Simple tips on how to conceive twins naturally. How to conceive twins naturally

To conceive twins, one desire is not enough, and it is quite difficult to achieve this, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible. For this, there are a variety of medicines that stimulate the ovaries. Also, taking some hormonal drugs will also contribute to the conception of twins.

Many women want to give birth to twins, as later the twins will become inseparable friends, and it will be fun and interesting for them to spend time together. Of course, at first it will be difficult for a mother to take care of two children at once, since caring for babies at the same time will require a lot of effort.

To give birth to twins, you need to have many favorable factors:

  1. Most often, twins are given to those women who have requested the IVF procedure, since several already fertilized eggs are injected into the uterus by doctors, with this method you can give birth not only to twins, but also to triplets.
  2. You can give birth to twins to those women who have already had similar cases in their family, but this ability is transmitted through a generation and only through the female line. But, despite this, it is not always possible to give birth to twins.
  3. Regular consumption of milk and dairy products promotes the birth of twins, as this allows an increase in the production of certain hormones that affect the ovaries, and an increase in egg production occurs.

Twins are also obtained after the woman has refused to take oral contraceptives, which previously suppressed the work of the ovaries. As a result, the ovaries begin to produce a fairly large number of eggs.

The likelihood of having twins in the spring increases, since the sun's rays can promote the production of the hormone gonadotropin, which regulates the work of the gonads.

If a woman already has children, and she is planning to give birth to another child, then she has an increased chance of becoming pregnant with twins, especially if her age is approaching 40 years. At this age, a woman's body contains a large amount of essential hormones.

How to naturally conceive twins and why it's easy

You can try to conceive twins using certain positions, for example, missionary, it is believed that in this case a large amount of sperm settles on the walls of the vagina. To get pregnant with twins naturally, without using the IVF method, you need to use methods and techniques.


  1. A few weeks before the intended conception, alcohol should be excluded from the diet, a large amount of dairy products, walnuts, and chicken eggs should be added to the diet.
  2. Folic acid is also taken, it is actively involved in the formation of the placenta and helps cell division.
  3. You can engage in self-hypnosis, if every day you imagine that pregnancy begins, and at the same time there will certainly be the birth of 2 girls, then the chances of giving birth to twins also increase. The main thing is to want it strongly, and draw clear pictures in your head about pregnancy with twins.

To conceive boys, positions with deep penetration should be used, and while the woman is coming, the man should try to penetrate the vagina as deeply as possible.

For the conception of twins, a special table is drawn up, it is usually based on the phases of the moon.

It is believed that when the moon passes through the constellation of Gemini and Pisces, there is a chance of conceiving twins. Moreover, if you have sex before the new moon, you can get children of the same sex. If you have sex after the full moon, then there is a chance of heterosexual twins. You can use folk remedies, for example, drink a decoction of sage herbs, which perfectly helps to replenish the required amount of hormones.

Gynecologist's answers: how to get pregnant with twins or twins

Many women try to get pregnant with twins, using not only different positions, calendar and folk methods, but also seeking advice from a gynecologist. A gynecologist may advise a woman to first take anti-conception drugs for a certain time, and then abruptly stop taking them. After a while, the ovaries will begin to intensively produce eggs, which can contribute to the conception of twins.

You should use both fruits and natural juices from them, but you should refuse to eat a variety of semi-finished products.

You can also, on the advice of a gynecologist, take fertility drugs, in some cases this can stimulate the release of several eggs from the ovaries at once. But such drugs are prescribed after passing all the necessary tests. It is not recommended to take such drugs uncontrollably.

  • Seafood;
  • Red fish;
  • As well as dairy products;
  • Cheese;
  • Natural meat.

But, despite the advice of a gynecologist, giving birth to twins is not so easy, but nevertheless, it is quite possible that you should use the maximum number of opportunities. For example, active sexual activity in the spring and summer promotes the conception of twins.

Cases of birth of twins of a boy and a girl

Sometimes same-sex twins can be born, a boy and girls are born bisexual when two eggs are fertilized with different spermatozoa at once, and subsequently each fetus develops in a separate placenta. This can happen in different cases. In some women, in a cycle, two or more eggs can be released into the uterine cavity at the same time, and their simultaneous fertilization with sperm, which allows you to conceive twins, and if several eggs mature at once, then there is a chance to give birth to triplets.

As some scholars point out:

  1. Twins appear according to statistics, 2 times more often than twins.
  2. There is also a chance to give birth to identical twins, while, according to physiology, the fertilized egg is divided into 2 identical parts, from which the further development of children occurs.
  3. The likelihood of having twins, as calculated by doctors, is 3 times higher than the birth of twins, especially in older women, for example, at 30-40 years old.
  4. Also, some doctors have noticed such statistics that slightly overweight women are more likely to give birth to twins.

The conception of twins is also influenced by the belonging of men to a certain type, if this is a native of the Middle East or African, then such a couple has a much higher chance of giving birth to twins.

Tricks: how to conceive twins correctly

The ability to conceive twins or triplets is determined at first glance by the genetics of generations. If there have already been similar cases of the birth of twins or twins in the family along the female line, then the chances of giving birth to triplets or a twin at once increases, since this possibility is genetically transmitted to a woman.

To clarify this possibility, it is best to consult a geneticist, and it is advisable to take the medical documents of relatives, first of all, on the female side, before going to him.

The possibility of giving birth to twins with ovulation is associated, this is especially true for women who are aged. Thanks to ovulation, especially multiple ovulation, there is a chance to schedule the birth of twins. If you want to give birth to twins 100 percent quickly, you can turn to IVF - artificial implantation of already fertilized eggs. Fertilization of eggs is carried out by specialists in a special way in test tubes, thus creating optimal conditions for this. Can contribute to the birth of 2 or more children. Such stimulation will guarantee the birth of at least one child.

Secrets: How Twins Are Made

The birth of a child is always a joy, and when 2 children are born at once, we can say that this is a double joy. Moreover, twins can be both identical and fraternal. Fraternal twins have a certain similarity with each other and develop from 2 fertilized eggs.

And identical twins are formed from one fertilized cell, which is subsequently divided into 2 embryos.

This behavior of a fertilized egg is still little studied by doctors and scientists, and the reasons for this on what it depends on are also still unknown. Twins can also turn out when 1 egg is fertilized with 2 sperm at once, such cases sometimes happen, but this issue has also been poorly studied by scientists.


  1. The birth of twins, twins, primarily depends on the genetic predisposition of the woman, and for the second case, on the predisposition of the man. The chances of giving birth to twins are very high if a woman and a man in the family have already had similar cases.
  2. Taking medicines that treat infertility in the first place in a woman can contribute to the birth of twins. It is only necessary to correctly calculate the dose and duration of taking these drugs, and not use runes. This should be done by a doctor based on analyzes and taking into account the general condition of the woman's body.
  3. Contributes to the conception and birth of twins, according to some doctors, a short monthly cycle, for example, only 20-22 days, but this has not yet been precisely proven.
  4. But age plays an important role, since in middle age a woman's body can contain a large amount of hormones that contribute to more intensive ovarian work.

In general, it is believed that giving birth to twins naturally is difficult, but there are chances. For those looking to have twins, plan ahead. Planning begins with a trip to a good doctor, reviews of which are positive (you can roll Google to search for reviews), if possible, you need to take tests and, of course, quite a long preparation. This is a certain diet, eating a large amount of certain foods (which you can better check with your doctor), taking vitamins, calculating the monthly cycle and determining ovulation (you can use an online calculator for this). The use of different positions, including those with deep penetration, while you need to try to make the woman experience a deep orgasm. It is believed that when a woman squirts, the orgasm is as complete as possible, and the sperm is able to penetrate to the maximum depth. If you can’t get pregnant with twins or at least someone doesn’t work, they ask, help, and you will need the help of specialists to do IVF, but only this will require a certain amount of effort and time, as only a doctor can guide you.

The birth of twins naturally (video)

This material will allow you to get answers on how to plan twins, as well as what methods are conducive to this, and which one is better to use in order to guarantee twins, as well as what is the probability of giving birth to twins in this or that case.

If you have a desire to give birth to two babies at the same time, then for this you need to know how you can contribute to that. so that two fruits are created and double fertilization occurs.

How to conceive twins or twins?

If during its development the zygote is divided into two parts, then identical twins can be born. They will not only have identical genes, but the same appearance. If pregnancy proceeds with a divided egg, then it cannot be genetically inherited and does not appear in nature quite often.

But if we are talking about fraternal twins, then the situation is somewhat different. This can happen at the time of ovulation, when not one, but two eggs have matured and they both met with the male reproductive cells. For the body to be able to generate two eggs in one menstrual cycle, it is necessary that it has a special one, which is inherited. If a similar gene is found in the genus. Then he will be able to be transmitted exclusively through the maternal line.

If, for example, your grandmother had fraternal twins, then the chances that you will give birth to twins are very high. But if such a situation occurred in your husband's family, then it does not affect your fertilization in any way in the same way as twins can be transmitted exclusively through the female line.

Table - how to conceive twins naturally

How to conceive twins naturally

The birth of twins is relatively rare and not every woman can do it. But still, so that the chances are higher, the couple can create all the necessary conditions for the birth of two babies. And these chances will be higher if you do the following points:
  1. If a woman has a violation of ovulation, then it must be cured immediately. Such a disease does not make it possible to undergo ovulation completely or, in some cases, partially. For treatment, you need to use drugs that are made on the basis of FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone. Such drugs stimulate the ovulation process and already in the first cycle, two eggs always appear at the same time.
  2. Do not use hormonal drugs. It does not have a very good effect on the female body. When women use hormonal contraceptives, and then abruptly stop taking them, then in the period while the body will restore the hormonal background, two or more cells will appear more often.
  3. When artificial insemination takes place, doctors always make sure that there are grown cells in reserve. This is necessary in order to replace the egg in case it dies during extraction. Because not all eggs can grow in a test tube, much less be fertilized. Therefore, doctors grow several eggs and, depending on the woman's wishes, plant one or more zygotes.

How can twins be artificially planned?

The way that would definitely guarantee the birth of twins remains unknown even today. But still, there are several methods that will help you achieve almost 100% twins. To do this, you need to consult and be examined at the hospital. If your doctor approves of your desire to have twins and says that you have high enough rates for this, then he may prescribe medications that will affect your ovulation cycle. But you shouldn't take these medications without your doctor's permission.

You should be careful, because such drugs have many side effects and can cause complications after taking them. In general, the stimulation of female ovulation is considered a rather dangerous activity, as ovarian ruptures or their enlargement can occur, twins can be conceived in an organism that is unable to bear it, changes in the whole body, the chance of having a triple pregnancy is possible.

Therefore, before risking to stimulate ovulation, you need to think again and check, because it is very difficult and not every woman is able to pass such a test.

Pregnancy with twins is a responsible occupation and exerts a greater stress on the entire body of a woman. Of course, the likelihood of getting pregnant with twins is much higher if there is a genetic predisposition in your family. But, what to do if you really want two kids at once and is it possible at all?

So who are the twins? Twin pregnancy is a type of multiple pregnancy. Multiple pregnancies (we talked about it earlier in our articles) are identical and different. Twins and twins. Multiple pregnancy.

In the case of an identical pregnancy, twins are born, and if two (sometimes more) eggs are fertilized at once, twins are born.

The main difference between twins and twins is that in the case of twins, they are absolutely identical. Immediately it should be said that I will forgive several times to become pregnant with twins than to give birth to twins.

How to conceive twins or twins?

Many couples dream of the birth of several babies at once. The question immediately arises of how you can help your body to conceive twins.

From the very beginning, we will say that there are factors that simply favor you to conceive twins and they have long been scientifically proven:

  • genetic predisposition. Most often transmitted through the maternal line;
  • women over the age of 35 are more prone to conceiving twins;
  • women with a small amount of overweight, most often this happens in those who have already given birth.

Well, in addition to scientifically proven facts, there are also miraculous places, having visited which you have a great chance of conceiving twins.

How to conceive twins or twins?

For example, in the village of Denisovka (Rostov Region), residents assure that they have a fruitful land on which you can get pregnant with twins. Coincidence or not, but at the moment they have recorded statistics that for every five hundred people, about 20 pairs of twins are born.

To increase the chance of pregnancy with twins, or rather to stimulate it, the mother's taking hormonal drugs can. In the modern world, desperate couples resort to IVF, so they can also become happy parents of twins.

How to conceive twins naturally?

If you decide to use self-conception, that is, without IVF. Then you will have to turn to a geneticist for help, having previously compiled at least a short list of your closest relatives and your husband, namely the statistics of multiple pregnancies. Recommendations for natural conception here will be exactly the same as when planning any pregnancy:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins;
  • complete rejection of bad habits at least half a year before conception.

Probably the predominant difference here will be the increased use of folic acid. Much in planning a twin pregnancy depends on your daily diet, it is imperative to add walnuts, whole grains and chicken eggs to the menu.

How to conceive twins naturally?

The most favorable time for conceiving twins is spring, scientists highlight spring for a reason. In the spring, hormonal changes usually occur at the moment of which the production of so-called spare eggs is enhanced.

It is worth remembering that none of the above methods gives you one hundred percent guarantee, but at least it gives you at least some chance, rather than having it completely absent.

In what positions can you conceive twins

There is even a scientific point of view on this, and it turns out that poses for making love also affect the conception of twins. The most successful positions are those where the deepest penetration occurs. It is very easy to explain this, so the sperm have a doubled chance of getting to what they want.

In what positions can you conceive twins

Then it remains only for nature and how well you planned your pregnancy. The appearance of twins is possible if your egg begins to divide, while twins will come out if two eggs are produced at once during ovulation (it is not so often and more likely if there is a genetic predisposition).

How to conceive twins girls?

If we return to the conversation about postures for conception, then it is quite possible for girls to become pregnant without deep penetration (the set of female chromosomes is more tenacious). The simplest missionary position is perfect here.

How to conceive twins girls?

For the pregnancy of twin girls, you need to adhere to a special diet, which should include as many herbs and honey as possible, jam and even sugar will also be an excellent stimulating product.

But there are also foods that you still better exclude to achieve the desired result, they include caffeine and any salty food.

How to conceive twins boys?

For the conception of boys, you should also use special foods:

  • various juices;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • lentils;
  • a lot of meat;
  • increased amounts of protein.

But there are also foods that should be avoided, for example, any bakery products, dairy products, and be sure to remove sweets. As we said above, when conceiving boys, it is better to use the poses with the deepest penetration. Y is less tenacious and adapted to independent movement, and sometimes it is necessary to overcome some distances to reach the egg.

Folk remedies for twin pregnancy

Nobody canceled the advice of our ancestors, which, by the way, often end in success. Yes, they do not have scientific confirmation, but they have a lot of evidence in the form of the birth of twins or twins.

Many people say that in order to conceive twins, one should go to special places where the climate favors it, such places are considered the countries of Africa and the Middle East. Yam grass can also help in conception. But also the list of products that we have already talked about:

  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products.

The birth of twins is always a double joy. Many couples want to have twins or twins. This article will help you figure out if you can conceive twins naturally.

How does conception occur in multiple pregnancies?

Multiple pregnancies can be different. As a result of such a pregnancy, twins, twins, triplets and even fives can be born. The most common of these options are still twins. At the same time, twins can be both identical and heterogeneous.


In order to understand how twins appear, you need to imagine how the fertilization process proceeds. After the fusion of the egg and sperm, active division begins, as a result of which yet another new organism is formed, which is called a zygote. Further, due to reasons unknown to science, the zygote in some cases may split. This division also contributes to the fact that not one, but two small human organisms are formed.

Scientists conduct quite a few experiments aimed at establishing the exact mechanism of active division of the zygote and the birth of twins. Modern research proves that fission time is the most important criterion. So, the more time has passed since the separation of the zygote, the greater the likelihood of formation of isolation in twins.

Scientists have found that if the zygote divides with the formation of two separate microorganisms on 1-3 days from the moment of fertilization, then in the future each of the babies will have their own membranes and placenta, but with a later separation, the twins will have a common placenta. The formation of Siamese twins (fused with parts of the body between themselves) occurs, according to scientists, on the 13-15th day from the moment the zygote begins to divide.

Obstetricians-gynecologists distinguish several options for multiple pregnancies. The first of them is bichorionic biamniotic. In this case, each of the babies has its own placenta and fetal bladder. As noted, this option is possible if the division of the zygote occurred approximately 3-5 days after fertilization.

The second variant of multiple pregnancy is called monochorionic biamniotic. It is characterized by the presence of one placenta and two fetal bladders. It arises a little later - after 4-8 days from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

The third option is monochorionic monoamniotic twins. In this case, babies have only one placenta and one fetal bladder for two. This option is much less common than the previous two. It most often develops on the 9-10th day after fertilization.

Very often, identical twins look very similar to each other after birth. In the future, children actively use this similarity at school when answering in the classroom, causing real confusion for teachers and their classmates. It also happens that identical twins are very similar to each other, not only in appearance, but also in character.


Fraternal twins are commonly referred to as twins. They can appear due to the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs. Twins tend to look less alike than identical twins. Babies can have different hair and eye colors, differ in height and weight. Also, twins, as a rule, differ significantly in character and temperament.

Carrying twins requires more responsibility from a woman, because the female body at this time is under significant stress. It is very important that the pregnancy is desired. In this case, the woman tolerates all the difficulties of bearing babies quite well.

It is very important that during pregnancy, the expectant mother strictly follows all the recommendations of doctors made for her.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine multiple pregnancies based on clinical signs alone. In the early stages, it practically does not differ in any way from a singleton pregnancy. It is possible to identify the presence of several babies in the uterus at once during an ultrasound examination. When conducting a study for a certain period of the intrauterine life of babies, you can even assess the heartbeat of each of them.

What is the probability?

The birth of naturally conceived twins due to multiple pregnancies is less common. According to statistics, out of 250 births, only one end in twins. In this case, identical twins are born extremely rarely - in 4 cases out of 100 births of twins.

Such a relatively low probability of the birth of twins contributes to the fact that future parents, who dream of several babies at the same time, resort to a variety of methods of conceiving twins.

It should be noted that most of them are still folk. The only official way of deliberately giving birth to twins is the artificial insemination techniques used in official modern medicine.

Contributing factors

Not every woman is capable of conceiving twins or triplets, but there is a number of factors that can affect the possibility of developing multiple pregnancies.

  • Age of the future mother... It is believed that after 35 years of age, the chance to conceive twins naturally increases. Quite often, twins are born to women who gave birth at the age of 35-45.
  • Genetic predisposition... Perhaps this factor is very important. Having twins in close relatives significantly increases the likelihood of developing multiple pregnancies. Scientists have not yet precisely identified the gene encoding the development of this predisposition, but statistics already clearly show this trend.
  • Overweight... Women who have a slight excess of adipose tissue in their bodies are also more likely to conceive several babies at the same time.

  • Racial affiliation. It is believed that representatives of the Negroid race give birth to twins a little more often than Asians.
  • Shortened menstrual cycle. If every month menstruation occurs in 20-22 days, then the possibility of getting pregnant with twins increases slightly.
  • Anatomical features... The development of multiple pregnancies can be facilitated by a special "two-horned" uterus. In this case, there is a small septum in the uterine cavity, which divides it into several sections. Such a pathology, according to statistics, is not so common - on average, only in 5% of cases.
  • Repeated pregnancies. In some cases, the conception of twins can occur even if the couple already has one or more babies. If this also combines other factors that contribute to the development of multiple pregnancies, then the chances of having twins increase.

Interestingly, stopping oral contraceptive use can also contribute to multiple pregnancies. Conception of twins in this case is possible due to an altered ovulation process. The longer the previous use of oral contraceptives was, the higher the chance of multiple pregnancy. Cancellation of drugs in this case potentiates the release of several eggs at the same time.

Induced (artificially induced) stimulation of several eggs at the same time can also be a possible reason for the conception of twins. For this, certain medications are used to stimulate the ovaries and regulate ovulation.

You should not take medications and then cancel them yourself. Do this only on the advice of your doctor. Oral contraceptives have quite a few undesirable side effects and may be contraindicated in certain diseases, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance.

Geographic conditions of residence also have an impact on the frequency of twins. In the small village of Kopan, which is located in the Ukrainian Carpathians, 54 pairs of twins were born in half a century (with a relatively small population of 3.5 thousand inhabitants). Locals believe that it is all about the natural source that flows there. They even believe that this source has healing properties.

Similar surprising facts of the frequent birth of twins were registered in the village of Denisovka. This small settlement is located in the Rostov region. It is noted that 38 people out of 500 local residents are twins. At the same time, residents themselves believe that the reason for such a frequent birth of twins is largely due to the fertile soil on which they grow their crops. The locals are so sure of this fact that they invite all couples who dream of the birth of twins to visit them. They are sure that even after a short vacation in their village, the possibility of pregnancy with twins is greatly increased.

How to plan the simultaneous birth of several babies?

Note that it is extremely difficult to significantly influence the possibility of natural conception of twins, however, there are a number of tips that can help in planning for twins.

  • Take folic acid while planning your pregnancy. Some scientific studies show that women who take folic acid supplements at their recommended dosages before conception increase the likelihood of having twins by 40%.
  • Maintain breastfeeding. In some cases, twins are conceived during the lactation stage. If a woman is still breastfeeding her first baby, but does not resort to contraception, then she has a chance of becoming pregnant with twins. The release of several eggs from the ovaries simultaneously in this case is facilitated by a certain hormonal background, which is formed during lactation.
  • Consider the season... It is believed that during the warm season, the female hormonal background changes. In the spring and summer, the chances of conceiving twins increase slightly.
  • Try yams. This grain crop is grown and grown primarily in Africa and Latin America. There are suggestions that the high frequency of twin births among black women is largely due to the fact that the basis of their diet for many years is yam products.

When planning a multiple pregnancy, it is very important to adhere to the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. It is important for future parents to remember that their health indicators are very important even before conceiving a baby. So, long-term smoking or alcohol intake has an extremely adverse effect on the germ cells. This contributes to the fact that normal fertilization is difficult.

It is important to remember that multiple pregnancy is a rather large burden on the female body. If a woman is practically healthy, then it is easier for her to bear several babies at once, while the presence of chronic diseases significantly complicates the development of a normal multiple pregnancy.

In order to conceive healthy babies, doctors recommend that the expectant mother, at least 6 months before conception, begin to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of addictions.

Can gender be influenced?

Planning a baby's gender is perhaps one of the most important and intriguing questions for parents-to-be. Someone dreams of the birth of a little princess, and someone dreams of an heir.

Influencing the birth of twin boys or two little girls is almost impossible. All the advice and recommendations are only auxiliary in nature - there are still no one hundred percent guarantees after their implementation. Such recommendations increase the chance of twins by only a fraction of a percent, but there are times when such popular recommendations really work.

In planning sex, special tables are used, but they are of a recommendatory nature, so the risk of conceiving "planned" boys or girls is quite low.

It is believed that a special diet can help conceive a boy. For this, the expectant mother at the stage of preparation for pregnancy is advised to consume a large amount of protein products. These include: meat, poultry, nuts, eggs. Regular inclusion of meals prepared with these products should help to conceive boys.

Sometimes, during an ultrasound scan, a pregnant woman is told that she is expecting not one, but two, or maybe even three babies. Such babies are called twins and are the dream of many women.

What kind of twins are there?

They are identical (monozygous) and multi-egg. The former are born as a result of the division of a fertilized egg. So far, experts cannot name the exact reasons for this phenomenon. The latter are born as a result of the fact that more than one egg matures in a woman's body, which are fertilized by sperm. Multiple twins are also called dizygotic, trisygotic, depending on how many children are expected. They are also commonly called twins or triplets. They are often born as a result of artificial insemination.

How to conceive twins naturally?

Those women who want to give birth to several children at once are trying to figure out how to contribute to this. And if scientists do not explain the conception of monozygotic twins, then certain factors affect the birth of twins:

  • mom's age is over 30 years old;
  • the presence in the family of such cases on the maternal side;
  • after exposure to hormonal drugs.

It is also believed that for those who want to conceive twins, both boys and girls, it is worth planning a pregnancy while nursing an older child. This is explained by the fact that the chances increase precisely

Some argue that those women who are thinking about how to conceive twins should eat a lot of dairy products and also drink folic acid during pregnancy. Vegetarianism, on the other hand, reduces this

There are various methods for conceiving twins or babies of a certain gender, tables. They indicate the months and days when the chances of doing it increase.