Check that I am pregnant. Determination of pregnancy on external symptoms and inner sensations. Ancient pregnancy recognition methods

The condition of pregnancy is exactly the situation that every woman wants to experience. Dreaming to conceive a child, every woman starts the day after sexual contact listening to himself, determining the changes that happened - I want to determine the first signs of pregnancy. But so that they show themselves, you will need to wait a little bit. No, no, not before the delay of regular menstruation, the first signs of the coming interesting situation can be noticed already in the first days after conceiving crumbs. Listen to yourself - can a new life begins in you?

The first week of an interesting position: how to determine his beginning

Young women often concerns the state of coming pregnancy, but how to understand that you are pregnant at an early term, because it is often necessary to wait for a survey with an ultrasound method to determine the fertilization. But experts argue that in the first week after fertilization in the body, changes begin, which can notice any woman in themselves if they know about them.

The first signs of pregnancy include the following symptoms:

  1. Increased salivation. Saliva is constantly formed in the mouth, regardless of whether the future mother is hungry or sees delicious dishes on the table before eating. Many saliva stands out even after meals.
  2. Ion cramps. They arise, as a rule, during night sleep and clearly indicate the onset of pregnancy. Such convulsions are associated with the presence of poor blood circulation in the body, therefore the presented symptoms is not fundamental.
  3. Metal taste in the mouth. Also appears in the first week and it is difficult not to notice.
  4. Pigmentation. Dark white line, coming from the navel to the bottom of the abdomen. Can appear pigment stains on the face and along the hair growth line.
  5. Owl of belly. There is a feeling of bloated abdomen, subsequent constipation is provoked regardless of what was eaten. Sometimes bloating is accompanied by diarrhea - this manifests itself quite rare, is more characterized by the peculiarities of the perception of the body to the "alien object".

These symptoms may not be too pronounced, and some can simply not be noticed, for example, night cramps. If strong sleep, and the seizures are weak, a woman does not know about them. But many signs are rather bright and not to notice them is simply impossible, especially if the woman lives the expectation of long-awaited pregnancy.

How to learn about conception

To learn about whether a pregnancy has come or not without a test on an early term, it is difficult, but you can. To do this, you need to know the first symptoms of your interesting position, which manifest themselves in women even before the start of the menstruation delay and in the period when the test cannot yet determine (within 7-10 days after the fertilization of the egg). These main "diagnostices" of the occurrence of pregnancy later may confirm the "interesting situation" of the future mother.

Since the embryo begins to produce hormones only after attaching to the uterus wall, it was not possible to discover any symptoms before this. Usually the process of implantation occurs on 7-10 days after ovulation. Not every woman can detect all possible signs of coming pregnancy. They do not manifest everything at once and at the same time. But many of them are impossible not to notice, because they are brightly expressed. You can learn that you are pregnant without a dough can be in the following numerous symptoms.

Increase temperature indicators

The basal temperature is the lowest point of the human body temperature, which is determined during peace. It remains high after ovulation, if a pregnancy has come. If desired, becomes pregnant and constant measurement of changes in the change is an exact sign of conception.

Nausea in the morning or during the day

It bothers and throughout the day if the blood sugar level is reduced. Therefore, it should be powered regularly, preventing such symptoms of an interesting position. In the morning cleaning of teeth there are vomit urge. Nausea and vomiting usually arise in the first trimester, but some women presented with a symptom of a happy future remains for all 9 months.

Changing the mammary glands

Nipples and aroles around them become darker, their sensitivity increases, the chest itself swells, heavily and becomes painful. The manifesting pain is significantly enhanced by touching the chest and even when walking.

Increased discharge

The volume of vaginal discharge is increasing due to the growth of progesterone hormone.


Fast metabolism leads to a constant feeling of indisposition and fatigue. I always want to sleep, even in the daytime, eyes stick out. If you can, then you should not resist this desire, rest at this time a woman is simply necessary.

Frequent urges

Frequent urge begin in 5-7 days, if the countdown comes from the moment of conception. This happens due to the allocation of certain hormones by the embryo itself. The highlighted hormones contribute to the tide of the blood to the internal organs, located in a small pelvis of a woman. As a result, the feeling of fullness of the bladder occurs even in the absence of such - this is due to the characteristic "pressing" blood on the bladder. Most of all it worries a woman at night. Night swells in the toilet are also explained by the horizontal position of the woman, when the urination system does not undergo squeezing.

Spasms at the bottom of the belly

They arise as a result of a constant cutting of the uterus, which occurs during the usual period. With a gradual growth of the embryo, pressure on the walls of the uterus occurs, and the frequency of spasms increases. Do not be afraid of them if they are not accompanied by bleeding, although this is not the norm. In the presence of a presented symptom, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Isolation of a bloody shade

During the estimated monthly bleeding appear. They have a light shade and appear due to fastening the embryo in the uterus. As a rule, such discharges are deviation and should not be manifested at all - this is possible only when the time of the occurrence of menstruation menstruation and the attachment of the fruit egg to the uterine wall.


Changing the hormonal background leads to relaxation and poor intestinal work. Thus, the place is exempt for the fetus. As a result, constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestine.

Change odors

The smell becomes aggravated, and different smells begin to bring sensible unpleasant to nausea. It is especially difficult to endure them when cooking. Strongly pushing the smells of chemicals and perfumes. Often, the familiar and fragrant odor earlier becomes contracted to nausea reflex.


It seems that the ARZ, weakness and ailments, laid out nose begins. All this is due to hormonal changes in the body, when the immune system of the woman is in the depressed state.

Emotional changes, psychological deviations

From the very first days of pregnancy, frequent mood changes occur, from a joyful state to a sense of depression. The future mother becomes irritable, and it often spoils relationships with others.

Change taste

The manifestation of an increased appetite leads to what the overeating may occur because the woman does not feel saturation. Sometimes unbearable I want to eat some particular product, most often pulls on salty. But this symptom may change - begins to pull on tastes that previously caused only dislike. For example, lovers of sweet begin to fit all sour - lemons, unrivable berries with bushes and other "goodies".

Migraine and inexplicable headaches

They can deliver discomfort from the first days of pregnancy, worried a woman throughout the day, and steal closer to the night.

Raispiece Syndrome

Pain syndromes begin with tingling in this area, sharply, which are in their feet. Often there is even a feeling of heat in the lower back.


This symptom is observed not all women. This is due to the fluid delay in the body. Reflected by edema of the limbs, most often hands.

In addition to the signs reviewed, tingling in the uterus or near it are just a pregnant woman. A woman can feel chills and heat that replace each other throughout the day. The temperature at this time remains normal - these are the internal sensations of women, independent of external factors. In the future mother, there may be allergies to those substances or products on which there was no reaction before. In the first days after conception, a woman has a sense of discomfort in the sitting position, it is difficult for her to search for a comfortable position, to just sit down. The sexual attraction is changing, both in one direction and to another.

Folk ways

People's methods for determining pregnancy without tests and medical surveys are based on intuition, dreams and mystical situations. Therefore, they sometimes do not correspond to reality, and require recheck. But there are effective methods of folk remedies to determine pregnancy on a small period:

  1. In a metal container, it is necessary to boil the urine and pour it into glass dishes. If the pregnancy occurred, a flaky white precipitate is formed on the day.
  2. Next, the considered method was determined by the conception in the Middle Ages. Woman urine should be mixed with red wine - transparent urine speaks of a positive result, but if it becomes a muddy - pregnancy has not come.
  3. You can take a wedding ring and hang it on a woman's hair over her belly. If it starts spinning or swing, the woman is pregnant, and if it does not move, it means there is no.
  4. Pour a little urine into the glass and drop on her surface a droplet of iodine. If the drop spreads quickly, the result is negative, and with slow spreading - positive.
  5. You can also lie on the back and at a distance of 7 centimeters from the navel down the belly to put your fingers. If the ripple is feeling, pregnancy has come.
  6. Pour in a glass of warm water from the crane, throw several crystals of manganese, to become a pink solution and add morning urine to it. If the solution simply yellows, it means there is no pregnancy, and if it turned into a prostumn, it means everything is fine - a happy moment has come in life.
  7. This method of determining is based on the fact that the pregnant woman should change the energy. For checking, two cups should be taken, write on one word "pregnant", and on the other - "not pregnant" and put in them in bulk. Wait in which dishes of Luke's shoots will reach 4 centimeters.
  8. It is believing that when watering the indoor colors of a pregnant woman, they will bloom faster and more magnificent.

The last two methods are too long in time - while the bow will stretch, and the buds will dissolve, other signs of pregnancy will appear, and noticeable with a nice look. The evacuances believed that dreams should also be believed because some are 100% embodied. Even in modern times, young girls tend to believe dreams and, if they dreamed of a fish or mouse, they will definitely know that the long-awaited pregnancy has come. Folk methods comply with the true result of only 50%, therefore, the submitted indicator should be taken into account, but not to believe in them unconditionally.

The definition of a "interesting situation" in the early periods of people's methods or analysis of its physiological sensations is not always the correct result. For accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound survey and a gynecologist should be examined. It also helps determine the offensive of pregnancy analyzes urine and blood. If confirming the result is required at the beginning of the conception, it is better to turn to specialists - they will appoint a corresponding examination. It is possible to determine the offensive of pregnancy in a week after fertilization at the inspection of the gynecologist. More accurately can be seen by additional research and methods of surveys.

Monthly delay is the first suspected pregnancy. However, the menstrual cycle is violated and because of inflammatory processes, hormonal failures or stress. There are often cases when tests give false positive results, especially in early terms. Then how to determine pregnancy without dough?

Definition of pregnancy in symptoms

In case of delay due to pregnancy, the physiological and psychological state of a woman changes noticeably.

Indicator Characteristic signs
  • The swelling of the mammary glands is 1-2 of size, which is more than three days (observed a week after conception);
  • increased chest sensitivity and palpation pain with possible coloration of colosure;
  • darling of nipples;
  • the appearance of pink and blue lines on the chest.
  • The influx of blood to a small pelvis is intensified, causing a feeling of gravity;
  • the uterus increases;
  • possible hemorrhoids.
Urinary system
  • Student urination;
  • possible pain in the crotch, reminiscent of "striking";
  • transparent dense allocations.
  • Strengthening taste sensations;
  • the feeling of "acids" in the mouth;
  • metal taste;
  • a sharp decline or strengthening of appetite;
  • the desire to simultaneously use incompatible products;
  • increased salivation.
  • Aggravated sense of smell;
  • disconnection to smells of favorite dishes or spirits.
  • Hormonal changes cause a sharp increase or reduced sexual attraction.
General state
  • The strong thirst is due to the need to gain fluid to a pregnant organism for the formation of an oily water shell;
  • pulling back pain;
  • the fall in immunity causes reinforced progesterone production, causing drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, early falling asleep, restless sleep and severe rise in the morning;
  • progesterone detains salt and fluid in the body, provoking the stretching of the limbs;
  • headache;
  • the basal temperature is raised (within 37-38 ° C) and can hold a long time;
  • hormonal changes may cause acne and pigment spots.

The subjective symptomatic determination of pregnancy turns out to be accurate only when the minimum of 7 signs is manifest. After all, stripped urination can talk about cystitis, elevated temperature - about developing infection, nausea - about poisoning, and fatigue, insomnia, stress and irritability is a problem of 80% of modern people.

Pregnancy test at home

If desired, the woman becomes pregnant daily lives waiting for a miracle and sometimes it is unreasonably buys a huge number of tests. However, you can independently do and spend a practically free home test for pregnancy with urine, iodine and soda.

Method Result Corollary
mocked paper in the morning urine and drop iodine drop brown color no pregnancy
blue colour such a reaction to disaccharides in the urine or starch in paper indicates the absence of pregnancy
purple colour possible pregnancy
drop iodine drop into a container with urine the drop spread over the surface negative result
the drop was delayed for a few seconds positive result
drop drowned and rose
throw in a container with urine teaspoon soda strong foam and bubbles the extraction of carbon dioxide occurs in an acidic environment, which may be a sign of kidney diseases and a genitourinary system
soda loss possible pregnancy, however, such reactions to sodium ions can also talk about poisoning
boiling morning urine loss of precipitate positive result

Such experiments at home not only show how to determine pregnancy without dough, but can also warn about developing diseases. As for accuracy, it is 50:50, so it is difficult to determine pregnancy without dough by folk remedies.

Ancient pregnancy recognition methods

Interestingly, even in ancient times, pregnancy began to diagnose precisely with the study of urine, and the most curious were such methods:

  • for 4 hours it is necessary to put in the container with the urine metal key. If he leaves the next day, it means that the woman is pregnant;
  • the ancient Egyptians forced the woman to urinate in a container with wheat and barley, which even allowed to determine the floor of the future kid. The sprouted wheat said that she had to wait for the girl, and the barley pointed to the boy. If nothing grew, then the woman is "empty." Surprisingly, according to research conducted in the XX century, it turned out that this test is accurate by 70%;
  • the Germans watered urine flowers. Dismantled and smelling buds testified of pregnancy;
  • italians mixed wine and urine (1: 1). Obtaining a transparent solution spoke about the interesting position of the lady. This method is unfair, since the reaction of alcohol on proteins in the urine is possible.

If the tests with urine had some kind of scientific justification, then some "magic" methods seem absurd now and even brutally.

  • Until the 20th century, the laminated medical science was injected into the organism of impaired animals (mice, rats and rabbits) Women urine. An autopsy of an animal was performed on the fifth day: if his ovaries were increased, it means that the woman is pregnant.
  • In the villages tied a ring of non-magnetic metal to thread or hair and kept above the belly. The stationary ring spoke about the "emptiness", swinging as the pendulum - about the boy, and the hardening circles - about the girl.
  • Greek women inserted overnight on the vagina. The onion smell of mouth pointed to pregnancy, although the anatomical substantiation of such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Greeks was very dubious.
  • Hippocrat spoke about changing the color of the eye of the eye in a pregnant woman.
  • Slavs simply put two bulbs into the water, calling them "pregnant" and "empty", and watched which one of them will reach 4 cm.
  • In some villages at the wedding, the bride hung short beads on the neck. As soon as they started to put it, it was possible to talk about conception. This approach makes sense, because many women waiting for the baby increase the thyroid gland.

Such a huge amount of adoption and unusual methods stimulated the creation of more accurate tests. Given that, right up to the XVI century, medicine was associated with astrology, and the diagnosis began with writing a horoscope for the patient, it is not surprising that all the then methods were based on intuition and folk observations. Now the best way to find out, life originated or not - it takes a pharmacy test, the accuracy of which is 99%.

Blood test diagnostics

Since it is meaningless to do a test before the delay, and the folk methods are inaccurate, the only option is the test for hCG. Already a week after fertilization of the egg, the level of this hormone begins to increase dramatically: 25 units in the first week, 156 - on the second and more than 1000 on the third. In unable women and men, this figure is within 5 units. But sometimes the increase in hCG testifies to possible oncological diseases, so this analysis is often used for their diagnosis in men.

There is a mass of methods, how to determine pregnancy at home, but their accuracy is based only on the number of random hits. Therefore, it is best to go to the doctor or at least wait for the delay to make an affordable, cheap and 99% informative test.

A pregnancy test that responds to an increase in the concentration of hCG in the body is one of the most accurate and affordable ways of self-diagnostics. But in view of various circumstances, a woman can be interested in how to find out without the dough it is pregnant or not. Such a need is associated with different factors - the inability to check the HCG in the coming days or simply the desire to make sure the results of the tests. We will tell you how to learn about pregnancy and on what principles are popular "folk" methods.

I am pregnant or not: What happens in the early stages?

Preparation for conception begins from the first days of the cycle. While the monthly and uterus "resets" the old endometrium, the dominant follicle ripens in the ovaries. From it in the days of ovulation, but it accounts for the middle of the cycle, the egg cell is distinguished - mature, healthy and ready for fertilization within 12-36 hours. If at this time she will meet with a sperm, during the merger of the male and female genital cells, the embryo is formed. A day after the connection of the oocyte and spermatozoa, it will begin divided and simultaneously move to the uterine cavity. After 3-5 days, implantation is launched when the chorion villi slowly germinate into the endometrium. This process gives rise to a set of biochemical and physiological changes in the body of a woman. They are regulated by different hormones - estrogen, estradiol, progesterone, androgens. Each of them is its own function, and their action affects the well-being of the future mother. It is with this that the methods telling how to understand whether you are pregnant, without dough.

What happens in the body at the beginning of pregnancy?

Chief symptom

The main and most obvious sign of pregnancy is the latency of menstruation. If 2 weeks before it was sexual intercourse, then even in the absence of any indirect symptoms, we can say that there is a possibility of conception. Many other factors are caused by many other factors - stress, elevated physical exertion, a sharp loss or, on the contrary, an increase in body weight, illness, anemia. Normal is the deviations within 7 days from the usual cycle duration. If after 7 days from the intended date of the start of menstruation, menstruation does not begin and there is no possibility to conduct a test, you need to seek advice to the gynecologist - to check the pregnancy and eliminate the diseases of the reproductive system.

How to find out that I am pregnant, in basal temperature

Those who want to know how to determine that the girl is pregnant without dough, can be useful simple and scientific method - measurement of basal temperature (BT). It is measured rectally, using a thermometer with a flexible rubber tip, necessarily in the morning hours - immediately after waking up, at the same time. The principle of this method is associated with proven patterns of changes in BT in different phases of the menstrual cycle. Thus, since the beginning of the monthly, the temperature slowly decreases, reaching at least the on the eve of ovulation, when the dominant follicle ripens in the ovary. In the lutein phase, during which mature and finished to fertilization of the egg, BT rises sharply up to 37-37.2 degrees Celsius. If the oocyte and spermatozoic do not connect, then 36-48 hours after ovulation BT will begin to gradually return to the normal level. If the conception took place, the basal temperature will remain at a mark above 37.1-37.2 degrees - so the body creates optimal conditions for preserving the embryo, its promotion into the uterine cavity and implantation.

High basal temperature in the second half of the cycle - one of the symptoms of pregnancy

The most accurate results, this method will give if the woman at least 2-3 months led a graph of basal temperature, knows approximate days of ovulation and indications for each phase of the menstrual cycle. But even if such research was not conducted, high BT in the second half of the cycle, and even more so - in the days of the delay of menstruation, there should be a reason for testing the test, testing blood for hCG and visiting the gynecologist.

Pregnant or not: Subjective sensations

How can I find out, are you pregnant or not? We must first pay attention to changes in well-being. They are associated with strong changes in the hormonal background and the adaptation of the body to new conditions of functioning. Speaking simply, part of the body's protective functions perceives the embryo implanting in the uterus as a foreign body, a kind of threat from which you need to get rid of as soon as possible. At the same time, the reproductive system operates in a diametrically opposite direction - trying to stop protective reactions so that the embryo is entrenched in endometrial and began to produce nutrients for normal development. Such a "conflict of interests" somehow affects the state of the future mother, and some of its changes can force a woman to ask the question - "I'm pregnant or not?"

Nausea in the morning - a typical early sign of pregnancy

The most obvious earliest and common symptoms are:

  • nausea - toxicosis can manifest itself in the form of urges to vomiting already in the first days of delay, and some women - even before it, in the absence of direct causes like food poisoning nausea may be of signs of conception;
  • milking in the morning - this symptom, as a rule, is accompanied by nausea and manifests itself in weakness, the inability to quickly stand up and collect, unusual slowness, cause it may be chronic fatigue or a shortage of iron in the body;
  • sleepiness - Due to the restructuring, the body begins to save resources and energy intensively, because of which a pregnant woman in the early deadlines can deal with an irresistible desire to sleep and relax in the lying position, even ate the mode of her day and lifestyle did not change;
  • spontaneous dizziness is another early toxicosis satellite, it can cause a new uterine-placental circle of blood circulation and the associated increase in the volume of fluid in the body;
  • reducing performance - this symptom is manifested in diffraction, complexity with concentration in the process of mental work, forgetfulness that have not met earlier;
  • the feeling of chills - due to adaptation of the body to pregnancy, a woman may notice that he began to freeze all the time, regardless of the season, temperature in the room and clothing;
  • increase and soreness of the chest - even on the eve of the breast, it grips, but after fertilization, its sensitivity and volumes change faster and in the larger range.

The "interesting situation" often indicate the subjective sensations. Many of them are associated with the appearance of the so-called pregnancy dominant - a special focus of excitement in the cerebral cortex, which regulates different physiological and psychosomatic changes. How can I learn pregnancy without dough on them? The smell is more often changed and faster - familiar smells become unpleasant, and some flavors can provoke nausea and loss of appetite for a long time. To sources of smells causing negative reactions include meat and dishes from it, household chemicals, hygiene products, men's things, fats, some legumes and spices.

After conception, the perception of familiar smells may change

At the same time, nutritional addictions may change, and the woman begins to want to have a definition of products, even those who rarely met in her diet. Thus, the body is trying to find the source of the nutrients they need. Such unusual "requests" should be listened both during pregnancy and in ordinary life. For example, the desire is sweet talks about the lack of magnesium and chromium, and the thrust for inconsiderable things (ice, chalk, etc.) signals the deficiency of iron.

The third sign, according to which you can understand are pregnant or not, there are sharp changes in appetite. So, some women because of the early toxicosis literally cease to eat and lose up to 5-6 kg in the first trimester, while others, on the contrary, feel the need is for two.

How to understand the belly pregnant or not?

Those who have come to register in the women's consultation, know that during inspections from the first days, the doctor with a neat palpation determines the increase in the uterus, evaluates the location and height of its bottom. How to understand the stomach, what are you pregnant? It is hardly possible to make it hardly possible - the specialist has a special skill and experience, which has already been able to notice changes in the bodies of the small pelvis when conceived. Another thing is the unusual feeling at the bottom of the abdomen - there are sawing, pressure, some severity, giving in the seats and lower back, but there are no pain. Such symptoms are associated with the action of progesterone, which softens the ligaments and relaxes muscular muscles, due to which the uterus can gradually move the organs.

Is it possible to determine the pregnancy on the stomach?

Another way to find out, the girl is pregnant or not, recommends adding a pulse on the stomach - approximately 8 cm above the navel. If the pulse is felt - pregnancy is likely to come. The results of such a "study" are explained by the fact that with the beginning of implantation, the influx of blood to a small pelvis is enhanced and "beating" above the navel appears. In any case, none of the people's ways cannot replace the analysis of hCG and inspection at the gynecologist.

How to determine what girl is pregnant, people?

Is it possible to check with the help of folk methods, you are pregnant or not? Such "tests" can be auxiliary, but not the main way to diagnose conception. Nevertheless, they are safe, do not require expensive materials, and therefore they can be carried out at home without any restrictions.

Drop iodine

I need to dial into the transparent small container. Next to it you need to drop the iodine - just one drop. If it breaks at once, gradually dissolving and losing intensity, it means that the conception did not take place. In a pregnant woman already in the early deadlines, according to this method, urine is more dense and has a special composition, so the yodium drop will be kept on the surface for some time.

Home test strip

This method is largely identical to the previous one. To perform it, you need to take a strip of clean white paper, moisten it in the urine and apply 1-2 drops of iodine. The strip during contact with it is painted if it changes the color to purple-pink - the result of the test is positive, the pregnancy has come. Blue tint indicates the lack of conception.


This folk method, with which you can find pregnant you or not, relies on the fact that the woman's urine changes in an interesting position. To analyze, you need to collect a biomaterial into a clean transparent container and put 1 spoonful of food soda in it - it is put, neatly, without stirring. If the soda just drops to the bottom of the container - no pregnancy, if it gives any reaction, we can talk about the conception.

I'm pregnant or not?


Subjective sensations, changes in health can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by many other factors - fatigue and stress, the results of a strict diet or, on the contrary, excessive body weight, diseases and hidden pathologies. That is why to take into account only them, trying to find out, the girl is pregnant or not, it is impossible. Only checking the level of hCG using pharmacy test or blood test, supplemented by visiting a gynecologist, will allow to give an accurate and unambiguous answer about whether the conception has come, implanted the embryo in the uterus, and not in the phallopyan pipe, whether it is developing normally.

The same applies to people's ways - in some cases, their result may coincide with the real, but, again, the composition and density of urine may change due to problems with the kidney exchange of substances, hormonal background and other prerequisites. Therefore, it is important at the slightest suspicions of pregnancy as soon as possible to seek professional medical care.

For almost every girl, the birth of a new life is the most exciting and wonderful moment! It is advisable to prepare for it in advance and treat all seriousness. But how to check pregnancy at home? Of course, there are many ways for this, and there are a considerable number of tests for every taste in pharmacies.

At the same time, there are other techniques to determine the fact of maternity. In addition, some of them have passed a worthy test of time, and their practice has several centuries. But before we touch them, we recall the main symptoms of pregnancy.

The first signs of successful conception

Some time after the process of conception, any girl can feel some changes in general condition. Only often it is associated either with ailment, or with the failures of the work of the female organism. Frequent manifestations are the appearance of pain of pulling nature in the uterus area. But sometimes they can be sharp. Also in some cases, the girl notices the decline of the forces and the appearance of thrush.

How can you check pregnancy at home? First of all, each young girl or woman should carefully listen to himself. In particular, you should pay attention to what:

  • Morning nausea. This is the most generally accepted sign, according to which pregnancy is recognized.
  • Transformation of female chest. The dairy glands begin to swell, root, nipples and their halo are dark, their sensitivity rises. And if you press on one of the nipples, a colostrum may appear.
  • Total weakness. And comes suddenly. For example, with a normal walk in the fresh air, a woman nor with this can feel weakness in the legs and decay of the forces.
  • Permanent sense of inappropriate. A desire to reiterate a little to build a little to sleep. It is mainly due to the fact that the female organism is shocked from the fact that the embryo begins to be embedded in the wall of the uterus. Against this background, the general weakness and fatigue appears.
  • Change mood. This is the surest sign, how to check the pregnancy at home. And this happens, too, suddenly and without reason. A woman can experience a variety of emotions from hatred for loved ones and an depressed state to uncontiguous joy. This behavior is explained by the cardinal hormonal perestroika in the female organism.
  • Frequent urge to the toilet. If the reason for this does not serve cystitis, most likely the conception was crowned with success.
  • Changing body temperature. On early time, this is not surprised, since this phenomenon is very common.
  • Change appetite. In particular, we are talking about taste of preferences - when a woman begins to have anything that did not tolerate in the Spirit.

But the most important feature that women should alert, especially young girls - is a latency of the menstrual cycle. However, this can be viewed as a "diagnosis" of pregnancy only in the case when the cycle is regular and its deadlines are clearly established. At the same time, overheating in the sun, stressful situations, the reception of medicines also contribute to the appearance of a delay.

Methods for determining pregnancy

Many girls, especially young, can overcome the question of how to check the term of pregnancy at home without the help of a variety of tests. For someone it is an urgent need, and for others - some entertainment, in order to satisfy your own interest.

One of these funds is online testing. All that is required is to answer simple questions, after which the result will be derived. At the same time, the probability of occurrence of pregnancy is expressed as a percentage.

Only here the entire harness is that most of these projects function on a fee basis. Often, after a woman responds to all questions, she will see the result only after sending SMS, for which, naturally, a certain amount is needed. In addition, when visiting the female consultation, the gynecologist will ask similar questions, after which the picture can clear up, and the reception will pass for free.

But far from each family there is such a "wealth", and then decide how to check the pregnancy at home, remains by purchasing a finished pharmacy. However, there are other people's ways to consider which we are just moving.

Experience of antiquity

What did nations in antiquity come? For example, the Egyptians who were preparing a special drink from special grass and a nursing mother's milk were interesting. And if a woman is pregnant, this drug caused her vomiting. In no less, the Jews were distinguished in due time - after a woman passed on the grass, her traces were thoroughly studied. Pregnant ladies left the deep prints after themselves.

It is noteworthy that the diagnosis of pregnancy in antiquity was associated with the study of urine. Moreover, ways to check the pregnancy in "home conditions" were one original than the other:

  • Egypt. The resourcefulness of this people simply amazes. In addition to the drug, there was another technique that was as follows. Urban women needed to pour small bags, in one of which was wheat, and in the other - barley. And then it was possible not only to reveal the fact of pregnancy, but also to find out who exactly will be born: a boy or a girl. Wheat germination speaks of the baby, and barley - about the baby.
  • Greece. Before you go to bed, the woman drank the tincture where Honey, Wine and Anis. The appearance of insignificant pain in the Naugh region testified of pregnancy.
  • Italy. Water mixed with wine in a ratio of 1 to 1. And if the composition turned out to be transparent, it speaks of pregnancy.
  • Germany. In ancient times, they did the same as the Egyptians, only instead of wheat and barley were flower buds. The fact of pregnancy was confirmed by their flourishing.
  • Slavs. This people differed no less interesting observation and knew perfectly well how to check pregnancy at home without dough. After the wedding, the young girl gave short beads, which she immediately put on and wore constantly, without taking off. As soon as she feels the crop, it means that a new life is born under his heart. This is not difficult to explain - most pregnant women have thyroid gland increases slightly.

Each nationality had their own traditions and methods for determining pregnancy. Some of them, we, modern people, may seem strange, others are even dangerous, and others are nothing but laughing. Nevertheless, many at that distant time used these methods, and which is noteworthy, often the reliability of the result did not cause doubts.

Basal temperature features

It's time to return to our present and consider one equally effective way to check the uterus for pregnancy at home. Moreover, it can be attributed to folk methods, since it is applied for quite a long time. Nowadays, he also finds use, because with his help you can even plan your pregnancy. We are talking about basal temperature.

All that will need this is a mercury thermometer and a sheet of paper. In this case, the temperature is determined by different (not by the armpit only):

  • in the mouth - keep at least 5 minutes;
  • in the vagina or the rectum - keep no more than 3 minutes.

It is necessary to conduct these measurements two days before the expected monthly. And it is necessary to do it in the wonder in the morning, without getting out of bed and going around without sharp movements. After the egg fell out of the ovary, the temperature remains no higher than 37 ° C. However, if the temperature is higher, you can judge the successful conception. However, before being checked for pregnancy test at home, you should remember the effect of some factors on the test results. In particular, the temperature change can affect:

  • reception of medical drugs;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • stress;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • diseases.

Therefore, on the eve of the test, such factors should be eliminated. It is best to measure basal temperature in advance and make a schedule based on daily measurements for several months. Such training contributes to successful pregnancy planning.

Soda to help

Dispel all doubts about whether a woman is pregnant or not, an ordinary soda will help, which is in every family. The principle of operation of such a technique is easy to explain. A woman has an acid-and-alkaline medium with a pregnancy attacks towards alkali. In this regard, this powder is perfect for the test.

How to check pregnancy at home soda? To do this, in some prepared capacity you need to pre-assemble the urine and put a spoonful of soda there, after which it is observed for the reaction. If you can see hiss, accompanied by bubbles, then the result is negative - there is no pregnancy. But the situation is completely different if the soda calmly sank to the bottom. This speaks about the presence of alkali in the urine, and the woman has to prepare for the very responsible period in his life.

We use iodine

At home, you can do with such a well-known means as iodine. Like soda, it can also be found in every home, and it is suitable due to a special chemical composition. Check pregnancy at home with iodine you can two known methods:

  • Method No. 1. Urban should also be collected in the container (jar or other), after which it drops there a small amount of iodine. Pregnancy is determined by the presence of a brown span, otherwise iodine is solved.
  • Method No. 2. You need to take a small leaf of white paper and moisten it in the urine, after which you also apply a little iodine. The fact of pregnancy is confirmed by changing the shade with brown on violet or blue.

That the result is as expensive as possible, it is necessary to take note of some conditions. First of all, the biomaterial needs to be collected in the morning in the morning and immediately move to the test, to avoid stiring urine. And before collecting Urin, you need to be afraid without soap.

This technique is not confirmed by medicine, but it does not prevent many women to resort to it. In addition, many future mothers have already managed to make sure of her accuracy.

What can we tell dreams ...

The superstition of our distant ancestors has practically no boundaries, and many attached the importance of what they saw in their dreams. As for the harbingers of ambulance, they performed fish in their quality. At the same time, it absolutely does not matter what woman makes the woman with fish in his dream: catches it or just keeps in his hands, buys, he cooks, eats.

But besides the fish, check the pregnancy at home with sleep can be different. And it comes to the native element of fish here. That is, if a woman in a dream saw, as she floats in some reservoir with crystal clear water, it could be evidence that it would soon become a mother.

Obuka benefit

The prediction with a bow - it is pretty controversial and the most unusual way of all others. His essence, actually, is reduced to fortunate. To do this, you need to take two bulbs and make a positive result for one of them, while on another reverse, that is, negative. After that, it remains to be placed in water tanks and watch which one of them will germinate to a height of up to 4-5 cm.

It is immediately clear that such a technique does not have a scientific justification, since it would not have come to anyone. For the most part, it is just entertainment than a more real method for determining pregnancy. I wonder if someone gives this value or not?

Help houseplants

In the people there are beliefs, if you pour flowers (indoor or garden) with your urinet, collected in the early morning, they will grow more and give rise to new shoots. The result is one - a woman is waiting for a child.

Here, in fact, there is nothing mystical, and everything is explained by the influence of hormones, which is saturated by the urine of the future mother. Only here the accuracy of the result can be estimated not earlier than 3 days after conception.


Another people's way, pregnancy at home, is to measure the pulse on the stomach in place, which is 7-8 cm below the navel. And if you can feel the ripple in this zone, the woman can be caught with maternity. Once for a long time, such sensations were considered to be a child's heartbeat. In fact, it is still early for this, since the embryo has not yet been formed. Everything is explained simply - pulsation is felt due to improved blood circulation in the field of small pelvis, which is often observed during pregnancy.

Only here, unfortunately, this method does not have a scientific substantiation, and therefore his accuracy is questioned.

Something metal has reached ...

People's methods of determining pregnancy have enough supporters, and how they say, if the conception has occurred successfully, then in the mouth a woman can feel a characteristic metal taste. Usually this can occur during the very first weeks, which allows you to identify the fact of pregnancy in the earliest.

How good is the folk remedies?

Most of these people's methods for determining pregnancy are not scientifically justified and practically do not stand all kinds of criticism. At the same time, many women learned about their "interesting position" thanks to these methods.

Which is characteristic, each of these methods have a result one - either, or not, that is, the probability of 50%. Therefore, it is possible to decide whether to trust or not by folk remedies is the prerogative of an exclusive woman.

As for safety, any of these methods does not pose any threat. In addition, they carry only positive women, satisfying their curiosity. And the invaluable advantage can be considered the fact that nothing needs to be purchased is, since many of these funds are at hand.


Within the framework of this article, not all folk remedies are listed for determining pregnancy. Reviews how to check pregnancy at home is very contradictory. Someone likes one technique, and someone is completely the opposite. It should be understood that all folk methods are indirect methods and should not be completely trusted, even from curiosity. In addition, most women strongly advise consult medicine and pass the appropriate examination in order to accurately determine the fact of conception.

As for folk methods, they can not be fully ignored, but to use as an additional measure. Sometimes every woman should be carefully listening to themselves. In conclusion, it remains to wish all the girls and women to take care of themselves, despite everything, avoid bad habits and completely trust their intuition. Then, happiness will always be in the house, and joy will soon appear, and healthy and full-fledged!

Ancient peoples enjoyed very original techniques. For example, the famous doctor Hippocrat claimedthat pregnant women have a rainbow eye shell a little darkens. To confirm your diagnosis, he made a solution from wine and who gave a woman. If she had pain in the navel area, it served as a sign of pregnancy.

The healers were in the go and other folk remedies for determining pregnancy. Supported signs of pregnancy have always been considered nonspecific symptoms. These include: Special sensitivity to smells, change in taste, vomiting, sharp mood changes, increased fatty skin.

If you notice such symptoms, you should spend. Make it at home easier simple. For this you can use folk receptions.

The most interesting diagnostic methods are listed in our article.

We define pregnancy

In urine

To do this, take a small container and fill it with urine. Next you need to add a drop there iodine.

If the drop is breaking down, there is no pregnancy. If it remains on the surface (in one place), then the woman is pregnant.

At home, you can define an interesting position if wrench sheet of paper in the urine. Iodine dripped on it. A pregnant woman in Yod acquires purple color. If the conception has not happened, then iodine will be blue.

Urine you can cook in a saucepan. As soon as the boil starts, it is transferred to the glass container. Pregnant women in the urine appear flakes that fall into the sediment.

Watering of a pregnant woman is saturated with hormones. If you water such urine flowers, then they begin to grow quickly and puff. To see the growth of colors, you need to water the flower leaf for at least three days. After this period, you can draw conclusions about your position.

Place the urine into the glass and add a little soda. If bubbles begin to form, then this is an indicator of a positive response. If it settles on the bottom, then there is no pregnancy.

With Luke

A woman can catch her, buy or cook. Has long been verified in practiceSuch dreams serve as a sign of coming pregnancy.

The appearance of discharge

If you have without any reason there are allocations from the vaginaThis is a sign of pregnancy. Selection similar to