Origami with your own hands. Paper figurines. Simple paper origami for children (16 photos) Origami for children 6 7 years old birds

Origami for kids is a quick and budget-friendly way to keep a child entertained in their free time or while traveling. Children are delighted with paper cranes, flowers and jumping frogs and want to learn how to make the same shapes.

But paper figures can be more than just fun toys for kids. Origami is given as a gift-talisman or decorates the house with them. In addition, the art of paper folding is a useful activity for children of any age.

What are the benefits of origami for children

The first to use origami in children's art was the German teacher of the 19th century, Friedrich Fröbel. He created a paper origami course for kids to help them better understand geometry.

But this is not the only practical benefit of origami for children's development. Educators and psychologists have noticed that folding paper figures helps children:

  • develop fine motor skills and accuracy of movement;
  • learn to concentrate;
  • train memory and logical thinking;
  • develop a sequence of actions.

When can you start doing origami with a child

It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the child. At 3-4 years old, you should try to evenly fold a square of paper in half, from 5-6 years old - make simple figures with the help of an adult. If the child shows interest, gradually classes can be complicated. In any case, origami classes have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills in children, which means crafts will get better and better.

Origami for kids: 12 useful videos

To practice origami with a child, you will need: paper (white and color), scissors, pencil, ruler, glue. The most important thing for the first lessons is to choose the available schemes. To simplify your task, we have made a useful selection of videos of paper origami master classes for children.






Bunny - bookmark for books




jumping frog



History of origami

When folding figures with a child, tell him that he is engaged in a very ancient type of arts and crafts. It is not known exactly where origami originated. History says this: when the secret of making paper, which the Chinese zealously kept, came to Japan, a real origami boom began here. It was such a valuable material that it was used for religious ceremonies. Tearing a sheet of paper was considered a sinful act.

The first paper figures began to be made in monasteries, where paper folding turned into a real art. But as soon as paper ceased to be a rarity and became more affordable, other classes also picked up the idea of ​​origami. In medieval Japan, rich parents did not skimp on any money, just to find a good origami master for their child.

Origami was used everywhere: lovers hid messages in them, aristocrats decorated coats of arms with them, not a single festive event was complete without paper figures. But the secrets of folding were strictly kept within the family until the 19th century. With the development of industry, the value of paper fell and origami ceased to be an occupation accessible only to the aristocracy.

A new surge of interest in origami occurred in the 60s of the XX century. Origami master Akira Yoshizawa came up with a system of universal signs, which greatly simplified the understanding of the technique of folding paper figures. Since that moment, origami has become a worldwide hobby for adults and children.

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Of all the materials for creative work, plain paper occupies a special place: it is used for many crafts. Adults and children love to work with this material. Easy paper origami crafts are available for kids from 3-4 years old. Any creative activities contribute to the intellectual development of children.

Origami (folding paper figures) has long been a real art: the history goes back several centuries. If earlier it was available only to monks and members of the nobility, then with the spread and availability of paper sheets, this type of creativity has gained popularity in many countries of the world.

Small children do not like to sit in one place: babies are attracted by the novelty of the world around them. But already from the age of 3, it is necessary to prepare the crumbs for schooling. The main requirements for the behavior of fidgets are perseverance, the ability to memorize and assimilate new knowledge. To help the development of these and other qualities of character are capable of various types of creative works made by one's own hands.

Crafts develop fine motor skills, accustom to accuracy, perseverance. First of all, origami classes are:

  • development of spatial thinking, logic and memory;
  • acquaintance with the basics of mathematics, geometric shapes, the development of the child's mathematical abilities;
  • ability to read diagrams, drawings;
  • development and training of fine motor skills;
  • education of perseverance, purposefulness, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • knowledge of beauty and harmony.

What to do with a child at home, how to make a baby sit quietly for at least a while - these questions often worry parents. Folding paper figures will not only calm the fidget, but also bring up many useful qualities in the little man.

The availability of this type of pastime is also due to the availability of the material. Ready-made sets of colored, corrugated, velvet, metallized paper are presented in stores. But for simple and easy crafts, you can use old newspapers.

It is believed that children over 3-4 years old are capable of creating paper figures using the origami technique. However, there are several simple models of figurines that a two-year-old toddler is able to make. Children are introduced to simple paper origami in preschool institutions.

At home, mommy can organize lessons for the crumbs herself, creating light and beautiful figures from paper.

There are many simple paper origami for beginners available on the Internet - diagrams with step-by-step instructions for assembling paper models.

The first models for kids from 3 years old

Currently, in addition to the classic origami, there are other types of it, but for beginners and young children, it is best to start acquaintance with the world of origami with the simplest classical schemes. Classical origami is the folding of models from square sheets of paper, without using either glue or scissors to create figures.

The simplest crafts for beginners include: an airplane, a boat, a tulip, a dog or a cat. Consider how to make these figures step by step.


A simple model of this flower with the help of a mother can be assembled by a very small child. The older the child, the more complex schemes for creating a tulip are available to him: they turn out to be already voluminous, with opened buds. A simple scheme for a kid from 2 years old will allow him to make a beautiful craft, and give mom a reason to be proud.

Stage one

Take a red square piece of paper. Help your child fold it diagonally. Unfold the sheet and fold in half along the second diagonal.

Stage two

At the resulting triangle, bend the corners from the center line. Bend the lower sharp tip of the bud. You have a tulip bud.

Stage three

Take a square green paper sheet. Bend the corners, directing them to the diagonal of the square.

Stage four

Fold the resulting figure in half. Get a green triangle. Bend the bottom corner of the figure - you have a tulip stem.

Stage five

Connect the flower and stem on a thick paper base. The result was an application of a tulip using the origami technique. The piece looks very nice. A kid can give such a card to his mother or grandmother.

This is a simple scheme, where there are no complex folds. A baby can master this craft under the guidance of a mother.

To create an animal will help familiarity with the technique of creating a dog.


Stage one

Fold the paper square diagonally. Before you should lie a triangle in which the right angle is directed downward.

Stage two

Bend the top two corners down to make ears.

Stage three

Bend the bottom corner of the craft up - you get the muzzle of a dog.

Stage four

Let the kid draw the eyes and nose of the dog. Color your craft however you like.


White paper required. Prepare a black pencil, felt-tip pen or paints. White and black colors are relevant for the panda.

Stage one

It is necessary to outline the fold lines. To do this, we fold the square sheet twice diagonally, and bend the corners on the left and right sides forward.

Stage two

Bend the resulting upper corner in the opposite direction.

Stage three

Reduce the resulting panda face around the edges.

Stage four

Bend the bottom corner forward. For the spout, fold the corner of the top edge down.

Stage five

We draw a muzzle.

Light figures include cars, tanks. More complex models are images of birds and insects. Children 8-9 years old can already make origami of a person on their own. Creating such a figurine requires an understanding of the classic folds and developed motor skills of the child's fingers.

To create a New Year's mood, there are many light models of Christmas trees and voluminous snowflakes made using the classic origami technique. Paper rings are very popular among girls. However, such models are quite complicated for beginners. To learn the technique of creating a paper ring, you can familiarize yourself with special master classes.

diy toys

The first light toys include finger puppets. With the help of them, you can arrange theatrical performances for the kids. For animal figurines, you can make paper fingertips. For dolls, you can create beautiful outfits, furniture for doll houses.

The older kid makes more complex models to play with.

Consider easy paper origami schemes for creating a frog and an airplane.

The most popular type of craft. You can do it in a few minutes. Any paper sheet is suitable for creating.

Stage one

Take a landscape sheet of rectangular paper. Fold it in half lengthwise. Unbend.

Stage two

From the side where the nose of the aircraft will be, bend the corners 2 times, directing them to the center line: first at a right angle, the second time at an acute angle.

Stage three

Bend the sharp tip of the nose in half, pointing it towards the center of the divergent wings of the aircraft.

Stage four

Bend the resulting aircraft blank in the middle.

Stage five

Bend the resulting model in the middle, clearly forming wings.

Such an airplane can be made from an ordinary notebook sheet or a newspaper page, and arrange competitions with the baby, which plane flies further. This type of easy craft is one of the easiest and favorite among children and many adults. Sometimes landscape sheets are used to create aircraft. The craft becomes heavier, but more resistant to wind.

jumping frog

A paper frog that can jump is very popular with children of any age. Schemes on how to easily make a jumping frog can be found in different versions. Let's consider the classical scheme.

Stage one

It is necessary to fold a square sheet twice diagonally. Before you is a rectangle with two squares.

Stage two

Fold the top square along two diagonals as well. Expand. Pull the opposite triangles on the left and right gently with your fingers to the center. Fold the square on the bottom in half.

Stage three

Point opposite sides towards the center. Bend the bottom half in half again.

Stage five

Fold down the top two corners of the bottom. Pull the resulting parts along the fold, straightening them. If you bend the resulting corners, then the lower legs of the frog will come out. For the upper paws, fold the upper triangles to the sides.

Stage six

The lower part of the resulting torso is bent in half. Then bend it down a little. Turn over - the jumping frog is ready. She can draw eyes.

These easy crafts will captivate your kid into the world of origami for a long time.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

Articles written

Origami for kids. First lessons.

1. Prepare a square of any color.
Bend it diagonally.
2. Fold the resulting triangle in half and unfold (to mark the center with a fold). Expand the cat's ears (the lower corners of the resulting triangle) up and to the sides.
3. Fold the upper double corner towards the ears.
4. Turn the craft. Glue eyes, nose and mustache or draw.
This is one of the easiest origami models that small children can make with their own hands.


Prepare a square of any bright color.
Bend it diagonally.
Fold the resulting triangle in half m.

Unfold the craft so that the drop-down sides are on top. Bend the upper sharp corners in different directions.
Glue the paper tendrils. The finished butterfly can be decorated with circles of their colored paper or painted.

Prepare a square of any color.
Bend it diagonally. (Basic shape is “Triangle”.)
Fold down the top left and right corners. These will be the ears of our puppy.
Fold the top and bottom corners back.
The puppy is ready. Glue eyes, nose or draw.
This is one of the simplest origami models (diagrams) that even kids can do with their own hands.

You can't even imagine how much joy and fun this primitive hand puppet in the form of a frog will bring. The craft is very, very easy to make, and it can be classified both under the heading “origami for children” and under the heading “Do-it-yourself puppet theater”. Even a 3-4 year old kid can make such a craft.
Half of a thick sheet (format of a sketchbook) is green. A small piece of red paper for the tongue. And you can just draw eyes.
Manufacturing process:
Take half of the green landscape sheet.
Lay it vertically in front of you. By eye, divide the sheet vertically into three parts and bend it towards you along imaginary fold lines. It does not matter that it may not turn out quite accurately - this will not be visible.
Now fold the resulting long rectangle in half away from you, so that the uneven edge remains on top.
A rectangle should lie in front of you with the fold line up. Fold the bottom edge up, turn the figure over and repeat the procedure. It should turn out to be a kind of accordion.
Now we glue the cut out tongue, draw eyes and put it on our hand. (Fingers in pockets)

small house
Square sheet of paper. The machine looks best when folded from a square of 15x15 cm (a square from half of an ordinary album sheet). If the paper is one-sided, then the house will turn out more expressive, since the roof in the finished house will turn out to be of one color, and the walls of another.
1. Fold a square sheet in half horizontally. The top color will be the color of the roof, the color remaining inside the folded square will be the wall.
2. Fold the resulting rectangle in half vertically, indicating the center. Pin the fold line and unfold.
3. To the center line of the fold, we bend the sides of our rectangle on both sides. Should be a square.
4. Expand the square again to a rectangle.
5. The most difficult thing for children: Open the side so that the top of the paper is bent in the form of a triangle. We do the same on the other side.
6. Here is the final result of the house. You can leave it in a planar version, or you can unfold the side walls and put it on a plane.

Origami is the ancient art of folding figures from a sheet of paper. It appeared in China more than two thousand years ago. In Japan, they learned about this technique only five centuries later. Despite this, the land of the rising sun is considered the birthplace of origami.

At first, this art was temple, it was owned only by the elite, using folded figures in rituals and sacrifices. Gradually, the religious significance of origami was lost, and folded figures began to be used by representatives of the upper classes at wedding ceremonies, and later for decorating houses.
Messages were even hidden in paper figures, and they could be read without tearing the paper, only those who were initiated into the secret of origami. When paper became a more accessible material, special art schools began to open. Owning this technique was a sign of good taste.

In 1797, the first book about origami was written in Japan, called How to Fold a Thousand Cranes. At that time, in Japan and China, they believed that if you folded a thousand paper cranes, your most cherished wish would come true.

Many famous people of the 19th century also did not disregard this type of creativity. The German teacher Friedrich Froebel (1782 - 1852) gave a new round of development of origami, improving it in the process of studying with schoolchildren. He believed that origami develops logical thinking in children.
In the middle of the 20th century, the Japanese master Akira Yoshizawa created a unified system of signs for sketching the folding of even the most complex forms of an item.

After the Second World War, origami went beyond the East and gained a lot of fans in America and Europe.

Classical origami involves folding a figure from one square sheet without the use of scissors and glue.

But at the end of the last century, such a variety of this art as became popular. It is based on the creation of several paper modules (their number can reach several thousand), which are then assembled into a single structure. There are also other types of origami, such as wet folding, flat folding, simple origami. The latter type was created for inexperienced origamists (for example, for children) or for people with limited motor abilities.

Paper origami for children is a great opportunity to entertain a child with a game that not only captivates, but also develops. Folding paper figures contributes to the development of fine motor skills, develops logical and spatial thinking, imagination, instills diligence, patience and perseverance. Finished figurines can be used later in the game, or decorate a room with them.
For the manufacture of any product, you only need paper, in some cases - glue and scissors.
In this section you can see origami schemes for children and master classes. They will help you make any model you like with your child.

Origami is also an art that began to develop in Japan, and now funny cranes, frogs, boats are known in many countries.

The name "origami" itself is a derivative of the two words "ori" - "folding" and "kami" - "paper". Often, one sheet of paper is used to fold origami, and only then different folds are used in a certain sequence. Classical origami is precisely the art of creating various figures from paper without using scissors or glue. He has a kind of kirigami - paper sculptures.

In Japan, origami was associated with religious symbols, each figurine was given a special meaning. Initially, paper was very expensive and valuable, so only rich people could afford to do origami: beautiful figures were presented as a gift, they decorated homes and temples. Over time, the complexity of the figurines increased, real masters of their craft appeared, who created real masterpieces.

Of course, it is difficult to make a work of art with kids, but it is better to start as early as possible. For a child to master the process of making paper crafts, it will take time and a little patience. It is best to start classes from 4-5 years old, at first you can make this or that figure, and the child will observe, then you can involve the child in this business. Moves from elementary and basic figures to more time-consuming and complex ones.

Video: Origami paper sweets

Origami is not only an interesting pastime, but also a significant benefit.

Fine motor skills, coordination of movements, spatial and creative thinking develop. With the help of origami, you can instill in a child patience and perseverance, help to realize the capabilities of their hands. Even elementary geometry can be studied with the help of figures: tell your child what an angle, vertex, square, circle, and so on are. By the way, it is also useful for adults to escape from the usual hustle and bustle and do something creative and interesting.

In this article, we offer you origami schemes for the smallest, but the crumbs will have to work hard to create their first independent masterpiece.


This is probably one of the most famous origami crafts. For the manufacture you need a rectangular sheet of paper. It needs to be bent in half, and then the upper corners are bent inward to form a triangle. We bend the rest of the rectangle, and then slightly stretch the figure until a rhombus is formed.

Now the final stage: we bend the protruding corners on both sides, we get a kind of pyramid. It needs to be straightened a little and make sides for the ship. The ship is ready to sail! It's time to try it in a stream or even in the bath!


A paper basket for storing writing materials or picking berries can be made from a simple sheet of paper. We bend the sheet diagonally, cut off the strip below or carefully tear it off, and then fold the sheet again, but along a different diagonal. We bend the corners of the square inward, towards the center of the figure. We turn the workpiece over, bend one quarter of the square to the center and pull out the corners, we do the same with the other side. It turned out small triangles, they need to be bent inward, the ends with right angles are also bent inward. We turn the workpiece over again, bend the ends with right angles to the sides, turn it over, form a basket by pulling the inner edges and give it a square shape. The product is ready!

Video: Face-changing paper emoticons


Take a regular sheet of A4 paper. Now bend it in half, the upper corners should match the vertical. Now fold the side edges inward again. The resulting triangle also needs to be bent in half and you get the wings of the aircraft. Now let the child arm himself with paints or felt-tip pens and paint his work, and then you can practice flying!


Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half to make a triangle. The top and bottom corners need to be evenly bent.

Now we bend the rhombus in half, bend the corners of the ears a little inward, and then straighten them so that they turn out to be slightly sticking out. Now take a felt-tip pen and add the missing details: eyes, nose, whiskers, cat's mouth.

The child will definitely enjoy making such funny gizmos with mom or dad.


To make such a cobra, you need a square sheet of paper. We bend it diagonally, then unbend it again, turn the sides towards the diagonal.

Then once again bend the sides to the center of the figure, bend the sides from below to form two triangles, and then lower the top corner, turning our figure inside out. Now it's time to color the resulting cobra.


You will need a square sheet of paper. Conditionally mark the middle lines on it and fold along them, bend the corners towards the center of the figure.

Now fold the corners diagonally.

The workpiece must be folded in half again.

Bend the corner inwards.

Now we take felt-tip pens and draw the bird's eyes and wings.


We take a square sheet of paper, conditionally divide it in half and fold it diagonally.

We bend the corners along the lines.

The top corner now needs to be bent forward.

We draw big eyes, it is possible a beak, we paint wings. The owl is ready.


We take a sheet of square format, fold it diagonally, then bend the lower part along the line.

We bend the upper corner, bend the lower corners along the drawn lines towards the center of the figure. Fold the bottom corner up.

Now we draw (or paste cut out of paper) eyes, nose, teeth. Funny rabbit is ready!

little penguin

We bend the square sheet diagonally, then step back a little from it and bend the corner, bend it forward.

We turn the figure over, bend the corners along the drawn lines.

We bend the corners again, and then turn the workpiece over again.

We bend the corners on the sides, and bend the top corner down.

We draw eyes, you can paint the torso. The penguin is ready.

Simple crafts will surely appeal to your children, and origami will become a new family tradition!