Three psychological techniques that will help you attract what you want into your life. How do you attract what you want into your life? How to attract whatever you want

The law of attraction is a very wise law by which life is built. Therefore, it is important to learn how to develop intuitive abilities and attract into your life what you dream about.

Perhaps you dream of traveling the world? Have you ever wanted to write a book? Or are you thinking of opening your own cafe? Each person has unique dreams, but only a few believe that their fulfillment is possible. Never let someone tell you that you can't do something. Believe in yourself.

We need to spread our wings! Find your purpose and meaning in this life. The most important thing is to consider them absolutely real and watch how they are embodied. And then you can show others that life is not at all as tough as we constantly think about it. And that we are lucky to live in this beautiful world where miracles happen every day.

1. Be positive

Go through life with a positive attitude. When you speak, do it with good intentions. Attract positive thoughts, no matter what you do. The more positive energy you have in your thoughts, the less negativity will be in your life.

2. Be grateful

There are many things in this world for which we can be grateful. Be grateful for your family. Be grateful for your friends. Be grateful for the home. Be grateful for food. Be grateful for the adventure.

There are many people on this planet who can only dream of what you are already lucky enough to have.

3. Believe in your dreams

Attract what you dream of. After all, it is your dreams that can turn life into an endless miracle.

Whatever you need or want, you must believe without a doubt.

4. Follow your intuition

You are the only one who has control over what goes on in your mind. If something makes you feel good, you should definitely do it. It is important to listen carefully to the inner voice. You must know and be prepared for the fact that your intuition will help you.

5. Have the courage to follow your heart

The Law of Attraction will work on your heart. And if the desire of your heart leads to heartache, then you need to be able to meet suffering with courage. Courage gives strength.

Don't let others drag you down. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed, and don't forget to support them.

6. Listen to your instincts

We always say that intuition gives the right clues. But our instincts can, on the contrary, make us weak. Pay attention to this “weak link” and remember about it. Don't give up, stay tuned!

7. Give good to people

8. Travel inspires and takes you to the next level

Travel is one of the strongest activators of changes in life. Every time you travel you see new places, new people, new perspectives. And all this is an excellent "fuel" for our "mechanism" that changes life.

9. Find time to do what you enjoy

The Law of Attraction suggests that we attract what we want. Do you want to have more time to do what you enjoy the most? If so, don't say "it's impossible", but start finding at least 10 minutes to start with.

10. Show your desire.

11. Be sincere with everyone

Be yourself. Nobody likes fake personalities. Be real, be honest, be kind, admit mistakes.

12. Don't practice hypocrisy

Show others that you can do something that people around you can do. If you want to attract all the good, then you yourself must also be a source of good.

13. Realize that your imagination is very powerful

Imagine that your dreams come true. The Law of Attraction works on everything you want to turn into reality. If you are always thinking about your dream and imagining it, you will help make it come true.

14. Be passionate about what interests you

Be enthusiastic about what interests you. If you are truly passionate about something, you should learn as much as possible about it.

15. Forget about failures

You don't need to replay failures in your head. Focus on success and happiness.

16. Realize: Worry, Stress, and Fear Don't Matter

Forget about fear. If we focus on eliminating anxiety, stress, and fear, our lives will be happier. The unknown is scary, but the heart is waiting for life to be filled with adventure.

17. Recognize that everything happens for a reason

Defeats and losses also have their purpose. Life sometimes leads us in a very mysterious, but in its own way beautiful way.

18. Be honest cause lies are useless

If you want to attract something true into your life, always tell the truth and you will never have to hide anything. If you are ashamed of something, admit it.

Never blame anyone for doing the wrong thing. Control your resentment and learn to find your mistakes.

19. Live like every day is a miracle

Live like your dreams come true every day. Live as if there were no tomorrow. And miracles will begin to happen around you.

Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways to live. The first is that there are no miracles, and the second is that there are only miracles everywhere.

20. Be open

In order to attract what you want, you must have an open mind. With an open mind, you can get multiple points of view.

21. Don't let school get in the way of your education

So once said a famous professor. In other words, school is not the only place where people get an education. You will also learn a lot from other sources and personal experience.

22. Learn from everyone

We must learn not only from our own experience. Much can be learned from others. We all have something worth learning. It proves that together we can do more.

23. Learn to see the best in people

If we see something better in others, they are more likely to see something better in us. This is also the law of attraction. Start small, give someone the benefit of the doubt. If a person stops disappointing you, it means that you have become better for him.

24. Believe in abundance and freedom

With freedom comes abundance. When you achieve freedom (it's not about money), you can do whatever you want. Allow yourself to be happy for free and help others. Liberation brings abundance to life.

25. Focus on desires

Attract what you need and your desires will be fruitful. Needs come gradually. At the appointed time.

26. Do not dwell on the fact that money can buy happiness

With money we buy material things. But you can’t buy joy and love for them. Ambition and success can't be bought with money either. For money, no one will sell you wonderful dreams or a goal in life. Moreover, giving someone the last ruble, you can completely change his life. And yours will change for a different reason.

27. Remember there is always room for improvement

Nobody is perfect in this world. You cannot be born a child prodigy or with the talent that you yourself would like to have now. But you can develop. Why not gain knowledge about everything that interests you and then improve on what is most important?

28. Do not give up

Do not give up! Nowhere, never and under no circumstances!

29. be patient

Patience is a true value. Everyone dreams of reaching their goals at a fast pace, but more often than not, it takes patience to go all the way.

30. Inspire others!

Strive to inspire. Your ambition and enthusiasm can be a great motivator for those around you. Show people that our life is a big journey. Through our imagination, dreams can be controlled. But it is we who can give them freedom, and then they will begin to be fulfilled!

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Since childhood, we have been accustomed to believing in miracles and in the fulfillment of desires. Indeed, how great it would be to have a magic wand to fulfill your most cherished desires! Today we invite you to be magicians yourself and create some kind of miracle.

You probably heard the famous phrase more than once - thoughts are material. And these are not just words - this is the pure truth. Remember the famous film "The Secret" or "Somewhere in Time" - the materiality of thoughts is explained by the action of the law of attraction on everything around us, in other words, we attract to ourselves what we think about. Try to control the flow of your thoughts and direct them in a creative direction.

Method of concentration and self-hypnosis

Use visualization to attract what you want into your life. Visualize in your mind an image of the desired object or situation. For example, you want to move up the career ladder - imagine the circumstances in which the boss tells you the good news about the promotion, draw in your imagination the details of your suit or the clothes of your boss, feel how he shakes your hand. The brighter the image drawn in your head, the sooner your wish will come true.

water magic

Water is a powerful element. Many scientists argue that water is a living organism that has its own structure and is able to change it, being subjected to chemical, energy or other types of influence. Many modern psychics are absolutely sure that with the help of water you can change a lot in your life.

Here is a wish fulfillment ritual: you need to take clean, boiled water, pour it into a plastic bottle and place it in the freezer for 20 minutes. During this time, heavy water saturated with inorganic salts will have time to freeze and deuterium ice will turn out. Pour the water that has not had time to freeze during this time into another container and put it back in the freezer. Once the water has frozen, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature. Pour the thawed water into a cup, take it in your hands. Whisper your desire to the water, drink the water, and finally thank it. Water should be drunk either on an empty stomach early in the morning, or at night, before going to bed. Continue the ritual until you get what you want. Usually the ritual works after a month.

Ritual with a letter

Get a separate notebook or notebook. Think carefully about what you would like to get out of life. Next, you should write down each desire in a notebook as if it had already been fulfilled, that is, write down the events in the past tense, carefully and in detail describing all possible details, including the month and year of receiving the desired. It is very important not to use words with a negative meaning, for example, "no" or words with the particle "not" - the universe simply does not perceive them. After you have written down your desires in detail, put your notebook / notepad in a secluded place and let go of the situation, just forget about it. You will be stunned - but it really works! Good luck and fulfillment of your desires!

By learning to subconsciously attract what you want, you can get whatever you want. Simple practices will help you make your life brighter and fulfill all your dreams.

Each person has a cherished dream, but many do not know how to approach it. When we make a wish, we already at a subconscious level believe in its fulfillment. We fight, we wait, we make every effort to get what we want, but when we don't, we give up. Why are our desires not fulfilled? Surely you have asked this question more than once. To get closer to your dream, you first need to find out why our dreams do not come true.

Why wishes don't come true

Before proceeding with the practices for the fulfillment of a desire, it is necessary to understand why some of them cannot be fulfilled despite all efforts. The site site team will tell you about the main obstacles that may arise on your way to your dream.

Wrongly formulated desire. The most important and common mistake is the wrong wording of desire. Of course, when we voice our dream, we first of all present the result, but this is not the most important thing. At this point, you must describe your desire in detail. For example, if you want to buy a new house, you need to imagine it down to the smallest detail, otherwise it will not be possible to fulfill the dream for a very long time.

Desire is connected to your past. The dream should only concern your future. If you dream of correcting the mistakes that happened to you earlier, and spend your inner energy on experiences, then your desire will not come true. Focus on the future and let go of the past, and then everything you desire will appear in your life.

You are not ready to fulfill your desire. Before you make a wish, consider whether you are ready for its fulfillment. You must be sure that you are ready to accept your desire and start a new life, only in this case you will get the result.

Your dream is impossible. Unfortunately, our dreams may not always come true, especially if they are far from reality. It is important to remember that the Universe is not capable of working miracles, therefore, in order to get what you want, you should not confuse realistic dreams with transcendental fantasies.

Inaction. Making a wish is not difficult, it is much more difficult to get a result. To do this, you need to make an effort on your part. If you dream of traveling, you don't have to wait for tickets to fall from heaven. Start working harder, learn how to save and save money, and then soon you will be able to get closer to your dream.

Useful practices for getting what you want

If you have already found the reason why your desire is not fulfilled, and got rid of it, then it's time to start realizing your dream. To do this, use simple but effective practices.

Formulate the dream correctly. To get what you want, learn how to correctly formulate and express your thoughts. For example, if you want to get hold of something, you must describe it in detail and even imagine that you are already holding it in your hands. This will help you get closer to your dream on a subconscious level and make it a reality in the near future.

Create a collage. Sometimes you just need to paint a picture of your life in which all your dreams have already been fulfilled. To do this, you can create your own collage. Look through newspapers and magazines and cut out pictures of what you want to find. Paste them on whatman paper, and draw yourself or place your photo in the center of the composition. Every day, look at your collage, and then your expectations will become less painful, and your desires will soon come true.

Visualize your desires. According to psychologists, in order for desires to be fulfilled, it is important to represent them in your mind. To do this, retire to a quiet, deserted place. Think about your dream, imagine it as clearly as if it has already been realized. Repeat this practice at least several times a week, and the result will certainly please you.

Work on your fears. Each of us is afraid of something, sometimes it is because of this that we cannot change our lives for the better. Fear scares away our desires, preventing their fulfillment. They do not allow us to move on and get closer to our dreams. It is necessary to fight fears and not be afraid of new changes. Only by gaining courage and self-confidence can you attract what you want and achieve success.

Manage your emotions. When we want to get something, we most often say the phrases “I want” or “I dream”, but you cannot rely entirely on the power of the word: your feelings also play a huge role in this process. When you imagine your dreams, you need to be in a good mood, as if everything you wanted to have is already in your life. Do not forget that the Universe reacts not so much to our words as to emotions, so you need to learn how to suppress internal negativity, otherwise the path to your dream will be long and full of obstacles.

Our ancestors knew about the extraordinary power and possibilities of amulets. With their help, you can not only attract luck and money into your life, but also realize your dreams. We wish you success and good mood,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Our life is what we think... Probably there are no people who would not understand the importance of positive thinking, the power of thoughts and words and their meaning, while many continue to stubbornly “think up” and “slander” troubles and sorrows for themselves.

This comes from the fact that people do not know how to control their mental flow and do not follow their own speech, not to mention actions.

Yes, for a beginner it can seem extremely difficult - to keep track of what you think about and control your own thoughts all the time! And ideally, try to think less in general - in order to be led by your Spirit!

For a magician (sorceress - sorceresses, witches) to control their own thoughts and words is vital, because their words and thoughts are the law for the universe! We thought too emotionally - it immediately showed up!

The ability to control your own thoughts is a manifestation of inner strength! And the more it is, the higher the responsibility for your life and the lives of others.

At the same time, there are more opportunities to get in this life what you really want! Wanted - received! One has only to want - and it immediately manifested itself!

Once again, I want to note that when you think “thoughtlessly” about anything, this also manifests itself, whether you want it or not.

However, there is one way to start thinking positively and get the desired changes in life - it's affirmations!

“Affirmations are (from lat. affirmatio- confirmation) - a short phrase containingverbal formula, which, when repeated many times, fixes the required image or attitude in the subconscious of a person, contributing to the improvement of his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes", - the decoding of the concept is taken from Wikipedia and quite capaciously explains the essence of the term.

I explain how to use it to get what you want:

If you do not know how to control and track the flow of your own thoughts (and this is necessary, since it is they who form your reality), drive affirmations into yourself.

  • Formulate your positive attitude, that is, what you want to receive.
  • Constantly repeat this phrase without thinking about anything ... That is, you should focus on repeating it - nothing else is needed. It is especially important to repeat it when you have tracked what you think about something bad.
  • Switch your attention to your set and start repeating it as much as you can until you get tired. It is believed that the most harmonious is the repetition of affirmations in multiples of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. In general, the more the better - ideally all the time!
  • It is better to repeat affirmations in 1 or 2 pieces, no more.
  • Repeat what is most relevant to you at the moment.
  • You can also make yourself a schedule of repetitions and repeat the installation according to the schedule. For example, 10 times in the morning, as soon as you wake up and the same amount before bed. Make your schedule the way that works for you.
  • Affirmation should give rise to positive emotions, joy and passion.

Each time you start repeating the set, a positive program will begin to form in your subconscious.

If you want a very quick result, you need to learn, at the same time, to experience strong positive emotions (preferably visualizing what you want) - then the program for fulfilling your desires will work much faster - this is already practical magic.

You need to practice affirmations constantly if you want to constantly get what you want!

Here is a list of sample affirmations. You can use them, although it's best to come up with your own.


My financial condition (the financial condition of my family) is getting better every day

Money flows to me easily from all directions;

I always have money;
I am very attractive to money;
I give and receive money easily and joyfully.

I attract money like a magnet.

My clients (employers) pay me generously.

Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life

I cost a lot.


I succeed;

I am always successful!
All my plans are realized;
I love and respect myself and my talents;
People look at me with delight and admiration;
I deserve all the best in this world and I accept it with delight.


I have the most beautiful partner in the world;
Everyone loves and adore me;
I love myself and approve of all my actions;
I trust my partner;
The more love I give, the more I receive;
I create a beautiful loving world in myself and spread my love to the whole world.


I am free and joyful in my creative work;
My children are my best friends;
I have excellent, harmonious relationships with children;
I love and support the child in me.


I get help and support from everywhere and from everyone;
People always help me;
I am always safe when traveling and everyone who is with me;
When I travel, I meet many friends and helpers;
I always feel help and support from my friends.


Everything in my life is beautiful now and always; I am in harmony with the flow of life;
My life is harmonious and ideal for me and is constantly improving;
The experience of my life is constantly improving;
All my best dreams become reality;
I know my calling and my career is thriving.


I am calm and relaxed;
I always make the right decisions;
My intuition is great;
I always find a way out of all life situations;
I trust the Higher Knowledge, which is always with me, and therefore I always make the right decisions;
My knowledge is growing every day.


All the members of my family bring me great joy;
Joy and happiness reign in my family;
I am calm, happy and live in peace with my family and the entire universe;
All members of my family are always protected, healthy and happy;
My family is a source of love and self-confidence.


My health is excellent;
With each passing day, the duration of my life increases;
I am in harmony and peace with the Universe;

I am very sexy and beautiful.
My strength and self-confidence is constantly growing;

Every day I become more and more sexy and beautiful.
I'm getting younger every day;
The enjoyment of health and the joy of life strengthen my faith in myself;
I am ready to accept joy and happy surprises every day.

  • The statement must be formulated as a fact, and in the present tense.
  • Use only positive words, avoid negative statements.
  • Affirmation should be short and at the same time bright, figurative. Avoid vague terms.
  • At the end of affirmations, you can add "I get much more than I expect."
  • The affirmation must not have a negative. Denial doesn't create anything. From this it follows that it does not give the subconscious information about the development of any installation. Denial is not perceived at all on a subconscious level.

PS: If you do not believe in the power of affirmations (words and thoughts), then you will simply remain at your own)

If you tried and nothing worked out for you, then this means that the negative program that rules you is very strong and you should have worked more on yourself!

All this works and gives results - tested on our own experience!


Our life is based on desires. They, like fuel, constantly feed us, like coal in the bottom of a locomotive - they kindle in us the ability to move on, to move forward. Therefore, it is simply vital for us to achieve what we so desire. Then we ask ourselves: how can we attract into our lives the happiness that we draw in our dreams?

The Internet is now full of various tips and practices, especially from the esoteric sphere. Buddhist practices and meditations have also become very popular, which help us achieve the desired result through calming and even pacifying our overly active desires.

The first thing that can be learned from the body of advice is a definition with a goal or desire. It should be made out first of all in your head / heart (as you like) as clearly as possible. Higher powers, the universe or God will not hear fuzzy, vague desires. You need to understand what you want. Here, of course, the rational aspect will also work: when you are clearly aware of your goal, you will be able to achieve it, because your consciousness will be able to pave the whole way to achieve your goal. It is advisable to justify the desire as if you have already achieved it. As if you are already happy, healthy, rich and loved in the present tense. Now you have already received it - experience the sphere of emotions that gives you the feeling of acquiring your treasured. Feel in detail every moment, every thread that goes from your heart to the center of the imaginary desired. Imagine holding a huge amount of money or jewelry in your hands. how to hold the hand of any person, feel how warm and comfortable you are. Such practices, combined with pragmatic real actions, will not be superfluous. To be clear, when you want something, you must have the drive to get it done. It doesn’t matter if you are an atheist or an avid Orthodox, a Buddhist or an agnostic - what sets you on fire from the inside and what gives you an incentive is valuable. Therefore, do not pay attention to social reviews about all religious movements and esoteric practices - your task is to get an inner fire that will give you the strength to move and overcome mountains.

After you have formalized your desire and felt it, you need to let it go. Forget for a while what you so passionately desire. It will not be easy, thoughts will swarm in your head again and again, however, such a step is necessary. Imagine that you want to erase a mistake you made with a pencil, for example. You rub and rub so hard you make a hole. A hole in the mind and in the sensations is useless to you. So break free from the bonds of what you want (and every Buddhist knows what every desire is) and live a beautiful, inspired life. You will not have time to blink an eye, as you will see the results of your wish come true, and all because you believed.

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