A conspiracy to love a girl and a guy: a very strong type of ritual. Slavic conspiracies and rituals

Whispers are special conspiracies with which you can attract good luck and protect yourself from troubles.
But unlike conspiracies, whispers can be spoken at any time in any place, more precisely when the situation requires it.
This is a kind of magical ambulance which will always help Hard time.

Morning whispers:

*Get up on your right foot in the morning. Touching the floor with your foot, say a whisper: “I get up to meet my happiness!”
*When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror and say: “My reflection is good luck attraction,” and smile.
*If you drink tea or coffee in the morning and want to cheer up and gain strength, then tell your mug: “I drink strength, I drink health, I drink the energy of this day.”

Evening whispers:

* When washing or taking a shower, say: "I wash away the negative, I erase the insults, I wash away the melancholy." This will help you relieve yourself of tension and stress received during the day and will bring your emotional condition in order.
* When spreading the bed, say: “The blanket, the sheet is my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend, everything that I don’t tell her will come true.” After these words, you can safely go to bed - neither insomnia nor nightmares will disturb you. And if you, lying on a pillow, think about your desires, then they will come true faster.
* Closing your eyes, say a whisper: "Let it be in a dream and in reality the way I want."

Whispers for good luck:

If you want to attract good luck, then, crossing the threshold of the house, whisper: "The truth is that my strength is beyond this threshold."
If you want to protect yourself from the wrath of the boss: “I am on the left bank, you are on the right. Shout - don't shout, you won't shout anyway. This whisper should be said before talking with the boss, if he is not happy with something.
If you want the day to be successful, get up in the morning on your right foot and say: “Where the right foot goes, the left foot goes there. Where I am, there is my luck.

Whispers for money:

When receiving money, whisper: "Money in your pocket, there will soon be a whole suitcase."
Whisper to the wallet: “My wallet is ringing, getting fat from money. Every day my luck is greener."
If you give money: "I give money, but I expect it back."
* If you see a pregnant woman passing by, then do not miss the chance to say a whisper to raise money: “You give birth, and I increase the good.” Meeting a pregnant woman is considered a good omen.

Whispers in the back:

Whispers in the back are pronounced in order to punish the offender or protect themselves from his malicious intent.
If you wished something bad, then say: "What you wish me, take it for yourself."
If you were rude in public place: "Your negativity, you have to live with it, but I don't need someone else's."
Whisper in the back of the enemy: "Your speeches are on your shoulders."

Whispers for love:

If you want to attract the attention of a person, say a loving whisper after him: “As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will spread before me.”
If you want to drive your loved one away from another woman, put a head of garlic in his pocket unnoticed and say: “Throw garlic away, throw away from your heart and (competitor’s name).” Naturally, having found garlic in his pocket, a man will take it out and throw it away.
If the husband leaves, after him say: "As water returns from earth to heaven, so you are destined to return to me."

From monetary losses, thefts and losses:Continued on next page

In this article:

A conspiracy to love is done by the weak, not by the loving.

A love plot seems to most ordinary people to be a harmless act, even a game that should not be taken seriously. However, experience proves that not everything is so good in conspiracies, or rather, there is a lot of bad, dangerous and even terrible in them.

Of course, during the ritual, the heavens above you will not open up, but here Negative consequences he will definitely have, and first of all for his customer or author, if it is one and the same person. Big problems grow even from the most harmless conspiracies, not endowed with special power. Why? Because it's all magic.

Reading Rules

  • The words are spoken very quietly, almost in a whisper.
  • The rite of love has strong energy, therefore, they have the same effect on a guy and a girl, on those who believe in magic, and not.
  • The author's belief in what he is doing and a clear presentation of the result can increase efficiency.
  • Words should be read not once, but 3,6,9,12 and so on times, in the absence of clear instructions on the number of readings, if only this number is divisible by 3.
  • If the plot does not specify the conditions for reading, then it should be performed as follows. Get up at dawn. Do not eat or drink anything. Wash yourself 4 times with dew or spring water (you can use church water). Bow towards the north, then west, south and east. Turn your face to the sunrise and read the prayer: “Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper. You are in the field, in the house, on the road, on the road, in heaven, on earth - everywhere. Intercede for me, save me from all evil. After that, you can read the plot.
  • Daytime and morning slanders are read to the east, evening and night conspiracies - to the west.
  • The preliminary prayer to the angel of the day on which you are reading the plot can increase the strength.
  • In the room in which you are going to read the words, there should be three images: the Savior, the Virgin, St. Nicholas (can be replaced by the healer Panteleimon).
  • With absence special instructions a conspiracy for a woman should be read on women's day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and for a man on a "men's" day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  • In no case do not read the rites on Sunday - this is a church day.
  • Having finished reading the plot, pour the water, if any, into the ground, where no one will step on it. Rinse the rest of the items used in the ritual with running water, saying:

    “Not a ladle (a glass, a basin, a vase) of mine, but a servant of God (name) from illnesses, ailments, commotion, fears, troubles, a prize, an evil conversation, let it be clean. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After washing your hands up to the elbows, clean the room, ventilate it and say a prayer of thanks.

Similar ways works have a beneficial effect on the general background of a woman

First rite

This love plot is read at dawn, on the growing moon. If you cannot get a girl or a guy, he will help you attract the attention of the person of interest. Ideally, it is better to read the plot on the street, but if you live in a huge metropolis, you can do this in a room by an open window.

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name).”

Repeat the plot 12 times, 12 days in a row. After a short period of time, after you read the plot on the twelfth day, the object of your sympathy will begin to think about you, pay attention to you, and want to be near you.


This conspiracy to love a man is very strong. The rules for reading the plot are similar to the previous case. The main thing is that it is better to read the plot from memory, but it is also possible from a sheet of paper, where the text is not printed, but written by hand. In no case do not read conspiracies from the monitor! Pronounce words should be clear, fast, without errors - this is important.
In the morning, in an empty room, with the phone and other distracting mechanisms and devices turned off, say:

“Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so God’s servant (name) cannot live day or night without God’s servant (name) of his other half.”

It is always preferable to read the plot from memory

Third (from photo)

If you have a photo of the person you are interested in, you can do enough effective conspiracy for love.

The positive aspect of the ritual is that there is no need to concentrate on the image of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made, because you have it in the form of a photograph.

When reading the plot, fill your words with love, desire, the power of positive emotions.

Let them penetrate the image and thoughts of the object of your affection, causing reciprocal feelings.

“Love in the heart (name) I call, I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in the heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare with hot fire, to me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I so want and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

This plot is read in the evening or at night in front of a photo of a guy, placed between two lit candles, preferably lit in a church. The plot is read nine times in a row for seven days on the growing moon.

This is very necessary thing! Thank you very much for these whispers! Now I read every day!

Good whispers. I always knew that the right attitude at the beginning of the day - the most important thing! And these conspiracies help both mentally and physically. After all, when you feel peace and joy in your soul, then the body becomes strong, strong, enduring, right?

I love Vanga very much and consider her the most majestic seer of all times and peoples! That is why only her whispers are considered so powerful! Thank you and I wish you all happiness and success!

Morning is the time on which the rest of the day largely depends. How you spend the morning, so it will be until the evening. This article will help you make every morning more productive.

Whispers in the morning from Vanga

Whispers are quick conspiracies that do not need to be prepared. They are easy to remember and also do not take much time to implement. Despite this, their strength is quite palpable. We have prepared for you morning whispers on different cases life.

Do not forget to get up in the morning with the right, and not with the left foot, saying out loud: “I take a step with my right foot. Good luck, you are always with me. So you save yourself from minor problems during the first half of the day. Repeat this whisper every day, and then luck will not leave you in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

The effect will be similar to the previous one. quick plot at the mirror. Before leaving the house, when you are fully prepared, go to the mirror, touch it with your hand and say to yourself, “You can do everything, you know everything in the world. Today I am like that (like that).

A sip will help you from fatigue pure water on an empty stomach It is proved that water is a source of life-giving force. Say the next whisper after drinking water “Water nourishes me and energizes me for the whole day. I can do everything, I can do everything. I will help myself."

When you wash your face in the morning, then say every time:

“I wash away sorrows and sleep from myself, I start a new day anew.” It is said that in the morning the anxieties of the previous day go away. This whisper will help you set yourself up for the right wave and the right “fighting” mood.

If you are overtaken by failures and you feel that the morning did not work out, then tell yourself "I am filled with hope, I get rid of failures." This should boost your luck and bring things back to normal.

Waking up with a loved one, kiss him and say to yourself "My soul, my thoughts and heart are always with you." So you will be connected by a special energy channel, being at any distance.

On a day off, you can get out of bed and say, “May this day be clear and cloudless, like the sky is blue. Amen". You can read another whisper "I want to relax today, turn my life around." This will help you get in the right mood.

Conspiracies for dew

Dew is a special kind of water healing properties have long been known. Conspiracies for dew are different: evening, night and morning - each type of dew has its own properties.

Morning dew is universal, so conspiracies are given here specifically for morning dew.

Morning conspiracy from various misfortunes

Stand barefoot on the grass, collect the dew with your hands and place your wet hands on top of your head. Read the plot, then dip your hands in the dew again and run your wet hands over your face, washing yourself with dew.

I will become a servant (a), God (s) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, from door to door, wash with dew, wipe with a veil, stand under the red sun, under the clear moon, under the red sun, under a clear moon, a table-throne, on that table-throne the Church-Cathedral, in this Church-Cathedral there are 77 sinners, 77 confessors, the first Philips, Seraphim, Nikitas, Alexeis, Savvatei, Nikolas, Jesus Christ himself, the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary herself , console, pacify the servant (s) of God (s) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half damage, from a white girl, from a white pariah, from a white man, from a black girl, from a black guy, from a man black, from a black woman, I cut, I cut, I cross from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) 12 pains, 12 sorrows, 12 damage, 12 half-damage, 12 scares, 12 frights, 12 lessons, 12 half-rocks, I cross , I will burn with fire, I will flood with water, I will close with sea castles, river springs, the lock in the river, the key in the mouth, no one will unlock it except me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from bad luck

We must walk through the dew, saying:

Dawn-dawn, dear sister, in the dew I, the servant (a) of God (them) (name), will pass. Take away all sorrows and troubles, dew-dew, bright queen. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from all evil

Walk barefoot on the dew, collect it with your hands, read the plot and wash yourself with dew:

I will become a servant of God (name) (name), blessed, and go, crossing myself; I will wash neither white nor black, wipe dry or wet; I wash myself with unleavened milk, I wipe myself with poppy color; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate; Saint Tikhon meets me, I bow to Saint Tikhon: “Take, father, twelve rods of tin, iron, and beat the twelve daughters of Herod with them, so that they do not coward me, do not break my bones. From now on forever."

Morning conspiracy-amulet to protect an important matter

At dawn, walk on the dew and read the plot three times. After that, you need to wash yourself with dew, wet the thread, tie a knot on it and carry it with you.

I will become, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the door, from the gate, to the east, to the east side, to the morning dawn of Marena, to the evening of Maremyana. Around me is an iron tyn from earth to sky, from east to west. This tyn no one can cross or move, neither a heretic, nor a heretic, nor a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor an oncoming one, nor a transverse one, nor a simple-haired woman, nor a cigarette girl, nor a white, nor a blond, nor a black, nor black. Be, my words, strong and sculpting, stronger than a damask knife. My tongue is the key, my mouth is the lock. Amen.

Morning conspiracy before any new business

Stand on the grass, run your hands over the dew, collecting it in your palms. After that, expose your palms to the sun and, while the water dries, you need to read the plot:

I will rise, the servant (a) of God (s) (name), having prayed. And I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the doors through the gates, I will ascend a high mountain, I will look around on four sides. On the eastern side, in a green meadow, a black horse grazes, a wild horse, smart. I, the servant (a) of God (them) (name), will approach that horse, with affection I will saddle and pull the reins and where I need to jump. The horse will serve as a crow to me, to carry me, a servant (s) of God (s) (name). My words are strong and sculpting. Amen.

Morning conspiracy from the evil eye

They read at dawn, standing barefoot on the grass. Dew after the conspiracy must be washed.

I will become a servant of God (name) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself. IN open field, blue sea, blue sea - White stone. On that stone, the girl sits, speaking: “All slander, prizes, human slander, get away from the servant (s) of God (her) (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Morning conspiracy before an important event

Walk through the dew barefoot, pick up the dew in your hands and expose it to the sun, saying:

I will become a servant of God (name) (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself. On the east side, in the clear sun. The sun is red, shine, the wind is violent, drive away from the servant (s) of God (s) (name) all misfortunes, sorrows, all sorrows. What to illuminate and what to drive away the sun and the winds themselves know. Amen.

Morning conspiracy of the evil eye and any disease

Collect dew with your hands, read the plot. After that, wash yourself with the collected dew.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. From the gogol - water, from the forest - dew. Come together, roll down, lessons, mowing, all the flashes. They came from the wind - go to the wind. They came from the forest - go to the forest. You came from people - go to people. From a woman with a wide tooth, from a grandmother with a wide tooth, from a bare-haired girl, from a peasant, from a draft. Which words I spoke, which I did not finish, be, my words, strong, sculpting. The castle is in the sea, the key is in the company.

Morning conspiracy from longing

Wash yourself with dew, saying:

Where there is water, there is longing for the servant (s) of God (s) (name). Amen.

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