women are growing faster and sometimes look older than men-one-man.

By 50 years, the amount of chondroitin sulfate decreases, which is manifested in the form of deep wrinkles. Although the scientists have found output: for example, phytohormones in creams work like duplicates of "keys" -Gormonov.

Any "female problems" in a younger age must be treated and adjust from the gynecologist-endocrinologist! And not only for the sake of health, but also for the beauty of the skin.

In Europe, in the period of menopause, 80% of French and Germans use hormones (estrogen) to prevent climate activation changes that manifest themselves in the form of blood pressure oscillations (the so-called "tides" and "foals", the feeling of heat), increased excitability and irritability, etc. d. And inevitably affect appearance. The reception of hormonal preparations is strictly controlled by a gynecologist-an endocrinologist and is not a cosmetic procedure, although the state of the skin of such patients is much better than women who do not accept estrogen.

Myth 4 Skin aging is due to free radicals

Most researchers believe that free radicals (molecules containing an atom with an unpaired electron) are the main cause of premature aging of the skin. They destroy lipids and membranes of cells, attaching them to themselves. Getting sometimes to the coder of the cell, they cause cell mutations, i.e. cancer.

This is a product of the work of the cells themselves, the result of numerous chemical reactions. Using them as a weapon, our body eliminates bacteria, viruses and sick cells. When free radicals are not enough - it is bad. The body is trying to maintain their number at a constant level. But when for some reason the radicals go out of control, they become dangerous. These are very active molecules that have a free space for electrons, and this place they strive to fill, using an electron in other molecules. As soon as the molecule fills his free place, it becomes safe, but she has already done his "dirty": with the other molecule electrons, she makes his "sacrifice" with the same free radical. It looks like "oxidant vampirism", only instead of blood radicals "drink" electrons.

And this process can last to infinity. Thus, free radicals are caused in the body the strongest oxidative stress. By turning such all molecules that "come under hand", free radicals primarily harm skin, arteries, eyes and brain. Distinguished the course of all metabolic (i.e. exchange) processes, they cause many skin problems. It is not only about fading, Seboro, but also about almost all cosmetic shortcomings. Under the most detrimental effects of radicals, the skin gets. If we talk about the skin, then you need to know that the free radicals are striking collagen, which makes it a frame and ensures the absence of wrinkles. Therefore, under the influence of free radicals, the skin quickly begins to grow old, losing elasticity.

Causes of excessive impact of free radicals on the skin: the abuse of the sun and solarium, alcohol, smoking, stress, disease, a bad environmental situation. In 15 minutes, when refueling a car from gasoline evaporation, you can get a dose of radicals that our ancestors did not receive to the era of cars for life!

In our body, free radicals are formed in cell mitochondria (peculiar "thermal power plants") when producing energy involving oxygen. And this is a normal process that is controlled by our organism and skin. While we are young and healthy, our immunity is fighting with surplus free radicals.

The body can be protected from free radicals using antioxidants (antioxidants). These include vitamins A, E, C and K, selenium and sulfur compounds. Antioxidants give their electrons with disintegrating molecules and they are neutralized by it. However, if free radicals begin to be produced in large quantities, antioxidants may not cope.

Sometimes simple, but effective assistance in combating free radicals - apply cream with antioxidants. Probably, did you pay attention when there is any ingredient on a cream package as "powerful antioxidant"? And this is not a tribute to fashion. Creams with antioxidants are considered one of the most efficient rejuvenating agents.

Myth 5. From sunburn age

It is not aging from the sun, but on the abuse of the sun or solarium.

Permanent damage (not otherwise!) Skin with solar rays leads to photorestation. UV rays of the spectrum A contribute to the formation of free radicals, and the rays of the spectrum in damage DNA, collagen and elastin fibers. Photostying is usually observed in parallel with the signs of age aging. And the solarium "works" is much more rigid than the usual sun.

There are special symptoms, photographic damage to the skin: strengthening the formation of wrinkles, a decrease in the turgora, a change in skin tone, hyperpigmentation, slow healing of wounds and abrasion, damage to small vessels, the formation of cuckoo.

Under the influence of the Sun, collagen fibers in the skin become shorter, thin and brittle and are not ordered, but chaotic. The elastic thicken and defragmented (have an improper structure), which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. Flooking women and / or during menopause are especially predisposed. But, as practice shows, photoborement is now - the lot of very young girls and women, which are dependent on the beach and solarium.

Myth 6. Thickens are growing faster

This is a controversial question. Recently, German nutritionists, who observed more than 30 years after full of people, came to the conclusion that the full live longer and look better, because in case of stress in their body there is a supply of nutrients.

Overweight is the problem of many diseases of the body, including sediments of cholesterol in vessels, which worsens the blood supply to the skin and leads to its aging. Often, fat people are fatty leather with rotting rash, rare hair, stretching.

The aging process starts and thin, and the complete is approximately the same. Just the full visually skin is smoother, and it seems that without wrinkles only because it is stretched on a fat layer. As soon as the complete begins to lose weight, everyone notice that the person "sharply" has come.

Even worse, when "experiments" slimming starts after 35-40 years. It is not enough that they try to lose weight sharply, so also do not take into account that the skin is no longer able to pull up new sizes.

The skin is relatively restored and pulls up, if you lose weight not more than 3-5% of the body weight per month. Then there will be no effect of a flabby, sagging "extra" skin.

Simply, thin people most often observed the so-called fine-degradary type of aging. Due to the fact that they have more thin skin and weakly expressed subcutaneous fatty fiber, which in full of people and creates the very pillow on which the skin is "stretched".

In the earliest stages of aging, the type "Tired person" is found. The decrease in the elasticity of the skin, the swelling of the face, mainly due to the impaired lymphottock. At the same time, the type is already there are changes in the tone of the facial muscles. The severity of the nasolabial folds, the omission of the corners of the eyes and lips create the impression of fatigue, fatigue.

In general, two types of aging of the face of wrinkles are distinguished:

1. Small dusty (A large number of small wrinkles) is characteristic of thin, housing people (with a weakly pronounced subcutaneous fiber tissue and / or dry, thin skin).

2. Large-lurking (deformation) (Little wrinkles, more often deep; the earlier and more pronounced deformation of the facial oval ("floats")) - it is characteristic of those from nature dense, more often normal or oily skin, and always pronounced subcutaneous fatty fiber.

Threat to grow old, and full, but it will look different. It will look good ... Well-groomed skin!

But if you have a thin man dry skin, then the risk of early aging is really there. But about it is slightly lower.

Myth 7. Fatty skin longer remains young, it is dry

As time and practice shows, yes!

The thing is that oily skin is abundantly protected by skin fat. And the negative impact of environmental factors on the skin is reduced, and even evaporate the extra moisture with it more difficult.

With age, the skin becomes less fat, and when others complain about increased dryness, greasy skin holders only won.

But not everything is so simple! There is a so-called fat-dry skin type, or fatty dehydrated skin. With this state of the skin, the sebaceous glands are very active. The skin is trying by surplus sala to compensate for the lack of lipids of the epidermis and moisture. Solitude (fatness) and humidifier of the skin - not the same thing!

Most women even in this case focuses on skin making, thereby even stronger than it. As a result, such leather is growing faster and covered with wrinkles. Yes, and extended pores will be difficult to hide even under the layer of a tonal cream. But with dry skin, I think now everything is clear. It is originally thinner, protective water-grease on it is weak. Therefore, all environmental impacts: the sun, urban, dust, dirt, air conditioners, tobacco smoke - accelerate aging.

Another thing is that young does not mean attractive. Even on oily skin appear wrinkles. And the extended pores, black dots and the face lightening from fat still did not decorate anyone. Therefore, it is necessary to care for any skin type.

Myth 8. The later you start using creams, the better

Looking at what creams. Let me remind you that youth is much easier to preserve than to try to "wash" from the face of wrinkles and tightening faces.

Tasks for creams for different ages are different. Skin care is needed from the moment of birth to old age. For some reason, mommy does not arise the question: Does the baby be toddler after swimming, protect it from the muscles from the diameters, does the protective cream be used in the cold?

The main tasks of cosmetics:

Up to 20 years The skin is quickly restored and adapted to the conditions of the external environment. The main task of cosmetics is to solve the problems of acne, black points and freckles.

From 20 to 25 years. The main task of cosmetics is more often in purification, the narrowing of pores and moisture. In general, to support the immunity of the skin. After all, at this age, the girls actively enjoy decorative cosmetics, lead an active lifestyle, worry about sessions, and some have time to become mothers. The focus is on skin moisturizing and balanced nutrition.

From 25 to 30 years. Lipid (fatty) interlayer of the horn layer of the skin is destroyed, and it actively begins to lose moisture. First wrinkles appear. Soils this process incorrectly selected cosmetics, bad habits, stress.

From 30 to 40 years. The skin continues to lose moisture, becomes land. The activity of metablicities is reduced. Dry skin and wrinkles become more pronounced. There is a first aging jump against the background of hormonal changes.

From 40 to 50 years. Negative environmental factors destroy collagen. The process of regeneration (recovery) of cells slows down. The skin loses elasticity and elasticity. Wrinkles are becoming deeper, skin pigmentation appears. It is at this age that it becomes noticeable how you loved yourself and as you cane.

From 50 and older. A few times decreases the activity of fibroblasts - skin cells that synthesize (produce) collagen and elastin. It changed noticeably the oval of faces - he is deformed and saves. "Bully cheeks" appear. The skin becomes a flabby and thinned. The elasticity and elasticity of the skin are sharply reduced.

Myth 9. Cosmetics is addictive

Here I have where to raise fantasy! Medicine has not yet described addiction to cosmetics. More often such myths occur around anti-aging cosmetics.

It's all about our own feelings. It happens that by purchasing a new cream, we literally notice the transformation of our skin from the first days. We like that it becomes softer, velvety, smoothed wrinkles and tighten the oval of faces. But after time, it begins to seem that the effect of the cream is no longer that he stopped working. And, of course, we blame cream in getting used to! With the same success, you can accuse yourself in the fact that we are accustomed to eat bread every day.

At the SADE itself, the skin suggests that it is at this moment she needs something else. Just as we react to the change of weather, mood, new place, food, critical days, reacts and skin ... and the cream that we used and which we fully satisfied us, "suddenly" got addictive!

Moreover, the "cancellation syndrome" is often frightened (they say, the skin condition after the abolition of the cream worses), and the person is forced to "sit" on cosmetics constantly.

In medicine "Cancellation Syndrome" indicates the deterioration of the state and the emergence of new symptoms (manifestations) of the disease after the abolition of certain drugs (hormones, tranquilizers, painkillers). That's just cosmetics - not medication! All active ingredients that are included in the composition of cosmetics are not as active and often not related to pharmaceuticals.

And even if you have a pharmacy version of cosmeceutics (active cosmetics at the junction of cosmetology and pharmaceuticals), all active ingredients in it are in low concentrations and cause instant rejuvenation or skin aging can not! Allergic can be called, and turn the time to reverse hardly.

Imagine that you have spring avitaminosis and began to fall out. The doctor appointed you for daily reception a complex of vitamins and trace elements, but within 2-3 months. Of course, the result you will not immediately. First, the body will be saturated with vitamins, then the hair onions will begin to strengthen the hair, the hair will fall down less and less ... and then the moment will come when the hair will become curly and you will stop taking vitamins, but it will not stop the hair to fall out. But it does not mean that vitamins stopped working! They restored the body, satuned from the inside, solved the problem at the moment.

Also cream. He helped the skin to solve her problem at the moment. How to improve for years, we can not, so and skin cells. With what cream cannot accumulate moisture, nutrients for a long time. Yes, and turn the time to reverse, turn off the biological process of aging is not a single cream, no cosmetologist.

After 1-3 months, depending on the age and on what problem was on the skin, the efficiency of the cream decreases. And it is absolutely normal! During this period, the skin recovered, solved its problems as possible, i.e. the maximum effect of the cream began.

Good cosmetics supports the skin, solves its pressing problems, and as soon as the maximum effect is achieved, it will seem that the cream caused the skin of the skin. In fact, it's just nowhere! We want more, and the cream will maintain the skin on the achieved level. And, perhaps, the moment came to go to cream, decisive other tasks. Fortunately, than we are older, the selection of anti-aging cosmetics is more. No matter how complex the cream does not have, "push" in it all that is new and efficient on the market is impossible.

Myth 10. The skin gets used to expensive cosmetics

Rather, the problem is psychological. First, expensive cosmetics is not always "working." Sometimes high cost - only the price per brand. Secondly, often "dear" cosmetics packed in a beautiful box with a film, for which you also need to pay.

Another thing, high-quality cosmetics, which really works and solves the problems of our skin. Getting used to good, it is difficult to be content with the already "cheap option". Of course, "inexpensive" cream, most likely, does not contain advanced scientific developments, expensive ingredients, and the ability to restore the skin in such a cream are very limited.

When there is a need to go to a cheaper cosmetics option or abandon the usual cream, it seems that the skin began to look worse that the dear cream caused addiction. Yes and no! Yes - because the skin is bad without a good cream. No - because it was deprived of a suitable, proper care.

No means can provide a good condition for a long time. The effect of the cream can last a few weeks, months, but not years!

If we used cream from wrinkles and "erased" them, this does not mean that wrinkles will not appear again. Time is coming, the processes of aging are included, and the harmful factors of the external environment continue to act!

Good cosmetics always takes care of the skin better, and without such "care" it seems that the skin of "hooked" on expensive cosmetics.

Myth 11. Home cosmetics is natural and more efficiently shop

Yes and no! You can argue about this for a long time. Women have long been divided into two camps: adherents of home and factory cosmetics (or genuine and "synthetic"). The Internet is Pestet with different stories about the active ingredients of the "factory" cosmetics from petroleum products, preservatives, etc.

Of course, a mask cooked from freshly homemade cottage cheese, naturally shopping option. But is it effective and safe?

We assume that homemade cottage cheese purchased on the market is completely safe. Milk received from a healthy cow. The milkmaid (with a sanitary book, by the way) washed away the udder and hands, rejected the cow in a sterile room into a clean bucket. Then milk pasteurized so that no harmful microbes in it. Then the milk skislo, it was thrown into sterile gauze, hung in a room, specially intended for the production of cottage cheese. Finished cottage cheese brought in special clean tanks to the market, where in the cool clean room they sold you. And no fly bit dead to sit down on your cottage cheese!

Oh yes! Your cottage cheese has also been checked in the laboratory on the market, and the seller had permission. And you should not smile and count my words with stupid!

After all, the solid manufacturer of cosmetics requirements for the production of cosmetics are much more serious. Some even certificates for production, like pharmaceutical enterprises. Plus certificates not only on finished products, but also on the feedstock. It is like the quality of not only cottage cheese, but also milk from which he was made. And at each stage of production - its own requirements! Just as someone, what hands and in what conditions did the cow drilled and did cottage cheese?

One joy that homemade cottage cheese is not stored for a long time, and the mask prepared from it should be applied for an hour, and the remains of throwing away. And the shelf life of shopping cosmetics by adding preservatives is more, therefore it is enough for longer. At the same time, we are ready to eat canned food, but we are relevant to cosmetics, which is stored for several months ...

Now let's talk about efficiency. Of course, natural oils, herbs and other are effective. They are used in store cosmetics. In any decent cream there are nutritive oils, plant extracts, vitamins, and so on. But with age, our skin with difficulty begins to absorb the same nutritious natural oils. But the thing is that it cannot learn large quantities, for example, proteins from the same cottage cheese mask. And almost the whole effect of natural oil or a mask of fresh products is reduced to the moistening of the epidermis (hopes) and lasts only a few hours! To get deep into the skin and really have an effect (for example, from wrinkles), proteins should be "reduced" to components, such as peptides or even individual "bricks" - amino acids.

That's just in store cosmetics and you can find such components, or "bricks". Moreover, science does not stand still. And more often, pharmaceutical laboratories, for example, from plants are active components, which are also used with cosmetologists, and dermatologists in the development and production of cosmetics. And the effectiveness of such ingredients for the skin is several times higher than those are contained in domestic products.

Sometimes shop cosmetics turns out to be more efficient than genuine. Especially in a mature age, the skin appears certain needs, and the one is no longer able to cope.

To be clearer, I will give a few examples regarding "Naturalness".

Borsch is a natural product?

"Yes," you say. And if you think? In what conditions were vegetables (the use of herbicides, pesticides) were grown? Are antibiotics and hormones not applied when growing a pig (cow, chicken), which then went to meat? Vegetables you extinguished on Margarine (and this is a mixture of fats, including palm oil is often present)? Do you have tomato paste without dye and preservatives?

Tablet is "chemistry"?

"Yes," most likely you will say. Watching what! There are just plants extracts in talca, lactose, gelatin shell. And many tablets are based on the usual soda.

Or alcohol tincture? The plant insisted on alcohol (and the alcohol was obtained from potatoes, beets, wheat, etc.).

Why do we have a wary of shopping cosmetics? Let's remember your trip to the dentist 20 years ago. If the tooth began to hurt - it was a cause for panic, because there were no associations except with pain and torture. Bormina caught Spain all over the body, and the seals from cementika sometimes fell out in a couple of months. Sometimes it was easier to remove the tooth than to treat it. But now the dentistry made a jerk forward: anesthesia, high-speed bramshins, implants ... and no one confuse photopolymer seals in the mouth. Think: But this is the same "chemistry", which is in our mouth every second! But we are not against. And it does not occur to apply a more natural way - put a piece of sala in a hole in the "folk method" or a seal from Cementika, as it was before.

Exactly the same jerk occurred and occurred in cosmetology: new active ingredients appeared, which make the factory, shopping, salon cosmetics more efficient.

Myth 12. Hormonal cosmetics is addictive

Let's start with the fact that hormones for use in cosmetics are prohibited!

In fact, hormones are needed and very important for our skin. With a shortage of thyroid hormones, the skin becomes dim and dirling. With a lack of estrogen (female sex hormone), the skin becomes wrinkled, dry and lifeless, hair - dim and dry, sometimes intensively fall out.

And when the testosterone is re-published (male sex hormone), on the contrary, the "unauthorized growth" of the hair begins: the mustache and beard begins. The skin becomes coarse, oily, often with acne.

Manufacturers who are on the market officially do not apply hormones in production! Hormones in cosmetics were forbidden to use in the United States in 1949, in Europe - in 1976, in Russia - since 1998.

But hormonal ointments are under the control of doctors and pharmacists. If you have been assigned a hormonal ointment, you noticed how literally the skin was transformed in front. Itching itching, redness, an allergic reaction, the skin softened, the wounds were quickly tightened.

It would seem that these properties of hormones would be indispensable in cosmetics. But if it were not for side effects:

Thinning of the vessels of the skin and the appearance of cooperosis.

Under the influence of hormones, the skin ceases to perform its functions, becomes fine, "transparent".

Girsutism - hair appearance at the site of the use of hormonal ointment.

The overall imbalance of hormones in the body, which can manifest itself in the form of a hormonal crisis or even cancer.

Therefore, even hormonal ointment is prescribed temporarily, only sometimes, mixing with children's cream and under the supervision of a doctor!

Hormone-like active ingredients suggest fear on ordinary consumers. The human hormone has a steroid structure (after all steroids), and a similar structure is also common in nature, in many plants and vegetable oils.

Since the hormones are prohibited for use in cosmetics, but very effective, scientists and technologists have been searching for such substances that are similar to hormones in composition and action.

Fitogormons are used in cosmetics - the vegetable similarity of our hormones. More precisely, phytoestrogens derived from soybean, ginseng, red clover, alfalfa, flax, licorice, hops, iris and red grapes.

There are still a lot of dispute around phytoestrogen. Some assure that they have nothing to do with women's hormones, others are delighted with their effectiveness.

Cosmetics with phytoestrogens are very popular and, as practice shows, very effective. And most importantly - without side effects, like hormones!

However, with hormonal cosmetics, you can still encounter. Unfortunately, our control system, unlike European, has all sorts of tricks that allow dishonest manufacturers to sell hormonal cosmetics even in the salons. And here the consumers themselves should not sleep, because the hormones do not define the hormones, and you will not attach a jar with cream to the laboratory.

From which cosmetics it is better to refuse, risking "rushing" to hormonal?

If the cream gives a very fast result and it costs cheaply.The usual cream has the result only after some time. Than we are older, the more time to restore the skin. Sometimes the result can be seen 1-2 months after the start of using the cream. Exception - Special Action Creams, almost instantaneous. It is a "corporal wand" for festive events. More often, these are surface-action creams with a lifting effect for one evening.

If after applying the cream quickly disappears the result (the so-called "cancellation syndrome"). No deterioration of the skin of the skin after the cream should not be. High-quality cosmetics restores the skin and helps it work "independently". After applying the cream, the skin should look good for some time, gradually returning to the state, which was before use. After hormonal cosmetics, the skin condition worsens: oval "floats", wrinkles become more pronounced and deep.

If the cream with pheromones. In general, Pheromones more often include in perfumes as aphrodisiacs to attract the opposite sex. Sometimes pheromones equate to the sex hormones, but they have nothing to do with the point of view of medicine with classic hormones. But biologically very active. Since their action is still not fully studied, it is better to stay away from such cosmetics!

Unknown manufacturer. Still, manufacturers with worldwide names selling their products in Europe are followed by the letter of the law. And this is some kind of warranty! In Europe, tougher control. And, if products seized in the store have prohibited ingredients, the manufacturer faces criminal liability.

Unfortunately, find out yourself, whether hormones are in cosmetics or not, not only difficult, but also very expensive. Especially since the hormones, and their derivatives, can get into cosmetics, too much.

Conclusion: hormonal cosmetics threatens not so much addiction as side effects - you can insure yourself only a reliable manufacturer!

Myth 13. Cosmetics must be changed

Yes and no!

If the selected series or creams are suitable for you, the skin looks healthy and well-groomed, then it is not worth changing this cosmetics because "it is necessary".

Another thing is that there was a need for change. For example, on the beach you need to use sunscreen cosmetics, wrinkles, pigment stains have appeared, the skin has become dry and peeling, etc. And with age, it is necessary to introduce anti-agricultural coursework, if we want to keep the beauty of the skin.

But that's not all. The same problem can be solved in different ways, i.e., by different means with different composition.

For example, the same pigment stains can be removed using means for deep purification (scrubs, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling) and with creams acting on melanin synthesis (some contain watermelutin, other - squeezed acid, etc.). From wrinkles, too, you can also get rid of the help of chemical peeling (update and accelerating the exchange of cells of the epidermis), and with the help of creams (moisturizing, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen, stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid, etc.).

To solve one task, sometimes you need to use several options. Therefore, it is recommended to change the manufacturer of cosmetics, which is not suitable for you, and the cosmetic means of this manufacturer, which will help you solve the current problem.

The older we become, the greatest the problem with the "replacement" of cosmetics. After all, with age, signs of aging of the skin will be stronger, with which it will be necessary to fight.

Myth 14. Creams from wrinkles do not work

And here is also working! But only those creams in which advanced scientific developments and active ingredients are used, and in those women who care for themselves.

First, as we said, science does not stand still and already now in cosmetics there are active substances that are able to penetrate into the depths of the skin and replace such salon procedures as shots of Botox, hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy. Yes, creams work not as fast and not so effectively. But, as the practice confirms, work!

Secondly, the causes of wrinkles and types of wrinkles are different! Sometimes there is enough moisturizing cream to get rid of them.

For exposure to more serious wrinkles - Mimic or associated with aging - in creams there are active additives that help if you do not get rid of wrinkles, then reduce their depth and quantity.

And even after salon procedures or plastic operations, creams with anti-aging action are recommended.

But really few can help cheap creams and those in which collagen is directly added. Collagen molecule is too big so that our skin can somehow assimilate it and "prophety" inside. And even if fragments of collagen are added to the cream, the skin cannot be learned. This collagen works on the surface of the skin, filling out the external "failures" of wrinkles.

Everything that is in the cream, our skin must first assimilate, "chew", as a meal, decompose on separate "bricks", and then already skin cells themselves use these "bricks" at their discretion. In the same way, as our body lays meat into proteins, peptides, amino acids and then spend them for their needs. Only if the meat splitting occurs in the body, starting with the stomach under the influence of enzymes, the whole "pieces" of the protein can not penetrate into the skin.

In fact, the cream components can penetrate into the skin in two ways:

1. Thin, but relatively impermeable horny layer (the so-called transdermal path).

2. Through hair follicles, including sebaceous glands, and / or eccrine sweat glands ("shunt").

In some places, the skin is more permeable, with good humidifier, the useful substances are better absorbed. Also, the effect of the cream is much better if the protective water-fat sheath on the skin of the Castle. But in any case, the active ingredients of only small size can penetrate into the skin!

But even a very good cream need time to "be broken down", it began to produce full collagen, elastin, and so on, and only after this time the result will be, as they say, on the face. Thus, no one promises that after 2-3 days of the use of wrinkle cream, and the oval of the faces will tighten.

Myth 15. To look good, it is enough to fall out

To look good, you need to get enough sleep! And sleep is not quantified in hours, but qualitatively - as you feel.

For the "sleep of beauty", you can now argue. It is believed that it is necessary to go to bed until 22.00. Yes, chronobiology also advises to fall asleep until midnight. But we all - individuality and no wonder we divide on "owls" and "Zhavoronkov". Therefore, practice shows that we look good when it is so far, no matter when we fell asleep. You can fall asleep to 22.00, and then cut all night, periodically waking up or suffering insomnia. The benefit from such sleep will be little. And there are people who are enough 4-5 hours to sleep to be vigorous all day. Yes, and daylight even for 30-40 minutes also well affects the skin.

Roughly speaking, when our organism rests, it rests the skin. It was during sleep (and not walking on a disco) "general cleaning" in the skin and all the processes of recovery in it are activated. Therefore, in the morning we look more fresh, with shining color, smooth skin and even a smaller number of wrinkles.

By the way, that is why nightcords are most often more rich in the composition, more active in terms of restoration and rejuvenation.

Since with age, the skin itself does not cope with "general cleaning" and recovery, one sleep in order to look good, not enough - you need to attract "assistants" in the form of good cosmetics!

Therefore, in order to look good, you need to get enough sleep and have good, working cosmetics!

Myth 16. Natural cosmetics does not cause allergies

Nobody is insured against allergies. In nature, there are simply no cosmetics, which does not cause allergies, whether it is natural or purchased in the store.

We know that there is an allergy to strawberries, oranges, chocolate, lactose, gluten, etc., i.e., on ordinary natural products and their components. Therefore, natural cosmetics with herbs extracts can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Especially with the combination of various herbs, the risk of allergies increases.

Yes, it is believed that industrial cosmetics are more allergenic, because substances from a risk group are added to its composition: preservatives, dyes, perfume fragrances. Nevertheless, some manufacturers seek to use proven and / or natural ingredients, making hypoallergenic cosmetics.

Gipio (Greek. HYPO) - not reaching the norm, little. Allergy (allergia) is an increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of some environmental factors, hypersensitivity. Literally hypoallergenic cosmetics are cosmetics with low risk of allergic reactions.

Buying even natural cosmetics, carefully study the composition. If you are allergic to citrus, do not buy cosmetics with lemon or orange essential oils. If allergy to gluten, eliminate cosmetics with germinated wheat.

The author wants to talk to you about the bones of Botox from the consumer, from the side of an ordinary woman who does not know to make her Botox injections or not. In my opinion, Botox injections are still one of the most controversial cosmetology procedures.
She try to be as objective as possible, and will not advertise you any miracle cream or push you alternative to Botox. She will talk about what bothers it in this procedure of getting rid of wrinkles. How to get rid of the Mimic wrinkles on the forehead and the nose can be read here, which is taken out of wrinkles and make skin you safely read.

Consequences of Botox:
Moment 1.
As a means of wrinkles, Botox is known for no more than 15-20 years old and the long-term consequences of its use are not yet reliable and accessible to each consumer research on how Botoks affects the human body in a long time. What I mean? Suppose you for about 40 years and every six months you are Colte Botox, and already by 60 you have senile dementia ... where did it come from? Modern cosmetology claims: everything that penetrates the deep layers of our skin - the derm will certainly penetrate our blood. Naturally, I understand that the concentration of Botox is minimal, but still ... botulinum is one of the most dangerous poisons in nature, speaking by a simple language he kills your nervous cells. And I do not exclude the possibility of accumulating Botox in the tissues. This is especially possible with prolonged use of Botox Ukolov.
Our face is located directly with the brain, and no one has canceled the blood circulation system. Personally, I do not know how and when I die. And the illusions of life without wrinkles after 50 years I do not eat, but I myself want a notorious cup of water myself. Yes, and in your mind I want to stay until the end of my days.
Moment 2.
Many cosmetologists advise to apply Botox to even young people up to 30 years. Especially if they are intensively grimaced. Cosmetologists explain this by the fact that Botoks does not actively reduce the muscles at excessive facial expressions, which means that you reap the grimace. But with this I would argue. First, Botox does not relax the muscles, but paralyzes. And in this principal difference. I hope you understand that in a paralyzed muscle all metabolic processes (the same synthesis of collagen and elastin) proceed at all as in a healthy just relaxed muscle. To make sure this is enough to look at a person who has normal legs and he can walk on a person sitting in a wheelchair whose legs are paralyzed. Who is healthy?
In my opinion, the conclusion is obvious: Botox injections will boost your skin much faster than this process has conceived.
In addition, Botox does not eliminate the cause of mimic wrinkles. He only masks them. Like a pill from a headache eliminating the symptom, but without affecting the cause of the formation of wrinkles. Learn to control your facial expressions and keep your face you can learn only you.
Moment 3.
When liposuction appeared, everyone was delighted. Finally, it is possible a lot, and remove fat easily. Not there was something. I think that you have already heard about such a medical fact that, removing fat from the belly using liposuction, and then, without following its nutrition and weighing, you can get an unpredictable effect. Overweight will be postponed not in characteristic of the body of places, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200belbows or knees.
It is possible that both Botox on our face will face non-standard. You are actively grimaced, and Botox does not give to cut the muscles in a certain area, but next to it still as. Thus, wrinkles may not form in the field of introducing Botox, but near.
Moment 4.
The right storage conditions of Botox and the competence of the beautician. It is necessary to accurately pick up the dose of Botox and enter it correctly. Otherwise, the consequences will be just awful, you can see photos on the Internet.
Moment 5.
Botox injections I would have delivered next to the plastic surgery. If you plan to use Botox injections on an ongoing basis, it should be understood that no face masks at home or creams after Botox will help you. So be prepared and morally and materially to the plastic surgery. I have it all about Botox.
Skin biorevitalization
Therapists and endocrinologists have long known that people suffering from diabetes and constantly using insulin injections gradually become dependent. And even without artificially introduced insulin can die. What am I writing to you? Introducing in young age artificially hyaluronic acid, you make your skin lazy. It ceases to produce hyaluronic acid alone, and you literally suck on the needle. Of course, this happens not immediately, but after a whole course and even courses of repetition of biorevitalization of the skin

The beauty industry is flourishing: every woman seeks to be irresistible, keep the radiant youth not only in the shower and eyes. Cosmetology salons, specialized clinics and private offices promise to postpone old age, without hurting the skin.

How does numerous reports on the unfortunate victims of Mount-Cosmetologists appear with such crystal honesty and transparency of work?

Root evil and all troubles - money. Any work should be paid, and finance embedded in the development - beaten and amplified.

Therefore, clinics are hunting, inspiring through advertising and consulting the need for expensive procedures and funds. And better if courses, and not a single application. If cosmetics - then a series, not one bottle.

And the fact that money you wanted to spend initially to other goals are the victims that the beauty is so necessary ... or the God of the beautician.

  • To speak honestly, most salons have a kind of financial plan, how much money you need to earn money to be in a plus.
  • Each employee has its own task: what amount should be collected from customers for a week or procedures.

Therefore, they sing the diffilams of expensive procedures with incomprehensible and similar names.

It is clear that everyone wants to eat and have stable work too. Working for prestige, status and reputation can only be allowed to afford. Therefore, to deal with their real motifs and decide whether such specialists should believe - the task of clients.

Signs of deception

Understand when you believe the specialist, and when it takes to run, it's not always easy. There are certain points that will help you understand, a friend or enemy persuades you to go through an incomprehensible course from the procedures.

Question answer

The cosmetologist does not ask any questions about the condition of your skin, the presence of allergies. On the contrary, makes independent conclusions, similar to insults: "You launched yourself, a darling! With your leather you need to do regularly ... Procedures. "

Thus, it shows that he knows how to "read" a person in appearance, disassembled in a wide range of issues.

Consider the condition of the skin without taking into account the general anamnesis, possible genetic features - the most common mistake of specialists. Questions about the overall state of the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal background, the thyroid gland is not idle interest.

"Milk, you launched yourself!"

Intentional "humiliation" of your beauty. Yes Yes! All women are beautiful and unique. Today we can like themselves more than yesterday, but less than March 8.

When an extraneous person "go through" in appearance without a branch of conscience, and then - about a miracle! - He says that there is salvation, it is in the course of the latest masks for the face ... Run, as quickly as possible.

Another option, when the petty and light lack of skin cosmetologist turns into a catastrophe of all life. For example, periodic pimples associated with the menstrual cycle. Usually they pass themselves in less than a week, so it makes no sense to spend on expensive courses.

If a specialist has not seen your face in the dynamics (its changes and reaction to specific procedures), then the recommendation of the Radical Measures of the NAVAUM has no right.

Trust and check

Check the words of individual specialists are required often. If there were doubts about the truth of the words of the cosmetologist, the effectiveness of the recommended technique, it is worth comparing them with words ... another specialist.

Consult in another place, better in two or three. Often such checks show the erroneousness of the judgments of all cosmetologists:

  • Especially when everyone recommend radical means,
  • contradict each other,
  • Give a different assessment of the state of your skin.

Do it immediately!

When the seller does a burning offer, you need to pause. "If you start doing this course, you will immediately see the changes ..." "You need urgent ..." Do you inspire that a miracle means gives an instant effect?

How quickly the result appears, so quickly and disappears. So the protective function of the skin works - it instantly reacts to light external irritation, but does not allow substances to penetrate deep layers in a short time.

As a result, all light manipulations of the mask give a short-term effect.

Most of the proven and good cosmetic therapies give a resistant accumulative effect in exchange rate, but you cannot estimate the changes instantly. The change in the structure and quality of the skin takes some time, for example, 1-2 weeks. And the "burning" offers, like vouchers - tricks to attract customers.

Normal cosmetologist

  • will not be "demanding" agreement on the procedure immediately,
  • calmly responds to the refusal
  • his face does not get drogle
  • And the attitude will not change.

There are doubts?

Refusal from an unfamiliar procedure - proper behavior. Honestly, tell me that you doubt or have not heard of this agent, tell me that you need time to think. And then ask about him from friends, the Internet and on the forums.

A good tone would be to propose a test on the elbow bending to identify the presence of a negative reaction to active substances.

Businessmen specialists neglected by this, because if the tool does not fit on the test, then the client will refuse. And after the procedure itself, you can find a bunch of reasons why after the face went stains:

  • Starting with a cycle and poor skin condition,
  • ending with systemic diseases that were not asked before.

Everything has its time

Other time - other songs. This proverb fits both face care. In adolescence, it is impossible to use radical techniques, because the skin learns to properly allocate secretion. Otherwise, you can get complications and scars.

If you apply them at a young age, the dermis becomes lazy, ceases to maintain its structure independently, expecting fast and easy feeding. This means that in adulthood, more serious interventions will be required to maintain.

The real state and skin behavior will become understandable after the birth of a child: a powerful hormonal cocktail, released during pregnancy and lactation, otherwise puts the priority of skin problems.

All deep procedures, it is better to leave for age 30-35 +. Without serious skin problems, they should not be applied before.

As for injection procedures, specialists with medical education on themselves rarely check, even for beauty. Therefore, we do not immediately agree on injections, laser therapy - among high-level cosmetologists, they rarely find approval.

Masters and Salon Level

Intuitions are trusted, especially when a person will work with your appearance.

  • If the beautician positions itself as an experienced specialist, offering to spend expensive and complex procedures, then it is worth paying attention to its appearance. Does it coincide with your understanding of the beautiful?
  • Yes, it's not worth judging by clothes, so ask to show a diploma of education, certificates of passing relevant courses, a medical book.

It is unlikely that the service will be at the level when the beautician walks in a blurred bathrobe, without being burdened by customer queue.

  • Attitude to cleanliness, the presence of a boot for visitors, the forms of specialists, gloves and caps are the norm, and not an exception.

A good master in a dirty salon will not work for a long time, a dismissive attitude to cleanliness and sterility often accompanies errors when conducting cosmetic procedures.

  • There are stories when a specialist with a difficult character, it cannot work with the hollow personnel of expensive cosmetology and goes into a small beauty salon.

Such masters only confirm the theory, because it is difficult to find a common language with this approach and with clients.

Beauty \u003d business

The modern beauty concept is similar to conveyor production, when different and unlike people are trying to present in the form of semi-finished products, of which they make equally beautiful dolls.

Of course, universal ideas of beauty are not so much, everywhere is required individual approach and improvements. The store offers several shades of lipstick, and at a cosmetologist for all the answer?

The desire of individual specialists to provide a quick result to the detriment of health and sound logic is quite explained.

After all, the cosmetologist and the doctor are different professions, although they have one base (a good beautician has a dermatologist's formation).

Only the level of responsibility and the desire to help and tell the truth everyone is different. Therefore, turning to the cosmetic office Remember that now you are not a doctor, but from the seller. The result you dream can significantly differ from the end of the cosmetic procedure. About the side results It is customary here after the procedure, but to live with this skin and this face - only you.

Therefore, love yourself true, trust your intuition. And to the new-fashioned procedures come with great caution. Here it does not hurt !!!

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