Autumn equinox. Equinox practices. Fortune telling on the day of the equinox in September

Day autumn equinox v 2017 - m year will take place on September 22 at 20-02according to Greenwich. In different time zones, the equinox, like the solstice, occurs at different times.

On this day, the length of the light period of day and night are compared and are 12 hours each. In the following days, the length of the night will increase, while the daylight hours will become shorter and shorter. According to natural calendar from that moment on, astronomical autumn enters into force in the northern hemisphere, while in the southern hemisphere - spring.

Our ancestors approached this day with great expectations, but very differently, and, as it turned out, they did it not by chance. On this day, many things changed, starting from nature and ending with the inner worldviews of many people.

Someone was going to go shopping, while others, on the contrary, were preparing for a massive restocking that day.

Someone was looking for a groom, while others were establishing relationships with people close or dear to their hearts.

The fact is that the day of the autumn equinox is successful and favorable for a number of signs and indicators. On this day, everything radiates positive energy, which simply needs to be filled in order to achieve all your goals and objectives.


Equinox in September


Time, UTC-0 (worldwide)










It is worth noting that the autumnal equinox does not always fall on the 23rd. So in leap year(every 4 years) this day falls on September 22. For many reasons, the day of the equinox is special.

There are only two days in a year when our planet becomes vertical relative to the position of the Sun. In terms of energy, this day is very significant and important.

Exactly September 22-23(see above by year) many people are given a special chance to change their destiny and make their life happier. All that is required of a person is a little faith and the manifestation of initiative, which subsequently will surely pay off with interest.

From the point of view of the astrological calendar, in 2017 the time of the autumn equinox is a special period that favorably affects spiritual harmony. Especially good at this time are various kinds of negotiations, as the stars are conducive to openness and communication. Those who need to attract the attention of the opposite sex should be especially active on this day. Since the stars are conducive to the establishment of new relationships or the restoration of old ones. All that is needed for this is to be active and communicate a lot with the opposite sex or the object of sighing. Rest assured, you will definitely be reciprocated.

If you have some kind of long-standing quarrel that you would like to eliminate, but it still doesn’t work out, then try this day. It is said to be especially suitable for various kinds of conciliatory conversations. Those who practice meditation should use this day to conduct one of the sessions.

The fact is that since the day of the autumnal equinox is full of energy, then this kind of opportunity is simply not to be missed.

Celebrations of the Autumn Equinox.

September 22, 23, 24 - the autumn equinox - magical days when any of us can clearly touch the miracle.

From the moment of the autumn equinox, the power of the sun decreases every day to the very winter solstice, after which it will again begin to increase, bringing the new agricultural season closer. In the meantime, after a temporary balance, the time of the power of darkness comes. The earth is preparing for winter: they gather in flocks migratory birds and starts autumn leaf fall.

The autumn equinox for our ancestors was a time of giving thanks to the gods for the harvest and prosperity, as well as honoring the dead and decorating the graves.

At the end of September, they went to the forests for mushrooms and medicinal plants, made wine from ripe apples and grapes (in southern Europe), and also marked the end of the harvest with thanksgiving feasts.

Special meaning on the day of the autumn equinox they gave rowan:

On this day, rowan brushes, along with leaves, were inserted between window frames in the evening, believing that from this day, when the sun begins to weaken, the rowan will protect the house from the forces of darkness.

It was also believed that a rowan branch plucked that day could help with insomnia.

The autumn equinox is associated with the energy of Mother Earth. Therefore, on this day, special attention was paid to cooking and festive table.

The abundance of food helped reinforce the image that there would be enough food for everyone in the winter.

In Russia, the day of the autumn equinox was considered a holiday and was always celebrated with pies with cabbage, lingonberries and meat, as well as folk festivals.

On this day, waking up early in the morning, the first thing you need to go to the shower. According to beliefs, in the soul, a person will completely wash away all the accumulated negative energy and be clean and open to positive reception. It is also recommended to bake a cabbage pie during the day.

Important so that the cake turns out round and does not burn. If the cake turned out delicious, and during the cooking process the dough quickly rose - this clear sign what you will receive soon good news that will surprise and delight you.

There are also a number of signs related to this day, by which you can determine the weather for the coming autumn and winter. The weather on the day of the autumn equinox will be a forecast of the weather that will be fixed for the whole autumn. At the same time, if you notice that the birds on this day began to leave their native lands and fly south, this is clear sign that the winter will be cold and harsh. Another factor indicating the upcoming cold winter and frosts, is the presence of yellowed foliage on birches and mountain ash.

How to live the day of the autumn equinox consciously and profitably:

First of all, I suggest that you conduct a meditation on grounding in the morning. This is especially important during a period when the cold is just around the corner. Few dare to walk barefoot on the ground in the icy winter.

A the energy of the earth with its strength, stamina and calmness is needed by a woman at any time of the year. Another plus of the grounding technique is self-confidence, the ability to see your path and follow it. Also, don't fall when it's icy.

So this is very simple technique visualization that optimizes energy flows in your body, removes all blocks and strengthens your connection with the physical plane so that you do not "fly away" into dreams and illusions.

Sit or stand, but keep your back straight. Hands can be joined in front of the chest. Close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply. Focus on your breath until you feel deeply relaxed.

Imagine that a long wire is tied to the base of your spine, extending into the floor and further into the ground. If you want, you can imagine that this is a root that goes deep into the earth. Choose the color of the wire at will, each time this color may be different. Now imagine the earth energy moving up this wire or root (if you are sitting, imagine it moving up through the soles of your feet), flowing through all parts of your body and the top of your head. Hold on to this image until you actually feel this flow. Now imagine that the energy of the Sun flows from above through the top of your head, through your body and through the ground wire into the ground.

Feel how both streams move simultaneously in your body in opposite directions, blending harmoniously. When you feel that the energy flows in you are balanced or that you are filled with energy, you can complete the meditation, thank Mother Earth and Father Sun for their Love and care.

This meditation maintains a balance in you between the cosmic, solar energy of vision, fantasy, and imagination, and the stable, earthly energy of the physical plane, a balance on which depends a sense of well-being and the ability to manifest yourself. You can repeat this meditation any day if you feel a lack of energy. Previously, the "old" cord must be disconnected from the center of the Earth and from the base of the spine and buried, then pick up a cord of a new color.

During the connection with the earth, you can ask the energy to give you what you lack - maybe it is more peace, the opportunity to find your home, support, or the health of yourself and your loved ones. The main thing is to believe!

Pay attention to your home. Just not with the feeling that they need to do it. A with love. On this day, it is good to buy any ceramic items, clay pots for the house.

Arrange a small feast for yourself and your loved ones. Cover the table with a new tablecloth. Put bread, a pie in the center of the table - if not baked with your own hands, then always fresh. Another required attribute- This is a bowl of fruit. Mandatory - apples. The rest are up to you. Finally, one more important point- this is a branch of mountain ash, which should also decorate the table.

It is important for women to wear skirts on this day., thereby connecting with the energy of the earth and being saturated with it.

After gala dinner, behind which the whole family gathered, all relatives join hands and everyone makes a wish. Energy magical day and the family circle will help dreams come true faster.

For girls and women of marriageable age on this day, you can ask the plentiful hostess of the fall for the groom. To do this, you need to write your request on a piece of paper from sunrise to lunch and leave it on the window. Put a sprig of rowan on top of the leaf. Going "to people" put on any thing of red color - a skirt, a scarf, gloves)

All you need to feel is the feeling of the abundance of the universe and that you are the mistress of your life.

For abundance, the law is important: receive and give. On this day, give everything easily and with joy, give someone a gift or give something away just like that. Accept whatever comes with gratitude.

The mistress of her life is the one who knows what she really needs. Take a walk in nature, breathe in the fresh September air and mentally connect with the energies of nature, ask autumn to carry away your doubts, fears and disbelief that you will meet your betrothed along with flying leaves. Ask autumn to give you a sense of calm and faith. Take any leaf that resonates with your soul and bring it home.

At night, a sprig of mountain ash is good to put under the pillow. Then hide a piece of paper with a desire, a mountain ash and a leaf in a secluded place. And trust life. Everything will happen in right time. And certainly.

For every woman, fate has prepared numerous gifts. And the day of the autumnal equinox is the day when any of us can once again touch the miracle. It is no coincidence that this day is considered an unusual and magical day - the period of the autumn equinox, when day and night divide the day equally, and then the sun begins to prepare for a long winter. And together with Yaril, we will all tune in to new way life. And dive into autumn, which leads a close friendship with the winter-winter.

It is on this day in September, according to signs, that the second half of Indian summer begins - golden time women's rites and rituals. Rowan was given special importance on the day of the autumn solstice:

Bushes with bright and ripe berries were placed between window frames in the evening, believing that from this day, when the sun begins to weaken, the mountain ash will protect the house from the forces of darkness. It was also believed that a rowan branch plucked that day could help with insomnia.

Women wore rowan beads to rejuvenate the body and fill it with energies that will help to conceive and bear a child.

In an even more ancient tradition, it was believed that on the day of the autumn equinox, some invisible gates open between heaven and earth, and therefore it is on this day that you should send your prayers to heaven, make wishes and make plans for the future.

The autumn equinox is associated with the energy of Mother Earth. Therefore, on this day, special importance was given to cooking and the festive table. The abundance of food helped reinforce the image that there would be enough food for everyone in the winter. And, of course, the main dishes were the gifts of the earth: vegetables, pickles, jams, potatoes, bread from new crop flour, honey and pies.

Also on the day of the autumn equinox, it is customary to tune in to financial well-being. In the morning, count all the money in the house three times, do not think about debts and expenses on this day. Give thanks to the world for everything you have. And then more will surely come to you.

Many say that the days that come immediately after the autumnal equinox are very favorable for commercial activities or, simply put, trade. And given fact It is typical not only for those who are professionally engaged in trade and sell goods, but also for those who are consumers and want to buy something. It is on this day that Great chance stumble upon an offer that is simply impossible to refuse. Well, traders are recommended to trade especially actively, as there will be no end to clients.

Make a gift to a person dear to you, and also thank those who have been with you all this time and helped you on life path. Your good deeds will surely come back to you. Well, in general, be sure to enjoy this special day and, if possible, spend as much time outside as possible, because this year, this is one of the last opportunities to enjoy the long daylight hours and admire the nature that surrounds us. After all, the days are still warm and the weather is usually not quite rainy at this time.

Wherever you are today, take some time to magical ritual autumn equinox to reflect on the grace of nature, say thanks for what you have and prepare for the coming winter months.

In philosophical terms, this is the time to take stock, give thanks for what we have, and complete the year's affairs.

Rituals can be carried out within 3 days.

We need to live it consciously and profitably, then we can be filled with the energies of light and gain new qualities.

On this day, you must do:

1. Walk barefoot, soaking up the energy of the earth

2. Organize a small family feast, bake pies with cabbage, meat, lingonberries

3. For family table everyone join hands and make a wish

4. On this day, accept everything with gratitude, give someone a gift or give something away just like that.

5. Count all the money in the house three times, do not think about debts and expenses. Thank the world for what you have and more will surely come to you.


Take a thin candle and a string from natural fibers(wool, cotton, silk) any color.
Think about what this year has brought you? How did he enrich you?
Light a candle and remember good event say it thank you Higher power and tie a knot.
If the candle burns out and the events are not over, light a second one and continue.
This rope means your gratitude to the world, keep it and when you want to thank the universe, tie a new knot!


Collect autumn leaves, stand by the water or into the wind.
For each leaf, talk about what you regret and release the leaf into the water or into the wind with the words:

"Let my losses and regrets (fears, doubts) carry away the waters of life.
I say goodbye to this event with joy and without sadness! Nothing lasts forever, let all the hardships go away, I let them go from me!


For those who are married off, it's time to ask the plentiful hostess of autumn for a groom.
Dress up long skirt, and any item of clothing in red.
Write your wish on a piece of paper. Put a leaf under the mountain ash (you can bury it, you can just press it with a branch).
Take home from the tree a bunch of rowan berries. At night, put a rowan branch under the pillow.
Pleasant dreams! You won't have to sleep alone for a long time!

Leaf ritual.

This ritual can be performed to release fears and regrets and welcome the arrival of winter. Anyone who has seen an abundance of swirling bright red, yellow, orange, fluttering brown leaves will understand that this is a time for the release of great energy, as well as the struggle of day and night, when in the end the day resigns itself to the arrival of long nights.

Like winds blowing in time spring equinox, brought new life, so the autumn rains will carry away all that is done and not done, leaving time for more calm reflections. This is the period when the Sun shines softer, and the harvest ripens around. And we can cheerfully say goodbye to summer.

A set of items for the ritual:

Colored candles: blue - a symbol of autumn rain and green - Mother Earth.

Symbols: ripe fruits and vegetables, autumn leaves, berries and nuts.

Stones: blue lace agate, aventurine, malachite, labradorite.

Flowers, herbs, oils and incense: chrysanthemum, geranium, lemon, parsley, pine, sage.

Collect the basket autumn leaves or withering plants and place around it fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts of the current crop.

At the four corners of the altar, mix blue and green candles, starting with the green one in the west, marking with them a square that contains both the joys and sorrows of the past year. Make the square large enough to work comfortably.

Light first the blue candle in the north, then the green one in the east and the blue one in the south, saying:

The light is born, it grows, it sparkles and shines,

It adds strength to life, we plow and plant,

We create and protect, we travel far, to receive what is destined."

Finally, light the green candle of autumn in the west (this is where the Celtic Other World is located, in which souls find peace and where they are then reborn). Tell:

The harvest has been reaped, and the fruits of our labors have been added to Mother Nature's abundance.

Now take a large vessel (or cauldron) filled with water and place it in the west of the leaves and the circle of the fruits of the present crop.

Take a leaf, symbolizing the collapse of everything, unfulfilled hopes or plans, and a second leaf, meaning the achievement of goals or the solution of problems, call the first leaf "regret" and the second "luck" and throw the leaves into a vessel of water, saying:

"Losses and gains have equalized: both will carry away the waters of life."

Eat a nut, or a grain of wheat, or some fruit, saying:

“I take with gratitude the wealth of the harvest and say goodbye to the summer joyfully and without sadness.”

Keep listing your sorrows and let the leaves float, eating nuts and grains, until your list of sorrows is over.

Move the candles closer to the vessel with water. Looking into the water, you will see the play of light and shadows on the surface of the water. If you like, drop blue and blue candle waxes into the water to create images that will show you how to turn dark days into days of wealth and fulfillment.

After leaving the house, scatter the unused leaves in the wind, saying:

"Fly freely, fly joyfully, regretting nothing, return renewed in the spring."

Treat family and friends with the remaining fruits and vegetables.

Ritual of friendship and well-being:

If you want to feel unity with family or friends, call prosperity, productivity and peace to your home, to your land.

Description of the ritual:

With words like this: May we have prosperity and peace and a rich harvest. In the name of God and Goddess."

If your friends or relatives are not aware of your beliefs, you can say this phrase to yourself.

Equinox practices.

In addition to rituals, it is especially useful to perform harmonization practices on the day of the equinox.

The easiest way to get energy from the sun. It is necessary to disconnect from extraneous thoughts, concentrate your attention only on the object, raise your hands to the Sun and mentally imagine how its energy enters your body.

Feel the flow of warm golden energy that enters you through the hands of the eye, through the whole body.

The energy of the earth with its strength, stamina and calmness is also very necessary at any time of the year.

In order to receive the energy of the Earth, it is necessary to touch its surface with the feet and palms. Walking barefoot is the best possible ways. Energy will flow through the fingers and toes. Here again, full focus on the process is needed and inner feeling rest.

Grounding technique - gives self-confidence, the ability to see your path and follow it.

Standing or sitting with a straight back, close your eyes. Bring all your attention to the soles of your feet. They should stand on the floor, in contact with the surface. Imagine that your legs go down like roots into the ground, adding stability to you, fixing you. You can stay in this state, watching how the relationship with the energy of the earth takes place, for as long as you need.

Don't waste such an important energy day!!!

Your fate is in your hands, be active on the path of creating happiness!

Ceremonies and rituals on the Day of the autumnal equinox September 22, 2017. September 22, 2017 is celebrated . It is notable for the fact that day and night are equal to each other. But also the Day of the autumnal equinox is characterized by the fact that it is filled with an incredibly powerful flow of energy. Esotericists are sure that it is on this day that you need to spend

For this ceremony you will need fresh harvest apples. It is best that they are grown by you. However, if this is not possible, you can buy them on the market. In the most extreme case, apples can be purchased at the store. The number of apples should be equal to the number of family members. Each of the household members should hold an apple in their hands for some time. Then put the fruits in a basket or on a dish.

In the evening, light a candle, peering into its flame, say out loud the names of all family members. Focus your thoughts on the problems and difficulties that are bothering you. Say the words:

“Poured apples, warmed by the Sun, grown by the power of the Earth, plucked in the fall, completing the year. Each apple of adversity takes away, prosperity attracts to the family. Good luck will accompany us (names), and adversity will bypass.

These apples should be eaten by the whole family. The leftovers should be taken away from your home, so the negative will no longer have access to your home.

This ritual is quite simple. Our ancestors used it to get rid of all the evil that haunts in life.

We need to go outside at dawn. Meeting the Sun, say the words:

“I stand before the Sun with my troubles and hardships. Collect them in a day, deliver them from them at sunset.

You also need to go outside at sunset. Seeing the Sun, say:

“Take away all the troubles and hardships from my life, don’t leave it to anyone.”

The next day, it is tedious to present a gift to the Sun. It can be a pie baked by you, a loaf or fruits and vegetables of a fresh harvest. Thank the luminary for kindness and support.

There is another ritual to get rid of problems on the Day of the autumn equinox September 22, 2017.

To do this, you need to collect in any park bright leaves flying around from the trees. For each sheet, write a separate problem. Then let the leaves fly into the wind. This simple ritual will help you get rid of life's adversities and negative energy.

A ceremony to attract well-being on the Day of the autumnal equinox on September 22, 2017.

To perform this ceremony, you need to go to the river or lake on the Autumn Equinox Day on September 22, 2017. Sitting on the shore, you need to write down everything that worries you on pieces of paper. After that, these notes must be floated on the water, saying the following:

“I give my problems to the water, let my problems float away, adversity disappears.”

Then scoop up a handful of water and wash your face. Then throw a coin into the pond, saying:

“The payment for goodness is disinterested, I wash myself with clean water. As the coin touches the bottom, so will prosperity return to life.

Experts say that all these rituals can be performed not only on September 22, 2017 on the Day of the autumn equinox. For another three days, everything will be permeated with powerful energy flows. Therefore, all three days can be used to improve your life.

Fire Phoenix New Year

On September 22, 2017, on the day of the Autumn Equinox, all enlightened Russ - Russians - Slavic-Aryans - will celebrate the New Year of the Fiery Phoenix! During this period, Summer 7526 comes from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.Kh)!
At present, the World is still under the influence of the "Biblical civilization" and most people use the dates from the Nativity of Christ and the Gregorian church calendar. Also kept in memory Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian by about 13 days, called the "old style". It so happened in Russia that since the time of Peter I, every year in January they remember him when the "Old New Year" is celebrated.

Also, the media obsessively reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese and other calendars. For example, the Chinese are currently in 4713, the Jews have already celebrated their 5778.

Of course, this expands the general outlook, but in order for it to become more real, objective, and reflect the true worldview, we need to touch our native Old Russian tradition chronology.

All holidays of the Rus are astronomical and are associated with their native Vedic faith. Therefore, they are firmly tied to the Cosmos and Star time, and do not depend on any human innovations - neither on the "old" nor on the "new" style of chronology.

The origins of the culture of our Ancestors lie many millennia before the beginning of the "new era", and echoes persist to this day...
In them we find the most ancient layer - objects and phenomena of the immediate environment, which were woven into human life.
These are the forces of Cosmos and Nature, and our Great Ancestors associated with them: Svarog, Lada, Perun, Veles, Makosh, - Our entire Family. But also the animal and plant world, trees, groves, forests, rivers, lakes, stones, scrolls, etc.

Our Ancestors had many totem animals into which the Russian Gods could turn, that is, they were hypostases of these gods: Bear (Veles), Wolf (Semargl), Horse (Kitovras), Eagle (Perun), Finist Clear Falcon(the image of the Rus), Phoenix (Eternal life - the Svarog cycle), etc.
The ancient Faith of the Rus is characterized as - Russian philosophical and Vedic teaching - wisdom that everything that exists is God, identifying the Universe, Nature and the absolute beginning of being. And man is a microcosm. God is not outside, but inside - in the abyss of the human soul. The object of worship was Nature, perceived as a single organic whole, full of various manifestations of life and in constant motion.

Slavism is the oldest world Faith on our planet. The main core of the Slavs is the Old Russian Vedic Culture. The Slavs are Aryans - Russ - Russians who adhere to the Old Russian Vedic Faith, who glorify Rule - the laws of Space and Nature - the universal law of Svarog that governs the world. To glorify Rule is to glorify God. Praise Rule - this is Orthodoxy. As you can see, the Faith of our Ancestors was already called that at that distant time. Slavism - gave the basis to all the world's religions that exist today.

The Rus are a wonderful people with great Ancestors and a rich culture! And our people each month have their own holidays associated with Nature, Cosmos, our Russian Gods - our Family.
The Old Russian calendar - Kolyada Dar - Krugolet Chislobog came to us from our Ancestors from Slavic-Aryan astrology, according to which our Midgard-Earth not only moves around the Yarilo-Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves in a circular cone. This movement is called precession. And as a result of this, the complete turnover visually observed from the Earth starry sky occurs in 25920 years - this is the known period of revolution solar system Yarilo-Sun around the center of the galaxy. Our ancestors called this celestial cycle the Svarog Circle (Days of Svarog).

The cycle of rotation of Midgard-Earth around the Yarilo-Sun was called Summer. From the word summer in our language, the concepts of chronicle, chronicler, chronology, etc., have been preserved.

Likewise, the most big period the time of our ancestors "Svarogy Circle" - was also great: 25920 years. Such a huge figure still remains unnoticed by contemporaries who are accustomed to living on the scale of one human life, and not by the time scales of the Cosmic existence of mankind and ice ages.

Throughout the Svarog Circle for an earthly observer, our Yarilo-Sun moves across the firmament from constellation to constellation (otherwise - the chamber) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Yarilo-Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices. In what chamber is the Yarilo-Sun on September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) or March 22 (Latin, Western style) in that era we live.

Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans in the firmament distinguished not 12, but 16 zodiac constellations, then, accordingly, the zodiac era, in their opinion, lasted 1620 years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Yarilo-Sun every 1620 years passes into a new chamber (constellation).

Almost all the holidays of the Rus coincide with the life cycle of the Earth and the Cosmos, and therefore not only spiritual, but also something else is important - familiarization with Nature, bringing into your life the feeling that the Universe is alive.

For tens of millennia, calendar dates served our Ancestors, helping them to cultivate the land, harvest, hunt and fish in time. Summer, divided into sixteen (modern - into twelve) parts, was depicted on ritual thickets and corresponded to each month special sign. Summer (annual wheel) - Kolo Svarog - carried a special meaning, which consisted in the eternal rebirth and renewal of all living things. But the calendar is important not only for weekdays, it is always decorated with happy holidays.

Ramhat is coming - the month of the Divine Beginning. This month is associated with the beginning of the Russian calendar New Summer - the New Year in the New Slavic Space Age of the Wolf under the auspices of God Veles.

1 Ramhat - September 22 - Day of the autumn equinox, Day of the Family. Svarog Day, Holiday harvested crop- Russian New Year!

Astronomically, autumn begins on Ramhat 1 or September 22. These are the autumn months in which the Sun passes through the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Cold dew, the bee ceases to carry a bribe. Then the meeting of autumn, they see off the sunset in the field, with songs. And the last flight of swallows, roasting (completion of the harvest).

In the old days, this month was also called "ruyin" - from the roar of autumn winds and animals, especially deer. The old Russian form of the verb “ryuti” (roar) is known, which, when applied to the autumn wind, meant “roar, blow, call”. He received the name "frown" due to his weather differences from others - the sky often frowns, it rains, autumn comes in nature. Another name for this month, "spring", is due to the fact that heather begins to bloom at this time.

But the most ancient name of the month was "Ramhat" - the month of the Divine Beginning, the month of fortieth - 41 days. The first day of the month Ramhat corresponds to September 21-22, that is, the Slavic-Aryan day included the evening and part of the night of September 21, plus the rest of the night, morning and day of September 22.

During this period, Makoshino Poletye is celebrated - “old Indian summer”, a series of holy days until Ramhat 38 (October 28), dedicated to the Goddess Mokosh the Ancestor, the last warm days of the outgoing summer. Goddess Makosh - Goddess of the Universal Destiny, Goddess of the Law of Karma.

Makosh complements Veles, which personifies female wisdom, takes care of female fertility and productivity, thrift and prosperity in the house, and also patronizes female needlework on Earth. Goddess Makosh - Main Goddess Russ! Thanks to this Goddess, in Russia there is the concept of “unknown fate”, since all the threads of the Fates are in the hands of Mokosh (whose Will is known only to the Family). Patronizing entirely family happiness and prosperity - Makosh is a rather strict and demanding Goddess.

Field work is ending, Makoshino Poletye is passing, the last warm days of the outgoing Summer are coming and Great holidays are coming: Rod, Svarog, Lada, Rozhanitsy, Mother Earth, Harvest!
This is the time of summing up, and the onset of the New Summer - making decisions on the conclusion marriage union, - after all, this is the astronomical Day of the autumn equinox - 1 Ramhat (September 21-22)!
On this day, they bring the requirements of the Almighty Family and the Heavenly Family - Ancestors-Ancestors, and also glorify the Earthly Family - all relatives by the Rule of the living:
"Glory to God Rod forever, praise to us for deeds."

1 Ramhat (from September 21 to 22) - Svarog Day - the most important day - the Day of the autumn equinox - the Feast of the Heavenly Smith. The rites of closing Svarga (interruption of the living connection between Heaven and Earth) have already passed. The influence of the Light Gods is falling. The earth remains in the care of Veles ...

So that people could survive a difficult time, Svarog gave them an ax, the art of craft. Therefore, blacksmiths, carpenters and all craftsmen are especially honored. The autumnal equinox, or harvest time, has traditionally been associated with the harvesting of wild or green fruits, gifts from Mother Earth. This equinox is the second of two days of the year when day equals night in Svarog Kolya, the end of the harvest of vegetables, fruits and leftover grains.
The day of the autumnal equinox reminds of the arrival of winter, during this period magic rituals are held to ensure that there is enough food in winter: the rite consists in the fact that at the festival they were first shown and then eaten best gifts summer...

On September 22 or 23, the autumn equinox occurs, when day and night last for 12 hours. The autumnal equinox is the astronomical beginning of autumn. After the date of the autumnal equinox, the sun enters the southern hemisphere. Since the autumnal equinox, the reduction of daylight hours seems to us the most rapid

Dates of the autumnal equinox for the coming years:
2017: 22 September 20:02 GMT (September 22, 23:02 Moscow time)

2018: 23 September 1h54 GMT (23 September 4h 54m Moscow time)

2019: 23 September 7h50 GMT (September 23, 10:50 Moscow time)

Pagan Celebrations of the Autumn Equinox

From the moment of the autumn equinox, the power of the sun decreases every day until the winter solstice, after which it will again begin to increase, bringing the new agricultural season closer. In the meantime, after a temporary balance, the time of the power of darkness comes.

The earth is preparing for winter: migratory birds gather in flocks and autumn leaf fall begins. The autumn equinox for our ancestors was a time of giving thanks to the gods for the harvest and prosperity, as well as honoring the dead and decorating the graves. At the end of September, they went to the forests for mushrooms and medicinal plants, made wine from ripe apples and grapes (in southern Europe), and also marked the end of the harvest with thanksgiving feasts.

In philosophical terms, this is the time to take stock, to express gratitude for what we have, and to complete the annual affairs.

Mabon - Celtic festival of the autumnal equinox

On the autumn equinox, the ancient Celts celebrated Mabon - the festival of the second harvest and ripening of apples. Mabon traditions from pagan times are alive in many European countries, where harvest festivals are traditionally held at the end of September.

Often the Harvest Festival (Harvest Appreciation Day) is held on the Sunday following the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. This full moon is called the Harvest Moon.

Usually the harvest festival takes place at the end of September, but sometimes it falls on the beginning of October. On this day, parishioners decorate churches with baskets of fruits and vegetables from their gardens, produce from farms, and fresh flowers. After the service, this food is distributed to those who need it. Make sure to donate to the local community.

There was a tradition among farmers of holding a special dinner to which everyone who worked on the farm during the year was invited so that the farmer could express gratitude to his helpers.

Sometimes these suppers were called the supper of the last sheaf: the harvest is over and the feast begins. Farmers competed among themselves who will harvest the fastest.

In the Middle Ages, the Roman Church replaced the ancient September festivals of gratitude with Michaelmas Day (the day of the Archangel Michael, September 29), the celebration of which inherited many of the traditions of the ancient festivals of the autumn equinox.

Veresen, autumn - ancient Slavic holidays of September

In early September, the Eastern Slavs celebrated Osenins (giving away Ovsen) - a holiday of the beginning of autumn and thanksgiving to the Earth for the harvest. Ovsen in Slavic mythology was a deity responsible for the change of seasons. By the beginning of September, the harvest in the fields was coming to an end, but garden work was still going on. After Osenin, hop harvesting began.

The sun in the view of the ancient Slavs (as well as other pagans) passed through different hypostases during the year, associated with the seasons. In September, the sun from the "adult" (from the summer solstice to the autumn equinox) state passed into the "senile" state, which lasted from the autumn equinox to the winter solstice.

On the day of the autumn equinox, the Slavs began the seventh month of the year, dedicated to the god Veles, who was called Veresen (Tausen, Radogoshch). This one great holiday the ancient Slavs celebrated for two weeks - a week before and a week after the autumn equinox. Suryu honey drink was insisted on freshly harvested hops and treated to it during festive meals.

After the autumn equinox, the ancient inhabitants of Russia escorted the goddess Zhiva to Svarga (heavenly kingdom), thanking her for the donated harvest. Svarga was closed for a cold and dark winter period.

The opening of Svarga was celebrated on the last day of the festive week on Komoeditsa (Maslenitsa), which fell among the ancient inhabitants of Russia on the spring equinox - March 21.

Material: Oksana Jeter,


Only twice a year comes a special time when day and night are equal. When not only nature changes, but also the human worldview. Everything is saturated with unprecedented energy, a special period when daylight and darkness last the same amount of time - 12 hours each.

Knowing exactly what day the autumn equinox is in 2017, you need to stop the daily fuss, put your thoughts in order. The autumn equinox is the perfect time for positive changes in life.

Autumn equinox 2017: date and exact time

According to the astrological calendar, this is the time when autumn comes to the northern hemisphere, and spring to the southern. Sunrise occurs exactly in the east and sunset in the west. Although due to the refraction of the sun's rays, daylight hours last a little longer.

But after September 22, the day rapidly decreases, giving way to night. In autumn, the equinox will come when the celestial body crosses the equator and moves to the southern hemisphere. It is at this moment that a huge release of cosmic energy occurs. The most favorable period for new beginnings.

The date of the autumnal equinox, which is different every year, can be either September 22 or September 23.

The astronomical year is about 6 hours longer than the calendar year. Therefore, the shift occurs every year, and if it were not for the extra day in a leap year, which evens out the situation, then the shift would have gone further along the calendar.

In 2017, the autumnal equinox GMT will occur on September 22 at 20:02, Moscow time at 23:02. The time of the event in countries with different time zones is different. The offset occurs exactly as many hours as the country's time zone deviates from Greenwich Mean Time.

With the onset of the autumn equinox, the daylight hours are shortened, and the nights, on the contrary, become longer. The sun pleases us with the last warm rays, the second Indian summer begins. People call this time “golden autumn” and it lasts until October 14th. At this time, autumn leaf fall begins, and migratory birds fly south.

From an astrological point of view, the period of the autumnal equinox is indicated by the sign of the scales. This designation has been preserved since ancient times. Although the sun has shifted a long time ago, and now during the autumn equinox it passes into the sign of the virgin.

Astrologers consider this the most fruitful period for negotiations and reconciliation with loved ones. The main thing is openness in everything, in communication and thoughts.

It is necessary to express words of gratitude for all the good that is in life, and ask the universe for what is most important at the moment. During this period, a positive outcome in all endeavors is most likely.

Rituals for the Spring Equinox

In ancient times, our ancestors lived exactly according to the natural calendar. And with the onset of the autumn equinox, they began a new year.

They always celebrated the holiday on a grand scale, praised the gods, thanked for the generous harvest, sang songs, danced round dances. They also commemorated their ancestors, believing that on this day the connection between the living and the dead world is especially strong.

It is four times a year, during the autumn and spring equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices, that not only the seasons change, but unprecedented energy fills all living things.

People felt this and tried to live in harmony with themselves and nature. Making the most of these days.

Since those times, many holidays have come to us, which have somewhat changed at the moment. But the essence has not changed.

All over the world at this time they celebrate the harvest holidays, see off the summer and prepare for the winter. In China, the autumn equinox is a public holiday.

Using the knowledge of the ancestors, it is worth spending this day as fruitfully as possible. You can perform several rituals to bring good luck and happiness to your home.

The autumn equinox is the perfect time for meditation. Retire to stop the train of thought, let the energy of the cosmos through you and get answers to important life questions.

As the old belief says, early in the morning, after waking up, the first thing to do is to take a shower or bath. This will help wash away all the negativity, cleanse the soul and body. So that nothing welcomes the reception of new positive emotions and energy.

Water during the autumn equinox has a special power. If you wash yourself in the evening, this will help maintain attractiveness and beauty for the girl, and health for the children.

The autumnal equinox is primarily a harvest festival. To have prosperity in the house. You need to bake a pie with apples or cabbage. It must be round.

If the dough rises quickly, and the cake itself does not burn, then in the near future the financial situation will improve.

You can protect yourself and loved ones from the evil eye and everything unkind with the help of mountain ash. It has long been believed that the mountain ash is a kind of conductor between the sun and the earth, contains tremendous energy. It has healing power, and will not let evil forces on the threshold of the house.

In order for the fruits to have maximum efficiency, they must be plucked on the day of the autumn equinox. Freshly picked berries should be laid out on the windowsill. Or make several bouquets of mountain ash, viburnum and spikelets of wheat, tie them with a red ribbon and arrange them around the house. The protective power of amulets will be valid for a year.

If you want to end an unfavorable period in life, then you need to do a general cleaning in the house, then take all the old things outside and burn them. On the way home, it is best to look at your feet. There is a high probability that a “stone of luck” will fall.

You don’t need to specifically look for it, when your eyes fall on it, an inner feeling will tell you that this is exactly what you need. If you are lucky enough to find a stone, then it will become a kind of amulet, and a symbol of change for the better.

It is on September 22 that love energy is especially strong.

Auspicious time to marry, build relationships with your soulmate or to find your love. Single girls put a second pillow on the bed, and leave a second toothbrush next to theirs in the bathroom. Saying "my soulmate, come."

Also, with thoughts of imminent marriage, walnut branches are burned on a saucer, and the ashes are scattered on the street in the evening.

Equinox is a special day astrological year. There are two such days in total: one in the spring in March, and the second in September. How are they different from others? If you go into cosmic details, then the Earth at this time rises vertically directly opposite the Sun, and then, in turn, these days it passes through the equator to the southern hemisphere. In the spring it will move back to the north. Length daylight hours compared to the length of the night.

Astrologers distinguish the days of equinox and solstice, they are significant and have a huge impact on people. But, not only astrologers pay attention to them, the attention of psychics, healers, magicians, clairvoyants and ordinary people is riveted to the equinox. ordinary people, glorifying observation. In conversation we call them people or old people.

What date is the equinox in autumn 2017?

This significant event in 2017 it fell on September 22. Event center Moscow time - 23 hours 2 minutes.

Honored this holiday at all times. The Slavs called it the day of Svarog and ranked it among the magical day in a year. What is its feature? What should be done on this day? And what not? What signs came to us from our ancestors? Let's figure it out.

September 22 is the equinox of 2017. The calendar of nature marks the day as the beginning of autumn, astrologers also join it. On this date, day and night are equal in strength and duration, each of them lasts 12 hours.

After 22, the Sun will shine more in the southern hemisphere, and spring will come there, and in the northern hemisphere -will get only a small part solar energy. We will start autumn. After crossing the equator, the Sun will enter the sign of Libra. This is a constellation of balance, harmony and balance in everything, this year love and mutual understanding are added to these qualities, since Venus and Saturn will rule the zodiacal Libra.

From time immemorial in autumn period The equinoxes held festivals in honor of the sun. People gathered in yards, settlements, went to visit, performed rituals, asked for protection and help from him. People were afraid of the impending night, healers and sorcerers said this was the period of the greatest activity of evil forces, evil spirits triumph, spoil people, their homes and cattle. Therefore, it was important to ask for protection from the Sun before the coming night.

To protect themselves from the forces of evil and enlist the support of nature, people performed many different rituals. , housing, defended their house and yard from attacks of various kinds, made wishes, attracted good luck in love, in trade, did rituals to attract suitors, to protect family happiness, and also performed special ceremonies for a new business in order to protect it from ill-wishers and create a good reserve for its rapid advancement and achievement of the goal.

Equinox is a truly magical day. Its magic has been tested for centuries. It is on the day of equal day and night that magic increases tenfold. The power of the day extends to a few days before the event and a week after it.

Use it too special time, endowed with powerful power to change your life and the lives of loved ones in better side! To discover luck and fortune.

On the days of the equinox 2017 - fill yourself with the energies of light, solar vibration. This energy will help you live well until the winter solstice and wait for the day to begin to arrive. Since the day of the equinox, daylight hours are decreasing very quickly, these are the most dark times, when evil spirits are most active, and the period lasts until the solstice in winter, in 2017 - this is December 21. Let's find out how to live the day of the equinox correctly? And for starters, let's get acquainted with traditions, signs, learn how to do it right, and what to guess on this holiday.

Autumn equinox: traditions, signs, divination

Folk omens

  • You can not take on a new business a week before the equinox, as well as 7 days after.
  • What is the weather on the equinox - such is the whole autumn!
  • If you want to avoid illnesses in the remaining days before the Young Sun, do not overexert your body. Cannot be upgraded physical exercise. Follow the 7 days before the event and the following week.
  • If you want, get up early on the equinox before sunrise and wash or take a shower.
  • If birds are actively flying south this afternoon, expect a harsh winter.
  • If by the equinox the mountain ash and birch will dress in a yellow outfit, the winter will be cold.
  • If you want to live richly and happily, celebrate the equinox for a week.
  • Rowan is rich in harvest - autumn rain, and winter - frost.
  • If there are few berries on the mountain ash, then wait for a dry autumn and the first frosts without rain.
  • Lots of acorns, little snow for Christmas.
  • If you dream of a strong family - play a wedding on the equinox.
  • If you met a wedding procession this year, then your family will be happy all year.

Fortune telling on the day of the autumn equinox

Special calendar astrological dates have always been distinguished by the fact that these days you can guess and find out your future. As if a veil is torn off during these astrological events, and we can get the information that interests us.

The autumnal equinox is on the list special periods for various divination about life and fate. Usually young girls liked to tell fortunes about suitors and weddings. Married ladies also did not miss this opportunity, they wanted to know about the love of their husband, about the strength of the family and the health of their children.

Old people say that everything that is tied to the equinox cannot be untied. Girls and women used this to bind their men to themselves. On this day for loving heart all doors are open! What does it mean? Ask for happiness, children, make a wedding, ask for help in creating a strong family. Do you want to know your future? Guess this day. Choose the main thing correct methods that won't harm you.

All fortune-telling on September 22 is reliable. And the rituals performed a week around the equinox will help change fate, turn it around for the better.

Fortune telling on the day of the equinox in September

Unmarried women and young girls could find out about their future husband. They asked about him from their brownie, or rather from the yard. To communicate with the yard, it was necessary before dawn to go to him with the gifts. They woke up the barn or the yard kind word, and then asked him the most important question of his young life.

So that the barn is not angry, do not forget to appease him. For this, fresh pastries, buns, bread are suitable. Put your hand with a treat out the window. Then ask your question to the owner of the yard: “Dvorovoy, father, tell everything as it is, do not be cunning, accept fresh bread as a gift, and then appoint: to collect life and life, to wait for the narrowed one?”

Listen to the answer after the question. If someone touches your hand, then there will be a wedding this year. If you didn’t feel anything, then there won’t be a wedding this year, and the girl in brides will go until next year. If the hand was cold enough, then the groom with a small income will woo you. And, if the hand became warm, and something shaggy fluffy touched it, then wait for the groom with prosperity.

Fortune telling for married ladies, find out what family life will be like next year

To do this, wait until your whole family falls asleep, go to the window. Open the window and listen. If someone passes by the window or passes with noise, then your family life will be complete and happy. If someone passes quietly, then the year for your family will be boring and unsuccessful. If you stood at the window for 10-15 minutes and no one passed by your windows, and there is silence around, then this year everything will be the same as it was.

To determine what will be the character of the future husband. On the night of the equinox, they put a glass of water on the windowsill. In the morning, according to the state of the glass and the water in it, they judged the character of the groom. If there is a drop of water or a whole puddle near the glass, it means that the betrothed will be a drunkard and a wasteful owner. If the water with a glass remains untouched, then the future husband will be a good host.

Fortune telling what to expect in life next year before the autumn equinox

To find out what kind of life awaits you in the next calendar year, they take several different pies with different fillings and put them in a separate bowl. The filling for pies should be cabbage, meat, berries. To tell fortunes, all willing women stood in a circle. Then each took turns taking a cake from the basket. Then they bit into it, and built a prediction based on the filling.

If you come across a cabbage pie, expect profit this year, prosperity and a rich life.

If you chose a meat pie, wait for a promotion or career.

If you took a pie with berries, then expect an addition to the family.

Want to know what to do on the day of the equinox? Why not? What rituals and ceremonies to conduct in order to change life for the better? Read the following article on our blog:.