Romantic ideas for a beloved man. Romantic surprises for girls and guys

It is generally accepted that romance in a relationship is always supported by a girl, arranging. In men, such things sometimes cause bewilderment, skepticism, fear, and sometimes even irritation. But if a guy is sincerely in love, then sooner or later he will probably want to make a surprise for his soulmate. It remains only to choose the right idea for this.

Outside home

Only storm wind and hail can become a contraindication to a romantic date on the street. Even in the rain, you can arrange a walk under one umbrella through the most beautiful places. And then go to your favorite cafe, where the waiter, with whom you have agreed in advance, will present your soulmate with a favorite flower and a note from a "secret" admirer. Of course, she will be surprised at first, but when everything opens, she will be very happy. What else can you think of?

  1. Balloon. A flight over the city is romantic in itself, and if you hide a bouquet in advance in a basket and, possibly, some kind of gift, you can count on complete delight. Such a walk is especially good if the guy wants to confess his love or make an offer that the girl cannot refuse.
  2. Cultural program. If your beloved loves ballet, opera, drama theater or dreams of attending a concert of some performer (even if her boyfriend is not enthusiastic about it), then tickets and, most importantly, accompanying her to the event will be a great surprise. Any woman will appreciate the fact that for her sake they sacrificed their preferences and went to meet her halfway.
  3. Urban adventure. Such a surprise for a loved one can only be arranged by a truly creative guy who wants to surprise his half at all costs. Preparation, of course, will take a lot of time, but the effort is worth it. It is necessary in advance in different places of the city (if we are talking about a metropolis, then it is worth limiting ourselves to the area) to hide the notes, which will indicate where to go next and where to look for a gift. Notes can be placed in the hollows of trees, under stones near monuments, and also negotiate with someone to keep the notes with them (waiters in a cafe, ice cream sellers, etc.).

In addition to such ideas, there are also proven picnics, rooftop dates, horseback riding, boating or ice skating. All this may already be as old as the world, but this does not mean that the beloved will be disappointed.

At home

What is the essence of the surprise? In the fact that a person does something unexpected, uncharacteristic for himself. This is what you should rely on when arranging a surprise at home. To a greater extent, all these ideas will suit those who live together.

  1. Cooking masterpiece. The guy who comes into the kitchen just to get a drink from the fridge will surprise his beloved if he cooks her dinner, breakfast or a delicious dessert. For advice on how to do this, you can contact your mother or sister, in extreme cases, strictly follow the recipe from the cookbook. In order for the masterpiece to turn out to be not only unexpected, but also edible, it is better not to immediately take on stuffed carp or cheesecake. It is worth stopping at something simpler: a light salad or a fruit smoothie.
  2. Good word. It is known that the cat is pleased. The girl will be touched if her lover composes poems or a story for her, and if there are musical abilities, then you can write a song. It is necessary to recite it in the appropriate setting: inflate heart-shaped balloons, light scented candles and turn off the lights. It is better to prepare everything in advance so that your beloved, returning home, finds that she is in a fairy tale.
  3. Song on the radio. What to arrange a surprise without leaving home? If the second half is a fan of the radio, then she will surely like the song ordered especially for her. A guy needs to know exactly what his girlfriend is doing at one time or another. For example, every day at 6 pm she cooks dinner and listens to the radio. And suddenly she hears that her favorite (or their favorite) song is being broadcast for her with a confession from her boyfriend.

Rose petal baths and relaxing massages are also available. And if the girl is humorous, then an erotic dance can be staged especially for her. And it doesn’t matter how well her boyfriend knows how to move, because they will only be together - no one will laugh, and her lover will definitely appreciate the efforts.


Surprise can be created with your own hands. Usually the fair sex is engaged in needlework, but it will be all the more unexpected to receive some little thing from a guy.

Picture and postcard

To surprise her beloved, her chosen one can make a montage with her photo in a special program, and then decorate a postcard with it. We need to take her image and place it against the backdrop of the place where she always dreamed of visiting (near the Eiffel Tower or on top of Kilimanjaro). The resulting photo must be printed and pasted into a postcard:

  • bend a sheet of red cardboard in half;
  • paste a photo inside;
  • glue a pair of hearts made of cardboard in a contrasting color on the front side;
  • write a confession on the spread next to the photo.

It will be pleasant for the second half to receive such a card when you wake up in the morning and see it next to you on your pillow.

candy wrappers

If you have a sweet tooth, you will surely be pleased with a beautiful simple vase, where each sweet will be wrapped in an exclusive wrapper, on which a pleasant trifle is written:

  • buy her favorite sweets;
  • remove wrappers from them;
  • cut wrappers of colored paper according to the size, and write on the reverse side what a kind, sweet, beautiful, smart girl, etc .;
  • wrap the sweets in prepared multi-colored pieces of paper.

A vase with such sweets will be waiting on the table or near the mirror in the hallway. And when the beloved comes home in the evening, she will be both surprised and delighted.

There should be many pleasant surprises, but you should not arrange them every day, otherwise their meaning will be lost. When choosing an idea for romantic surprises, you should not be afraid to express your true feelings, because the girl will notice insincerity anyway.

is a topical issue for many young people. Although the financial side plays an important role, in order to delight and charm, you need mainly imagination and attention.

Unusual creative ideas and the availability of free time for their implementation can not only surprise your beloved, but make this day unforgettable for her.

You can achieve a joyful gleam in her eyes in a familiar home environment, if you add an element of surprise.

Thinking about ideas on how to do it, you can use the following options:

  • Home treasure hunt. In the morning after waking up, the girl is waiting for a message that little surprises are hidden for her somewhere at home. Their number can be any, but it will turn out more spectacular if you correlate the number of gifts with the situation, for example, 14 for February 14th. It is better if small presents are inside identical boxes or beautiful wrapping paper. Places of "buried treasure" should not be too obvious. Pleasant little things are suitable as presents, for example, a girl’s favorite chocolate bar or a desired book. The very fact of searching for treasures among familiar things already excites the imagination.
  • 100 reasons for love. Here you need to try, make a list of such reasons, emphasizing the best qualities of a girl or memorable joint events. Reasons such as “beautiful” or “kind” are not bad, but the more original they are, the better. For example, you can indicate as the reason for your love "Memories of how you and I got caught in a downpour, you walked barefoot through the puddles."

And by all means highlight the main thing - love without any reason. Notes can be folded inside a huge jar or pasted around the house.

  • Candlelight dinner prepared by hand. Such a manifestation of care is very attractive, able to tune in a lyrical mood, evoke warm feelings.
  • romantic attributes. A decorated room will be a pleasant surprise. Rose petals on the bed, balloons on the ceiling with curly ribbons and notes tied to them with love confessions. Following the same style, the bathroom can be decorated. Hot bubble bath, rose petals and candles.

  • Letter in the mailbox. SMS or e-mail messages have become so familiar now that a letter to your girlfriend, written on paper by hand, can already be considered an original move.
  • Surprise party. By the time she returns home, you need to gather friends and have an unexpected party. This gift is suitable for girls who love to be the center of attention. Such a surprise can not only not please introverted girls, but even turn out to be painful for them.

  • A small sign of attention. Even just an inconspicuous pleasant message written with a finger or soap on the bathroom mirror, which will be revealed only under the influence of steam from the shower, can make a girl very happy.
  • The inscription under the window. It can hit the beloved and a love confession made under the window. Letters from footprints in the snow or an image of a heart at night from candles lit at the same time. Or you can gather friends and ask them to line up in the shape of a heart, standing in its center yourself.

  • Video film. You can make an amateur movie about her, arrange a romantic surprise at home - dinner while watching an unexpected gift for a girl.
  • Fireworks for her. Inviting her to look out the window, start fireworks.

Surprise outside the home

Good afternoon!

Tell me, what a pleasant and romantic surprise can you make for your beloved?

If there are no ideas, write what surprises you arranged for your halves! Thank you all girls!

Button (Wick):

Enough and dinner (breakfast, lunch) romantic! Not all men are positive about surprises. I want to say that you still need to know who can make surprises, and who is undesirable!

Affectionate Maya (Tonya):

Does he like tea? Buy a box of tea bags. Attach the hearts you cut out to each bag. The same can be done with coffee bags.

Vampire (Lilya):

Trite, but cool if you've never done this before! Buy some necessary thing for your boyfriend, hide it somewhere. Make a bunch of different notes with clues that will lead him to a surprise.

Bunny - Own Destiny Mistress (Katya):

I got a tattoo on my palm (with the name of my beloved). Ratmir was awesomely pleased! It's nice that he did the same. I didn’t stick my name on my palm, but mine!

Not My Role (Karina):

Give him a mug with a photo of yours together. Well, or any other subject. An important feature is your photo.

A Cup of Strong Coffee (Lucy):

Say you're pregnant! At the same time, you will check how he treats you and the kids. But she didn't get mad at him if the reaction was "weird". A man is often in some kind of shocking state (even if the news is rejoicing).

Mill (Tanya):

Well, in order to say about pregnancy, you need to do everything to make it true. Arrange for him an unforgettable night of romance, which will be full of surprises. Well, in nine months please make a second surprise (about your position).

MorkOFFochka (Tanya):

Is there a car? Decorate it with lots of balloons! Don't forget about any car detail. All details must be decorated without exception. Finally, place the balloons on each of the car seats. You can also wash the car, but in such a way that the efforts are noticed.

Die Hard Daughter (Galya):

If you have never brought a guy breakfast in bed or even a cup of coffee is empty - do it! You can't imagine how happy he will be with such a surprise. And do not grumble if he answers you with the same surprise! He is not a repeater. He just loves you!

Hope For The Best (Nadia):

How about a concert ticket? Well, or for some kind of sports match .... Go with him if you feel like it. And you can let him go with friends to show that you trust him as yourself. Men appreciate a woman's trust very much. Trust is a rarity these days.

Light in a dark coat (Nastya):

Bake (bake yourself, don't buy!) a huge cake or pie! Such that he could barely get through the door. In general, it is better to time such a surprise for some special day, but you can present such a surprise to him on a normal day! Only if he loves sweets very much ....

Autumn Foliage (Milena):

My surprise is something romantic about sex. Men love inconstancy in poses, caresses, improvisation. Try something like this too!

I Don't Love You Anymore (Olya):

Give him a notebook with your own poems! If you don’t know how to write poetry, give an album with your drawings, or with photographs (if you love and know how to take pictures). I give Sanya my lyrics, and he "attaches" them to the guitar strings. And we get collective creativity.

Internet Addiction (Anita):

Notebook, netbook or notebook! Here's what's going to be a surprise. Especially in this case, if you have to use the same laptop, because there is no second one.

Magical and Wonderful Head to Head (Zoya):

And take him to a pizzeria or a cafe! But not so, not purposefully! Look for something in the hypermarket, which has either a cafe or a pizzeria. Then tell him to look for what you came for, that you will wait for him on the couch (on the chair) in the pizzeria and because you are tired. Take the menu yourself and order all the most delicious. And then pay for everything yourself!

Mila I (Sasha):

Give him what he dreamed of for a very long time. And it’s easy to find out about his dreams: ask what he dreams about. Or start with your desires, and then ask what he would like. I hope his dreams are "amenable" to implementation? I gave a guy a “dual-sim” smartphone! I love giving gifts that people use every day!

Olszewska Veronica (Veronica):

Get on TV and perform there! Or say hello to him on the radio. This will definitely be a surprise of unthinkable proportions! I didn't check it myself, but my friend did.

Tank Girl (Dina):

Arrange a shower for two. He would like this idea very much. But don't be scared if she shocks him a lot. Amazing takes getting used to.

Rose of July (Julia):

Make a compliment tree with your own hands. How to make it? Whatever and whatever! The main thing is to have something to attach leaflets with compliments to. It is better to make notes on colored paper so that his eyes can also please him with a gamut of colors.

Vulnerable And Strong Woman (Katya):

Cover him with sweets! Buy waffles, cookies, cakes, sweets, juices…. Buy a lot - a lot of everything, so that your eyes run up from the amount of this multitude. Lay it out the way you like it. Wait for the guy to come to your house (or to you, if you live together). Turn on a cool comedy, chew sweets, continue the evening with romantic sex or petting!

Insidious Miss (Ira):

As old as the world, but very happy men! Buy a new robe for yourself, erotic underwear and wait for the guy to work. When he comes - put on all this “happiness” after a shower, use delicious perfume and arrange something for him at night that he will never forget!

Lily Fluffy (Lily):

Ha-ha! Give him a bouquet of flowers! It's more of a fun surprise than anything else. But the idea itself is extraordinarily incredible. I will decide on this on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I'll make up my mind! And I personally came up with the idea, because I like to destroy all sorts of stereotypes. I do it with pleasure. My friends in me respect this “addiction”. And I, inspired by their respect, continue to develop my destruction further!

We hope that you understand what a surprise you can make your boyfriend!


We continue. . .

There is a lot of pragmatism and commercialism in our life, but so little romance! And although it is not entirely appropriate in everyday situations, but in matters of the heart, in marital relations, one cannot do without lyrics. Therefore, we try to find the most interesting romantic ideas to make your loved one happy.

There are a lot of ideas for spending time together - the main thing is that you two like it

If you have been invited to some romantic event, such as a bachelorette party, an anniversary celebration, or even a wedding, then you will have to seriously prepare for the celebration. And even more so if you yourself wanted to arrange something romantic, the same date or birthday of a dear person. The main thing, of course, is to buy a worthy gift, decorate it and wait for an exciting hour. But we always want to do something like that, to show our affection for a loved one, to express our creative impulses, to create something memorable and special with our own hands. But it turns out that there is nothing difficult in building a romantic and, at the same time, a cheap gift for a loved one. Today you can even collect a real bank of romantic pleasant surprises.

Romantic jar… sorry bank 🙂

And this is the mail of love 🙂 Attach such a sheet to the wall and add love messages to your soul mate every day

You can build these cones and put them in the most unexpected places at home

And this idea is far from absurd. In an aesthetically decorated jar (can be tin), leaflets with notes on the ideas of holding a date or a party, creating a romantic surprise are inserted, some cute details related to the essence of the idea are added to the text. Moreover, both partners should fill the container. Lovers periodically take turns taking notes-ideas from the jar, on the basis of which they arrange various undertakings. By embodying jointly conceived romantic ideas, you will definitely want to make an unexpected surprise for your loved one. The mini-scenario in the course of implementation is replenished with new own ideas to please a friend even more. Believe me, you won't be bored!

Arm yourself with a camera and close up a bunch of joint selfies!

Lovers of cinema and home comfort can arrange an evening of watching old films

Another idea for homebodies 🙂

You shave him, and he paints your nails or does your makeup. Funny, right?

Surprise Ideas

  • Start your relationship diary. To do this, you can write down your favorite poems in a beautiful notebook, glue joint photos. You can also bring ideas of new romantic fun there, supplementing them with beautiful pictures, photographs, games, pasting notes, memories, and so on.
  • Can be made from paper boats and send them on a "round the world" voyage.
  • Start the habit of walking together confectionery for your favorite treats.
  • Make "mail" for appointments. To do this, you need to pick up a small box, decorate it. Place objects in it that hint at the desired type of activity on a future date. These can be CDs, popcorn, ice cream wrappers, roller skates or a camera. At the end of the date, the box can be given to the partner, as it will be his turn to appoint a rendezvous.
  • Looking for ideas for a romantic dinner, you can invite a friend to write a letter she checked delicious dish recipe, but at the same time ask to skip some words or even sentences in the note. For example, knowing that the dish contains tomatoes, you will not be told what they should be: pickled or fresh, with skin or peeled, stuffed or added to minced meat. The recipe in its entirety must be folded in an envelope and after dinner check whether you have done everything correctly. The missing information will help you express your individual tastes and preferences more vividly, make you think more creatively, and the dish cooked in a new way will be no less tasty than the standard recipe.
  • Funny perceived hot chocolate evening. It is especially appropriate on cold winter days. After walking in a snow-covered park, making a huge snowman, playing enough snowballs, you will return to a warm apartment. There, wrapped in a warm blanket and watching a New Year's fairy tale or a romantic movie, it will be very good to drink a cup of hot chocolate drink. But it’s not just to make an instant chocolate mash from a bag, but real traditional melted chocolate and spices. Shortbread cookies, ice cream, marshmallows or nuts are perfect for hot chocolate. And to bring a touch of celebration into the atmosphere of the evening, you can pour chocolate into mischievous cups, lay a red tablecloth, decorate the room with snowflakes cut out of paper beforehand, and turn on a Christmas clip.

Nothing brings people together like cooking together. Tested by our editors in practice!

If it's warm outside, take your bikes and go for a bike ride.

You can use one bike - it's even more fun 🙂

Ideas for a romantic evening

  • You can choose from many other fun ideas for a romantic evening. So you can buy cool umbrellas - in a similar style for both partners. Having chosen several specialized stores selling umbrellas, you can walk through them together. And opening and checking umbrellas, you can plunge into childhood memories.
  • In romance, new things are very important. So you can together choose new computer games for two, discs, books or sports equipment. Enjoying life, you will learn new things and develop.
  • You can buy New Year's postcards, sign them all by hand and mail them to all your friends and family. This tradition is a bit old-fashioned, but receiving and sending postcards is always so nice and touching!
  • It is useful to periodically have picnics, for example, in the forest, by the river, in a nearby park, or at least in your own apartment. You can pick up things associated with a picnic: a wicker chair, disposable plates, a tent, a blanket, badminton. For such an impromptu picnic, you need to cook sandwiches, bake potatoes in the oven and even “fry” kebabs (in a nearby kebab room). And the Internet will always suggest new ideas for a romantic evening at home in a picnic format.
  • To spend the day of desires, you will need to collect a bunch of coins and go together to the fountain, where you alternately make wishes out loud, throwing coins into the water.
  • On the day of the thrown word, the partner must guess the word offhand. And it doesn't matter how it turns out: long or short. The word must be broken down into letters and come up with a task for any of them, for example: to wear something, eat something, or do something. So, if your friend says, for example, the word "sauce", then you will be forced to wear something with the letter C, sit together in a cafe whose name begins with the letter O, go to a movie with a name with the letter U, find an activity at C or make a gift for the same letter.
  • Always embodied romantic ideas for two is useful to capture on camera. You can arrange special "Days of documentary home cinema". And you can, having prepared a video camera, ask each other intimate and not very questions, filming everything “for history”. It will be a precious gift for your children, and it will be very interesting for you two to revisit it at times.

Go to the cinema for a night session. It's very unusual to be just the two of you in an empty room.

Have you ever launched sky lanterns?

Meet the sunrise on the beach. Or even stay there overnight - weak? 🙂

Questions might be:

  1. Tell us about your home: how do you remember it from childhood?
  2. What was your relationship like with your sister/brother, friends or teachers?
  3. What would you change in the past if you could?
  4. Think back to kindergarten, high school, or junior high.
  5. Tell me about your happiest childhood memory.
  6. List three of your dreams: the most practical, the most frivolous and the most cherished.
  7. Are you afraid of anything in life?
  8. Name your favorite type of breakfast or in general - your favorite dish.
  9. Tell me about your hobby.
  10. Remember the two most characteristic features of your dad and mom.

Take dance lessons! Pair dances bring together and allow you to better feel the partner

If choreography lessons are not your thing at all, you can fool around at home - no one will see anyway!

Rain is no reason to stay at home. Take an umbrella and go for a walk

For a date

Listing ideas for a romantic date, one cannot help but recall the day of the alphabet. Yes, yes, no matter how childish it may sound, but in practice it turns out funny. So, in order to choose an idea for an impromptu holiday, you need to indicate some letter of the alphabet and build your day on those words whose beginning is this letter. For example, choosing the letter C, you will have to cook sushi and sorbet for lunch (there will be an occasion to replenish your own knowledge with original recipes for these dishes), drink juice or go to the Seychelles restaurant. What occupation to choose on the letter C? Yes, at least sports, go to the stadium or the gym, watch a series about the Middle Ages. Recall the myth of Sisyphus, do scrapbooking or read fairy tales.

Try to get out into nature more often

In general, ideas for a romantic surprise can be invented indefinitely. The main thing is that the event should not be overorganized, which is why you yourself will no longer have the strength to rejoice and enjoy romance. Cheerful pleasant impromptu - these are the best friends of lovers!

At the beginning of their acquaintance, in the so-called candy-bouquet period, young people like to arrange various surprises for their soul mates, give unexpected souvenirs. Over time, life interferes with the relationship of two lovers, but this does not mean at all that you do not need to arrange romantic surprises for your loved ones. This applies to both men and women.

On the contrary, it is pleasant little things that strengthen already established love and family relationships. And lovely ladies should not forget about it. Do you want your young man to appreciate the relationship? From time to time indulge him with romantic evenings, give small but precious souvenirs, celebrate important dates for your couple: the anniversary of the first date, first kiss, declaration of love, marriage proposal.

Home surprises

In the first years of their life together, lovers will face many trials. There is a grinding of characters, planning a joint budget, children appear. A young mother often simply does not have enough time to please her husband, spend an evening with him, go somewhere for the weekend. Of course, men, especially those who do not belong to the category of homebodies, do not like this state of affairs. Wouldn't it be better to arrange a romantic surprise for your beloved home?

The easiest way: remind him of your feelings. Buy or make it yourself, write on it gentle words intended for your soulmate, shove it into your sweetheart's wallet or notebook.

Arrange a romantic evening at home, with an unusual heart-shaped dessert (it can be a cake, cookies), some exotic dishes. Find out first if your lover is allergic to any foods. Light candles and turn on pleasant music. You should not abuse fashionable incense sticks: a man may not like heavy oriental fragrances. Try not to be disturbed this evening, turn off the phones, home doorbell, intercom. Ask your relatives or close friends to babysit.

Hearts cut out of paper with your own hands or purchased in a store, pink or red balls, flowers. Yes, men love flowers too. If your chosen one enjoys playing board games, cards, play with him at will. Moreover, desires should be exclusively playful, erotic in nature.

DIY Presents

  • Do you want to arrange a romantic surprise for your loved one with your own hands? Think about your talents and abilities. Knit a scarf or sweater with hearts or unusual ornaments for your loved one. Draw a portrait of your beloved, embroider it with a cross or stitch.
  • Would you like to reward your loved one for the fact that he sincerely loves you and shows his care? Give him a star. It is not necessary to shoot it from the sky, make such a souvenir yourself from paper or other improvised materials. It will be interesting to look at a star made using the quilling technique.
  • Can you write poetry and stories? Compose and beautifully design the story of your acquaintance, including some funny details and the most romantic moments in it.
  • If you live in a private house or cottage, break a flower bed in the yard, planting beautiful flowers in the shape of a heart or even the name of your lover on it. Better yet, plant a tree together in honor of your love, or decorate an existing one with balloons and flowers.

Unusual surprises

You have studied your soulmate well, do you know what he really likes? Make an unusual romantic surprise for your beloved man. Work out individually with a trainer in a dance club, and then perform a belly dance, an exquisite striptease for your husband or admirer.

Does the man love sports? Buy tickets to a football match, go to a game together, even if you are not into sports.

Arrange a date by mailing a young man a map of the city indicating a specific place (cafe, public garden, amusement park). Invite him to another city, rent a hotel room.

Extreme entertainment like skydiving or helicopter flights, base jumping and diving, driving on the sand in a car is worth turning to if your soulmate is really interested in it, if you have enough money that you don’t mind spending on dangerous sports. You can limit yourself to visiting an unusual restaurant: eat in the dark, chat with pets in a cafe (there is such a service!), Have a bite to eat in an institution located at a high altitude.