Whispers for a man's love proven in action. Quick whispers for love. A whisper of love in the distance


As Mother Mother of God loves her son Jesus Christ, thinks of him with a gentle soul, with a gentle heart, with a smile on his lips, so the slave (name) would love me, think about me, dreamed, met me with a gentle smile. He looked and did not stop admiring me either day or night, but throughout my life. Amen.
They read in bad weather: rain, snow, thunderstorm, wind.
Pop walked to church. The wheel rolls, plays, throws under the feet of the priest, clings to its floors. So a servant of God (name) would throw himself at me, rush at me around, spin around me, pray at me like a priest on an icon. Devils, brothers, help, subjugate the servant of God (name). Amen.
This spell is read on a human footprint, which can remain on the floor from bare feet, wet shoes, in the snow, in the mud, etc. After that, the person will run after you like a devoted dog.
Following the trail of the servant of God (name) was a fierce misfortune, to call her longing, followed in his trail, he was flooded with me as a slave. How faithful dog he guards the owner, the trail follows the owner, so the servant of God (name) followed me in the footsteps, did not turn anywhere, did not go anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Some will be so plagued with jealousy that life seems disgraceful. Speak to water and let's drink three times.
Where are you, dog tooth? - In the mouth. Where are you, husband's jealousy? - In adversity. So the husband would not be jealous, he would not grit his teeth and yell, he would not wave his hands. The word is strong and smooth. Amen.
Pour from their glass of beer, wine to whoever you like, saying to themselves:
Drink, finish, love, don't forget.
When you start dancing with a friend, look into his eyes and say to yourself three times:
Adam and Eve sinned; they had children because they loved one another. So you will love me too. Amen.
Looking out the window, whisper nine times:
Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my doorstep, following my steps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.
And this is how they do the dry on the rope. Take the rope white, but not transparent, that is, not made of gauze, they tie as many knots on it in a row of knots as they come out involuntarily. If the number of nodes comes out even, then you can read a slander-freeze. If the number of nodes is odd, leave this matter until next day... The spoken rope is thrown up where the dear one lives. Will love and miss.
No matter how long the string is, the last knot will be. No matter how you, slave (name), walk away from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, the soul of the slave (name), the soul of the slave (name). Amen.
Treat yourself to candy (or at least chewing gum), and say to yourself:
As sweet and pleasant as candy, you would like me too. Amen.
Bite your tongue lightly with the words:
I bite myself, I attach a slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) was bored, he did not know rest from melancholy, neither a light day, nor a dark night. All to think about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read on salt and throw salt after.
I, sinful servant, will go past the holy church, without leaving the cross. I will step over and step over mother's blessing, through the priest-father's petition near the church font, I will go around the burning candles, I will enter the apostate-disgusting, I will put on the altar a sorrowful heart, a sinful soul. The altar is in the black hut, by the devil in the chimney, and the unbaptized soul, dedicated to Satan, lives in that hut. Icons do not hang there, lamps do not burn there, those living there swear, bite and bite, throw angry words. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would not live together, they did not eat bread, they did not drink water, slept back to back, they would curse each other. There would be no peace between them, not one hour, not one half hour. They would all swear and throw themselves at each other. I shut everything up with a black word, I fill everything with black pitch. Neither the first nor the last can be corrected or corrected. And what I forgot to say - the devil will say for me.
Stand with your feet on the threshold, face the room, put your hands on the door frames and say three times:
I call the servant of God (name) to my doorstep. Like this threshold under my feet, jambs under my hands. so you, slave (name), walk under my will. Slave (name), come to me! Amen.
They burn a candle, cutting off the flame with scissors, and say:
As this wax melts from a burning fire, so you, slave (name), from my mighty slander will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So that a person does not come to your home, for example, your enemy or a person whom you do not want to see, or, on the contrary, you do not want the person to leave you or from any place, you should act in this way. Get down (with a jerk) on your right knee, while resting on the ground with your right fist. Bend your torso back and say the spell:
Share, fire, on two sides: on the fire of heaven and on the fire of hell. Unite in my wish, fulfill my spell. Let the slave (name) remain (that and there and there) and do not go (there and there): I command two fires, conjure two fires. Fire from heaven and fire from hell, unite, as I said, this is how it happened. Word, fire, earth and servant of God I am, (name), Amen.
Speak about some gift or thing that will then be with him (her). The conspiracy is this:
You take the thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, you wouldn’t have peace and urine without a slave (name). Amen.
Keep a new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, having spoken to it, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband's clothes. Read like this:
Wear, do not lose, do not forget the slave (your name). Amen.
I will get up, bless, go out, cross, from door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea, there is an oak on the island, under this oak there is a slab of slabs, yearning longing, dry dryness. Lift this stove, take this longing, bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (name). Let him longing-sadness, so that he yearns, grieves, screams in a bad voice for me, slave (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, not day the day, not an hour, not while away a minute. With you the sun is red, with mother the dawn of the morning Mary, evening Mariamyan, midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright moon. I would not walk, I would not sit, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think about it, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t go out for a walk, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t sleep, I would get up in the morning, I wouldn’t mind. slave (name). Lighter than the midday wind, faster than lightning to fire, howl, let the other girl seem terrible to him, like a lioness, like fiery parts, like sea birds, scary, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And I am for him, a slave (name), a firebird. Amen.
As a child cannot live without a mother, a sheep cannot live without a lamb, so that my dear friend, the servant of God (name), loves me. So that I was bored and grieved, I did not see the light, I could not live for an hour without me, slave (name). Amen.
Read through the window at sunset.
Body to body love affair. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. A twig bends in the forest, I know where it will stick. Amen.
Words are spoken to themselves.
Just as a brownie cannot cheat on his house, on his floor, on his wall, so with no slave, neither with a handsome man, nor with a pockmarked one, my dear will not cheat on me. Amen.
They read to themselves during love affairs.
To talk about drinking, for food, so that the young man will fall in love:
Ancient Beelzebub, give me the key ring to open the door where the terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will let him go and send him to the slave (name). Let him follow on his heels, torment him with heavy anguish. Horned Beelzebub, you are the chief Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will incline my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a slave (name). Amen.
If you love a fellow and this love is a burden to you, so that you want to free your heart from love, reading this otkushka in the bath, when you wash, you can alienate this person. Take a new birch broom, party with it, then burn the broom and read:
I will wash it off, take it off, rinse it with water, love-dryness, longing-longing for my dear slave (name). Heart, do not be worn out, free yourself from love for the slave (name). Amen.
If the wind is outside, go out and read this slander.
13 winds, 13 whirlwinds, go from behind the mountains, lift the mountain, find the servant of God (name). So that he was bored, grieved, did not see the white light. Call him to me in the afternoon with the sun, in the evening with the moon. Send him the torment of the Lord for me. God's servant (name). Amen.
This slander is read if a person has blue eyes... They read it early, in the meantime, when the sun has not yet risen and the night has not left. They read while standing on their doorstep.
Flashes and molokhs, dawn and morning dawn, hug, get together, seek advice. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would agree, consult, admire, live side by side, like the dawns of the morning and afternoon. My word is molded, strong and reliable. Amen.
Little devil brothers, stand behind the slave's back (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that you know and remember my name and never forget. Amen.
Go where you went, you will come back anyway. From me you go as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen.
You are the Lion, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove, I am your Dove. Love me as yourself and more than anything else. Amen.
Seeing a person to whom you are not indifferent, touch her and at that moment say a secret word to yourself, if you are not close to your sweetheart, do it as if by chance, passing by.
The secret word is KABALA.
Read out the window or open door holding a lit candle.
You come to me, clear falcon, not along one road, but along all at once. Listen to the damn order. Here is my threshold, here you will be, here you will live. Servant of God (name), come to me. I stand in front of you. I am waiting for you today, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.
Conspiracy of love (on salt)
They read it with salt, so that later they can add salt to the food for the one they like.
As people love salt and without it, they cannot, that you are a servant of God (name), love me just as well and could not live without me, not a day to day, not an hour to an hour, a minute to pass, all would follow me and admire me. Amen.

Whispers of love will help you find a lover, attract a couple, cope with unhappy love, ward off a rival, and even protect your marriage from cheating. There are many conspiracy words for love witchcraft that will be useful to every woman.

In the article:

Whispers of love - how to attract a guy

Many girls are embarrassed to meet guys on their own initiative. Most ladies just dream of a guy who they like to initiate an acquaintance. This can also be done with the help of witchcraft. You don't have to feel embarrassed if a guy is busy or just not in the mood for dating. To get his attention, whisper in his back:

Look at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine, be with me.

If at this time the young man looks at you, then the witchcraft has worked. You can use this knowledge anywhere - on the street, in a cafe, in a club, and even at work, if you like your employee. The more often a whisper is applied to the same person, the more powerful its effect will be.

There is another whisper in the back of love, which, as you might guess, is read after the leaving person. It doesn't matter how well you know each other, but if the young man doesn't even know you exist, the magic is unlikely to work as it should. The text is like this:

As the grass spreads in spring, so you will spread before me.

These love whispers are great for following a successful first date if you want your next date to happen as soon as possible.

Along with this article read:

A whisper to a man's love - how to keep a family

Whispering to a loved one can help keep the family together. If after a quarrel your husband leaves you, whisper in his back:

As water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me.

After that, the spouse will definitely return to you as soon as his emotions cool down a little. Our great-grandmothers acted in the same way if they got a walking husband who dared to go to a rival. After reading the conspiracy words, the husbands always returned home. You can also use a stronger whisper, which will take away masculine strength from a person who has decided to leave the family:

Go where you went, you will come back anyway. From me you go as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Smoke, stove, ash, my business. Amen.

True, such conspiracies and whispers of taking away male power do not allow to modify and read them. Traitors are deprived of the opportunity to speak and whisper their married life from deception.

You are the lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as yourself and more than anything else. Amen.

These words can be spoken to yourself during bed pleasures, so that your spouse does not understand what you are doing.

A whisper to the longing of a loved one - how to achieve reciprocal feelings

You can read this whisper-whisper in bed, stirring up the hair of a loved one. You can read while he sleeps, because even a quiet whisper is quite real to hear. It is believed that you can whisper in the car or during joint trip on any transport, especially if the ride is fast enough. The text is like this:

I do not breathe - I tell fortunes.
Exhale from me
And in you - breath.
So that you dry without me.

During a feast, you can pour the person you like any drink from your glass and whisper at this time:

Drink, finish, love, don't forget.

If a meeting not only in one bed, but even at the same table with your object of feelings is impossible, you can whisper love words through the window, they say it nine times in a row:

Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my doorstep, following my steps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.

After this, the guy will most likely begin to take the initiative towards you. Perhaps it will not be easy to get rid of him later. Whispers of love from a distance works pretty well, but you need to keep the image of your loved one in mind.

Whispers to the rival and from betrayal

In the old days, many girls knew whispers to their rival, and no one could interfere with their happiness. If your boyfriend or spouse has begun to take an interest in some old or new acquaintance, and you do not like it too much, you do not need to arrange scenes of jealousy. There are more effective ways ward off a potential homewrecker.

This witchcraft is perfect for those who know only the name of the rival, but meeting with her seems to be a very problematic matter. You need garlic. They put it in the pocket of any clothes of a loved one with the following words, which are spoken in a whisper:

Throw away the garlic, throw it out of your heart and (name of your rival).

When your man finds garlic, he will most likely throw it away, and then the witchcraft will work correctly. Instead of garlic, you can take any other thing he does not need, which with very likely will be thrown into the trash. In this case, you will have to change the whisper text. For example, instead of garlic, you can take a candy wrapper.

It is not difficult to insure against cheating with the help of magic. Whenever you make any drink for your husband, take three sips of milk, tea, coffee or something else - it doesn't matter. After each sip, you should whisper:

I drink - you finish drinking, not to be with any woman except me.

There are many ways to weave beer and other foamy drinks. To do this, you need to spit three times into the drink intended for your spouse, and after each spit, whisper:

Foam, saliva, you are mine, I am yours. Saliva is a wall, someone else's blood is not needed. Amen.

It is not simple love magic... Such a whisper about your husband's love can protect you from if you suspect that such magic can be used by your rival. It won't be difficult to protect yourself from her spell, but you should repeat this whisper on beer as often as possible. It is not necessary to drink beer every day for this, kvass, cappuccino, and many other drinks can be foamy.

If there is an opportunity to walk down the street after your opponent and whisper in her back conspiracy words, this opportunity must be used without fail. For this case, the text is as follows:

You are scary to him, I am red to him.
You are a snake to him, I am a berry to him.
You give him dirt, I give him honey.
No one will scold or interrupt my words.
I knot, whisper with words.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Whisper for a loved one to call

Not every girl agrees to call the guy first. Many people even consider this an objectionable occupation for the fair sex. However, no one talks about what to hear phone call from famous person I do not want. There are special whispers for a loved one to call. You do not have to get in touch first, he will call you himself, believing that he did it of his own free will.

So, imagine how you can brighter image person who interests you. You may be able to remember the scent of his beloved. toilet water and other details are very good. After you are ready, start whispering the words until you know that enough is enough:

My beloved, (name), why don't you call me and talk to me? After all, I'm a stately girl, good-looking, good for everyone and everything, but for you - beloved. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will echo your heart from happiness it will be hammered faster. Amen.

All rituals, conspiracies and whispers to a phone call are considered safe. They do not make any adjustments to your destiny and the life of the person you like. This kind of magic will only make the person dial your number. His attitude towards you will not change, your further relationship will depend only on you - this is not a love spell and not after a quarrel, but only a way to get in touch and not be humiliated after calling a person who is no longer interested in you.

The conspiracy of anguish

The magini have a black conspiracy for melancholy, after reading which you can quickly catch up on melancholy about yourself on any person... The conspiracy will make the person bored and yearned and cannot fall asleep until he calls or writes. In general, to force a person with a conspiracy black magic remember yourself and miss having lost all peace until the first to get in touch with you. This a strong and long-term conspiracy love longing and longing is read at night on a photo of a guy or a man who needs to urgently call it with the help of magic strong feeling and the desire to talk.

Induce very strong anguish with a conspiracy

A conspiracy of longing and love will help to let the longing for yourself and very quickly cause a feeling of true love in a guy or man who is at any distance from you - even in another city or another country!

You can read this conspiracy on your husband with whom you are married or your ex-hubby, having overtaken him with a strong and real feeling of love and desire for communication. To get bored at a distance from a person, in the evening, put a piece of any food in front of a photo of a person who is melancholy and read the conspiracy. Conspiracy words for longing:

Like a bitch a dog runs, chases,
Howling at frequent stars
So that the servant of God (name)
He followed me everywhere, howled from boredom.
The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried.
So am I, God's servant (name),
The heart of a servant of God (name)
I lock, I lock, I bury, I bury.

Teeth, lips, a key in the ocean-sea.


After you finish reading the melancholy plot, feed the conspiracy food to any dog. As soon as the dog eats the conspiracy food, anxiety and love melancholy will enter the person's heart and he will not be able to endure for a long time and experience a feeling of love melancholy and anxiety, he will surely come into contact with you: he will call, write or come to your home. Magin has prepared the top 5 proven rituals that make a person feel melancholy, use it if necessary.

The strongest and fastest-acting melancholy conspiracies that you need to read yourself are people-tested and 100% working:

  1. A conspiracy for longing. Strong conspiracy to quickly catch up on love melancholy read it yourself

I myself often have to read conspiracies for the melancholy of my beloved husband, an acquaintance of a man or a guy. Strong conspiracy melancholy on any person: man or woman works instantly. Those who have tried this conspiracy at least once in practice, write in the reviews that it is best conspiracy full of fierce and very strong melancholy instant action and acting at any distance! In practice, at home, I checked that even being in another city on a business trip or simply living several hundred kilometers away, a person immediately after reading the conspiracy did not find a place for himself until he spoke or met with the one who pointed to him the strongest feeling of longing. A quick conspiracy to make a photo-yearning at home works and it really does!

© Copyright: Maginya


Whispers are simple and quick conspiracies, but very effective if used correctly. Find out the best whispers to attract love.

Whispers at a meeting

The transmission of love impulses directly to the addressee is the most effective method to attract love. Doing it right can win your heart. the right person and influence his consciousness. There are several types effective whispers when meeting with an object of adoration.

  • A whisper in the back of your beloved. Perhaps the most proven method. The words spoken after the right person will surely be deposited in his mind, and he is unlikely to be able to overcome the seething feelings in himself. Walking behind the chosen one, clench your palms into fists and whisper: "Look at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine, be with me." If he turned around after that, your words worked and reached the soul of the person.
  • Whisper with a touch. It is equally effective, although it is more difficult to execute. Seeing the person you like, in a whisper, almost to yourself, say magic words: “From my hands you love and desire. You will be with me forever and ever. " Then you need to gently touch the addressee's left hand and repeat the text again, but mentally.
  • Whisper with a look. Eye contact considered especially in a strong way transfer of feelings. The views are important point in interpersonal relationships, because the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Look closely at the chosen one, and when your views intersect, say very quietly: “Only mine, only with me. You will not look at others, in my power. "

Such rituals can be performed every time you meet with a loved one, even if you are already in a relationship. After all, with the help of a whisper, you will only increase a person's feelings and strengthen love in him.

Whispers of love at home

It is rather difficult for many to resort to the rite when meeting with dear person... For this, there are whispers that are spoken at home, and they are also considered potent.

  • Whisper to a photograph. Take a portrait of the person you need and, holding it to your very lips, say quietly: "Do not forget about me, be with me and love me." The snapshot should be kept in a secluded place and taken out only if you want to resort to a short conspiracy again.
  • Whisper before leaving the house. Such a ritual is carried out in order to be sure to meet with a loved one and win his heart. Standing by front door, whisper the text in a whisper: "our meeting is inevitable, happiness is with me, love is with you."

When resorting to this method at home, always mentally imagine the person whose love you want to attract. Such short rituals relate to white magic, and you will not harm the dear addressee in any way and only strengthen his feelings towards you.

Despite the simplicity of the rituals, they have strong action and are able to create a powerful aura of love around you. At the same time, there are no restrictions: you can refer to whispers at any time and in any place, even several times in a row.

Every woman dreams of pure, real and mutual love... Most want not only to love, but also to be loved. Unfortunately to meet true love quite real, but keeping it is not an easy task. Modern men simple care, love, cleanliness and comfort in the house, children will not keep for a long time. Attractive appearance is also not a guarantee of good luck in personal life, very often even the most pretty girls remain lonely. So what should be done in order to win the heart beloved once and for all?

Fortunately, you can always turn to for help to heavenly powers. In order to bind a man to yourself, there are a lot of different ceremonies, rituals, conspiracies, whispers. If you learn to clearly adhere to the recommendations, concentrate, visualize what you want - you will definitely be expected to succeed in this difficult task. In this article, you will find out the suckers of your beloved man, all kinds of magic love spells conspiracies that will help you fall in love with yourself anyone.

Love conspiracies: from the beginnings to the present day

Since ancient times, girls have used various magical rites in order to attract and retain the betrothed. In each village there lived a witch-grandmother, to whom one could turn for the necessary services. All magical knowledge was inherited, and only sometimes it happened that ordinary girl recognized secret rite... This is how love magic came to the people.

Witches and sorcerers were previously divided into several categories:

  • Involuntary
  • Voluntary
  • Natural

A voluntary sorceress was called if she independently studied varied magic conspiracies, rituals, invented magic love potions. The love magic of voluntary witches was strong enough, however, it did not always work correctly.

Natural witches were those who inherited their unique gift. It was also believed that witches were born from the union of a woman with the devil. Of course, the love magic of those who received their gift from nature was the most powerful and effective. Only such witches knew absolutely all the secrets of love spells, whispers, pilgrims, sexual attachments and dry spells. It was said that such sorceresses could not die exactly until they transfer their witchcraft power to someone.

Unwitting witches were those who inherited power from the curse. Most often, such curses were made on a baby who was still in the womb.

Legend of the witch

There is a legend about the ancient witch Samara, who invented the recipe powerful potion, able not only to attract, but also to keep absolutely any man nearby. Samara lived in all alone on the outskirts of the village, people turned to her for various purposes, but mainly to cure serious ailments. The sorceress inherited her gift from her great-grandmother.

Once a young man came to Samara and asked for a love spell, because he loved the girl very much, and she did not reciprocate. The witch refused to perform the ritual, and the young man jumped from the cliff in grief. In the place where he was found, a month later it sprouted magic herb... The sorceress collected it and prepared a potion on its basis, which, in addition to the conspiracy, worked real miracles. Rumor has it that the herb is still harvested in that place, and is used for various love spells.

To date, love magic has not lost its relevance, it is still popular among girls. Some suffer from loneliness, others dream of eternal mutual love, still others want to take the married man away from the family. Anyway, heavenly forces can only help if everything you do is from pure heart... Someone turns to professionals for help, and someone is trying to carry out a complex ritual on their own. Both in the first and in the second case, both positive and negative outcomes are possible. Next we will consider the most effective rituals and whispers that can make a man love you.

Powerful suckers and challenges of the beloved man

Absolutely any drying must be performed with utmost care... Remember that each such ritual usually has back side... Even the strongest addiction for a guy may not work in some cases. The drying is correct hand-picked words conspiracy, which are energetically directed at your beloved in order to bind him to you at the subconscious level. Contrary to stereotypes, proper preparation to the ritual itself and the correct pronunciation of words to dry young man even a schoolgirl can. At the same time, experienced sorceresses claim that young energy is several times more powerful than that of middle-aged women.

You can make a suction as follows:

  • through food, drinks;
  • through gifts;
  • through a photo;
  • through the personal thing of the object of sighing;
  • through the embroidery, sewn on button.

Drying by photo

The easiest way, if your loved one is not with you, is to make a shot remotely, using a photograph. To do this, choose a photo in which the face of a young man is clearly visible, also pay attention to the fact that he is alone in the frame. The photo must be printed, electronic variant will not work. Light a candle at midnight, take a photo with your beloved in your hands and read the following conspiracy:

I will get up (your name) before dark, go out into the street, go into the open field. Violent winds, strong frosts, torrential downpours will not stop me. I will stand in open field let me bow down to the powers of heaven, so that they calm my heart, so that they comfort my soul, so that my tears wipe away and drive away my longing. To carry my anguish far, far, across the seas, oceans, distant countries, to the land where the dear lives. So that they put longing in the white chest (the name of a loved one) and in a cold heart, so that he yearns for me, grieves, so that he remembers my name in the morning and in the dark at night. So that you don't eat up this melancholy with food and sweets, don't drink beer, honey, wine! My words are a castle, so be it! Amen!

Drying repeat three times and put out the candle. Hide the photo, on next morning the conspiracy will take effect.

Full moon drying

There is one more old photo add-on. For her, you will need to wait for the full moon, go outside with a photograph of a young man and read following words at the intersection:

Luna-hostess, I ask for your help, help calm my soul, calm my heart and remove painful anguish. Let (beloved's name) yearn for me, let him not sleep at night, let him dry without me, moan, scream in pain. Let him not see others, let him suffer only for me, with me he has life, without me - no. As soon as my beloved comes to me, happiness will instantly find its own. All my words are on lock, so that no one can remove the suction. So be it!

After that, return home without looking back. Burn the photo of your beloved to the ground at home. The drying will begin to take effect by the morning, if you do everything right.

Drying in the cemetery

Most strong dryness the photo can be taken at the cemetery. However, keep in mind that although this option works 100%, it can have negative consequences for both you and your loved one. It is important to strictly follow all the instructions and do everything only with a pure heart. Remember your own safety and do not risk it if you are not sure that you have the courage to carry out the drying process to the end. Cowards and those who do not believe in the positive outcome of the drying, most likely, will fail.

The ritual must be performed after midnight at the cemetery. Find the oldest abandoned grave, light a candle and start reading the conspiracy:

I walk through the dead city, among the graves and coffins, I ask the dead from you: stand up girls, stand up fellows and protect my betrothed (name) from all people. From beautiful and ugly, from high and low, from good and evil, from beautiful eyes and red smiles. Let it be mine only, so that his little legs come to me, that his little hands reach for me to sleep, eat, drink without me. To grieve and grieve, dry without my presence. So that life without me would not be sweet to him. Tie his brothers and sisters with threads invisible to me, forever and ever. Let it be so.

How to permanently attach to yourself a man who lives with you

There are also simpler and safer rituals that can be done at home. At correct execution they will be no less effective than spoilage and gummies.

  • Apple Pie Conspiracy

In the evening, take two red apples and pierce each of them 7 times with a thick needle. Then discreetly place one apple under your pillow and another under your loved one's pillow. In the morning, take out the apples and start making your favorite pie recipe. Before you send the cake to the oven, read a whisper on it: “I bake for my beloved, and I put my love, my beloved will eat everything without a trace - our life will be long and sweet. Amen".

Repeat the words three times and set the cake to bake. After your lover comes home, he should be the first to cut himself a piece and taste the cake. In order to consolidate the action and enhance the whispering effect, the ritual can be repeated from time to time.

  • String conspiracy

For this conspiracy, you will need thick red thread and a wax candle. It is best to carry out the ritual at night, so that no one can see or hear you. Light a candle, take a rope and tie a strong knot on it. Then say the following words: "Strong knot - strong love, I tie the knots on the string, I tie you, my lover (name) to myself forever."

  • Candlelight conspiracy

This option is suitable for those who think that the husband or boyfriend has cooled in their feelings. For him, you will need to prepare one red and one white candle in advance. At midnight, write your names on a piece of paper, place a piece of paper between two candles. Then light both candles and start reading a whisper: "I whisper to the candle, I want to kindle a fire in a relationship, let my beloved person be with me forever." Then burn the leaf, put out the candles and go to bed. The whisper will take effect after 3 days.

Remember that any conspiracy how to bind a man forever must be read aloud, not in a whisper. It is best to know the words by heart or copy them on a separate sheet. Do not rearrange words in places, speak clearly and confidently, put in maximum energy. Only in this case, everything conceived will be fulfilled.

There were problems in relations with a guy, she really wanted to marry him, but he hesitated, could not make a decision, although at that time he was 32 years old. I decided to give him a little push and use magic. I made a conspiracy on a pie and a conspiracy on threads - both that and that worked! Zhenya proposed to me a month later. We have been living happily for 5 years now, raising a child. No negative consequences did not have.


Once I tried to make a bite on the boss, I was secretly in love with him, but I was afraid to admit my feelings. The conspiracy seemed to work, but this man became completely uninteresting to me, tortured myself and him for a long time. Therefore, girls, if you decide on this, then you need to be 100% confident in your feelings, otherwise no one will be happy.

I never believed in such things, but six months ago I fell very much in love with married man... He also had feelings for me, but he could not make a decision, he was afraid of offending his wife. Then I decided to make a binding, however, I did not do it myself, I turned to a specialist, which I advise you too. Now we live together, we are planning a wedding. So do not rely on fate, your happiness is in your hands!


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