Swim nails of large thumbs. Need to treat yellow and thickened nails on the legs. Yellow nails as a result of fungal lesion

The human health status can be determined by looking at the nail plate on the legs. If it has a yellowing view or other changes, this indicates the development of the pathological process. Do not try to choose the treatment yourself, be sure to contact a specialist.

Wishes of nails on the legs? Often it indicates a disease of a dystrophic nature, which is called inhibitshomat. This disease occurs hard and can lead to full nail loss. We will understand in detail with the causes provoking the disease, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Yellow spots on the nails may appear as a result of a variety of reasons. These include:

  • Fungal diseases. Most often, the pathogens - the genus Candida and Triedoofiton (ringing deprived).
  • Skin lesions - eczema, psoriasis or red flat deprived.
  • Inflammatory process in the tissue of a nail matrix, which provoked global bacteria.
  • The emergence of onyhhelny nails on the legs can be caused by enterovirus. 30-45 days after recovery, the nail plate can be detached, a certain time grows up a healthy nail.
  • Allergic reaction to the chemical.
  • The yellowness on the nail can manifest itself after impact or clamping the plate, as well as when conducting a pedicure with non-compliance safety.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • In infectious and venereal diseases - Scarlatina, lepreing or syphilis.
  • Incixation of the body.
  • Long use of some antibiotics.
  • Genetic predisposition.

With damage to the nail plate in the matrix, blood microcirculation is disturbed, which leads to a lack of nutrients. The burdown plate begins to yellow and peeling at the base of the nail, break.

Be sure to seek help in a medical institution, because it is hard to cure a disease that is hard enough. Even if the nail completely disappeared, the specialist will conduct research on identifying the pathogen and will solve preventive measures.


External signs of the disease can be divided into the stage and cause of the occurrence. At the initial stage, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • Designer or walked nail on the big finger;
  • Thickening or peeling the plate;
  • The nail bed looks inflamed.

Please note that the first changes are observed from the zone of the nail growth, and indirectly indicate the place of lesion. There is a disease on one of the nails of the legs, and if the pathology is observed on several fingers, then this is a reason to immediately turn to a narrow-profile specialist.


To make a diagnosis, the lept - dermatologist is obliged to hold a number of surveys:

  • Inspection of the nail plate under a special lamp;
  • Taking biomaterial for microscopic research on the identification of Mikosa;
  • Scraping from the skin of the octolone plate;
  • Blood test for antibodies to lepreing, syphilis and enteroviruses;
  • General blood analysis.

For several days, the resulting material will be studied in the laboratory on pathogenic microorganisms. Based on the data obtained, treatment is selected.


The treatment of inhibitors begins with the identification of the causative agent of the disease. With properly selected drugs, in the shortest possible time, you can reflect a healthy nail plate.

Features of therapy:

  • The disease is caused by problems from the nervous system. The patient destroys the nail independently. Consultation of a psychiatrist or a neurologist is required. To remove stress appointed sedative.
  • If the deformation of the nail occurred as a result of the suffering disease, the healthy plate will grow without the use of medicines. Experts recommend to introduce vitaminated dishes in the diet.
  • Local treatment of inhibitors is aimed at regenerating the nail matrix and the destruction of pathogenic microflora. Treatment prescribes a dermatologist, in certain situations a joint selection of therapy with an allergist or infectiousist. Use: antibiotics, antiseptic, hormonal, antifungal, antihistamines and other drugs.
  • Physiotherapy is prescribed phonophoresis with vitamins A and E, diathermy or ionophoresis. Course - 10 sessions.
  • Massage is recommended to restore blood supply.


  • Baths with iodine and sea salt. On 1 liter of warm water takes 4 teaspoons of sea salt and 8 drops of iodine. Within 3 months, it is necessary in the morning and in the evening for 15 minutes to keep legs in solution.
  • If the nail plate has moved, then sea buckthorn oil with several drops of tea tree essential oil is used for rapid skin healing.
  • With the nail fungus helps the tinctures tincture. For preparation, it is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of overheated bee wax with 50 ml of boiled water and 30 ml of salicylic alcohol. The nail plate is processed up to 5 times a day for 2 weeks. After that, a break for 3 days is made, and the course of treatment is repeated.


It is impossible to prevent the development of onhomatism if it causes an injury or an infectious disease. But adhering to the recommendations of the specialist can reduce the risk of complications. Therefore, comply with such rules:

  • Security rules in public swimming pools, saunas and fitness centers;
  • Before holding a pedicure, disinfect tools;
  • Do not use other people's clothes and shoes;
  • Timely treated, do not allow the transition of the disease into a chronic form;
  • Many walk in the fresh air, fully twist and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

About nails (video)

The appearance of a person is of great importance for success in social life. Many factors depend on it - from the device to work before establishing relations with the surrounding people. Modern man pays a lot of attention to appearance. The saying "We meet for clothes" does not lose relevance. This explains the popularity of beauty salons, promising to turn Cinderella in the princess in one day.

Taking care of yourself, do not forget about the important manicure and pedicure procedures. The image of a well-kept person will not be finished if the state of the hands and feet leaves an unpleasant impression. Nails are considered a reflection of the processes in the body. Changing shape, color, structure of the nail plate, purchased thickening, yellowing indicates the emergence of serious health problems.

The article will be discussed about the troubles arising from, the causes of the appearance and methods of treatment. A common disease becomes damage to the nail on the thumb. Men and women are subject to damage. On time, the designated treatment will easily solve the problem that caused the thickening of the nail on the finger. The main thing, in time to notice the emergence of changes and take measures to eliminate. Consider how not to miss the beginning of the disease, what steps to take for recovery.

Regular self-diagnostics will allow you to identify and stop the further development of negative changes in the nail plate on the legs. For holding, you do not need to have special skills, it is enough to know what a healthy nail looks like.

The plate shows a uniform structure, a pale pink shade, a thickness of no more than 1 mm. In the occurrence of pathologies, the nail acquires a yellowish tint, becomes thickened, is separated. The structure of the nail plate is changing - the bugness appears. Preventing the emergence of serious diseases, it is required to regularly inspect the nails on their hands and legs.

If there are no unpleasant feelings against the background of the changes occurring, anxiety is justified. The disease left without attention will progress, it is capable of occurring itching, pain appears when walking and other unpleasant consequences. When changing changes in the structure of the nails on the legs shows immediately contact a dermatologist, which will prescribe treatment.

Changes in the nail plate are caused by external adverse effects and diseases.

Causes of nail changes not related to diseases

If the nails on the legs are yellow and thicken, it is worth finding out the reason for the changes. Disease becomes not always the appearance. The negative impact is factors:

  1. Close, inconvenient either made from poor-quality shoes. The constant squeezing of the toes causes the slowdest slowdown, provoking the change in the structure of the nail. More often in such cases suffering the thumb. Popular materials provoke the detachment of the nail plate.
  2. Damage (injuries, unprofessional pedicure). Be sure to use sterile tools for the procedure or make a reliable wizard.
  3. Chemical damage. It is important to use high-quality nail tools - varnish, removal fluid. Even proven materials contain chemicals damaging the nail surface. Periodically relies to take a break in the use of procedures.
  4. Acceptance of individual medicines can cause changes. For example, antibiotics, preparations, including arsenic. It is enough to wait for the end of treatment, gradually nails on the legs will be returned to the initial look.
  5. Nicotine. Under the blow there are avid smokers. The destructive effect of nicotine helps to change the color of the nail plate. Smoking causes circulatory disruption, negatively affecting the structure of nails.

The troubles of this plan are quite easily solved. It is enough to exclude traumatic factors, nails on the legs later come to normal. Gradually thickening will decrease, natural color will be back. Treatment will take time - you have to wait until the healthy nail is completely different.

The case is more difficult with modifications caused by health problems.

Diseases serving the cause of yellowing and thickening nails:

  1. Congenital pathology. Thickening on your finger can manifest itself at an early age. Treatment in most cases does not give results. In appearance, it looks like a manifestation of fungus.
  2. Skin diseases. Fungus, psoriasis. Psoriasis in most cases becomes a hereditary disease, is chronic. Manifestations are similar to the damage to fungus, methods of treatment are equally different. The fungus is an infectious disease, caused by bacteria, amenable to treatment. In the absence of proper treatment applies further. Accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of itching.
  3. Blood circulation.
  4. Infections in the chronic stage: syphilis, tuberculosis.
  5. Violation of the respiratory system.
  6. Infectious diseases.
  7. Problems with endocrine system.
  8. Difficulties with veins.
  9. Neuropathy. Arises due to the injuries suffered, is characterized by damage to the nerve endings. The course of the disease turns out to be rapidly or gradual.
  10. Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins and minerals weakens the body, leads to the development of various chronic diseases, reflecting on the state of the nails on the legs and arms.

List of diseases are wide. It is impossible to determine the "on the eyes" the cause of the emergence of non-psycho nails on the finger of the foot. For example, fungal diseases are caused by a variety of different bacteria. Incorrectly selected treatment will not be a result, it is capable of applying an additional harm. No need to indulge in self-medication. Contact your doctor, pass the examination.

Funds of traditional medicine

In parallel with the prescribed treatment, or if damage is caused by mechanical influence, is not associated with the disease, permissible to resort to the help of proven folk recipes:

Remember the main thing - the use of these funds of traditional medicine should go in parallel with drug treatment appointed by a dermatologist.

Prevention of nail disease

Health care is easier to prevent than treat. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, follow the simple rules:

  1. Compliance with hygiene. Regular water procedures using hygiene tools prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria capable of leading to the disease of the nails.
  2. Using a personal towel.
  3. You can not wear, try someone else's shoes.
  4. Buying new shoes, use socks, when purchased, process from the inside.
  5. When visiting the bath, the pool carries special rubber shoes.
  6. Feet should be shod comfortable, not close toes, track the quality of the material used.
  7. Rinse regular shoes inside.
  8. Socks are prescribed to change daily.

Elevated contributes to the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, provoking the development of fungal diseases. The decoction of oak bark will help help. It is prepared in the proportion of 100 g per 1 liter of water, heated in a water bath for twenty minutes. It should be used cold. The use of children's springs will help prevent excessive sweating. It is enough to pour a small amount in socks or shoes before going out of the house.

The regular use of footbaths using sea salt, various grasses ragners having antiseptic and antimicrobial properties will supply an additional barrier on the path of development of the nail plate diseases. Remember, when the nail modification is detected, the appeal to the doctor will help.

Often the infection of the fungus occurs as a result of neglecting the listed personal safety measures. Treat your own well-being with attention, do not ignore reasonable advice of specialists and be healthy.

Surely in the summer, you have noticed a yellow nails on the legs of passing people. Agree that it looks, it does not aesthetically and immediately arises the thought of non-severe feet or illness. What should I do if your nails on the legs began to give yellow? Let's try to find out the cause of such a state of nail plates and possible methods of getting rid of the problem.

Yellow nails on the legs? What can cause?

The unequivocal answer is pretty hard, since various factors (causes) of external and internal character can affect the appearance of a yellow shade on the nails. Let's try to look inside the problem.

External reasons why the nails are becoming yellow?

Quite often, chemical impact leads to the yellowing of the nails on the legs. It occurs when contacting with:

  • household chemicals (cleansing agents);
  • poor-quality nail coatings;
  • gel for the soul;
  • foot creams.

Such means in direct contact with the nail can trigger the appearance of yellowness.

No matter how strangely sounded, but the sun is one of the causes of yellow nails on the legs. Ultraviolet rays - this is the source of the problem, and the "pick up" yellowing can be in the solarium.

Smoking, namely nicotin resins, paint not only the hand area. Because of the general poisoning of the body, the yellow appears on the nail plates of the legs.

Another reason for which we should not forget - wearing close shoes. Such a "clamp" of feet feet prevents the penetration of the tips of the nutrients. Over time, the nails show a protective reaction, starting to thicken, deform and turn yellow, respectively.

Internal causes, why are the nails on the legs of yellow?

The first thing to suspect, seeing yellow nails on the legs - fungal infection. It is she who changes the color and structure of the nail on the legs. It becomes loose, "Running" and acquires color from yellow to brown.

Often yellow nails on the legs, it is a reason to check the liver. It is possible, so manifests as a symptom of an inner jaundice, which is a consequence of liver diseases as:

  • household hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • poisoning drugs, which led to a violation of metabolism.

Such a "yellowish" manifestation has a number of other diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • failures in the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract and hearts;
  • pathology of the endocrine system.

It is connected with a violation of the proper metabolism, which requires qualified medical care.

What if yellow nails on the legs?

Initially, it should be found out the reason for this manifestation. If it is an inner disease, it must be treated with a medical path. If harmful habits, then they should be getting rid of them. If the nail plates fungus, then eliminate it, etc. To the main methods of removal of the problem include: Medical preparations and home methods.

Treatment of yellowness with mushroom nail plates

The nail plates affected by the fungus are treated with the following antifungal drugs:

  • loceral solution;
  • serum from a set of Mikosan;
  • special Nail Polish Batrafen;
  • cream or cycloproquamine solution.

Also in pharmacies are sold disinfecting-peeling plasters. To avoid the enclosure of the fungus on the nail plate, you need:

  • use high-quality decorative coatings;
  • use for a pedicure a disabled tool;
  • avoid wet, dirty places.

Home Methods of Fighting Yellow Nails on Legs

As for the treatment of the problem with homemade methods, they may be as follows:

  1. Lemon juice. Its use involves two options:
  • direct application of lemon juice on nail plates;
  • adding lemon juice to foot bath. For this, there is enough juice of half lemon.
  1. Celasthela oil. It is applied in the evening, it is applied as ordinary varnish. The only condition, after applying, be sure to wear warm socks, in order to create an active field for the action of the applied tool.
  2. Tea tree oil. With him make foot baths. It is a natural antiseptic with whitening effect. In 1 liter of warm water, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil, immerse my legs there. The course of such therapy is two weeks.
  3. Homemaking nails. For its preparation, such ingredients will be needed:
  • sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • one egg;
  • 70% vinegar - 1 tablespoon.

All mix until the formation of homogeneous mass. Ointment is ready for use, handle overnight.

  1. Baths for legs from a beam chamomile with soda. In the bath from the chamomile decoction with the addition of 1 tablespoon of soda, feet hiding for half an hour. Do it you need daily for two weeks in a row.
  2. Garlic. Skip it through the press and mix with butter. The tool must stand at least a day. The surface of the legs with the applied tool to bite the polyethylene (food) film and wear socks. If possible, wearing a garlic mixture of 8-12 hours.
  3. Salicyl ointment, which can be found in the pharmacy. It copes perfectly with the task of bleaching nails. In addition, it has a disinfecting and restoring effect. It is applied for the night "under sock".
  4. Bath for legs from herbal beam. For its preparation you need to have:
  • calendula (flowers) - two tablespoons;
  • celebrated - one tablespoon;
  • oak bark - three tablespoons;
  • lilac (flowers) - three tablespoons.

Herbs for boiling, insist no less than a day. Use as a footbath or rub into nail plates.

If the reason is in a shortage of vitamins?

If the reason for the yellow plates is labeled in a lack of vitamins and minerals, then you should reconsider your menu. Include as much as possible:

  • greens;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • seafood, especially fish.

The main vitamins that contribute to the healthy growth of nail plates are A, C, E, as well as folic acid. They can be found in eggs, butter. As for trace elements, use the products rich:

  • calcium (preferably in a complex with vitamin D);
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

How to avoid acquaintance with such a problem? Methods of prevention

If the yellowness on the nail plates is not caused by an internal disease, it is quite realistic to prevent its appearance. To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Abandon the bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol use (minimizes the risk of developing the Creemodis).
  2. Regularly care for nail plates - hygiene + pedicure.
  3. Wear only comfortable shoes that will not compress the foot.
  4. Avoid places with increased risk to infect fungus (general showers in gyms, pools).
  5. Do not abuse medicines. Since the baby is one thing, you can kill another.
  6. Before applying decorative coatings on the nail plate, use a database with a vitamin composition.

In time, the treatment and simple prevention actions will help to forget about the problem called Yellow Nails on the legs.

About human health can be judged by the form of nails on the legs and arms. The appearance of unnatural color indicates a failure in the body, requires a certain treatment. If the nail plates have become blue or purple, the problem lies in the work of the cardiovascular or pulmonary system. But why the nail on the high finger of the designer? In this case, the cause is the fungal and venereal diseases, genetic predisposition and many other factors.

External causes of yellowness

In medical practice, many reasons are distinguished, which lead to the yellow plate of the nail plate. Sometimes etiology is caused by external influence - nail polish, household chemicals, etc., in some cases the body signals a serious disease.

If the reason lies in the varnish, then, as a rule, no additional symptoms are present, nothing hurts, skin of natural color, no swelling and swelling is observed. Some varnishes contain formalone acid, toluene, camphor oil and other chemical components that act toxically on the liver, as a result of which the skin's appendages are yellow. Of course, a negative effect is observed not from the first application, but only after long-term use with frequent "update" manicure.

Tip: To protect your nails from the negative impact of chemistry available in varnishes, you need to choose the funds on which Big 5 Free or Big 3 Free.

If the wishes of the nails, the reasons may be the following:

  • The use of certain drug preparations for a long time. For example, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline;
  • Smoking. If the reasons are in cigarettes, then they usually become yellow on one hand, most often suffer from large, index and middle finger. The clinical picture is complemented by an unpleasant odor;
  • When yellowing the nails in the hands of etiology can be in the means of household chemicals, so you need to remember which new items were used in the economy;
  • Consumption of a large number of black tea and strong coffee affects the status and color of the nail plate. The drinks contains a pigment that changes the color of the teeth, the nail plate and the skin;
  • If the wishes of the nails on the thumbs of the legs, then the reason can be wounded in incorrectly selected shoes. Due to constant squeezing, the flow of nutrients is disturbed. Additional symptoms: Nail plate becomes wavy and ribbed, deformed and thickened. Most often, the problem concerns large fingers and maizins;
  • Crop the yellowness in the hands is able to remove the lacquer, which contains acetone.

In some cases, yellow nails are a variant of the norm. Get rid of such a problem will not work. With age in the elderly, the shade of the nail plate is often changing.

Diseases leading to a change in nail color

If we simply cope with external factors, it is enough to exclude them to regain the natural color of the nails, then with pathologies, it's not a simple thing. There are many diseases that sign about their development of the yellow nail plate.

Onychogrif is a disease that changes the color and structure is acquired and congenital form. Hereditary pathology is characterized by nails of a yellow-dirty shade, they become solid and rigid, lose their natural shine and acquire a curved shape. Only one finger can suffer or several minutes.

Acquired ongoing is accompanied by a violation of blood circulation in the nail plates. Such a pathological condition is developing due to diseases:

  1. Pneumonia;
  2. Scarlet fever;
  3. Cort, dysentery;
  4. Typhoid fever;
  5. Phlebeurysm;
  6. Atherosclerotic changes in the body;
  7. Different etiology neuritis;
  8. Sclerosis scattered form;
  9. Syphilis.

Dystrophic onyhiy is usually characterized by such phrases - "yellow nails on the legs" and the nails of the hands got yellow. " With such a disease, there are their symptoms: the nail plate dumps, becomes yellow, transverse strips and point indulgence appear on it. At the same time, the fragility increases, depart from the free edge, are able to split in the longitudinal direction.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease that flows against the background of skin lesion. However, clinical manifestations are not always starting with lesions of the skin. In some cases, the disease is manifested by the defeat of the nails.

Clinical manifestations of psoriasis:

  • The nail plate becomes muddy;
  • It appears in it and grooves;
  • Slashing a part or all nail.

Notice, the distinguishing feature of psoriasis is that hemorrhages appear under the nails after any time, as a result, there are spots of pink, red and burgundy tint on a yellow background.

Yellow nails as a result of fungal lesion

If it is yellowed to nail on the leg, while the shoes are comfortable, there are no injuries, the man did not use new varnishes, then it can be a fungal infection. Only in rare cases the fungus is striking one finger. Usually it has a property spread, as a result of which the color of the skin of the heel, fingers changes. Most often, diabetics are suffering, having a large "experience" of chronic disease.

The fungal defeat usually begins with the infection of the thumbs or the little fingers, the brushes are less likely. Clinical manifestations are always different, they are due to the type of specific causative agent, the state of the immune system.

Reasons for yellowness under nails

In some cases, the color of the nail does not change, the state of the nail bed is converted, its pigment changes, respectively, it seems that the nail plates acquired an unnatural shade. If this happened, the reasons are caused in the work of the internal organs:

  1. Jaundice. Pathology can be caused by a violation of the functionality of biliary tract, liver cirrhosis.
  2. Pathology kidneys. Usually, yellowness is accompanied by general malaise, drowsiness, nausea, feeling of bitterness in the oral cavity.
  3. Diseases of the respiratory system. Symptoms: lips color, breathing difficulties, unproductive or productive cough, shortness of breath.
  4. Sugar diabetes 1 and 2 types It can manifest themselves with the yellowed of a nail bed or nail himself. With chronically high Sahara in diabetics, there is a low immune status in diabetics, as a result of which they often suffer from the attachment of infections, including fungal.
  5. Hypothyroidism. Additionally, hair loss is appeared, dry skin cover.

If the yellow nail on the leg is the only symptom, then the reasons must be sought in external factors or fungal infection. In a situation where alarming symptoms are observed, etiology lies in the failure of the internal organs.

How to cure yellow nail?

If pathogenesis lies in the pathological process, the treatment is assigned exclusively the doctor after comprehensive diagnosis. Only by eliminating the source can be returned to your nails natural look.

IMPORTANT: You can not paint yellow nail polit, fungus loves a wet environment, and under varnish it will be actively multiplied. Temporary disappointment of the defect will result in numerous problems in the future.

Features of treatment depending on the cause:

  • If the disorder of the nervous system is detected, when high independently contributes to the destruction of his nail (bites, does not use scissors, etc.), a consultation of a psychotherapist and a neurologist is required. Must prescribe medications with a sedative effect. Only in severe cases, it is advisable to use antidepressants;
  • If you wear yellowed due to transferred pathology, no symptomatic treatment is required. Over time, normal and healthy marigold will grow. It is important in this period correctly and balanced to eat, you can drink a vitamin or mineral complex;
  • If the diagnosis is diagnosed with the lept - the conservative treatment is focused on the restoration of the nail matrix and the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The therapy scheme is prescribed a dermatologist or an infectiousist. Antibiotics, antifamot drugs, hormonal and antihistamine medicines are used;
  • When etiology is due to blood violation, it is recommended to carry out a massage. This manipulation can be carried out at home. It is desirable for the first time it was conducted by a specialist.

Along with medication therapy at home, you can use folk remedies that are directed to the removal of yellowness. They do not affect the cause, but help get rid of the symptom. Bleaching options:

  1. Mix three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 100 ml of water, pour into a plastic container. Lower the nails for two minutes. Then you need to lose them with a toothbrush. After the bath, the moisturizing gel is used or cream. Repeat once a week, the course is two months.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one lemon, to hold the nails in it for one hour. After rubing the yellowness with a rigid sponge. Wash hands without the use of soap, apply a moisturizer.

Tip: Before applying nail polish, you must first use a special base coating.

It is recommended to comply with hygiene as prevention, wearing comfortable shoes in size, never use someone else's, minimizing bad habits - coffee abuse, smoking. Any pathology is better to prevent than a long time to deal with it.

Yellow nails on feet in women, and in men, an unpleasant sight. They can not be on themselves yellow, they can not, so our organism is arranged that they are in their nature have a light pink color. This color change can be provoked by different reasons. We will tell about them in today's material.

Visual signs of yeast fungus

If the nail on the leg is thick and yellow, in most cases the reason for this fungal infection. Many people live quite well, and the yellow color of the nails do not bother them. And in vain, if this is a disease, and not treated it. In the future, it can provoke complications.

On the legs of yellow nails: what to do?

If you discovered the yellow nail on the thumb. Visit the doctor of the dermatologist, and pass the nail particles for tests. We painted in detail these processes:

Yellow nails on the legs: Cause

Yellowness due to fungus

Yellow spots on the feet nails have almost the same reasons as in their hands. Read the list:

  • Active smoking is often the cause, because of what yellow spots appear under the nail on the leg and hands. This is a stereotype, if you think that from cigarettes can be yellow only nails of the hands. Nicotine and other chemical elements falling into the blood spread throughout the body.
  • The most popular reason why yellow nails on the legs are yeast fungus. Under its influence, the nails become dry, loose. Let's literally crumble in front of her eyes. It can be diagnosed independently at home. To do this, hold the nails in the solution of manganese. Manganese will paint your healthy nails in brown, and the patients will remain white.
  • The reason is the yellow nails on feet in women. It can often be due to the use of non-high-quality varnishes. Penetrated into the thickness of the nail plate, the lacquer of non-appropriate quality can cause nail pegments.
  • On the change of color can also affect the sock of uncomfortable or close shoes. Continuous friction, provokes deformation of nails. Reinforcement of this friction by a wet medium is borne by injury to nails and their modifications. As a rule, it begins with a thumb foot.
  • If you have been treated for a long time from severe antibiotic disease. This could also affect their appearance. Since, for the most part, antibiotics adversely affect the intestinal microflora and the liver. What can not stay for the body not noticed.


There are people who have a light yellowness of the nails are laid in DNA. And such a color of them is the norm. At the same time, often the yellowness of the nails is found in old age when the organism regeneration reduces its level of activity.

Treatment of yellow nails

To carry out proper and effective treatment. It is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of the origin of the yellowness. To do this, visit the dermatologist. It will determine what is happening with your nails, it is in your case. And prescribes a certain course of treatment, if it is necessary.


Ignoring the disease can entail the loss of the nail

Andrew, 36 years

Yellow nails on my fingers were for a long time. Three years so three exactly, did not attach meaning. While the wife almost forced me to see me to see a doctor. Mikogo put a scary at that time for me diagnosed, nail fungus. And prescribed me. I left for all treatment somewhere 8 months. But nails are now healthy and strong.

Ksenia, 24 years

Yellow spots on the nails of the legs, I noticed immediately as they just started to appear. Without losing time, I began to do. For a month, all the marigolds restored their former look.

Daria, 31 year

During swimming, I noticed the yellow nail in the child on the leg. Just something yellow under the nail on the leg. He brought him to the Oakha and to the pediatrician, he sent us to the dermatologist. Doctor prescribed us antifungal cream. Two months were smeared, and the doctor was observed. My Council of Mama, if you noticed something from your baby, go to the doctor right away.