Warning = calm child. Calm child - good or bad Calm child

I have been divorced for 4 years and my daughter is 6 years old. After the divorce, I had to return to my parents, they helped with my daughter, I worked a lot. Then my dad died. And here we are, the three of us - me, my daughter and my mother. Sometimes I could go somewhere, shopping, to a friend, etc., and my mother didn’t mind sitting with her daughter at that time, she herself suggested that I take a break.

Six months ago I started talking to a man. More precisely, they knew each other before, but a romantic relationship began. And then something began to happen to my mother when she found out. Constant conversations on the topic, yes, why do you need it, take care of the child and not hang around the peasants (this despite the fact that there were no men after the divorce, and we meet at most a couple of times a week, the rest of the time I am either at work or with my daughter ). And flatly refuses to stay with the child if I'm not at work. Those. if he understands that I can go on a date right away, I won’t stay with the child, although I’m not busy with anything. And long tedious lectures on how I'm not ashamed to hang around.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with my mother, she doesn’t go to talk. I don't understand her negative reaction. And I don’t understand how then to build a personal life, what to do.
Who will tell you what?



The husband is seriously ill, for a long time, more than a year. Since September, he has not been working, at home, on disability. Walks the last two months only within the apartment. At the last outing into the street back to the 5th floor, she dragged him on herself. It is clear that it is being treated, we are not just waiting for the weather by the sea, but it only gets worse.

The character of the patient under such circumstances rarely improves, to put it mildly. It is clear that everything is on me. In addition to work, household chores, worries about him, many cases in which he is no longer an assistant, I run wars with authorities that lose documents, do not transmit data for months, etc., etc. (yes, I defeated them, but how much effort, time and nerves it takes!) You can’t describe everything, only the essential is remembered, and life is in everyday life.

She is now in her second week in the hospital. Yesterday, after a working day, after an hour in traffic jams, I ran to the hospital - out of his habit, he starts talking, then he doesn’t hear, then he pretends, then he grimaces, then he interrupts, then he doesn’t listen to the end. I don't have the time or energy for that. She spat, left him clean things, took the dirty ones and ran home.

Teenage daughter at home. I instructed her to do two real little things for my arrival - once again she “forgot.” I could not stand it, yelled and did not remove the restriction on the phone. So she buffed me and was indignant all evening (the whole bunk was in daddy).

At eight - the clock can be checked - my mother always calls. For a thousandth circle, the same conversations - like a husband, what can be done with him, where she saw what discounts and what she bought at a promotion. But yesterday, knowing that I would no longer be able to do this, I called her leaving the hospital and said: “Today I am tired and not in the spirit, don’t call me today, we’ll talk tomorrow.” But, of course, many thanks to my parents - when they go to buy groceries on the weekend, they buy a lot for two families and they deliver it to me, I just pay.

She went to bed at 10, and could not fall asleep until half past one. Though I drank valerian. I will rest at work (and the work is also new since September, somehow I don’t want to relax).

Plus, I'm starting to get cold. And I forgot the throat suckers at home. Full apchi, damn it.
Phew. The steam went down. I go to work. And then something really disgusted me.


Just Marina 69

talkative too........
How much do we owe our child?
about love and life support is out of the question, it should be!!
But attention, time, health, personal life?
I just want to know your opinion...
recently my 13-year-old daughter told me (3-4 times): "You traded your daughter for a concert!"
I didn’t return at 21.00 after work, but at 23.00, I went to the BG concert ...
one time promotion...
I go to the cinema with her, I come to school in the evening for her, I hug, kiss, I talk, I feed her animals and walk ....
and here are the words, in all seriousness (((



Rather not so
I became unbearably bored with life
I’m not happy with ANYTHING at all and this state will soon be a year old, and I’m very tired of it
If it weren't for my son, I would have already gone out the window.
Everyone was waiting for this condition to pass, but antideprs no longer help.
My character changed and I withdrew into myself.
I have a constant feeling that life is jelly without taste
I'm just tired
Tomorrow I'm going to another psychiatrist, they don't help me anymore, but I just don't know what else to do
I remember how delicious life can be, how even ordinary little things can please - watching a movie, a date, crafts from a child
I want to go back, there, to that life, to that myself. But I can't find my way back.
I don’t know why I’m writing, just to speak out
sorry for the negativity



I read a topic about a husband who seems to be good, but the author cannot live with him, and so I decided to talk about the situation that a friend told me a week ago. Sometimes we correspond via messenger, wrote to her how are you. Well, we communicate, I notice that she somehow answers depressively. I ask: are you all right? Well, then she tells me (apparently, she had to throw out this tin).

She and her husband quarreled - she asked to pick up the child from acrobatics - she didn’t have time to get home from work, and in the evening he just took it and left to “hang out with friends”, putting her before the fact. Came drunk at night. This happens regularly. She told him everything she thought in the morning. They are silent for a couple of days. Then she saw a bottle of wine drunk, went to bed in the evening, - she asks: Did you drink wine? - (my husband, as I understand it, began to drink often). And in response ... even I was stunned) Hey, yes you are [removed by the moderator], you are a stupid animal, yes you are ..... mate in general.

She says she could not open her mouth, in shock. For about 20 minutes he poured mud on her and there are expressions, I tell you ..... jeeee. Mat and thrash. The meaning is: drank and what? what's the difference to you? (moreover, the wine is some kind of expensive, it was the third one in a week, but he doesn’t have money for groceries) who are you to finally reprimand me, be content with who I am, shut your mouth. She moved away from the shock a little, she says, let's pack your things (they live with her), he pushed her off the bed with his foot and the second wave: yes, you’re still going to tell me a disgusting animal ... I’m not going anywhere.

In general, this is the story. As I understand it, she is going to file for divorce, but here is the new year, and how to set it up, and how to communicate with it in general ... but I didn’t communicate with her for several days. How it ended I don't know. Her sister said to her, like, come on, it's not the first time he insults you. Outwardly, they are a normal couple, quite. I was wondering what would you do in her place? I couldn't answer her.


Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow to calm the nerves and soul.

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow to calm the nerves and soul.

To calm shattered nerves and help your wounded soul, read the prayer to the Matrona of Moscow in comfortable calmness.

When there are too many problems and stresses, the nervous system cannot withstand such a load.

Medicines help as long as they work.

My dears, without canceling medical treatment, help yourself with an Orthodox prayer addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

First of all, visit the Church and submit a registered note about your own Health.

Put 3 candles each to the icon of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon and the Blessed Old Woman Matrona of Moscow.

Matrona Blessed, perfect in soul, calm your nerves, repose sinfulness. Amen.

For home prayer, buy a few candles and the icons listed above.

Collect holy water in a spacious container.

Lock yourself in your room at the most opportune time.

You light candles. Place icons and a decanter with holy water nearby.

For about three minutes you just look at the burning flame, reassuring yourself that it is harder for others.

Imagine the Lord God and the intercession of the Matrona of Moscow.

Instill in your soul unshakable faith in Holy Orthodoxy.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper a special prayer that helps calm the nerves and find humility in the sinful soul.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Protect me from nervous enmity, protect me from severe need. May my soul not hurt from thoughts, and the Lord forgive me for all sins. Help me calm my neurosis, let there be no crying of sorrowful tears. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and drink holy water.

You continue to watch how the flame is warming, remembering your past days without contrition.

After a while, you will certainly calm down, continuing with faith in your soul and for many years to pray to the Matrona of Moscow.

Powerful prayer from depression and despair to Matrona of Moscow.

If you are overcome by depression, and your soul suffers from despair, turn to the Matrona of Moscow with prayerful help.

Visit the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your own Health.

Being at the sacred image of the Old Lady, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Let depression disappear, despondency will leave me. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

For home prayer, buy 12 candles and the icons listed above. Collect holy water in a spacious container.

Arriving home, retire to a cozy room.

You light candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

For a few minutes, just look at the burning flame, renouncing the attacking thoughts.

They, you know, like burdocks, stick to us - especially before going to bed.

Imagine calmness in movements and despondency receding somewhere into the distance.

You begin to repeatedly whisper an Orthodox prayer addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. Forgive me mortal despair and do not send a reciprocal punishment. In a terrible depression, I toil tiredly, that hour before you I sincerely repent. May God not leave me, do not destroy me, help me, otherwise it will be terrible. Strengthen my faith, give more strength, so that the demon does not destroy my soul forever. May your will be done. Amen.

Put out the candles. Throw the cinders in the urn. Drink holy water, cross yourself diligently.

In order for depression to recede as soon as possible, gain strength and endure a weekly fast.

Pray for this without ceasing.

Having received communion and confession, again proceed to prayer at home, having acquired 12 candles ahead of time.

The Blessed Matrona will certainly hear you, and Grace will replace despair.

A strong prayer to the Matrona of Moscow against corruption and the evil eye.

Any strong corruption or evil eye of the ill-wisher will forever be cast away under the Divine power of the Matrona of Moscow.

We have already talked about damage many times.

My dears, believe that there are many more good people in the world.

But there are nasty ones too.

In such cases, Holy Orthodoxy comes to the rescue through the Saints and Saints.

Feeling the evil eye or damage on yourself, do not squander curses, but visit the Orthodox Church.

Submit a custom note about your own Health.

Put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow.

Being at the image of the Old Woman, say these prayer lines to yourself:

In baptism, in prayer and in fasting observance, deliver me, Matrona, from the evil creation. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

In addition, you buy 12 more candles and the icons listed above.

Collect holy water in a deep container.

At the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room.

Light 3 candles. Place Orthodox icons and a decanter of holy water nearby.

Peacefully look at the burning flame, forgiving offenders and letting go of enemies forever.

Come to terms with the fact that someone is good, and not with the fact that someone will become bad.

Read the prayer “Our Father” several times.

Cross yourself and drink holy water.

Proceed to repeated whispering of special prayers to help get rid of the evil eye and corruption.

Blessed Staritsa, Matrona of Moscow. In impotence, I turn to you, let human malice not die in me. Who sent damage - let him not suffer, who jinxed by chance - will not sob. I forgive enemies, I do not judge people, but only deliver me from my grief. In prayer power and faith I will be saved, at the appointed hour I will ascend to Heaven. Amen.

Another powerful prayer against tainted deeds and the “heavy eye”.

Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Staritsa. Whether as a punishment, or as a test, I suffer from suffering. Intercede before me, deliver someone else from damage. Let the evil eye be washed away with water, and there will be no refusal from God. The lesson that the Lord gives, let it enter my soul by faith. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily again and drink holy water.

These are very strong prayers against the evil eye and corruption, which are designed to strengthen your faith, while at the same time getting rid of the negativity of evil people.

Prayer for the child to sleep better. Prayer at night before bed

After the birth of a child, every mother is very worried about him, and her main desires are that the child has a sound sleep, is healthy and happy. Even if the baby is fast asleep, I want his dreams to be pleasant and evoke only positive emotions. In calling for good dreams for a child, various prayers can be used.

Varieties of prayers for a good sleep in a child

What prayers will help so that a newborn baby sleeps well? It is worth noting that today there are ten appeals to the Almighty, which are really considered the most effective for restful nights in a baby. Good sleep means that it will be strong, and dreams are colorful and kind.

These prayers include:

  1. Prayer addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.
  2. Prayer of parents to bless their children.
  3. Prayer addressed directly to the Guardian Angel of the child.
  4. Prayer for the upbringing of children.
  5. A mother's prayer to bless her child.
  6. Prayer for children.
  7. Prayer-petition for the healing of an ailment in a child.
  8. Classical prayer "Our Father".
  9. A mother's prayer for her children.
  10. Prayer addressed to the Matrona.

As a rule, small children are very susceptible to various noises, so even a dog barking in the yard can wake up a baby. To strengthen the sleep of children, you can read one of these prayers. In addition to the above, there is one prayer aimed directly at ensuring that the child sleeps better.

Prayer for the child to sleep better

There are many reasons why a small child cannot fall asleep - noise, colic, teething and more. Accordingly, if the child does not sleep, then the parents do not sleep either, because it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the suffering of your own crumbs. As a rule, if the baby has insomnia, he is immediately taken to the doctor, but there are situations when the doctor claims that the child is absolutely healthy, just some external factor interferes with his sleep. In such a situation, prayer is considered the only salvation from insomnia for a child.

Prayer for the child to sleep better is as follows:

  • “Jesus, Son of God, bless, sanctify, save my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross.”

After pronouncing these words, you need to baptize the child. It is worth noting that prayer becomes more effective if the child is already baptized.

Prayer for a good baby sleep to the Guardian Angel of the child

Some people believe that every person has their own Guardian Angel from birth. Therefore, if any problems occur with a child - illness, insomnia, it is best to seek help from the Guardian Angel. Some people attribute this to the fact that God is one for all and is simply not able to help everyone, but the Guardian Angel is responsible for only one person, so it is more likely that he will help.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel of the child to sleep well is as follows:

  • “Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the name of the baby is indicated), cover him with your shield from demonic arrows, from the sugary seducer, keep his heart pure and bright. Amen".

The ideal option would be if the child independently reads a prayer to the Guardian Angel.

Prayer for the child to sleep better, to his Guardian Angel from his own lips should sound like this:

  • “My protector, my Guardian Angel. Do not leave me in difficult times, save me from evil and envious people. Hide me from the hating people. Save me from the evil eye and damage. Have mercy on me Amen".

According to the statements of the ministers of the church, a prayer sounding from the mouth of a child will have greater power than it is from the mouth of the mother of the baby to his Guardian Angel.

Prayer for the child to sleep well at night, Matrona

According to the opinion of a large number of priests, if there are any problems with the health of the child (including the appearance of insomnia), you should immediately pray to the Holy Matrona. It is she who is considered an ambulance on a large number of issues. To enhance the effect of prayer, it is recommended to buy at least a small icon with the face of this Saint. And in order to protect your child from the evil eye, it is recommended to sew a piece of incense into his clothes, which will need to be changed periodically.

If the mother begins to observe sleep problems in the child, then you need to turn to the Holy Matrona with the following words:

  • "Holy Matron! I ask you, I conjure with all maternal love, ask the Lord to give health to his slave (the name of the child is indicated). I ask you, Holy Matrona, do not be angry with me, but help me. Ask the Lord to give my child (the name of the child is indicated) good health. He got rid of various ailments both in the body and in the soul. Take away all diseases from his body. Please forgive me for all my sins, both those created by my will and those not created by my will. Say a prayer to the Lord for the health of my child (the name of the child is indicated). Only you, Holy Matrona, can save my child from suffering. I trust in you. Amen".

Prayer to improve children's sleep, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus

Another effective prayer for the child to sleep better, addressed to the seven holy youths of Ephesus.

The words of the prayer, as a rule, are pronounced by the mother, and sound like this:

  • “Oh, holy Ephesian youths, praise to you and the whole Universe! Look from the heights of heaven at us, people who stubbornly honor your memory, and especially look at our children. Save them from disease, heal their bodies and souls. Keep their souls pure. We worship your holy icon, and also sincerely love the Most Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for a peaceful children's sleep, addressed to the Mother of God and the Lord God

When a child has a broken schedule, namely, he sleeps during the day and not at night, then something must be done. Going to the doctors is expensive, and they are unlikely to help in this situation. The best option would be to do it on your own. In this case, the uttered prayer for the night before going to bed to the Mother of God and the Lord God will help. The prayer goes like this:

  • “Lord God, show your mercy on my child (name), save the child under your banner, hide from various temptations, drive away various enemies from him, close their evil eyes and ears, give them humility and kindness. Lord, we are all your creations, I ask you to save my child (name is indicated), make him repent if he has sins. Save my child, Lord, let him understand his word, guide him on the right path. Thank you, Lord."

This sleep prayer for a child helps not only to cope with the problem of insomnia, but is also aimed at preserving the purity of the child's soul in adulthood.

Features of reading a prayer to improve children's sleep

Prayer at night for a child must be read from memory, if you do not know the words, the appeal to the saints or to the Lord, then you can not expect an ambulance from them (quick help comes only to sincere believers). During the pronunciation of the appeal, you need to be in a calm emotional state and you need to constantly think about what you want to receive. If at the time of pronouncing the prayer a person does not really believe in the result, then it is better to postpone its pronunciation until a later time.

Be sure when asking for help in improving children's sleep, you need to ask for forgiveness for all the sins you have committed. This is due to the fact that a thin thread stretches between the mother and the child, and therefore all the sins of the parent are reflected on the baby. If, while saying a prayer, the mother of the crumbs sincerely repents of all her sins and mistakes, then they will definitely respond to the petition.

Prayer at night before going to bed should be whispered and in the child's ear. Such words can save the baby from negatively colored dreams.

Reading a prayer invented by yourself

It is important to note that when addressing the Lord or other saints, it is not words that are important, but sincerity. A prayer for a child to sleep can sound in his own words, most importantly, with faith and from the bottom of his heart. It doesn’t have to be pathetic words, it’s enough to state a request, repent of your own sins and thank the Lord for listening to you.

Strong prayer for the child to sleep well and serenely

A peacefully sleeping baby is the highest blessing for parents. After all, a child sleeping peacefully in his crib causes tenderness, which indicates his normal health and development. Ask the Lord for our blessing and mercy to your children, may he keep their good sleep. Prayer for the child to sleep well will call on the Holy Spirit and hand over the baby under the protection of the Guardian Angel.

The benefits and necessity of prayer before bed

The sleep of a typical infant can be disturbed due to several reasons. These are digestive problems, and overwork from daily activity, and overexcitation from all sorts of impressions. Night is the time when you need to rest calmly, and the child undergoes processes of nervous satiety. This may add such a negative factor as fear from any event. The reason may be an animal, a person, or simply a loud sound that is deposited in the mind of a child, reflected in a restless dream.

  • Prayer before going to bed can calm the tomboy. Affectionate, radiating kindness, mother's voice gives the child a sense of security. And the Heavenly Father, sending his grace to those who pray, will instruct the Guardian Angel to protect the child’s sleep.
  • In addition, teaching prayer from infancy allows children to grow up in piety and respect for their parents, who showed the way to Christ and the Holy Heavenly Patron.
  • The kid, in whose life God is present from the very beginning, understands the seriousness of faith in his life, learns in time to separate good and evil, grows courteous to his parents and the Almighty.
  • For people who have accepted Christ into their hearts, who know how to ask for forgiveness in prayer for voluntary or involuntary sins, the Creator opens all happy roads, saving them from trouble.

Dangerous symptoms of the evil eye or severe fright

The most common and dangerous cause of sleep disturbance in children is the intrusion of demonic entities into a person's life - the evil eye. We are all familiar with this phenomenon, which comes from an involuntary envious glance. It is frustrating that a baby who has not grown stronger in the ability to protect himself from a crooked eye very often becomes a victim of that.

The evil eye is an intrusion into the aura of a child of diabolical influence. It is possible to fight it only with the word of prayer, which Jesus and the saints commanded. The Orthodox Church in every possible way condemns the appeal to pagan conspiracies, as a manifestation of the same devilry from which we save our children. But the appeal to the Holy Spirit and the Guardian Angel, so that he makes the sleep of children calm, is approved and welcomed in every possible way.

Signs of fear or evil eye in a child:

  • Inability and inability to sleep normally at night until morning.
  • Dreams are full of nightmares and fears.
  • Whims, crying and inability to sleep.
  • The child is tormented by attacks of a nervous breakdown and enuresis.
  • The children's room seems to the child full of fears and monsters. (A child is able to see demons up to the age of seven that are invisible to adults)
  • Infantile seizures, epilepsy, convulsions.

Important! Unhealed before the age of seven, the evil eye can cause chronic health problems. Noticing signs of the evil eye or fear, do not dismiss the problem indifferently. Attract the power of the Almighty and your zeal in prayer, then the night will pass calmly, and the health of the child will be freed from the terrible consequences that can happen from this misfortune.

Prayers to the Mother of God for a peaceful sleep for babies

Prayer has a lot of positive qualities - its words give us peace of mind, remove the negative impact of any negative factor. It is difficult to overestimate the effect that it has on a child's sleep. Especially if the baby is under seven years old, parents should take care of him in every possible way and shelter him from adversity and anxiety with his prayer, attracting the mercy of the Virgin to protect their child. Earnestly pray for her protection over the baby at night, so that the Queen of Heaven will be given power over your child.

  • It is necessary to read the prayer to the Mother of God itself three times aloud, laying hands on the child. Her patronage and grace will descend with parental embrace and fill the child with heavenly blessings.
  • If the baby behaves too excited, then give him holy water to drink. A few sips of Epiphany water are capable of a miracle - they remove the evil eye, fear, or another negative factor.

“O Blessed Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants.

Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen"

Evening Prayer to the Guardian Angel

If the child is experiencing the consequences of fright or is tormented by fears, then it is best to call on the Guardian Angel. The Lord entrusts him with guardianship over the earthly life of a person - this is why it is important that the sacrament of baptism be performed as early as possible. For, without giving the child under God's blessing, we do not allow the Guardian Angel to become the guide and guardian of our blood.

Read a prayer with your child, going to bed. While he is small, your concern is to read to him at night the words addressed to your Guardian Angel - our intercessor and guardian over us. Over time and growing up, the child himself will begin to pray, protecting his life from troubles and calling on the Angel to help him on his earthly path.

  • When the child goes to bed, be sure to offer a nominal prayer to the saint whose name the child of God was baptized.
  • If you notice signs of fear or the evil eye, read the Psalm with the appropriate counteraction.
  • At the end, a prayer is read to the Guardian Angel, also three times. She blesses the child and gives his sleep into the caring hands of God's Power.

“Angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from God from heaven! I diligently pray to you: enlighten me today, and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed, and direct me on the path of salvation.

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen"

Appeal to the Seven Youths of Ephesus - peace and care for your child's sleep

One of the strongest prayers that provides peace of mind to a child in dreams is the one that invokes the Seven Saints of Ephesus. This prayer is recognized as canonical and life-giving for those people who suffer from insomnia. Its great ability to calmly influence the sleep of a child is especially noted.

If the child suffers from sleep disturbance, and the mother, having tried all means, does not know what to do and where to seek help, use the power of the holy word of prayer, as recommended by the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church. In popular rumor, the Seven Youths from Ephesus are also credited with the miracle of returning the lost sleep to the unthinking child and to every servant of God.

  • First, the Our Father is read three times, as an obligatory canonical prayer.
  • Further, they cry out to the Seven Youths of Ephesus about the granting of rest for a sleepless child.
  • Prayer is read exclusively at night.
  • When the baby falls asleep, cross his forehead with your fingers in order to give your parental blessing.
  • At the head of the crib, hold an icon dedicated to the seven youths from Ephesus. Its action will become similar to the prayer to these saints - it will take care of the peace of the child and protect them in dreams from demonic invasion.

“Oh, the marvelous holy children of seven, the city of Ephesus praise and all the hope of the universe! Look from the height of heavenly glory on us, those who honor your memory with love, and especially on Christian babies, entrusted to your intercession from your parents: bring down on her the blessing of Christ God, rekshago: leave the children to come to Me: heal those who are sick in them, comfort those who grieve; Keep their hearts in purity, fill them with meekness, and plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God in the land of their hearts, grow them from strength to strength; and all of us, the holy icon of your coming, your relics kissing you with faith and praying warmly, vouchsafe the Kingdom of Heaven to improve and silent voices of joy there to glorify the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen"

Importance of Christian Baptism

One condition that must be met before you want to apply the miraculous power of prayer to your child is that every Orthodox soul must be baptized. On the child that, due to an oversight of the parents or their misunderstanding of the importance of the action, the sacrament of baptism was not performed, the prayer will not work. At the same time, an unbaptized child is an easy prey for any demonic evil spirits.

Remember that having received a name at baptism, the child receives his heavenly mentors, leading him along the earthly path. Prayers for salvation from all sorts of misfortunes can now be offered to the Guardian Angel and that holy saint, whose name was given to the baptized. They will be guardians for this child and answer before God about instructing him along the path of the righteous - Christian.

Psalms to help parents

As in other everyday situations, the problems of sleep disturbance in a child can be solved with the help of the psalms indicated by God. Every complex worldly trouble has its beneficent verse from the songs of David. If you notice features in your child that may be a problem for his dreams, add the reading of the corresponding psalm to your prayers.

  • Psalm 9 - from nightmares and the appearance of demons in a dream.
  • Psalm 13 - if the child complains of fears.
  • Psalm 90 - so that the child does not write and does not scream at night.
  • Psalm 121 - when there are signs of the evil eye.
  • Psalm 7 - if a child is tormented after being frightened by a person.
  • Psalm 27 is about calming a child if it behaves too restlessly.
  • Psalm 63 - from fear, if the problem of falling asleep is acquired due to animal bites.
  • Psalm 108 - a request to heal a sleepwalker.

Do not leave your child in the throes of falling asleep, the word of God, spoken by a good mother, a caring parent, will surely have healing power from any misfortune. Pray to God to grant the child peaceful dreams, and your prayers will be heard by the merciful and caring Heavenly Father.

Involve your child in prayer whenever you yourself pay tribute to the Almighty. . However, there is no better medicine than prayer, which will restore peace and serenity to sleep.

Maternal prayer for children heals and protects from troubles. Maternal prayer is full of great power. . What is better to pray for, asking for protection from the Powers of Heaven over your children

Prayer for the health of the child should be one of the usual in everyday life of an Orthodox Christian, in order to protect the child from any voluntary or involuntary misfortune and illness.

Of course, the mother's heart is not able to look indifferently at how the child toils in science, and the way out is quite simple - pray for the children and their success in their studies, give everything to the will of the Lord. Prayers are especially needed the day before.

In anticipation of the child, I walked a lot and often passed by playgrounds. And everywhere I saw the same picture: walking with children; riding on a swing; the mother suddenly comes to her senses and forces the child to go home, sitting in the sandbox. Moreover, the child should immediately give up everything and happily, skipping, run after the parent. But that was not the case - the child does not agree to such conditions at all and a long hysteria is guaranteed.

Looking at this, I decided to act in a different way. Armed with a huge number of books on child psychology, she began to search for the best option.

When my daughter grew up and began to understand everything that was said to her, I used the method I found. This method is quite simple and does not require any inhuman effort. The only condition is the desire to be a friend to your child. It's amazing how effective this method is when started from a very young age.

Its essence is this:

When a child plays or is busy with something, he is completely immersed in this process. And pulling him out of the game at the moment is tantamount to a bomb explosion. It is very difficult for children to suddenly come to their senses and do something else. Imagine yourself in his place: you are sitting at the computer, doing something important to you, and then someone forces you to immediately stop this activity. What will be your reaction? The same is true with a child.

Now, if I want my daughter to stop doing something, I just warn her in advance of my next steps. That is, if Katya is watching a cartoon and I think that it’s enough for her to sit in front of the TV, then I come to my daughter and say: “Katya, after 5 minutes I turn off the TV. We will do this and that ... ”During these 5 minutes, the child has time to get used to the idea that now he will be doing something else and without any problems allows him to turn off the TV. And quite often turns it off by itself. Or, for example, we walk on the street, I look at the time and see that it's time to go home. I say that we leave in 2-3 minutes. During this time, Katyushka finishes playing her game and goes home without screaming.

I use this method literally everywhere and always. And there was no such case that it did not work. And, most importantly, the daughter knows that she is treated like an adult and her interests are also taken into account. And behave accordingly. Do not be afraid to lose your authority in the eyes of the child. On the contrary, from such a respectful attitude towards him, the child begins to appreciate you even more.

We picture a French mother like this: the child sleeps peacefully in a stroller or “ciege-oto” while she drinks coffee on the veranda of her favorite restaurant. However, the fabulous carousel, cute plush dudu, graceful maman, who, when necessary, knows how to pronounce the categorical “non” (and they will listen to her!) - everything is so. Adorable children, wonderful upbringing... But French parents have a thousand problems with children who are so similar to ours. The secrets of French education in his book reveals the famous psychologist Ann Bakyus.

Below we bring to your attention a chapter from the book "All the secrets of French education", which is published by the Eksmo publishing house.

How do you stay calm when your child throws a tantrum?

“When a daughter throws a tantrum for us, and because of a complete trifle, then this is something with something ... It seems as if she is the most unfortunate child in the world, who was mortally offended. And yet, it is enough to take a small step towards, to give her what she asks for, so that a joyful smile shines on her face again!

Two-year-old Jean no longer goes to the supermarket with his dad. His screams and frenzied tantrums, following each refusal to purchase, overflowed the cup of parental patience. How can you not feel helpless and annoyed at the same time when this little devil yells, kicks, climbs into the cart and makes other customers look at you like you are fiends, not parents? Claude is only a year and a half old, but his fits of anger are simply unbearable. If he demands an object he likes, then he does not accept refusal. And it can be anything, from a cake in a store to a bunch of mom's keys. When his parents refuse him, he reacts so horribly to it that they involuntarily wonder if they are being too strict with him, if they need to make concessions to him more often.

Children between the ages of one and a half to four years old get angry very easily. If anything goes against what they want right here and now, then this becomes reason enough for a tantrum. They want to make their own decisions about what concerns their lives, but at the same time feel small and helpless. Obey adults? Not even discussed. Well, except to please them.

How to behave during a child's tantrum?

  • A child during a fit of anger loses all control over his emotions. He hears nothing, no arguments can bring him to his senses. Any attempts to calm him down will only aggravate the situation.
  • The first step is to wait until his nervous tension subsides. The best thing give the child the opportunity to throw out this energy, either by ignoring his cries, or by isolating from others as much as possible (“Go scream to your room. You will return when you calm down”).
  • Don't give in to him. If his tantrums “pay off”, they will happen more and more often.
  • No need to try to outshout him, and in no case should you succumb to anger yourself. So you can only intimidate him. Remember that you are setting an example by your behavior.

After the child has calmed down

  • When you feel that the child has thrown out most of his anger, then if he does not protest, you can try to help him calm down. Embrace him and hold him tightly and gently. Rock it a little. This will help the baby to take control of himself.
  • If you sent the child to your room, remind him that he can return to you again as soon as his temper tantrum subsides.
  • Never aggravate a conflict situation. It is you who must take the first step towards reconciliation. The child just needs to feel that the scene he has arranged will in no way affect your love for him.
  • If, in a fit of anger, with sharp and uncontrolled movements, the child hurt someone or broke something, then help him fix the situation. He can ask for forgiveness from his brother or collect pieces of the puzzle scattered on the floor.
  • Explain to him that he, like any person, has a complete the right to be angry and express your anger, but at the same time You can't break anything or hurt others.

On a cold head

  • If your child often loses his temper, if he reacts angrily to any refusal or disagreement on your part, then it's time to think. Have you set boundaries for him? Does the child understand that he is not the boss in the house?
  • Are you an example for your baby of people who know how to control their own emotions, extinguish their anger and remain calm? How a child will deal with their own emotions depends largely on what kind of example their parents set for them. As soon as you feel anger building up in you, tell him, “I feel like I'm starting to get angry about what just happened; I need to be alone - I'll go stand on the balcony to calm down.

How to avoid a fit of childish anger next time?

  • Try to divert his attention to something interesting as quickly as possible. Anything will do, from "Oh, look, there's a dove on the terrace!" to "Didn't your cartoon start?".
  • Before refusing a child, let him know that you perfectly understand his desire: “Yes, you are right, these sweets look really just delicious, next time we will buy them.”

Teach him to compromise

Sometimes one “yes”, but with limitations, which is the result of negotiations with a child, can bring the conflict to naught. With this approach, there are no losers: “Okay, you can take candy, but only one” or “Okay, you can play, but only five minutes, no more.”

As for the child, he learns to argue his point of view, and also feels that he can agree with you and be heard by his parents. Even if he did not get everything he wanted, he achieved something. As for you, you received obedience from the child and nullified the conflict situation. Once an agreement has been reached, it is important to adhere to the stipulated conditions: Five minutes means five minutes, but not fifteen. If you let everything take its course, it turns out that the restrictions you set can be neglected, and your word loses weight.

Be careful: you can not bargain with a child indefinitely. If no agreement has been reached, then the last word should always be yours.

Every tantrum has a hidden meaning

Anger is the result of a sharp surge of negative emotions that completely absorb the baby. An attack of rage occurs suddenly, and it is absolutely irrespective of whether the parents understand its true reason or not. Young children are very sensitive, and this sensitivity is not always helpful. Anger, in turn, leads to unnecessary nervousness, tension, shame, in the end. Or even provokes another anger, this time - parental.

An attack of childish anger, no matter how sudden and excessive it may seem, carries a certain semantic load:

  • He expresses discontent: "I want to do something, but I can't";
  • He expresses fear of abandonment and related experiences;
  • He expresses desire to be independent, adults, decide for yourself;
  • He expresses need for respect And resentment at what may seem unfair to the child.

"Because we are what we think.
Our emotions are slaves of our thoughts
and we, in turn, are slaves of emotions."
Elizabeth Gilbert

Practical transformational training from Tatyana Egorova:

"Iron excerpt:
How to learn to control yourself, remain calm and achieve obedience in your child in just 7 lessons?

A step-by-step system for managing your negative emotions in moments of stressful and crisis situations in communicating with a child!

At first glance, your child's whims and disobedience provoke your angry response and the vicious circle closes... But there is a way out!

During the training, we work with your attitudes and behavioral stereotypes, which directly affect the entire process of your communication with your child. By changing yourself, you radically change the behavior of your son or daughter: from capricious and yelling to a calm and happy child! And indeed it is.

Letter from Egorova Tatyana,
psychologist, expert in parent-child relations:

Dear mother, dear father, raising children from 1 to 7 years old.

If you have come to this page, most likely you are concerned about the following questions:

  • You happily expected a child, dreamed of being good and wise parents, but day after day you are bitterly convinced that you cannot cope with your anger, screaming at your son or daughter.

  • You are tired of saying the same thing every day and seeing zero reaction from your children, as if these words of exhortation, warning and caution do not apply to them at all...

  • Sometimes you feel as if you are running in a vicious circle: day after day the same problems, the same scenario, the same negative feelings and emotions, and there seemed to be no end to it...

  • Do you periodically have thoughts: "What am I doing WRONG?", "Where is my mistake?", "Why can't I persuade the child to do something necessary?"

  • You are often tormented by a sense of guilt due to the fact that you cannot cope with your explosive emotions and, in a state of passion, you can say a lot of hurtful words and / or spank your baby, who was carried with such love for all 9 months ...

  • Every time you get stuck, not knowing how to react to this or that problematic situation in education, and sometimes it seems to you that one way out is to “cut the Gordian knot” with decisive measures: raise your voice ... threaten with eloquent prohibitions ... give a slap on the back of the head.

  • You accumulate a mountain of unfinished business due to the fact that in an attempt to cope with the whims of a child, you have lost a lot of precious time, effort and energy.

  • When you resent a child's behavior and yell at him in the hope that he will stop it, you notice that such tactics bring only a short respite, after which the problematic behavior is repeated and even more frequent ...

  • You feel that you have exhausted all the moral and physical strength, the entire stock of knowledge, and then "there is simply nowhere to go" ...

You seriously want to change the situation, learn to see the origins of problems, fully understand yourself and control yourself; wisely, with maternal love and sensitivity to educate your baby ...

Now imagine for a minute...

  • You wake up in the morning to start a new day with fresh energy with a calm, sweet and sympathetic child.

  • You have already forgotten the last time you yelled at a child for some kind of obstinacy or fault. Now it is easy for you to negotiate with the baby, because he trusts you, because he is sure of his need, safety and parental love.

  • Your inner state can be described as "I am satisfied and calm", "My heart and soul are filled with joy, warmth and tenderness."

  • You are full of strength and energy and together with your children are happy to plan upcoming activities and games.

  • You have time to redo important things, because you know how to sort them and distribute them according to the degree of urgency and relevance. Your rest is reasonably combined with the load.

  • You are happy to meet your husband after work, because the children were happy to help prepare for the arrival of dad.

  • The whole day passed in active cooperation and the children feel like real helpers.

  • In a crisis situation, if it suddenly arises, you are clearly aware of the reason for which it arose. The acquired knowledge and techniques help to stop anger in time and to extinguish whims in the bud in a timely manner.

  • Your endurance and calmness help children change themselves, cope with themselves, their feelings, because you create such conditions and a climate in the family in which whims and tantrums do not linger.

And even if they do (after all, there is no child completely WITHOUT whims - then it's just a doll), you have a full arsenal of excellent tools for developing your own strategy specifically for each baby.

Why am I writing to you, and who am I,
to help resolve these issues?

The main reason is, of course, my personal experience.

Without him, I would not have been able to better understand the problem of managing myself, my angry outbursts and feelings of irritation when everything does not go as planned ... if I had not experienced such an experience in my own skin ...

They say the truth, in order to get to know a person better - drag him to the mountains: "there you will understand who he is", in other words, when you eat "a pood of salt" with him.

I won’t drag you to the mountains, don’t worry, but I already ate this pood of salt a long time ago :) in my family, together with my daughter. And so I understand you well ...

Before marriage and the birth of a child, I always considered myself quite even, calm when it came to communicating with other people. After all, for me, each person is another valuable experience, another interesting book that I want to open, talk about it, discuss, understand his motives, goals and aspirations ...

I remember if there were any outbursts of emotions, complex conflicts between my friends and acquaintances, I often looked for how to reconcile these two sides, tried to understand what motivated each side in a particular case and help deal with myself and my opponent.

When I succeed in a "truce mission" - usually I feel great relief, because I worry about everyone.

So at one time I went to study psychology. It is thanks to this desire to understand a person, starting from those early childhood years, when everything is just being laid, including the emotional-volitional sphere, and ending with the period of adulthood, maturity, when the basic lines of life have already been formed.

I can say that only after the birth of my daughter, when I became a mother, did I realize that it is not enough just to know and see the system of relations between parents and children - personal practice is important. Nothing educates so well as your own child :).

I was not always able to remain calm, especially when tiredness piled up, and there was a lot to redo. Plus, after my daughter’s first year, while on maternity leave, I started taking additional work on the Internet, a little later I opened my psychological center “Your Child Psychologist” online, where parents can come and find answers to their questions.

Much that is there was passed through the prism of their relationship with their daughter. I was looking for effective ways to communicate with children, how to cope with their whims, behavioral problems, with my feelings and manifestations of emotions.

Because in the "Parent-Child" system, it is the parents, with their emotional and situational behavior, personal attitude, that lay the basic model of the world for the baby, in which he will live independently.

And I found them, passed them through myself, my personal and professional experience.

(me and my daughter :))

Yes, this imposes on us, parents, a great responsibility for how exactly we lead the baby through life, what basic feelings we instill in him. Will he be calm or nervous, will he be able to make friends and communicate with peers or will he become uncontrollable, with what emotional baggage will he go through life and with what feeling: "I can do anything" or "I'm a loser, the world is against me?"

Every time I analyze situations in the newspaper "My Family", and I see how much could be done if the heroes of this or that story could cope with themselves and their emotional negative state... If only they knew HOW...

So, to help you deal with your negative emotions and feelings, learn how to build a warm, trusting relationship with your child, I have developed

Basic development program
your emotional response
and blocking negative feelings

Here is a brief program that you can use to put things in order in your emotional sphere step by step, to work out the mechanism for the emergence of negative emotions (irritation, screaming, anger, etc.):

  1. Take care of yourself first of all - this is the right balance of work and rest, pampering yourself, your beloved (if you do not surround yourself with love, you will not be able to internally protect yourself from your explosion, and this explosion will affect others).

  2. Put your mental attitudes in order (this is your internal program, life attitudes from childhood, stereotypes of behavior that the "unconscious self" sets for you - this is where automatisms in your explosive behavior are born).

  3. Examine your strengths and weaknesses of temperament and personality, i.e. what is in you genetically.

  4. Work out from the position of "two sides" your attitude to the situation "as is".

  5. Expand your knowledge about the psychology of your child, because certain situations can be easily avoided if you UNDERSTAND what is behind them, what are the features in the psychology of the behavior of your son or daughter. When there is understanding, there is a solution.

  6. Raise your emotional level of communication, i.e. this is an increase in its effectiveness, so as not to provoke the most conflict situations along the knurled track (development of algorithms and communication schemes).

  7. Get a tangible result - calmness and self-control, quick resolution of difficult situations without hassle and tears.

The effectiveness of the Program depends on whether you paid enough attention to individual details during the passage of each block.

At first glance, everything is quite simple ...

However, as many of our mothers have already seen, real help from a psychologist is needed here.

Do you know HOW exactly to work through each step of this Program in order to acquire the ability to control yourself and cope with your negative emotions even at the stage of their occurrence?

Have you thought about:

  • In what way do you program yourself for irritation and screams?

  • Why do you get the same result in your emotional reactions?

  • What is actually an anger trigger?

  • Why do children stop bad behavior only when you get angry and yell?

  • How to break this vicious circle?

  • How to start working on yourself so that it is effective?

  • What mental attitudes need to be worked on first?

  • Is it bad to let off steam? And if…. Yes?

  • How to anticipate a crisis situation and protect yourself in time?

  • What are the algorithms and techniques in a conversation that block the development of a conflict?

  • Where to find "bags of patience and endurance"?

Now they write a lot of letters to me with requests to sort out this or that situation in communication with the child, in some problems, conflicts. And in 97% of cases, the root of the problem is in the parents themselves, in their inability to remain even, calm and understanding during the period of whims and disobedience of the baby.

It is especially difficult for those whose children are experiencing crises of age and for those whose parents hope for "maybe it will resolve ...!".

You will receive answers to these and many other questions in our new long-awaited training: "Iron restraint: How to remain calm when children do not obey."

Transformational Training

"Iron excerpt:
How do you stay calm when kids don't obey?

7-day practical training with feedback
and analysis of mental attitudes and situations

Leading the training: Egorova Tatyana, psychologist, expert on parent-child relations.

"Iron Grit: How to Stay Calm When Kids Disobey" is a training session that has been asking for it ever since it became clear that it's not enough for parents to get their hands on working techniques and techniques for effectively interacting with a naughty and naughty child.

It is necessary to solve the problem at the subconscious level, with oneself, with an emotional response.

This is a practical 7-day run, during which we will work through the entire Program step by step:

  • Determine the true goals, where to move.

  • Let's take care of ourselves and restore strength.

  • Let's put things in order in our mental attitudes.

  • Let's study our starting advantages and strengthen them.

  • We will work out our attitude and focus on the key points of the problem.

  • We will deepen the practical knowledge of the psychology of your child

  • Raise your emotional level of communication.

  • We will work out algorithms and communication schemes that lead out of the brewing conflict.

You will do all these points under my supervision and with feedback:

  • Identify the inner attitudes and beliefs that provoke irritation, anger, and screaming.

  • Recognize in yourself a chain of consequences that leads to an outbreak of negative emotions.

  • Learn to block anger at the initial stage without damage to the body and psyche.

  • You will find the initial "START" button, which starts the biochemical reactions of readiness for anger.

  • Save the nervous system from the development and overload of affective feelings.

  • Identify your ineffective behavior patterns.

  • Learn to reprogram your perception of the situation with your child.

  • Reveal the subconscious blocks that make you run in the same circle.

  • Get clear algorithms for liberation from the traps of consciousness.

  • Deal with feelings of hyperresponsibility, guilt, discontent.

  • Make an individual program for correcting your situation with your child.

  • Make "positive cards" and "emotional warmth" for the whole family

  • Make a route through the "oases" to recharge your energy.

Here are the reviews and results of those who have already worked with me:

"The text of the training is printed out and literally becomes a reference book"

I am both happy and sad at the same time.
It's sad because the time allotted for the training in the group has ended. And I'm glad, because I went to the end and so much knowledge and experience remains with me.

The information that is given in the training is practically priceless. And the comments of the participants were very important for me, as they contain many examples of problems and their solutions. In them I found answers to many questions that worried me.

Before the training, I already had some idea about age-related crises, how to cope with tantrums and whims. But the knowledge was scattered and somehow "smeared". It seems that I know, but I don’t use it, because I don’t know how to do it right.

Tatyana gives out information clearly, structured and very dense. Each day of the training must be carefully worked out so as not to miss anything. Some things I managed to do easily, others I have already used before, but something does not work yet due to the age of my son. When I find myself in a situation from which I see no way out, I return to the training materials and find answers there.

And it is very warm that there are tools for solving and preventing problems of all ages through which we have to grow up with our son.

It turned out to be convenient that there are audio and text versions of the training. With my son, I could listen, and when I worked during his sleep, I could read. The text of the training is printed out and literally becomes a reference book.

I also want to talk about homework. When you listen to the casts, everything seems to be clear. Then you read the comments and you understand that everything, in general, has already been said. And then you start writing - and then discoveries appear! You begin to understand yourself, your husband and your child better.

Tatyana, thank you for your work!

Natalya Serebryakova, son George, 2 years 2 months.

"Now we have a map that will make our trip a success"

This is a great event for me and my family!
The training was necessary for me and all my relatives, like air - with the birth of my son, the situation with the behavior of my daughter began to go beyond all acceptable boundaries. Our children are late and very desirable, but despite all our efforts, we would not have managed without professional help.

And participation in the training was such a help and a magic wand. We bought it in the summer and gradually did tasks with my husband (the latter circumstance brought us closer together, which cannot but rejoice), but we started to accelerate and finish it only now. There were circumstances that almost disrupted the final for us - my daughter and I were admitted to the hospital, but now everything worked out, and dad at that time brought us new portions of assignments and studied the material himself and did it to the best of his ability.

The most striking for us were the following discoveries: our children are very early - all their crises begin ahead of time, the realization that everything is in order with my daughter helped, it’s just that we had a crisis of 3 years earlier and this is normal. Moreover, competent recommendations and practical, very vital techniques can improve interaction with children.

Secondly, I was pleasantly surprised that Tanechka deliberately involves daddies in the work. After all, it is so important for everyone to try to understand situations together, and not to push everything onto mothers and then blame them for not being able to understand and cope with their own children, as often happens.

Moreover, by working together, dads also take responsibility and begin to be more attentive to children and wives :), and they also understand that it is not an easy job to raise children. For this item, a special THANK YOU to Tatiana.

We really liked that the training material is presented in an understandable language, very life-like “live” examples are given, and not book fiction or examples from the past. And there is no need to talk about homework - they are just very, very, very promotional !!! and although at first glance they are easy, but their implementation leads to very many realizations. Moreover, it was as if I rediscovered my child for myself - the months after the birth of my son were a real test for me and the tasks allowed me to get closer to my daughter, to establish contact.

Of course, we cannot say that we have reached the intended goal and our child has become obedient. We no longer want "trained" children. We are now learning to hear, understand and speak the same language with them, and this is much more valuable to us.

And it’s also very cool that the training works for all ages - so that we will go through it more than a dozen times, because our story with children is at the very beginning :)
Of course, Tatiana deservedly receives five from us! and all one hundred points for quality feedback support.

So we are sure that with the passage of the training our work has just begun - we went on an amazing journey through the country of childhood of our babies and now we have a map that will make our journey successful :)
Thanks again. And I wish all present and future participants to become closer to your children and then the world around will change for the better :)

Tolmacheva Anna, daughter Masha, 2 years 4 months. and son Ivan, 7 months.

"Already in the first fifteen minutes of the seminar, the state switches to clarity, awareness"

Hello Tatiana! Thank you for the deep, informative and interesting webinars for parents. From the emotional tension and confusion that parents usually experience because of a child's tantrums, you bring parents into a calm awareness of the nature of this natural and complex psychological phenomenon.

Already in the first fifteen minutes of the seminar, the state switches to clarity, awareness, coverage of all key aspects of the problem. As a very important advantage of your seminars, I note with pleasure how organically you use your experience as the mother of Anya's daughter.

I am sure that this makes your professional information especially valuable for parents and encourages them to listen and trust the psychological knowledge that is presented in your seminars in a very clear and structured way. In fact, most parents and grandparents really need this knowledge.

As the most significant, I single out three messages to parents from your classes: 1) tantrums are a natural part of the child's maturation process 2) parents can control the state of the child 3) many tantrums can be avoided if you build a pedagogical strategy correctly. I enjoyed participating in your webinars. I wish professional success and happiness to your family!

Sincerely, Olga Orlova,
psychologist-consultant, grandmother of two grandchildren, Riga

"My daughter's behavior is changing for the better and does not come to tears :))"

The training was useful for me, because found confirmation of her feelings towards the child (the people around her - her husband and mother-in-law constantly say that you need to be stricter with your daughter.

Now I am confident in my choice of upbringing tactics and see where they are wrong and their demands on the child are too high). I discuss issues of education with my husband, but because I had mostly feelings, and he needs arguments, then I draw arguments at the training for talking with my husband.

She began to be more calm about negative manifestations in her daughter's behavior, to think about the underlying causes (and not what lies on the surface) and her behavior changes for the better and does not reach tears.

Victoria Solovieva

"Daughter was shocked "

Hello Tatiana.

It so happened that the training began at a very difficult time for our family. The crisis, as they say, is ripe. Therefore, I tried to attend all classes and follow your recommendations. It was not possible to unsubscribe about doing homework (here are their technical reasons). There is a result.

When you start working on yourself, then everything around you moves from its place. You just have to not relax and not be lazy - this is my main drawback :-). Once upon a time, after reading Kozlov's books and working on herself, she managed to get rid of many complexes. Then, believing that I can do anything, I relaxed :-).

And so my daughter gave me a couple of heat. The endless screams were just crazy. And the use of simple techniques brought results.

The realization that we run to the child when he starts yelling and do not pay attention to him when he is playing quietly turned the situation on its head. I began to leave when my daughter unnecessarily started a tantrum. She realized that there were no spectators and the show was pointless. We pronounce situations with toys and so we found out that the boy alone in the kindergarten offends.

I'm starting to master the magic language :-). My daughter was shocked. The situation was slowed down a little by the presence of my grandmother, who does not live with us, she came to visit us. Anyuta immediately ran to her grandmother, as she could not get something from me.

In principle, now, if the daughter is full and slept well, then there are no problems with her. There was one problem left - with dad - how to teach him not to teach me in front of a child. Thank you for the training. Let your experience help other families. Health to you and your loved ones. See you!


"You helped me learn to understand my feelings, enjoy every minute spent with my daughter, and not run headlong to wash dishes or iron clothes..."

My daughter Masha will soon be 3 years old and, if before there were no problems with whims, she was a calm, obedient girl, now something is a little wrong - tears, she asks mom or dad for something - she immediately whines, there were tantrums ...

And I already thought that it would be nice to find more information on the net, study it properly and start acting.

But, fortunately, I came across Tatyana's training, which I literally “swallowed” in a couple of hours.

This is not just a manual for young parents who are faced with the problem of children's whims! It is immediately clear that this is a work written with soul and love. To my surprise, I did not find dry facts and “hackneyed” advice in the training. In this work - only interesting and vivid examples from life, the practice of a psychologist, justified and written in easy language features of child psychology - now I understand why in specific situations my child behaves this way and not otherwise.

And, of course, the practical part of the training.

Learning to live without whims is quite simple. I was convinced of this by the example of my beloved daughter: now she not only does not “whine” all the time and does not throw tantrums, but she also gladly helps me, she has become more independent: on the advice of Tatyana, we just play with her!

Of course, there are still problems with eating soup or porridge on your own, but I think we will gradually get rid of them! And now I don’t even have in my thoughts to slap her on the pope for disobedience, and I explained to my husband that this is an extreme measure: now we have fewer tears and resentment :), but more smiles, hugs, caresses and joyful exclamations!

It is also remarkable that this training is relevant for all parents - it does not matter if the child is one year old or already goes to school - every mother, every father will find something interesting, something important for themselves.

Separately, I want to say about the last chapter about unconditional love. Thank you, Tanechka, for describing such obvious truths in a simple and accessible language, honestly, even tears welled up! :) You helped me learn to understand my feelings, enjoy every minute spent with my daughter, and not run headlong to wash dishes or iron clothes. :)

The training "How to overcome the whims of a child" is an opportunity to prevent the occurrence of many difficulties in raising a child, as well as ways to solve the problems that we, young parents, face every day. On behalf of our family, I express my sincere gratitude to the author and her wonderful daughter, without whom, it seems to me, this wonderful training could not have appeared :)

Sincerely, Anna Pryakhina, daughter Mashenka, 2.9 years old.

"As a result, a clear picture lined up in my head: what to do and how to behave"

My baby is 1.5 years old, I can’t say that I have come across the problem of whims. So far, we have practically not had them, but at the same time, I understand very well that they cannot be avoided at an older age, and I don’t even know how to behave in this or that situation.

As a result, a clear picture lined up in my head: what to do and how to behave. This training refers not only to the stated problem (the whims of the child), but in general helps to develop your own style of parenting and relationships with the child in order to avoid mistakes that will be difficult to correct at an older age. Everything is presented very simply, clearly and intelligibly.

It was interesting to read about the peculiarities of whims in children in different age periods; to understand ourselves, in our methods of education, in what we transfer to our family from the family of our parents, and what we need from this; and receive specific recommendations for improving relationships with the child, and, accordingly, the fight against whims.

A very useful training, I learned a lot of new things, although I read books on the topic of raising a child. I think I will return to him more than once at different stages of the development of my baby.

My rating: 5 points :) Thanks again!

Olga Vesikko

"I liked the training so much, it is very deep and affects not only children, but also parents!"

Hello Tatiana!
I like to understand my children, so I try to collect important information about the relationship with them. This is what prompted me to purchase your course.

I can’t say that I have obedient children, but as it was stated in the training, there are no “obedient” children, and Thank God, otherwise they would not develop and grow.

I like to see personalities in my children, but I also don’t want them to sit on their necks.
I liked the training so much, it is very deep and affects not only children, but also parents! And this is natural, since the only way to raise harmonious children is to change yourself. If you, for example, do not know how to say "no", then the child will grow up either aggressive, not accepting objections, or will take your behavior model as his own and allow himself to be led through life by strangers.

I also liked the analysis of crises of each age: in the training it is structured and well presented. For the first time from your training, I heard about a special tactic of communicating with kids, which helps to stop whims, effortlessly.

When you asked if it was necessary to add something else from the topics to the training, I honestly thought for a long time. I looked through a bunch of trainings, which I also took place on this topic, but did not find what to add :).
My rating for the training is definitely 5.

Sincerely, Vera Yashina

“Now I understand myself and my daughter better.”

I came to the training because I heard from mothers more than once about the crises of two-year-olds, three-year-olds, etc. and the whims with which they are accompanied, and decided to "meet them fully armed."

She herself believed that my daughter was capricious in moderation, and I always know what the reason for her whims is: it is either lack of sleep or poor health. This helped me to respond sensitively to them. But still, sometimes I thought: am I going in the right direction?

The training touched upon other possible causes of whims, as well as ways to effectively respond, and most importantly, the rules for preventing (“preventing”) whims. It turns out that some used it unconsciously, and some knew in theory, but did not know how to apply it in practice.

Thanks to the training, I received both a clear theoretical picture and practical advice. I really liked the tasks aimed at understanding the style of upbringing in the family and understanding the nature of the child and expectations from him.

I would also like to say a few words about the format and content of the training: the text version was very useful to me, I think that I will return to it more than once. I liked the accessibility of the presentation, conciseness and conciseness of the material, the possibility of applying immediately in practice and receiving feedback. In my opinion, feedback was very important, in view of the opportunity to ask specific questions and work out a specific situation. I liked that the theory is supported by specific examples and even phrases with response options. I also liked the list of topics covered.

Now I understand myself and my daughter better, as well as: what I want to achieve in our relationship with her and what kind of person to raise her (no, it's not too early!). Well, of course, my “discoveries” made during the training and the set of tools that I received will help me in this.
Thank you.

Sincerely, Marina, daughter Liza, 1 year 9 months.

"I saw a hundred-o-only mistakes and blunders in raising my son, I found so many" cockroaches "..."

I got to the training not by chance, the topic of whims in our age of crisis is number one. And I never regretted it, because The information turned out to be very important and useful for me, and timely.

I learned a lot of new things, both theory and practice, a lot of tricks, tricks and ways of how to extinguish the hysteria that has already begun, and how to prevent it from flaring up. I saw a hundred mistakes and blunders in raising my son, I found so many "cockroaches" and complexes in myself, originally from my childhood - but now I know how to deal with them! Although it is very difficult.

I can't say that everything changed right away, as if by magic - no, a lot hasn't worked out yet. But thanks to the training, I became calmer about whims (although it doesn’t always work out), I became calmer - and my child became calmer.

In general, I came to educate my son, and I educate myself first of all :), although I always knew that if a person, working on himself, changes, everything around changes, but somehow I didn’t think about it in the context of education.

In general, it seems to me that upbringing is a creative and complex process, because children and families are all different, here you need to think and understand your baby, and read something. Thanks to the training, now I know the right route, the direction in which I need to move.

I think on our way I will return to the training more than once, especially to the text version - thank you very much, Tatyana, for it.

I also liked the feedback - both your comments and the comments of the girls helped a lot (there are a lot of similar problems). During the training appear: some kind of inner composure, attitude, desire and strength to change everything. Now the main thing is not to lose this mood, not to relax and not be lazy, not to go with the flow again and not return again to shouting, prodding, the words "no", etc.

Thank you very much for the training, it was very very interesting.

Semchenko Julia, son Vasily, 3 years 8 months.

"After the training, we speak the same language with the child"

With the birth of the second child, the issue of whims became more acute, especially against the background of the age-related independence of the first child.

The training helped to gain confidence in actions that are intuitive, taking into account the psychotype of the parent and child and the situation.

Alternative methods for diagnosing the causes, preventing and stopping whims are proposed. The information is given for different ages. Tatyana's comments on homework assignments are very useful when the solution to the problem is not obvious to the parent.

The author of the training offers alternative solutions and points out the mistakes of parents. Often, after all, parents simply do not have enough assessment of their actions by a professional in order to adequately assess their behavior in relation to the child.

I liked the large volume of topics discussed with capacious content.
I would like to raise the topic of jealousy between children of different ages, since many have children of the same age.

A systematic approach came in handy. Now, if there are signs of whims, it is clear where the roots grow from and how you can act so that the signs do not develop into whims.

This knowledge helps a lot to stay calm and avoid unsettling tantrums. After completing the training, we speak the same language with the child. Both the child and I became calmer and closer to each other.
Thank you Tatiana.

Ekaterina Brichkina, daughter 2 years old, 7 months old, son 2.5 months old.

"I needed the help of a qualified specialist, and so I ended up at the training"

We have three children with a slight age difference and we are all at home (we don’t attend kindergarten) - this is certainly wonderful, but it’s also very difficult in terms of how to sort everything out so that everyone is happy. Enough literature on education has been read, it seems you know what to do, but for some reason you do it differently. I needed the help of a qualified specialist, and so I ended up at the training.

To be honest, I thought I couldn’t and wouldn’t have time to go through all the homework, well, at least once again I read the material suitable for our situation, but starting from day 1, I couldn’t resist.

Firstly, a very pleasant voice, somehow immediately calm in my soul and I wanted to listen and listen ... Secondly, very briefly, but at the same time, maximum information on the topic and in an accessible form and presented the material of each day (for me it was important, as there is no extra time).

I liked the tests for determining the style of upbringing in the family and determining the character of the child. I understood that they were completely different for me, but for everything to fit so exactly according to the definition of character, I was very surprised.

I liked the feedback, so to speak, polished it to the end, the knowledge gained earlier - thank you, Tatiana, very much!!!
The 4 steps of anti-anger and 13 ways to achieve obedience in a child were very useful.
Thanks a lot for the training!

Gavura Svetlana,
daughters Sofia and Taisiya, 3 years 10 months each, son Matvey, 1 year 3 months.

"Now I know how to react and act on whims"

I was brought to this training by the crisis that had begun with my daughter. Everything was wrong: I don’t want to go for a walk, you can’t drag me away from a walk. Sometimes he herself could not understand what she wanted, she whined all the time or threw a tantrum for 30 minutes, not letting anyone near her. It was a nightmare!

At the family council, it was decided to turn to Tatyana Egorova and take the training "How to overcome the whims of a child." We wouldn't be able to do it on our own.

I liked the information provided in the training. Although it must be re-read from time to time, so as not to forget. But it became clear what was happening and why. The feelings of the little man became clear. And at the same time, I now know how to react and act on my own.

Now I always set a timer for my daughter to go for a walk, I speak a child's language - it helps a lot.
And the most important thing for me was the task - to write a list of the child's hobbies. I myself was amazed when my hand could not stop, but kept writing and writing. Before, I kind of knew all this, but did not focus on it. And I also realized how much I love her!
Thank you Tatyana for opening our souls to love!

Zavolokina Julia, daughter Lisa, 1 year 11 months old

The participants of the training "Iron endurance" write:

"Information about the training came by chance, but just in time"

Information about the training came by chance, but very timely. I will still listen to the training on the tablet, walking with the baby on the street. My husband listened for one day (2nd), he liked it, but falls asleep at the end))
I really liked the training and of course it is IMPORTANT that there is feedback. Otherwise, there would be less desire to do the exercises. It is good that there is an opportunity to “spy” on similar situations with other participants in the training. Supports that all living people and other parents have similar situations. I am glad when there are positive results after completing the tasks!

The most important conclusion that I discovered for myself in the process of training. I want to bring up not a son or even more so a husband)), but MYSELF! And I really, really like it, it inspires and inspires. How important is love for yourself, for the WORLD, for people. How important it is to learn how to reprogram your thoughts and beliefs. How IMPORTANT to remember your little girl inside and pamper her)).
I want to be my son not only a mother, but also a friend who helps and supports without instructions, shouting, patterns of behavior. I believe - I will succeed!)) I want to accept myself as I am and love just like any)) I believe - I will succeed!)) I want to love and accept my husband as he is, without criticism, moralizing , internal patterns of behavior. I believe I will succeed!

Thank you for everything!
Thank you very much!

Christina. Son - Timur (9.5 months), Moscow.

"I tried to apply techniques against the background of the dominant stress - in the end, like a snowball rolled!)"

The training prompted me to go through - I am a very quick-tempered mother - a melancholic with a choleric, I worry very much later - how I will scold. I decided that if this does not help, then nothing will help - it helped, but not immediately.
I liked the training very much, but at the 3rd stage there was a regression - from that state of semi-calmness at that moment I again exploded for any reason. Thanks to Tatyana and gymnastics with the explanation of the psychotherapist - I understood why it happened - I tried to apply the techniques against the background of the dominant stress - in the end, like a snowball rolled!) Thank you for helping to cope with this!
The result - it is very difficult to cope with the negative - a prolonged depression after childbirth affected, the brain got used to working on the negative. BUT, I'm doing it. There was a sensation of a plateau or an airbag under me (I mean my intolerance and incontinence - a pillow for my daughter)) It was difficult to understand and admit that the brain fixed the negative, and therefore it would take a lot of work :) I wanted somehow a magic pill :)) I can already eliminate my irritation by 60%, and I work out the rest every time, and every time it gets easier. Sometimes, though, I slide back - but just the thought of it causes me to panic - I immediately undertake to write homework on situations :)

I am very satisfied with the training!

Irina, daughter 1 year and 9 months. Kazakhstan.

"After self-regulation techniques, I became much calmer and I just let go of many situations"

The training “came handy” at the right moment, when the swearing with the elder had already reached the limit, when she was tired of separating her husband and the elder and she herself had no strength left to sort it all out ..

At first there were doubts that in just 7 days something could be changed. But the progress is on the face!) After the reprogramming technique, my brain started “slow motion” after each “skirmish” with Petya. After self-regulation techniques, I became much calmer and simply let go of many situations. It was not easy to “meet” with your baby, as everything was felt on a physical level, but it helped to remove some kind of internal block or clamp. The feedback from you, Tatyana, helped and helps a lot! thank you very much for your support, I feel that I am on the right track, and where I am not sure, you are very helpful with advice and recommendations.
In addition, it is nice that many exercises had to be done with my husband and he also began to change. Of course, it’s harder for men, after all, reason prevails over emotions, but the changes are visible, for a week now he hasn’t lashed out at the child as usual and listens to my advice on where and how best to act)

Tatyana, thank you very much for organizing this training in such a convenient format. All this time I went through it in text mode and everything is extremely clear and accessible! And the techniques given are not only effective, but also pleasant. That is, for example, sometimes it’s too lazy to get up and do exercises, but here you really want to go and “fly”, feel the cosmic vibrations)))

Bryulina Valeria, sons Peter (3.9 years old) and Pavel (1 year old) Moscow,..

Let's take a look into the future

Think about how much the spoiled nerves and whims of the baby cost you?

Nerve cells, as a rule, do not recover, and the child can quickly develop a habit of whims.

What is your purpose of raising him?

Raise him happy? Self-sufficient? Smart? Calm? Communicative? Purposeful? Healthy? To be wealthy and live without problems? Or to be just your support in old age?

How much does the likelihood of all of the above increase if your child learns from an early age to calm, balance and endurance from you?!

How valuable is it for you to OBTAIN and REINFORCE the skills of effective ways of reprogramming yourself and your mental attitudes, to learn to control yourself and your emotional state for the benefit and as an example to your baby?

Just imagine how much strength and energy you can save by simply bypassing the "minefields" of anger and irritation...

Impressive, isn't it?

But you just need to know HOW and WHERE to do it ... And get around it in practice ...

The cost of participation in the training:

Participation in the training "Iron restraint: How to remain calm when children do not obey" costs only 6900 rubles, depending on the participation option.

There are 2 forms of participation:"I myself", "We are together."

Format: mp3 recordings (all training sessions are posted in a special section where you can download them along with assignments) + text + webinar, depending on the selected package. After payment, you will receive special access to the training by e-mail.

Options for participation in the training:

"I myself"

"We are together"

training recordings + text transcript of audio

6900 rub 3450 rub

12 900 rub

Attention! Today, within 24 hours, a 50% discount is valid for the "I myself" package:

To get a discount, select the appropriate package and on the next page in the order form, enter a one-time coupon Z6MDW(it is valid within a day from the moment of activation).
Then follow all the prompts of the system.

Options for participation in the training:

"I myself"

"We are together"

training recordings + text transcript of audio training recordings + text transcript of audio
psychological support, feedback and comments on homework
guest webinar by Oksana Ageenkova "Harmonious mother: how to live in harmony with yourself, children and husband, how to restore strength, how to spend it correctly"

6900 rub

12 900 rub

Guaranteed results:

The training comes with a double guarantee:

100% material quality guarantee. During the training, you will receive all recordings of classes and webinars, text transcripts of audio recordings + feedback, depending on which package you have chosen.

100% money back guarantee within a month: if you decide that our methods do not suit you - just write a report on what you have already done and we will return the entire amount, but we will not be able to sell you anything else from our materials.

Changing mental attitudes is a process that takes time and will work provided that you carefully work through all the training materials.

If you just listen and do nothing at all, you most likely won't succeed.

How to take part in the training?

Just choose the option that suits you best and click the "Order" button below it. On the next page, fill in the fields with your data and proceed to the choice of payment methods.

If you have any questions on the page for choosing payment methods, do not worry - write to the support service http://tategor.support-desk.ru/ - they will definitely prompt you.

Do not put off this topical issue - learn with me the important ability to show restraint and calmness when children do not obey, and wisely prevent their whims. This will save you a lot of nerves, physical and moral strength. And this is priceless.

For you, this is the foundation.

See you at the training!

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