Does the child hear in the womb loud sounds. The intrauterine life of the child and his reaction to the outside world. Why it is useful to listen to classical music

Not all women, hatching the fruit, think about, and that the child feels in the maternal womb, meanwhile, the feelings of the crumbs are developing very early. Now, thanks to modern technology, scientists have received the opportunity to look into the world of a unborn child, and it brought the striking discoveries that have formed the basis of prenatal education.

The nervous system of the kid and his senses are laid very early. The prototype of the brain appears on the fifth week of pregnancy, by the time you learn that I will soon become mom, and the embryo has the size of no more comma in this text. And the first nerve endings appear, so far focused in the field of mouth ...

There are only a few stepship weeks, and the sensitivity is rapidly spreading throughout the body, first the inner surface of the hips, then the brushes of the hands and feet, then the whole body, and by 7 weeks the crumb feels all the skin. Its brain is complicated so much that the child appears the ability to respond to irritation. Touching the baby at 7 weeks it causes a stormy reaction, it pulls out the handle or leg. And already by this deadline, he feels great pain, just like me with you. There is a feeling of taste and ... the ability to feel the light.

Emotions of the baby, his perception of the outside world is now through the feelings of the mother.It can be said that he feels your thoughts, reads all your experiences. And your joy, and your sadness shares with a crumb in half. The feelings of the baby in the womb are born through hormones, which are produced in the parent organism in emotions. You are frightened or upset, crying - your heart is broken under the influence of stress hormones, and the bloodstream brings them and the child too, and he feels all the same as you. You are happy and calm, your blood is filled with hormones of happiness, endorphins, and the child in your womb also gets them in abundance, feeling happiness with you. All this happens in the first trimester, when the fetal growth did not reach and 10 cm. Think about it, it is on this time most abortions are made ...

In the uterus, the baby feels comfortable warmth, he is like in weightlessness, and cannot understand where the top, and where the bottom. The cordhouse loops are touched by its sensitive skin, and in response to a random touch, he can try to grab it. Periodically, it concerns the smooth pulsating inner surface of the fetal bubble adjacent to the uterus, and immediately repels from the elastic slippery wall, as if from a trampoline. Rough randomly handle his face, he grabs his mouth and sucks. It has been proven that this process to children really gives pleasure.

Amazing things managed to high with ultrasound. 12-week fruit is able to suck her fingers, accidentally touching the cord clashes it in the cam ... Takes his face, hands, studying the body ... Of course, these are not conscious and even probably not targeted movements, to the formation of a sighting grabbing will be held at least 4 months after the kid will be born, but all this is sensations.

Particularly rapid development of the bark of the hemispheres and the senses is coming to the second trimester. Hearing body develops, taste, by the end of the second trimester eyes open.

An equilibrium authority is improved when you go, the baby shakes inside, and it shifts it.

From 14-15 weeks of the fetus develops the sensitivity of taste nipples in the mouthAnd on ultrasound peeped how the crumb wrinkles from the bitter taste of the accumulating waters, and actively swallows them if they are sweet. In fact, when you eat, the accumulating waters partly acquire the taste of your food. They become sweet if you ate something sweet, and seasonings and spices give them a sharp taste. Taste taste addictions are laid on such an early term.

Kid's hearing becomes sharp by 16-17 weeks. He hears your voice, but not much as you hear it, when you say, resonate your lungs, and the sound comes distorted. At the same time, in the water world, the crumbs are very noisy, a huge heart beats over it, and the lungs 24 hours a day with noise swing air. The vessels of the mother are noisy, creating a smooth hem of blood current, all the splashes and the huge and continuous intestines are bored. He hears and sounds from the outside world, for example, music, voices. Interestingly, already from such early deadlines, the baby is capable of memorizing, after birth, familiar sounds will calm him. It has been proven that intrauterine children prefer classical music, she shifts them, and Mother's and father's voice, if the parents talked with a basin, after giving birth soothe newborn.

The child opens his eyes at 20 pregnancy week. The uterus is dark, but the more period, the stronger the abdominal wall stretches, and if a bright sunlight falls on the tummy, the world of the kid is illuminated by orange-pink light. The crumbs do not like and turn away from the light.

Already from 15-16 weeks, the baby is able to feel touching the stomach. At the later deadlines, the responses to stroking the belly of pregnant women are so obvious that it turns into a dialogue of two. The crumb is strung up and follows hand, can push back in response.

The sensations of the child in the womb is so diverse that he ... learns to see dreams. Already on the 20-22 week of pregnancy, the sleeping fetus has movements of eyeballs of closed eyes, which is so characteristic of the active phase of dreams. What are they, these dreams have not yet born baby? Weave impressions and emotions obtained during the time of wakefulness, voices and churches of light on the front abdominal wall ...

By the time of childbirth, your baby feels more and more cramped. The uterus does not allow him to straighten up, he will be clamped and does not even turn around. Initial waiting for the first fights This is not only a feet of a woman, but also her child, every day he is closely close and inconvenient inside.

One can only imagine that the child feels in the womb, when childbirth begins. The world, previously such a reliable, gentle and cozy, as if collapsed, the arms of the uterus become suffocating, and an ahead of the unknown. Kroch does not understand what is happening, and his perception of childbirth completely depends on what his mother feels. Fear of women, excitement and stress are accompanied by a powerful emission of adrenaline, and the fetus gets a huge dose of this hormone. If you are afraid and feel pain, he feels with you. Calm, confident perception of childbirth, mother's patience, her communication with the baby during the battles, give the child confidence that there is something good, such children after childbirth are much calmer and easier adapt.

During childbirth, the baby is experiencing the so-called generic stress. Perinatal psychologists consider it a blessing for a child, a kind of hardening before meeting with a new world for him. In childbirth, reflexes make the baby also work. He will be resting on each fight with legs in the bottom of the uterus, helping you, he will unfold his body, to go through the generic paths. Having experienced a heavy work, a moderate lack of oxygen, the crumb acquires the first experience of the struggle for his life.

Birth feels on a child a sea of \u200b\u200bnew feelings. Bright light of the outside world and cold on wet skin, the first breath tearing into the light air, his own first cry, people around, the sudden appearance of bright new colors - probably, these are the strongest feelings that we experience in your life. And then the heat of maternal hugs, the first applying, familiar with a silk sucking, the first sip of the brass-bearing colostrum and, finally, deep, long, returning sleep ...

Does the future child hear inside the womb? How good and can there be loud sounds?

The formation of a hearing aid

Hearing organs in the kid, compared with other systems formed long and difficult - up to 16 weeks, after the "maturation" occurs. The laying begins on the 4th week of intrauterine development from the advent of the skeleton bones. At week 7, the future kid already has the foundations of the middle ear. Gradually, the hearing organs "ripen" and begin to function. Previously, 16 weeks Loud sounds The child does not feel, respectively, they do not affect it.

What does a child hear in the womb?

As soon as the embryo ears begin to act, he hears a little, but in order to hear something, the sounds from the outside should be very loud, for example, cotton from the petard or rock concert. After all, inside the tummy at the mother is an amniotic fluid, it extinguishes the sounds, plus the vibrations of the very knob itself interfere.
On the 24th week of intrauterine development, the rumor of the future baby is significantly improved, the sound is already transformed into nervous impulses. From this period, the baby is able to hear not only loud sounds, but also music. And on the 27-30 week, the rumor of the future child is so mature that it distinguishes a loud speech.

Is the child's loud sounds scared?

The child inside the womb does not hear very well, so it cannot be frightened, but he acutely reacts to the state of the mother. If loud sounds cause stress at the future mother, then the baby will also be alarming too. To all, discomfort, which is experiencing a pregnant woman from sounds of loud and ultrahigh or low frequencies can negatively affect pregnancy as a whole, up to premature birth.

What volume is permissible

To feel comfortable, the overall noise in the house and on the street should not be above 40 dB during the daytime and 30 in the night. In reality, especially in the conditions of the city, the background noise exceeds the mark of 60 dB. This is not a very critical indicator, but the mother body causes a condition of constant nervous tension.
A separate category of sound oscillations, harmful to pregnancy, is home appliances. You should avoid long-term viewing of the TV, working at a computer, using various household appliances, as well as listening to very loud music, because in the headphones, sound oscillations can exceed 100-120 dB. With constant background sound of urban fuss, devices, playing music are always installed on an increased sound.
For pregnancy to proceed normally, avoid disputes, scandals on elevated colors, loud music, operating techniques. For the baby, external sounds do not harm even loud, but some sound oscillations can adversely affect the state of pregnancy.

When the fruit begins to hear the influence of music on it.

From what period of pregnancy does the kid have the ability to take sounds? What sounds he prefers to hear? What sounds frighten the fruit? What noises interfere with development?

In this article we disassembled several important questions at once:

What does the fetus hear?

What is the effect of music on the fruit?

However, first of all, will answer the most important question: when the fetus appears the opportunity to hear.

Modern specialists have no definitely accurate information on this. According to research conducted in France, the first "auditory" feelings of the fetus appear very early. However, they are not in the complete sense of auditory (such as we understand adults). They are vibrating. At this time, the development of crumb does not hear sounds, and only can perceive sound oscillations as vibration. It is believed that at this stage the child is formed a special picture of the world: all surrounding is perceived not through the sound, but through pulsation.

In medicine, it is customary to share pregnancy on trimesters:
The 1st trimester - from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy, during this period the child develops organs and structures of the body;
The 2nd trimester - from the 3rd to the 6th month, the heart, light and brain to the level necessary for survival are formed;
The 3rd trimester - from the 6th to the 9th month, there is a preparation for the work of all systems and organs, that is, the adaptation of the baby.

All people know that child In the abdomen is connected with the mother of the umbilical cord, through which the nutrition needs it. Pregnant woman everyone advise well to eat and be calm, experiencing exceptionally positive emotions. And it is absolutely correct, because pregnancy is a hormonal process, and all emotional human reactions are associated with hormones. In stress and frights, each person in the body is produced by adrenaline, which excites the nervous system, and in the pregnant and nervous system of the child in the womb. With a strong stress, the huge doses of adrenaline can lead to a constant need to receive, from here and the birth of restless excitable children who are poorly sleeping and eating, bringing great concerns to parents. Many dads are interested in the question, but does the child feel something in the womb and does he hear his speech? By the end of the sixth month or at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby starts responding to sounds.

By the end of this month weight child It ranges from 700 to 750 grams., And the growth of it is only 30 cm. At this time, nails are formed on their hands and eyelids, the hair on the head in the child becomes curd, the contours of the face are made. Also, the child is revealed by nostrils and alveolar lung bags begin to form. Scientists came to the conclusion that starting from this period, close communication with parents for the child is very important. The child in his stomach should feel the touch of parents through the tummy and hear their voice.

Modern research american scientists showedStarting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the child in the womb feels, hears and in his own way understands what is happening. These are interesting facts found scientists in the research process:

1. The child duplicates the actions and mood of the mother. He dorms when the mother sleeps and wakes up with her. When the mother is calm, then the child behaves calmly.

2. The child reacts to light. This happens by the end of the sixth - the beginning of the seventh month. Despite the fact that the vision is almost not in demand before birth, the baby sees the light in the uterus. If the lamp is directed to the mother's belly, then the child strives for escape. He closes the eyelids and turns into the stomach.

3. Child remembers words and whole expressions. He hears the sound of her mother's voice and distinguishes it from other sounds. If dad often talks to a child through the tummy, then he remembers his voice well and immediately learn after birth. American scientists lead such a fact: a pregnant woman visited the courses of future mothers and made gymnastics under the team "Inhale-exhale", two years after the birth of her daughter, she was very surprised, having heard the daughter repeats the same team: "inhale-exhale."

4. The child is listeningAs parents talk and react to the intonation of their voice. When his father or mother addresses to him, he calms down, the rhythm of his heart is smooth and calm. Parents quarrels make the heart of the child fight too much. If parents are optimists, then the child is inherited in the womb of these qualities of character.

5. The child has a feeling of taste and loves sweet. Scientists have established that after the introduction of glucose into the oily water of the child, swallowing movements are enhanced, and the injecting of iodine slows them. From the unpleasant taste of iodine, the child is curved from disgust.

6. The child reacts to external stimuli. He moves the head if the tummy moms to stroke the hand. And if it hits the cold water on the stomach of the mother, expressing his discontent and anger.
7. Child hears music. It turned out that children in the womb do not like rock and they really like classical music. Calm music Beethoven and Vivaldi shifts them.

8. The child hates smoking. I don't even like the child when Mom is thinking about smoking. His heart begins to fight rapidly when Mom is thinking about whether she is not tightened by another cigarette.
9. Already a two-month-old child in the womb reacts to the physical injuries of the mother. If the mother is inappropriate to hit the belly, then the child is hiding, looking for salvation.

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All pregnant people know that with a baby in the womb you need to talk, because it is good to the kids, because they are in the abdomen of the mother, much hear a lot. In this article we will tell how the fetus ear develops when he begins to hear truly and what exactly he listens in the maternal womb.

Embryogenesis of hearing organs

The process of forming hearing organs in the kid is one of the most difficult. On the 4-5 week of pregnancy (when the mother only begins the delay in menstruation), the embryo appears germ, which will subsequently become an internal ear. On the period of pregnancy, the structure of the middle ear is beginning to form in 7-8 weeks. The outdoor ear is finally formed in the third trimester, and the culking of the cartilage tissue of the ears occurs shortly before delivery.

Before the fifth month of pregnancy, a very important process of bookmarking and the formation of the structures of the inner ear. The labyrinth finally becomes solid by 18 weeks of pregnancy. Hearing bones begin to become hard for about 3 months of pregnancy and this process ends closer to childbirth.

The outdoor ear even at birth is imperfect. The auditory pass remains soft, and its final design is completed only during the first year of life of the baby.

Since the process of embryogenesis of hearing in a child has not yet been studied and very multistage, an unexpected situation may arise on any of the stages, which can lead to the birth of babies with impaired hearing functions.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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The ability to hear

The ability to hear the baby in the womb of the mother acquires at the 15th week of pregnancy. It is by this moment that the main stages of bookmarking the inner ear are completed and the processes of the design of the middle ear are. At first, the perception of sounds at the kid is not like with us with you. He hears them, but the brain cortex has not yet matured and is not able to analyze the signals. The fetal ear for the 15-16 week of pregnancy more resembles the hearing perception of the world with reptiles. It internal ear captures only the vibration that sound waves create.

The knock of the mother's heart is one vibration, a loud sound from the fall of a heavy item next to mom or a alarm clock call - a completely different vibration.

I hear almost like us, the baby begins only in 26-27 weeks of pregnancy. This means that on this period, the fruit is no longer hears, but reacts to sound. He gradually learns not just to hear something, but also analyzing heard. The newborn turns the head to the sound source. He learned this in the womb.

The last three months of intrauterine development, the kid gladly listens to the sounds. A rumor for him in the third trimester is another way to know the world around.

What is heard?

Not heard baby not all. It is naive to believe that in the mother's womb he is in silence and grace, enjoying the voice of Mom, who reads him fairy tales. In the womb in the level of noise - almost like in a small factory, and in it, the kid simply physically cannot perceive all sounds from the outside. He constantly hears the noise of blood flow in the vessels, the breath of the mother, the peristalsis of its intestines, the knock of the heart.

If my mother says, he hears her voice well. At later pregnancy rates, the fruit already feels the mood of his mother on the timbre and its strength. If the future parent screams, the baby begins to worry. The child reacts to the sudden sounds to the amplification of motor activity. So the work of a hearing nerve is manifested as the hearing center form in the cerebral cortex.

Check it is very easy. It is enough to include music into headphones and attach them to the belly of pregnant. The baby will start moving more actively or, on the contrary, will change behavior by having sorted. Scientists have established that the child on the period of pregnancy in 30 weeks is beginning to be activated by the individual zones of the cerebral cortex - mainly temporal and frontal lobes. It is these centers that are responsible for recognizing spoken speech, for logic and thinking, for the ability to learn.

Often moms are asked, on what time of pregnancy you can start reading a book of books and communicate with him. The answer is quite simple - on any. But most of all the benefits for the development of the baby will be from the lullabous sounds of the mother and her fairy tales in combination with gentle strokes with hand after 25-26 weeks of pregnancy. It is on this time that the fruit will begin to analyze the sound, its source. His favorite musical compositions will appear, as well as the sounds that he do not like.

For example, most pregnant women note that the kids after the 28 week of pregnancy pretty nervously react to the flap of the doors, on the bark of the dog, on the call of the mechanical alarm clock.

It is necessary to give the child to listen to music.He cannot hear her through the headphones, if they are on the ears at Mom. Music at that moment only a woman perceives. The child feels her emotions and nothing more.

If you include music through the speakers, the pleasure of listening is both both mom and a child.

Remember that all sounds from the outside for the baby sounds a little muffled, because the abdominal wall of the parent and the accumulating waters in which the child is located. But in general, he shifts what is happening on the other side of the abdomen.

That is why one should not quarrel and scream, swear. It is better to enjoy crumbling to classical music, gentle children's lullaby, then these melodies will learn and after birth. It has been proven that newborns and chest children are much better falling asleep to the music, which they are already familiar with the times in the womb. After the birth of the kids immediately recognize familiar voices - Momin, Papin.

About when a child in the womb is starting to hear, look in the next video.