Leap year wedding - is it bad

2016 is a leap year for a wedding. Auspicious days and dates

2016 is a leap year for a wedding: auspicious days and dates

Any girl sees herself in her dreams in a chic wedding dress, a solemn ceremony, a beautiful hall, and many guests. Creating a new family is a very important and responsible step that requires special attention. Here you cannot neglect the little things, the young couple must take into account all the nuances in organizing the celebration. Very often, modern girls and guys go to the registry office, knowing in advance the exact date of their painting. It is generally accepted that family life begins precisely with a wedding, therefore it is necessary to think over every detail of this significant event.

For a future life to be successful, and a strong marriage, it is worth deciding on a date, because not every day of the year is favorable for creating a family. Some couples go to their parents for advice, and they, in turn, start from popular signs, while others prefer to trust astrologers and plan a celebration, trusting the horoscope. Many do everything in the way prescribed by church customs, following the instructions of the priest. But there are also such couples who do not believe in any omens, and set a wedding date simply because they like the combination of numbers. The main mood in organizing the celebration, then everything will work out.

Leap Year Wedding 2016

When lovers begin to think about a wedding in a leap year, they will often hear from friends that this cannot be done, because such a decision does not bode well. Many are sure that a year of 366 days does not bring happiness, but on the contrary is saturated with negativity and dangers. Is it really that bad, and should couples looking to start a family refrain from getting married in 2016, or is this all simple talk?

It just so happened that many couples believe in superstition and are completely sure that getting married in 2016 will not bring anything good, and the marriage will be doomed to collapse. But what can people do who do not want to wait another year to unite their hearts? If you turn to history, you can trace one amazing fact. Once every four years, no fun was arranged in the bride's house, but couples in love could still go through the wedding ceremony. Moreover, only girls were supposed to get married. And all because the leap year is the patron saint of brides, it was during this period that girls could choose their own betrothed. And then the newly-made bride could get a refusal from the matchmakers in the most extreme case.

There are many signs and rituals that help to cope with superstition, and understand that a wedding in a leap year is no different from weddings in other years. During the wedding ceremony, one of the relatives may say “I crown it with a crown, not a leap end,” and in this case, the marriage promises to be successful, long and happy. In addition, if the wedding is played in a leap year, then going to the wedding of the bride and groom cannot look back.

There are also signs that relate to the wedding dress. If the bride's dress is below the knees, then the marriage will last a long time. After the wedding, you should never share your wedding dresses and accessories. It is believed that getting married in a leap year 2016 will bring joy and happiness to young people in the event that an important person is invited to the celebration, they will include only positive and incendiary music, and also come up with something extraordinary for the event. The wedding in 2016 should be held under the auspices of creativity, so poems, scenes, fascinating contests from guests will be welcome.

Auspicious days for a wedding in 2016

Every couple in love, in whose plans to marry, must think about the day when the most important and amazing event in their life will happen. Astrologers argue that the correct choice of the wedding date is as important as, for example, the compatibility of the characters of the future spouses. Leap year 2016 also has dates to look out for when planning a wedding. So, the days promising good luck in longevity for a future marriage are as follows:

In January, there are no favorable days, because the whole month will pass under the sign of "bachelor". This period is more inclined to create friendly alliances than love ones. A marriage entered into in January will be able to resist collapse only if the couple does not infringe on each other's freedom and is not boring.

February provides young couples with several dates, starting from the 14th to the 18th. A wedding these days promises to bring a long and strong family life. The 20th and 25th will also be a suitable day.

March will not be able to please the lovers with the dates for the wedding, because they are not in it. During this period, partners are not too determined to give love to each other. A wedding in March will only push people to dispute and rivalry, so it is better to refrain from entering into an alliance.

There are no suitable days for a wedding in April, because in 2016 Lent falls for the whole month. The church has a negative attitude towards weddings and other entertainment events during this period.

It is believed that people who got married in May will suffer for the rest of their lives. Despite this, May provided us with many days to unite two loving hearts into a strong union: from the 15th to the 27th. Of course, on weekdays, those couples who do not want to throw a lavish banquet or get married pay attention. If you are planning a grandiose event, coupled with a wedding, then it is better to pay attention to the weekend.

June is the most favorable date for weddings - June 17th. It is also worth highlighting the 25th number - a day for a long and happy marriage.

It is very symbolic to have a wedding on July 6, because this day is considered the Day of Kisses. An official marriage will become strong if it is based on love and trust, and a wonderful date for the conclusion of such marriages in 2016 are 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.

August is not rich in favorable numbers for marriage. Considering all the church holidays and fasts that fall in August, the happiest day will be August 12th.

September is also not full of lucky days for marriage, but nevertheless, of all the dates, 18 can be distinguished. It is on this day that marriage will bring prosperity, luck and love to the newlyweds.

The same can be said about October - it is better to refuse to get married during this period.

Bad days for a wedding in 2016

All astrologers are unanimous in one opinion: it is better to postpone painting on the new moon, full moon and quarter moon changes. The lunar calendar will help to determine the date of these moments. Astrologers also advise to refrain from marriage during lunar eclipses. In addition, on the days of fasting, commemoration, big church holidays, Christmastide, you should refuse to hold a wedding event.

Surprisingly, we still skillfully combine ancient traditions and prejudices with our modern life. Wedding in a leap year: to be a celebration or still wait? This question still haunts the minds of young couples who are at least a little superstitious. What to do in this case? The wedding portal www.site will tell you about this and try to dissuade you.

Let's turn to history ...

In Russia, a leap year has another name - Kasyanov year. According to legends, Kasyan is a formidable old man, the guardian of the hellish gates, whose gaze both the dead and the living are afraid of. He leaves his place only 4 times a year, namely on February 29. Therefore, it was believed that celebrating a wedding in a leap year is undesirable, since the marriage will be unhappy. However, in accordance with other signs, superstitious grooms and brides, on the contrary, tried to celebrate the celebration in a leap year, since it is followed by the year of the widow, and then the year of the widower. As you can see, you can stay without a wedding at all! Although, according to historians, such beliefs came after numerous and destructive wars.

Moreover, there are many positive signs associated with this issue that will even delight you. For example, there is written evidence that every fourth year was called the year of brides. The girls themselves went to matchmaking, and, according to custom, the men could not refuse them. And the church does not at all support all superstitions and omens. So you should definitely think about it!

There are no differences

If each of you is interested and decides to check the divorce statistics, it turns out that no matter what years young couples get married, there are no differences. Of course, there are individual stories that may seem true to you. After all, on the forums, what they just do not write: divorced only due to the fact that in a leap year the wedding was played, that it was a huge mistake on their part, and so on. Although the problems of parting should be sought not in wedding omens, but only in oneself.

What if you are still plagued by doubts?

  • At first, ask yourself a series of questions. Can superstition get in the way of your love? Do you really believe in this and are ready to sacrifice your happiness?
  • Secondly, if you have already been offered a marriage proposal, remember that after a leap year there are two more not most pleasant periods in terms of names, according to which you should not marry. Does this mean that you are ready to wait?
  • Thirdly, believe in the good omens associated with a leap year, and then your doubts will disappear immediately.
  • Fourth, just walk around and ask your loved ones how the leap year affected their lives. The www.site portal is sure that they will not tell you any special scary stories.

Positive aspects of organizing a wedding in a leap year

Some organizers, wedding photographers and videographers even offer discounts for young couples who decide to get married in a leap year. In this way, they encourage non-superstitious brides and grooms. Try to look at a wedding in a leap year from the other side: you are an original brave couple who are 100% confident in their feelings and do not believe that some kind of superstition can ruin their happiness. Therefore, we advise you not to postpone the wedding and not believe in such signs, but simply enjoy your feeling and the upcoming changes in your life.

Trust and love each other! And then no leap year will become an obstacle for you!

Since ancient times, many signs and beliefs have been associated precisely with a leap year. A separate place in these signs is given to wedding ceremonies and weddings. By definition, it is believed that a wedding union entered into in a leap year will fail, and it is not customary to get married in such a year. Let's try to figure out where this information comes from and weigh the pros and cons of a wedding ceremony in a leap year.

Initially, a leap year is a year in which there are 366 days instead of 365. This exclusively human invention was intended to provide a more accurate calculation of astronomical dates. In fact, there is no mysticism in this phenomenon - rather, mathematics. However, for many centuries in a row with a leap year, unfavorable forecasts are associated not only with marriage unions, but also with ordinary undertakings and deeds.

Perhaps this belief about an unhappy marriage arose from the fact that in ancient times a leap year, on the contrary, was considered the "Year of the Bride". In this year, the brides were the first to match the grooms, and it was believed that the matchmakers could not be refused, that is, the groom was obliged to marry the bride who had wooed him. Naturally, such a marriage was not always happy. Hence the belief that a leap year brings unhappy marriages. And mysticism here, as you can see, is also not enough.

So let's take a look at the pros of getting married in a leap year 2020.

  1. Firstly, the church does not envisage any unfavorable days and, moreover, years for weddings and marriages. The church canons indicate that the Sacrament is not performed on the eve of Friday and Sunday, as well as during many days of fasting. And not a word about leap years.
  2. Secondly, true love does not tolerate any boundaries. If your feeling is mutual and sincere, then tolerating and refraining from getting married and living together just because of someone's superstitions is a little silly. There is no scientific or statistical data confirming the unfavorableness and transience of marriages in a leap year. This means that these are all far-fetched stories and prejudices.
  3. Thirdly, if the groom or the bride, against the wishes of the second half, wants to postpone the wedding only because of a leap year, this year may well become unhappy for them if the second half wants to look for a less superstitious companion for life. Any wedding is the crown of the relationship and is always an auspicious event, regardless of dates and.
  4. Fourth, it should not be forgotten that according to the same superstitions, the leap year is followed by the "year of the widow" and the "year of the widower." Do you agree to wait a few more years for a "favorable moment" and is there a guarantee that your marriage will become stronger from this?
  5. And, fifthly, a huge plus of a wedding in a leap year 2020 is a lot of freedom of choice. Choosing a place for painting, a restaurant, a videographer and a photographer, a date, after all! After all, many couples, due to incomprehensible superstitions, postpone the wedding - and statistics show that weddings this year are 10-15% less. This means that more restaurants and desired wedding entertainments are available to you.

If you are, nevertheless, very superstitious and are playing a wedding in a leap year, it is believed that during the wedding, the bride and groom should say in the church: "I am crowning with a crown, not a leap end!" This is a conspiracy so that the marriage, despite the leap year, would not break up. Thus, you once again "secure" yourself from the adverse effects of accepts and beliefs.

Wedding signs for a leap year:

  • In order to once again “play it safe” and protect your marriage from adverse influences, you should pay attention to the signs that are aimed at prolonging the marriage union and promise him wealth and longevity.
  • For example, newlyweds in a leap year should avoid loud festivities in the bride's house before the wedding. This should be done in order not to frighten off the happiness in the house of the brides during the preparations for the holiday. In a leap year, this should be especially adhered to - after all, this year, according to old tributes, it was the bride who symbolized the marriage, taking the initiative into her own hands.
  • Special attention should be paid to accessories and dress. In leap year 2020, the bride is recommended to wear a long dress - for a long and happy marriage, as well as pick up vintage antique jewelry - symbolizing the eternity of feelings and long love.
  • Also, a special sign for happiness - after a wedding in a leap year, you should keep the wedding tablecloth and cover the table with it on the wedding anniversary for the next three years. The marriage will be strong, and the house will be a full cup.

Among the cons of a wedding in a leap year only the superstitions associated with this year should be noted. Many acquaintances and relatives begin to discourage the couple from getting married this year, or they persistently ask why there is such a rush and whether it is impossible to wait. The stigma of a “couple doomed to divorce” sometimes brings newlyweds to hysterics and depression, quarrels and breakdowns of relations even before the wedding. And then it all depends on the newlyweds themselves. If the belief in success and love is mutual and strong - undoubtedly, everything will work out. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that you can only jinx the one who believes in the evil eye. If a couple initially openly ignores this omen and in every possible way bypasses sensitive conversations and condemnations, they thereby protect themselves from troubles and hardships in the future.

The main argument in favor of weddings and weddings in a leap year should be cited church canons, which do not prohibit any rituals at this time. The Church, in contrast, condemns all kinds of superstition and gossip, considering them pagan remnants aimed at destroying faith and true feelings.

And, most importantly ... Newlyweds, remember - your happiness is in your hands. Don't let any other people's opinions influence your destiny and destroy your happiness. Follow your heart and know that there are no barriers to eternal and mutual love in the world. What about a leap year? This is just another pleasant moment - after all, this year you will enjoy your tenderness and passion for one day more than usual….

Every person (especially the fair sex) deeply hopes that such a significant event as a wedding will happen no more than once in a lifetime. Therefore, the choice of the date of marriage is usually approached with the utmost care, taking into account various reasons - superstition, astrological forecasts, religion, omens and others.

A special place among judgments that do not have any substantial grounds is the opinion of "an unsuccessful wedding in a leap year." So, do weddings play in leap years? About this and not only below.

A typical year is 365 days long. The duration of the astronomical solar year (the period of the complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun) is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 \u200b\u200bminutes and 46 seconds. In order to smooth out the existing error, the concept of a leap year was introduced - a year consisting of 366 days.

According to the current Gregorian calendar, over the past 400 years, the leap year "appeared" 97 times, providing the most accurate comparison of astronomical time indicators with "human" ones.

A leap year is nothing more than a mathematical conditional tool used to ensure that the equality of the solar year and the calendar year is fulfilled for a sufficiently long period of time.

In other words, a leap year is a purely human invention and should be treated accordingly.

Why you can't play a wedding in a leap year: superstitions

There are often cases when relatives of young people, having learned that the wedding is scheduled for a leap year, try to dissuade them from such a step, or ask to wait a little. The most radical of the "well-wishers" do not forget to mention that in addition to the leap year, the next two are also unlucky - the so-called "year of the widow" and "year of the widower", that is, the wedding can be played on an exclusively "year after three" schedule.

The most paradoxical point is that the specific question: "Why can't you get married (get married) in a leap year?" no one can give a definite and comprehensive answer. Superstition typical of modern society, characterized by a dubious conclusion for a forgotten reason.

The roots of the misconception about "an unhappy wedding in a leap year" go back to Ancient Russia. In those days, the year with one more day was called the "year of the bride." During this year, the girl herself could confess her love to the guy, in fact, making him a "marriage proposal."

At the same time, the groom had no right to refuse the offer, which affected the future marital happiness of the formed couple. Families created in this way often split up within three years of the wedding.

Or people just lived with each other, formally remaining a family.

It is possible that the tradition associated with the “year of the bride”, as well as its not very pleasant consequences, caused the saying “you cannot be lovely by force”.

A much less likely starting point for superstition is that it is during a leap year that more people die than usual. But there are two serious objections to this.

Firstly, it is not clear how the greater number of deaths (which is not proven by facts!) Is associated with marriage, and, secondly, the increased mortality can be explained purely statistically (one day more per year).

Leap year marriages are unhappy for purely psychological reasons. Among people where the aforementioned superstition is very strong, the seal of "a couple who will definitely divorce" is put on the newlyweds.

The people around do not take into account either the strength of the feelings of the young, or the secured present, or the promising future. They stubbornly call the couple doomed, not forgetting to remind of the reason - the unsuccessful wedding date. Of course, under the conditions of such psychological pressure, very few families survive.

Church opinion on weddings and weddings

From the side of the church, marriage is seen as an exercise of the wedding ceremony. Can a wedding be done in a leap year, what do the priests say? According to church canons, there are no favorable or unfavorable years for the implementation of this rite.

True, there are still some restrictions, but they have nothing to do with the leap year. The wedding does not take place on the eve of three days of the week - Friday, Sunday and Wednesday, and is not allowed during the period of many days of fasting (Velikiy, Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky).

According to the clergy, the determination of successful and unsuccessful wedding dates is secondary in comparison with the observance of generally accepted church actions by the bride and groom (prayer, communion, confession and others).

What astrology claims

In modern man, the first association with the word "astrology" is the word "horoscope". The most popular horoscopes at the moment are Western Zodiac and Eastern Chinese.

It should be clarified that if a couple decided to resort to the help of astrology, then the combination of the horoscopes of the bride and groom must be done before the appointment of the wedding date (in ancient China this was considered a mandatory attribute of matchmaking). Otherwise, it's better not to even mention it.

If we are talking specifically about the date of the marriage in a leap year, then the condition is the same - for both the groom and the bride this year should be favorable for significant events or fundamental changes in life. This is where the fundamental difference in horoscopes is manifested.

The Western horoscope is compiled for each year separately and is more suitable for determining unfavorable days than years. Its specificity affects - it covers, strictly speaking, only one year.

But the Eastern horoscope is much more specific, since its cycle is 12 years, and if we take into account the change of elements, then 60 years.

Leap years are the years of the Rat, Dragon and Monkey. The eastern horoscope quite accurately indicates who can tie the knot during these years, and who should not. The quick tips are:

  • in the year of the Rat, you cannot play a wedding for a person born in the year of the Horse. It is also not recommended to do this to the Snake, Cat (Rabbit);
  • in the year of the Dragon, you cannot marry (get married) to people born under the sign of the Dog. It is not recommended to do this for the Goat (Sheep), the Bull;
  • in the year of the Monkey, the Tigers should not marry. It is not recommended to marry (get married) Pig, Rooster.

There is one subtlety in the Eastern horoscope. Belonging to a particular sign should be calculated according to the Chinese lunar calendar, which differs from the Gregorian one by one or two months, depending on the year.

If the wedding has already been scheduled, and superstitious thoughts still bother the mind of the bride and groom, there are some tried and tested tips that can help start and keep a family.

But, according to the established tradition (“the year of the bride”), they mainly refer to the behavior and attributes of the bride. These include:

  • do not arrange large and noisy festivities in the bride's house before the wedding. In a leap year, this rule is especially true;
  • the bride's wedding dress should be long (the skirt of the dress should be below the knee), as it is a symbol of the longevity of marriage. The longer the dress, the stronger the union;
  • the bride, on whose wedding dress the number of buttons will be even, will become a beloved and happy wife in the future;
  • the bride should put a coin in her wedding shoes. Such an action will bring wealth to the future family;
  • the wedding tablecloth should have a special place among the memorabilia. It is believed that if you set a table with it on the first, second and third anniversaries, family well-being will remain with the young forever.

Let's first figure out how a leap year differs from all the others. Just one day - February 29th. Where did this one day come from?


In 46 BC. Roman Emperor Julius Caesar decided to clarify the length of the year. By his decree, the Alexandrian astronomers found out: the Earth makes an annual revolution around the Sun in 365 days and 6 hours. These 6 hours were usually not counted, so there was an extra quarter of a day left every year. In order to equalize the six-hour shift, a leap year (from the Latin bis sextus - "second sixth") was introduced. Three years were counted for 365 days, and in every fourth year one additional day was added in February. This is how the "mystical" appeared on February 29 and a year of 366 days. Although there is no mysticism in this phenomenon, it is rather mathematics.

And yet, for many centuries in a row, there is an opinion that it is impossible to get married even in a leap year. How and why did such a sign appear?


Surprisingly, but the reason for this superstitious fear in the most ancient ideas of people about the world around them. It's no secret that our pagan ancestors, living thousands of years ago, were tied to the earth and depended on natural phenomena. That is why the new year among the ancient Slavs began in spring - March 1, when nature awakened and spring field work began. And the pagan Slavs considered winter a "bad" time of the year; during this period, in their opinion, the forces of evil and chaos, threatening man, triumphed. The last winter days were the holidays of the gods of Winter, Night and Death, when people tried to appease them.

February 29 - just one extra winter dayb - for our ancestors it was something incomprehensible, inexplicable, and therefore especially terrible. Therefore, it was on February 29 that the most evil deity of the Slavic pantheon was honored - Chernobog or Kashchey, known to us from.

With the arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus, these beliefs were superimposed on the image of St. Kasyan, whose memorable day fell on February 29. His image acquired evil features among the common people. The envious scythe Kasian, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, sent pestilence to people and livestock, dried crops with winds, spoiled any business started by a person. Therefore, the last day of winter every 4 years was considered so dangerous that the peasants tried not to leave the house, at least until noon.

Actually, the life of St. John Cassian does not give any reason for such slander... He was one of the founders of monastic life in France, a great ascetic, and also a famous ascetic writer. It just so happened that the day of memory of Cassian coincided with the day of another character - the mythological Kashchei-Chernobog. And the similarity of the sound of the names: Kassian - Kasyan - Kasen - Kasei - Kashchei - only contributed to the consolidation of such a transfer. Hence the fear and the expectation of misfortune, because in most legends and legends Chernobog opposes good forces, adjusting various intrigues and troubles.

Over time, this attitude towards February 29 as a terrible and dangerous day was transferred in the popular mind for the entire leap year, which began to be perceived as an unfavorable time for any undertakings. You can't even build a bathhouse, let alone get married! This is how this superstition arose, which turned out to be very tenacious. Surprisingly, people are so afraid of a leap year that during this time they not only marry less, but also divorce less.


Archpriest Igor Stepanyuk, rector of the Temple in honor of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands, Borispol.

Unfortunately, many superstitions make life difficult for people all the time. One of them says that you cannot play a wedding and get married in a leap year. In fact, the church does not give any prohibitions on this matter. There are no favorable or unfavorable days or years for marriage. If the leap year was somehow undesirable for the church from the point of view of the sacrament of the wedding, this would be reflected in the church canons. But, as you can imagine, there is no such rule.

Wedding TO BE or NOT TO BE? That's the question

It's up to you and only you!

If your feeling is mutual and sincere, then refraining from getting married and just because of someone's superstition does not make sense. There is no scientific or statistical data confirming the unfavorable and transient marriages in a leap year. So, these are all prejudices.

Among the minuses, only one thing should be noted: if you are deeply convinced that your leap marriage will be unsuccessful, then most likely it will be so. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, and the power of thought is a great power.

And the main thing. Newlyweds, remember - your happiness is in your hands! Don't let any other people's opinions influence your destiny. Follow your heart and know that there are no barriers to mutual love in the world.