Types of baths and bath procedures. We transform the steam room into a spa salon: the most effective procedures in the steam room and sauna. Types of bath procedures, their features and sequence

What cosmetics to take with you and what procedures to do in the steam room and after it so that the visit to the bath or sauna will bring you maximum benefit? NameWoman will tell you how to take care of the beauty of your body, face and hair. We share the best and the most important tips for spa treatments in the bath and sauna.

Bath and sauna cosmetics

When planning to visit a bathhouse or sauna, choose natural cosmetics, folk remedies and special bath cosmetics. These lines are presented in a variety of price categories and have an assortment of convenient for use, universal remedies... So, for example, black soap is suitable for both body and face, and for washing hair. When looking at the options for bath and sauna products, pay attention to special kits essential oils which are available both in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

So, what do you need to take with you from your cosmetics? Minimum cosmetic set includes:

Means for washing the body, face, hair;

Body and face scrub;

Nourishing face mask;

Moisturizers (creams, lotions or gels) for the face and body ( active substances after visiting the baths and saunas, they better penetrate the skin cells and turn out to be as effective as possible, but the most important thing is that while visiting the baths and saunas, the body loses a lot of fluid that needs to be restored from the inside (water, green and herbal teas) and outside).

The first procedure that you should do in the steam bath and sauna before heading to the steam room is washing your face and body. Do not rub the skin hard, but wash with a soft sponge thoroughly enough. Remains of shower gel and even more of a body and face cream will prevent intense sweating and can lead to clogged pores. Thoroughly wash, rinsing both body and face, you need to before each entry into the steam room!

Body slimming procedures in the bath

1. Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs can be used directly in the steam room, pouring them over the skin of the body. Just add your compound to hot pouring water. To cleanse the skin, activate the elimination of toxins and toxins, prepare a decoction bay leaves, infusion of chamomile, linden, eucalyptus or stinging nettle.

2. Ready-made store and home body scrubs are the best cosmetic friends of those who are thinking about weight loss procedures in the steam bath and sauna. With their help, toxins are better removed from the body, the skin is renewed, toned, smoothed.

Salt and coffee scrubs are most popular in the fight against cellulite. To make such a remedy yourself, take a mixture of fine sea ​​salt(or sugar if you have very dry skin) and not too fine ground coffee in a ratio of 1: 2. Essential oils - no more than five drops - will enhance the effect. Citrus essential oils are the most popular anti-cellulite ingredients. Before applying the product to the body, add a little to the composition hot water... Use to dilute an anti-cellulite scrub fermented milk products allows you to get a cleansing and at the same time emollient... To do this, take cream, yogurt, sour cream or kefir.

The scrubbing procedure in a bath or sauna is best done after the second visit to the steam room. If possible, you can start the procedure already in the steam room. Rub actively for 2-3 minutes problem areas prepared anti-cellulite composition. Use a massage glove.

3. Among body masks in baths and saunas, honey-based products and phytocosmetics with seaweed are the most popular.

For weight loss and anti-cellulite, such products are applied to the skin of the body some time after leaving the steam room, after treating the body with a scrub and rinsing the skin. warm water... So the effect will be most effective, because the pores of the skin are already opened and blood circulation is activated. If possible, you can even make an express wrap.

In addition to masks, during the same period for 5-10 minutes, you can apply any anti-cellulite gel or nutritious cream... But be sure to wash yourself thoroughly again before returning to the steam room!

4. The most popular useful procedures in the bathhouse - contrasting douches. Alternating dousing with hot and cold water increases skin elasticity, strengthens immunity, accelerates metabolic processes and thus turns out to be excellent auxiliary means for weight loss.

Wanting to spend with maximum benefit anti-cellulite and slimming procedures in the steam bath and sauna, make 5-6 short visits to the steam room. NameWoman once again reminds that the main anti-cellulite procedures in the sauna and steam bath should be carried out only after the second, or better third, entry into the steam room. It is also better to use a birch broom (gives the effect of an excellent anti-cellulite massage) in the bath not immediately, but on the third visit to the steam room. This will give a greater effect and allow the body to get used to it, get ready. In between your first sessions, limit yourself to a warm or slightly cool cleansing shower.

Facial treatments in the steam bath and sauna

Use a delicate ready-to-use or homemade facial scrub. May include apricot pits or oatmeal and shea butter. In self-prepared products, poppy seeds can be used as scrubbing particles for the skin of the face, due to their rounded shape they do not hurt, but they massage the skin very well. Variants folk recipes for cleansing the skin of the face you can find in the article "".

If you can scrub the body for 10 and 15 minutes, performing a thorough massage problem areas, then 1-2 minutes is more than enough for cleansing the skin of the face.

As well as for the skin of the body, procedures with masks are performed for the skin of the face in the bath and sauna. Clay-based cleansing masks are most often used and hot oil masks(it can be a one-component product - just olive oil).

Oksana Timofeeva | 02/05/2016 | 2053

Oksana Timofeeva 02/05/2016 2053

Bathhouse or Finnish sauna (who likes what more) - wonderful way relieve stress and tension at the end of a difficult working week... Besides, going to the bathhouse can be combined with spa treatments!

Girls (and it doesn't matter if you turned 60 the other day!), I warmly advise: at least once a month, please yourself - spend a Saturday evening in the sauna. You can even not invite your girlfriends for the company - sit with them for a cup of coffee tomorrow, and today devote yourself, your beloved! Take creams, scrubs, essential oils (basil, lemon or grapefruit to raise your mood) with you to the bathhouse and pamper your tired body after a week of labors.

Rules of conduct in the bath

1. Don't eat a lot the day before

Before going to the bathhouse or sauna, pay attention to what and how much you eat. At least an hour should pass between a dense meal and a bath. Refrain from drinking alcohol: alcohol accelerates the dehydration process. Instead of a strong drink, drink water (before and after the steam room). Also, after the end of the session, it is advisable to have a snack with something salty.

2. Wear as little as possible

For achievement maximum effect from paired procedures, it is advisable to allow the body to breathe. A swimsuit in this case will clearly interfere. After all, remember the last time you showered with your clothes on?

3. Take an extra towel

If you wrap yourself in a towel before entering the steam room, bring at least one more to sit on.

4. Do not forget about the shower before the bath

Before starting the pairing procedures, do not forget to wash off the dirt accumulated on the body during the day.

5. Do not rush to change clothes

Give your body time to "recover" and adapt to changing temperatures. Cool down, and only then put on outerwear.

DIY spa treatments

Before entering the steam room, I advise you to apply a magnificent creamy mask which can be prepared quickly on site (but it's better to prepare everything at home). Just mix 300 g cream (or sour cream) with 250 g salt. And in the bathhouse - lightly, massage movements, hammer into the skin. After 10-15 minutes, wash it off - the body will be satin.

Get out of the steam room, catch your breath. And take care of the face. To do this, apply on it oat mask made from 0.5 cups oatmeal and 0.5 cups of sour cream (you can, again, use heavy cream).

You can not go to the steam room, but calmly lie down, relax

Have you applied it to your face? Now you can "dive" into the steam room again, and after 10-15 minutes wash off the mask with warm water.

Don't forget to pay attention to your hair too. The ingredients may seem rather strange to you, but believe me, this the mask will make your hair shiny and silky.

Hair Mask

Mix 3 tbsp. mayonnaise with crushed garlic clove. Apply on clean hair and ... forget about it until the end of the bathing process! Then you will wash off the mixture with shampoo and warm water - the effect will be no worse than from imported balms and rinses. Given the specific smell of the mask, it is best to choose shampoo with a pleasant aroma.

Rest assured: taping with a birch broom, cold and hot shower, bath heat remove accumulated stress, drive off excess fat, make blood and lymph work, push aside hated cellulite, in a word, return you health, beauty and good mood!

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Each trip to the bathhouse or sauna can be turned not just into pleasant pastime in the circle of loved ones, but also in a real paradise for skin, hair and general condition organism. Bath scrub, creams, masks, balms and massagers - these are the tools with which you can rejuvenate the skin, cleanse the body, recharge with energy and vivacity for a whole week in advance.

In order to spend these few hours with the maximum benefit for your body and mind, use our little tricks and tips:

  1. Invite your loved ones with you, in whose company you feel free and at ease.
  2. We remind you an approximate list required attributes and useful things: soap, shampoo, broom, bath slippers, change of linen, sheet, towel, hat, basin, ladle, drink. Will not be superfluous massage brushes, special mittens (if you plan to use a scrub), pumice. Perhaps the selected sauna has some items - ask in advance. And don't forget the cosmetics or ingredients to make them.
  3. At the first entry it is better not to use anything, but during and after the second one - you can and should use a mask, a scrub. Do not forget to shower with cold water after the first visit.
  4. Improve the efficiency of any cosmetic product used in the bath, you can, if you first warm it up - just take the scrub with you to the steam room.
  5. Steamed skin becomes even more delicate, so use the scrub very carefully so as not to damage it, otherwise spots and bruises will form on the skin.
  6. If the recipe for a scrub involves going to the steam room for a few minutes, at this time, continue to rub the body, massage it. You can use additional inventory: brush, washcloth, mitten, massager.
  7. Remember that masks and scrubs cannot be used in areas where there are allergic rashes, scaling, scratches and wounds.
  8. As a drink in the bath, it is better to take linden tea, cranberry infusion, herbal collection, chamomile and rosehip tea.
  9. The effectiveness of the funds used in the conditions elevated temperature environment increases by 2 times, so taking care of the body in the bath is an obligatory process, do not deny yourself this pleasure.

Scrubs for bath procedures

If you decide to use a scrub, then it should be applied immediately after leaving the steam room, while the dead skin cells are steamed. We suggest you take on board one or more of the many simple recipes such scrubs:

  1. For dry skin: Mix a tablespoon thoroughly olive oil, spoon coffee grounds and a pinch of cinnamon.
  2. Combine a glass of cream and a glass of any salt. Rub this composition all over the body and go to the steam room for another 5-8 minutes. If during this period sweating becomes even more intense - do not be alarmed, it should be so.
  3. Mix 10 drops of fresh lemon juice, 4 teaspoons of cream of any fat content and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  4. Scrub for oily skin: Toss a large spoonful of low-fat yogurt with the same amount of coffee grounds.
  5. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of wheat bran and a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
  6. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with the same amount of salt. Go to the steam room for 5 minutes. After leaving, do not drink for 10 minutes to excess water left the body.
  7. Mix 2 pinches mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of honey. Add 2 drops of orange tree oil or another oil with your favorite scent.
  8. Anti-cellulite scrub: dissolve 15 drops of essential oils of citrus, rosemary, cypress, bergamot or others in a tablespoon of warmed honey. Add 100 grams of coffee grounds and a teaspoon of any shampoo to the mixture.
  9. Add a few teaspoons of olive oil and a few drops of citrus oil to 200 grams of sugar.
  10. Combine honey with a few drops of lavender, olive, orange, bergamot, rose or coconut oil.

It is not necessary to adhere to the recipe and proportions: it's okay if you don't have any component. Salt can be replaced with sugar, oils perfectly replace each other, sour cream can become an alternative to honey ... Try, experiment.

The scrub should not be applied to very delicate areas. Suitable for a bath and purchased funds, but cooking them with your own hands is much more interesting and fun.

Bath body masks

We have selected for you several recipes for the most effective masks for body:

  1. If on the skin dark spots: Mix the grated cucumber pulp with cream in equal proportions, add a little lemon juice.
  2. Mask for problem skin: in 2 tablespoons of melted honey, add the juice of half a lemon, a teaspoon of wheat bran.
  3. Anti-cellulite mask: mix honey and cream in equal proportions, add a few drops of citrus essential oil. Leave the mask on your body for 15 minutes after visiting the steam room. You can use a massager to enhance the effect.
  4. For oily skin: Mix 4 tablespoons of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of sour cream and half a chopped cucumber. Pre-grind the flakes.
  5. Nutritious: mix a spoonful of vegetable oil and brewer's yeast, add egg yolk.
  6. Perfectly refreshes, whitens and nourishes clay body mask: mix cosmetic clay in equal proportions with water, apply on moisturized body for 20 minutes.

Face masks:

  1. Mix a spoonful of oatmeal soaked in water or milk with a spoonful of sour cream - suitable for problem skin.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of yeast with one yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil - a mask for mature skin.
  3. Mix a spoonful of cottage cheese with a spoonful of chopped seaweed - if there are age spots on the skin.
  4. Mix equal proportions of honey with propolis - great for acne.

All body masks in the bath can be kept on the body or face for 10-15 minutes.

When choosing clay, keep in mind that white is ideal for oily skin, gray and yellow for dry, green and yellow for aging, blue and red for problem skin prone to inflammation.

Masks are applied to the skin already cleansed with scrubs. They need to be applied before the second or third entry into the steam room or after leaving.

Bath hair masks

The mask should be applied to the hair before the last trip to the steam room, wearing a cap on the head. Rinse your hair before applying the composition to useful material absorbed as deeply as possible.

  1. For dry hair: mix 3 tablespoons olive or burdock oil with 2 tablespoons of honey, wash off after 20 minutes using plenty of shampoo.
  2. Mix aloe juice and honey, add the yolk of one egg.
  3. For oily hair: mix equal proportions of glycerin, Apple vinegar(teaspoon each) and 3 teaspoons of castor oil.
  4. For split ends: Apply kefir to your hair with a few drops of olive or coconut oil.
  5. To add volume: mix gelatin dissolved in water in a water bath (15 grams per 4 large tablespoons of water), add a few hundred tablespoons of shampoo.

To make the oil masks rinse off faster, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice- acid dissolves fat.

Bath side effects

  • Spots. Very often, after or during a sauna visit, uneven reddish spots appear on the body. This is a sign of deep overheating and impaired functioning of the capillaries in this part of the body. Bath stains do not pose a threat to health and do not signal serious disturbances in the body's work. This is a defensive reaction. Such spots usually disappear within a few days. Otherwise, it is better to see a dermatologist.
  • Rash. Most often, it indicates allergic reaction on herbal teas, the use of massage elements. Perhaps your scrub or mask contains elements that allergic... It is imperative to consult a dermatologist to find out the nature of their appearance.
  • Acne. Most often, they appear after visiting the bathhouse. Sometimes during the stay in the steam room, spots appear, and then purulent inflammations. This is the result of using stale washcloths, mittens, brooms. Remember about hygiene and disinfection - germs and bacteria penetrate very quickly into open pores.
  • Bruises. They appear as a result of too intensive use of a broom or hard massaging. Make sure that the leaves do not fall off on your broom, use the scrub very carefully.

Beauty treatments in the bath can be a lot of pleasure. The main thing - do not forget about simple measures precautions. Forget about this time everyday problems and worries, because you deserve 100% rest.

It has long been known as the beneficial effect of bath procedures on the human body.

In the bath, the body is freed from toxins, the skin also gets rid of accumulated toxins, making it possible to feel harmony, to feel the unity of body and soul.

Taking a steam bath is useful for people of any age, gender and origin.

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The bath procedure has a complex effect on the body: heat, water, steam, sudden changes in temperature, massage. The skin becomes engorged, secretes sweat through the pores, removes harmful substances, freed from fat. Under the influence of hot air, whipping with a broom, the pores expand, and from the cold they narrow, effective gymnastics of the skin and blood vessels takes place, the heart and the entire circulatory system are trained. Blood flow and lymph flow, water-salt metabolism, and the work of the respiratory system are improved.

Russian bath - excellent prevention colds... The bath can cure radiculitis and joint diseases by warming up muscles, tendons, ligaments. A systematic visit to the steam room, along with gymnastics and adherence to the diet, allows you to reduce weight.


You and I will not need so many bath attributes. The essentials for the bath procedure will be a broom, soap, shampoo, a washcloth, a towel, a hat, bath slippers and a change of linen. It is also advisable to take a bathrobe or sheet, mittens, a sweat scraper, bedding or small terry towels, a basin, a ladle, essential oils and herbal teas, a thermos of tea and a cup. You can add massage brushes, nail scissors, pumice stone for feet to bath uniforms, cosmetic creams, masks and scrubs.

Bath or sauna scrubs

Natural scrubs from one ingredient. Surely, many have heard and have already tried to use honey, coffee, salt, clay, rubbing them from head to toe.

Today, all these products have received wide application in saunas and baths. Why are they so popular? Yes, because you can get them and use them without applying special efforts, they do not need any complicated preparations, that is, they are used by the most in a simple way- that is, he took it, smeared it and wait for the result.

Only here one rule should be remembered: it is recommended to apply scrubs at the second, and better than the third entering the steam room. Application during the first run is categorically excluded. In addition, after entering the steam room, you must take a dip in cold water. Also, you can not apply the scrub to delicate areas.

Honey (can be used with salt) - this will have an excellent diaphoretic effect. It turns out, using honey, we force our body to quickly get rid of toxins, while our skin is additionally moisturized and saturated with vitamins.

Application Method: Take ceramic dishes(enamel is very hot in the steam room), mix honey and coarse salt in it. Rub the body with this mixture while you are on the shelf in the bath. Moreover, it makes sense not only to apply and wait for the result, but to rub this mixture all the time over the entire surface of the skin. Thus, we also exfoliate the hardened particles of the epidermis. After that, rinse with warm water. After applying this scrub, the skin becomes soft and velvety. As mentioned above, a mixture of honey and salt is very strong in stimulating sweating, so before these procedures, you should refrain from drink plenty of water liquid, as it will simply come out in the form of sweat and desired result from the application of a mixture of honey and salt will not be achieved.

To enhance the effect of honey, you can experiment with adding a variety of essential oils to it. For a bath, oils of eucalyptus, sage, juniper, spruce and others are usually used, but the taste and color of a friend is not - you can add your favorite oils in any combination.

Also very good and effective natural scrub is coffee. It also contributes deep cleansing skin surface. Coffee has earned the status of an excellent skin scrub due to substances that melt subcutaneous fat, coffee is an excellent anti-cellulite agent.

Method of application: grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder, but in such a way that they do not turn into dust, but remain more or less large particles in order for them to perform their function as a scrub well.

To use such a scrub in a bath, it is best to use coarse coffee in combination with fresh sour cream.

In the steam room, this mixture should be rubbed and heated until you feel that it becomes unbearably hot. Then you should rinse with warm water. This substance cannot be used like honey and salt, that is, you do not need to rub it all the time, as coffee particles can injure delicate skin... Coffee, enveloping you with its delicate aroma, helps to create a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, and after using a mixture of coffee with sour cream, you will immediately feel the result. The skin will become velvety, very soft and delicate to the touch. The only negative is that it is not recommended for people who have problems with blood pressure.

Next, the conversation will focus on clay

Naturally about the clay, cleaned, disinfected and collected in a suitable place. Clay from a quarry located near your home is not suitable for medical and cosmetic purposes. On the contrary - you can pick up from her various problems that will be bad for your skin.

Now in pharmacies and cosmetic stores there are no problems with providing the widest choice clay to the buyer. They all differ in color, and, accordingly, their composition and their effect on the skin. The color of the clay determines the presence of certain components in it.

Blue clay

This clay has become the most popular. She is the carrier of the most complete complex of substances and microelements necessary for our body. It contains silica, nitrogen, silver, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, aluminum, zinc, copper, iron, molybdenum, magnesium.

In addition to cleansing properties, blue clay also has disinfecting properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Green clay

This clay has excellent absorbent properties.

White clay (kaolin)

It has a good antiseptic property, it was introduced into cosmetology for a very long time and is widely used mainly for sluggish thin skin although it also treats acne and gets rid of excess sebum.

Red clay

It is used if the body has an insufficient amount gland.

Yellow clay

Yellow clay is a good antioxidant, detoxifies well and enriches the skin with oxygen.

Gray clay

Gray clay is used for moisturizing and toning action. The effect is noticeable when applied to dry skin.

All these types of clays today are not difficult to find in almost any pharmacy.

Method of application: instructions for preparing a mixture from purchased clay are always on the package. Most of these powdered clays should be diluted 1: 1 in warm water and mixed thoroughly until smooth. Easy to use. In the bath, you should simply rub with the resulting mixture and steam until it gets hot, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

Nowadays, girls prefer to make masks from white or blue clay due to the fact that these clays are more saturated with a variety of minerals and the richest in composition. Masks made from these clays moisturize the skin well, and you do not need to apply cream after them.

When using all these funds in the pursuit of health and beauty, you should remember that they can be used only if you are in the bath alone or with people who will not mind these procedures, because others may be allergic to these products. or they may simply be uncomfortable.

Herbal infusions

This beauty recipe did not gain such popularity as the scrubs described above, although not deservedly, since herbal infusions have a wider range of applications. Especially in bath procedures.

It is very simple to prepare such an infusion: just a few minutes before entering the steam room, pour dry herbs (a couple of teaspoons per 200 ml of water) with boiling water and let it brew a little. Herbal infusions, as well as scrubs, must be applied at least the second time they enter the steam room, before that they have dipped in cool water after previous visits.

The infusion itself (water) with massage movements should be applied to the skin of the face, neck, chest. And then you can rub the coarser areas of skin with grass - thighs, back, elbows and knees.

For the preparation of such infusions, absolutely all medicinal herbs are suitable. You can even prepare them yourself, collecting the ones you like and dry them in the summer, and purchase them at the pharmacy. Also, if you decide to go to the bathhouse in summer time, then you can take with you freshly harvested herbs, they will be even more fragrant and more effective. For this purpose, nettle, centaury, clover, cuff, chamomile, calendula are mainly used. I also recommend you try licorice and kelp, known as seaweed.

I liked the liquorice infusion because it moisturizes and softens the skin very well, and after it there is no need to use a cream. The skin after applying this infusion becomes velvety and soft like that of a baby. And seaweed is very useful because it contains a large number of iodine.

Decoctions or infusions have long been used in the Russian bath. medicinal herbs, which were thrown on stones to create a special aroma in each case in the steam room or to cure the patient. Inhalation of medicinal steam in a bath is one of the types of inhalation.

Beneficial substances, penetrating through the respiratory tract and enlarged pores into the body, have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

The most famous recipe is watering stones with infusion of steamed birch brooms. Often in steam rooms they serve beer or kvass (0.5-1 tbsp. Kvass for a bowl of water).

In addition to bath decoctions from medicinal herbs, diluted watermelon juice, honey (1/2 tablespoon honey per basin with hot water), infusion of horseradish leaves, vegetable oils and other substances evaporating on hot stones.

Bath massagers

In addition to using various scrubs and masks for the skin in the bath, it is very effective to use massagers. They are used to improve blood microcirculation in cells. skin by removing dead skin cells, help to relax.

One of the most the best massagers for a bath - a broom. However, you can only fully feel the relaxing effect on your body if an experienced bathhouse attendant soars you.

Broom from sticks

You can make such a massager yourself. To do this, you will need to cut off 10-12 branches of black currant about 40 cm long, tie them with a rope at one end, then dry them. These sticks are for tapping yourself or your partner on the back and legs. Outwardly, it may seem like a rude device, but nevertheless, such a broom from sticks beats very softly.

It can be done with my own hands: sew from a dense coarse fabric, natural, of course, or simply buy it at the pharmacy. They rub themselves or a partner on the back and feet with a mitten.

And yet, returning to the above, I dare to assure that all the same the most the best remedy that combines the properties described above is honey and salt. So, women, going to the bathhouse, you need to purchase a pack of salt and about 200 grams of honey in advance. It is better to choose natural honey. Also, do not forget to bring the dishes with you where you are going to mix it all.

Arriving at the bathhouse, the first thing to do is to melt the honey by the stove in the steam room so that it becomes liquid. After the honey has become a suitable consistency, add salt to it. Stir all this gently with a spoon and set it to warm again. We add salt so much that there is no layer of honey left, that is, so that the layer of honey is not visible above the settled salt. Again, we leave it all on the stove.

Then we rest and steam ourselves, as usual - at first we just warm ourselves, without a broom, next time we steam with a broom, rest a little and make up for the loss of liquid with warm tea, but after that, before going into again take a steam bath, take our mixed substance with our hands and methodically rub it all over the body with massaging movements. We start to rub from the neck, finish with knees or heels, as you like. Then we apply another layer on female problem areas, or potentially problem areas. Only this should be done carefully, since hot and sticky honey is instantly absorbed into the body and if you make movements abruptly, you can pull on the delicate skin and hurt yourself or your partner.

After the performed procedure, the body will look like the body of a silver hare, since everything will be covered with salt crystals. We go into the steam room, warm up, wield a broom. After that, you should take a dip in cold water and cool down. Then everything is as usual - steam continues, massage ... The result of this procedure will exceed all expectations. The skin is tightened, velvety, soft, the result is many times greater than the effect of any spa-salons. On top of that, have a good time to chat and have a great time with your partner.

Thus, going to the bathhouse is not just steam and best case broom. This is a great reason to take care of yourself, put your skin and body in order, improve the state of mind and body.

Since ancient times, the Slavs were treated for ailments and ailments in the bath. In addition to its direct purpose, the bath serves as a medical and cosmetic room... Regular trips to the bathhouse rid the body of slagging and help the cells to improve the regeneration process. Today you will find out what procedures are in the bath will help you become both beautiful and healthy.

Greetings, dear reader!

A visit to the steam room has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, activating the processes of rejuvenation and improving appearance person.

Sauna and steam room have certain rules for visiting maximum pleasure and benefits, and procedures for a bath are not suitable for all.

  1. The head in the steam room should be covered with a special hat or kerchief to save the hair from drying out and subsequent fragility.
  2. All metal jewelry must be removed to avoid burns.
  3. For shoes, light slates or slippers are ideal.

In order not to expose the skin a sharp drop temperatures, it is better to pour warm water on yourself before going into the steam room. Also, on the first run, it is better to steam on the lower step of the shelf, gradually adapting the body to high temperatures in the steam room.

Well-being is the best indicator of how long it takes for the steam room, especially on the first visit.

As soon as the sensations become uncomfortable, it's time to leave the steam room.

Immediately after leaving it, you need to douse yourself with water to wash off the sweat, which removes secretions and cleanses the skin.

Steam room

Each subsequent visit to the steam room is longer, the temperatures are higher. Now you can steam on the high steps of the shelf.

The steam room is a place for relaxation, you should not waste your pleasure on chatting, physical exercise or beauty treatments.

All this should be left for later, but here it is necessary to allow the body to relax and calm down. This is an excellent procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

Toning Supplements

With the help of oils and herbal decoctions, the healing and tonic effect of steam can be enhanced.


Raspberry, coniferous, eucalyptus and some other decoctions are perfect.

Before using them, you need to strain and dilute them with plenty of water, and then boldly pour them over hot stones.


With oils, everything is somewhat different.

They do not pour them over the stones, but soak a small board and put them near the stones or drip a few drops directly onto the shelves.

  • For vivacity and mood, use lavender, jasmine, grapefruit and fir.
  • Tangerine, lemon, or ylang-ylang oil are ideal for relaxation, calming and stress relief.
  • Chamomile, cedar, mint, eucalyptus or juniper oils are needed to heal wounds and disinfect them.


With the help of diluted kvass or beer, they give the steam a bread aroma that cleans and heals the entire body.


The best bath procedure is to steam with a broom. It heals, tones, and rejuvenates.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian bath in which there is no fragrant and steamed broom. First, the skin is stroked with it, then they begin to lightly pat, gradually increasing the intensity and strength of the blows.

For those who are fighting against cellulite and fat deposits, as well as just want to improve the body - a broom is the best helper.

Nettles and several types of trees are used for brooms.

  • A birch broom will help relieve muscle pain, cleanse the skin and lungs, and heal wounds.
  • Heal oily skin, you can regulate pressure and nerves with the help of an oak broom.
  • Linden relieves headaches, helps in the treatment of lung diseases and stimulates the kidneys.
  • Juniper and fir branches promote blood circulation and perspiration, relieve disease respiratory tract help with neuralgia.
  • Nettle can help relieve joint pain, inflammation and reduce blood pressure.

Beauty treatments in the bath

For cosmetic procedures the most ideal will be folk remedies.

Masks and scrubs are best prepared from honey, salt, clay, kefir or sour cream, oils and berries.

Each procedure must be alternated with a steam procedure, but each time you need to enter the steam room with absolutely clean skin.

You need to start with cleansing with a scrub after the first visit to the steam room.

The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, everything is washed off under running water.

After subsequent steaming, masks should be made, first nourishing, then toning and healing.

When the trips to the steam room are completed, it is the turn of the hair.

A pre-prepared mask is applied to the scalp, then to the roots and length. After ten minutes, rinse off thoroughly with a suitable shampoo.

To truly relax your body and soul, to heal and rejuvenate your body, you need to go to the bath every week.

This should become a good and kind tradition for many years to come.

Bath is useful for everyone !!!

Also, my dear parents, such baths are very useful for ours, since they are the same as everyone else, and the delights of the bath are useful for the body.