Burdock oil for eyebrow growth. Burdock oil for eyelashes and eyebrows Is it possible to smear eyebrows with burdock oil

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Do you dream of natural, naturally thick eyebrows, but yours are thin and sparse? Today the site Koshechka.ru will come to your rescue. There is a way to make your dream come true! And burdock, peach, almond or castor oil for eyebrow growth will help you with this.

You will find out which tool is better and how to use it by reading this article.

What affects the beauty of eyebrows

Lack of vitamins greatly affects your appearance. Here, your nutrition plays an important role. Therefore, make sure it is balanced. In the case that we are considering, it will be useful to add vitamins to your diet: A, B, C and E.

You should also be aware that dyeing eyebrows also negatively affects their growth.

If you dye and pluck your eyebrows, but want them to be thick and beautiful, you definitely need to lubricate them with oils.

How to make a choice

It's easy to get confused in the huge variety of body care products. Which remedy is better?

So, oils and their effect:

  • The leading position is occupied by castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows. It - activates the growth of hairs, makes them silky and obedient;
  • Wheat germ oil - will help get rid of hair loss, as it has a firming effect on them;
  • Jojoba - moisturizes and softens well;
  • Grape is an excellent nourishing and moisturizing agent;
  • Sea buckthorn - will strengthen and stop hair loss;

How to use oils

You have made a choice, now it remains to find out how to use the selected tool. Notregular procedures, without observing certain rules, will not bring the expected result!

The procedure consists of three stages:

  • Preparation;
  • Application;
  • Removal.

Let's consider all the stages in more detail.


Frontapplicationthe oil is best preheated in a water bath. What is it for? The thing is that when heated it will have a more liquid consistency, which will contribute to the better assimilation of all useful elements.

You can use any one tool, or you can prepare a mixture of several options you have chosen.

Eyebrows also need preparation. Wipe them with a dampened cotton pad. Oil adheres much better to clean and dry hair.


The index finger, previously wrapped with a cotton pad, must be moistened with oil. Next, wipe the desired area with light pressure.

To accelerate the chemical reaction, put strips cut from a cotton pad on the smeared place and cover them with cellophane on top. If you have wide brow ridges, you can secure the structure with a plaster.

Try to get rid of your facial expressions from active work during the procedure. Best of all, lie down and rest.

The time of the procedure is from 30 minutes to 2 hours.


If you try to wash everything with a jet of water, then you risk getting a thin and greasy film that will be very difficult to wash off. To prevent this problem, you need to apply a drop of shampoo to dry eyebrows, and only then rinse everything off with water.

At the end of the procedure, wipe the treated area with a cotton pad dipped in lemon juice or herbal decoction.

Cooking oil mixtures

Meet - the most popular oil mixtures, with an indication of the problem they can solve.

Burdock oil used for eyelashes and eyebrows can be mixed in equal proportions with usma oil. You will receive, in truth, a miracle cure that will make even the rarest eyebrows thick and beautiful. After all, burdock promotes rapid strengthening, and usma - regrowth of damaged hairs.

If you pluck your eyebrows - know that in this way you can significantly worsen their condition. This procedure negatively affects the root system: the hairs become thin and thinned. How to fix the situation? Very easy! Simply, after you pluck your eyebrows, lubricate them with a healing oil composition, which includes: peach oil, usma and jojoba. All ingredients are taken in a few drops, in equal proportions. The procedure is performed in the evening.

As already mentioned, castor oil is very effective in relieving many of the problems associated with the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. The next oil mixture is prepared on its basis.

Castor oil for eyebrows has the following uses: add to it 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil and chopped rose hips. Before application, the mixture is heated in a water bath. Be careful, sea buckthorn oil can dye your hairs orange, therefore, the procedure can be done for no more than 15 minutes.

This procedure will help restore even the thinnest eyebrows. Indeed, this mixture has a beneficial effect on hair growth and restoration.

But what about those with thick, but unruly eyebrows? Use an oil composition that will help make them silky and manageable. For this purpose, you need to mix vitamins A and E (capsules "Aevit") with almond oil heated in a water bath.

Skillfully choose a remedy that will help you regain your beauty. Experiment: burdock oil for eyebrows did not fit, try castor or almond oil, create new mixtures, and you yourself will figure out which remedy is more suitable for you . The main thing is to carry out the procedures regularly, but no more than twice a week.

The article was checked and approved by the beauty blogger on Instagram @ lil4olga. ...

When communicating with a person, first of all we look at his face, including his eyebrows. This part of the face can successfully correct any appearance for the better or spoil it altogether.

In addition to the unfortunate shape of the eyebrows requiring correction, light eyebrows that need coloring, many girls complain that they have sparse eyebrows.

Among the available, and most importantly, effective means for solving this common problem, burdock oil for eyebrows has proven itself well. Women who have experienced it on themselves claim that by using burdock oil for eyebrows regularly, you can strengthen the regrown hairs of the eyebrows and stimulate the growth of new ones.

What does burdock oil consist of?

It is worth noting the naturalness, and hence the harmlessness of burdock oil. It cannot harm the human body, since it is a natural bioactive product. It contains inulin, essential oils, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, vitamins C, E, silicon, zinc, selenium, and many other trace elements.

Due to the palmitic and stearic fatty acids contained in it, the eyebrow hairs will stop falling out, become elastic and shiny. Therefore, leading cosmetologists say that regular use of burdock oil helps against eyebrow loss, helps to accelerate their growth.

The antioxidant and regenerative properties of burdock oil make it a miracle cure, the results of which are visible within a week.
Unlike many expensive, advertised products, which often contain hormones, the burdock remedy brings not a temporary, but a long and lasting effect.

Ways to use burdock oil for eyebrow growth

To strengthen and stimulate the hair follicles, it is very important to apply burdock oil to the eyebrows daily. It is best to use a soft brush for this, apply with massaging movements, in this case, applying it, you also stimulate blood circulation, which is very good for strengthening the hair follicles.

After applying the product, lightly comb through the eyebrows several times in the direction of and against the direction of hair growth. Wipe off the excess, if any, with a cotton pad. It is most convenient to carry out this treatment before going to bed, leaving the remedy for the night. In the morning, you do not need to specifically wash off the product, just wash your face, as you usually do.

Within a few days you will notice the first results - itching and peeling will disappear, and a month later you will become the owner of long, fluffy, healthy, well-groomed eyebrows.

What burdock oil can be used to strengthen eyebrows?

At an affordable price in its pure form, in a dark glass bottle, burdock oil is sold in any, not necessarily homeopathic, pharmacy. Going to the cosmetic department of the store, on the shelves you can find it in more colorful packaging, usually manufacturers add other oils (for example, castor oil) and herbal extracts there.

When buying a product, be sure to look at the date of manufacture and expiration date. If the product is more than two years old, then it is worth looking for a fresher product. After all, old oil will not benefit your eyebrows, but will irritate the skin.

Burdock oil recipes

Of course, to stimulate the growth of eyebrows, you can use pure burdock oil, or you can prepare various products based on it, which will enhance the positive effect. The basic rule of such cocktails is that they must be fresh (only cooked), they cannot be made for future use and stored in the refrigerator.

Here are some proven recipes:

  • You can add vitamin A to burdock oil by buying it at the pharmacy or "extract" from handy products, such as carrots. Grate a small piece of vegetable and squeeze the juice out of it. Then mix it with the main ingredient in equal proportions;
  • As an option, especially for hard and protruding hairs, cosmetologists suggest mixing burdock and olive oil. Next, you need to dip a small cotton swab into the resulting liquid, sitting comfortably on the sofa, put it on your eyebrows for no more than 10 minutes. In this recipe, the olive base can be replaced with peach or sea buckthorn;
  • If you notice that the eyebrows have become less frequent, then you need to mix burdock, castor and almond oil in equal parts and apply it with a brush as we described above.
    This tool is also suitable for strengthening eyelashes, but the oily mixture must be applied very carefully, without getting into the eyes, and always 2 hours before bedtime. If you apply the composition before bedtime, then the product will not have time to be absorbed, and in the morning you will wake up with red, irritated, watery eyes;
  • To stimulate the growth of eyebrows, you must mix 3 drops of burdock oil with 3 drops of rum (you can use brandy). Only when applying, be very careful, if it gets into your eyes, the mixture in which alcohol is present is very baking.

Do-it-yourself burdock oil for eyebrows

If it is important for you to make your own burdock eyebrow remedy, then it is not so difficult.

To do this, you need:

  • Olive or sunflower oil (for the base) - 100 grams;
  • Chopped root of large burdock (burdock) - 40 grams.

It is necessary to mix olive or sunflower oil with carefully chopped burdock root and insist in a closed container in a dark place for ten days. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. When it cools down, you need to strain it!

The first thing they pay attention to when meeting is the eyes. In turn, beautiful dark eyebrows and long eyelashes make them expressive. Burdock oil for eyelashes and eyebrows will help to achieve this, the miraculous properties of which have been felt by more than one generation of beauties.

The benefits of burdock oil

No one doubts that the environment, bad habits and an abundance of decorative cosmetics have a negative effect on the hair. But eyelashes and eyebrows are the same hair, only with a slightly different structure. Mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyelash curler make them look dull and brittle. Therefore, they need care no less. You can buy some expensive cosmetic product to care for or to stimulate growth, but in its composition, the main component will still be burdock oil.

What is its benefit? The uniqueness of burdock oil lies in its composition. It includes: inulin, a complex of vitamins A, B, C, trace elements (zinc, silicon and others). All of these substances have regenerative, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. Regular use makes eyelashes and eyebrows firmer and longer. It is often used to accelerate growth. Many also note that the hairs have become darker and shinier.

An interesting fact is that to restore hairs damaged after eye disease, doctors recommend this particular remedy.

Application features

Like any natural remedy for eyelash growth, burdock oil does not give instant results. It will take at least a week of regular use to feel its effects and notice positive changes. Moreover, the worse the condition of the eyelashes and eyebrows, the more time will pass before others notice the effect. However, its effect will be very long-lasting.

Burdock oil for eyelashes should never be left on for a long time, as it can cause redness and inflammation of the eyelids, and if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes. Therefore, it can be applied only for 30-60 minutes, then blot the excess with a clean, dry napkin. And in no case wash off with water. This can lead to clogged pores and, as a result, to inflammation.

Its use for the growth and strengthening of hairs is possible both in pure form and as part of other products that you can not only buy, but also prepare yourself. If you still decide to buy various mixtures, then pay attention to burdock oil with pepper or with medicinal herbs.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur, so before application, it is better to do a small test. Apply a small amount on the skin of your hand and wait 30 minutes. If redness or itching appears, then you better choose another remedy. If there was no redness on the hands, but it appeared on the eyes, then it is necessary to immediately wash off the product.

Mask recipes

Burdock oil for eyebrows should be used warm, rubbing it into the skin with massaging movements. This must be done strictly within the boundaries of hair growth, otherwise there is a risk that the eyebrows will grow strongly.

If the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive, then the application should be extremely careful. It is best not to use it in its pure form. To reduce the risk of possible reactions, it is recommended to add a few drops of aloe juice, which has antiseptic properties.

To prepare masks for better hair growth, burdock oil can be mixed with other vegetable oils, essential oils, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs.

Burdock oil for eyelashes can be added to an existing care product.

Burdock oil for eyelashes is best combined with almond and castor oil in equal proportions. You can also add fish oil or aevita capsule there. Carrot juice can be used instead of vitamin A.

If you mix burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, you get a good product for cleansing from cosmetics and dirt.

The attractiveness of women's eyes is emphasized by long eyelashes and beautiful eyebrows, which are not naturally good shape for everyone. A simple and well-known folk remedy - burdock oil for eyebrows will help to increase the attractiveness of the eyes.

To care for eyebrows and maintain their beauty, it is recommended to use those preparations that give the maximum result in the absence of harmful effects.

Burdock has the following effect:

  • improves the condition and structure of hairs;
  • has a regenerative and antioxidant effect;
  • accelerates the growth of eyebrows;
  • strengthens hair follicles.
  • vitamins and (A, E, C, PP) proteins;
  • minerals that not only accelerate the growth of hairs, but thicken their structure;
  • fatty acids (prevent hair from growing, strengthen follicles).

Indications and contraindications

A wide range of indications makes burdock oil for eyebrow growth a universal remedy. It is used in case of persistent hair loss, poor growth, brittle and unruly hair. It will not be superfluous to use burdock in the case of dyeing and tattooing eyebrows.

There are few contraindications to the use of such a natural remedy:

  1. An individual feature is the intolerance of the drug.
  2. Seborrhea of ​​the hair and face, accompanied by increased oiliness, since the use of oil will make the skin structure even heavier.

Photos before and after active use:


For the oil to be of maximum benefit, it must be applied correctly. The most common cosmetic masks and eyebrow massage are sometimes added to facial cleansers.

The effect of using burdock oil has been noticeable for a couple of weeks of use and lasts long enough.

For best results, the oil must first be slightly warmed up in a water or steam bath.

Cosmetic masks

Masks are the most popular method of using burdock extract, which has been used since ancient times.

Firming mask. Mix two egg yolks with two tablespoons of burdock, red pepper and honey. Rinse off such a mask after 10 minutes with warm water. Be careful not to hit the red pepper in your eyes.

Revitalizing mask. It is necessary to mix 5 drops of burdock and castor oil, then lightly rub the resulting mixture into the eyebrows. Soak for 30 minutes and rinse. This mask will restore thinned hair, make it manageable and soft.

For hair growth. Pour a tablespoon of chopped nettle leaves with 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then add a tablespoon of honey and mix with two tablespoons of burdock oil.

As an accessory for applying the composition, you can use a cotton swab, disk or cosmetic sponge.

Eyebrow massage

You can rub burdock oil into your eyebrows in pure form, or dilute with carrot or lemon juice. With this method of application, the resulting mixture is rubbed with fingers into the eyebrows and the skin around them for 3 minutes. This approach increases blood circulation in the tissues, which promotes hair growth. It is recommended to perform this manipulation several times a week.

When washing your face daily

Often, eyebrows do not get enough cleansing when treating a face, they are often simply ignored.

When treating the eyebrow area with gels and foams for washing, peeling or scrubs, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of burdock oil to further enrich the cosmetic product. A couple of burdock droplets will soften and saturate the skin with nutrients, minimize the abrasive properties of cleansing cosmetics.

  • It is not recommended to use a large amount of oil for manipulations in the eyebrow area. Otherwise, excess product will flow down the face, may get into the eyes, causing unpleasant sensations.
  • An allergic reaction test should be performed before first use. To do this, oil can be applied to the inside of the wrist or elbow bend. If redness or rash occurs, this product should not be used.
  • Before using the care product, make-up removal must be done.
  • Undiluted, it can be kept on the eyebrows for 20 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use it 2 - 3 times a week.
  • During the use of the burdock preparation, it is not recommended to pluck the eyebrows too actively, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to get stronger.
  • When caring for your eyebrows, do not rub them too hard, so as not to provoke hair loss.
  • It is advisable to purchase oil at a pharmacy, after checking the expiration date in advance.

Burdock oil for eyebrows and eyelashes is recommended by many cosmetologists as one of the most effective home care products. However, despite this, one should not expect miracles from him: burdock oil has many advantages, but not all that are attributed to him.

Burdock oil: composition and properties

Burdock, or rather burdock, is a biennial plant with characteristic large leaves and inflorescences with subulate, pointed outer leaves. Most of the plants in this family are medicinal, with leaves, flowers, seeds, and roots alike. Infusion of roots in almond or olive, and sometimes even in sunflower is called burdock oil.

The substance has been used as an effective agent for hair growth for a very long time. Moreover, it can be used not only to grow long braids, but also to make the eyelashes longer and the eyebrows thicker. Its qualities are explained by its unique composition:

  • burdock roots are unusually rich in inulin - polyfructosan, which is used in medicine as a prebiotic;
  • the composition is rich in mineral salts of metals such as chromium, calcium, iron and cobalt, and also includes phosphorus and sulfur - known substances that provide hair strength;
  • contains palmitic and stearic acids, as well as sitosterol and sigmasterol - vegetable stearins that stimulate the process of cell division;
  • Burdock oil contains a significant amount of vitamins A, B and C, which not only strengthens the hair, but also helps to maintain color and shine.

Burdock oil action

The visible part of the hair - that is, the actual eyebrows and eyelashes, is insensitive to external factors, unless, of course, it is damaged. Otherwise, she needs protection. And additional nutrition, as a rule, is required for hair follicles. No matter how small the dose that can penetrate the hair follicle, even it brings significant benefits.

Oil for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows has the following important properties:

  • hair damage - dryness, brittleness, lack of shine, due to the destruction of its upper layer - keratin scales. The latter should be tightly adjacent to each other. The oil allows you to restore the correct "styling" of the scales and return lashes to shine and beauty;
  • damage to the top layer leads to loss of moisture, which makes the hair dry. Burdock oil envelops the hair shaft and prevents fluid loss. As a result, the hairs become firm and elastic again;

  • the composition includes ascorbic acid, and this substance, among other things, promotes the production of melanin. With regular use, eyelashes and eyebrows will acquire a natural dark color;
  • numerous biologically active substances from burdock root stimulate metabolism in the root tissues, which means improved blood circulation and saturation of hair follicles with vitamins and oxygen. The latter determines the growth of hair and their greater strength;
  • Do eyelashes grow from burdock oil? The stimulating effect allows you to activate "dormant" bulbs, and there are at least a third of them. Accordingly, both eyelashes and eyebrows become thicker. The effectiveness, however, depends on the total number of hair follicles. In cases where the follicles have died irrevocably, the remedy is powerless.

Indications for use

Burdock oil is a natural remedy and has no negative effect even with prolonged use. However, its structure itself is quite heavy, it is difficult to wash off and can be difficult with the use of decorative cosmetics. The oil phase perfectly protects the hairs, but it also reduces adhesion, as a result of which mascara and shadows are very poorly adhered and spread quickly.

It is advisable to use the product when there is a need for hair restoration:

  • most often after vacation - the sun, sea bathing, frost and wind at a ski resort have a wonderful healing effect on the whole body. but, alas, not on the skin and hair. Burdock oil perfectly protects thinning brittle hairs and promotes the fastest regeneration;

  • poor quality cosmetics or unsuccessful procedures can damage the hairline. Burdock root infusion stimulates the growth of new hairs. In addition, the product has a very beneficial effect on the skin, so that it will be possible to restore both eyelashes and thin skin on the eyelids;
  • dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes almost always leads to dryness. The oil easily restores the required water balance;
  • extension - one of the very popular cosmetic procedures, unfortunately, leads to the loss of your own cilia. Artificial eyelashes and glue make up quite a lot of weight for natural eyelashes, the latter are damaged and fall out. Burdock oil will help restore hairs;

  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders, inflammation, strong feelings, hormonal disruptions affect the condition of the hair. With such phenomena, the hair follicle ceases to receive sufficient nutrition, and, therefore, the hair stops growing. The stimulating effect of burdock extract will help in this case too.

Tips to help you use burdock oil to restore eyelashes and eyebrows:


Whether it is possible to smear eyelashes with burdock oil depends on the condition of the skin, the presence or absence of allergic reactions, and so on. No matter how versatile this tool is, it also has restrictions on its use:

  • individual sensitivity to any component - you can only find out with the help of a skin test: a drop of the product is applied at the bend of the elbow. In the absence of redness and itching, the composition can be used. It so happens that the skin test does not give a result, and when applied to the eyelashes, the skin of the eyelids swells and turns red. In this case, the application must be abandoned;

  • inflammation and skin diseases are a direct contraindication;
  • for any inflammatory ailments, it is worth refraining from the procedure - the effect will be, to put it mildly, unexpected, since in this state the body becomes too sensitive.


It is not difficult to apply burdock oil correctly, but some recommendations must be followed.

  • It is advisable to purchase the product at a pharmacy. The "correct" oil has a transparent yellow color, a relatively light oily structure, when applied to the eyelashes, there is no feeling of heaviness.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash off all decorative cosmetics with a special product. Do not use soapy water.
  • The oil is applied daily for 1, and preferably 2 months. It is recommended to do this a few hours before bedtime.
  • Apply the product with a brush and leave for about 1 hour. Then carefully remove the remnants with a dry napkin. It is impossible to leave the substance overnight: too delicate skin of the eyelids swells at the same time.

How to apply burdock oil as convenient and simple as possible? It is best to use a bottle of old mascara. The bottle and brush are cleaned with soapy water and then alcohol, and rinsed thoroughly with clean water. Using a medical syringe, fill the bottle with burdock oil. It is better to store it in the refrigerator, and rinse the brush after each use.

  • It is advisable to warm up the composition before the procedure: for this, it is enough to dip the bottle in hot water or place it in the microwave for 1 minute.

Oil based recipes

The described method of application is far from the only one. Additional ingredients can be added to the product to get the maximum effect.

  • The following recipe is most often used, as it is very simple. Mix a teaspoon of castor and burdock oil and add a capsule of vitamin A - retinol, purchased at the pharmacy. Such a mixture should not be heated, since the vitamin is quickly destroyed during heat treatment.

  • For the fastest growth of hairs, such a mask is used: mix a teaspoon of burdock and half a spoon of coconut and sea buckthorn oil, warm it up in a water bath, and then add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture.

  • A mixture of equal proportions of burdock, almond and olive oil works great. The mask restores the natural shine and silkiness of the hairs.

  • A mask with pepper has a very strong effect on stimulating blood circulation: a mixture of equal shares of pepper tincture, water and burdock oil. However, it must be used very carefully, since if it gets into the eye, the mixture causes severe irritation of the mucous membrane.