Rapid pulse in pregnant women. High heart rate in pregnant women - what is the danger and how it should be reduced

Pulse is an indicator that says with what frequency a person's heart beats. This value is extremely important in the diagnosis of various diseases, and by its changes one can judge the state of the heart, blood vessels, and the whole organism as a whole. The pulse rates in pregnant women are slightly different from the usual indicators of a healthy adult. It is worth considering what values ​​are recognized as optimal and what various deviations from them may indicate during carrying a child.

Normally, in a healthy adult, the pulse is in the range of 60–90 beats per minute, temporarily accelerating during physical exertion and serious emotional experiences. In women, the indicators are always slightly higher than in men. This is due to physiological characteristics - the heart of the average woman is slightly smaller and beats more often. Also, the female body is more susceptible to fluctuations in hormonal levels.

In addition, the heart rate usually changes with age. The older the person, the higher the heart rate, so some loads begin to be carried more heavily. If a person's pulse is constantly overestimated or underestimated and at the same time does not normalize for a long time, we can talk about pathology.

It is also important to measure blood pressure along with the pulse. The upper and lower blood pressure parameters show how strongly the heart pumps blood. This indicator is also important so that you can make a complete picture of the state of the cardiovascular system and judge the health of a person as a whole.

An absolutely ideal indicator is a value of 120 to 80. However, in reality, such pressure is quite rare, since in the life of any person there are always factors that will affect the level of blood pressure. Small deviations in which there are no signs of malaise can be considered the norm.

For women, blood pressure should always be slightly lower than for men, but for the most part they usually depend on height and physique. Each person can have their own individual normal indicator. If the pressure is greatly reduced or overestimated relative to the norm and symptoms of heart pathologies occur, you need to consult a doctor and find out the exact cause of this condition.

The pressure and pulse during pregnancy always change. Usually, both indicators turn out to be overestimated relative to the norm - this happens for many reasons. Therefore, during pregnancy, women are advised to avoid factors that can lead to an even greater increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Important! Pregnant women with severe abnormalities during gestation are usually advised to see a cardiologist.

Heart rate in pregnant women?

In general, increased heart rate is more common in pregnant women, especially at the very beginning of gestation during the first and second trimesters. In the third trimester, it usually drops slightly and becomes closer to normal. For many, the heart rate can reach 80–90 beats per minute constantly, practically not decreasing, therefore such readings are considered the norm. Heart rate during pregnancy can be predicted in advance and is influenced by the following factors:

  • level of physical fitness. If a woman went in for sports on an ongoing basis before pregnancy, then it is likely that it will be easier for her to endure the load in the form of a fetus;
  • age. In women after twenty-five years, the pulse rate during gestation is on average higher;
  • weight, as well as the presence of other diseases and pathologies that can affect the heart rate and blood pressure.

Additional reasons for an increase in pulse and pressure during childbearing can be called a large mass of the fetus itself, various stresses, constant strong emotional experiences, malnutrition, the development of any pathologies.

The rate in the early stages is always slightly higher, but it should be borne in mind that strong deviations should not be ignored. If the heart rate indicators exceed a hundred, it is better to immediately consult with your doctor.

Important! If the expectant mother develops hypertension or tachycardia, it is also necessary to check the condition of the fetus, to make sure that there are no intrauterine pathologies.

Pressure during pregnancy also usually rises and may be slightly higher than 120 to 80. Often, mild hypertension when carrying a child becomes a normal variant, and it must necessarily disappear after the birth of the child. If hypertension or tachycardia does not disappear some time after childbirth, it is imperative to be examined by a cardiologist.

In general, the normal values ​​for a pregnant woman can be summarized in the following small table;

However, in any case, with a high heart rate, it is also important to pay attention to the general condition of the woman. Temporary deviations from normal values ​​can be considered an acceptable condition, if there are no signs of malaise. It is imperative to consult a doctor if the following symptoms occur against the background of cardiac arrhythmias or blood pressure:

  • dizziness, headaches, impaired coordination of movements;
  • shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, pain on the left side of the chest, inability to endure even light loads;
  • "Stars", "flies" before the eyes, visual impairment;
  • numbness in the limbs, pallor of the skin.

These are the main symptoms of disorders of the cardiovascular system, they should be especially alarming during pregnancy. In order not to provoke their occurrence during gestation, you need to avoid any excessive physical exertion, mental and emotional exhaustion, severe stress and anxiety. All this can lead to hypertension or tachycardia.

To smooth out the symptoms of the usual increase in rhythm and pressure during pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the correct daily regimen. A pregnant woman should get enough rest and eat right. Also, do not neglect special exercises for pregnant women, which help to better endure pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

If an attack of tachycardia or hypertension occurs abruptly, the condition is rapidly deteriorating, then you should not resort to self-medication. It is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, in especially severe cases it is permissible to call an ambulance.

Also, do not forget that it is important to measure the pulse and pressure of the fetus. The doctor should be visited constantly, depending on the course and severity of the gestation process. With competent constant monitoring of the condition of the mother and child, the likelihood of bearing and giving birth to a completely healthy child is much higher.

Pregnancy is one of the most "abrupt" periods in the life of every woman. As well as for the mind, this period is very burdensome for the general health, to which special attention must be paid. Most pregnancies are normal with minor problems that seem normal. However, several factors need to be monitored during this critical period, including heart rate and pulse rate in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, the heart stores much more blood than at other times. Therefore, during pregnancy, this is not a pathology. But why is it important to monitor it, check its frequency? The answer is simple - the heart rate and pulse of a pregnant woman affects not only the general health, but also the health of your baby. This is because a fast pulse is a sign that your heart is beating at a high rate. Therefore, there is a risk that the baby's heart rate will also be increased.

What is the normal heart rate?

One of the most important factors affecting your heart rate during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester) is the number of babies you carry. When pregnant with twins, a woman should be aware of the fact that her heart will have to pump twice the amount of blood required for her babies. The result is an increased heart rate, hence a high pulse rate during pregnancy, increasing by 10 to 20 beats per minute.

Exercising during early pregnancy also affects her heart rate. The heart rate in women is about 70 beats per minute, during training it increases to 85-90 (when moving, the optimal heart rate is 90-95).

The pulse rate during pregnancy (in the first, second and third trimester of pregnancy) is presented in the table.

TermNormal pulse, beats / minute
1st trimester110 70-95
2nd trimester120 85-100
3rd trimester120 100-115

Note! In babies growing in the abdomen, the heart rate is about 120 beats per minute (the maximum rate is 150-160 beats per minute). Amazing speed!

The problem occurs if the heart rate rises sharply from 70 to 130. This sometimes happens in older pregnant women - in women over 40, even in a healthy heart, some muscle cells can be replaced by connective tissue. Therefore, the efficiency of the heart is reduced. Another cause may be a heart disorder with blood pressure disorders (a combination of low blood pressure and high heart rate, or vice versa). And also congenital diseases, myocarditis are taken into account.

Important! A decrease in the number of heartbeats is possible in the warm season, even at normal pressure. Fluctuations can be calmed by cooling the body (not abruptly!).

High heart rate

Rapid heart rate during pregnancy is a common phenomenon that is most pronounced in the second trimester (about fifteen weeks of pregnancy), but is also present in the first trimester. It is considered a normal sign of a baby's waiting period.

An increased heartbeat does not cause discomfort, pain (if increased within normal limits). Usually, the gynecologist finds abnormalities during pregnancy-related checkups. Until then, women and girls do not know about it, do not notice any changes.

Previously, people determined pregnancy by the pulse on the abdomen. To do this, you had to lie on your back with your legs bent. If a beating was not felt in the area 2 cm below the navel, this meant the birth of a new life, if it could be felt, pregnancy did not occur.

However, the pulse in the navel is not associated with fertilization in the uterus, it is the pulsation of the umbilical vein. Therefore, determining pregnancy by beating in the lower abdomen is a rather dubious method.

Pathological causative factors

A markedly elevated pulse during pregnancy can be as dangerous as a low pulse, whether it occurs at high or low blood pressure. Sometimes it becomes more frequent, accompanying unfavorable conditions.


To determine the pathology, cardiotocography is used. The device records uterine contractions, fetal heart function, fetal movement and response to contractions. This study is carried out for all expectant mothers at the end of pregnancy (from about 32 weeks of gestation). Treatment is prescribed if necessary.

Thyroid disease

The most common cause of heart palpitations is thyroid disease. The culprits of the condition are fluctuations in the level of hormones, their production in greater quantities than necessary (hyperthyroidism). The problem with the disease is that, in addition to the discomfort for moms, it can also put babies at risk who do not receive adequate nutrition in the womb and therefore do not develop as they should.

Consequences of an excessively high heart rate during pregnancy

High rates in the expectant mother can cause fetal tachycardia - this means that the baby's heart beats faster than 160 beats / minute. This condition can cause premature birth.

Heart rate normalization

Before taking measures to reduce the pulse rate during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct studies aimed at identifying the stability of excessive indicators. An electrocardiogram is usually done. According to the results, high pulse pills are prescribed, which should be taken exclusively under the direction of a doctor!

Important! If the rapid heartbeat is associated with high blood pressure, magnesium is most often prescribed, which is the first choice drug during pregnancy.

But you can lower your heart rate at home. The best option is a suitable movement, especially exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. You can learn more about them from your doctor.

For most healthy pregnant women, aerobic sports such as walking, swimming, slow dancing are suitable. During exercise, it is necessary to monitor the heart rate.

Swimming is the best type of movement for mom and baby. Swimming water pressure facilitates venous return. Breathing out against the resistance of the water strengthens the breathing apparatus. During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the quality of the water in which swimming is carried out (due to the risk of infection).

The maximum effect with the minimum risk is brought by rational training of moderate intensity, accounting for 60-70% of the maximum heart rate.

These recommendations apply not only to those looking to lower their heart rate, but also to healthy pregnant women who did not exercise before pregnancy. A meta-analysis of studies on pregnancy and physical activity has shown that physical activity intensity at 81% of maximum heart rate does not lead to any adverse effects.

Low heart rate - how dangerous is it for the fetus?

A low mom's heart rate can lead to fetal bradycardia - a heart rate below 110 beats / minute. Bradycardia of the embryo (the first 8 weeks of development) indicates a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards-Patau syndrome, etc.), diseases of the central nervous system, heart disease.

An increase in heart rate during pregnancy is normal. But his excessive indicators, just like low ones, can negatively affect both the expectant mother herself and the child. Therefore, it is important to monitor cardiac activity from the 1st trimester to childbirth - this will ensure the prevention of pathologies.

The body of a pregnant woman is undergoing major changes. This happens so that the child receives the right amount of oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the pulse during pregnancy may deviate from the standard indicators. In some cases, this is considered a variant of the norm, in others it requires a detailed examination. So, what should be the pulse of a pregnant woman?

The very concept of pulse consists in vasodilation, which appears when the left ventricle of the heart contracts and is felt on palpation. The heart is responsible for pushing blood into the vessels. At this moment, their walls expand, which leads to the appearance of vibrations. They are perceived by a person as heartbeats.

In a normal state, the normal heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. At the same time, high physical or emotional stress leads to an increase in heart rate. This is due to the fact that the heart starts to work more intensively. This process is required in order to increase the supply of oxygen to the body. This is especially important when activating metabolic processes.

It's not a secret for anyone that during the period of bearing a child, the heart pumps more blood. This volume can be increased by 1.5-2 liters. Also, the load on the heart increases due to an increase in body weight.

All these factors provoke a more intensive work of the organ, which causes an increase in heart rate by at least 10-15 points. If, before getting pregnant, a woman had a pulse of 70-80 beats per minute, an indicator of 90 beats during the period of carrying a baby will be quite normal.

If the woman's well-being is not disturbed, and the child is developing correctly, the pulse rate in a pregnant woman can be 100-120 beats per minute. Exceeding these indicators may be a cause for concern. In this case, we are talking about the development of tachycardia. You should also see a doctor if your heart rate is less than 60 beats per minute. In such a situation, a specialist can diagnose bradycardia.

If a pregnant woman has an abnormal heart rhythm, she is diagnosed with arrhythmia. In healthy people, this condition is extremely rare. Therefore, in this situation, you should conduct a diagnosis and immediately begin treatment.

You can determine the pulse yourself - it's easy to do at home. To do this, it is enough to perform the following actions:

  • sit down and relax;
  • place the index and middle fingers on the wrist in the area of ​​the protruding vein;
  • turn on the stopwatch for 1 minute and start counting the pulsation.

Also, the pulse can be determined on the cervical artery. In a polyclinic, an electrocardiogram or ultrasound examination of the heart can be used for this purpose. However, Holter monitoring will provide the most detailed examination of the work of the heart. When it is carried out, it is possible to determine the functioning of the organ during the day.

Factors affecting heart rate

The normal pulse rate in pregnant women depends on many parameters. These include the following:

  1. Physical training. Female athletes usually have a lower heart rate. Systematic training helps to strengthen the heart and lungs, and also balances the pulse parameters during pregnancy. For girls who are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, an increased heart rate is characteristic - it can reach 80 beats.
  2. Age. Young girls under 25 may have a higher heart rate than mature women.
  3. General health before conception. Women who are overweight are more likely to experience an increase in heart rate than slender girls.

High pulse: causes and methods of help

Heart rate indicators during pregnancy should normally increase. This is due to the more active pumping of blood by the heart. Doctors call indicators at the level of 110-120 beats per minute the physiological norm for pregnant women. Also, the pulsation parameters depend on the increase in the content of hormones and the increase in emotional sensitivity in women.

In addition, this condition becomes a consequence of toxicosis, which often appears in the early stages of pregnancy. As a rule, this condition is observed only in the first trimester and eventually disappears. Reappearance of such symptoms may occur at 25-27 weeks.

The heart rate is directly related to the amount of blood that is pumped through the body. Pulse rates in pregnant women during the third trimester almost always increase. This is due to the active growth of the child, who needs more oxygen and nutrients.

Also, an increased pulse occurs when a pregnant woman lies on her back for a long time. This condition is caused by an increase in uterine pressure on the abdominal aorta. In the third trimester, the baby's weight increases significantly, and the artery is compressed quite strongly. As a result, the body experiences an acute shortage of oxygen.

In medicine, this condition is called inferior vena cava syndrome. It can provoke dizziness and even fainting. To improve her well-being, a woman should change her body position - gently sit down or lie on one side. Then take a few deep breaths.

If an increase in heart rate is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, an increase in pressure, you should consult a cardiologist. Such manifestations often indicate the presence of heart pathologies.

In addition, a significant increase in heart rate can be the result of such violations:

  • increased synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • acute respiratory viral disease;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • active development of the infectious process in the body;
  • the presence of hypertension or hypotension before pregnancy;
  • heart defect;
  • severe stress;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption.

If an increase in heart rate is observed constantly and has a paroxysmal nature, this may indicate the development of tachycardia in a pregnant woman. In such a situation, dizziness, lack of air, and fainting occur.

This phenomenon negatively affects the development of the child. In women with tachycardia, the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen, which provokes growth retardation. The baby can be born prematurely, with low weight.

Please note: Sometimes this condition threatens the development of hypoxia. It can lead to a delay in the development of the child, the appearance of lesions of the nervous system. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a possibility of deviations in the development of the baby's brain.

To normalize the pulse, it is necessary to determine the causes of this phenomenon. With small deviations from the norm, it is enough just to lie down calmly. As a rule, this condition does not cause discomfort and does not pose a health hazard.

If a woman has sharp fluctuations in the pulse or unpleasant symptoms appear, this indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy. In such a situation, you need to consult a specialist who will determine the severity of the disorder and select the optimal therapy. In simple cases, it is enough to use vitamins and medicines that contain magnesium and potassium.

If the fluctuations in the pulse are due to neurotic conditions, the doctor may prescribe mild sedatives. It is important to ensure that the drugs are not contraindicated in pregnant women. If you do not want to take alcohol tinctures, you can drink decoctions of medicinal plants - mint, valerian, lemon balm.

If an increase in heart rate is observed at rest, it is imperative to undergo an examination. If the indicator is slightly exceeded, the following actions can be performed:

  • lie down calmly;
  • drink a glass of water in small sips;
  • take a deep breath in and out.

In addition, you must:

  • normalize diet;
  • increase the duration of walks in the fresh air;
  • establish a mode of work and rest, give up excessive physical exertion;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Important: If you cannot reduce the heart rate on your own, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination and determine the causes of the problems. If pathologies are detected, the doctor will select an effective and safe treatment for the fetus.

Low pulse: causes and treatments

A decrease in pulse rate in pregnant women is much less common. In medicine, this condition is called bradycardia. Most often, this symptom is observed in women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy. They have a sufficiently trained heart that easily adapts to high loads.

However, sometimes bradycardia is provoked by chronic pathologies. The main reasons for this condition include the following:

  • damage to the thyroid gland;
  • pathology of the circulatory system;
  • kidney disease;
  • disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

With bradycardia, pregnant women are faced with general weakness, nausea, and dizziness. In some cases, even fainting is observed. If the heart rate is less than 40 beats per minute, there is a risk of complete cardiac arrest. This is due to a pronounced decrease in blood pressure.

With a slight bradycardia, the following measures will help improve the condition:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat rationally and balanced;
  • provide moderate loads;
  • walk more.

In difficult cases of bradycardia, treatment should be prescribed by a cardiologist. To deal with the problem, your doctor may prescribe special medications. In special situations, it becomes necessary to install a pacemaker.

Heart rate normalization methods

In order for the pulse rates during pregnancy to constantly remain within the normal range, it is worth following a number of recommendations:

  1. Eat more often and in small portions. In this case, overeating should be avoided.
  2. Eliminate alcohol and caffeinated beverages. It is recommended to give preference to compotes and dried fruit decoctions.
  3. Establish a mode of work and rest. It is important to normalize sleep.
  4. Refuse excessive physical exertion.
  5. Walk more often in the fresh air. Also, do not neglect feasible training.

If available home methods for restoring heart rate indicators do not give results or concomitant symptoms appear in the form of vomiting, general weakness, fainting, an urgent need to consult a doctor. The facts of an increase in heart rate should be noted in the diary of a pregnant woman and notify the gynecologist about them.

A slight increase in heart rate during the period of bearing a baby is considered a normal option. This is due to an increase in the load on the body of a pregnant woman. If this condition is accompanied by symptoms of malaise, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes it is a manifestation of dangerous pathologies.

The heart pushes blood into the veins and arteries, delivering oxygen to the organs of the body. It is at the moment of such a push that the walls of the vessels expand and fluctuate - here, 1 pulse of the pulse. In healthy people, the heartbeat reaches about 60-80 beats in one minute.

For a pregnant woman, things may be different. And all this is only because another person grows inside her, who has the same heart, which also pushes blood and delivers oxygen. And while the child is in the mother’s tummy, the mother “works for two” and the mother’s heart must also pump blood, and through it oxygen and all the necessary nutrients for the fetus.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the pulse rate can increase first up to 100 beats per minute, and then up to 110 and even up to 115. The fact is that during the period when a new life is born inside a woman, the body changes in accordance with which needs are needed. The body must provide the fetus with everything necessary for normal development and growth.

By the second trimester, the fetus has already formed all the organs and each of them, naturally, needs oxygen. As mentioned above, all the necessary nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the baby from the mother, which is the reason for the woman's heart palpitations.

Don't worry, everything is fine

A large number, noticing their own heart rate, go to the doctor with complaints. Of course, it should be noted that such a step is 100% correct, since nothing should threaten the mother's health.

Rapid pulse during pregnancy doctors call "physiological tachycardia", which in most cases goes away by itself after childbirth. The symptoms under consideration will not harm a woman, although one must not forget that there are always exceptions.
If nausea and vomiting are added to the rapid pulse and heartbeat, of course, the first step is to visit your doctor, because these symptoms may be evidence of heart disease.

Lovely women, don't worry -. Remember that an increase in heart rate is quite possible and, most often, there cannot be a threat to health. Consult your doctor and follow the recommendations. Walk more and be less nervous, and everything will be fine!


  • what is the pulse of a pregnant woman

In healthy people, the heart rate can be unstable, changing under the influence of emotional or physical stress, some external factors such as humidity or temperature rise. In pregnant women, the heart rate may change - depending on the duration of pregnancy or diseases.


The pulse rate is strongly influenced by the total volume of blood that circulates in the circulatory system. Changes in heart rate occur mainly in early pregnancy, when the body is rebuilding and symptoms of toxicosis occur. At this time, a healthy pregnant woman has a heart rate of no more than one hundred and ten beats per minute. If these indicators are higher, it is advisable to carefully examine the woman for the presence of chronic diseases. Most of them have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among such diseases are acquired or congenital heart defects, pathologies of the endocrine glands, and diseases of the nervous system.

In the second trimester of pregnancy in healthy women, the pulse rate becomes the same as that of any normal person who does not have health problems. At rest, the heart rate should be no more than 80-90 times in one minute.

With the further course of pregnancy, the amount of blood circulating through the body gradually increases, therefore, the load on the heart muscle also increases. By the third trimester, a pregnant woman, even in good health, will have a much higher heart rate, and the pulse rate before the baby is born can be around one hundred and twenty beats per minute. For the female body, such a load can be quite significant, especially if concomitant diseases are identified. For example, late toxicosis may occur, which occurs in the second half of pregnancy.


To clarify the state of the cardiovascular system, a woman should certainly consult with a therapist. If there are indications for this, you should also visit a cardiologist. Thereafter, observation should be carried out carefully and in a timely manner. In the case of certain indications, a woman should be hospitalized. If the gestation period is more than twenty-eight weeks, a decision must be made on which treatment to choose and the tactics of delivery.

Helpful advice

Some pregnant women may be anxious if they find their heart rate is fast. But tachycardia during pregnancy is not dangerous either for the mother or for the baby - this is quite a common occurrence. Seek medical help only if the tachycardia is accompanied by nausea, vomiting - this may indicate the presence of a disease.
Also during pregnancy, a condition called bradycardia may appear - this is a slowdown in the pulse. By itself, it is not dangerous and requires action only if it is accompanied by a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, or fainting.

When pregnancy occurs, every woman's life is undergoing big changes, both physiologically and emotionally. Therefore, the expectant mother has to monitor various sensations in order not to miss even the most seemingly insignificant deviation from the norm. Then it will be possible to take appropriate measures to prevent the manifestation of any undesirable consequences both for herself and for the unborn child.

One of such sensations, past which it is difficult, as they say, to pass by and not notice, is the pulse in pregnant women. Indeed, quite often in this position, a woman has an increase in heart rate, it seems that the heart is jumping out of the chest, or severe shortness of breath. All this, of course, cannot but be alarming.For doctors, such phenomena in the life of a pregnant woman are not new, but the future woman in labor herself does not always know what is the norm when she carries a child, and what are deviations from it.

You need to know: tachycardia does not pose a serious danger to a pregnant woman and her unborn baby - doctors consider such a woman's condition to be quite acceptable during pregnancy. Anxiety should be beaten only if there is nausea and vomiting, which may indicate that the expectant mother has some kind of illness.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that she begins to worry, especially when her pulse is known earlier, and to ask questions how this can affect the child, which caused a high pulse, or vice versa, a low one. Maybe this is the result of some serious problems with the body. Very often, an agitated state or emotional stress can contribute to an unstable heart rate. Therefore, at such moments, the expectant mother often has difficulty breathing, and her head begins to spin.

Even eating food can raise your heart rate. The researchers note that the heart rate rarely remains normal during pregnancy. And, of course, when a woman gains excess weight during pregnancy, walks out of the store with heavy bags, drinks coffee, is it any wonder that the heart rate rises. But when the pulse accelerates for no apparent reason, for example, when a woman is not engaged in physical work, then most likely there are some diseases. They are often neurological in nature. Therefore, you need to try to avoid stress and other exciting moments.

Pulse is a variable value

First you need to consider what is the pulse, as such. A pulse is a physiological phenomenon that shows vibrations of the walls of an artery with a frequency specified for this phenomenon. The heart muscle expels blood and causes the vessels to vibrate as they expand. This frequency may have different indicators of the norm in a different category, which, for example, differ in age and other parameters.

Researchers consider the pulse to be not constant. It can quickly change for a short time due to various factors that are currently affecting the body of a pregnant woman. For example, among such reasons are:

  • the patient is in a state of strong emotional shock;
  • against the background of hormonal adjustments in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • at the time and after the transferred significant physical exertion;
  • as a result of improper nutrition, when foods were consumed that contribute to a change in the pulse;
  • the pregnant woman was in a supine position for a long time, while mainly on her back
  • as a consequence of a lack of nutrients;

Pulse during pregnancy

When a woman's body prepares for the upcoming motherhood, the process of global restructuring begins in it. Suffice it to say that to the numerous changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman, one more important "reorganization" in the blood supply system is added. It is expressed in addition to the main one - the placental circulation.

This means that the heart carries an additional load - after all, it needs to pump a lot more blood than before. It happens that the volumes increase by almost one and a half liters. In such a situation, the heart needs to adapt to new conditions, so it beats more often. Such a situation, of course, cannot be considered as a pathology and may be quite normal, but provided that the frequency of strokes before pregnancy is known, in order to draw an analogy. Moreover, any phenomenon must have certain boundaries, and a frequent pulse is no exception, because it cannot grow to infinity.

According to experts, the pulse rate during pregnancy is such an indicator when it rises no more than fifteen beats per minute. That is, if a pregnant woman's pulse, which is normal for her, was, say, 80 beats per minute, then during pregnancy, the frequency of beats 95 will not be a deviation from the norm.

It should be noted here that the first symptoms of an increased heart rate are usually characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. The middle of the second trimester is usually the period for the return to a normal heart rate. But in any case, the heart rate should not exceed certain limits. For a pregnant woman, this figure should not exceed 100 - 110 beats per minute.

However, this is not all. Over time, the volume of blood, which the heart must pass through itself, begins to increase, the frequency of strokes increases again. At the 7th month of pregnancy, the pulse rate increases to 120 beats, and this is not considered a deviation from the norm. We can say that during this period in the future woman in labor, he achieves the highest results, maintaining this frequency almost up to 32 weeks of pregnancy. But gradually it will come to its natural state.

Rapid pulse. Is he dangerous?

In most cases, a young female body tolerates such loads without any problems. This, of course, if he is healthy and is not currently susceptible to any serious complications that are directly related to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as when the age of the expectant mother is not more than thirty years old. Otherwise, the chance of the onset of the development of gestosis increases - this is the so-called late toxicosis of pregnant women.

To investigate the work of the heart and blood vessels, whether there are any irregularities in their work, the pregnant woman is advised to consult a therapist, and subsequently, if he deems it necessary, an examination by a cardiologist will be scheduled. In order to prevent the beginning of the process of any complications, of course, if there are good reasons for this, a pregnant woman a week before the beginning of the 30th week of pregnancy is recommended to be placed in a hospital in order to keep the situation under control and carry out the necessary procedures.

When you need medical help

Women during pregnancy often complain of an increased heart rate. As we said above, the presence of this symptom alone is not yet a cause for concern, and even more so for admission to a hospital or for outpatient treatment. Now you should consider situations when a pregnant woman needs medical help. When, in addition to complaints of a frequent pulse, a woman is worried about the following symptoms:

  • the patient has frequent dizziness;
  • the pregnant woman experiences a feeling of nausea;
  • the general condition is unsatisfactory, weakness, apathy;
  • labored breathing,
  • fainting;

These and other clearly negative symptoms, of course, should alert the pregnant woman and serve as a reason for contacting the attending physician to receive the necessary advice and, if necessary, undergo a full examination.

It is possible that the reason for this condition may lie in the lack of essential substances and trace elements in the body, for example, potassium and magnesium. The reason for the high pulse may lie in vitamin deficiency and the result of a weakened body. Although all complaints can be reduced to the fact that this will turn out to be only the consequences of ordinary neuroses, since during this period for women they are excessively emotional and excitable.

Nevertheless, this is not a reason for complacency and does not mean at all that such manifestations should not be paid attention to - the reasons, in fact, behind all this can be very serious. And the neurosis itself often leads to very dangerous complications. And do not forget that sedatives are not recommended for pregnant women, only as directed by the supervising doctor.

Heart rate

As mentioned above, the period of pregnancy for a woman is a time of cardinal restructuring of the whole body. This does not happen by chance, but in order to create the most acceptable conditions for the development of the fetus in the womb. Nature has its own unshakable laws and creates everything for the baby so that he receives sufficient oxygen and all the nutrients necessary for his development, which, of course, cannot be obtained on his own. It is these reasons that researchers explain the frequent symptoms of "pounding heart" in pregnant women. Indeed, oxygen and other substances that are important for the life of the mother and the fetus enter together with the blood. In a normal state, the average patient's heart beats per minute with a rhythm of 60-80 beats. During pregnancy, it begins to work for two.

How to downgrade

If a pregnant woman suffers from an increased pulse, then after the examination, and if the reasons that contributed to its appearance are found, high-quality and safe therapy will be recommended. As a result, the frequency of impacts will be reduced, while eliminating the cause of the increase.

Among the reasons that can cause heart palpitations, the most common are:

  • the pregnant woman is overweight;
  • the result of overeating;
  • as a consequence of the release of the hormone adrenaline
  • the body of a pregnant woman lacks B vitamins.
  • the use of certain medications.

Therefore, you should get rid of excess weight, consume less black coffee and chocolate, and be able to properly rest.

You need to be able to relax. If the heart of a pregnant woman begins to literally beat in a frantic rhythm, then the first step is to take action. Wash your face with cold water, then tighten your abdominal muscles. Finally, just rub your fingers.

In no case should you independently engage in treatment, take medications suggested by colleagues or acquaintances. Only - on the recommendation of a doctor who is observing a woman. There are some simple tips that can have a positive effect on lowering your heart rate without resorting to medication:

  • ordinary water often helps to lower the pulse, if you drink it, taking small sips;
  • if a woman in a position feels a rapid heartbeat, it is enough to lie down more comfortably and try to relax;
  • slow but deep breaths and exhalations help well;
  • excellent "regulator" of the heart rate walking - feel free to go for a walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid foods that can increase the heart rate, and also do not pass, try to always have potassium and magnesium in the diet;
  • overwork is very harmful even for a healthy person; a woman with a fetus is categorically not recommended to overwork;
  • healthy sleep. Sleeping well means being cheerful. Healthy sleep is already a good doctor, sometimes replacing a whole group of drugs.

If the pulse is slow

In addition to an increased pulse, patients also have such a phenomenon as a slow pulse. But here it should be noted that it is much less common. This phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women who previously devoted a lot of time to sports and have a healthy, hardy heart. But, of course, not only sports life is a consequence of a slow heart rate, various pathologies can be hidden under this, among which are quite serious ones and concern not only the heart and blood vessels, but also kidney disorders, thyroid problems, liver and nervous system diseases.

Therefore, if symptoms are found, you need to consult a doctor who will help find out the true cause of the development of this phenomenon. Do not be frivolous about these symptoms. Thus, numerous studies show that if the expectant mother had a lower than normal heart rate during pregnancy, then their children, as a rule, are born with a lower mass. Symptoms of hypoxia are also noted in such children.

What are the first steps to be taken by a pregnant woman if the symptoms of a low pulse are not very pronounced. First, slightly change the daily routine:

  • review your diet, whether it is correctly formulated enough;
  • the menu must include a tea drink - green or black;
  • if the pregnant woman leads an inactive lifestyle, try to make adjustments to it in order to make it more active;
  • rest should be given certain hours and strictly adhere to the daily routine;
  • outdoor walks should be a must.

When, during the examination, the doctor discovers that a slow pulse can pose a threat to both the expectant mother and the fetus, special and harmless drugs will be selected for her. Although the pulse is measured in a pregnant woman at every preventive examination, it is necessary that she, too, does not forget, as they say, to keep her hand on the pulse.


Now we know what the pulse rate in pregnant women is the norm, what types of it are. Basically, these are increased heart rhythms, but in rare cases, the pulse can also be low. If there is no serious pathology behind this, then you can try to correct the heartbeats at home.

Otherwise, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will identify the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. Also, now a pregnant woman knows that if there are no serious problems in the appearance of tachycardia or bradycardia, then after the child is born, all symptoms will quickly disappear by themselves.

And now it is known that the pulse both decreases and increases, as a rule, at different periods of pregnancy. The increase is maximum in the third trimester, but already almost before the very birth it goes down. When choosing medicines, a pregnant woman should not be guided by the advice of friends, but only follow the doctor's prescriptions.

In such cases, in most cases, drugs with potassium and magnesium, vitamins and permitted doses of sedatives are prescribed. Provided that all the recommendations are followed, the woman will give birth without any complications for her and the baby.