Washing of knitted items. How to wash clothes correctly. Whitening of knitwear

For washing such a delicate material as knitwear, the best product is soap shavings (2 g per 1 liter of water).

There are also a large number of special powders for knitwear on sale now. The powder must first be diluted in water and must never be poured directly onto the knitwear, as it can ruin the color of the product. If you are going to start washing immediately, without preliminary soaking, soak the most dirty places with a solution of detergent. Leave the garment for 15 minutes and then wash as usual. It is not recommended to soak knitwear for more than 20 minutes. The water for soaking should be cool, as in hot water the knitwear shrinks and falls off.

It is advisable to wash any jersey by hand and at the same time squeeze, not rub, otherwise pellets may appear. Knitwear should be washed in soft water. If the water is hard, add 1 teaspoon to the wash solution. baking soda. For the first rinse of knitwear, the water must be at the same temperature as when washing. Rinse thoroughly so that no detergent remains in the fibers of the fabric (when drying, residues of detergent can spoil the color of the product). Rinse liquid can be added to the rinse water to remove static electricity and soften the garment.

If the jersey sheds, soak it in cold water with a little vinegar before washing. When rinsing, glycerin is also added to the water (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

It is better to squeeze the jersey in a centrifuge - for this, it is wrapped in a towel and squeezed until it is semi-dry. But it is better to spread it out on a clean sheet - this way you will let the water drain and will not damage the knitted fabric by squeezing or stretching. Never hang jerseys to dry; they will stretch and lose their shape. If the product is small, then by pulling it out, you will not be able to make it larger, after a while it will return to its original shape.

The dried product can be lightly steamed with an iron. If a print is applied to the jersey or the product has a high pile, then it is necessary to iron the product from the wrong side. Colored embroidery will become bright again if you dip the front of the garment in water and vinegar before ironing and place it on a clean cloth. After drying, remove the pellets with a special machine or brush.

Many people think that the washing process is a simple and routine matter. What could be simpler: sort the laundry by color, load it into the washing machine, add powder, conditioner, and after half an hour, hang clean and pleasantly smelling things on a rope.

But not many people know that if the washing rules, which differ for different types of fabric, are not followed, you can end up with something shapeless, unevenly colored, or even completely elongated or full of holes. And subsequently it will be impossible to carry such a thing, only to throw it away.

In order for wardrobe items to please you with their appearance for a long time, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties that will tell you how to wash clothes correctly.

How to wash knitwear

Knitwear is a very soft and delicate fabric that invariably suffers if mishandled. To prevent your knitted items from stretching, not losing their color and shape, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

    Knitwear is washed at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees;

    Better to use hand wash than machine wash;

    It is preferable to replace washing powder with liquid detergent;

    The washed item must be gently squeezed out and put to dry on a hard, flat surface, after having spread an old towel or blanket;

    Be sure to give the desired shape to damp knitwear so that it does not deform later.

How to wash woolen clothes correctly

Natural wool is a very “capricious” fabric that requires extremely careful handling. In order to wash woolen items, the following conditions must be observed:

    It is better to wash woolen products by hand, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;

    The wool does not need to be soaked; this makes its texture looser;

    Use special detergents for washing wool instead of detergent;

    The washed item cannot be twisted, it must be wrapped in a clean towel and gently wrung out;

    Woolen things, like knitwear, are dried on a smooth and even surface, having previously given the product the required shape.

How to wash white clothes

The main danger that exists when washing white things is that they can inadvertently stain on colored fabrics. Also, white items with wool or synthetics should not be washed. the white fabric will turn yellow quickly. To keep your things always boiling white, follow our recommendations:

    White things must be washed in soft water, so add two tablespoons of baking soda or ammonia before washing;

    When washing towels or bed linen, use special mild bleach, which is poured into a special compartment of the washing machine;

    If there is a stain on a white thing, then it is washed off faster, while fresh, rather than old;

    In particularly difficult cases, whites can be boiled in a large saucepan on the stove with liquid bleach added to the water.

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Today, almost everyone wears knitwear. Warm and thin, elegant and baggy - it is equally adored by both fashionistas and people who are not very demanding on clothes. Admit it, you can also find a comfortable sweater or smart knitted dress in your closet? Therefore, it will be interesting for many housewives to learn how to wash knitwear.

Knitwear is a delicate matter

Indeed, knitted items love gentle care. The structure of the canvas consists of specially intertwined threads, therefore it is very vulnerable and does not tolerate diligent friction, stretching and twisting. And the larger the loops, the more carefully you need to handle the product.

To prevent the sleeves and collar from stretching during washing, basting with wide stitches around the edges of the garment with a harsh neutral thread. Remove the thread only after the clothes are dry.

Choosing a detergent

Housewives with experience recommend only laundry soap, that is, its shavings (2 g per 1 liter of water). Let's not be so categorical: you can use a neutral powder or a special one for delicate washing. Better yet, a liquid product. By the way, shampoo for hair is also suitable.


How to properly soak a dress or sweater? Dissolve the powder thoroughly in cool water (knitwear shrinks in hot water). Make the soap solution more concentrated than you would use during the wash. Gently rub the dirty areas with laundry soap and place the clothes in a basin of solution. Leave it on for 20 minutes to loosen the dirt. After soaking, you can start the main wash.


How to wash knitwear correctly? Of course, with your hands! And preferably in soft water (add a little baking soda to hard water). Turn the product inside out. To choose the right temperature for washing, carefully study the label on the garment. A knitted dress and other items containing 70% cotton can be washed at a temperature of 40 ° -50 ° C. If the fabric is synthetic, wash at a water temperature of 30-40 ° C. Another nuance: you need to wash by gently squeezing and unclenching the fabric with your hands. This can be done only along the length, so as not to stretch the product. And don't rub!

Rinse items in water at the same temperature as you washed them. Try to rinse out the detergent thoroughly. You can add an antistatic conditioner to the second water.

Do not twist after rinsing! In Soviet times, resourceful housewives carefully placed a blouse or dress in a "string bag" and hung it above the bathroom or on the balcony. When the water drained off completely, things were laid out on a towel and from time to time changed to dry.

Machine wash

Quite heavy and dense knitwear can be rolled in an automatic machine. Set the manual (gentle) washing mode. Select the water temperature based on the composition of the material. In any case, it should not be higher than 40 ° С! Spin - at the minimum number of revolutions.


Hanging wet knitwear on a rope is strictly prohibited!

To remove water, squeeze the product firmly from top to bottom. You can simply put your dress or sweater on the wire rack to keep the glass dry. Then spread on a terry towel and roll into a roll, wring out. Well, then dry it flat on a dry cloth in a horizontal position. To avoid suffocation of the material, change the wet cloth to a dry one more often.


If, after drying, you need to iron the knitwear, do it with steaming, barely touching the fabric.

Follow these tips and look great in your favorite jersey outfits!

Knitwear began to be produced on an industrial scale from the beginning of the 19th century. However, jerseys came into fashion only in the 20th century thanks to the French fashion designer Coco Chanel. In 1916, she launched a collection featuring a cashmere cardigan. It can be said that it was an iconic collection for the emergence of a wide variety of knitwear. In the 60s, the French couturier Sonia Rykiel began to produce clothes that match both jeans and vintage clothing. The main material of the collections was the well-known knitwear. So, due to her originality, Sonya Rykiel presented knitwear in a new way for people. She allowed her customers to fantasize, combine things themselves and make up their wardrobe. Since then, knitwear has become a part of high fashion.

Since modern natural knitwear (cotton, woolen, etc.) does not fade, fade, and does not wrinkle, you do not need to think about how to take care of knitted items. Knitted fabrics do not electrify, do not cause allergies and are pleasant to the body. It is not surprising that knitted clothing occupies a special place in our wardrobe and is actively used in everyday life. Almost everything is sewn from it, from linen and hosiery to outerwear. Synthetic knitwear is also distinguished. It does not wrinkle, washes easily and dries quickly. However, the material has two significant drawbacks: it does not allow air to pass through and is electrified. Often the fabric is knitted from mixed threads. In general, the quality of a jersey depends a lot on the type of thread, yarn and knit density. The higher the percentage of added synthetic materials and the bulkier the yarn, the more the item will roll. And the more elastic the canvas, the faster it stretches. However, by adhering to simple recommendations on how to care for knitted items, you can enjoy wearing knitted items for many years.

How to properly wash knitwear

To prevent the jersey from stretching or rolling, the wash should be gentle and quick, preferably without pre-soaking. It is best to wash by hand, without rubbing, but gently and often squeezed. And so that the product does not shrink, they are washed not in hot, but warm water. If you nevertheless decide to wash in the machine, then be sure to follow the symbols on the label, use the "gentle wash" mode. Knitwear of different colors should not be washed together, the villi of one product can stick to another, and then further cleaning will bring a lot of trouble. For washing delicate knitwear (wool, cashmere, mohair, angora) special detergents are used. However, remember that even such products contain aggressive components that deform products. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to modern universal products designed for delicate washing. They are based on natural ingredients that provide good removal of dirt and restoration of fibers of woolen products, fine knitwear, silk, lace, etc.

After washing, rinse the clothes until there are no soap stains in the water. To prevent the clothes from rolling when rinsing, the water temperature is made the same as during washing. Then, with each new action, the temperature is slightly increased. In the last rinse, it should be 3-4 times warmer than the one in which the knitwear was washed.

There are also a number of features of how to care for knitted items. Knowing them, you will be able to remove difficult dirt and keep things in their original form:

  • Delicate knitwear is best washed with soap shavings or shampoo. To prepare a soap solution, take about 2 g of soap per 1 liter of water.
  • If you are afraid that after washing the golf collar may stretch out, sew it with wide stitches along the edge. Remove the thread after washing.
  • If your clothes are stained, make a concentrated mixture by dissolving the detergent in water and soak the stained areas with it. Leave the garment for 15 minutes, then send it to the wash.
  • Mohair and angora clothes are washed in egg hair shampoo. After this wash, things remain fluffy.
  • It is best to wash knitwear in soft water. Therefore, when washing, add a teaspoon of soda to the water.
  • If you add a spoonful of glycerin to the water during the last rinse of the angora product, then the clothes will be soft.
  • A spoonful of vinegar or baking soda added to the rinse water will help eliminate the unpleasant odor and brighten the color.

You should not remove stubborn stains yourself, it is better to give the thing to dry cleaning. But if you still decide to clean the thing yourself, then heed the advice of professionals on how to care for knitted things if they have stubborn stains. They are as follows:

The washed items are wrung out in a terry towel. Do not twist!

Drying and ironing

It is forbidden to hang wet clothes on the dryer: they will stretch and lose their shape. It is best to spread the garment on a horizontally laid out support such as a terrycloth towel. You can also put a towel on top. An hour later, the upper towel is removed, and the lower one is changed to dry. It is not recommended to dry knitted items near heating appliances and in the sun.

It is better to iron dried clothes from the wrong side. The embossed designs cannot withstand high temperatures, so it is forbidden to steam them. Heat treatment will make them elongated or flat. So if you iron them, then only through cheesecloth. If the product is scorched, try to attach the cut onion to the darkened area for 15 minutes. Some housewives iron products with drawings or embroidery through cheesecloth dipped in a light vinegar solution.

Speaking further about how to take care of knitted things, it is worth noting that they cannot be discouraged from being stored on hangers. The best storage is when folded, especially since the jersey practically does not wrinkle. If the thing is slightly wrinkled, then just put it on a horizontal surface and sprinkle the bruises with water from a spray bottle. In a few hours, the item will become “ironed”. And to keep the knitwear soft and "airy", do not fold the clothes into tight piles.

How to deal with deformation after washing and lumps

If after washing some parts of the garment are still stretched, try dipping them in hot water until they are restored to their shape. If the thing, on the contrary, has sat down, it is stretched with an iron. Wet gauze is placed on the product and, gradually stretching it with your hands, it is steamed with an iron. After that, put on a warm, damp thing (that is, immediately after ironing) and walk in it for 2-3 minutes. Moreover, if the product is with long sleeves, you do not need to bend your arms, otherwise the item will stretch at the elbows.

No matter how carefully you wear and take care of the knitted thing, over time it will need pilling (removal of pellets). Do not break off the resulting pellets; the easiest way is to purchase a special machine for removing them in a household chemicals store.

Subsequently, when buying a new jersey, pay attention to its composition. Synthetic and mixed fibers have the greatest tendency to roll. Pills (pellets) are held more firmly on polyamide (PA) fibers than on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers. The composition of cotton and PA indicates that the product will retain its shape and bright colors for a long time. The content of synthetics in woolen clothing increases its wear resistance and elasticity. But its content should be in moderation. Acrylic should be no more than 20%, polyester - 40%, and nylon - 50%.

Modern knitwear pleases with an abundance of colors, viscous and types of fibers (viscose, polyester, wool, lycra, cotton, etc.). It is pleasant to the touch and fits the body beautifully. Knitted garments can be described as comfortable, practical and always fashionable. And in order for such products to retain their beautiful appearance for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules on how to take care of knitted items: wash and iron according to the recommended temperature, rinse and dry things correctly. Manufacturers attach instructions in the form of badges on labels to any clothing. Observe them - and enjoy the long wear of your favorite and comfortable knitwear!

Knitted items have been fashionable for many seasons. These products are soft and delicate, they will easily warm you in the cold season. They look very stylish and original. Their variety is so great that it can satisfy the requirements of any fashionista. But in order for them to serve for a long time and at the same time have a pristine appearance, they must be properly looked after. So, for example, knitted clothes can be washed either by hand or in a machine on a delicate cycle.

How to hand wash knitted items

Delicate items are best washed by hand. This way of washing will keep them looking for a long time. If the garment is not properly cared for, it can stretch, losing its entire appearance. So, how to wash knitted items by hand:

  1. For hand washing, it is best to use special detergents. They must be soft. Now there are no problems with the choice of detergent for knitted items. In household chemical stores, you can choose a good gel or powder for washing delicate clothes. It is also worth noting that such a product is intended for washing products made from both natural and artificial threads.
  2. Knitted items are very afraid of mechanical stress. When washing by hand, the product must be washed gently. In no case should you rub. It must be soaked for a while, and then squeezed out slowly. You should never twist delicate things.
  3. Knitted garments should be washed in warm or cold water. Using hot water will result in loss of appearance and rapid wear. The most optimal temperature for washing knitted items is 40 degrees. This garment also needs a special rinse. After the water has been changed several times and all the detergent is washed off, it is necessary to carry out the final stage - rinse with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Such a procedure will help restore the natural thread, and the color of the product will take on its original appearance.

How to wash knitted items in a washing machine

If it is not possible to wash such products by hand, and the washing machine allows, then this process can be carried out in the machine. When washing delicate clothes in a washing machine, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Use of special detergents. Such funds can be purchased at any store. Powders from different manufacturers have proven themselves very well in the care of knitwear.
  2. Using a laundry bag. This accessory for the washing machine will keep the thing intact. He will become her protector under intense exposure.
  3. Using a gentle wash cycle. Modern machines are equipped with a special mode for washing knitted and delicate items.

In no case should you wring out delicate fabrics.

But delicate items are not the only thing that needs to be washed neatly. They still need to be properly dried. After the clothes have been washed, the water must be allowed to drain. Knitted items cannot be twisted, and in no case should they be hung up. To avoid pulling the sleeves or the neck out, wring them lightly and leave for a while to allow the water to drain. After the water has disappeared, you need to spread things on a flat surface. Put a white towel under the bottom of the thing. Colored can fade, and you ruin an irretrievably delicate product. The towel will absorb all the excess water, and the clothes will become damp at the same time.

There are rules for drying knitted things:

  • dry best on a horizontal surface in a flattened form;
  • on the dryer, you can lay out knitted things only on the thick part. Drying on a thin part will lead to fractures and rapid wear;
  • do not dry such products using stationary batteries and heaters. This will lead to a loss of appearance.

Principles of washing knitted items from different types of threads

When you start caring for a delicate product, you should know what fiber it consists of. This is what should be guided by when washing. Melange thread items are washed only in cold water. Colored products so as not to fade are soaked in cool water, where you can put 1 tbsp. l. table salt. Mohair, wool or cashmere clothing should be washed and rinsed in lukewarm water. Dried delicate product should not be hung on a trempel. It is kept folded in a closet.

Storage of knitted items

Not only washing and drying, but also storage play an essential role in preserving the appearance. Delicate clothing should be kept folded. If you plan not to use things for a long time, they must be washed and dried, as well as stains removed. For long-term storage, it is necessary to use special moth repellent. So, for example, lavender or tobacco is best suited for woolen materials. Clean products must be placed in a bag and put away in a cupboard. From time to time, it is necessary to look at the clothes for damage by moths so as not to miss this unpleasant and harmful phenomenon.

Proper care and storage of knitted items will significantly extend their life. They will always look great and delight you for a long time, if you follow simple rules.