Oracle time haircut january. Is it possible to cut hair if tomorrow is a solar, lunar eclipse. Favorable days for haircuts in January

When can I cut my hairto make them healthier and bring good luck? Once people endowed curls magic power, therefore, caring for them was permeated with a whole ritual. This knowledge has been preserved, and, perhaps, some of them will soon receive a scientific explanation.

Proper care: how often to cut your hair

to cut hairnecessary, but this can do not as often as when the masters advised.

To determine how often to cut your hair, consider the length of your hair, the presence of bangs and shaved areas, and the general condition of your curls.

Long hair, if healthy, should be trimmed 2 times a year. Owners layered haircuts it is worth doing this every 3-4 months.

Hair middle length can be trimmed every 3 months or slightly more often to maintain the shape of the haircut. Length short hair will have to be adjusted in 4-6 weeks.

Bangs, undercut haircuts and shaved whiskey require special attention. Straight bangs need to be corrected once a month, and long, side bangs - once every 6-8 weeks. Creative haircuts must be tweaked at least once a month.

These tips are especially suitable for those who are not going to change the length. But what if you want to let go of your hair? Should the ends of the curls be trimmed and how often should this be done?

How often do you need to trim the ends

Many women find that by cutting the ends of their hair, they increase their growth rate. This opinion is wrong. The growth rate is determined by genes, and even among relatives, it can be different.

On average, curls grow by 8-13 mm per month, faster in summer, slower in winter. That's why those wishing to grow braids should focus primarily on strengthening and nourishing them.

The ends healthy hair it is enough to cut 2-3 times a year, and problematic ones - every 10-12 weeks. It is important to remember that their beauty is directly related to general condition organism.

Those who do not cut the ends of the strands at all are mistaken. The longer the hair, the weaker the ends become, the more more likely that they will begin to be cut. In addition, the hair grows back unevenly.

If you do not trim the ends for a long time, the look will be sloppy. And along with the cut strands, the accumulated negative emotions that have a detrimental effect on the human condition.

What day of the week is it better to cut your hair

The secret to a successful haircut isn't just about the skill of a hairdresser. To obtain good result and nourish positive energy there are many factors to consider.

One of them is the day of the week chosen for the hair manipulation:

  1. Monday- lucky day. According to the signs, anxiety and sadness will go away with the cut off hair. Any experiments with the image will be appropriate, up to a radical change in the hairstyle.
  2. Tuesdaythe right time to trim the ends of curls or adjust bangs. These actions will help to improve health and give strength to solve the accumulated problems. It will also be useful to have a haircut for those who are tired of routine and want to make life more diverse.
  3. V Wednesdayeveryone can get a haircut except those born on Thursday. A visit to the hairdresser will improve the activity nervous system, memory and learning ability.
  4. Having cut my hair in Thursday, you can cleanse the biofield, build relationships with loved ones and attract good luck. Communication will be enriched with new acquaintances, old connections will be restored.
  5. Haircut done infriday, will have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. This day is held under the auspices of Venus, so any hair manipulation will be successful. However, the work of a hairdresser can greatly change the appearance and disrupt the inner harmony.
  6. Get a haircut in saturdaygood omen... This will help improve emotional and the physical state, forget old problems and grievances. Hair length will recover quickly. Strength, patience and the ability to see hidden talent in yourself will appear.
  7. V Sundaya visit to the hairdresser will only hurt. By cutting off hair, a person loses luck. The only case when is it possible on this day to cut hair- if you are not at all lucky. Then fate will change dramatically for the better.

When is the best time to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar 2018

The companion of the Earth mysteriously influences the ebb and flow, the harvest and the state of a person - spiritual and physical.

When can I get my hair cut according to the lunar calendar in 2018. Oracle haircuts, days of the week

Our ancestors noticed that the quality of hair changes depending on which phase of the moon it was cut during.

Is it possible to cut hair if today is "satanic day" according to the lunar calendar

Find out when you can and can't cut your hair simply. It is enough to open moon calendar for the period of interest. In each lunar month there are 4 "satanic" days when the night star is completely hidden from human eyes.

It is dangerous to carry out any manipulations with hair at this time: the energy field becomes defenseless, and the power of curses increases many times over. It is important to know that these are the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th of each lunar month.

In which phase of the moon is it better to cut your hair - which moon. Best moon phase for hair cutting

Waxing moon hair clipper

The growing moon is a symbol of prosperity and growth, the best time, when you can cut your hair... Curls trimmed during this phase will grow back faster.

It is most suitable for any hair treatment: lamination, coloring, straightening the ends or creating a new haircut. It is best to do this on the 5th, 8th or 11th lunar day.

Is it possible to cut hair on the waning moon

It is better to devote this time to care with the use of masks, it will give noticeable result... If you need to strengthen your hair, you can trim the ends slightly. But they will grow back slowly.

Also, a haircut for the waning moon can impair vision. Auspicious days- 21, 26 and 27.

Is it possible to cut hair on a full moon - if the full moon phase

It is undesirable to radically change your hairstyle on a full moon, but you can trim the regrown strands. And the time of the new moon can be used to experiment with appearance and change the image.

Is it possible to cut hair if tomorrow is a solar, lunar eclipse

Solar and lunar eclipses are a time of crises and losses. Astrologers advise against visiting a hairdresser during this period. The human protective field is weakening. Together with the cut strands, health and vitality go away, so there is a great danger of getting sick.

When can you cut your hair according to the Oracle

Choosing, when can I cut my hair, it is useful to pay attention to the constellation in which the satellite is located.

The most favorable days for women will be the days under the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Leo.

The constellation of Aquarius patronizes experiments, and under the influence of the constellation of Pisces it is dangerous to do anything with hair.

Can I cut my hair in the evening

A new haircut will change life in better side if not only the correct day is chosen, but also right time. Folk wisdom states that you can only cut your hair during daylight hours.

In the evening, after sunset, it is easier to gain power over a person by a creature of darkness. Even trimming overgrown ends or bangs, it is easy to break the connection with the divine principle. Any action with hair will cause health problems, both physical and mental. It is also believed that a person will lose luck and money.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy

Can I cut my hair during pregnancy? The answer is in our article!

Once people believed that life was hidden in a woman's hair. The braids of pregnant women were treated with special trepidation: the expectant mother was forbidden to cut her hair during the entire period of bearing the child, and especially before childbirth.

Modern magicians also claim that cutting off hair, a woman loses vitality necessary for her and the baby.

It is forbidden even to trim the overgrown ends of the curls. Violation of this rule threatens premature birth, short life or termination of pregnancy.

But doctors think differently. Some specifically advise patients to visit a hairdresser if it will cheer them up. After all positive emotions mothers will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

There is no definite answer to this question. However, hair has been observed to improve during pregnancy. This can be used to start growing them.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation

Your period isn't the best timewhen can I cut my hair... Changes during menstruation hormonal background, which affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This time is considered unfortunate for a haircut.

According to signs, curls weaken, easily tangle and grow slowly, and a woman can get sick or quickly grow old.

The experience of hairdressers shows that the strands lose their elasticity and shine, they become more greasy at the roots. This does not allow for good styling.

A woman's menstrual cycle is similar to the lunar cycle. Even if the female cycle is longer, it consists of the same phases as the cycle of the luminary, only their duration is slightly longer.

First phase lunar cycle lives in an individual cycle as a bleeding phase. It is unfavorable for any action with hair.

Is it possible to cut your hair on a birthday

The better the birthday goes, the happier the year will be. The birthday boy should take care of his appearance. You will have to think about the hairstyle in advance, because to get a haircut on this day is to cut off your luck. And you can do the styling: it will not affect fate.

The day of the week on which a person was born also affects the choice of a good time for a haircut:

  • For those born on Tuesday suitable days- Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Unsuitable - Friday.
  • If your birthday falls on a Wednesday, Saturday is the ideal day for a haircut, and Thursday is best to do other things.
  • Born on Thursday will get the best results on Monday and Friday. Don't visit the master on Wednesday.
  • The best days for people born on Friday are Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. It is undesirable to have a haircut on Tuesday.
  • For those who saw the light on Saturday, favorable time- Wednesday and Friday, unfavorable - Sunday.
  • For those born on Sunday, it is worth planning a haircut for Tuesday and Thursday and not going to the hairdresser on Monday.

For those born on Monday, it is advisable to go to the hairdresser on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Unlucky day - Sunday.

Who is better to entrust a haircut

Finding the right master is not just a cute whim. A person who casts a hairstyle changes the biofield of his client.

Trusting your hair really good master you can restore strength, gain self-confidence and attract good luck. What are the signs to recognize "your" hairdresser?

Consider these factors when choosing a hairdresser:

  • Positive attitude... A benevolent, loving master will charge a person with positive energy and a desire to create. It is worth paying attention to the general grooming of the stylist - an untidy appearance can be a sign of fatigue and depression.
  • Age... How older master, the stronger it affects the human biofield. This can be used to interrupt a series of troubles, restore faith in yourself and overcome a spiritual crisis. And for harmonious natures who do not yet want to change, it is better to choose a hairdresser of your age or a little younger.
  • Floor... Trusting curls to a master of the opposite sex is dangerous. Accidental sympathy will create problems in personal life his client.

Can a husband cut his wife's hair

Not always that daywhen can I cut my hair, suitable master turns out to be free. In addition, you don't always want to go to the hairdresser just to trim your bangs.

It seems easier to make this request to your family, for example, your husband. But there is a sign that prohibits doing this. The husband, by cutting his wife's hair, shortens her life.

The wife cannot cut her husband's hair for the same reason. But the fact that married couple regularly tweaking each other's hairstyle can provoke treason.

When you can't cut your hair

There are times when a person especially needs protection and patronage. higher powers... Curls are threads that connect us with space and kind, but with a thoughtless attitude towards them, this connection is easy to break or turn to harm.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to apply the knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation. It is good to remember what days and periods of life it is strictly forbidden to cut hair:

  1. On "satanic days", during lunar and solar eclipses.
  2. Sundays and church holidays.
  3. In the evenings.
  4. During pregnancy and during menstruation.
  5. Students - during the session.
  6. Birthday and antagonist days.
  7. Children under one year old. It will also be a mistake to shave the baby baldly: this will not affect the quality of the hair and will drain the strength.

There is one more, very important rule... It is worth telling about it separately.

Why you can't cut your own hair

Those who decide to cut themselves - no matter what the reason, you need to know how to smooth out the consequences of this action.

By cutting off his hair, a person deforms his own biofield.

It violates energy exchange from the universe that in Everyday life will look like illness, parting with loved ones, money problems.

It is believed that after the first self-haircut, the troubles will be small, but with each next they will begin to increase. If you repeat this action on a regular basis, life will begin a streak of failures.

There is a well-known omen among hairdressers: the one who cuts lives longer than the one who is cut. A person who cuts his hair shortens his life.

To prevent this from happening, you need to perform such a rite before the haircut: cross yourself three times and drink three sips of water from the tap, which has not yet been opened today. Then sprinkle water on hair.

Sorcerers argue that money problems will arise if the length is changed abruptly. For example, cut off a braid. You can trim your hair a little, the main thing is not to do it on Friday.

Before cutting, you need to cross the scissors 3 times and sprinkle holy water on the strands.

You can avoid health problems if you adjust your hairstyle in a room where there is something green, at least a rug. And again, it is better to look at the lunar calendar first.

You can cut your hair quite differently than the way they did it when -to: investing in all actions with them a sacred meaning. With proper hair care, the condition of the curls will begin to improve, which will affect the improvement of well-being, improve mood and self-esteem.

Learn when to trim your hair in this helpful video:

This video will show you when to cut your hair by day of the week:

In order to produce good haircut according to the Oracle, it is necessary that the Moon is in the signs of the Earth (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn). In such signs, a haircut can be done at any phase of the moon, then your hair will be much thicker, stronger, which contributes to less hair loss. If it is necessary to slow down hair growth, then the best option would be a haircut on the waning moon.

Haircut lunar calendar for 2019

Lunar horoscope for haircuts by zodiac signs

Haircut made under the moon in different signs The zodiac can affect not only the condition of your hair, but also your health and personal life. Let's listen to the advice of astrologers.

It is better not to wash your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water, which includes Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Otherwise, your hair will be very oily. This also applies to perm. Perms will be more permanent in Leo, Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius. In order to get a haircut, these days are also not good enough, although in order to speed up hair growth, you can do it on the waxing moon.

In order to style your hair, days are ideal when The moon is in Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo and Capricorn ... Moon in Aries is unfavorable for haircuts and for any other procedures with your hair.

In Aries, haircut a haircut does not affect the condition of the hair, but the appearance may deteriorate. A haircut will negatively affect your health, as the body will be significantly affected various infections... In the waning moon, in the sign of Aries, you should not get a haircut, as this threatens to lose your hair and cut your hair.

In the case when The moon is in Taurus then this is a great time to cut your hair, even if the moon is waning. The hairstyle will be beautiful and the hair will be strong and healthy. In your personal life, a haircut will help you gain a sense of financial stability and increase your intellectual abilities.

The moon in Gemini ideal for making fluffy hairstyle, since at this time the hair will be fluffy and light. In your personal life, a haircut will improve your relationships with friends.

When the moon is at Cancer, then a haircut at this time can give a twofold result. A haircut at this time promises a loss of the shape of the hairstyle. But also, a haircut at this time has a positive effect on hair health, since hair grows much slower, but at the same time it becomes stronger, absorbing useful material... It is best to bleach your curls these days. As for your personal life, a haircut will reduce parental control over you, weaken your parental roots.

Moon in Leo is one of best periods when to visit the hairdresser. Lightening hair, styling, coloring or cutting - all this, at such a time, it turns out great. Light chemistry it is best to do it on other days, as the perm can get too frizzy. A haircut can improve your overall appearance and change the rhythm of your life.

Moon in Virgo is also positive time for cutting and taking care of your hair. Curling should also be done best during this time. The haircut will strengthen the hair and intensive growth... A haircut can also strengthen your intelligence. However, according to some sources, Virgo and Leo are barren signs, so not all astrologers recommend a haircut at this time.

Moon in Libra , is an perfect timing in order to bring beauty to the head and improve your hair. The hairstyle done at this time will be lush and voluminous. It is not clear how, but a haircut at this time improves memory and vision, and adds ease of communication.

Moon in Scorpio is inharmonious, leads to change, can both improve and worsen your life, relations with people of senior rank. With regard to the effect on the hair: you can carry out the hairstyle on dry, brittle and thin hair ah, - the moon will make them strong, tough and thick.

Moon in Sagittarius is also ambiguous, brings changes to your life. To make the changes positive for you, consider the lunar day when cutting. The haircut will affect the condition of the hair well, slightly straighten the naughty curly strands.

Moon in Capricorn A haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, it will strengthen and become less brittle. During this period, the moon has a positive effect on your social status.

Moon in Aquarius Haircuts can cause hair loss, energy depletion... However, if you're a risk-taker, try changing your hairstyle. The result can be constantly different each time. The best option- this is to do unusual hairstyles these days, as usual very often do not work out.

Moon in Pisces not suitable for visiting a hairdresser, as a haircut and even just washing your hair at such a time can provoke abundant discharge dandruff. A haircut can have a negative effect on the realization of your abilities.

One way or another, a haircut according to the Oracle is more of a tradition than a true one, so how and when to get a haircut is up to you.

Useful Tips

The holidays are just getting started, so you will likely have more time to head to the hairdresser if you didn't get there in December. When is the best time to get a haircut when increasing or decreasing To the moon?

This month the moon will rise from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January 2017... During these two periods, it is best to trim the ends of the hair or shape the long hair if you would like it to be grew faster... Avoid negative days, which will be indicated below.

If your goal is keep the shape of the hairstyle, then you better go to the hairdresser on the days of the waning moon - from 12 to 27 January 2017... However, remember that it is best not to dye your hair at this time, as the dye will wash off quickly.

In January, Venus, the planet of beauty, will follow the sign of Pisces, and this is the time of romance. Now is the best thing to do feminine classic haircuts, styling with braiding and beautiful curls... This is especially true for those women who dream of attracting more romance into their lives.

Read also:Star Clues astrological forecast for January 2017

When choosing a time for a haircut or other procedures, it is better to avoid days when the moon will follow the signs Cancer and Pisces : 2-4, 11, 12, 30 and 31 January 2017.

Not a bad day to visit a hairdresser, especially if you would like to do unusual hairstyle ... In general, today you can experiment with haircuts (Venus will still be in the sign of Aquarius). If you do not like experiments and do not want to do a completely new hairstyle, it is better to refrain from going to the hairdresser. It is also good to do styling with curlers.

Effect of haircuts on hair

: will attract new interesting people, new friendship.

2 JANUARY, Monday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 10:54.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 12:58

Moon without course from 10:58 to 12:57

In the afternoon, the Moon will move into the sign of Pisces, and this is not the most good time for a visit to hairdressing salons. However, in the morning hours, you can still cut or dye your hair... Better to do it until 11:00 until the moon is idling. Besides until 11 am Moon and Venus will be approaching connection and it will help you get a good hairdo.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, the structure of the hair does not change.

Psychological impact haircuts : attractiveness, success with the opposite sex, attracting new partners (until 11:00).

3 JANUARY, Tuesday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:18.FISHES

Bad day: Better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser. We also do not recommend doing your hair at home. If you wish, you can delete unwanted hair, pluck eyebrows, but remember that the hair will grow back quickly, since this is the time of the waxing moon.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : Can make you feel insecure and more nervous and aggressive.

4 JANUARY, Wednesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:41.FISHES , ARIES from 19:21

Moon without course from 19:14 to 19:20

Bad day: Better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser.

Effect of haircuts on hair : hair will grow quickly, but will be thinner and weaker, and will quickly begin to split.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can attract illness, difficulties in communicating with close relatives, misunderstandings in the family.

Haircut lunar calendar 2017

5 JANUARY, Thursday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 12:03.ARIES

The second phase of the moon from 22:48

Today is not the best day for cutting hair, however, you can choose it as a last resort, if there is no possibility visit the hairdresser on the weekend... If you have problem hair, it is better not to have a haircut, since a haircut will not have a particular effect on the hair structure. You can trim the ends of your hair to help your hair grow faster. Also try not to experiment with hair today.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you become more self-confident.

6 JANUARY, Friday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:26.ARIES , TAURUS from 23:19

Moon without a course from 21:41 to 23:18

The day is positive enough: despite not the most suitable sign Moon for haircuts, today you can safely go to the hairdresser for a stylish modern haircut, because Venus and the Moon approaching positive aspect... However, the effect of the aspect will largely begin after the transition of the Moon into the sign of Taurus, and this will only happen after 11 pm when all the hairdressers are already closed. But if you can get your hair cut after 11:20 pm, the result will be much better. You can also dye your hair in lighter colors, or do highlights or blonding.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, hair structure will remain unchanged (until 23:20). If you cut your hair after 23:20. hair will become stronger, shinier and healthier.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will have a positive effect on partnerships.

7 JANUARY, Saturday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:52.TAURUS

Another pretty positive day. Today, various manipulations with hair are allowed, including dyeing, cutting, styling, lamination, hair extensions, braiding African braids. Since the moon is now growing, hair after a haircut will also be grow quickly... Cut the ends well to speed up hair growth. This is one of the most good days for visiting hairdressers and salons.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, hair strengthening.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will make you more cheerful, active, help to fulfill the most cherished desires.

JANUARY 8, Sunday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:22.TAURUS

Moon without course from 05:23

Today is a more relaxed day: the time of the moon without a course, when any beginnings can fail... However, you can go to the hairdresser, but it is better not to make any drastic changes. You can trim the ends of your hair. You can not start procedures for hair treatment as you won't get the result you want.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, but little any effect on the condition of the hair.

The psychological impact of haircuts : no particular influence.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

9 JANUARY, Monday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 13:58.TWINS from 01:07

Moon without course until 01:06

Bad day to visit the hairdresser: the hairstyle will turn out to be different from what you imagine, and it may be you seriously upset... You should also not dye your hair, as the resulting color may disappoint you. On this day you can do beautiful lungs styling with curlers, but it is better not to use hot appliances: it is easy to dry your hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair : no particular influences.

The psychological impact of haircuts : no particular influences.

10 JANUARY, Tuesday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 14:44.TWINS

The day is quite controversial: many aspects of the moon of different nature and strength, so whether you like the result after visiting the hairdresser is difficult to answer. If you have weak and spoiled hair, it is better not to cut your hair today, and even more so not to dye your hair. You better wait more auspicious day for this. It is good to do hair with curlers. If you have normal hair without any problem, you can do light air hairstyle. Benefit various masks to increase the volume.

Effect of haircuts on hair : medium height.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help make you more social, but may also reduce your social circle. different reasons... Difficult to answer. How exactly the situation will play out.

11 JANUARY, Wednesday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 15:41.CANCER from 01:50

Moon without course from 00:38 to 01:49

With the transition of the Moon into Cancer, not the best days for a haircut come. It is better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser for a better time. Unwanted hair can be removed.

Effect of haircuts on hair : can spoil the hair structure, slow down the growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can attract different problems with health, adverse events in the life of the family.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar


12 JANUARY, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:47.CANCER

FULL MOON at 14:35

Moon without a course from 14:36

Bad day for a haircut: put off manipulating your hair until tomorrow. After 15:00 you can sign up for depilation or epilation unwanted hair, it is especially good to get rid of hair on the legs and bikini area. It is better not to do anything new today, especially not to curl or straighten your hair: it is easy to ruin your hair, get a disastrous result.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair loss, hair can be damaged.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can make you more nervous, aggressive, which can negatively affect family relationships.

13 JANUARY, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:01.A LION from 03:09

Moon without course until 03:08

Today you can go to the hairdresser for new haircut or hair extensions, but it is better not to dye your hair, since this is the time of the waning moon: paint quickly will lose saturation... A haircut will help you improve the structure of your hair. However, hair growth will be slow. Today it is good to have a haircut for those who do not grow long hair and the rate of hair growth is not important to you.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

14 JANUARY, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:17.A LION

Moon without course from 18:17

Another rather auspicious day for a haircut: a haircut with the Moon in Leo will help improve the structure of the hair, make it stronger, hair will fall out less. It is good to make various masks to strengthen hair, as well as any scrubs for the scalp, masks to cleanse the hair. Cleansing Masks especially useful for those who often use styling and volume preservation products. These products do not always wash out well with shampoo. Scrubs will improve blood circulation, remove the upper layers dead cells scalp. Will help strengthen hair and promote its rapid growth.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening, shine.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will make you more self-confident, will add leadership qualities.

15 JANUARY, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 20:32.VIRGO from 06:53

Moon without course until 06:52

Despite the lucky day of the Virgin for various procedures, you should not choose this day for a trip to the hairdresser, since the Moon and Venus will be in disharmonious aspect... This means the hairstyle may disappoint you. You can cut your bangs, the hair will grow rather slowly. Various masks are allowed, including masks from natural products to strengthen hair.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can make you more touchy, capricious, picky about various little things.

16 JANUARY, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 21:46.VIRGO

A good day for haircuts, especially classic, feminine haircuts without asymmetrical details and other cutting edge styles. It is better not to do too complex procedures, for example, perm due to adverse aspects of the moon... Also, we do not recommend dyeing your hair: the dye will quickly wash off and change its original color. You can weave african braids or make any styling with a neat weave.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you become more attentive to detail.

17 JANUARY, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:57.VIRGO ,SCALES from 14:17

Moon without course from 09:09 to 14:16

A good time for curling is before 9:00. If you would like to go through complex hair treatments, start them before the moon is in "idle", otherwise the result may disappoint you. Good time for different cleansing masks and hair scrubs.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, hair strengthening, structure improvement.

The psychological impact of haircuts : Will help you become more attention to detail, attract more attention of the opposite sex, make you more popular.

18 JANUARY, Wednesday. 20th lunar day.SCALES

Today you can head to the hairdresser for a new haircut, but be prepared for the fact that the hairstyle may turn out to be rather unexpected... Hair after cutting will grow back slowly. It is better not to change the master, or go to a very experienced hairdresser, the risk of mistakes is great: the hairstyle may simply not go well for you. It is better not to dye your hair, do highlighting or lamination.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts

19 JANUARY, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:06.SCALES

Moon without course from 11:55

You can get a haircut today if you prefer lungs and air hairstyles and don't grow your hair length. It is better to postpone any complex hair procedures: a change is approaching lunar phase... It is good to make masks for volume for thin hair, including at home.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will attract more attention of the opposite sex, make you more popular.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

20 JANUARY, Friday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:14.SCORPION from 01:10

Moon without course until 01:09

The fourth phase of the moon from 01:15

Today is a good time to fight dandruff... Haircuts are not prohibited, but it is better to choose this day as a last resort. It is not recommended to dye your hair today, especially in light colors, it is better to wait for the period of the growing moon.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help strengthen your intuition.

21 JANUARY, Saturday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 02:20.SCORPION

Neutral day: the haircut does not promise a particular effect on the condition of the hair, but the hairstyle may leave positive impression, because Venus and the Moon today converge in favorable aspect... It is better not to do complicated procedures. You can make a variety of anti-dandruff masks, hair cleansing masks, and scalp scrubs.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure, but will help get rid of dandruff.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help strengthen your intuition.

22 JANUARY, Sunday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:25.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 13:46

Moon without course from 04:24 to 13:45

The first half of the day will be unsuccessful for any undertakings. If you have weak and sore hair, today is a good place to start. hair treatment but after 14:00, when the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. A neutral day for hair cutting.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure.

The psychological impact of haircuts : helps to find the target, prompts right paths to her (after 14:00).

23 JANUARY, Monday. 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:27.SAGITTARIUS

Not the best day for a haircut: your hair will grow back rather slowly, and the hairstyle may not suit you at all. Dyeing your hair is also not worth it: paint will quickly lose saturation be. On this day, it is good to do hair treatment at home or in the salon. You can rinse your hair with herbal infusions.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth.

The psychological impact of haircuts : emotional instability, tearfulness, financial instability.

Lunar calendar haircuts and coloring

24 JANUARY, Tuesday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:27.SAGITTARIUS

Moon without course from 20:33

Hair treatment can be continued today. Better to refrain from using hot styling appliances(curling iron, etc.), as it can damage your hair. Dry your hair naturally, you can use curlers. Various cleansing hair masks can be helpful. You can cut your hair, but if you do not complain about their condition.

Effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no effect on hair structure.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help you find the goal, tell you the right paths to it.

25 JANUARY, Wednesday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 06:22.CAPRICORN from 01:44

Moon without course until 01:43

Not a bad day for a haircut: there is every chance that a haircut will help strengthen them, make them more thick and healthy... Today, choose the classics and it is better not to experiment, as experiments may turn out to be unsuccessful. You can perm, but you shouldn't dye your hair: the paint will wash off quickly.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts

26 JANUARY, Thursday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 07:10.CAPRICORN

Today also good time for a haircut especially if the rate of hair growth is not important to you. Choose only a proven master, and also do not experiment with new haircuts. It is better to postpone complicated procedures.

Effect of haircuts on hair : medium height, hair strengthening.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help advance your career.

27 JANUARY, Friday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 07:52.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 11:38

Moon without course from 10:18 to 11:37

Bad day for complex hair manipulations, it is better not to visit hairdressing salons at all. Let's admit home care behind the hair: various masks for strengthening, for accelerate hair growth, to increase the volume.

Effect of haircuts on hair : no particular influence.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can attract negative events.

Auspicious haircut days according to the lunar calendar


28 JANUARY, Saturday. 29th, 1st lunar day from 03:07, 2nd lunar day from 08:28.AQUARIUS

NEW MOON at 03:07

The morning of this day magic time when you can bring positive experiences into your life with thoughts and visualizations... A visit to the hairdresser is not prohibited, light and air haircuts though not the best day this month. The moon begins to grow, which means it is good to cut the ends of the hair to stimulate rapid growth.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, no effect on hair structure and condition.

The psychological impact of haircuts : will help bring a lot of new things into life, new acquaintances.

29 JANUARY, Sunday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 08:58.AQUARIUS , FISHES from 19:11

Moon without a course from 08:52 to 19:10

Today is a bad day for going to the hairdresser: any hair procedure, especially for treatment and restoration, can be unsuccessful. Be careful when choosing styling products. After 19:00 you can start removing unwanted hair. Especially in the area of ​​arms, armpits or face, however, remember that this is the time of the waxing moon, so the hair will grow back quickly.

Effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, but can make hair weaker.

The psychological impact of haircuts : no particular influences.

30 JANUARY, Monday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:24.FISHES

Bad day for haircuts and other hair manipulations. Better not to wash your hair at all. Deletion is acceptable unwanted hair... Today it is dangerous to dye your hair: dye can ruin it, there is a high probability allergic reactions... Refrain from using new unverified hair products.

Effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of haircuts : can make you more insecure.

31 JANUARY, Tuesday. 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:48.FISHES

Another unfavorable day for visiting a hairdresser. Also, do not take care of your hair at home. Compound Moon and Venus in Pisces this day can hardly save the situation. You can use this day for shopping (after about 15:00).

Effect of haircuts on hair : Fast growth, but can make hair weaker, contributes to dandruff and other hair problems.

The psychological impact of haircuts : can make people more insecure, nervous and aggressive.

Hair lunar calendar for January 2017 (table)

Haircuts for faster hair growth: 1, 2, 5-8, 28
Haircuts to strengthen hair: 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25, 26
Thermal haircuts: 7, 16-21, 25, 26
Male haircuts: 13, 14, 16-21, 25, 26
Trimming the ends of the hair: 1, 2, 5-8, 28
Bangs haircut: 13-26
Styling: 7, 13, 14, 25, 26
Curlers: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 24, 27-29
Head massage: 5-8, 17-22
Staining: 1, 2, 3, 28
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 1, 2, 6, 28
Depilation, epilation: 3, 4, 11, 12, 30, 31
Curling: 7, 25, 26
Hair straightening: 7, 25, 26
Lamination, hair shielding: 7
Weaving braids: 7, 15, 16, 25, 26
Hair extension: 7, 13, 14
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1, 2, 5-10, 28, 29
Volume masks: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 27-29
Cleansing Masks: 13-27
Scalp peeling: 17-22
Dandruff relief: 20-22
Hair treatment: 7, 16, 22-24
Herbal rinses: 22-24
Trichologist consultation: 15-17
Computer selection of hairstyles: 1, 2, 28, 29
Purchases: 7, 10, 17-19, 31
The most favorable days for working with hair: 7, 13, 14, 25, 26
Bad days for complex procedures: 3-5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27, 31

A haircut is an important part of our look. The appearance of hair can tell a lot about a person and their lifestyle. The lunar calendar will help you choose favorable days for haircuts in 2017.

In addition to cutting and dyeing hair, there is another important part of a woman's image. Hands real beauty must be well-groomed and manicure must be impeccable. The manicure lunar calendar for 2017 will help determine auspicious days for going to the master.

When to get a haircut in January 2017

January 1 - 2: the growing moon is in the constellation Aquarius. This period is favorable for ultra-short or asymmetrical haircuts, as well as for dyeing hair in bright colors.

Jan. 7: the growing moon in Taurus. A haircut on this day will significantly improve your hair and give it shine and strength.

January 9: the waxing moon will be influenced by the constellation Gemini. Today will be favorable for those who are growing their hair: growth will be significantly accelerated and the hair will begin to curl slightly along its entire length.

The 25th of January: waning moon in the constellation Capricorn. A haircut today will stop hair loss and split hair, but slow down hair growth.

Haircut in February

The second month of winter is generally not the most favorable for haircuts: the hair gets little nutrients, and will grow back for a long time. You can fix this by making nourishing masks for hair growth.

February 11: Full moon. An extremely favorable day not only for a haircut, but also for any wellness treatments as well as staining in different shades redhead.

February 23: waning moon in the constellation Capricorn. A haircut today will help the hair not break and fall out, and the dyeing will be successful, the dye will stay on the hair for a long time.

Haircuts in March 2017

March 24: growing moon in Taurus. Cutting your hair during this three-day period means giving your hair strength and health. Hair will become smooth, shiny, grow faster and fall out less.

9th of March: growing moon in Leo. Today is an extremely auspicious day for cutting and dyeing your hair. Also, this lunar day is favorable for taking care of your hair.

11th of March: The moon continues to grow and interacts with the constellation Virgo. A haircut today will greatly speed up hair growth and give it splendor.

April haircuts

Auspicious days for haircuts in April will be:

April 5: growing moon in Leo. If you cut your hair today, it will become thicker, healthier and shine.

April 7 - 8: Moon in the constellation Virgo. Cutting during this period of time will accelerate hair growth and stop hair loss. Coloring in light brown and chestnut shades will give you prudence and help you find the answer to a question that has long tormented you.

April 17 - 18: the waning moon in Capricorn. A haircut today will help your hair less split and breakage, and honey-based masks will enhance the healing effect of a haircut.

April 27: the growing moon in Taurus. If you want to get rid of the problems and obsessive attention of people you don't like, then cut your hair today.

Favorable days for haircuts in May

May is considered the best month to tidy up hair after winter cold and spring beriberi. If you want to improve your hair, then cut it shorter: it will grow back quickly enough and will look more radiant and stronger.

May 2: The moon will be in the growing phase and interact with the constellation Leo. Haircut will give hair healthy shine and will make them thicker and more obedient. Avoid using styling products.

May 27: the growing moon in Gemini. A haircut on this day will make your hairstyle airy and give your look lightness and charm. If you want your hair to grow faster, then trim the ends and use special hair growth plots.

May 30 - 31: growing moon in Leo. This period is favorable for classic haircut medium length and permed hair.

June haircuts

June 5: the waxing moon is influenced by the constellation Libra. A haircut on this day will give your hair lightness, it will become less dirty and easy to comb.

21st of June: the waning moon in Taurus. A haircut today will not only give your hair health, but also cleanse your energy from the accumulated negativity.

June 26: The moon enters the growth phase and interacts with the constellation Leo. Trim your hair today if you want to strengthen the roots and speed up growth.

June 28 - 29: growing moon in the constellation Virgo. This two-day period is especially favorable for a healing haircut with hot scissors.

Haircut in July

In the second summer month a haircut is especially recommended for weakened, brittle and dull hair... If you cut such hair in the second half of the month, then it will begin to recover quickly.

Favorable days for a haircut will be:

July 8: the growing moon in Capricorn. A haircut will strengthen hair follicles thereby reducing hair loss.

July 24 - 25: growing moon in Leo. Hair after cutting during this period will be filled with strength and become thicker and shinier.

July 27: the growing moon in Virgo. A haircut on this day will strengthen both your hair and your position in society. Also these lunar day will be favorable for dyeing hair in a dark color.

July 29: growing moon in the constellation Libra. Haircut this day will fill you up sexual energy, and perm can refresh your relationship with your loved one.

When to cut your hair in August 2017

5th of August: the growing moon in Capricorn. A haircut on this day will attract good luck and prosperity to you, and your hair will begin to fill with the energy of well-being.

August 22 - 23: growing moon in the constellation Virgo. Hair after cutting in this two-day period will grow faster and less breakage. Also, the period will be favorable for dyeing hair in light colors.

Favorable days for haircuts in September

September 2: the growing moon in Capricorn. A haircut that day will help you find own path in life and achieve success in any material matter.

11 September: waning moon in the constellation Taurus. A haircut on these lunar days will pleasantly surprise you: your hair will become softer and more manageable, and old envious people can leave you alone.

September 21st: the growing moon in Libra. Haircut in this autumn day will give your hair shine and a pleasant, healthy weight. Hair may start to curl and be slightly unruly at first, but after a few days everything will return to normal.

Haircut in October according to the lunar calendar

Auspicious days for haircuts in October 2017 will be:

2 October: growing moon in Aquarius. The creativity and imagination of today's haircut will attract bright and interesting events into your life.

17 October: waning moon in the constellation Virgo. The day is favorable for romantic medium length haircuts: for example, cascading haircut can charm your future love.

October 25 - 26: the growing moon in Capricorn. During this period, a haircut will best affect thin, weakened and brittle hair: it will heal them and accelerate growth.

November haircuts in 2017

November 4th: Full moon. On this lunar day, any procedures will give your hairstyle beauty, and your hair - health and strength. A favorable day for any haircuts and hair coloring in any natural colors.

November 22 - 23: growing moon in the constellation Capricorn. A haircut during this period will accelerate hair growth and attract the energy of money into your life. Use hair masks with linseed oil to strengthen hair and give it shine.

November 25: growing moon in Aquarius. Any extravagant haircuts today can work out wonderfully well. Do not be afraid to experiment with your appearance: you can dye your hair in unusual color and thereby attract dramatic changes into your life.

Favorable days for hair cutting in December

The end of the year is the best time to renew your energy and change your appearance... A haircut in December 2017 will help you cut off all the negative that happened to you over the entire period of time and attract more positive events into your life.

Most suitable days this month will be:

December 2nd: growing moon in the constellation Taurus. This day is favorable for multi-level haircuts in romantic style, perm and styling with a curling iron.

9th December: waning moon in Virgo. A haircut on this day will help you clear your energy from negativity and envy, and make your hair more manageable and healthy.

It is generally accepted that by horoscope March special time... Firstly, this is almost the end of the season. In addition, you will have holidays, a small (or even a big) rest.
There are many holidays in mate 2019, at the beginning of the month you will definitely need to do fashionable hairstyle... Let's say right away - each of the months, in accordance with the horoscope, requires a certain hairstyle. Today, everyone already knows that in March, hairstyles should be done in accordance with the horoscope of haircuts. Shortening curls made in " the right days"Will not only make your hair thicker, but will bring longevity, success in business. Based on the above principles, compiled moon horoscope haircuts for March 2019 and April

The fact that cutting your hair affects not only the quality of your hair, but also your fate was discovered by the ancient inhabitants of Tibet. They have long known about the relationship between health and hair condition. The people of Tibet believed that our hair was the source vital energy... In order not to suffer karma, all actions with hair can be carried out only in certain days, in accordance with the horoscope, which is based on the lunar calendar.

What does he think modern science about hairstyles in April and even more so in March 2019?

And she thinks that in any months it is possible to visit a hairdresser, and you can not only cut your hair, but also do epilation and even mesotherapy. But all this should be done on favorable days of the month in accordance with the horoscope of haircuts. However, the advice of the horoscope should be followed not only in April or March 2019. Now everyone recognizes that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences - when visiting the salon, you should always adhere to the recommendations of the Moon and the oracle.

How to cut and style your hair correctly in 2019.
According to the horoscope of March, favorable days are 1, 2, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.

According to the horoscope:

  • In order for the curls to grow quickly, to be healthy, and to keep the paint on them longer - you need to get a haircut, you need to paint with the growing moon. Then masks should be made.
  • And vice versa - a haircut with a waning moon slows down the growth of the strands.
  • If the growing Moon is in Leo or Virgo, the effectiveness of creating a new hairstyle increases.
  • The full moon is a great day to free yourself from negativity (but not always, you must take into account the constellation where the moon is located). Do you want to free yourself from negative energy- cut the ends of your hair. Together with the cut strands, not only will all the negative go away, but the hair will grow better, acquire shine and strength.
  • But when the Moon is in the constellation Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, you cannot not only cut your hair, but paint, do a chemical fill.

Haircut horoscope for March 2019

March Day of week Lunar day number Zodiac Phase
15 Fri 9,10 Cancer Waxing Crescent Unfavorable day according to the horoscope of March, precisely for cutting and dyeing hair. Otherwise, quite a good time
16 Sat 10,11 Auspicious day. According to the horoscope of March, it is worth spending it on a visit, at a lecture, with children in the cinema, but only after visiting a hairdresser
17 Sun 11,12 Leo The Oracle considers this day to be extremely unfortunate for a haircut. We will believe, and we will not go in line. We will wait until tomorrow and make sure that the horoscope is always right.
18 Mon 12,13 Dreaming about new hairstyle? The time to cut your hair in March according to the oracle and the advice of the horoscope has already come.
19 W 13,14 Virgo According to the horoscope, today, successful or stylish haircut quite likely. Do not wait better days and go to the salons
20 Wed 14,15 The oracle of haircuts promises a successful trip to the stylist. We believe the horoscope and go get a haircut.
21 NS 15,16 scales Full moon On the advice of the oracle, on this day of March we go around the hairdresser's side. Let the masters wait, there are other delights of life: TV, clubs and shops
22 Fri 16,17 Waning moon An extremely unfavorable day. The haircut oracle does not guarantee a successful haircut outcome. Do not injure the curls. Wait for April.
23 Sat 17,18 Scorpion Auspicious day. According to the horoscope, you should not limit yourself in the desire to cut your hair. You can and should go to the master
24 Sun 18,19 Didn't listen to the horoscope yesterday ?? Today, the lunar calendar and horoscope provide an opportunity to correct your mistakes. Shorten your curls.
25 Mon 19 Sagittarius A very auspicious day. The Oracle recommends not to abstain. From everything. And from the hairdresser's haircut. We go to the salon.
26 W 19,20 Neutral day. There are many good haircut days this month. Today the horoscope gives "good" or does not.
27 Wed 20,21 Capricorn The Oracle predicts a good time for a haircut and hair dye
28 NS 21,22 According to the horoscope, a haircut in March is simply necessary today. We are all going to shorten the curls.
29 Fri 22,23 This day of March according to the horoscope of haircuts, it is better to spend in a hairdresser. Of course, not all ...
30 Sat 23,24 Aquarius Horoscope of haircuts or hairstyles. Everything is one. Not a foot to the master. Bad day. Wait and hope, April is ahead.
31 Sun 24,25 Horoscope haircuts for March, today we will not please. Auspicious days of April are ahead.

Haircut horoscope for April 2019

March Day of week Lunar day number Zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days
1 Mon 25, 26 Fishes Waning moon This day, according to the oracle of haircuts for April, is good for shortening or changing the color of your hair. It is worth postponing all business and planning a trip to the stylist
2 W 26, 27 The horoscope for April guarantees an auspicious day. You need to use it to cut your hair. Look in love horoscope, go to the planetarium, but after the salon
3 Wed 27, 28 The oracle of haircuts promises a favorable time for shortening hair. We don't stay at home. And there are good days ahead
4 NS 28, 29 Aries According to the horoscope of haircuts for April, this is an unfavorable day. Let's believe and not go to the hairdresser.
5 Fri 29, 30, 1 New moon Today, according to the horoscope, a successful or stylish haircut is questionable. The "new" Moon is to blame. We stay at home to wait for better days.
6 Sat 1, 2 Taurus Waxing Crescent The day, according to the oracle of haircuts, is not a good day for shortening or changing the color of your hair. It is worth postponing the planned visit to the stylist, it will be unsuccessful.
7 Sun 2, 3 According to the horoscope, the haircut will be successful. But ahead are not too successful days for going to the masters
8 Mon 3, 4 The horoscope promises a favorable time for a haircut. We do not wait for April, the oracle promises good luck after visiting the salon. We will go, will you ??
9 W 4, 5 Twins Auspicious day. According to the horoscope of April, it is worth spending it on a visit, at a lecture, with children in the cinema, but only after visiting a hairdresser
10 Wed 5, 6 All predictions are negative. And the oracle and the horoscope and even the lunar calendar are all against today's haircuts. Let's believe and not go to the hairdresser.
11 NS 6, 7 Cancer According to the horoscope of haircuts, a trip to the master will be very unsuccessful. A visit to a stylist will be remembered for a long time. But not the result.
12 Fri 7, 8 Dreaming of a new hairstyle? The time to cut your hair in April according to the oracle and the advice of the horoscope has already come.
13 Sat 8, 9 Leo According to the horoscope of haircuts for April, not the best time for a haircut. The Oracle is silent. We stay at home.
14 Sun 9, 10 The oracle does not recommend this day for cutting and dyeing hair. Wait and hope, May is ahead.