Education of the younger generation based on. Preparing the younger generation for family life. Educational material, especially literature and history, has colossal potential for moral influence on schoolchildren. It contains bo

Religion is a pivotal factor in the formation of a person's spirituality. The spirituality of a person is determined, of course, not only by religion. Religious values ​​have become an important part of both the way of life and the way of thinking of many people. The role, authority and influence of religious organizations have significantly increased. Religion is a necessary basis for education.

The change in the attitude of society to the problems of spiritual values ​​had a decisive influence on the priorities of state policy in the field of religion and relations with religious organizations. The state recognized that the church is one of the most important social institutions, whose historical experience, spiritual potential and centuries-old cultural heritage have had a significant impact on the formation of spiritual, cultural and national traditions in the past and are still exerting in the present.

The goal of religion is inextricably linked with the goal of education - preparation for earthly and eternal life. It must be admitted that today we are preparing a child for adaptation in society, while the second task is practically not solved not in school, not in the family. Therefore, the younger generation, when entering adulthood, faced with everyday difficulties, a moral crisis, sometimes chooses not the best solution to the problem that has arisen. Russia is in first place in the world in the number of suicides among adolescents.

We need not only scientifically developed and practically tested programs for pedagogical prevention of suicidal behavior of minors, but also an attentive attitude to the spiritual life of a person, thoughtful joint work of parents, teachers, clergymen on its formation.

Education as a social phenomenon, a function of society to prepare the younger generation for life. In a pedagogical sense, this is a purposeful, specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and pupils, aimed at the formation of a person and carried out in educational institutions. This is true, but it would be more correct to understand upbringing as the salvation of the individual, which will allow solving a single, holistic task - preparation for life, both earthly and eternal.

Religion, as a bearer of spiritual and moral ideals and a guardian of cultural traditions, has a high value in the eyes of modern youth. In this regard, the power of religious ethics is increasingly being used today in order to form the moral and spiritual world of a growing citizen.

The process of upbringing is the basic foundation of pedagogy, the function of which is to educate and train, but it is realized under the condition of the purposeful development of the personality. As the Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin wrote: “Education without upbringing does not form a person, but unbridles and spoils him, because it gives him at his disposal vital opportunities, technical skills with which he - spiritless, shameless, faithless and characterless - and begins to abuse ... That formal "education" outside of faith, honor and conscience creates not a national culture, but the debauchery of a vulgar civilization. "

Faith in God cannot and should not become a fashion, for the main component of this sphere is love for a person. By itself, apart from the whole complex of interpersonal relationships, faith in God cannot be salutary in the spiritual life of people. Harmonious interaction of all aspects of spiritual life is important.

So, upbringing from the point of view of Orthodox pedagogy can be defined as a specially organized, controlled and controlled interaction of educators and pupils, the ultimate goal of which is the sanctification and transformation of the pupil's personality, liberation from vices. This is not the development of certain norms of behavior and stereotypes of relationships, but a living spiritual reaction to what is happening.

Of undoubted interest in identifying the role of religion in the upbringing of national values ​​among the younger generation in modern conditions is the consideration of some axiological models in the history of Russian pedagogical thought. In particular, V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky singles out such values ​​that are relevant today as

  • 1) national culture as the highest manifestation of the creative genius of the people, their spiritual life;
  • 2) democratic (respect for one's own and someone else's personality, the right to freedom of activity, the ability to show initiative); education of civic responsibility.

P.F.Kapterev gave preference to universal values ​​(spiritual freedom of a person, science, education, etc.), but at the same time national values ​​(folk language, religion as an important value, folk history, family, everyday life, socio-political structure, originality, creativity in the pedagogical process). He supported V.G.Belinsky, N.I. Pirogov, K.D. Ushinsky in the fact that the values ​​of education should be: the values ​​of general and special education, humanism, the lack of class and unity of schools, the nationality of education. In addition to them, the scientist also highlights the autonomy and multitype nature of schools, the public and the individualization of education, morality, and citizenship.

So, a modern teacher must possess and be the bearer of national values. In this case, reliance on the national values ​​of education acts as a factor in the preservation and reproduction of national culture, and at the same time as a way of a more organic entry of the peoples of Russia into a different socio-cultural reality.

Today, there is a need for such an education system in Russia that would make it possible to fully transfer the accumulated experience in social, spiritual life, knowledge, and values ​​inherent in the people.

The centuries-old bridge of spiritual traditions between the school and the church, which was destroyed in Soviet times, is being restored. The task of pedagogy is to lead the child to freedom. It is not easy to do this, but it will help to shape the spiritual world of a person, gradually allowing him to mature and get stronger. Discussion of the problems of interaction between historical experience and the current state of cultures, undoubtedly, allows the formation of a healthy national identity of the people, awakens interest in cultural and religious values, folk traditions and customs.

Z. Z. Krymguzhina

(Sibay, Bashkortostan)

Educating the spirituality of the younger generation

within the pedagogical process

The article discusses the issue of upbringing the spirituality of the younger generation in the general education system. An attempt is made to characterize the basic concepts of "spirituality", "education of spirituality".

At the present stage of development of society, problems in the spiritual sphere of man are increasing. In view of this, one of the most important tasks of education is the upbringing of the spirituality of the younger generation.

Educating the spirituality of today's youth is an indisputable and most important goal of the whole society. Deficiencies and omissions in upbringing cause irreparable and irreparable damage to society, therefore, the upbringing of spirituality must be carried out during school years.

The categories "spirituality", "education" are fundamental in the framework of scientific research. These categories are the subject of analysis of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy and other sciences. Consider these concepts in the framework of the pedagogical process.

In the pedagogical aspect, spirituality is understood as "the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality, when the main guidelines of its life become enduring human values", "orientation of the individual to actions for the benefit of others, her search for moral absolutes", the integral principle of the personality, providing her creative potential, the presence of spiritual - beyond the scope of utilitarian needs - aspirations (V.V. Zenkovsky], "a special characteristic of the personality, containing its spiritual interests and needs" (L.P. Illarionova], as a way of human existence (T.I. Vlasova ], the ability to understand oneself, focus on oneself and “master oneself”, see oneself in the past, present and future (K. A. Abul-khanova-Slavskaya, V. A. Slastenin], the inner sphere of self-determination of a person, his co-

possessive moral and aesthetic essence (BT Likhachev], “an internal impulse, a call for the subject of life activity to go beyond its limits” (IA Kolesnikova]. According to VI Andreev, spirituality, being a fundamental property of man, integrates the spiritual needs and the ability of a person to self-actualize themselves in search of truth in creativity, in the pursuit of goodness, freedom and justice.

Analysis of scientific literature shows that the concept of spirituality is integral and multidimensional, synthesizing in itself such key points as self-awareness, value, need, ability, morality, a meaningful system of ideas and value orientations, emotional and intellectual capabilities of a person, mercy and focus on universal human moral values , free will and personal responsibility for their actions, life and activities.

For our research, spirituality is the ability of an individual to have his own socially significant attitude to values, to act in accordance with the moral values ​​of the human community, such as freedom, humanism, social justice, truth, goodness, beauty, morality, the desire to learn the secrets of his purpose and the meaning of life.

Human life can be imagined as a continuous process of creation and comprehension of universal human spirituality. Only after comprehending universal human spirituality, a person can take part in creativity, create something new. It is in universal human spirituality that human freedom is rooted. Human spirituality determines human activity,

serves as the basis for human activity. General human spirituality is also an appeal to the ideal beginning in a person.

Spirituality is the core around which a unique human essence is formed, it gives value to the human personality itself, because it leads a person to harmony and special personal fulfillment, reflects the inner state of the individual, characterized by striving for higher ideals and values ​​of being, striving for self-knowledge and self-improvement ... Spirituality, characterizing the state and integrity of the inner world of a person, is a set of interdependent and interacting components - attitude, value orientations, meanings, moral attitudes and attitudes of an ethnic community. In this quality, spirituality is the potential for personality self-development and self-improvement.

Considered in this aspect, spirituality becomes implicitly inherent in the pedagogical process at all levels of education (from preschool to higher education], it must be purposefully formed, it must be taught and it must be educated. The alienation of educational functions from the education system is seen as a threat to society. spirituality must be prioritized.

It should be noted that every person has a predisposition to spirituality. It manifests itself in a person as a natural predestination. And in order to develop spirituality to the point where it begins to bear fruit, it takes hard work. To help its correct formation, development and upbringing is the task of the teacher. Therefore, in the educational and upbringing programs implemented by teachers in general educational organizations, the issues of the formation and development of the spirituality of schoolchildren, from our point of view, must be given priority attention. In this regard, teachers are faced with an extremely complex and multifaceted task - to create such an educational system, the cornerstone of which would be the education of students' spirituality.

The concept of "education of spirituality" synthesizes in itself the data of such definitions as "education" and "spirituality".

Analysis of the concept of "education" and comprehension of its semantically essential meaning lead to the understanding that spiritual transformation, renewal, personality determination, that is, education of spirituality, occurs in the process of purposeful influence, purposeful creation of conditions, purposeful activity.

In domestic pedagogy, various aspects of spirituality education were studied by S. L. Soloveichik, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Sh. A. Amona-shvili, and others. mastering the moral values ​​of society.

The upbringing of spirituality is specific, which is determined, firstly, by the presence in human nature, in his consciousness, in the moral and ethical sphere, not only rational, but also a multitude of irrational moments. The spiritual is not equal to the intellect, but it is associated with the goals of a higher order, the comprehension of the world, the metaphysical presence of the meaning of life, it is the result of a special, in-depth self-knowledge and cognition. Moreover, the process of human life is not limited only to rational thinking: even the process of cognition taken separately is not a cold-rational, but a passionate search for truth. A person experiences what he comprehends. All information rethought and selected by a person's mind that has entered his inner world is necessarily colored in emotional and sensual colors, becoming a personal experience.

The most rationalized information cannot become personal if it is not felt, not animated. “Obviously,” wrote IA Ilyin, “it is not a person who embraces the truth with the mind, but the truth embraces the human heart and imagination, and the mind.” Therefore, consciousness is imbued with a complex fabric of emotions and emotional experiences that are included in the concept of spirituality. Moreover, the connection between the sensory and emotional sphere and the intellectual and mental side of the individual implies the possibility of the influence of musical and aesthetic types of activity on the formation of spirituality. Folk music has great potential in this respect.

Socialization, education and personal development

Second, the spiritual is not a function of subject-object, but of subject-subject relationship. Two points of view are known in the history of pedagogy. Representatives of the first one too straightforwardly and schematically interpret the well-known idea of ​​Ya. A. Komensky that a teacher is a master, and an educational institution is a workshop where a student is made into a person. This approach can still be traced in the form of a persisting tendency to present education in the form of a system of operations on the psyche of a student, in the form of pedagogical manipulation of his personality. In this regard, the question arises about the possibility of full-fledged spiritual education, when there is no active principle - a dialogue with the pupil.

The modern strategic concept of education rejects the view of the student as an object of "pedagogical engineering", encourages the educator to conduct an active dialogue with the pupil. In conversations, conversations and dialogues about spirituality, a mentoring position is unacceptable. The appeal to the phenomenon (and the concept of) spirituality obliges every speaker to a special tact, modesty, deep reverence for him. potentials and enhances the subjectivity of the educated.

Thirdly, upbringing of spirituality is carried out primarily as a result of achieving spiritual community, spiritual contact between the educator and the educated person. According to V.V. Rozanov, the soul awakens only with an individual appeal to a person. V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that a real spiritual community is born where the teacher for a long time becomes a friend, like-minded person and comrade of the child in a common cause. Self-disclosure of each to another as a friend, as a close, dear creature to whom you can open your soul, sharing with him the most intimate and

thanks to this, introducing him to his values ​​and joining his "faith, hope, love", and there is, in the opinion of M. S. Kagan, the education of spirituality. The openness of each to each other, in turn, makes possible the process of upbringing spirituality.

The main requirement for the organization of the educational process: it must be personally oriented. In addition, the spirituality of a person is seen in the creation of new individual meanings and the appropriation of new spiritual values ​​in the continuous process of self-creation, building oneself as a moral, independent and creative person. Since it is always personal, individual and unique, it cannot be borrowed or taken over from others, it must be maintained and preserved. It is formed in the process of self-construction, where each person creates his own spirituality. And the main path to spirituality, in our opinion, lies through education.

One of the most important criteria for the upbringing of the spirituality of a person is to pose spiritual and moral questions and the person's search for answers to them, which is realized by knowing oneself, other people, and the world. At the same time, personal awareness of the meaning of Life is revealed through intense mental work and spiritual activity aimed at another person and absolute existential values. Thus, spirituality is the need to comprehend the meaning and purpose of your life.

Thus, based on the fact that the essence of upbringing of spirituality is a person's search for the meaning of life, it is necessary to organize the activity of mastering the content of upbringing spirituality by schoolchildren as a meaning-making activity. Equally important is the introduction of the educator to the values ​​of the educator, since upbringing is not in informing about values, not in studying them and not in imposing them. Education is a way of transforming the values ​​of society into the values ​​of the individual.


1. Andreev V. I. Pedagogy: a training course for creative self-development. - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2000. -362 p.

2. Hegel G. V. F. Works. T. 4. - M .: Sotsekgiz, 1959 .-- 172 p.

3. Ilyin IA Creative idea of ​​our future: On the foundations of a spiritual nature. Op. in 10 volumes.Vol. 7. - M .: Russian book, 1998.-465 p.

4. Kagan MS On the spiritual (experience of categorical analysis) // Problems of Philosophy. - 1985. - No. 9. - P. 102.

5. Krymguzhina Z. Z. Education of spirituality of secondary school students by means of folk music: author. dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01. - Magnitogorsk, 2011 .-- 24 p.

6. Mizherikov VA Dictionary-reference book on pedagogy. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004 .-- 448 p.

7. Pedagogical encyclopedia / ed. I. A. Kairova. In 4 volumes.Vol. 3. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1966 .-- 879 p.

8. Rozanov V. V. About me and my life. - M., 1990 .-- 711 p.

Gorobets Natalya Nikolaevna teacher of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 31, village Bessonovka, Belgorod district, Belgorod region"

Spiritual and moral education and development of the younger generation is one of the most pressing and complex problems of today, which must be solved by teachers, parents and who is related to children. It is spiritual and moral education that will ensure the integrity and flexibility of the educational influences of adults on children in various situations of their communication, as well as the communication of children with each other. It presupposes the formation of a holistic attitude towards life in the child, ensures the harmonious and sustainable development of the child's personality.

The teacher of preschool education has a role in the upbringing of the younger generation, in preparing them for life and social work. The teacher is an example of morality and a devoted attitude to work for the pupil.

Preschool age is the formation of the foundations of the personality of a future citizen, a period of active knowledge of the world and human relations. It is relatively easy in childhood to assimilate social and moral norms. We, teachers, must appeal to the soul of the child. The upbringing of the soul for the future person is the creation of the basis for spiritual and moral values. It is known that the basis of spiritual and moral education is the spiritual culture of society, family and educational institution - the environment in which the development and formation of the child's personality takes place. The goal of the spiritual and moral education of preschool children is the formation of an integral, perfect personality in its humanistic aspect.

In the process of upbringing, a systematic introduction to moral knowledge constantly takes place. An important key to their accumulation is the acquaintance of preschoolers with the environment: excursions around the city, to museums, to nature.

Excursions with pupils are carried out throughout the school year and they have different purposes, are conducted with children of different age groups. So that the excursion is morally valuable, the educator creates an emotional mood in the team, distributes tasks among the pupils that need to be completed in preparation for the excursion and during its conduct. This form of work with children makes it possible for the teacher to foster a respectful attitude towards nature in preschoolers, the natural resources of Russia, a feeling of love for the Motherland, respect for other peoples.

The knowledge of preschoolers about moral standards, obtained during the main educational activity, their own life observations are often scattered and incomplete. Therefore, special work is required, which is associated with the generalization of the knowledge gained. The forms of work are different: in different groups it can be a teacher's story, ethical conversation, and others.

An ethical story is a vivid emotional presentation of specific facts and events that have a moral content. A good story reveals the content of moral concepts and evokes in preschoolers a positive attitude towards actions that correspond to moral norms and affects behavior. The most important function of storytelling is to serve as a way to use a positive example in parenting. Ethical stories help preschoolers to understand complex issues of morality, develop a firm moral position in pupils, help each child to realize their personal moral experience of behavior and instill in pupils the ability to develop moral views.

Dialogue is the main way of exchanging thoughts, a universal form of informational influence on consciousness and the formation of certain views, motives, feelings. In dialogues, the integrity of the preschooler's personality must be observed. The formation of convictions among pupils is based on a common worldview and the teacher is called to be the carrier.

The educational process is created in such a way that it provides for situations in which the preschooler is faced with the need for independent moral choice. In no case should moral situations for pupils of all ages be presented or looked like teaching, or controlling, otherwise their educational significance can be reduced to "No" ... The result of moral education is manifested in the attitude of preschoolers to their duties, to the activity itself, to other people.

Reading and analyzing fairy tales, stories and poems of a moral orientation help children understand and appreciate the moral actions of people. Children listen to stories, fairy tales and poems, where questions about justice, honesty, friendship, comradeship, loyalty to public duty, humanity and patriotism are posed in an accessible form for them.

Summing up, we can say that arming with moral knowledge is also important because they not only inform the preschooler about the norms of behavior adopted in modern society, but also give an idea of ​​the consequences of violating the norms or the consequences of this act for the people around them. And our society needs the training of well-educated, highly moral people who have not only knowledge, but also excellent personality traits.


  • Natarova V.I., Karpukhina N.I. Revival of the central culture among preschoolers. -Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher" , 2005.-197p.
  • Gagarina K.E.The role of the teacher in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. - A young scientist. - 2011. - No. 3. T.2. - 110-115s.
  • Nikandrov N. D. "Spiritual values ​​and education in modern Russia" - pedagogy. - 2008. - No. 9. -4s. (article)
  • Kolesnikov I.A. "Education of spirituality and morality in the era of global changes" - Pedagogy -2008-№9-25s. (article)
  • G.A. Kovoleva Raising a little citizen. M .: "Arkti" , 2003. -79s.
  • Petrakova I. The spiritual foundations of moral education. M .. 1997.

Mirzaev Jurabek Mengboevich
History teacher
Secondary school number 86
Denau district
Surkhandarya region

The main task of Uzbekistan is to build a legal democratic state, develop spirituality. Today, on the path of democratic development for one society, it cannot see its perspective without the development and strengthening of spiritual potential, spiritual and moral values ​​in the minds of people, in this process, great importance is given to the role of youth and their participation in democratic transformations in our independent state. Nowadays, the role of youth is constantly growing. Among young people, the number of individuals who professionally work in leadership positions is growing. Along with this, there are many young teachers in higher educational institutions doing everything to ensure that the younger generation understands the essence of all democratic transformations in our Republic, without losing sight of increasing and strengthening the scientific potential of students that meet the requirements of the "Law on Education" and the "National Training Program frames ". Today, when we live and work to build a democratic, just society, a state with a powerful economic potential, the role of young teachers in the upbringing of the younger generation is limitless.

Over the years of independence, the youth of Uzbekistan has been increasing their activity and acting as a support of society in the upbringing of the younger generation in the family, at school, in higher educational institutions. The word of a young teacher reaches the audience well because this word carries in itself a humane relationship, a call for good dedication to great goals and ideals, the education of human virtues. It is the dreams and ideals of our great ancestors that inspire them to feats by subsequent generations, and this is precisely what fosters love for the Motherland and their people. Conscience, honesty, kindness ... The role of young cadres in this process is limitless, since humanism is an integral feature of Uzbek youth. Cruelty, violence and anger are alien to her.

The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov in his work "Great spirituality - an invincible force" emphasizes the importance of preserving the origins of the national culture of the spiritual wealth of the people, the need to strengthen the material and technical base of education and culture, ensuring the high efficiency of spiritual education of the younger generation. She pays special attention to the fact that lately glasnost in the field of art is often perceived as permissiveness, and propaganda of immorality, elements of mass culture alien to us, appears on TV screens, in the cinema, in the press. A detailed analysis of the content of the concept of "value" is given. The real value is ideas and concepts that have passed the test of history, fully consistent with national interests, dreams and aspirations of today and tomorrow, the requirements of a democratic society. Making a conclusion, we can say that all this work contributes to the national and international education of young people, promotes awareness of or Uzbek statehood, familiarization with the traditions, ideas and culture of the Uzbek people, familiarization with their national heritage. The national features that cause respect and recognition of other peoples are hard work, discipline, justice, solidarity. The problem of these areas of spiritual educational work is the formation of national identity, territorial integrity and the rejection of the idea of ​​nationalism, priority under other nations and peoples. These qualities of young people are the criteria for high spirituality of the individual, it is such young people who will make their worthy contribution to the construction of a democratic state.

The experience of human development testifies that lofty goals can be achieved only through continuous spiritual improvement. Spirituality is the basis of human life, a force that feeds will and conscience, an important criterion for moral life views.
Every region, every country and people has its own unique history, culture and spiritual basis, which is religion. The territory of Uzbekistan is historically located at the intersection of continental highways connecting east and west. Here, at the turn of the first centuries BC, one of the oldest religious systems arose among the original peoples - Zoroastrianism, the creation of which is attributed to the legendary prophet Zarathushtra, and there is also evidence that the ancient religious collection "Avesta" in its first versions was created in the Middle Asia, in Khorezm. The teachings of Zoroaster became the first religious teaching that replaced the ancient myths and legends about spirits and gods. The moon, stars, earth, water were considered sacred. And of course, how not to recall the triad of Zoroastrianism, which, as the basis of religious canons, is still relevant today. And today, the basic tenets of all world religions are truly eternal values ​​- pure thoughts, pure words, pure deeds, like three whales, on which, as they believed in antiquity, the world rests. Indeed, these three foundations of the spiritual state of a person should always be present in his understanding of the world. Over the centuries, under historical circumstances, various religious trends have emerged on the territory of Uzbekistan - Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Ethnic cultural and religious tolerance of our people is another inexhaustible source of spiritual Renaissance. For a millennium, Central Asia has been a center for the meeting and coexistence of a wide variety of religions, cultures and ways. Ethnic tolerance and openness have become natural norms for survival and development. Even those who conquered these territories not only worshiped the culture of the peoples of Central Asia, but also carefully adopted the traditional elements that existed in this territory of statehood. In the book of the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan I. Karimov “High spirituality is an invincible force” there is a phrase: “It is on this land that the global mutual enrichment of world cultures has taken place for many centuries. Here for centuries nomadic peoples got along with neighbors, Iranian tribes with Turkic, Muslims with Christians and Jews ... ".

Thanks to the ongoing reform and renewal of our social life, powerful layers of spiritual culture have opened up, which sharply “changed the people's psychology towards patriotism, national pride, and openness to the whole world. This is the first sign of power. "
Great demands are made today for teachers of social and humanitarian disciplines. One of the main tasks of the teaching staff working in this area is the quality teaching of these disciplines, the cornerstone of which should be the process of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism and love for their homeland. It is necessary to bring to the consciousness of our youth the understanding that the Constitution of Uzbekistan reflects respect for freedom of conscience. The younger generation should understand that the general human principle of non-interference of the state in the personal convictions and confessions of citizens does not allow us to give the state a religious character. It should know that the basic law obliges citizens to protect the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the peoples of Uzbekistan, provides for the secular nature of the state education system.

Today, training of specialists with higher education in the Republic is carried out in 66 higher educational institutions - universities, institutes. The programs taught in the universities of the republic include up to 25% of social and humanitarian disciplines in block 1. This percentage of these disciplines meets the requirements of the reforms being carried out in the country, according to the National Program for Personnel Training. The main tasks of the studied disciplines are: - the formation of the foundations of a new worldview and ideological immunity - the skills of independent thinking among young people. In a word, the noble task of educating in the spirit of patriotism of their country a healthy and perfect young generation, having a creative worldview and living with progressive ideas of humanity, should be solved.

A special place should be given to spiritual life and its basis is faith, thanks to which a person rises above his vices ..

  1. Karimov I. A. Yuxak manaviyat - yengilmas kuch (“High spirituality is an invincible force), - Toshkent. "Manaviyat", - 2008, - 173 p.
  2. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan: its own path of renewal and progress. -T .: Uzbekiston 1992.
  3. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan is its own model of transition to market relations. - T .: Uzbekiston 1993
  4. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan on the path of deepening economic reforms. - T .: Uzbekiston 1995
  5. Karimov I.A. Uzbekistan on the threshold of the XXI century. Threat to security, conditions and guarantee of progress.- T .: Uzbekiston 1997.

Folk pedagogy influences not only the deep development of the spiritual world of a person, but also is of great importance in creating the volume of ever new demands for the truth of life. Folk pedagogy is the inexhaustible wealth of our people. Subject to a concrete idea, deep reasoning about the upbringing of the young generation, folk pedagogical treasures, sources and factors of upbringing, personal ideals of folk pedagogy, folk educators, this will help to understand the national pedagogical culture wider and deeper.

Education - whether in ancient times or at the present stage, must constantly be enriched with additions, innovations. Along with the improvement of life, more and more modern innovations should be included in the theory of education. Modern youth must learn to value and respect the pedagogical treasury of wisdom, which for many centuries has been passed down from father to son, from generation to generation and has come down to us. Thus, the sources of education and upbringing of national orientation, which have been refined for centuries, tested by time and the experience of the people, contribute to the formation of an inner spiritual view of the world among young people. Because in education, as we mentioned above, the most effective materials are national traditions and customs, proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters, riddles, songs and others. It should be especially noted that there is a very strong national influence on the education of the young generation of the peoples of Central Asia, it is not for nothing that the Russian teacher NK Krupskaya said: "To love a child, to show mercy to him, Russians should learn from the peoples of the East."

The command of the times is to form the younger generation not as a selfish person, but as a person who cares about the fate of the people, their dignity, prosperity and prosperity. But it is precisely these human qualities that constitute the main nucleus of society, are its levers of movement. Since a child who has been brought up within the walls of a school must build the future tomorrow, the main task of every citizen of Kyrgyzstan is to develop the country's economy along with the developed republics, educate young people in the mainstream of optimistic views, culturally rich for the future of the Kyrgyz people. At the present time, if you observe society, a person will not be left indifferent by the fact that the number of those selfish, greedy and arrogant officials who do not think about the fate of the people, but only about their lives, about their well-being and enrichment, is growing. For example, everyone knows that at a time when the development of the Japanese economy began to decline, the leaders of the state and officials directed all their strength to education and upbringing. Therefore, a comprehensive and correct education of young people is a requirement of the time and one of the most pressing tasks.

There is a popular proverb “If you hope for Friday prayer, start your ablution from Thursday”, the meaning of which reflects the requirement that you should think about tomorrow today. This means that in order for tomorrow to be auspicious, you should think about it today. The concepts associated with education - the first embryos of pedagogical knowledge, appeared even when there was no trace of a rumor that such a science would exist.

In any era, the pure heritage of folk wisdom was born, it is known that they still preserve the priorities of wisdom and morality among the masses.

For example, if we focus on the history of the educational process of the Kyrgyz people, then it can be conditionally divided into three stages:

  1. The period before the October Revolution (until 1917).
  2. Soviet period (1917-1991).
  3. Independence period (since 1991).

First period. With the wide spread of the Islamic religion in Central Asia, as we know, Arab culture, religious education in madrasahs and mosques began to prevail. In the "Hadiths" of Kurani Karim Mohammed Aleikhis-Salam and the sources studying them, there is a lot of information about education, in other words, in Muslim schools, special importance is attached to international education. For example, in the content of religious books, extensive thoughts are given about respecting the dignity of each nation, while at the same time attention is paid to the study of languages. Therefore, such great thinkers of antiquity as Al-Khorezmi, Az-Zamorshoriy, Al-Beruni, Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Ulugbek, A. Navoi, having studied Arabic, Farsi and other languages, tried to bring their pure and glorious ideas to subsequent generations as a heritage ...

Second period... In Soviet times, the consciousness of the younger generation, religion, and hadiths were rejected under the strong influence of Soviet ideology. The younger generation was cut off from national education and upbringing. Here we do not want to denigrate the pedagogy of the Soviet era, but we cannot but grieve that folk pedagogy remained in its shadow and did not appear in the light. This harmed the development of national culture and folk pedagogy.

Third period. Since 1991, after the acquisition of sovereignty, the role of folk pedagogy has increased and has risen above national cultural education, the road has opened wide for national education, which passed from century to century and became a matter of educating the younger generation. For example, Kyrgyz folk pedagogy covers the period from the emergence of mankind to the present day.

A child from birth to adulthood, before the creation of a family is brought up, truly aesthetic, moral, labor, environmental education, physical culture and its occupation are considered traditional methods of folk pedagogy, occupying an important place in the upbringing of the modern generation. For example, morality and humanism reveals humanity, honor, conscience, human goals. The education of young people in morality and consciousness is one of the most important conditions for their comprehensive and harmonious development. In other words, ethics is a quality of a true person. And labor is the most ancient and powerful means of educating a person, but only on the condition that what he does heals his body, provides the basis for the formation of his morality, and when the aesthetic and emotional influence of intellectual and ideal content will meet the spiritual requirements of a person ...

The methods of public education were passed from mouth to mouth, from teacher to student from generation to generation. A person is not born good or bad; being good or bad depends on upbringing, parents and environment. The closest environment is parents, family and relatives, friends. This means that family education is the basis of education in the development and formation of each personality. Therefore, the great words of our ancestors contain great importance: "A seedling from the root (from the beginning), a child from childhood."

Those who survived long historical epochs, the heritage of their ancestors, works of oral folk art, educate the young generation to develop consciousness, love for work and the Motherland, to defend their fatherland, humanity, friendship, tolerance, hospitality, as well as kindness and decency.

Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor A. Alimbekov gives folk pedagogy the following definition: historical conditions that existed even before the formation of nations ”.

Work on the study of the experience of public education and upbringing began much earlier than the appearance of the concepts of "folk pedagogy" and "ethnopedagogy", we know that folk educational experience and views served as a source for the development of scientific pedagogy.

If we take the meaning of the word "Nasyat" (Edification) in Kyrgyz folklore or vocabulary, we will find that since ancient times in the Kyrgyz people, honest, wise thinkers told youth edification, admonitions, good advice, in which they called youth to morality, honesty, courage, to be a hero like Manas, who thought about the fate and future of his people. As folk wisdom says, “The words of the elder are like medicine,” “The old man is rich in mind,” the aksakals, along with teaching the youth their life experience and many wise teachings, on the basis of their experiences taught the young and guided them on the true path.

Our people paid great attention to the pedagogical idea - to listen to the edifying words of aksakals, senior people, to go the same way as they do. It is undeniable that the wisdom of numerous thinkers of past eras, their views on life, feelings towards the people, edification, being role models, have not yet lost their influence for the people. If modern youth will respect, honor and idolize the values ​​and heritage left to us by the great sages, thinkers, generous ancestors and great thinkers of the world scale, then it is obvious that this will contribute to the comprehensive, conscious and moral development of the future generation. Since the spiritual views, value edifications of the people, left as a heritage, passed down from generation to generation, are the historical heritage of ancestors living with the people.

In connection with a hard life, various problems arise. The most important of them is human values. So we will not be mistaken if we say that humanity, kindness, morality are beginning to be among the disappearing values.

Teachers have a sacred task - full-fledged upbringing of the young generation in accordance with the requirements of tomorrow, the formation of an educated and educated personality. On such a difficult path, it will be advisable if each educator applies scientific achievements in combination with folk pedagogy.

When addressing the topic of modernity, the most basic problem can be considered the search for a moral ideal. In the science of ethnopedagogy, huge prerequisites have now been created for deepening and raising the quality level of ethnopedagogical research and increasing the thematic variety. Today, the most important trend is the reflection of an actual topic, observation of our modern life, its inner world, activities in society. It is necessary to evaluate a person, a contemporary at this stage in the context of the ongoing socio-political, economic, scientific and technical processes and draw conclusions from all this. Therefore, we need works that praise human labor, reinforce true civic feelings that affect moral growth, tomorrow's thoughtfulness, as well as moral values. In general, are there such works or moral values ​​among the Kyrgyz people? Of course there are.

First of all, the moral values ​​of the ancestors, their influential experience, valuable customs and traditions came to mind. Their life experience, desires, national customs and traditions, history, culture, exploits and heroism, committed for the sake of the motherland and freedom of the people, as well as heritage that have survived many trials, ideals that educate young people, and today for our youth are eternal and worthy pedagogical sources. For example, it is well known that such invaluable feelings as friendship, humanity, love, which are defined as true signs of human virtue, are widely reflected in the works of oral folk art of the Kyrgyz. This kind of experience did not appear by chance. It appeared in the conditions of everyday life of the working people, constantly renewing and supplementing. In other words, through their oral works, the people brought up the best human qualities in the younger generation, and they also served as a strong means of personality formation.

It is well known that the heroic sons and daughters of our people, relying on the ideals of their ancestors, performed unfading and eternal feats for the protection of their fatherland and people. Their exploits for hundreds of years have been passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, and are a great property transmitted through mother's milk. As the people say: “Look for wealth in labor, equality in struggle”, “The earth turns green with rain, the people are green with labor”, “Labor created man”, “Twins multiply the livestock, labor brings up horsemen”, “The labor of the people does not age”.

These proverbs and sayings of the Kyrgyz people reflect the centuries-old work of the people, life experience and call on young people to be hardworking, truthful, polite, the content of which is related to the life of the people, who have been associated with animal husbandry for centuries. Through labor, our people created good methods that were widely used among the people, from an early age young people were taught various crafts and skills. They kept the life experience and upbringing left by the last generation in their consciousness and behavior, and then passed it on to the next generation. Despite the fact that there were no specially educated sages and editors and educators, in the moral upbringing of children, teaching them all kinds of crafts and skills, the people gave lessons based on their life experience.

At one time, the sages and thinkers who came out of the people used pedagogical dastans, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, riddles, edifying songs, by means of which they conducted educational work, created by the people in howling young people. For example, riddles develop in children intelligence, observation, logical thinking. And in folk tales, honest work is always praised, which makes a person the strongest, and the most skillful, and the most intelligent, and the most educated. This means that edifications, customs and traditions created on the basis of the life experience of our ancestors, being folk means of education, experiencing trials for centuries, the personal ideals of folk pedagogy and basic pedagogical concepts, constantly developing, according to new living conditions, have turned into the law and rules of an exemplary life.

Based on the above, it should be noted that Kyrgyz folk pedagogy encompasses various pedagogical branches:

  1. Pedagogical ideas of ancient thinkers.
  2. Sources of oral folk art (legends, dastans, fairy tales, folk songs, akyns' creativity, proverbs and sayings, riddles).
  3. Folk customs and traditions.
  4. Representation of pedagogical thoughts in religious sources.
  5. The policy of the leaders of the people, which can serve as a model for upbringing and education.

This means that we will not be mistaken if we say that it is the people themselves who are the creator and heir of folk pedagogy.

The goal of modern scientific pedagogy is to study the goals and content of the above pedagogical sources, as well as their skillful use in teaching and educating schoolchildren. In other words, the study of cultural heritage, which has a strong influence, is widely used in scientific research, the most basic - the education of the younger generation, schoolchildren and students - is our current urgent task. More precisely, the solution to this issue depends on the ability and skill of each teacher.

Summing up, it can be noted that the importance of folk pedagogy in the upbringing of the young generation and, in general, educational work is the development of the wealth of the mind of young people and its all-round development and upbringing.