Pedagogical Council "Civil-patriotic education of preschoolers". Development of the pedagogical council "Formation of patriotism in the educational process of the school

Pedagogical council

"Civil-patriotic education of preschoolers".

Target: to identify problems, ways and means of improving work on the national-patriotic education of preschoolers.


· To study the current system of work in the kindergarten in this direction;

· To update the content and forms of work on civic-patriotic education, taking into account the possibilities of interaction between teachers, children and parents.

Participants: administration and teachers of the kindergarten.


· Creation of an initiative group for holding a pedagogical council;

· Questioning of parents;

· Study of scientific - methodical literature on the problem under discussion;

· Drawing up a draft decision of the teachers' council.

Equipment and inventory.

A projector, workplaces for the participants of the meeting, a multimedia presentation on the topic of the teacher's council.


I. Introductory part.

A short presentation by the methodologist on the tasks and intention of the pedagogical council.

Here are A3 sheets of paper and stickers of different colors. Draw a tree with 4 branches on a white sheet. In the course of the pedagogical council, we will supplement the tree with stickers.


Academician DS Likhachev wrote: “Fostering love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native city, for the native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for her family, for her home. Constantly expanding, this love for one's family turns into love for one's state, for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity. "

Today, the future of civilization is increasingly associated with the inner transformation of man himself, his spirituality. Humanity realizes that humanistic guidelines should become the starting point for resolving global problems.

There is no doubt that in our time there is a problem of patriotic education of preschoolers. In the previous decade, this direction of educational activity was not sufficiently developed. As a result of this, we see a growing generation for which the concepts of "Motherland", "Patriotism", "Fatherland" are alien. Therefore, the problems of educating defenders of the Motherland, law-abiding citizens, education of mercy and philanthropy have become urgent.

Today, the future of planetary civilization is increasingly associated with the inner transformation of man himself, his spirituality. Humanity realizes that humanistic guidelines should become the starting point for resolving global problems.

Research in the field of preschool pedagogy and psychology testifies to the fact that it is in preschool age that the basic foundations of personality are laid, the process of formation and formation of socio-cultural experience begins, and a person is “formed”.
The upbringing of patriotic feelings at the present stage of the development of society obliges the preschool educational institution to develop cognitive interest, love for the Motherland, its historical and cultural heritage.
The ancient wisdom reminds us: "A person who does not know his past does not know anything." Without knowing your roots, the traditions of your people, you cannot raise a full-fledged person who loves his parents, his home, his country, with respect for other peoples.

The formation of a person as a citizen should begin from his small homeland - his hometown. It is impossible to raise a true patriot without knowing history. Love for the big must be instilled from the small: love for the hometown, the land, and finally, for the big Motherland.

Thus, having laid the foundation since childhood, we can hope that we have brought up a real patriot who loves his homeland.

Question to teachers:

What is patriotic education? Answers on stickers are glued to the tree.

Under the new program, in what area?

In the new program in the field of "Cognition" in acquaintance with others, the section "My Motherland Kazakhstan"

Formation of love for the Motherland:

    at a young age goes through ... love for nature and through emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the surrounding world

    in middle age goes through... (first, teachers write the answers on stickers, then one "voices") cognition of the human world, the natural world, through the formation of the prerequisites for the moral development of the child

    in older preschool age through... (first, teachers write answers on stickers, then one “voices”) a cognitive attitude to the world, through the development of the foundations of ecological culture, through laying the foundations of a respectful attitude towards other cultures, through emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality.

Questions to specialists

Through musical education ...

Through physical education ...

In the classroom with a psychologist ...

At a speech therapist ...

The concept of patriotism

A question for teachers? Patriot, who is he?

    A man inspired by patriotism.

    A person devoted to the interests of any business, passionately in love with something.

PATRIOTISM- loyalty and love for their Fatherland, their people.

The goals of patriotic education:


    Moral consciousness
    environmental awareness
    aesthetic consciousness

Components of consciousness

    A person's knowledge of the facts of culture, history, which he perceives as the phrase "I know that this is ours!"

    A positive attitude towards certain "our" facts of history and culture. ("I am proud, I approve of such events").

    Willingness to participate in activities to develop culture and life in our country. ("I am ready to act for the good of my country")

The tasks of modern patriotic education



Directions of patriotic education





II. Information-theoretical and analytical parts of the pedagogical council:

"As there is no man without pride, so there is no man without love for the fatherland, and this love gives education the right key to a man's heart ..."

K. D. Ushinsky.

This area includes the following activities:(first, teachers write the answers on stickers, then one "voices")

· Measures to perpetuate the memory of those who fell in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland;

· Conducting lessons of Courage, class hours for the Days of Military Glory, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Congratulations and performance with concerts in front of war veterans.

· Collecting material about the fate of their ancestors, relatives - participants in the Second World War, local wars. Acquaintance with family heirlooms keeping the memory of the Second World War;

· Celebrating memorable dates, holding exhibitions, quizzes, contests, watching videos;

· Holding military - sports competitions, as well as other festive events (concerts) dedicated to the great holidays;

In the patriotic education of the younger generation, the role of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel, law enforcement officials is great. The connection between the kindergarten and the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor living in the city is traditional. An invitation to a gala concert dedicated to Victory Day has become an annual event; meetings with participants in the Great Patriotic War are traditionally held.

Knowledge of the history of one's region enriches spiritually, develops a sense of patriotism, pride in one's people. In this direction, various activities are carried out: (first, teachers write answers on stickers, then one "voices")

- excursions to the museum;
- lessons-acquaintance with the historical and architectural monuments of the city and the region;
- design of wall newspapers "Pages of the history of the native land", "To the native land with love";
- Contests for the best readers “Where does the homeland begin?”;

Sultangereeva G.M.'s speech Kazakh language teachers

Thus, having analyzed the work on local history, we can conclude:


Local history is practically absent. Local history work is not holistic in nature, but is an episodic inclusion in the upbringing and educational process.

Proposed: Make a plan for all age groups. Organize a "cinema" with watching video clips, presentations on the topic.

A citizen should not only love his homeland, but also know and be able to defend his rights. (first, teachers write the answers on stickers, then one "voices")

- studying the rules of behavior in kindergarten, school and public places;
- acquaintance with the rights of the child

4 direction. Education on the cultural traditions of the people. (first, teachers write the answers on stickers, then one "voices")

- classes to familiarize yourself with the environment;
- organizing and conducting thematic conversations;
- study of customs, traditions, holidays of their people "Nauryz", "Independence Day", "Day of the unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan";

- studying your family, drawing up a genealogical tree of the family;
- organization and conduct of KVN, projects on moral and ethical topics.

All these events increase children's interest in the history of the Fatherland, give an understanding of the importance of the role of the common man in historical events, and foster respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland, a sense of duty and patriotism.

III. Analytical work.

Now they are debunking and criticizing different aspects of our history, names. And who does not respect his homeland, he does not respect himself, he has no right to respect for himself from other persons. Today we understand perfectly well that the patriotic education of our children must be seriously dealt with. After all, we, the generations that were brought up from the cradle on the basis of love and devotion to their Fatherland, are by no means indifferent to who will replace us.

To identify the level of citizenship and patriotism, a survey was conducted among parents.

IV. Working out a solution.

The draft decision of the pedagogical council:

1. To improve and diversify the forms and methods of work in this area, identifying and using in practice the positive experience of civil-patriotic education.

2. When planning and organizing educational work for the 2nd half of the year

- continue to carry out activities on civic and patriotic education;
- use in work with students a variety of pedagogical, information technologies, multimedia, Internet, dvd, as well as documentary, fictional and historical films;
- invite veterans of the Great Patriotic War, workers of the rear, Afghanistan, as well as parents of students to participate in the events.

3. Annually conduct a survey on civic - patriotic education, in order to identify the level of civic position of parents.

V. Assessment of the work of the teachers' council.

Assessment of the activities of the teachers' council members, usefulness, effectiveness.

Each member of the teacher's council raises a square of the color that corresponds to the statement under this color.

Patriotism is a wonderful thing. Moreover, without love for the homeland, for your land, your friends and neighbors, you can hardly become a citizen. True, love should not be blind. And, perhaps, it is worth distinguishing between love for the state, for power (especially for the existing one) or for the ruling party, and love for one's land, for one's country, with all its shortcomings and tragedies.

True teachers have always taught people only what they themselves followed in life. That is why their advice was effective.

Pedagogical council number 2 "Patriotic education of preschoolers"
MKDOU d / s "Berezka"
Form of the "Round table"
1.Implementation of decisions of the previous teachers' council
2. Speech by the senior educator "Relevance of the problem of Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions" Presentation.
3. Discussion - assignments for teachers on patriotic education
4. Speech by the educator Rozhkova LP .. on the topic "Raising love for the Motherland by means of literary and artistic works";
5. Speech by the educator Shesternina ND .. on the topic "Working with parents on patriotic education";
6. Tasks for the teams "Collect and explain the proverb"
7. Speech by the musical director EI Zubko. on the topic: "The role of music in the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers." Presentation of a selection of musical compositions for listening and learning for age groups of preschool educational institutions
8. Speech by educators Kazakova ML .. Antonnikova AN - presentation of didactic games on patriotic education for age groups
Pedagogical council progress
1. Speech by the senior educator:
The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent today. The idea of ​​patriotism at all times occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - in cultural, ideological, political, economic, military, etc. Patriotism is a complex feeling that arises even in preschool childhood, when the foundations of a value attitude towards the world around them are laid, and they are gradually formed in the child, in the course of fostering love for their neighbors, for the kindergarten, for their native places, their native country. The upbringing of patriotism is impossible without the formation of knowledge of the traditions of their homeland, their land. According to Sergei Mikhalkov, only those who love, appreciate and respect what has been accumulated and preserved by the previous generation can love the Motherland, get to know it, and become a true patriot. Great attention has always been paid to the upbringing of moral feelings in the history of pedagogy. VG Belinsky, KD Ushinsky, N.A. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that from an early age it is important, while educating feelings, to teach a child to balance his own desires with the interests of others. He who, in the name of his desires, throws aside the laws of conscience and justice, will never become a real person and citizen. Meanwhile, the media continues to discuss whether it is necessary to cultivate love for the Motherland? Patriotism supposedly should enter a person in a natural way. The homeland is obliged to take care of its children, shower them with blessings, become an authoritative, powerful state, such that each of us would like to love it. But the question arises: is it possible to determine the amount of those benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love their homeland? (All people are different, someone is content with little, and for someone how much do not give everything a little. If we do not teach a child to love the Motherland, who will need it then? Who will rejoice at its victories, and hurt its sorrows) birth to school "ed. N. Ye. Veraksa, compiled according to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, pays great attention to the upbringing of such qualities as patriotism and respect for traditional values ​​in a child. The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, makes up for the shortcomings of spiritual, moral and emotional education. Education is viewed as a process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, work).
2. Offer to teachers to be divided into 2 teams:
2.1. Assignment for the first team: What tasks are included when working with preschoolers on patriotic education:
1. - fostering a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street.
2. - the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;
3. - fostering respect for work;
4. - development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts;
5. - formation of basic knowledge about human rights;
6. - expansion of ideas about the cities of Russia;
7. - acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem). 8. - developing a sense of responsibility of pride for the achievements of the country;
9. - the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions
Assignment for the second team: Through what forms the system of patriotic education is covered at all levels of educational activity:
- creation of a developing environment for patriotic education;
- thematic classes;
- interaction with parents;
- interaction with society (excursions around the city, district, museum, exhibition hall). 2.2. Task for the first team: What means are related to patriotic education?
- folklore,
- arts and crafts,
- music,
- fiction;
- play, independent play activity
Assignment for the second team: The conditions for the most effective solution of the tasks of patriotic education are:
- A complex approach;
- The teacher's knowledge of the history and culture of his people;
- Correctly selected material (based on the principle of accessibility and comprehensibility); - thematic construction of materials;
- joint work of the kindergarten and the family
3. Speech from the experience of the tutor LP Rozhkova .. on the topic "Raising love for the Motherland by means of literary and artistic works";
4. Speech from the work experience of the educator Shesternina ND .. on the topic "Working with parents on patriotic education";
5. An important place in the folk pedagogy of Russia was occupied by proverbs and sayings. Particular attention in Russian proverbs was paid to the theme of love for the motherland and the defense of the fatherland, I suggest that you collect from these words and explain the proverbs: "Where he was born, there he came in handy", "On the home side and a pebble is familiar."
6. Speech by the musical director EI Zubko. on the topic: "The role of music in the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers." Presentation of a selection of musical compositions for listening and learning for age groups of preschool educational institutions
7. Speech by educators Kazakova M.L., Antonnikova A.N. - presentation of didactic games on patriotic education for age groups
Presentations are attached.
Conclusion: Speaking about the education of citizenship and patriotism, we must first of all make sure that the little person becomes a Man with a capital letter, so that he can distinguish between bad and good, so that his aspirations and desires are aimed at creation, self-determination and development in himself. those qualities and values, thanks to which we will firmly say about him that he is a patriot and a citizen of his homeland.
1.The decisions of the previous teachers' council have been implemented. Work programs have been developed and approved.
2.Take the experience of educators: Shesternina N.D, Rozhkova L.P. on patriotic education of children in preschool educational institutions.
3. Use a card index of didactic games in the patriotic education of preschoolers.
4. To develop one of the projects for the patriotic education of preschoolers.
Recommendations for educators
Memo. An approximate list of equipment when building a corner
on patriotic education at preschool educational institution
When creating a subject-play environment, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic requirements should be observed: all exhibits must be placed accessible to pupils, all submitted materials must be reliable and correspond to the age characteristics of children, have an aesthetic, colorful and attractive appearance.
Younger preschool age
1. Album "My family", "How we live in the kindergarten", "Our Kyshtovka" "(sights of the village)
2. Flag of Russia, Coat of arms of Russia;
3. Thematic illustrations (or photos) of military equipment, by March 8, by February 23, by May 9.
4. Items of Russian antiquity;
5. Works of Russian folk art, works of art on this topic.
6. Items of decorative and applied art (nesting dolls, Dymkovo toys, etc.)
Senior Preschool Age
1. Globe, Physical map of Russia, Political map of Russia, Flag of Russia, Coat of arms of Russia, Coat of arms of the Novosibirsk region, Coat of arms of Kyshtovka, Anthem of Russia, Portrait of the President of the Russian Federation, Portrait of the Governor of the Novosibirsk region
2. Educational books on patriotic education and changing exposition in accordance with the topic covered in the class;
3. Works of Russian writers in accordance with the program of the preschool educational institution;
4. Works of Russian folk art for independent reading and examination;
5. Albums: "My Family", "Native Kyshtovka", "About the Great Patriotic War", etc.
6. Collection of thematic icons (about the village, about the war, about the army, etc. 7. Objects, illustrations, photographs on the topic "Russian life"
8. Cassettes with the recording of fairy tales and patriotic songs;
9. Games for patriotic education;
10. Attributes for s \ r games: caps, garrison caps, peakless caps, capes, raincoats, collars, belts, binoculars, long skirts, scarves, shawls;
11. Elements of Russian folk costume, dolls in national costumes.

Target: raising the professional level of teachers in working with children and parents on the issue of patriotic education.


  1. Pedagogical training
  2. Patriotic education in the "From birth to school" program for each age group
  3. Results of the thematic check
  4. Mini-quiz "Do I know my land well?"
  5. Development of a draft solution

Dear Colleagues! Let's start by analyzing the solution of the previous teachers' council.

So, let's start working on the agenda.

Let's understand the concepts first.

"Motherland"- fatherland, motherland, country in which a person was born. The territory historically belonging to a given people with its nature, population, features of historical development, language, culture, way of life and customs. In a narrower sense, someone's place of birth.

"Patriotism"- it is both devotion to one's Fatherland, and the desire to do everything possible to preserve the cultural identity of each nation that is part of Russia.

"Citizenship"- a moral position, expressed in a person's sense of duty and responsibility to the civil collective to which he belongs: the state, family, church, professional or other community, in the readiness to defend and defend its rights and interests from any encroachment.

And what about the concepts of NATION and NATIONALITY? This is the same?

"Nationality"- a historical spiritual community of people connected by the unity of Faith, spiritual and material culture.

"Nation"- the historical union of NATIONALITIES, the coexistence of which gives rise to the IDEA of a unified statehood to protect their interests, and also nominates specific representatives for the implementation of this idea. A nation always settles itself within the framework of its own state.

Thus, NATION and NATIONALITY are two completely different concepts. The basis for uniting people by NATIONALITY is ethnic kinship and spiritual essence, that is, his faith.

Let's now answer some questions(pedagogical training)

Why, in your opinion, should the formation of patriotic feelings in children begin at preschool age?

(The process of forming a child's self-awareness begins to form in preschool age, and therefore the most important tasks of the development of a preschool child, his civic education are the task of mastering his native culture, educating a citizen of his country.)

What is the role of the teacher in the patriotic education of preschoolers?

(The teacher's worldview, his personal example, views, judgments, an active life position are the most effective factors of upbringing. If we want our children to love their country, our city, we need to show them from an attractive side. KD Ushinsky wrote: “A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt.” But no educator's knowledge will be effective if he himself does not love his country, his city, his people. In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator.)

What methods and techniques do you consider the most acceptable in the work of fostering patriotic feelings?

(You can use a variety of methods and techniques in your work, but it is imperative to take into account the psychological characteristics of the preschooler when choosing a particular method (technique): emotional perception of the environment, imagery and concreteness of thinking, depth and acuteness of first feelings, ignorance of history, lack of understanding of social phenomena, etc. .)

The task of patriotic education is very urgent today.

The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that modern children know little about their hometown, country, peculiarities of folk traditions, are often indifferent to close people, including groupmates, rarely feel sorry for someone else's grief.

In preschool age, the basic qualities of a person are formed, the foundation of the future person is laid. The preschool period is characterized by the greatest learning ability and amenability to pedagogical influences, the strength and depth of impressions. Therefore, everything that is learned during this period - knowledge, skills, skills - are especially strong. It is especially important to lay human values ​​in the child's receptive soul, to generate interest in the history of Russia.

It should be borne in mind that at every age level children acquire not only certain knowledge, but also important moral qualities:

  • civics,
  • love to motherland,
  • respect for its nature, historical and cultural heritage,
  • respect for elders and peers,
  • respect for the culture and traditions of other peoples.

What are the tasks of patriotic education in each age group?

(analysis of the program content on patriotic education in each age group)

Thus, the system and sequence of work on patriotic education of children can be represented as follows:

Family - Kindergarten - Rodnaya street, district - Hometown - Country, its capital, symbolism.

Of course, this scheme does not reflect the fullness of the work on patriotic nutrition, which includes fostering in children love for their native nature, respect for working people. All these tasks are included in the general system of work on this problem: patriotic education in kindergarten is closely related to mental, labor, environmental, aesthetic education.

Before a child begins to perceive himself as a citizen, he needs to be helped to realize his own self, his roots.

The state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2015 No. 1493, is aimed at increasing the social status of patriotic education in educational institutions of all levels - from preschool to higher professional.

Currently, the tasks of patriotic education are family-oriented. The family is the source and link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child. In it, the child receives lessons in morality, life positions are laid. Family education is emotional, intimate, based on love and affection. It is no coincidence that the main task of patriotic education is education with love for parents, loved ones, home, kindergarten, small homeland. The kid should know the history of his family, who his grandfathers and great-grandfathers were. It is important that the child be proud of them. It is useless to deliberately drum into him patriotic knowledge - at best, such upbringing will not be of any benefit.

The solution of the tasks of patriotic education is possible only in interaction with the family, by which we mean the exchange of thoughts, feelings, experiences. In the dictionary of the Russian language by S. Ozhegov, the meaning of the word “interaction” is explained as the mutual connection of two phenomena, mutual support. Modern approaches to interaction between preschool educational institutions and families include treating parents as partners and involving them in kindergarten life.

During the thematic check, the organization of interaction with parents on the patriotic education of preschoolers was checked.

The results of the thematic check will be announced by the teacher (full name)

Thus, based on the study of the work of preschool educational institutions on the patriotic education of children, the fact of insufficient involvement of parents in solving this view was revealed. Basically, the tasks of patriotic education were solved by educators in various activities with children. Work with parents was limited only by the framework of pedagogical education.

Educators reluctantly turn to parents with requests, they are afraid of being rejected, they are afraid to invite parents to classes. But practice shows that the more often teachers invite colleagues and parents to various events, the freer they feel in subsequent classes.

This time, only 4 teachers invited the parents to the class. Of course, colleagues need to implement the experience of these teachers in interacting with parents in their work.

The joint task of teachers and parents is to awaken in children the love for their native land as early as possible, to form in them such character traits that will help them become a worthy person and a worthy citizen of their country, to foster love and respect for their home, kindergarten, native street, city to form a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers, to develop an interest in the phenomena of public life accessible to a child.

And these tasks can be solved only by joint efforts, only by INTERACTING.

What are the forms of interaction with parents? (teachers' answers)

Traditional and non-traditional. The essence of both of them is the same - to enrich parents with pedagogical knowledge.

Traditional forms are subdivided into collective, individual and visual-informational.

Collective forms include: parent-teacher meetings, conferences, round tables, consultations, etc.

To individual shapes include pedagogical conversations with parents; it is one of the most accessible forms of family bonding. Conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting, family visit.

Visual information methods introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include:

  • recordings of conversations with children on a tape recorder,
  • video fragments of the organization of various types of activities, regime moments, classes;
  • photographs, exhibitions of children's works,
  • stands, screens, moving folders.

Currently, non-traditional forms of communication with parents are especially popular. They are built on the type of television and entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents, attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better, because they see him in a different, new environment for themselves, get closer to teachers.

What non-traditional forms of interaction with parents can you name?

Involvement in the preparation of matinees, writing scripts, participating in competitions

Conducting games with pedagogical content, for example, "Pedagogical field of miracles", "Pedagogical case", "KVN", where you can discuss opposing points of view on the problem and much more.

Organization of a pedagogical library for parents, “Home games” (books for parents and games for children are given to them at home)

Leisure activities (“Mother's Day”, “Father's Day”), family celebrations, entertainment and publishing of family newspapers. For example, “How we spent the weekend”, “Traditions of our family” meeting with interesting people, etc.

All forms of work - traditional and non-traditional - are aimed at establishing a connection with the family, so that parents show interest in raising children, become full participants in the pedagogical process.

At the beginning of our teacher's council, we talked about the role of the teacher in raising a child.

I repeat, everything in education should be based on the personality of the educator.

The teacher himself, his worldview, personal example, views, judgments, an active life position are the most effective factors of upbringing. If we want our children to love their country, their city, we need to show them from an attractive side. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "A child has nothing to deny, he needs positive food, only a person who does not understand the needs of childhood can feed him with hatred, despair and contempt."

That is, in order to give the child knowledge, the educator himself must know a lot and be able to, he must love his country, his city, his people, have a huge store of knowledge and wide erudition.

Dear Colleagues! Do YOU ​​know your city, region, country well?

I propose to hold a mini-quiz “Do I know my land well?”. To do this, we need to split into 3 teams.

1 task: Collect proverbs and sayings (“crumbled” into words)

  • About family, mother
    • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place
    • The tree is supported by the roots, and the person is supported by the family
    • It's warm in the sun, good in the mother
  • About homeland, homeland
    • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song
    • Do not spare your time or energy for your Motherland
    • Native land and a handful of sweet
  • About courage, heroism
    • Fight bravely for your own cause
    • Do not be brave on the stove, and do not be brave in the field
    • The dog barks at the brave, and bites the cowardly

2nd task: Our city.

Each team receives a photo of any object in the city. You need to describe this object without naming it. And the other team has to guess what is shown in the photo.

3 task: The coat of arms of the nearest cities of the region

Assemble from parts ("cut pictures"), tell which city this coat of arms, what and why it is depicted.

Assignment for each team: rebus, entertaining local history questions

Task 5: Symbols of the State (Tasks and answers - Appendix 2 )

Anthem, Flag, Coat of arms of Russia

What conclusion can be drawn? All the same, we do not have enough knowledge, i.e. you need to start, first of all, with yourself - read a lot, broaden your horizons.

Our teachers' council is coming to an end. What suggestions do you have for working out a solution?

Draft decision.



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  4. Belaya K.Yu. Artistic-aesthetic and social-moral education of a preschooler, Moscow: Shkolnaya pressa, 2007.
  5. Zelenova N.G. We live in Russia: senior group. We live in Russia: a preparatory group for school. M .: Scriptorium. 2003, 2008.
  6. Kondrykinskaya L.A. Where does the Motherland begin? Experience in patriotic education at a preschool educational institution. M .: Sphere, 2005.
  7. T.V. Krotova "Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents"
  8. L.V. Loginova What the coat of arms can tell us ... Non-traditional forms of work with preschoolers on patriotic education. M .: Scriptorium 2003, 2008.
  9. Novitskaya M.Yu. Heritage. Patriotic education in kindergarten Link - Press, M., 2003.
  10. “Interesting figures and facts about the Chelyabinsk region” (short guide: authors-compilers M.S. Gitis, A.P. Moiseev - Chelyabinsk: ABRIS, 2003)

Oksana Serzhenko
Pedagogical Council "Patriotic education of preschoolers"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten combined type No. 23 "Fairy tale"


(script of the pedagogical council)

Compiled by: Serzhenko O. N.,

older educator


« Patriotic education of preschoolers»

1. Speech by the senior educator

2. Discussion - assignments for teachers on patriotic education

3. Speech teacher Chepurova E... N.

4. Speech teacher Tsvetkova A... V.

5. Tasks for teams "Collect and explain the proverb"

6. Speech by the musical director A. G. Semina

7. Results of the thematic check

8. Speech educators Davydenko A... A., Cheremisina E. I.

1. Speech by the senior educator:

Problem patriotic education the younger generation today is one of the most relevant. Idea patriotism at all times occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - in cultural, ideological, political, economic, military, etc. Since 2001, a number of steps have been taken in our country to develop a system of mechanisms, aimed at reanimating the spiritual and moral potential of our citizens. On October 5, 2010, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 795, the State Program “ Patriotic education citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015 ". The main goal of the program is to continue the development and improvement of the system patriotic education of citizens. Patriotism- this is a complex feeling that arises back in preschool childhood, when the foundations of the value attitude to the world around them are laid, and are formed in the child gradually, in the course of education love for their neighbors, for kindergarten, for their native places, their native country. Education of patriotism it is impossible without the formation of knowledge of the traditions of their homeland, their land. According to Sergei Mikhalkov, only someone who loves, appreciates and respects the accumulated and saved by the previous generation can love the Motherland, get to know it, become genuine patriot. Upbringing great attention has always been paid to moral feelings in the history of pedagogy. V.G.Belinsky, K.D.Ushinsky, N.A.Dobrolyubov and others believed that upbringing in the child of a citizen of his homeland and is inseparable from education it has humane feelings - kindness, justice, the ability to resist lies and cruelty. V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered: what is important from an early age, raising feelings, teach the child to balance his own desires with the interests of others. He who, in the name of his desires, throws aside the laws of conscience and justice, will never become a real person and citizen. Meanwhile, the media continues to discuss whether it is necessary cultivate love for the Motherland?Patriotism supposedly must enter a person in a natural way. The homeland is obliged to take care of its children, shower them with blessings, become an authoritative, powerful state, such that each of us would like to love it. But there is question: Is it possible to determine the amount of those benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love their homeland? (All people are different, some are content with little, and for some, don’t give everything a little. If we don’t teach a child to love the Motherland, who will need it then? Who will rejoice in her victories and hurt her sorrows) In the program "From birth to school" ed. N.E. Veraksa, compiled according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is given a lot of attention education the child has such qualities as patriotism, respect for traditional values. The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education, makes up for shortcomings of the spiritual, moral and emotional education... Education is viewed as a process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, labor).

2. Suggest to teachers to divide into 2 commands:

2.1. Task for the first commands: What tasks are included when working with preschoolers on patriotic education:

1. - upbringing a child has love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city.

2. - the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;

3. - fostering respect for work;

4. - development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

5. - formation of basic knowledge about human rights;

6. - expansion of ideas about the cities of Russia;

7. - acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

8. - developing a sense of responsibility of pride for the achievements of the country;

9. - the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions

Task for the second team: Through which forms the system is covered patriotic education at all levels of educational activities:

Creation of a developing environment for patriotic education;

Thematic classes;

Interaction with parents;

Interaction with society (excursions around the city, district, museum, exhibition hall).

2.2. Task for the first commands: What funds belong to patriotic education?


Decorative and applied arts,


Play, independent play activity

Task for the second team: Conditions for more effective problem solving patriotic education are:

A complex approach;

The teacher's knowledge of the history and culture of his people;

Correctly selected material (based on the principle of accessibility and comprehensibility);

Thematic construction of materials;

Collaboration between kindergarten and family

3. Presentation from work experience teacher Chepurova E... N. on the topic “ Upbringing love for the Motherland by means of literary and artistic works ”;

4. Presentation from work experience teacher Tsvetkova A... V. on the topic "Working with parents on patriotic education» ;

5. An important place in the folk pedagogy of Russia was occupied by proverbs and sayings. Particular attention in Russian proverbs was paid to the theme of love for the motherland and defense of the fatherland, I suggest that you collect from these words and explain proverbs: "Needed where was born", "On the home side and a pebble is familiar".

6. Speech by the musical director A. G. Semina subject: “The role of music in moral - patriotic education of preschoolers". Presentation of a selection of musical compositions for listening and learning for age groups of preschool educational institutions

7. Speech by the senior educator Serzhenko O... N. following the results of the thematic check "Organization of work on patriotic education of preschool children»

8. Speech educators Davydenko A... A., Cheremisina E. I - presentation of didactic games on patriotic education for age groups

Output: Talking about education citizenship and patriotism, we must first of all make sure that a small person becomes a Person with a capital letter, so that he can distinguish between bad and good, so that his aspirations and desires are aimed at creation, self-determination and development in himself of those qualities and values ​​thanks to which we we will firmly say about him that he patriot and a citizen of his homeland.


1. Program "From birth to school" under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa, ed. 2014

5. Journal "Hoop" No. 6 \ 2003, p. 8-9

An approximate list of equipment when building a corner

on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions

When creating a subject-play environment, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic requirements: all exhibits must be placed available for pupils, all submitted materials must be accurate and appropriate for the age characteristics of children, have an aesthetic, colorful and attractive appearance.

Younger preschool age

1. Album "My family", "How we live in the kindergarten", "We are walking around the city" (the city's attractions);

2. Flag of Russia, Coat of arms of Russia;

3. Thematic illustrations (or photo) military equipment, by March 8, by February 23, by May 9.

4. Items of Russian antiquity;

5. Works of Russian folk art, works of art on this topic.

6. Items of decorative and applied art (nesting dolls, Dymkovo toys, etc.)

Older preschool age

1. Globe, Physical map of Russia, Political map of Russia, Flag of Russia, Coat of arms of Russia, Coat of arms of Kemerovo region, Coat of arms of Yurga, Anthem of Russia, Anthem of Kemerovo region, Portrait of the President of the Russian Federation, Portrait of the Governor of Kemerovo region

2. Educational books on patriotic education and changeable exposition in accordance with the topic passed in the classroom;

3. Works of Russian writers in accordance with the program of the preschool educational institution;

4. Works of Russian folk art for independent reading and examination;

5. Albums: "My family", "We are walking around the city", "About the Great Patriotic War" etc.

6. Collection of thematic icons (about the city, about the war, about the army, etc.)

7. Objects, illustrations, photographs on the topic "Russian life"

8. Cassettes with recordings of fairy tales and patriotic songs;

9. Games by patriotic education;

10. Attributes for c \ r games: caps, garrison caps, peakless caps, capes, raincoats, collars, belts, binoculars, long skirts, scarves, shawls;

11. Elements of Russian folk costume, dolls in national costumes.

Thematic pedagogical council on the topic:

"Patriotic education of preschool children"

Senior educator Guseva N.M.

Moscow 2013

Target: To systematize the knowledge of teachers about the organization of educational activities with preschool children on issues of patriotic education. Anchoredlearn from educatorsabout modern requirements forthe formation of patriotic attitudes and feelings in preschool children towards their family, city, nature, culture based on the historical and natural characteristics of their native country, education of their own dignity as a representative of their people, respect for the past, present, future of their native land, a tolerant attitude towards representatives other nationalities.

Form of carrying out:"round table".

Preparing for the teacher's council.

  1. Making an information sheet about the planned teachers' council on the board for educators.
  2. Conducting operational control "Analysis of the environmental conditions of the group for the patriotic education of preschool children."
  3. Design of a thematic exhibition in the methodological office "Patriotic education" (literature, experience, methodological developments, manuals).
  4. Consultation for educators: "Patriotic education of preschoolers" (Senior educator).
  5. Conducting a review competition on the theme "Coat of arms of my family" in preparatory groups.
  6. Conducting a survey of parents on the topic "Patriotic education of a child."
  7. Conducting a survey of educators
  8. Conducting a thematic check "Analysis of the work of the teacher on patriotic education of preschoolers. "


  1. Introduction. Relevance of the topic of the teachers' council. Organization of educational activities with children in modern conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DL and continuity with the primary school.
  2. Regulatory framework for the patriotic education of preschoolers.
  3. Patriotic education of preschoolers through the NGOs "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction." From the experience of educators of different age groups. Teachers' speeches:….
  4. Discussion of projects on moral and patriotic education on the topic: “Traditions and culture of peoples…. (name of the selected country) "
  5. Review of programs, methodological developments, literature on this topic.
  6. Analysis of questionnaires and the results of thematic verification. Results of the competition "Center for Patriotic Education".
  7. The result and the decision of the teachers' council.

Pedagogical council progress

1. The patriotic upbringing of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. The task of fostering patriotism is currently very difficult.We, adults, all studied at school and remember very well the importance of educating the younger generation in the spirit of citizenship and patriotism.

The changes that have taken place in our society in recent decades have led to a deformation of these concepts that underlie the state. However, the law of the pendulum brings us back to those ideas that were associated with the history of our country. Nekrasov's lines: "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen" - unexpectedly acquired a new, very relevant sound.

The patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long-term purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from a very early age.

More classics of pedagogy, such as Ya.A. Kamensky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky in their writings raised the topic of patriotic education.L.N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, E.I. Vodovozov believed that it was necessary to start bringing up patriotism in children from preschool age. K. D. Ushinsky believed that the educational system is generated by the history of the people, their material and spiritual culture.

In the process of patriotic education, continuity between preschool andprimary education.

The concept of continuity is interpreted broadly - as a continuous process of upbringing and teaching a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period, i.e. - this is a connection between various stages of development, the essence of which is the preservation of certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new state.

The development and testing of models for the content and organization of the educational process on the topic "Patriotic education of preschoolers" contributes to the successive development of children of preschool and school age.

2. In order to properly build work on patriotic education, the following documents must be taken as a basis:

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on 5.10.2010, focused on all social strata and age groups of Russian citizens, the program determines the main ways of developing the system of patriotic education, substantiates its content in modern conditions, outlines the ways and mechanisms for the implementation of the program.

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Federal Law "On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia" (with amendments and additions) of March 13, 1995 No.

Federal Law "On the perpetuation of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."(with changes and additions) dated May 19, 1995

Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Perpetuating the Memory of Those Who Died in the Defense of the Fatherland "" dated April 5, 2013

National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation.

The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, the development of which is due to the need to implement the State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015"

3. The senior educator spoke on the third question…. In her speech, she raised the question: "What is patriotic education?" and showed the presentation “Raising the Patriots of Russia”.

Patriotic education is a process of mastering the heritage of traditional national culture, forming an attitude towards the country and the state where a person lives.

Patriotism is devotion and love for the Motherland, for its nature, culture and people.

A kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of wide emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant spheres of life for his development. Leading the activities of children, we, educators, form such important features for a Russian person as love for the native land, the Motherland, the Russian Army, history, respect for people of other nationalities. We acquaint children with the symbols of the state, historical figures, develop an interest in Russian traditions and crafts. You know that love for the Motherland begins with the relationship to the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, with love for your home, the street on which the child lives, kindergarten, school, city. We try to teach all this to a child from a very young age.

The system of patriotic education covers all levels of educational activity and is implemented through such forms like:

Creation of a developing environment for civil-patriotic education;

Thematic classes;

Interaction with parents;

Interaction with society (excursions around the city, district, museum, exhibition hall).

Speaking about the education of citizenship and patriotism, we must first of all make sure that the little person becomes a Man with a capital letter, so that he can distinguish between bad and good, so that his aspirations and desires are aimed at creating, self-determination and developing those qualities in himself. and values, thanks to which we will firmly say about him that he is a patriot and a citizen of his Motherland.

The educator ……………………, middle age - ..., older age -…., Children of the preparatory group -… spoke about educational work with children of younger preschool age. She told about the patriotic upbringing of senior preschool children through their introduction to fiction ....

4. On the fourth issue, there was an active discussion and selection of countries for projects on moral and patriotic education on the topic: “Traditions and culture of peoples…. (name of the selected country) ". There was a discussion of what should be done within the framework of this project, and also an approximate date for the defense of projects was set.

5. Today there are many concepts, technologies, partial programs, in which civic and patriotic education is presented in different formulations and volumes.

  • Alyoshina N.V. "Patriotic education of preschoolers"
  • Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. "We live in Russia"
  • Knyazeva O. L., Makhanyova M. D. "The introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture"
  • Kondrykinskaya L.A. "Where does the Motherland begin"
  • "My native home" edited by T. I. Overchuk
  • Novitskaya M.Yu. "Heritage"

6. Before the teachers' council, a survey of parents and teachers was carried out on the topic "Patriotic education of a child", and a thematic check and assessment of the work of educators in senior and preparatory groups was carried out.

Parents were asked to anonymously answer questions such as:

  • What do you understand by the term "patriotic education"?
  • Is patriotic education possible in kindergarten?
  • What, in your opinion, does the expression “being a patriot” mean?
  • Who do you think bears the main responsibility for the patriotic education of children?
  • In your opinion, should preschool children be introduced to the symbols of the state, government leaders, traditions, memorable dates?
  • In your opinion, is the topic of acquaintance with the genealogy of the family relevant in modern society?
  • Are there family traditions in your home? Which?

After analyzing the answers, we can say with confidence that the majority of parents understand patriotic education as fostering love for their Motherland, native places, and native nature. 18% of the parents who responded to the questionnaire believe that patriotic education is knowledge and respect for the cultural traditions of their people, as well as knowledge of the history of the country.

When answering the question about the possibility of patriotic education in kindergarten, only ... people (...%) answered negatively, and the rest of the parents believe that it is not only possible, but also necessary to get acquainted with folklore, traditions, songs, folk art of their native country.

To be a patriot, according to parents, means to love your Motherland, despite all the difficulties, to live in your country. ...% of the respondents believe that being a patriot means loyalty and loyalty to your country, your people, as well as pride in your country, your nation.

...% of the responding parents believe that the family should bear the main responsibility for the patriotic upbringing of children, ...% - that the school should help the family, and another ...% - that the family, school and kindergarten should bear responsibility for the patriotic upbringing of preschoolers.

Only ... people (...%) answered negatively to the question of whether it is necessary to acquaint preschool children with the symbols of the state, state leaders, traditions, memorable dates.

When asked about familiarization with the family genealogy, parents noted not only the relevance of this topic, but also the need to study the history of their family, as a part of society, and the emergence of their surname. And only 1 person (…%) answered that this topic is irrelevant.

When asked about family traditions, ...% of parents found it difficult to answer or answered negatively. And the rest noted that family traditions, mainly, are family holidays, birthdays, spending a joint vacation, walks with the whole family on weekends.

From the above, it can be seen that many parents are interested in instilling a feeling of love and affection for the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, city, homeland in children from preschool age. After all, everyone knows that it is precisely the preschool age that is the most important period in the formation of an individual, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, ideas about a person, society, and culture develop.

Teachers of senior and preparatory groups (... teachers) were given questionnaires"My system of work on patriotic education of preschoolers"in which they answered the following questions:

  • Is the problem of patriotic education relevant in our time?
  • Is it legitimate to talk about patriotic education in relation to preschool children?
  • Do you have personal qualities that can serve as a positive example in the upbringing of patriotism in children?
  • Do you consider it necessary to increase the stock of knowledge on the history and geography of Russia?
  • Do you know well the folk culture and traditions?
  • Do you have enough knowledge about the city in which you live?
  • Does the clarity, imagery and expressiveness of speech allow you to convey information on the problem of patriotic education to the consciousness of children?
  • Can you design and plan work in this area with children of the age group with which you work?
  • Do you know the appropriate techniques and technologies?
  • Is the subject-development environment organized correctly in the group room: have you selected demonstration material, didactic games on patriotic education?
  • Do you conduct leisure and entertainment activities on the topic?
  • Is the topic of patriotic education of children in demand in work with the family?

The analysis of the questionnaires and the results of the check showed: almost all educators noted that they know the methods and technologies on issues of patriotic education, but do not have sufficient knowledge about Russian folk culture and traditions, about Moscow. On the issue of creating an appropriate subject-developing environment in a group, only one teacher believes that such an environment in his group is not well organized.

Results of the review-competition of centers for patriotic education.

At the end of October 2013. a review competition of centers for patriotic education of children in senior and preparatory groups was held.

All centers were equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, methodological and fiction literature corresponded to the age of the children.

  1. the place was taken by group No. ...
  2. place - group No. ...
  3. the place was divided among themselves by groups №… and…. With which we congratulate them.

7. The decision of the pedagogical council:

  1. To analyze the calendar and long-term planning of educational work on patriotic education with children of senior preschool age.
  2. Take the following task as one of the annual tasks for the 2014-2015 academic year: "Patriotic education of preschool children through their introduction to the origins of Russian folk culture."
  3. Conduct a master class on projects on the theme: "Traditions and culture of peoples ...". Summarize the practical material gathered to create projects. Responsible: educators, Art. educator.
  4. Conduct consultations for parents: “Where to visit with your child”, “How to spend your leisure time”.
  5. Conduct a competition in senior and preparatory groups "I and my Moscow". Terms of the competition: short stories and photographs of children and their parents against the background of their favorite places in the city, as well as against the background of Moscow sights.


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