Congratulations on your legal marriage in prose. Congratulations to the wedding in prose to tears

If you do not like congratulations on a wedding in verse, then please choose congratulations in prose for a wedding. The text should be solemn, benevolent, certainly carry positive energy and reflect sincerity and parting words. It is not easy to convey in a short wedding greeting all those warm and sincere emotions that overwhelm the guests. Try to prepare your wedding congratulations in advance. Sometimes it can be just a few short lines that will cause tears of emotion and delight. You don't have to hassle a ton of paper to show your love and respect for a newlywed couple. It is enough just to show the significance of today's event for you and the words will find their listeners.

Dear bride and groom!
We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on the day of your marriage, the Sun has given you a particle of itself, and this particle is a family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of family life. Keep this precious gift for life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

I want to wish you only one thing: that you remember how you relate to each other today, and preserve this attitude for the rest of your life! And if so, then you will always be happy, and your children will be happy! Congratulations!

Dear young people! Many words have already been said in your address. They wished you well, and happiness, and love, and harmony. And I can only wish you one thing - never know jealousy, let it not spoil your beautiful and pure union with its appearance!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love! The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! By creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good hour, dear newlyweds, for many years! Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds!

Congratulations on the wedding from parents

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only faithful friends! So, may your union be happy!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children will get married, start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young, to the new family and let faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Our dear children! As it was sung in one wonderful song: “We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world! Like the sun in the morning, it may enter the house. We wish you happiness, and it should be like this - When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others ”we wish you a happy marriage! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only faithful friends! Take care of each other!

So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one, and this whole is wonderful! I congratulate you on the fact that you have managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world, which we love so much! Happy anniversary of the creation of this world!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, is capable of conquering the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the adversities of life over and over again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Love is that irreplaceable coin that now makes up your living wage! ...
I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance; not only joy, but also great happiness!

Congratulations on the most important step in your life!
I want to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And may, if one of you stumbles, the other will definitely support him! Happiness to you!

Today's solemn event brings you together.
I would like to wish you that you always remember this, that the joy of one person would always be the joy of the other, that you listen to each other and feel each other - it helps to live so much! Happiness and good luck, dear newlyweds!

I would like to wish the young people with all my heart that their life was as joyful and fun as this wedding. But the wedding is fun because the heroes of the occasion give the others joy and fun and rejoice themselves. Here is the principle of reflection: love and you will be loved, give and you will be gifted - I want to recommend it as an important life principle. Long live the bride and groom! Bitterly!

Today is the most beautiful and most significant day for newlyweds - the day of conferring new and expensive titles: husband and wife. She joined their lives and therefore this is a day of great joy. And walking the path of life together, hand in hand with a loved one, is a great happiness. May this happiness be with you forever, for your entire long life, and you will find happiness in your children and grandchildren. For you, for your prosperity! Bitterly!

On this significant day, we are happy to see a beautiful couple here, who sets off on a joint voyage through life and celebrates this event. No wonder it is said that with a loved one paradise and in a hut. This means that even the most bitter cup can be sweetened with love. I sincerely and with all my heart wish that the union concluded between you was a union of love, intelligence, joy and mutual help on a difficult life path, so that you see your happiness in the happiness of another and thank the minutes when life brought you together. For your happy present and cloudless future!

The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm. We wish your family ship not to drown in the sea of ​​everyday problems, to swim out of any whirlpool and get to the safe harbor, where your crew will be replenished with a new addition. Happiness to you, young people!

I want to congratulate you on this momentous day in your life. May this day be remembered by you, and the happiness that you are experiencing now, and the joy that overwhelms you, will never be forgotten. I would also like to wish that your hearts are soft, especially in relation to each other, and your spirit - firm in any life situations and vicissitudes. And then they will always find a way to family harmony and well-being!

Our bride is so good that, looking at her, I can wish the groom only one thing, saying with the aphorism of Kozma Prutkov: "Watch out!"

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you that your love will live as long as you yourself, and your life would be as endless as your love. Let the circle close, like those rings that you put on each other's finger today. Happiness to you, my dears, and love!

Our dear newlyweds! On behalf of our entire family-guest team, I would like to congratulate you on your wedding. We are gathered here to express our sincere congratulations to you and to give parting words for your future family life. Not being personally interested in increasing your family, I still want to wish you additions to the family. After all, the two are not as interesting as the three. A young family, a small child - this is the greatest happiness in life.

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Advice and love! True love and respect should be your family's most treasured wealth. May your love be as long as your life! By creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good hour, dear newlyweds, for many years! Bitterly!

I wish the newlyweds that each new day brings wonderful moments of joy. Enjoy life and have fun every minute when you are around. Let new impressions be bright and colorful. Make small discoveries together and don't get tired of surprising each other. Let each of your smile, like a ray of the sun, warms mutual feelings, maintains the fire of desire to be together and allows you to keep the warmth of family relationships. Help each other, show sensitivity and responsiveness, attention and care.

Peace and harmony to your family. Love and happiness!

Today is a special day - your family's birthday. We sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful and important event in your life.
Let your relationship be that irreplaceable outlet that helps to feel understanding and support in the fast paced rhythm of our life, gives calmness and spiritual comfort, instills confidence in our abilities.
And let your home become that saving island of comfort and warmth, where it is pleasant to return after all the storms and excitements of a busy day.

Love each other and be happy!

Wedding day is a very important holiday in the life of every family. Newlyweds are invited to share with them the happiness of the closest, dearest and dearest people. Therefore, the choice of wedding congratulations should be approached with special care. They should turn out to be at the same time joyful, positive, touching, beautiful, and, of course, memorable.

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding in prose from guests

Usually congratulations on the wedding are read out right at the festive table, surrounded by a large number of guests. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that each text will turn into a full-fledged speech. If you wish, you can easily make it original and unusual. For example, pick up a beautiful video sequence and turn it on in parallel with your speech. It can be neutral - about love or dedicated specifically to newlyweds.

You can turn to an experienced videographer who will make a full-fledged romantic film from short clips from the life of lovers or from their joint photographs from the very beginning of the relationship. You can mount it yourself, complementing it with beautiful music.

If congratulations on a wedding are being prepared in prose, it will be actual to make them cheerful and funny, turning them into a fairy tale or a fable. Let her tell about a real love story of two people, but in a funny manner. In the process of the fairy tale, it is worth adding a few actual wishes, and end your speech with the words “and they lived happily ever after”, “and they had many beautiful and healthy heirs”, or other pleasant options for the newly made husband and wife.

Dear ones, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and vivid impressions in your life. Be reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

My dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation of a new family. I wish you that your family ties were inseparable throughout your life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. May your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your house in the near future will be filled with childish joyful laughter.

A selection of original and sincere congratulations in prose for the newlyweds on the wedding day. A beautifully spoken congratulation will be remembered for a long time by guests and young people.

Congratulations to the newlyweds in prose.

1 Dear sirs, dear bride and groom!
We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding. Today, on this wonderful day, the sun gives you a particle of warmth, which is called a family hearth. The sun is the source of life throughout the earth, and the hearth is the source of your family's life. Keep and cherish this dear, valuable gift throughout your life. No matter how strong and fierce winds may blow, they should not extinguish the flame of your home, the flame of your love, so that it gives warmth and light to you, your future children and grandchildren. Let's raise our glasses to the hot heat and unquenchable light in your home!

2 Dear bride and groom! Happy couple!
Today you are forever united with each other by the sacred bonds of marriage, from that moment your roads have merged into one path, you will live together, love and take care of each other. So let your life together be filled with joy, light, love and devotion. Take care, appreciate and try to understand each other, you will have a long and interesting journey called "Life". May your union be eternal and strong, may your home be filled with friendship, warmth and children's fun. Always be happy, rich and healthy!

3 I congratulate you on the most important, most important step in your now life together! On this bright and happy day, I would like to wish you that all subsequent steps along the path of life you will do only together, confidently and in step! And if one of you accidentally stumbles, the other will certainly help, support and protect! Happiness and love to you, dear newlyweds!

4 Wedding ring. This symbol has come to us since ancient times. Firstly, it means the loyalty of lovers to each other: the ring shows that a person's heart belongs to his beloved or beloved. Secondly, the ring has no beginning or end - it is round. The ring symbolizes eternity, like the eternal devotion of two hearts in love. And thirdly, the wedding ring is made of gold - a beautiful, pure and noble metal, to which dirt never sticks. Therefore, a wedding ring is a symbol of love and fidelity, purity and eternity. Dear newlyweds, may your love always be pure, faithful, faithful and forever seal your marriage!

Truly a strong couple is the one who has gone hand in hand all their lives. The happiness experienced together and the grief shared equally - temper that tender and quivering feeling of love, which now prevails by you. Fill with pleasant emotions, create success and always remember this unforgettable day!

Dear bride and groom! Happy couple!
Today you are forever united with each other by the sacred bonds of marriage, from that moment your roads have merged into one path, you will live together, love and take care of each other. So let your life together be filled with joy, light, love and devotion. Take care, appreciate and try to understand each other, you will have a long and interesting journey called "Life". May your union be eternal and strong, may your home be filled with friendship, warmth and children's fun. Always be happy, rich and healthy!

The beauty of immature love is that the shortcomings of the chosen one cause only joy and tenderness, and that everything said by him seems infinitely clever and valuable. All feelings and emotions are like a volcano - explosive and beautiful. The beauty of maturing love is that you understand how much you want and do for your beloved, and that your beloved is ready to do a lot for you. Like an avalanche, this deep, strong love increases with every act, recognition, joint experience. The beauty of a mature relationship is that the years lived together, the solved problems and meaningful joys evoke deep devotion and respect for the person who has lived with you for so many years, spreading like a warm wave in the soul on the same name of a loved one. You have to go through all the delights and surprises of family life and all these stages, but remember - your chosen one does not change, only your attitude towards him changes, only the lenses through which you see him. Therefore, love, and love him again and together you will succeed!

We wish the bride mutual, strong, boundless, crazy love and awesome sex, but the main thing is that the most beloved and only husband and man always want and carry in his arms! We wish the groom always a good mood for the most beautiful and beloved woman, wife, no headaches for her, love for cooking, respect for sports and fishing, the ability to shut up and listen! We wish you both absolute trust and eternal fidelity, a good, pleasant well-paid job and the opportunity to have a great rest, carefree and trouble-free life together!

Our dear newlyweds! Let there be only funny and pleasant moments in your life. Let the days be complemented by amazing events. They will give you great emotions and inspiration. We wish that cheerful children's voices sounded in your house.

As you marry in union, remember that your family is one. Forget the word "I", since you will decide all questions and matters together. In difficult times, find the strength to lend your shoulder, do not swear over nonsense, do not forget to give gifts to each other and say gentle and warm words, be good and caring children and parents. Take care of yourself, give reciprocity.

Today a new one has appeared, undoubtedly one of the happiest and strongest families! After all, both newlyweds are enviably young and delightfully beautiful. Witty, funny and groovy - they can keep their happiness for a long life together!
Take a unique chance to create something unique and special with your own hands. You both have the practice of family life with your parents - use this double experience, take the best of your past lives, account for mistakes and mistakes and create the life you both want!

For all newlyweds, Wedding Day is an unforgettable celebration. It was so expected by you, and finally it came. This holiday allows you to start the life of a new family. Perhaps you will take your first joint steps a little timidly, but over time, they will become more and more confident. Let your love fill you up and let your feelings warm you! Bitterly!

The wedding day is full of excitement and unwarranted anxiety. But you will remember him, newlyweds! A report of the minutes of family life will go from him - let them be long, pleasant and joyful. You are now more beautiful than ever! May God keep your union from destruction, anger and misunderstanding. All problems are surmountable if there is love in our hearts. Let everything be fine with you! Love, inspire each other to accomplishments, understand and appreciate the gifts of fate!

Lovely newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for both of you, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will confidently step into a new life full of bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes: good to you, warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you live comfortably and happily. Plant lots of beautiful trees and raise kids to be proud of. Let your union be strong and become the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and support for each other. Respect and value each of your soul mates!

I congratulate you on the most important, most important step in your now life together! On this bright and happy day, I would like to wish you that all subsequent steps along the path of life you will do only together, confidently and in step! And if one of you accidentally stumbles, the other will certainly help, support and protect! Happiness and love to you, dear newlyweds!

It is impossible not to say many good words about the parents of this adorable couple! It is to them that you (young) owe your birth, the kind of people you have become. Remember - there would be no them, there would not be now next to you the most dear and dear person to you. Be grateful for that. Think about this when the mother-in-law reads morals, believing that this is warm advice, when the mother-in-law surrounds with obsessive care, thinking that the more of it, the more pleasant it will be when bad thoughts come into your head about her or his mother ... Do not forget yours parents, appreciate them and their selfless endless love, take care of them and help.

On this day, you are like a dove and a dove, cooing about love. Take care of it, decorate it with tender confessions, reinforce it with bold deeds and enrich it with pleasant, original moments. Be mutual in joy, sympathize with failure, and support your soul mate with confident advice. It is on this that happiness rests!

Today your wedding is the most important moment of your life together. Please accept my sincere congratulations on this wonderful day. Let the gold rings that you put on each other today be the most reliable amulet of your whole life. May your path be wide and long, may your feelings be reliable and strong, may only joyful moments fill your every day. Fate gives you love on bail, manage to carry it with dignity throughout your life. Good luck and all the best.

How beautiful our young woman is today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white, pure, like love itself, dress, recently a bride, and now a wife. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze shines when she turns to her beloved one! And if we could look into her heart, we would see that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness; there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. I propose to raise our glasses so that this happiness is endless!

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Dear ones, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and vivid impressions in your life. Be reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

I congratulate you on the birth of your family! I wish you to live together for many years without losing the acuity and respect for each other! Be happy, enjoy every moment lived together, love and take care of each other!

Congratulations dear ones. I want to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside the window, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love deeply, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

My dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation of a new family. I wish you that your family ties were inseparable throughout your life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. May your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your house in the near future will be filled with childish joyful laughter.

How important it is that people find each other, find their love and soul mate! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, on love, on a new life! I wish you a lot of very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Children you have a full house and prosperity!

Congratulations to the happy and beautiful couple on their wedding day! I wish you a lot of joy and sincerity in your union. Deep respect, mutual understanding, tenderness, care and love! Be united in views and remain a reliable rear of each other in any situations! May you live happily ever after!

I congratulate you on a significant day and an important event in your now joint life. Take care of each other, pamper, appreciate and never betray. Eternal love, understanding, fidelity, family happiness, prosperity, healthy children and a cozy home.

Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you understanding, love, loyalty, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and let the soul sing with happiness!

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Congratulations on starting your new family! We wish your love only grows stronger and stronger. So that you always help each other, so that mutual understanding and respect always reigns between you.