Methods of using plantain in cosmetology: branded and home cosmetics for the face. Medicinal herbs in cosmetology: plantain for the face Plantain mask for the face

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At any age, acne and other problematic rashes can appear, which not only spoil the appearance, but also often lead to serious consequences.

In order to get rid of these and other shortcomings, traditional medicine recommends using plantain herb, which is extremely useful for the skin of the face.

Why plantain herb is useful for facial skin

This plant became famous for its healing properties several centuries ago: with its help, wounds, boils and some diseases of internal organs were treated. Now it is also used in modern folk cosmetology, and the benefits of plantain for the skin of the face are quite tangible:

  • Flavonoids rejuvenate, increase tone and elasticity, strengthen tissues;
  • Tannins relieve the most severe inflammation and redness, regulate the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • Vitamins prevent harmful substances from reaching the deep subcutaneous layers, slow down aging;
  • Acids smooth out irregularities, resist the appearance of acne and acne, lighten age spots;
  • Polysaccharides normalize the mixed type of dermis: moisturize dry areas and dry oily areas.

The secret of plantain for problem skin of the face is the presence of venison in it - a component that improves blood clotting and accelerates regeneration - therefore masks with this herb also have wound healing properties.

It is customary to use plantain for oily or mixed skin types, but there are many recipes that are suitable for absolutely everyone.

A list of cosmetic problems that can be solved by using plantain in homemade face masks:

  • Redness, inflammation, itching;
  • Wounds, microcracks, scars;
  • Acne, post-acne, pimples, blackheads;
  • Frequent oily sheen, enlarged and clogged pores;
  • Wrinkles, peeling, dryness;
  • Early aging;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Burns.

Before you start preparing masks, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for their use:

  • Any product can be applied only if all cosmetics are removed from the face;
  • Frequent use of masks is not recommended: 2-3 sessions per week are enough to get the desired result in 1-2 months.

Plantain for the face: popular recipes, masks, rules of application

Plantain decoction for the face

Daily washing or rubbing with a decoction helps to get rid of a network of fine wrinkles, oily sheen, acne and inflammation:

  • We breed 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water, cut into small pieces of leaves, boil for no more than 10 minutes over low heat;
  • We strain the liquid through a sieve, discard the plant. Let the broth cool;
  • We wash or spread masks for them.

Plantain tincture for face skin

Cosmetologists advise using alcoholic infusion only with increased fat content of the dermis, purulent acne and post-acne acne:

  • Pour 1-2 cups of dry plantain into a dark glass jar, add vodka to the very top and close with a lid;
  • We withstand 1 days, shaking the container from time to time;
  • We wipe the face every day with the strained tincture.

Plantain Facial Lotion

Regular rubbing with homemade lotion removes impurities from pores, tightens them and leaves the skin matte:

  • Fresh and cut into small pieces plantain leaves (3 tbsp. L.) Pour half a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour;
  • We filter and pour alcohol (20%) to the top.

Plantain face mask

This method helps to moisturize and tighten dry wrinkled skin, helps to relieve irritations:

  • Brew 2 large spoons of the main ingredient in a glass of boiling water;
  • We blot the dense fabric in a pre-strained solution, then place it on the face;
  • We change the compresses immediately after cooling down 4 more times.

Plantain juice face mask for acne and acne

Such a simple remedy allows you to forget about all types of problematic rashes after a while:

  • We twist fresh plantain leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze a large spoonful of juice out of them through cheesecloth, add it to 0.5 cups of vodka;
  • We treat the most problematic areas with a solution every day;
  • We store the container with liquid in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

Ice cubes for the face with plantain

In the morning, it is useful to wipe with ice cubes: this helps to remove inflammation, greasy gloss and acne, prevents early aging and slightly smoothes wrinkles. It's pretty simple to make them:

  • Pour the pre-prepared and cooled broth into plastic molds for ice;
  • We keep everything in the freezer for 6-8 hours;
  • We use it every day.

Plantain face mask after sunburn

This recipe helps to restore burnt and inflamed skin, relieve pain symptoms:

  • Cut fresh plantain leaves into small pieces, or twist them in a meat grinder;
  • We apply the gruel to the painful dermis;
  • We hold for 20 minutes, then shake everything off and wash with room water.

Plantain and honey face mask

To eliminate flakiness and a feeling of tightness on dry skin, you should try the following remedy:

  • Grind a couple of leaves of grass, combine it with honey (1 tbsp. L.). With very dry dermis, you can pour 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • We place a viscous mass in all areas and hold for a quarter of an hour;
  • Remove with cold water.

Face mask with plantain and starch

With strong pigmentation, dryness, irritation and wrinkles, this rejuvenating and whitening composition helps:

  • We dilute a large spoonful of potato starch to a creamy condition with a decoction of plantain;
  • We process the skin with a swollen mass;
  • Remove the leftovers with warm water after 15-20 minutes.

A decoction, infusion and face mask from plantain at home: reviews, videos, useful tips

Women who know the healing properties of herbs will probably not be surprised at the wonderful results of using plantain leaves for the face at home, but those who are not yet familiar with the cosmetic effects of this plant will be pleasantly surprised:

  • All sorts of rashes disappear, incl. acne, blackheads, acne and post-acne;
  • Wrinkles become less pronounced, and pigmented areas are well lightened;
  • Burns and wounds heal faster;
  • Dead skin cells are exfoliated, the skin becomes clean and smooth.

The problem of the formation of acne and acne elements is familiar, probably, to every person. Such pathogenic elements can appear at any age and regardless of gender. Of course, such formations cause a lot of grief, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible and in any way. There are many traditional medicines to treat acne today, but most people now seek to use traditional natural remedies in treatment. Often used and plantain for acne, known to all for its unique healing properties.

Benefits of the plant for the skin of the face

The medicinal properties of this simple plant have been known to people for several centuries. To this day, plantain leaves are actively used to treat boils, pain in joints and muscles, diseases of some internal organs, as well as to accelerate the healing of wounds and various skin lesions. Today, this plant is often used in cosmetology, including the preparation of home remedies for skin care.

The benefits of the plant for epidermal cells are explained by the unique composition of the leaves and the content of many important components in them, in particular:

  • Tannins, which quickly normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and are able to eliminate even serious inflammatory processes in a very short time;
  • Flavonoids, which strengthen skin tissues, increase their elasticity and overall tone, tighten and rejuvenate the epidermis;
  • Organic acids that effectively cleanse the surface of the skin from impurities and dead cells, eliminate acne and pimples, and help smooth the epidermis.

In addition, plantain leaves contain:

  • Polysaccharides that help maintain the normal condition of the skin with a mixed type of epidermis, drying oily areas and intensively moisturizing dry areas.
  • Many vitamins that provide the skin with nutrition, strengthen its protective functions, and prevent harmful elements from penetrating the skin tissues. Also, vitamins effectively slow down the aging process.

The main advantage of the plant, which many cosmetologists call the "secret of the plantain", is that it contains venison, thanks to which the use of the plant helps to quickly stop bleeding and restore damaged tissues.

In most cases, psyllium-based products are used to care for oily skin, but there are many recipes for products that are suitable for any skin, helping to maintain health and beauty.

With the help of plantain, you can eliminate various cosmetic problems, for example:

  • Get rid of irritation, inflammation, itching and redness;
  • Eliminate pimples, acne, blackheads and marks after them;
  • Heal various skin lesions and smooth out scars;
  • Eliminate age spots, flaking, wrinkles;
  • Provide the skin with deep hydration and nutrition;
  • Heal burns, including sunburn;
  • Slow down the processes of natural aging;
  • Narrow enlarged pores, clean out all impurities in them, including sebaceous plugs;
  • Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

It is necessary to use means with plantain correctly

In order for masks, lotions and other preparations to bring the maximum benefit to the skin, these products must be used correctly.

It is very important to prepare the skin by removing all impurities and traces of makeup from its surface. Why you need to thoroughly wash your face, using a familiar remedy for this.

To improve the penetration of valuable substances and cleanse the deep layers of the skin, before applying masks with plantain, it is recommended to steam it over a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Do not use psyllium-based masks often. The best option is to apply these products twice a week for several months. As a rule, a lasting result will be noticeable after 1 or 2 months of regular use of the drugs.

Plantain-based products and rules for their use

Modern cosmetology offers many options for products based on this unique plant that can help solve many skin problems.

Plantain decoction for acne and skin care

The use of this remedy daily for washing your face or for regular wiping of the skin allows you to get rid of an unpleasant oily sheen, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate inflammation, acne and fine wrinkles.

To prepare the drug, you need to take fresh plantain leaves, wash them with running water, dry them slightly and chop finely. In a small saucepan, you need to put 2 full heaped spoons of prepared raw materials and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. The mixture should be brought to a boil quickly, the heat should be reduced to a minimum and boiled for about 10 minutes. After that, the saucepan must be removed from the stove, covered with a lid and left for half an hour to infuse, then the broth must be squeezed out and cooled.

You can use a decoction of plantain for the usual wiping of the skin, compresses and lotions, for making ice cubes and diluting masks.

Plantain tincture for face

Such a remedy is very effective in eliminating acne and other pathogenic elements. For preparation, you need to take dried plantain herb in the amount of 1 - 2 glasses, pour the raw materials into a glass jar (made of dark glass, with a volume of 500 - 600 ml) and pour high-quality vodka or medical alcohol to the very top of the container. Close the jar with a lid and put in a cool dark place for 2 - 3 days, shaking several times a day. After that, the liquid must be drained into another dark glass container and used for daily wiping of the face skin after cleansing.

Plantain lotion for acne

Daily use of this lotion effectively removes impurities from the pores and skin surface, tightens pores, gives the face a matte and pleasant color.

To prepare the product, you need to take fresh plantain leaves, wash them, shake off excess water and chop finely. In a container with a lid, you should put 3 full tablespoons of the prepared raw materials and pour it with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2 - 3 hours to infuse. After that, the liquid must be drained into a dark glass bottle and added alcohol in the amount of 20% of the total volume of the received plantain infusion.

Dry skin compress

This version of the mask perfectly moisturizes dry skin, smoothes it, eliminates irritation and fine wrinkles.

To prepare the product, you need to grind fresh washed plantain leaves, then take 2 full tablespoons of the prepared raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist covered for about an hour, then strain, heat the liquid in a water bath.

Wash your face thoroughly. After that, you need to take a soft cotton napkin, moisten it with warm infusion, squeeze it slightly and apply it on your face. You need to change the compress during one procedure 4 - 5 times as it cools.

Plantain mask for acne and acne elements

Regular use of this mask allows you to very quickly eliminate acne and other pathogenic elements from the surface of the skin and prevent their further appearance.

To prepare the product, you need to take the fresh leaves of the plant, wash them and grind them with a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the prepared raw material through several layers of gauze. A large spoonful of plantain juice must be mixed with half a glass of high-quality vodka. This product can be stored perfectly in the refrigerator for one year.

The use of the drug consists in wiping the skin with a cotton pad and applying compresses-masks to problem areas of the skin. Treatment should be carried out daily after washing your face.

Plantain and honey mask

This remedy helps to quickly eliminate the feeling of skin tightness and peeling of the epidermis.

To prepare the mask, it is necessary to grind 2 - 3 fresh leaves of plantain and mix the resulting mass with natural liquid honey in the amount of 1 spoon. If the skin is very dry, you can add a spoonful of natural olive oil to the product. The finished product should be applied to cleansed and steamed skin, leaving for 15 minutes and rinsed with cool water.

In any beauty salon, you will be offered to perform facial rejuvenation procedures using highly effective and expensive products. The procedures themselves are carried out, as a rule, in a course, therefore, they require large financial investments. But there is a great way to save money on beauty, while achieving excellent results. Use simple masks and lotions based on which are successfully applied. You will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent effect of this common plant on the condition of your aging skin.

Anti-aging face masks

The healing properties of plantain have been known to everyone since childhood, but not many people know about its pleasant and beneficial effects as rejuvenating procedures. It's all about the acids contained in the plant, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, helping to eliminate expression and age wrinkles. Homemade lotions can be used to prevent the onset of age-related changes.

Interesting! that are used for treatment can be found in our article.

So, for the preparation of masks and lotions based on plantain, use the following recipes:

Plantain decoction mask

To do this, take the fresh leaves of the plant and chop them as little as possible. In a 1: 3 ratio, pour boiling water over the leaves, then bring the resulting mixture to a boil using the smallest heat. Boil the gruel for 2-3 minutes, then cool to a temperature acceptable for the skin of the face.

While the broth is cooling, prepare a mask of gauze, folded in three layers, and make incisions in it for the eyes and mouth. Spread the cooled plantain mask on gauze and attach to the face. The time allotted for the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the mask from your face and wash yourself with warm water. Perform at least 20 procedures with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Plantain and honey for dry skin

Dry skin is known to fade much faster. It has more fine expression and age wrinkles. To get rid of these "spider legs", use a mask based on plantain and honey. You need to take two leaves and a pistil from the plant. Grind the ingredient until a gruel is formed, add a tablespoon of natural melted honey to it. Stir the mask thoroughly and then apply on face for 20 minutes. The composition should be washed off with cool water.

Important! Plantain masks can be purchased ready-made at pharmacy outlets. If you use such funds, carefully read the composition and strictly follow the instructions.

Facial cleansing masks

Psyllium masks can be used as cleansers. They help get rid of acne and blackheads that so often bother teenagers. Here you can use the following recipes:

  1. Make a herb and vodka cleansing lotion. Squeeze the juice from the gruel of the plant in the amount of one tablespoon, and mix with a glass of high-quality vodka. Dampen a cotton pad with lotion and wipe your face after every street and before bed. The number of applications directly depends on the problems with the skin.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of freshly squeezed plantain juice (read how to make juice at home) with ten tablespoons of unpasteurized milk. Preheat the milk and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then use several layers of gauze for straining. Put the prepared lotion in the refrigerator. Its beneficial properties will persist for another 2-3 days. Warm up the composition to room temperature before use.
  3. To get rid of blackheads, apply crushed herb leaves to your face every day. The whole procedure should not take more than 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse your face thoroughly with cool water.

Important! The use of a lotion based on crushed plantain should not cause burning of the skin and any irritation. If the recipes used cause discomfort, prepare other formulations for regular use.

Hair masks

Plantain can be used to prepare a firming hair mask. It can also help you get rid of some other hair problems. The whole secret is that oils are used for cooking, which help to get rid of a certain kind of problem. So, for example, burdock oil has an excellent effect on the roots of curls and strengthens them, so that the hair stops falling out.

And it is used as a medicine for cutting hair. In the composition with plantain, any oil acquires additional properties. Also, the advantage of the homemade product presented is the ability to use it for any type of hair.

  1. To prepare the oil, take fresh plantain leaves and chop them thoroughly. For 100 grams of collection, 50 ml of oil is used.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath, and then put the composition in the refrigerator for infusion for two weeks, after moving it into a jar with a dark glass.
  3. After the time has elapsed, squeeze the composition and use the product as needed.

Hair masks are used no more than two or three times a week. Apply the prepared oil to the roots, massaging it, and then spread a small amount all over the hair. If you are struggling with splitting hair, pay more attention to the treatment of the ends. Usually the mask is kept for no more than an hour. But if there are no restrictions, the time can be increased. Rinse your hair with a balm that is familiar and suitable for your curls.

For most of us, beauty and attractiveness is primarily a face. We worry about him the most if problems arise. Many people suffer from inflammation, acne, blue spots after acne for years and do not know what to do, because adolescence has long passed, and the skin is still imperfect. Many girls make a big mistake by masking their flaws with layers of cosmetics, thereby exacerbating the situation. You can solve the problem, start with simple and affordable methods, for example, today we will tell you about the plantain for the face. Recipes based on it can help and will simply be an excellent prevention for those whose skin is normal and clean.

Why plantain is our helper?

We are sure that you know very little about this grass - what grows by the road, that you can always attach it to a sore spot if you get hurt or scratched. And this is so, but not everything that the power of a plant is underestimated. There are many beneficial ingredients in plantain that can positively affect the body, both externally and internally.

Important! To help your skin get better, you must understand the cause of inflammation and acne - it can be unhealthy diet, illness, improper care, bad habits. You need to treat the skin comprehensively.

Plantain in facial cosmetology can give you the following positive effects:

  • remove redness, make spots after acne less visible;
  • heal small wounds, relieve inflammation due to its natural bactericidal properties;
  • make the complexion more pleasant, remove the earthy shade, give a healthy shine and blush due to vitamins and minerals in the composition;
  • deal with flaking and help eliminate itching;
  • masks and decoctions based on the plant perfectly help prevent early aging, make expression wrinkles less noticeable. Due to the polysaccharides in its composition, the plant has a surprisingly positive effect on all skin types;
  • plantain is suitable for oily skin, which often causes rashes, ugly shine. Due to tannins, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • when used regularly, the herb can help treat acne, acne, blackheads and other problems for all women. Venison in the composition promotes tissue regeneration;
  • has a slight whitening effect due to citric acid in the composition.
All recipes are environmentally friendly and safe, you do not have to spend a lot of time, effort, money to make masks, lotions at home, which will be described below. Plantain has been known since ancient times and not only due to the fact that it could be applied to a sore knee.

Plantain for the face: effective recipes for tired and problem skin



  • This mask is suitable for problem and normal skin, as it helps to nourish the tissues, making them elastic. A plantain bush is cut so that there are about 6-8 leaves in it. Then they are thoroughly washed, ground in a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. A spoonful of sour cream is placed in this gruel. If the skin is not greasy, then the percentage of fat can be taken from 20%. Beat one egg with a whisk and pour into the cup with the ingredients. It is applied for half an hour every other day.
  • Three strawberries and three plantain leaves need to be grated in a blender bowl. This mask can be applied to the face every day, the skin will become much better, lighter, healthier.
  • Vegetable oil, better unrefined, it has more benefits, needs to be heated in a water bath. The volume is about 1/3 cup. Then shredded plantain greens - 2 teaspoons are applied here in warm oil. This mixture should be simmered for 2-3 minutes after boiling, then pour in ½ tablespoon of tablespoon juice from the aloe leaf. This mask is made for 15 minutes, it nourishes and disinfects the skin.

From mimic wrinkles.

  • In a blender bowl or in a meat grinder, mix one banana and 4-5 plant leaves. Then pour in the base oil of cocoa or wheat germ - 15-18 drops. This mask is applied for 20-30 minutes. It saturates tissues very well, helps to remove shallow wrinkles, make scars and spots less visible.
  • 4 plantain leaves need to be finely chopped with a knife, then pour 150 ml of boiling water, let stand. The leaves must be removed. Further, a tablespoon is taken from the infusion and combined with the same volume of cream, honey - 2 teaspoons, one egg beaten with yolk. Everything is mixed and applied for 20 minutes. The remaining infusion can be refrigerated for later use, or the plantain face mask can be washed off with it.

From sunburn and pigmentation.

  • Often in the summer, the skin burns and dries out very much, again plantain grass can help us. Everything is very simple - the leaves can be applied to the face as a whole by washing them and slightly wrinkling them. You can grind the plant in a blender or meat grinder and apply the gruel to the face. The same procedure can be performed every day as prevention of various skin problems.
  • Combine a spoonful of plantain juice with the same amount of lemon juice and kefir. Apply the mask on the face every other day to get rid of age spots and freckles.

Advice! In order for the plantain face masks to work better, they must be applied to clean and preferably steamed skin. It is useful to wash off with decoctions of herbs.

For tired skin.

  • Frequent stress, ecology, unhealthy diet can lead to the fact that the face always looks tired and gray. A good antioxidant mask will help us solve the problem - 4 plantain leaves need to be washed and finely chopped. When the juice is released, a teaspoon of seaweed or kelp powder (can be sold in pharmacies) is poured here. Then mix everything and apply on your face. If there is little juice released, then you can add more to make it easy to apply the mask.
  • Grind 4 leaves of a plant in a blender bowl, add 2 teaspoons of steamed oatmeal here, pour in the juice of 1/3 lemon, add the base oil - wheat germ, jojoba, cocoa of your choice - a tablespoon.

Plantain for acne.

  • For sensitive skin, a mask made from a decoction of crushed plantain and linden blossom is suitable - each spoon in 1/3 of milk. In the broth, you need to moisten gauze, apply it in 2-3 layers on the face for half an hour, 2-3 times a week.
  • Grind plantain leaves, combine them with a spoonful of black tea clay, pour in mint oil - 5-6 drops. The consistency should be well applied to the face. The mask is done for 15 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • Mix a tablespoon of cream with a spoonful of plantain broth, a teaspoon of white clay and the same amount of bran. The broth is made from a spoonful of table herbs and a glass of water, which are boiled for 7-10 minutes. If the mask turns out to be liquid or, conversely, thick, then add either more liquid components or dry ones. Apply for 20 minutes.
The easiest thing to do is to grind a bunch of plantain every day, squeeze out the juice and moisten gauze in it, and then apply it on your face. The juice can be rubbed into the skin, so it will regenerate faster after inflammation.

Important! If you start to make some kind of mask or use another remedy for the first time, then always watch the reaction. If you see redness, itching begins, then it is better to abandon this recipe.

Lotions and decoctions

Masks, as a rule, are made every other day, but you can wipe the skin with decoctions and infusions every day. It is easy to prepare such a homemade plantain lotion for acne on the face and other problems. To make an infusion, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry or fresh crushed leaves of a plant with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for 15 minutes under a lid and a towel. Then strain and use for washing, rinsing the face, for removing masks. The infusion can be poured into a spray bottle with which you can spray your face throughout the day.

You can also use a decoction that will help and fight acne and fine wrinkles, and nourish the skin and help it recover faster. The broth is done like this - pour 8-10 plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes, cool, filter and use as directed.

Advice! You can use ice for the prevention and treatment of acne and other skin ailments, which is prepared from a decoction or infusion, and wiped your face with it in the morning and in the evening. The effect is colossal.

Alcoholic lotion

Of course, we all know that acne products have always been used where there is alcohol, which disinfects and dries. On the basis of plantain for the face, you can make such a remedy at home - you need to insist a teaspoon for seven days in 50 ml of vodka or brandy. Then dilute all this with boiled water - 90 ml and add a spoonful of teaspoon of peach oil here. Use both pointwise and by wiping your face with a cotton pad in the morning and in the evening.

Plantain in cosmetology

From time immemorial, women, the beautiful half of humanity, have tried to prolong their beauty. They grew and harvested herbs, prepared various drugs from them. In the process, they learned better and better which herbs can be used in nutrition, and which herbs can be used to treat ailments and use to prolong their beauty.

Plantain has been used with great success and is used in cosmetology by women of antiquity and modernity. With the use of plantain juice, tonics are prepared, since plantain perfectly tones the skin, lotions and creams, and plantain crushed into gruel can be mixed with other ingredients to make masks and apply them to various parts of the body.

Plantain contains many biologically active substances. At home, you can also test for yourself all the healing and beneficial qualities of this plant. Especially plantain helps with oily skin.

You can make cosmetic soap from plantain. From plantain, as well as its mixture with other components, lotions and creams can be prepared independently at home. For cosmetic purposes, plantain leaves are mainly used, from which the infusion is prepared. Juice from fresh leaves can be used. To moisturize the skin, make compresses with plantain.

Basically, for all cosmetic preparations, an infusion of dry crushed plantain leaves is used. For each type of skin, in general, different formulations for the preparation of cosmetics are required.

Compress for skin

As we age, our skin loses moisture, and we notice more and more wrinkles in the mirror. She urgently and definitely needs hydration. To help the skin of the face, you need to do various compresses. Pour 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry crushed plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. The compress is changed 3-4 times, starting with a hot one, which is applied for 3 minutes. Due to the high temperature, the skin capillaries expand. Blood rushes to the surface of the skin and nourishes the cells with oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the beneficial substances of plantain quickly penetrate the cell walls and nourish them. The procedure ends with a cold compress with an already cooled infusion (for 5 minutes). A cold compress soothes and tones hot skin.

You can do that. After settling, place a cotton swab in the resulting infusion. Then put a compress on your face, you need to keep the tampon for no more than fifteen minutes. As it cools, change it and moisten it again in the infusion. The healing properties of plantain help get rid of pustules and ulcers, as this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect.

For dry skin In cosmetology, there are several stages of facial skin care. At each stage, the features of the use of cosmetics and the products themselves are also different. At the stage of cleansing for dry skin, it is highly recommended to wipe it with plantain leaf juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

Broth for wiping the face

Infusions and decoctions of dry plantain leaves are used for wiping, washing and compresses for oily, porous skin. 2 tbsp. Pour tablespoons of raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat, strain after cooling.

Prepare infusions and decoctions in a sealed enamel bowl. The infusion and broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

For cleaning dry skin Plantain juice must be diluted with water. If your skin is sensitive, then masks will do. This is done as follows: potato starch is mixed into the plantain infusion until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Such a mass is applied to the face for about half an hour, then simply washed off with warm water.

Fresh juice for dry skin Fresh leaf juice is diluted with boiled water 1: 1 and rubbed on hands, dry sensitive skin of the face, neck, décolleté.

For aging skin For fading skin, fresh or dry leaves need to be poured with boiling water 1: 5. Insist 15 minutes. Strain, divide in two. Cool one. Moisten linen napkins for compresses one by one and apply on the face first hot for two minutes, then cold for five minutes. Repeat four times.

For oily skin, for wrinkles It is recommended to wipe oily skin with deep, sharp wrinkles with ice prepared from an infusion of plantain leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. tablespoons of plantain leaves. Cool the infusion, strain it, pour it into freezer tins and place in the refrigerator. Then the skin is melted with ice cubes, thereby performing several functions. Cold and infusion tone the inflamed skin of the face. The pores become smaller and less visible. After rubbing, the skin is not lubricated with cream.

Juice for oily skin, against acne Rinse freshly picked plantain leaves with boiled water, finely chop or mince, squeeze the resulting gruel through a double layer of gauze. Lubricate oily skin with fresh juice in the morning and in the evening. The procedure tightens pores well, relieves inflammation. It is recommended to rub in fresh juice for acne spots on the skin.

Lotion to cleanse oily skin Add 1 tbsp to 1/4 cup of vodka. a spoonful of juice from plantain leaves. Wipe your face 2 times a day, morning and evening.

To avoid splitting hair The hair is rinsed with an infusion of finely chopped fresh plantain leaves (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water).

For dry hair care Plantain infusion is also used to care for dry hair as a rinse. It is prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of finely chopped plant leaves and 1 cup boiling water. Insist for 20-30 minutes.

For the care of oily hair It is recommended to rinse oily hair with plantain infusion at the rate of 5 tbsp. spoons of raw materials for 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes.

Hand baths Hand baths made from plantain leaves are very useful. Grind plantain leaves, chamomile and calendula inflorescences. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 1 cup boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours, then strain. Add 1 tbsp to the infusion. spoon of glycerin and get a good hand lotion.

Baths for hands and feet 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped dry or fresh leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave under the lid for 15 minutes. Immerse hands or feet in warm, unstrained infusion for 15–20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry. These baths are very beneficial for the hands and feet. In case of cracked heels, additionally apply a compress with plantain juice.

Homemade hand cream Homemade plantain cream will help restore the elasticity of the skin of the hands: 1 tbsp. 200 ml of boiling water is poured over a spoonful of plantain leaves, insisted for 8-9 hours, covered with a lid, then filtered. Grind 50 g of butter with 1 teaspoon of honey, add 1 teaspoon of plantain infusion and mix everything thoroughly.

Hand softening bath There are always wounds and microcracks on the hands; with very dry skin, the cracks increase and can bleed, causing severe torment. Plantain will reduce inflammation and pain, and help the skin heal very quickly. For hardened hands, baths with plantain infusion are useful. Prepare it from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed leaves and 1 liter of water. Hands are kept in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then wipe them dry and smeared with greasy hand cream. The bath softens the skin of the hands well.

Foot baths The skin on the feet becomes rough over time and loses its elasticity. Sometimes it comes to deep and infected wounds that take a very long and difficult time to heal. Such moments are very common in the summer, when we are wearing open shoes and dust gets into the cracks. To help your feet, plantain infusion baths are recommended. Prepare an infusion of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped plantain and 1 liter of water, which is poured into the bath water. Legs are kept in the bath for 15–20 minutes.

For calluses Crushed plantain leaves are applied to the corns. A compress is made on top and left overnight. The dressing is changed every three hours. Take a foot bath in the morning.

Plantain Dandelion Lotion

Collection: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dandelion roots; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain leaves; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock roots; 1 cup boiling water; 100 ml of vodka.

Dandelion and burdock roots should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, then peeled, chopped and placed in a saucepan. After that, you need to add plantain leaves to them, pour boiling water and leave for 2 hours to infuse. After this time, the infusion must be filtered, 1 glass is poured and mixed with vodka.

Apply the lotion to the skin with a cotton swab without wiping it off. This remedy is very effective for acne and excessive oily skin.

Lotion-tonic with plantain and calendula

Collection: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry plantain leaves; 2 tbsp. spoons of dried calendula flowers; 2 cups boiling water.

Put plantain leaves and calendula flowers in a saucepan, pour boiling water, let it brew for 40-45 minutes. After that, it is recommended to strain the infusion. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to wipe oily skin with the proposed lotion twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Herbal mask

Collection: 3 leaves of large plantain; 2 tbsp. spoons of herb shepherd's purse; 3-4 dandelion leaves; 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir.

All of the above ingredients should be thoroughly chopped and mixed with kefir in a separate bowl. The mask should be applied evenly to the skin of the face and neck, leaving for 20 minutes. After that, you need to wash yourself with water at room temperature.

Mask with plantain, chamomile and starch

Collection: 1 teaspoon of plantain leaves; 1 teaspoon of chamomile flowers; 1 teaspoon peppermint leaves; 1 teaspoon of potato starch; 1 glass of boiling water

In a separate bowl, put chamomile flowers, plantain and mint leaves, pour boiling water over them and leave for 30 minutes so that the mixture is infused. After that, it is necessary to strain the infusion and add potato starch to it.

Apply the mask to the skin of the face and neck evenly with gentle movements and leave for 30 minutes. After that, you should wash it off with cold boiled water.

Mask with honey and medicinal herbs

Collection: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped leaves of large plantain; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped nettle herb; 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.

Grind the crushed plantain and nettle leaves in a mortar. Then mix in a separate bowl with honey and add a little boiled water at room temperature to the resulting mass.

Apply a mask on the face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. The mask has a tonic and nourishing effect on oily skin.

Plantain and mint face mask

Collection: 1 part mint leaves 1 part plantain leaves; 1 part chamomile; 1 part lime blossom; 1 teaspoon of potato starch; 1 cup boiling water

From the above ingredients, make a mixture, mix thoroughly, take 1 tbsp. spoon and pour boiling water in a separate bowl. Leave on for 30 minutes. After that, strain the infusion and add potato starch to it with constant stirring.

Apply a mask evenly on the skin of the face and neck, leave it for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Disinfectant mask

Collection: 1 part pine needles; 1 part of birch buds and young leaves; 1 part nettle; 1 part plantain; 1 part cornflower flowers.

From the above plants, make up a mixture, take 2 tbsp from it. spoons, grind in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water until a homogeneous mass in the form of a gruel is obtained. Apply the resulting mass still warm on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then wipe it off with a soft cotton towel.

Hair mask with bread and herbs

Collection: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herb of large plantain; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry sage herb; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry nettle; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry oregano; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers; 2 cups boiling water; rye bread (to the required consistency).

Pour boiling water over a mixture of the above medicinal plants. Leave for 1 hour, strain and add enough rye bread crumb to make a thick, uniform gruel.

The mask is intended for scalp and hair nourishment. After application, put a plastic cap on your head and cover it with a warm handkerchief. After 2 hours, the head should be washed with shampoo and rinsed with acidified water. After that, it is not advisable to dry your hair with a hairdryer.

Hair Mask

Collection: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped plantain leaves; 1 teaspoon of chopped oak bark; 1/2 cup boiling water

Put plantain leaves and oak bark in a separate bowl, pour boiling water over, leave for 1 hour, and then strain. Before each hair wash, rub the resulting mass into the scalp.

You can also use the mask as compresses.

Hair Compress

Collection: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of chopped plantain leaves; 1 tbsp. spoon of low-fat kefir.

Stir and grind kefir and chopped plantain leaves. Apply the resulting composition evenly to the head, leave it for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Plantain foot bath

Collection: 2 tbsp. spoons of plantain leaves; 2 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers; 2 liters of water.

In a basin or other container, boil medicinal raw materials with boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain. Baths of this kind are very effective in the treatment of corns and calluses. After steaming, it is necessary to treat the hardened areas of the skin with a pumice stone or a sponge.

Herbal hand cream

Collection: 1 part shredded plantain 1 part crushed chamomile flowers 1 part crushed marigold flowers 1 tsp honey; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter; 1/2 cup boiling water

Prepare a mixture from medicinal raw materials, take 1 tbsp from it. spoon, pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour in a water bath. After that, the infusion should be filtered and honey and butter should be added to it. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

The cream can be used in the same way as usual.

Plantain decoction cream

Collection: 1 part crushed marigold flowers 1 part crushed chamomile flowers 1 part chopped rose petals 1 part chopped yarrow herb 1 part shredded tansy 1 part chopped string; 1 part shredded plantain 2 tbsp. tablespoons of unsalted butter; 1 tsp honey; 1 egg yolk; 1 cup boiling water

Mix the above plants, take 2 tbsp. spoons from the resulting mixture, pour into a separate bowl, pour boiling water, put in a water bath and warm up for 10 minutes. After that, cool the infusion, strain and mix with butter, previously ground with honey and egg yolk. Apply in the same way as a regular cream.

Plantain cream

Collection: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain leaves infusion; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lavender flowers infusion; 2 tbsp. spoons of hot water; 2 tbsp. tablespoons of toilet soap grated on a grater; 2 tbsp. spoons of white clay; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lavender oil; 1/2 tbsp. spoons of beeswax.

Toilet soap in a separate bowl should be filled with hot water. After its complete dissolution, it is necessary to add white clay and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, melt the beeswax in a water bath, add lavender oil to it, mix well, beat a little, and combine with a mixture of wax and soap. Then you should pour in the plantain and lavender infusions and mix thoroughly again.

Use for washing with oily skin. The cream reduces sebum secretion. With regular use, the skin becomes matte and smooth.

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PLANTAIN Plantain preparations have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound-healing, expectorant, hemostatic, laxative and moderately lowering blood pressure effects. They are a reliable remedy for diarrhea (especially seeds),

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Plantain in cosmetology Plantain extracts, juice and infusion of dried leaves are widely used in modern cosmetology. Plantain contains many biologically active substances. Lotions are made on the basis of fresh juice.

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Plantain Plantain leaves contain aucubia glycoside, which is broken down by hydrolysis into aucubigenin and glucose, flavonoids, vitamin K, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), tannins, bitterness, traces of alkaloids, polysaccharides, etc. In the seeds of most species

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Plantain Medicinal plants, modest and imperceptible at first glance, can often be found literally underfoot. For example, plantain. He is well known to everyone who has vacationed in nature at least once. This unpretentious plant has long been used in folk medicine.

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Plantain Miracle plant Since ancient times, people have used the healing power of plants. Herbs helped them with minor injuries and serious illnesses. However, even today we use them for our own benefit. Everyone knows the plantain ordinary well, because

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The plantain The plantain can be found almost throughout the territory of Russia and far beyond its borders. This plant is undemanding to soil and growing conditions, so its thickets can be seen in wetlands or dry meadows.

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Plantain Infusion: 10 g of dry crushed leaves per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before

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Plantain Plantain harmonizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract; heals stomach and duodenal ulcers; accelerates tissue regeneration; has a diuretic and choleretic effect; strengthens mucous membranes

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Plantain Healing properties It is used to stop bleeding, cleanse festering wounds, to treat diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs. Juice from fresh leaves is effective in healing wounds, has a softening effect and soothes in case of boils, edema

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