26 week watery discharge is normal. Examinations and comorbidities. Possible problems with twin pregnancy

At the end of the second trimester, you can notice changes in the fetus. At this time, the ears have already formed, the eyes open. By the beginning of the seventh month, the respiratory system is practically improved, bones are strengthened, there are rudiments of teeth.

At 26 weeks pregnant, vaginal discharge is normal. They perform protective function vagina, provide moisturizing and cleansing of the mucosa, are natural lubrication. However, sometimes such whites are a sign of diseases that threaten the health of a woman and a child.

Discharge at 26 weeks pregnant

At the end of the second trimester, a woman feels the baby move. He can cause it discomfort However, this phenomenon is the norm. If the baby is not active long time, you should consult a doctor. Excessive activity can also signal a problem - a lack of oxygen.

Discharge in women at 26 weeks of gestation is normal, but in some cases it may indicate the development pathological processes. It is important to ensure that the whites are of moderate volume, uniform consistency and whitish hue.

You should consult a gynecologist if whites of a different nature appear:

  • Greenish, yellow tint.
  • Grey.
  • With an admixture of blood.
  • With an unpleasant smell.
  • In large volume.
  • Irregular consistency.
  • Too liquid.

Such a secret is not considered normal and often speaks of the development of processes that can harm the child and the expectant mother. Often they are accompanied by discomfort.

Discharge is normal or time to see a doctor

Only a gynecologist can determine whether a woman’s condition is normal at the 26th week of pregnancy or not. Most often, a secret that is odorless and colorless is considered not pathological. Almost all other whites talk about the development of diseases that can provoke the loss of a child, childbirth ahead of time, infection of the fetus.

This secret has bad smell accompanied by pain in the abdomen. It may be with blood or pus, or be whitish, yellow, gray shade. The danger is abundant transparent selection, similar in consistency to water - may be a symptom of leakage amniotic fluid.

Dangerous secretions

During pregnancy, a bloody secret is dangerous. When it appears, contact ambulance, since the symptom may indicate placenta previa, its detachment. Bleeding poses a threat to the mother and child, in some situations, untimely intervention by doctors can lead to death.

The separation of a watery secret at the end of the sixth month of gestation is an unfavorable symptom. It may indicate a leak. amniotic fluid. Sometimes it is released in a small volume, however, even their slight leakage is harmful to the fetus.

To check if this symptom is really present, you can buy a special test at a pharmacy, but the best option is an appeal to the attending obstetrician - gynecologist.

The appearance of dangerous whites is easier to prevent than to subsequently undergo long-term therapy. In order to detect the development of pathology in time and prevent it on early stage, should not be ignored scheduled visits gynecologist, performing ultrasound and tests. It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Causes of spotting from the genital tract in the second trimester of pregnancy

Appearance brown discharge, blood at 26 weeks of gestation - dangerous symptom which requires the intervention of doctors. Often such a secret is associated with detachment children's place. This condition is especially dangerous in the second half of gestation, since after this period the placenta is fully formed and does not regenerate.

Other reasons for the appearance of a secret with blood impurities:

  • premature birth.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Injuries of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Presence of infections.
  • Polyps.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

Not always the appearance of blood whites is associated with complications during pregnancy. Urine should be tested to exclude the presence of red blood cells in it. In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist to find out the exact cause of the pathological condition.

After being examined by a doctor and passing necessary analyzes, research, gynecologist prescribes therapy. Yes, if there is serious threat for the health of a woman, treatment can be prescribed in a hospital setting, if there are no serious complications, it is recommended drug treatment outpatient.

Purulent discharge from the vagina in the second trimester of pregnancy

At the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, the secret should be milky, light shade, v intimate area there should be no discomfort. The appearance of greenish or bright yellow discharge indicates the development of inflammation, STDs and other diseases.

Greenish discharge is a symptom of the following pathologies:

  • Acute inflammation of the vagina.
  • Defeats fallopian tubes, ovaries.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • bacterial infections.

Common STDs that cause this symptom are gonorrhea, chlamydia. They negatively affect the health of a woman and a child, can lead to the development of complications such as infection of the fetus, premature birth, etc. Diseases require urgent treatment.

Greenish heterogeneous discharge can be the result of untreated thrush, in which case you can notice a greenish secret that resembles flakes and has an unpleasant odor.

Allocations may appear as a result of poor hygiene, as well as due to a change hormonal background as a complication after mechanical injuries. Most pathologies are treatable, but therapy should be started as early as possible - at an early stage in the development of the disease.

The course of pregnancy at the 26th week

The growing belly presses on the diaphragm, which restricts the breathing of a pregnant woman. She may have shortness of breath , feeling that there is not enough air. It will become more difficult to put on shoes, overcome long distances and steps.

Helpful Hints

Future mother good to read not only novels and magical love stories, but also more practical books. So, on the shelves of bookstores there is now a sufficient assortment of good literature about pregnancy, and you can already start getting acquainted with books on baby care, breastfeeding and health of children in the first year of life. Such knowledge never hurts.

It's time to get busy shopping for baby , now it will be much easier to go around stores and look after everything you need than in a few weeks. In the event that while the pregnant woman still regularly goes to work, acquaintance with children's things in reality should be postponed for a couple of weeks, and take time for evening walks and sparing ones, such as swimming, fitball or yoga for pregnant women.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, the unborn baby turns 24 weeks from the time of conception, the seventh lunar month of pregnancy is coming.

Changes in the body of the fetus

With the help of ultrasound at the 26th week of pregnancy, you can find out that the unborn baby has already reached a length of about 35 cm and a weight of 750 - 850 g.

The fetus already clearly distinguishes individual facial features that are characteristic only for him. On the face of the unborn child there are eyelashes and eyebrows, auricles, small nose, cheeks begin to round. The ears protrude a little, they are still soft due to the underdevelopment of the cartilage that forms their basis.

Sense organs continue to develop - inner ear, sight, touch. For a fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy, the beat of the mother's heart is very familiar and familiar, it calms him. future baby distinguishes between light and darkness, with his fingers he feels the umbilical cord and parts of his body. There is an opinion that at the 26th week of pregnancy, he distinguishes between the voices of his father and mother.

The eyes of the future baby at the 26th week of pregnancy are formed, but he does not open them yet. The color of the iris is already predefined.

The connection between the brain and the adrenal cortex is being established - the process of hormone formation becomes controlled by the pituitary and hypothalamus. In addition, it begins to produce its own growth hormone.

The lungs of the fetus at 26 weeks of gestation take their usual place, there are more and more lung respiratory sacs (alveoli), which increases survival in case of premature birth.

The movements of the fetus are so active that they can cause pain at the 26th week of pregnancy. If a woman feels regular tremors and movements in her stomach at the 24th week of pregnancy, then everything is in order with her unborn child. From about this time, other people can also feel the baby's movements by placing their palms on their stomachs. If there is no sensation of stirring in the abdomen at the 26th week of pregnancy for more than 12 hours in a row, you should consult a doctor.

Changes in a woman's body at 26 weeks of gestation

The height of the fundus of the uterus above the level of the pubic articulation is now normally about 26 cm, or 6 cm above the navel.

An increase in weight and abdominal circumference at 26 weeks of gestation inevitably affects fatigue women. Sometimes unpleasant pain in the waist. This is due to a change in the center of gravity of the body and the softening effect of pregnancy hormones on the ligaments of the joints. Such pains at the 26th week of pregnancy are natural, and they can be dealt with. Experts recommend resting more often, taking a horizontal position, not lifting weights and wearing comfortable shoes on low heels.

The breast of a pregnant woman by this time has increased in size. The discharge of a few drops of colostrum from the nipples at the 26th week of pregnancy is a sign that the breast is preparing for breastfeeding after childbirth. On the areolas around the nipples, tubercles protruding above the surface may appear, and they themselves areola darken - so you should not be afraid of this.

Examination at 26 weeks of gestation

At this time, hemoglobin may decrease, which is reflected in general analysis blood. This is not surprising, since the volume of circulating blood has increased by almost one and a half times. It should not be allowed to reduce hemoglobin below 110 g / l, since anemia not only worsens the woman's well-being, but may also suffer from oxygen starvation fetus.

For the entire pregnancy up to 26 weeks, the total weight gain should not exceed 10 kg. Excessive and too rapid weight gain testifies in favor of latent preeclampsia (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy). It is best to control weight daily, on an empty stomach, at the same time.

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As a rule, pregnant women every day meet with new adventures related to active development their unborn child. In order to provide yourself with peace of mind and not feel noticeable discomfort during pregnancy, it is desirable that the mother knows in advance what awaits her in the coming weeks. interesting position". One of the most interesting is the 26th week of pregnancy, when the fetus already resembles a small but fully formed person. What to expect and what to watch out for this stage pregnancy - read on.

Discharge at 26 weeks pregnant

Allocations at this stage take on a slightly different character, but one should not be overly afraid of such changes. This is due to nothing more than the formation of a mucous plug that closes the cervical canal of the uterus, and women notice a significant increase in discharge. The main thing is that the discharge falls under the concept of the norm - that is, they are moderate, have a light or white shade color and consistency.

serious reason for immediate appeal to the doctor there is a green or brownish discharge, purulent or mucous content or a curdled consistency, which are a direct indicator of the development of a focus of infection. It is almost impossible not to notice such secretions, because they are always accompanied by obvious discomfort - itching and burning in the genitals. You can not leave the development of infection to chance, since treatment in this condition is required, otherwise it is fraught with infection membranes and infection of the fetus. In order not to give the child unnecessary danger, do not bring the situation to an extreme degree.

It is also urgent to call the ambulance station if the pregnant woman has bloody issues, and at the same time painful sensations are felt in the lower abdomen. This is very dangerous, because such signs indicate the onset of placental abruption or its presentation.

Bulk volumes are also considered suspicious. watery discharge at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, because such symptoms are always characteristic of leakage of amniotic fluid. Sometimes the water around the fetus can be released in very small portions, while watery discharge at this stage of pregnancy is easy to distinguish in terms of moderation and the absence of soreness.

However, the appearance of even very moderate watery discharge should become a factor for action and become serious reason for a qualified consultation with the attending obstetrician.


Undoubtedly, a pregnant woman who is already such a week of pregnancy is the owner of a beautiful round belly and it begins to cause the first inconvenience.

Since the uterus is already very impressive in size, and there is less and less space in the child’s stomach every day, any push of it causes pain at this stage. And these pains can be given to the area under the ribs and in the lower abdomen. These painful sensations are primarily associated with the action of hormones that relax the ligaments and joints, as well as the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on internal organs abdominal cavity. How can you ease some of the pain? This can be done if you lie on your side for a while and thus relieve pressure on the internal organs and free the body from the load.

Of course, pregnancy at this time puts stress on the blood vessels. future mother. Headaches can be managed without medication by resting in a cool and ventilated room. Often, headaches are accompanied by cramps in the legs, and the reason for everything is the increased load on them due to the increase in the weight of the mother. The method of treatment is already familiar to us - and this is nothing more than rest: the legs often need to be unloaded from the load - lie down more often, put pillows under your feet and lift them up.

It is not uncommon to experience discomfort during this week of pregnancy due to pain in the back and lower back. And they are again the result of the action of hormones that are responsible for softening the ligaments and joints. Plus, this added a shift in the center of gravity.

Read also

How to get out of this situation? Regular unload spin, completely abandon heels and uncomfortable shoes, apply special exercises yoga or callanetics for pregnant women, and the use of a supportive prenatal bandage.

Fetus at 26 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The fetus at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy acquires those individual traits that only he will have in the future. Even the face of a child already resembles a face small child- Eyebrows, eyelashes and tiny ears are formed. Its development is now at such a stage that the formation of the structure of the inner ear is almost over and your baby is sensitive to everything, not only the mother’s heartbeat, but also to the sounds that come from external environment. Every day, the child begins to open his eyes little by little, that is, for the expectant mother, this means that you should definitely avoid sharp loud sounds and very bright light. You can sing beautiful calm songs without slowing down, read fairy tales and listen to the best classical works to develop a good musical taste. It is also generally accepted that the fetus at this stage of pregnancy can easily distinguish between the voice of mom and dad, so communication with them will have a beneficial effect on its further development.

The bone tissue of the child continues to strengthen, he has formed the rudiments of milk and molars. Completes his upgrade respiratory system fetus: the lungs take on a complete shape and take up space - the baby is ready to breathe immediately after it is born.

With every moment, the color changes and the baby's skin is smoothed. The arms and legs of the child are gradually rounded.

The baby's brain debugs communication with the adrenal cortex, which ultimately leads to the production of its own growth hormone by the pituitary gland.

If we talk about the size of the fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy, then they are expressed in the following ratio: weight is approximately 750 grams, and height is about 36 centimeters. The kid already has a lot of rest in his sleep - almost 21 hours; and during wakefulness actively develops in movement.


With a healthy pregnancy ultrasonography is prescribed with a frequency of no more than three times for the entire period of bearing a child. Therefore, it may happen that the second planned ultrasound will be scheduled for you at the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy. At this stage, the doctor is already very likely to inform the future parents of the future sex of the child, however, if its location allows it.

But the most important purpose of ultrasound in this week of pregnancy is the possibility of excluding various dysfunctions in the fetus - heart defects, urinary tract, bone tissue and genital organs. Such measures at this stage make it possible to eliminate possible defects nervous system, assess the quality of amniotic fluid, conduct a study of the site of attachment of the placenta and its condition.

Belly at 26 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

We have already said that the stomach of a pregnant woman can cause her significant inconvenience, since there is a significant growth of the uterus and sprain. And slightly drawing pains- the first confirmation of this, because the uterus is developing, this can give some weakness and pain. It is normal when these pains do not cause much discomfort and the woman can move without assistance.

But if the stomach hurts and pulls constantly and the pain does not subside even during rest, then it's time to worry and immediately go to the doctor for a consultation and a possible test.

In no case do not self-medicate, because medication without consulting a doctor can cause serious harm to the child.

It may happen that the doctor will offer you to lie down for preservation, which means that you should heed his advice. Indeed, in any case, it is easier to provide qualified assistance when the patient is under the supervision of doctors.

In order for pregnancy not to cause discomfort and to proceed healthy and without deviations, it is necessary to lead a calm lifestyle and tune in only to the positive. As for the 26th week of pregnancy, this is wonderful period to enjoy life - you can think over plans for the future, arrange a room for the baby and finish all the work at work and go to a well-deserved rest. Love and take care of your unborn child!