The kid is able to 9. The main numerical indicators. He already knows how

In the ninth month of a child's life, a period of complete and partial helplessness is replaced by a stage of increased activity, independence and self-expression. He becomes more self-reliant and independent, but at the same time he is also very vulnerable. For full development, on the part of the parents, the child must be provided with all conditions for unhindered movement, a safe space for existence must be created and maximum attention and care must be given.

In order to better understand their baby and his needs, it will not hurt for parents to know what a child should be able to at 9 months of age, what skills he learns, what he is interested in, how the process of social adaptation takes place. It is the latter direction that prevails at 9 months, so it is necessary to lay the baby's ability to love himself and others.

The weight of a child at 9 months increases by about 500 grams and reaches 8900-9300 grams. In growth, the child adds about 2 centimeters and in general by the end of 9 months is 73-74 centimeters.

The sleep of a nine-month-old baby lasts on average up to 15 hours a day. Of these hours, 10-11 are for night rest and 2-2.5 for daytime. The baby can still go to bed 2 times during the day. Sleep during this period is more calm, since fatigue from vigorous activity has already slightly weakened. The night's sleep is deep enough, the baby wakes up less often and falls asleep more easily.

The main skills at 9 months can be called:

  • infant babbling more and more resembles sound serenades;
  • the child can point with his finger at different parts of his body or the body of a toy, for example, an ear, a nose;
  • out of curiosity, he can stick his fingers into any grooves and holes;
  • likes to wrinkle elastic materials in the palm of his hand, for example, plasticine, happily crumples and tears paper;
  • can independently and confidently sit down, walk at the support, and also crawl;
  • can get up from any position without support;
  • jumps and performs rhythmic squats at the support or with the support of the hands;
  • claps his hands with pleasure, taps objects against each other;
  • can simultaneously pick up several objects and play with them;
  • develops the skill of taking small objects with fingers, and large ones with both handles;
  • while crawling, it can turn in the desired direction;
  • prefers games next to their parents;
  • chooses toys consciously;
  • when in contact with other children, shows reactions that are consistent with their behavior, for example, may cry or laugh if another child is doing it;
  • tries to protect himself and his own toys;
  • can almost accurately assess the mood of people;
  • is the initiator of games, can demonstrate that he is tired of the same game;
  • can imitate the sounds surrounding him;
  • plays roles in front of the audience, repeats certain actions when he is praised and asked;
  • can find a toy or other object that was hidden with him;
  • remembers what he played recently;
  • can gladly fulfill simple requests of adults;
  • may be afraid of heights, and also get acquainted with the concept of vertical space;
  • actively and nimbly crawls in different directions and changes them;
  • tries on all fours to overcome hills, for example, a children's slide or a slide of pillows;
  • from a supine position sits down and sits confidently, and also from a sitting position can lie down on its own;
  • at the support kneels, legs, rises from a sitting position;
  • can bounce and crouch at a barrier;
  • stands alone, even with the support of an adult by one hand;
  • takes steps with support under the armpits or with both hands;
  • imitates adult movements, such as clapping, lifting arms or legs.

Physical development of a 9 month old baby

The skill to sit down on your own is the main acquisition of the 9th month of a child's life and the foundations are laid for mastering a new skill - vertical movement.

If this does not happen, he should see a doctor, since the absence of attempts to sit down may be a sign of a neurological disorder in the prenatal period.

During this period, parents may notice that the baby is more interested in neither how much to sit and crawl, how much to walk independently with support on handles, for example, near a playpen or a sofa. Also, the first attempts to climb take place, in which the muscles of the legs are perfectly trained and developed, the movements of the legs are coordinated, the mastery of the skill to transfer the weight of one's body and use the handles for pulling up.

For the further development of hand motor skills and finger training, the child should be given as many objects of different shapes and sizes as possible.

The ability to scoop up loose objects can be developed by giving the baby a container, a scoop and pebbles or buttons. Also, the baby can experiment with pouring water from one container to another, scooping it up with a spoon.

At 9 months, the baby can begin to instill self-care skills. To do this, you need to let him put on his socks on his own, put on shoes, wash, put on things with sleeves. Participation in common family activities, such as cleaning the house or dining with the whole family, will also benefit the child.

Mental development of a child at 9 months

A nine-month-old toddler can babble for a long time, while expressing different emotions, copying the intonations of adults. He manages to pronounce individual words, for example: mom, give, dad, baba, na. Spending time with relatives develops into a certain business cooperation, which can be expressed, for example, in object games.

A child in a mirror image repeats the actions of adults and their behavior. He confidently manipulates various objects and understands what the reaction may be to the possible results of these actions.

Mom is still the greatest asset. It is very important that parents let him know how important he is and what value he is to others. So the baby will learn to love himself and everything around him, and will also feel the reliability of loved ones and that you can rely on them.

It is categorically impossible to underestimate the child's self-esteem with the phrases "You are bad", if you need to make him understand that he is doing something wrong and bad, then it is better to say "You did badly."

The main emotions of a child in the 9th month of life are surprise, interest, resentment, anger, fear, stormy joy. All whims during this period can indicate physical or emotional discomfort. Therefore, the baby needs to feel sorry for more and listen to his signals.

Possible deviations in children

Parents of a 9-month-old child should be alerted to his development if the following is observed:

  • he has poor balance while sitting;
  • if, during crawling, it fails to make a turn around its axis and continue the trajectory of movement;
  • does not attempt to drink independently from a cup or drinker;
  • if he does not try to rip off the headdress from the head;
  • does not knock with different objects against each other;
  • it is impossible to repeat syllables and sound signals after adults;
  • is not afraid of completely strangers and does not react when a toy is taken away from him.

All of these symptoms can be signals of developmental disorders. In this case, it is better to consult with a specialist and find out what is the real reason for this behavior.


9th month old baby: Sleight of hand

The child is actively developing memory, his movements become more precise and dexterous. He already knows about the purpose of many objects and the manipulations that can be performed with these objects. Therefore, his actions are becoming more and more focused. The most favorite of all activities for him is opening various cabinets and drawers and removing contents from them, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, it is better not to let the little fidget out of sight for a minute.

Physical development and physical activity of a child of nine months

The baby's fine motor skills are improving. He plays with objects of different sizes and shapes, presses buttons, disassembles into parts, opens and closes lids. At this stage, the little one already knows how to clap their hands.

Having learned to stand at the support, he tries to take the first steps and slowly move sideways along the support. He can also move from object to object, holding on to them alternately. But movement on all fours is brought to perfection. Thus, the baby explores all corners of the house. Bumping into obstacles, he tries to overcome them in all ways available to him: crawls, crawls, crawls. In addition, he is able to climb a step, a sofa, an armchair, and even its back. But he still cannot go down. When moving, the child studies the spatial relationship of objects.

1. Do not leave your baby alone, even if he is peacefully playing with toys and, at first glance, is not going anywhere.

2. Increase the duration of the air baths to 15-20 minutes.

Neuropsychic development and upbringing of a child at 9 months

The kid is susceptible to the mood of the people around him. If everyone around is having fun, he is "infected" with this fun and laughs with everyone, but if everyone around is sad, then his mood deteriorates too. To rhythmic music, the child dances, especially if others show their delight about this.

He has a favorite toy, with which he practically does not part. He especially needs it in case of a bad mood, deterioration of health and for falling asleep. Your attempt to wash your pet can be a real tragedy for your child. Silence in the house will reign only after the favorite is in the hands of your child. Now he will not soon let go of it.

The child understands more words and simplest instructions. He finds and brings at the request of a variety of familiar objects, always responds to his name, follows the simplest instructions when playing, dressing, feeding. But he can also resist the prohibitions that he does not like. The peasant does not take the word "no" seriously yet.

The kid begins to pronounce the simplest words in a specific context. He has simple designation words that are associated with certain objects and skills. With great interest he observes the actions of adults, remembers the events well.

Useful tips for a mom of a nine month old baby

1. You can start planting your baby in the pot.

2. Pronounce the simplest words and encourage your baby to repeat these words.

3. Comment on absolutely everything that happens, with the "words" of the child. But do not be tempted to "babble" and "lisp". All words, even the simplest ones, must be pronounced correctly.

4. Encourage your toddler to move.

5. Play ball with him, both together and with other family members or children.

6. Show your child how a pyramid of rings is assembled and disassembled, let him do it himself.

7. Ask him to do something and praise if he fulfills your request correctly.

8. Buy a toy with holes for your baby to hold various simple figures. Help and explain what and how to do.

9. Place toys in a basket with holes. Show your child how to get toys through these holes, and let him do it himself.


The kid is better aware of himself and the world around him, remembers the events that are taking place. He became a true traveler, but only within the familiar surroundings. In unfamiliar circumstances, he is still timid and prefers to "sit out" in your arms.

The development of a child at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

The role of a parent is very difficult and responsible.

It would seem that in 9 months you have already managed to get used to the fact that your life revolves around a little treasure, you were able to learn to understand it, but you still worry every day that your child receives the best care, enough love and attention.

Baby development at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

Physiological development of a child at 9 months

During another month of his life, the baby grew up a little, stretched upward, and the volume of his head and chest increased by half a centimeter.

How the physiological parameters of a nine-month-old child have changed, you can find out from this table:

Most babies have 6–8 teeth by the age of 9 months. Lateral and central incisors are added to the existing teeth (first they appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper).

Growing teeth can cause physical discomfort in the baby (pain, fever), worsen his sleep and appetite, and make the child nervous and capricious.

You will see that the baby is trying to relieve pain and speed up the teething process by stuffing objects in his mouth.

Do not interfere with this, just replace the unsuitable item in your opinion with a rubber toy or a special silicone cooling ring.

Psychological development of the child 9 months

The emotions of a child at 9 months are very rich.

He willingly shows you joy, happiness, sadness, fear.

He learns to get what he wants with whims or crying, so you should not allow yourself to be manipulated.

A kid at this age does not tolerate loneliness and requires that mom, dad and other people close to him spend as much time with him as possible.

Mom remains the main person in his life, a special emotional connection is established with her, which must be maintained, so you should not rush to go to work on maternity leave.

It will take a long time for your child to feel comfortable in the presence of strangers.

In the meantime, he is wary of new faces and does not want to spend time in their hands.

Be sympathetic to his desires, as soon as the baby grows up, he will feel calmer in the presence of strangers.

What should a child of 9 months be able to do in order not to doubt his normal development?

To be sure of the normal development of your baby, you should know what a 9 month old baby can do.

Most children at this age have the following skills and abilities:

As the baby grows and is rapidly gaining weight, mother's milk or diluted dry mixture is no longer enough for him to saturate.

They should be no more than 1/3 of his daily diet.

Feel free to replenish the kid's menu:

  • puree, juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products;
  • milk porridge;
  • boiled yolk;
  • meat and fish purees;
  • bread and biscuits;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • fresh fruits such as banana, apple.

Since a nine-month-old child already has teeth in his mouth, you should not leave them without work, interrupting any dish into a homogeneous thin puree.

Leave small bites for your child to chew. Bread and biscuits do not always need to be soaked, sometimes let your baby nibble on it.

You can also let the baby “scratch the growing teeth” with a banana (peel off the skin 🙂) or a whole apple.

At 9 months old, you can transfer the child to full three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with additional meals during the day (lunch, afternoon tea) and light snacks (cookies, vegetable / fruit puree, curd).

A nine-month-old baby still spend at least 12 hours, or even 2/3 of the day, asleep.

His night sleep lasts 10-12 hours.

But the daytime periods of activity are increasing.

Some mothers complain that they cannot put their child to bed during the day, not only for the third time, but also for the second time. If during the day your baby goes to bed only once, then try not to make noise at this time so that the child sleeps well and is not capricious.

But indulging a baby who does not want to fit in during the day is not worth it, nine-month-old babies need an afternoon nap.

What else do parents need to know about the development of a nine-month-old baby?

About this in the video:

Developing a baby at 9 months with games and simple exercises

Since a nine-month-old child requires increased attention, this should be used, and during periods of his wakefulness, try to teach him something new, read rhymes or fairy tales to the baby, sing songs to him, tell him something interesting (but not long), entertain with useful educational games.

Here are ways to spend time with your little one:

    Many parents, laughing, say that their babies at 9 months old resemble parrots, because they repeat everything they hear.

    Use this to teach your toddler to speak individual words, imitate sounds made by animals or inanimate objects.

  1. A nine-month-old child is able to knead plasticine with his fingers, so you can sculpt something simple with him.
  2. Instill in him a love of books by looking at the pictures together and explaining to the child what is drawn there.

    For now, the child should buy books with hard sheets so that he cannot tear them.

    Give your baby old newspapers and magazines to satisfy your baby's desire to rip paper.

  3. Build something together from cubes, collect pyramids, the simplest mosaics.
  4. Teach him to pour small objects: pebbles, nuts, beans, sand, and not only with handles, but also with a spatula, for example.

Baby development 9 months, of course, has some peculiarities, but still not so much different from what you knew about eight- or seven-month-old babies.

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What can a 9 month old baby do?

A child at 9 months old repeats syllables all the time, sorting out vowels and consonants, auk, cries out, sometimes bursts into laughter. And in his own language, he comments on what is happening around. Some babies "tie" syllables to mom and dad (ma-ma-ma-am) and to their favorite toys (zya-zya-zya - bunny, etc.).

The child's emotions are richer every day. Most often, the baby is surprised or happy, interested in something, but at times does not hide anger, disgust, sadness, fear. He can be whiny, resentful, fearful, especially if the mother is constantly on edge, but, in general, is balanced, calm and gives a minimum of trouble.

The kid clearly shows dissatisfaction, aimed at your specific actions: for example, the little one may not like it when you wipe his nose or cut his nails. He will turn away, push your hand away, moo in protest, and wiggle his head.

Do not ignore these "tricks" and do not scold your son or daughter for them. Think about it: perhaps something in your actions hurts the baby, and this should be corrected. If the action needs to be continued, accept the negative emotions of your beloved child, say that you understand that he is in pain, unpleasant, that he does not want, but nothing can be done - it is necessary.

By the way, pay special attention to the actual need for manipulations, especially medical ones, that cause a negative reaction in the baby. For example, you can do a firming massage yourself (if the child does not have a serious illness), if the little one has not found a "common language" with the nurse. As practice shows, negative emotions often nullify all the benefits of such manipulations.

Do not ignore the requests of the baby, especially when he is crying. Break away from the phone call, take the child in your arms, kiss, hug, calm down, and then continue the conversation.

Remember and repeat

Now the child carefully monitors your actions, remembers them, can get the thing hidden in his pocket. He remembers well where you carry objects of interest to him, and tries to get them. For example, knowing that grandmother has an interesting medallion hanging around her neck, she will climb onto her lap and pull on the chain. Or he will reach into the pocket of my father's jacket for a mobile phone ...

The kid will be happy to tear and wrinkle the paper. Give him old newspapers or magazines, explaining along the way that books should never be torn. To prevent this from happening "accidentally", give the baby only thick cardboard books for independent play and "reading". He will not be able to turn thin pages himself and will tear simply because his fingers are not yet obedient enough.

To train fingers, invite your child to pour nuts, buttons, pebbles, beans, gradually moving to smaller items. Learn to sprinkle not only with your fingers, but also with different spoons, a small scoop.

Show your baby how to pour water from one plastic cup to another, scoop water from a bowl with a spoon and pour it into a cup. All of this will develop fine motor skills and will serve as an excellent service in terms of learning to self-eat.

At 9 months old, the child can already start learning how to dress. More precisely, undress. Teach him to pull off a sock, take off his hat, take his hand out of the sleeve of an unbuttoned blouse or jacket. Ask you to stretch out the desired handle or leg, put your head in, squeeze the handle into a fist when pushing it into the sleeve. The sooner you teach this to your baby, the easier it will be for him to master self-care skills in the future.

Standing or sitting in the bathroom, the baby can wash her face and hands. Girls often repeat the “washing away” movements of their mother - praise the neat young woman! Try to make the baby "on an equal footing with everyone" participate in the affairs of the family, more often find himself at the common table - on your example, he will learn to behave, communicate with other people.

Getting to know the body

Help the little one get to know his body! This is what the games below are aimed at. Do not forget that the baby learns from the parents how to relate to his body, its needs, urges, signals. If a child is taught to respect his body, to listen to it, this skill remains for life.

If parents, for the sake of their needs, fears or habits, let the baby understand that his body is “stupid” and “wrong” (through force-feeding, imposing his own rhythm and daily routine, untimely planting on a pot, bathing, bans on active movement, etc. etc.), the child will face difficulties in building further harmonious relationships with himself.

When playing with your baby, it is important that he be interested. The main condition for the formation of this interest is the emotional involvement of the mother, she should be funny and fun. After all, playing is not a tedious duty!

Mosquito gifts
  • Dariki-dariki,
  • Oh yes mosquitoes! (clap our hands)
  • ZZZZZ (speech therapy pronunciation of the sound Z!)
  • Curled-curled, (fingers are folded into pinches, we make circular movements with brushes)
  • Baby in the nose (you can call any part of the body)
  • Suddenly they grabbed.

When the baby has grown up and learned to run well - especially if he is a fidget - this game can be turned into catch-up tags: the mosquitoes catch up and bite the child.

  • Clappers - clappers, (clap our hands)
  • Close your ears (eyes, cheeks, knees and other parts of the body that you are now "learning") - close your ears with your palms.

While the child is small, you should not call more than 3-4 in one game. If the kid wants to continue playing, repeat the same, but in a different sequence. And next time add one more thing.

A wake-up call (asleep) for getting to know the parts of the face and head
  • Good morning eyes
  • You woke up?
  • Good morning nose
  • Are you woke up? - and then all the parts that you "learn".
  • Good morning, (baby name)
  • Are you woke up!
  • Good night eyes
  • Go to sleep! etc.
  • Good night, (baby name)
  • Go to sleep!

We sculpt and draw

From 9 months you can start games, which will then move on to sculpting, application, drawing. Show your toddler how to move around with crayons or felt-tip pens on a large sheet of paper. By dipping the child's fingers into special non-toxic paints, give the baby the opportunity to smear them on a sheet, a piece of fabric or your own body (if you are worried about the cleanliness of your home, play with the paints in the bathroom - both from the tiles, and from the artist himself, they can be immediately washed off warm shower).

Make a cake from any dough or clay and, putting the little one on your lap, stick curly pasta, beans, nuts, pebbles into it: the baby will be happy to pick them out. Unscrew the lids, put vegetables chopped for soup in a saucepan, pick up matches, toothpicks or beans from the floor and put them on a stool or in a special box, sort out large buttons, throw walnuts or cotton balls into a basket - all these activities perfectly develop fingers and are very exciting babies, especially if mom sets an example.

1 year and 9 months is the age when a child turns into something like a "perpetual motion machine". The person is still small, but there is so much active and cognitive energy in him that parents can only wonder where this all comes from, why does not it end, and how is this even possible?

Around this age, the baby begins to think more broadly, and makes the first attempts to analyze what is happening. Therefore, parents may often be faced with a new application or with a new explanation for long-familiar objects or phenomena.

Physical development of the child 1 year and 9 months

In a year and nine, the baby is already able to independently cope with a lot of things.

  • First of all, it concerns movement in space. ... He already confidently rests on his legs. He constantly wants to run somewhere, because there is a lot of terribly interesting and unexplored ahead.
  • At this age, the baby can easily cope with the task associated with overstepping low obstacles. He can independently raise himself to a low height, for example, on a low bench in a sports room. With ease and joy "crawls" up and down home surfaces such as sofa chairs, beds, armchairs, etc. With great joy and almost immeasurable speed, the baby moves from point A to point B at a run. With undisguised pleasure, she undertakes to "help" parents to carry out their daily duties, for example, to sweep or wash the floor, rinse the dishes under the tap.
  • As for everyday issues, then at the "year and nine" the baby is able to independently wield a spoon in their own and often someone else's plate. At the same time, he quite copes with the task of not only scooping up food of any consistency, but also bringing it to his mouth, practically without loss.
  • Knows how to put on simple wardrobe items on their own , for example, a T-shirt and panties. With undressing things are much better - the baby happily pulls off something that does not require additional efforts to untie or unfasten.
  • At a year and 9 months, the child uses the potty with confidence, and is even able to inform parents that he wants to sit on it, as they say, out of need.
  • At this age, the child knows exactly where books and toys are stored. , can happily participate in the cleaning of their belongings, putting them in place.

Vocabulary and speech development of a baby at 1 year 9 months

The baby's speech during this period develops by leaps and bounds. Almost every day you can hear some new words from the child. True, sometimes children pronounce them simply because they have heard and remembered, but the meaning of a new word is not always clear to them.

Therefore, now is the very time when adults should monitor their own speech especially carefully so as not to inadvertently replenish the child's vocabulary with unnecessary phrases and expressions.

By the way, many children at the age of nine are already actively operating with words so that they are able to form simple sentences consisting of several words. But this is not an obligatory characteristic of this age. If the baby is still difficult to understand or he is not particularly talkative, then this is also the norm. And, even in spite of the fact that the child's speech is poor and difficult to understand, at a year and nine children perfectly understand what they are told!

But do not forget that each child is individual - what one can do, another baby of the same age does not always do.

Mental development of a child at 1 year and 9 months

A healthy baby at the age of 1 year and 9 months is in a good and joyful mood most of the time. Although the emotional mood is becoming more understandable. So, you can determine whether the baby is upset in the event of some of his little failure or not, whether he is satisfied with the result of his activity, whether he is offended by something, etc.

Even those children who, by and large, still cannot really talk, at the age of "one and nine" are able to express their thoughts and emotions in one way or another.

Intellectual development of the baby at the age of one year and 9

The intellectual development of a baby at this age literally amazes with its progress.

Usually by this age children can do a lot.

  • Distinguish geometric shapes and to distinguish from each other a ball, a circle, a brick, a cube, a prism, a triangle, unmistakably select a hole of the required shape in toy-sorts.
  • Easily determine dimensional indicators and distinguish small from large, large from medium, choose the smallest or largest of the options offered, etc.
  • Distinguish colors , easily find similar colors and some of their shades.
  • Draw straight and rounded lines, geometric shapes ... The child can already explain what he drew or wanted to draw.
  • Recognize animals and imitate their "speech".
  • Recognizing acquaintances adults in photos, videos, etc.

At the age of 1 and 9, you can already teach the baby to fully pronounce his name, as well as learn with him the names of parents, grandparents, and immediate relatives.

In addition, the age of 1 year and 9 months is also a great time to start developing logical thinking in a baby. For this, there are simple logic games for the little ones.

Games and toys of a child at 1 year 9 months

In addition to simplest logic games such as small pieces of jigsaw puzzles or sorting toys, children aged one and nine need to devote a lot of time to physical play and exercise. They just need pour out your energy , so you need to run, jump, climb up and slide down, throw and kick balls, splash in the bathroom before bed and do exercises in the morning.

Quieter options for games are to feed your favorite toy and put it to bed, push the car into the garage, not forgetting to first place all the toys in their homes, build houses and castles from bricks and constructors. Since things are much better with the coordination of movement, it is already possible more often ask the kid to draw in the album , because at this age, babies learn to distinguish between boundaries. Therefore, drawing on an album sheet is a great opportunity to practice in order not to go beyond the indicated limits.

And, of course, it is simply necessary to give the crumbs the opportunity to occupy themselves (of course, under the vigilant control of an adult). Freedom to play is the best way to develop your fantasy and imagination.

Baby care and nutrition at 1 year 9 months

Despite the fact that the baby seeks to do many things on his own, the control and support of the parents is still needed.

So, it is necessary to follow the daily water procedures - washing and brushing your teeth in the morning, bathing in the evenings, washing your hands as many times a day as necessary.

The question of independent trips to the pot should also not be left to chance.

Some children at this age are already actively and quite successfully using the pot, and some are not even familiar with such a household item. And if the parents, for some reason, did not begin to teach the child to use the potty at an earlier age, then 1 year and 9 months is the time to start doing it.

The question of the need to comply with the daily routine should not even be raised. The baby needs a daily routine! The only thing that can be changed in the daily routine is to reduce the number of daytime dreams to one, if the baby is physically ready for this.

In the same way as in the case of the regime of the day, the question of the child's stay on the street should not be questioned. The bigger, the better!

And the more active and mobile the walk is, the more benefit it will bring to the baby and the adult accompanying the baby.

With regard to nutrition, then in the "year and nine", as a rule, children eat everything "from an adult table", with the exception of foods that cause allergies. But follow the children's diet, it is still required ... It is necessary to accustom the baby to eating 3-4 times a day. The menu should include first and second courses, cereals, vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, etc. At the same time, it is recommended to minimize or completely exclude unhealthy foods, such as sausages, sausages, semi-finished products, fast food, from the children's diet.