General description of a romantic wedding. Romantic wedding in sicily

"Scarlet Sails" is one of the most romantic and favorite works of all children. Who among the girls has not dreamed of meeting their Gray? This dream can be taken as a basis for a themed wedding, the script of which we offer. To implement this scenario, it is necessary to decorate the wedding hall in a nautical style. Guests usually come to the wedding in beautiful and romantic outfits, so you can not warn them in advance about the theme of the holiday, making a kind of surprise.

Meeting with guests

Guests in the banquet hall are greeted by the captain of the "wedding ship" and his beloved (bride and groom), as well as cabin boys. At a certain moment, the ship's whistle sounds, the lights go out in the hall and romantic music turns on.

Host: “This story began a long time ago, when a very little girl ______ (name of the bride) met a storyteller. A wise old storyteller told the girl a wonderful story and promised that the baby would one day grow up and meet a brave captain who would love her for life. He will come to her on a huge beautiful ship under scarlet sails. And together they will sail away to the Rose Valley. Together with her beloved, the girl will never know about sorrows and troubles, they will live happily and for a very long time. Young _____ (name of the bride) obeyed the storyteller and waited for her captain for a long time. And finally, she waited! Years passed and under the scarlet sails ______ (the name of the groom) sailed to the girl, fell in love with her at first sight and today vowed to love forever. Our newlyweds embark on a long, romantic journey on their family ship. Let's wish them that the Rose Valley will give them happiness and joy. "

Following this themed wedding scenario, the newlyweds take their places at the wedding table. The captain and his beloved invite all guests to join them to celebrate the new family. The presenter makes the first wedding toast to the young couple.

Host: "Since the sea today is restless, playful, drowning out my voice, we need to choose a" bitter "- a person who will loudly give the command" Bitter! " on our ship. "

The guests propose their candidates. For candidates, a competition is arranged, all participants of which simultaneously blow on banknotes. Whose flew further - he is appointed "bitter", and all guests undertake to help him every time he shouts the cherished word for the newlyweds.

Merry swimming

Host: “Our wedding ship has departed. To make sailing fun, let's play the game "Raising anchors". This way we will quickly get to the Rose Valley, ensuring ourselves an exciting journey. " For this themed wedding, the script of which we are proposing, you need to prepare light cardboard anchors. Threads of one and a half meters are tied to them. Participants (preferably men) take the thread with their mouths so that the anchor hangs down. On command, they raise the anchor and collect the thread in their mouths without using their hands. The prize goes to the one who completes the task first.

Host: “And now - full speed ahead! Neither storm nor storm is terrible for us now. With such a command, the captain and his beloved are strong in all the obstacles. "

Romantic music sounds. Relatives and friends take turns and make toasts in honor of the newlyweds. To make them all get to know each other faster, the presenter distributes multi-colored paper flags to everyone.

Host: “The witnesses are honking (the witness and the witness are raising the flags given to them), let the bride's parents, the groom’s parents, the bride’s brothers, etc. now signal.” The host will read out to everyone on the guest list specially prepared for this themed wedding, the scenario of which you have chosen.

Moderator: “Now, please raise the flags for those who wish the newlyweds at least three children. Signal those who intend to get drunk today and sail away in search of their Assol or Gray. Raise your box if you're on a diet but accidentally forgot it at home. Raise the flags for those guests who do not know the name of the groom. And now let those who wish happiness to the young beep. "

Host: “Dear guests, our merry ship made a stop on a desert island. This is a great place for honeymooners to retreat. Here they can perform their first romantic wedding dance. " The newlyweds are dancing. Little girls are circling around them, waving blue ribbons to symbolize the waves of the sea.

The presenter gives the guests an on-board book for entering wishes and congratulations for the newlyweds. The next stop at our themed wedding was planned by the script on the "Island of Bad Luck". While the guests are busy dancing, the presenter brings in a sign with the inscription "The Island of Bad Luck", on which the prefix "not" is easily erased.

Host: “We were carried by waves to the Island of Bad Luck, which is covered with greenery (shows a gesture of rustling money). With such and such greenery, what kind of bad luck can there be? Let's check how lucky our newlyweds and guests are. ”

Married couples come out to participate in the competition. Green dollars (fake) are sprinkled on the floor, and couples must collect as many as possible. For this, time is allocated - while an excerpt from the song "The Island of Bad Luck" sounds.

Host: “The participants tried so hard, so they wanted to get rich, and the bills turned out to be fake! Indeed the Island of Bad Luck. But our contestants managed to find their love. Or maybe the island is not so unlucky? Let's see if any girl can catch the bridal bouquet? "

In this themed wedding scenario, the girls line up behind the bride and she tosses the bouquet. One of the girls catches him. This gives reason to call this island the Island of Luck (the host erases the “not” prefix from the plate).

The host announces a stop at the Island with a lighthouse. The newlyweds light candles and light one large candle, which symbolizes the lighthouse. Presenter: "This candle is a symbol of the family hearth, which will always illuminate your life path, become your guiding star and bring happiness to your home and protect you from various troubles."

On this, the newlyweds say goodbye to the guests and go home to their Rose Valley.

The wedding is one of the memorable days

Delicate blush of the bride, delicate scent of flowers, rings - a symbol of the union of loving hearts, a happy long-awaited "Yes!" at the altar ... Organization of a wedding celebration is a responsible event, because the memory of this day will remain for a lifetime. Today I want to move away from Soviet traditions - a cortege with rings and a doll on the hood of a car, a classic banquet "on schedule." In order for the holiday to be remembered not only by the bride and groom, but also by all the guests, the best solution is to choose a certain style of the wedding, the theme of the celebration. The enchanting scent of lavender, French charm, an amazing combination of simplicity and sophistication - all this is a Provence style wedding. Yes, it will take a lot of effort to create the right atmosphere and realistic styling. Knowing the little tricks and secrets, it is quite possible to organize a stylish, memorable holiday on your own, without the involvement of professional organizers.

We create an entourage

Provence is a charming region in the south of France, filled with aromas of fragrant herbs, spices, permeated with a bright gentle sun.

Very romantic outdoor wedding in Provence style

In Provence, everything is conducive to romance, so the first step in organizing wedding styling is to create an entourage to give the groom, bride and all guests of the holiday unforgettable emotions. As they say, style and mood are born in the little things. It is the decor that will help create a beautiful picture and complete immersion in the theme of the fertile French land.

The image of the French princess

Delicate, fragrant lavender is rightfully considered the symbol of Provence. It is the lavender shade that should become the leitmotif of the wedding. It is not necessary to "paint" the wedding only in lavender color; hints of the presence of an exquisite color are enough.

The color scheme is predominantly pastel: delicate cream, ash pink, delicate lilac, the color of young shoots, olive, noble beige. You can add bright accents of dark purple, sapphire blue, sunny yellow, dark pink. The ideal place for the wedding ceremony will be a meadow on the outskirts of a simple village, a stylized restaurant with log cabins, the shore of a picturesque lake. If the wedding is planned in the cold season, the beautiful and stylish decoration of the hall will help to recreate the atmosphere of the Provencal region.

Decorating Tips

As a wedding decor in Provence style, you can safely use:

  • Floral compositions interspersed with lavender flowers. If it is not possible to find flowers, hydrangeas, lilac branches, morning glories, gloxinia in simple glass vases will perfectly replace them. Scented candles and fresh flowers in pots will help create a romantic mood. For outdoor flowerpots, delicate lilies, white and pink azaleas are suitable.

It is advisable to decorate the wedding table with such cute decor elements.
  • Furniture should be predominantly natural, made of wood, rattan or wicker wicker, forged. The noble effect of antiquity and the desired aesthetics can be given with your own hands, using various artistic techniques, for example, decoupage.

Wicker furniture will perfectly emphasize the atmosphere of Provence
  • The Provencal style gravitates towards textiles. Feast tables, the walls of the hall can be draped with cotton tablecloths in a small floral print, decorated with hand-embroidered lace napkins.

Textile decoration in Provencal style
  • Provence is, above all, a simple rustic style with a touch of French charm. A beautiful Provence style wedding design depends on the little things. You can arrange wicker baskets, garden tin buckets, vintage suitcases, wooden crates. A vintage bicycle with a basket filled with fragrant herbs and flowers, as if descended from a painting by a French artist, will become a distinctive highlight.

The room where the ceremony will take place can be decorated with vintage decor elements
  • The theme should be fully consistent, starting from the guest book and invitations to the celebration. Cards for guests, stylish vignettes, invitations are traditionally decorated with a dry sprig of lavender and tied with a rough twine.

Lavender can also be added to the design of invitations.
  • To make guests feel comfortable, get unforgettable emotions, you can supplement the event scenario and give pleasant gifts in the form of fragrant lavender bags, handmade soap bars or jars of essential oil with lavender aroma.

Examples of decorating jars with snacks for guests
  • Be sure to arrange several areas for the photo shoot. It could be a simple bench with a checkered grandmother's plaid casually thrown over the back. Nearby is a forged coffee table with antique cups, burlap napkins, a vase or a jug filled with wildflowers.

Provence style photo zone is always beautiful and stylish
  • Wedding menu. Since the Provencal style is, after all, the spicy spirit of France, it is better to give preference to French cuisine. Light snacks, abundant French wines, delicious medieval cuisine on the tables will impress the guests of the holiday. The traditional dishes at a wedding in France are colorful ratatouille, pâtés, gourmet cheeses and lots of vegetables, especially tomatoes and artichokes. For dessert, guests can serve lavender macaroni cakes with delicate cream.

Menu with traditional French cuisine

When choosing decor, accessories, ornaments, remember that Provence style wedding decoration should combine simplicity and sophistication, giving rise to romantic associations, because a wedding is a holiday of Her Majesty Love.

Wedding in provence

The protagonists of the Provencal wedding tale are undoubtedly the bride and groom. The groom should wear an outfit made of natural fabric: linen trousers, a vest or jacket, a cotton shirt. A boutonniere with a sprig of lavender can be inserted into the lapel of a jacket or vest.

The outfits of the groom and the bride should consist only of natural fabrics

Any detail of lavender color, be it a vignette, a tie or a bow tie, will complement the image in an original and stylish way. Remember that formal business suits or formal tuxedos are completely unsuitable for a Provencal wedding. When choosing a bride's outfit, hairstyle, makeup, Provence-style wedding bouquet and other important accessories, it is important to follow the French style completely. Let us dwell separately on the most significant moments.

Tips for Choosing a Bridesmaid Wedding Dress and Groom Suit

An experienced florist will certainly tell you what flowers should complement the bouquets in the Provence style. Of course, when we talk about Provence, the first thing that comes to mind is lavender. In our region, you can most often find it in the form of dried flowers, but not every girl will like such a Provence-style bridal bouquet.

Wildflowers are the best choice for a bridal bouquet


To create a beautiful and delicate composition, florists recommend using wildflowers, cornflowers, bells, daisies, even clover and mint sprigs. Aromatic tea roses, hydrangeas, freesias will add noble notes to the bouquet.

Interspersed with golden spikelets, sweet peas and tender buttercups look original in the bouquet. It is not necessary to achieve the perfectly correct shape of the bouquet. It is better if the composition is deliberately careless, with twigs and leaves sticking out here and there. The stylish accent of the composition is given not by a satin ribbon encircling fragile plants, but by a rough twine, openwork cotton braid or a burlap ribbon. Remember that wildflowers wither much faster without moisture, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the bride's wedding bouquet to an experienced florist.

Wedding image of the bride

Down with traditional crinolines, lush ruffles, petticoats and corsets. A Provencal-style dress should have as simple a silhouette as possible. The fabric should be natural, easy to flow and fall to emphasize a feminine girlish figure. The dress should be noble, simple and elegant, and not resemble a lush meringue. You should not choose a dress in a snow-white color. The most harmonious dress looks like a shade of ecru, milk or soft cream. From the decor, the dress may contain unobtrusive embroidery, elements of vintage lace, sequins, and unnecessary ones.

Stylish accent - belt in contrasting shade. Since the leitmotif of the holiday is lavender, the belt can be of a delicate lilac hue, ash pink and even rich purple. A Provence-style girl looks like a forest nymph, so the image of a bride is somewhat ephemeral, airy, with a slight rustic charm. Shoes should be comfortable; for a photo shoot and dancing, you can wear simple ballet flats or shoes with small heels. As for the choice of hairstyle, then there are also no difficulties. A simple braid with several strands that stand out, as if from a light wind, slightly curled curls intercepted by a ribbon or wreath of wildflowers, sophistication and simplicity in every detail. For makeup, do not use flashy shades of lipstick, blush or shadows, pastel palette, delicate blush and natural shine, like dew drops - refined tenderness.

Provence makeup and hairstyles

A Provencal style wedding is a harmony of aromas, taste, color and emotions. Despite the simplicity, the atmosphere is filled with romance, and the incredible aesthetics of the design of the holiday in every detail will be remembered for a long time by the bride and groom, as well as their guests. Photos will help to save impressions and memories, which you can then arrange with your own hands in a beautiful family book.

Lovers of light pastel colors, delicate peonies and graceful draperies, light lace and hundreds of candles on the tables cannot find a better style for a wedding than a romantic one. In our article we will tell you about the features of this style.

Danielle & Aaron; May 11th, 2013; Woodend sanctuary

Basis of style

The romantic style has gathered in itself all the most delicate and airy that you can think of for a wedding. These are lightness and airiness, delicate, transparent and very pure colors. The most suitable colors for a romantic wedding palette are pink, peach, cream, mint, blue, lilac and all their shades and variations. Rough and too geometric, clear lines should be avoided: everything should be smooth, gentle and smooth, even the corners on furniture and vases on tables.

It is worth choosing the place of the celebration especially carefully so as not to spoil the overall impression: rooms in light colors, without bright details and too fanciful and heavy decor elements, without columns and marble floors, are suitable. Tents, interiors in light wood or halls with panoramic windows will look great. High ceilings will give a feeling of airiness, so the higher the ceiling in the selected room, the better. Take care of the ceremony area: you need a neutral background as the basis for the decor or a natural, self-sufficient landscape that can only be emphasized with individual elements.

Floristics and decor

Romance is probably the most "grateful" style for preparing decor, so beloved by all decorators. These are airy textures of fabrics, and pastel colors, and a huge variety of materials and stylistic solutions. Wedding invitations in this style can be made both classic, on paper in a set of several cards, or original: for example, on a handkerchief, a balloon or a painted wooden board. For paper invitations, choose floral or watercolor motifs. For packaging, you can safely use lace or floral envelopes with calligraphy and retro stamps.

For invitations, you can use something special for your couple: a monogram, some kind of symbol, play with a common future surname or hobbies.

The romantic style is a sea of ​​the most delicate and refined flowers, so beloved by most brides: summer peonies, and autumn dahlias, and winter ranunculus, and spring tulips. These are large and fluffy caps of hydrangeas, and soft cotton bolls, and exquisite peony roses. The main thing is not too wide variety of textures and inflorescences and a single mood of flowers: light and delicate. Do not forget that these flowers require special care so as not to wither in the heat and deteriorate in the cold.

You can use lace, silk, chiffon, guipure and tulle in the decor. If a tree, then be sure to bleached, light, with smoothed edges. Furniture - textured, with twisted curved legs, in a retro style. There must be flowers at the ceremony: it can be an arch or an alternative background, compositions on stands. For lovers of more original options, for example, frames with lace floating in the air, embroidery hoops, crystal chandeliers are suitable. The ceremony can also be arranged at sunset by the light of hundreds of candles.

Particular attention should be paid to serving: it should be light and not overloaded with various decorative elements. Compositions on tables can be chosen as low, strict and neat, as well as free in design, high, with additional decorative elements in the form of lenses or beads. And on the plate, each guest can be given a compliment: for example, a boutonniere or a sweet gift - a piece of romance and general mood.

Couple images

The most cherished dreams of girls come true at weddings in a romantic style: fluffy dresses, lace or straighter, tulle, with embroidery and an inner skirt, with long sleeves or with a cut-off top, will perfectly fit here - the most important thing is that the bride looks feminine and tender in it. It is better not to consider more wayward options with too original design.

The most suitable hairstyles for brides in this style: loose curls, weaves slightly raised from the shoulders, bunches, braids. For the groom, a classic or slightly democratic version is suitable: for example, you can choose a darker or light jacket, replace classic shoes with moccasins, but at the same time it is important to leave the formality and style in the image so that the wedding does not turn from a romantic into a boho or rustic version.

A magical wedding day should be undoubtedly the most memorable event in the life of a young couple. True, there are still many bright days ahead - wedding anniversaries, the birth of children and many other holidays, but a wedding is like a threshold to a new happy life.

And many want all the best in this day, so that everything is no worse than others, so that both young people and parents are happy, and everyone likes everything.

How can you accommodate all the best in one day, which is shorter than 24 hours, so that it turns out harmoniously and unforgettably, not boring, but not too flashy?

The proposed wedding scenario is romantic and light, but at the same time it is cheerful and original. To begin with, the bride's outfit, first of all, should emphasize her dignity, and even if you really want to sparkle with the most fluffy skirt in the foam of lace, if it is a little fat, it is better to give preference to a light Empire-style dress, in a word, choose what will really help to be a princess in magical moments of celebration.

In a classic, romantic wedding scenario, the bridesmaids' outfits should be in harmony with each other, that is, according to Western tradition, be the same color, and often cut, and differ only in the details of decoration.

But what about the fact that, probably, every invitee wants to be only the one and only? Suppose, in this case, there will be two dresses, one for a short part of the wedding ceremony, when vows are made and a wedding photo session of the newlyweds takes place, and the second is for a further holiday.

The groom should be gallant and charming - in a strict, classic suit with a tie, and stylish cufflinks can be chosen for the shirt. If there are children at the wedding, their suits can be perfectly complemented with white angel wings behind their backs, and the most responsible of the kids should be instructed to bring wedding rings to the young on a silk pillow.

In the scenario of a romantic wedding, there must certainly be marriage vows, which should not be made on the go, it is better to memorize them in advance or read them on a piece of paper. Vows should reflect what is most valuable in partnership, promises of love and loyalty. They can be both in prose and in poetry.

The tests for the groom to buy the bride should not be too "sharp", it is better to let them be dominated by a shade of romance and a tribute to tradition. For example, let him try to guess his beloved by the leg, trying on her wedding shoe on all the legs shown to him from behind the screen. Or, so that he would be allowed to see his beloved, let him pluck a dozen roses with his teeth in order to strew them the way under the bride's feet. And, of course, let him not forget to carry her in his arms.

The room for a wedding celebration is best decorated in light colors, it is good if the windows allow you to admire the beautiful view, and the ceiling is high enough to stretch paper garlands under it. When decorating a banquet hall, you can set more than one table and not serve all dishes in a strict order (salads, hot dishes, desserts ...), but combine the main hot dishes with a variety of snacks and desserts placed on separate tables, so that guests can enjoy themselves in whatever they want. order, and you do not have to sit at a common table.

Young people leaving the Wedding Palace or entering the banquet hall are showered with rose petals and rice, and coins can be thrown at their feet, and this can be done not only by adult guests, but also by children, who are specially given baskets with supplies. Immediately, the young are offered to taste the loaf, checking who will rule more in the family.

At a wedding banquet, young people should not only kiss to the shouts of "bitter!"

At the end of the holiday, the bride traditionally throws the bouquet, so it is important to make sure that it is well assembled and does not crumble. And the groom can throw the bride's garter into the crowd of bachelors, and then - whoever is lucky, and let them not be sad and prepare themselves to go to the altar.

Gifts, of course, are primarily reserved for the young, but you can not forget the guests, dress them with cute little souvenirs, reminiscent of this celebration.

Also, at the end of the banquet, you can order a flight of live variegated butterflies, which are brought in special boxes, or release a couple of snow-white doves into the sky.

Every couple dreams of the perfect wedding. After all, this is one of the happiest moments in most people's lives, so why not be perfect? However, planning a wedding is time consuming (and there are many things to take care of in the process).

Most likely, the location of the wedding ceremony is one of the most important decisions in the process. Will it take place in your local chapel? Or maybe a trendy country club? Both of these options are great for a wedding ceremony, but if you decide to organize a romantic wedding, you should pay attention to one of the twenty-five locations, which we will tell you about below.

Just imagine the surprise of your guests when they enter the hall of the Sagrada Familia to celebrate your wedding. Or you might prefer to make your wedding flawlessly elegant by choosing Neuschwanstein Castle for it. There are many romantic places in the world! So, get your paper and pen ready and start jotting down your favorites from this list of 25 of the most romantic wedding venues of your dreams.

25. Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic

Charles Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Europe and a legendary landmark in Prague. It is a popular destination for epic weddings for locals and tourists alike. With Prague Castle in the background and the Vltava River flowing under the bridge, a wedding on this bridge will always be unforgettable and magnificent.

24. Ao Nang Beach, Krabi, Thailand

One of the most popular destinations in Thailand, Krabi is a small coastal town in the southern part of the country. Ao Nang Beach, surrounded by majestic cliffs and lush vegetation, is a particularly romantic setting for any wedding ceremony.

23.Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, UK

Blenheim Palace, located in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England is a monumental country house. Blenheim Palace was once the main residence of the Dukes of Marlborough. For now, the ceremony held in this palace will give your wedding a unique charm of English grandeur.

22. Island of Thira (Santorini), Greece

The island of Thira, located just 200 kilometers from the Greek mainland, is often considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Its picturesque houses with the legendary blue roofs are the perfect backdrop for a wonderful wedding ceremony.

21. Haiku Mill, Maui, Hawaii

The Haiku Mill was once a sugar mill but is now a popular wedding venue in Hawaii. The Maui mill has been converted into a romantic wedding venue with a secret garden and rustic chic cottage where bridesmaids dress up. The gardens of this place with hanging vine vines are perfect for exchanging vows of love and fidelity.

20. Punta Cana Resort, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic, located in the Caribbean, is another great place to say yes to each other. Located on the west coast of the country, Punta Cana is known for the most beautiful beaches and first-class resorts, making it the perfect destination for a wedding ceremony.

19. Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany

Neuschwanstein Castle, attracting over 1.3 million visitors a year, is one of the most famous castles on earth. Its fabulous look even inspired Walt Disney. Few places in the world will provide your wedding with the same magical atmosphere as this German castle.

18. Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills, state

This legendary pink palace on Sunset Boulevard boasts Hollywood chic. This place is popular because it was here that such famous celebrities as Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor sunbathed. The hotel is famous for its Art Deco Crystal Ballroom and lovely tropical gardens.

17. Loire Valley, France

The Loire Valley, just two hours by car from Paris, is an enchanting tourist destination, famous for its stately castles, fortresses and picturesque historic villages, as well as delicious food and aromatic wines. Any place of this valley, chosen for your wedding, will leave you a lot of unforgettable and wonderful impressions.

16. St. Peter's Square, Rome, Italy

Boasting more monuments than any other city in the world, Rome, the Eternal City, is a stunning wedding venue. If you are dreaming of a perfectly stylish and romantic wedding, host your wedding ceremony in the heart of this ancient metropolis on St. Peter's Square.

15. Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Tulum is one of the best-preserved coastal sites of the Mayan civilization. It is also an excellent wedding venue in a unique and historic setting just meters from the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean. The ruins of Mayan buildings on the hill make Tulum an ideal place to exchange vows of love and loyalty.

When talking about romantic locations for your wedding, it is also worth thinking about a romantic location where you do.

14. Fiji

Boasting friendly locals, lush vegetation and a variety of marine life, Fiji is a great destination for couples looking for exotic culture, seclusion from the hustle and bustle and a great beach for their wedding ceremony. No matter which of the more than 330 beaches in Fiji you choose for your wedding ceremony, the striking beauty of the unspoiled nature will make your ceremony unforgettable.

13. Keukenhof Flower Garden, Netherlands

Keukenhof, one of the largest and most famous flower parks in the world, is a popular choice for weddings in the Netherlands. Renowned for its tranquility and idyllic atmosphere, this park will make your wedding day special and unforgettable.

12. St. Regis Monarch Beach, Dana Point, California

St Regis Monarch Beach, located within the city of Dana Point in southern California, is a Tuscan-style resort with spectacular views and elegant marble staircases. This place is great for exchanging vows of love and fidelity in the open air, and is ideal for couples dreaming of a romantic oceanfront wedding.

11. Milan Cathedral, Milan, Italy

The fifth largest church in the world, Milan Cathedral is the city's most prominent landmark and a prime example of majestic Italian Gothic. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the nearby Piazza del Duomo is often the site of many romantic ceremonies, including weddings.

10. Tirtha Uluwatu, Bali

Tirta Uluwatu, located at the southernmost point of Bali, is a unique wedding resort that takes full advantage of the local scenic natural landscapes and beautiful landscapes. Nestled atop a cliff with stunning views of the Indian Ocean, this resort is truly an impressive escape from the hustle and bustle of the day.

9. Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, Michigan

The Grand Hotel is a hotel built over a century ago. It offers stately spaces for wedding ceremonies and is the perfect backdrop for stunning wedding photos. Weddings are usually held at the Tea Garden, which can accommodate 450 guests. The front porch looks especially grand against the backdrop of the Straits of Mackinac.

8. Marina Bay Sands Skypark, Singapore

The futuristic-looking Marina Bay Sands Skypark is one of the most surreal buildings in Singapore. The architectural splendor of its bold design and the breathtaking rooftop infinity pool make this resort one of Asia's most photogenic destinations for couples looking to tie the knot.

7. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The terminus of the Way of St. James, the main Catholic pilgrimage route dating back to the 9th century, Santiago de Compostela is a charming city in the Spanish region of Galicia. While there is certainly a long waiting list for a wedding ceremony at this location, this location is definitely worth the wait.

6. Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, Florida

The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, built in a Mediterranean Revival architectural style with Baroque touches, are the ideal setting for a wedding ceremony. This location is just a few minutes drive from downtown Miami. For couples wishing to exchange vows of love and fidelity, the museum provides the majestic Garden Mound as well as the East Terrace.

5. Saint Lucia

Situated on the border between the Caribbean and the Atlantic Ocean, Saint Lucia has long been considered a great honeymoon destination, but weddings on this lush island are just as beautiful. Volcanic mud hot springs, chocolate plantations and sunset champagne sailing trips make this small tropical island ideal for romantic weddings.

4. Commerce Square, Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon, one of the oldest cities in the world, is known for its romantic atmosphere, picturesque cobbled streets, vintage trams and historic buildings topped with legendary red rooftops. This city is considered one of the most romantic cities in the world. Lisbon has everything to make your wedding an outstanding event.

3. George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland

The George Peabody Library, which boasts a collection of approximately 300,000 books, is primarily a library. However, this book cathedral also serves as a popular wedding venue. And for good reason - the black and white marble floor and other unique decorations make the interior of the library a stunning masterpiece of architectural art.

2. Temple of the Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

Despite the fact that its construction is still not completed, the Temple of the Sagrada Familia has already been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and one of the most famous churches in the world. This monumental building designed by Antoni Gaudí will reach a height of 170 meters upon completion of construction work. However, it is already a popular venue for romantic events, including weddings.

1. Tahiti, French Polynesia

Tahiti, boasting scenic landscapes ranging from coral reefs to volcanic mountains, is a tropical paradise that currently offers its guests the unique opportunity to get married on this beautiful island. You can even hire a wedding specialist to help you with all the preparations you need for your happiest day.