Getting married in denmark. Required documents for registration of marriage in Denmark. Registration of same-sex marriage from experienced professionals

V last years marriage in Denmark is very popular. In particular, citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany wishing to marry citizens of other countries travel to Denmark to legitimize their conjugal relationship... In this case, “marriage in Denmark” is used as a tool in the framework of spousal reunification. Also, citizens of other countries living in Germany often decide to get married in Denmark.

The main reason for this decision is the ease and speed of this procedure. After all, everyone knows that the process of getting married in the registry offices in Germany can last for several months, or even years. In addition, some citizens believe that by getting married in Denmark, it will be possible to circumvent the requirements of German family reunification law.

The “Marriage in Denmark” tool is generally used in two cases: In one case, a marriage is contracted between people already residing in the EU. In another case, only one of the spouses is an EU citizen, while the other is a non-EU citizen and permanently resides outside the European Union.

Consider these two cases:

Marriage in Denmark as a tool for family reunification

Today there are many companies offering services for organizing marriage in Denmark. They promise a quick and inexpensive marriage with the opportunity to subsequently stay with a European husband with the opportunity to acquire a permanent residence permit (PRP). However, few know that this kind of action can have dire consequences for both spouses and firms that offer such services.

"There is only one step from the registry office to the prosecutor's office." This is not a joke, but reality. There were cases that instead of obtaining a residence permit, spouses received deportation, a ban on entry to the Eurozone and a criminal record. And firms, in turn, were held accountable as instigators and accomplices in illegal migration. The same fate can await a lawyer who deliberately or because of ignorance of the law pushed clients to such a step.

Using the example of the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, we will figure out why this is possible:

The most standard case is when one of the spouses is a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the other is a citizen of the CIS. They set the day of marriage in the registry office of Denmark and go there. As a rule, a foreign spouse travels to Denmark on the basis of a tourist visa. After marriage, they go to Germany and apply for a temporary residence permit (residence permit) for the reunification of spouses. V best case to a foreign spouse, the Office for Foreigners will refuse to provide a residence permit. In the worst case, a criminal case will be opened.

A criminal case may be initiated for providing false information about the purpose of the trip as part of obtaining a tourist visa. This is because a tourist visa can only be used for tourist purposes. For any other purpose, a corresponding national visa is required. Consequently, providing incorrect information about the purpose of the trip may lead to criminal liability. Further, a criminal case may be initiated due to entry into the country without an appropriate residence permit or visa.

Due to the provision of incorrect information, the Aliens Office may refuse to issue a residence permit to a foreign spouse and threaten with deportation from the country. At this point, it should be noted that a residence permit / residence permit for spousal reunification is issued only in two cases:

  • if the conditions for the provision of a matrimonial residence permit arose after entering Germany. For example, a foreigner came to Germany as a student. After a while, he met a German citizen here and married her. In this case, the conditions for issuing a residence permit arose after entry
  • if the spouse entered Germany on the basis of a spousal visa with legal order on the reunification of spouses.

The conclusion is obvious: as a tool for family reunification, “marriage in Denmark” is not only unsuitable, but also dangerous.

Marriage in Denmark, for people living in the EU

In this case, a marriage is concluded between persons living in Europe, regardless of their citizenship. For example, non-citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany who live in the Federal Republic of Germany go to Denmark and get married there. In principle, this is possible. However, there are also many pitfalls here.

First, this marriage must be contracted in accordance with the formal requirements of Danish law.

Secondly, the marriage must comply with the laws of the countries of which the spouses are citizens. Therefore, the conclusion of marriage without appropriate consultation in the departments of these countries is highly discouraged.

Thirdly, the marriage must be recognized and valid in Germany. For example, Germany may refuse to recognize a marriage if one of the spouses was married / married before marriage in Denmark. In this case, recognition will require the provision of the original judgment on the dissolution of the first marriage with official translation... Until the moment of its recognition by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the first marriage will be considered valid, which automatically leads to double marriage. Recognition is carried out The Supreme Court at the place of residence. Therefore, it is advisable to involve lawyers in drawing up and submitting a petition.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace individual legal advice. The use of this material in personal matters without prior legal advice a lawyer can cause you irreparable damage. The author does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, timeliness or quality of the information provided. The author is not responsible for any damage incurred when using this article. This does not apply if the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.

The question is how quickly formalize a relationship with a German citizen asked not a single couple of newlyweds. Marrying a foreigner is a very responsible step, which also requires tremendous willpower to achieve a goal. Because the German bureaucracy is known all over the world.

In Germany from the beginning living together 5-7 years may pass before marriage registration in ordinary German couples, Germans are in no hurry to get married, they need confidence that marriage is necessary. Whether it depends on the mentality or such a lengthy and expensive divorce, I don't know. If you want to read about the German mentality then we , and in this article we will talk about the quick option of registering a marriage with a German citizen.

As for foreign marriages, the fate is different: someone gets married and lives happily, someone gets married and gets divorced a year later. But in any case, the foreign partner must understand that he is moving to another country with his own traditions and habits, and he will have to change a lot in his life. The first problem arises when it is necessary to collect full package documents for the German registry office, which we wrote about. It turns out that this is not so easy! Moreover, it takes a lot of time! Couples in love cannot wait and find another way out - to get married in Denmark!

What is Denmark famous for?

The Kingdom of Denmark is popularly called Las Vegas, where the dreams of lovers from all over the world come true. The Germans are no exception! A marriage contracted in Denmark is recognized at the legal level in Germany as well. It is easier to register there than in your German homeland, the package of documents is smaller and can be completed in just three days.

The number of people getting married in Denmark is growing significantly. Among the newlyweds, there are also couples in which both partners have German citizenship.

Where to begin?

First, you first need to choose the city in which you want to get married, considering how you both will get there. For example, if you go by car, you can choose any city you like. And if you go by train, then it is better to choose a city along the way. railroad: Odence (on the island), Kolding, Gobenhavn (Copenhagen), etc.

Secondly, call or write to email address to the Danish Rathaus of this city to make an appointment and receive a list of documents required for marriage registration. The phone number in Copenhagin, for example, is 0045/33663366.

Fourth, find out in what language all documents should be. Some offices require translation in English, some in German.

What are the basic documents required when registering a marriage in Denmark?

Each Rathaus requires a different set of documents, but there is a single list for everyone.

For citizens of the CIS countries it is necessary:
- a passport with an open Schengen visa (for the Republic of Belarus - an internal passport, for the rest - a foreign passport),
- birth certificate,
- certificate of marital status (for divorced - a court decision on divorce, for widows / s - certificate of death of a spouse),
- a questionnaire (you can fill it out on the spot when submitting documents).
Documents must be apostilled and translated.

For German citizens it is necessary:
- the passport,
- certificate of registration,
- certificate of marital status (not older than 4 months),
- a questionnaire.

What do you need to know?

The necessary conditions for registering a marriage in Denmark are the submission of documents three days before the marriage and settlement in the commune of the selected city. You can rent a hotel room or a room from local residents... The receipt of payment for accommodation must be presented immediately before signing. What to do for three days, decide for yourself.

When submitting documents, you must pay a fee (about 500 CZK).

It is advisable to collect documents for Denmark and for the embassy for a Schengen visa at the same time, so as not to waste precious time. Takes about two weeks with a strong desire. By the way, a Schengen visa can be obtained not only at the Danish embassy.

How is a marriage registered in Denmark?
You must arrive on the appointed date at the appointed place with passports, receipts for payment for the place of residence, rings and a good mood.

Young people enter the hall to music. Friends, witnesses and relatives (if any) are invited as well. It is not necessary to have witnesses, but you can ask local residents to become them. The registration procedure takes about 15 minutes, after which you can leave the ceremonial place and go on a honeymoon trip.

At the request of the young, the marriage procedure can be translated into another language.

After arriving in Germany, it is necessary to present the marriage certificate at the local registry office, which to confirm new status a German citizen. After that, you need to go to the Office for Foreigners to find out what to do for a citizen of another country. At the discretion of the department, they can send home to perform family reunification, or they could start reunification in Germany.

Happiness in family life!

Tatiana Diehl, Bremen (Germany).

  1. Can I get married with a tourist visa in Denmark?
    Yes, you can get married in Denmark with any valid Schengen visa. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the visa is not a national one, because often, after extending a visa in your country of residence, you get exactly a national visa, and, accordingly, you will not be able to get married in Denmark. Also, if you have a multiple-entry visa to enter Schengen, pay attention that you do not spend the days of stay allowed by the visa.
  2. Can I, after marriage in Denmark, immediately stay in Germany?

    Unfortunately, after the amendments to current law on foreigners, you cannot immediately stay in Germany, since these Supplements regulate the process of family reunification in a new way. After marriage, you will have to leave Germany and put Antrag on reunification through the German Embassy in your country. * See question 16 for more.

  3. Can same-sex marriage be contracted in Denmark?
    Yes. Now it is possible. The previous restrictions have been removed. All necessary documents are the same as for traditional couples.
  4. I am a Russian woman, my Divorce Certificate passed Consular legalization in 2006, and now Denmark has entered the Hague Convention and an Apostille is required. What should I do?
    If your document was legalized before January 2007, then it continues to be recognized in Denmark without any restrictions.
  5. I heard that Denmark has entered the Hague Convention, does this mean that now documents need to be apostilled?
    Yes, if the document is issued in a country that is a member of the Hague Convention, then it is necessary to affix the Apostille, if the country is not included in the Hague Convention, then Consular legalization is preserved.
  6. What documents must be apostilled for marriage?
    Apostille is affixed only to the Divorce Certificate / Court Decision on Divorce and to the Death Certificate.
  7. How can you get a certificate of marital status in Russia?
    In Russia, there is no computer database of the marital status of citizens, so you can fill out an Application from a notary that you are not married, or try to get a Certificate of Form No. 35 from the registry office at your place of registration.
  8. What language should the documents be translated into?
    All documents for marriage must be translated into English, German or Danish and officially certified by an organization authorized to carry out translation activities.
  9. Can you get married in one day?
    It is possible, but in this case you will need to affix an Apostille to the Application (Certificate) on marital status. Blitz marriage documents must be submitted 5-7 weeks before the planned wedding date.
  10. We got married in Denmark. Do I need to put an Apostille on a marriage certificate?
    This Marriage Certificate is recognized in Germany without Apostille on the basis of a bilateral Agreement between Germany and Denmark in 1936. But there are cases when local officials, nevertheless, require an Apostille affixing, which is not legal. For the recognition of marriage in Russia, the CIS countries, Israel, the USA and other countries included in the Hague Convention, affixing the Apostille is a MANDATORY requirement.
  11. I want to take my spouse's surname. Is it possible?
    From 01.04.2006 you cannot take your spouse's surname when entering into a marriage. You can change your surname at the place of residence of your spouse.
  12. Is it enough to have copies of documents with translation on hand at the time of marriage, or is it necessary to provide the originals?
    To obtain a term in Denmark, you can provide copies of documents (exception - Divorce certificate / Court decision, Death certificate). But when you get married, you must have all the original documents on hand.
  13. We want to get married in Denmark. Can we stay with our friends in Copenhagen?
    It depends on where you plan to get married. According to the rules of the Danish communes, you must stay for 2-3 days in the territory of the commune where your wedding will take place.
  14. If I want to legalize Danish marriage in Russia. What are my actions?
    First of all, you need to put an Apostille on the marriage certificate. Then translate the document into Russian, which must be certified by a Russian notary. Further, with the original and translation of the Certificate, you apply to the authorities you need.
  15. After my marriage in Denmark, I was not given a residence permit in Germany and was sent to the paperwork for reunification through the German Consulate in Russia. What are my actions?
    After apostilization and translation of the document, as described in the previous question, you contact the Passport and Visa Service and put a marriage stamp in your internal passport. Then you submit all documents to the German Consulate. You can find a list of these documents on the website of the German Consulate in your region.
  16. When appointing a term for marriage, I gave the original of my Divorce Certificate, but in the future I may need it in Germany. Will I get it back?
    Yes, of course, the original of your document will be in mandatory returned to you after solemn registration marriage.
  17. I got married, received a residence permit in Germany, but in Russia I have a 7-year-old child. How can I pick it up in Germany?
    You must prepare the relevant documents, namely: Birth certificate with Apostille, Notarized Father's consent for the child to leave for permanent residence in Germany with the mother with Apostille. Next, you apply to the German Consulate with an application for a child's visa for family reunification.
  18. My visa says "Without the right to enter into marriage." Am I in in this case get married?
    An agreement was signed between Denmark and Germany, and it is no longer possible to get married with this mark in Denmark either.
  19. I came to Germany on a fiancee visa, but, unfortunately, the marriage with the person who made the invitation to me cannot take place. Can I get married in Denmark with another person?
    No you can not. Your visa contains the surname of your future spouse and it was issued specifically for registering a marriage in Germany with this person.
  20. We are going to get married in Denmark, but unfortunately we have no witnesses. How can we be in this situation?
    Don't worry, almost all communes provide witnesses for you free of charge.
  21. Can you please tell me, I am in Germany as Azuland, I have a girlfriend, we want to get married in Denmark. Is this possible in my situation?
    Unfortunately not, as you do not have a valid Schengen visa.
  22. I prepared documents for marriage in Denmark, including affixing an Apostille to the Divorce Certificate, but unfortunately, my circumstances have changed and I will be able to leave for marriage only after 1.5 months. Can you please tell me if my documents will still be valid?
    All documents have an unlimited validity period, including those on which the Apostille has been affixed. The only exception is the Statement (Certificate) on marital status. It is valid for 4 months, at the end of this period it must be renewed.
  23. We got married in Denmark, but our relationship did not work out, and now we would like to dissolve this marriage. Can it be done as quickly in Denmark?
    No, you cannot dissolve your marriage in Denmark. The marriage is dissolved at the place of residence of one of the spouses, for example, in Russia or Germany.
  24. We are both citizens of Russia, but we would like to get married in Denmark, as we would like this event to be more beautiful and romantic for us. Is it possible?
    Yes, of course, as a citizen of Russia, you can get married if you have a Schengen visa and properly prepared documents.
  25. My fiance is an Italian citizen, but he has been living in Germany for 13 years and has a job. We are planning to get married in Denmark. Will I have any problems with obtaining a residence permit in Germany later?
    No, it will not, since your fiancé is an EC citizen, you are in a more privileged position, since you do not fall under the general law on foreigners.
  26. After marriage in Denmark, we lived together for a year, but now I want to divorce my husband. Do I have to leave Germany with my child after the divorce?
    If a child is born of a German citizen, then he, accordingly, is himself a German citizen, and you, as a mother, have the right to stay in Germany, provided that you have not been deprived by the court parental rights... If the child was born from previous marriage, then you will have to leave Germany with your child.
  27. I am a Russian citizen and live in Moscow. Now I want to get married in Denmark, but I was previously married and this marriage was dissolved in Kazakhstan. Can I affix an Apostille to this document in Moscow?
    No you can not. In Moscow, you can only affix an Apostille to a notarized copy of this document, but, unfortunately, the Danish authorities do not accept such a document. At the request of Denmark, the Apostille must be affixed only to the original document, and this, accordingly, can be done only at the place of issue of the document, in your case, in Kazakhstan. Also keep in mind that the Apostille is not affixed to an old-style document (USSR). It will be necessary to obtain a Repeated document of a new sample and already affix an Apostille on it.
  28. I heard that old-style divorce certificates are not accepted for marriage in Denmark, where there is only a signature without specifying the last name official... Is it so?

    Yes, indeed, until recently such a rule was in effect. But there are currently no such restrictions. And for the conclusion of marriage, certificates of dissolution of marriage, both old and new, are accepted, the main thing is that the Apostille is affixed on the original document.

  29. What else has changed in the rules for family reunification in connection with the Supplement to the current Law on Foreigners?

    Since 08/28/2007, when reuniting with a spouse, the applicant for reunification must prove that he has initial knowledge German language(SD 1). At the moment, you can confirm this knowledge by providing a Certificate of the Goethe Institute, which has its branches in many cities of Russia and the CIS.

  30. I am studying at the University in Germany. We want to get married in Denmark. Do I need to leave Germany after the wedding?

    No. You are included in the group of persons (which also include the au-pair, people on a work visa and students) who have an Aufenthaltstitel, which gives them the right not to leave Germany after marriage. Just do not confuse, please, " work visa" and " business visa».

  31. So if there have been such changes in legislation, should I get married in Denmark?

    Despite everything, marriage in Denmark remains the most attractive and fastest way to get married. Why? Least amount required documents. Shortest term expectations of marriage. After all, in order to get married in Germany, you will need to obtain a “Bride Visa”, which is not easy in itself, to provide much more documents, and all of them must be properly legalized or apostilled, and the waiting period is from 3 to 6 months. And in any case, you will also need to provide a Certificate of knowledge of the German language. When marrying in Russia, your foreign fiancé will need a Marital Status Certificate (Ehefahihkeitzeugnis), which is issued by the registry office only on the basis of the provision of all your documents (which is equal in number to the same documents as for marriage in Germany). And in any case, you will again return to the procedure for family reunification and the provision of a Serfitikat of knowledge of the German language.

Features of registration in the Danish kingdom: briefly about the main

Why did my spouse and I decide to register a relationship in Denmark? It's simple: as a citizen of Russia, I wanted to have a dream wedding abroad. My husband dreamed of the same. Denmark attracted us with its closeness, beauty and loyalty to newlyweds.
I will answer to main question everyone who is registered abroad: both in Russia and in Germany, marriage in the Danish kingdom is recognized as official! But I had to affix the apostille on the documents (so that they would put a "stamp" in my passport in my homeland), and the marriage certificate was enough for my spouse.
A marriage in Denmark is registered in a commune, and time should be spent looking for it in advance. Danish communes are welcoming and foreigners, but they answer messages at least every other day. So you should be patient to get the desired date from them and find out under what conditions they are registering. It took us 3 weeks to communicate.

Documents for entering into a marriage in Denmark with a German citizen

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To get married in Denmark, documents will have to be collected for about a month. My wife and I, due to different citizenship and registration, the certificates were different. I have provided the following documents:

  1. the passport;
  2. Schengen visa;
  3. birth certificate;
  4. certificate from the registry office about the lack of registration of the act civil status(form number 35), I spent 150 rubles on it;
  5. an extract from the home book of the housing department (at the place of registration).

I affixed an apostille to all certificates. A spouse from Germany does not need to do this. My husband is German to get married in Denmark , brought:

  1. the passport;
  2. birth certificate;
  3. an extract indicating marital status.

Neither I nor my husband were previously married, so we did not have to provide a divorce certificate (with an apostille or a note from the court), and even more so a death certificate for one of the spouses.
An important point: all certificates must have a high-quality translation prepared by a professional agency. Translation is a separate expense item (in my case - 3,500 rubles) and time costs (1-1.5 months). You do not need to affix apostille on translated documents.
It is not difficult to register a marriage with a German in Denmark, but there are some nuances. According to the law of the country, registration is possible only for those foreigners who stay in the territory of the Danish kingdom for at least three days. This was not a problem for us: the hotel was booked and paid in advance, we visited a couple of pubs and museums, and managed to settle all the registration issues. The contribution to the commune was DKK 500, plus additional costs for Wedding accessories and music.
The expectation and preparation were justified by 200%: in Denmark, marriages are often concluded in the town halls (old government bodies), in our case, built two centuries ago. Cozy, quiet atmosphere of the past, friendly and polite Danes left the best memories of choosing a country for marriage.

Marrying foreign citizen- it is always a troublesome, bureaucratic process that can deprive the whole event of its characteristic romance. The ideal way out in this situation is to register a marriage in Denmark, which is less demanding on newlyweds. People come here mixed pairs, students, just seekers romantic places... Today Danish kingdom became for the spouses the European Las Vegas.

Features of marriage in Danish

The first reason that outweighs the balance in favor of this country is the minimum of documents that need to be provided in order for your marriage to be registered. Any Danish commune (administrative unit in the Kingdom) can assume the responsibility to do this.

Moreover, many communes even provide their witnesses for this ceremony. The whole process will cost you 500 kroons - this is a fee that will need to be paid to the authority registering you.

From the point of view of legality, a marriage entered into in this country is considered valid, and there should not be any claims from the authorities in your homeland. But it should be remembered that no additional actions only your spouse will not need to undertake if, say, he is a German citizen.

But if you are a citizen of Russia, then you need to put an apostille on the marriage certificate issued to you. Only on the basis of this will your marriage in Russia be recognized as legal, and you will be able to put the coveted stamp of marriage in your passport.

A marriage with a German citizen in Denmark does not provide for an instant change of surname. This can be done after the marriage in the country of residence of one of the spouses. But if you do not want to overshadow your cloudless marriage with paperwork, then everyone can remain with their last name.

Getting ready for the wedding

Preparation should begin with the search for a commune. You can find their addresses on the Internet, send a request by mail or contact by phone. Check if they register marriages between a Russian citizen and a German citizen. The answer is likely to be yes, but let you hear it yourself. A government official should give you a list of documents that are needed to complete the procedure.

Danish law states that newlyweds must live in the country for at least 3 days before getting married.

This is explained rather reasons economic. After all, during this time you will be able to spend some amount of money, and given that you still have a wedding, then, most likely, the amount may turn out to be quite decent. For those in a hurry, there are special agencies that will help organize everything within one day.

Upon arrival in Denmark, you must register with the local administration. The procedure will take about 10 minutes, no more. After that, you can safely go to registration.


The list of documents that you need to marry a German citizen in Denmark is formed depending on the country of citizenship of each of the parties.

For a German spouse

  1. The passport.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Help stating it marital status and registration.
  4. For widowers and divorced people - a document confirming this fact.

For a Russian spouse

On the part of the bride you will need:

  1. Passport with a visa to the Schengen area. The validity of the travel ID card must not expire earlier than six months from the date of marriage.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Certificate confirming your marital status. Its validity period is 4 months.
  4. Certificate issued at the place of residence. You can get it at the ZhEK.
  5. For divorced and widows - a document in which this fact is recorded.

Please note that all papers must be translated into English, German or Danish. This can only be done by a company that has permission to do so. The documents must indicate who translated, when translated and his contact details. All translations must be notarized.

The procedure for submitting documents provides for the initial sending of scanned copies of all necessary papers... A few days before the wedding, you will need to provide the originals.

Reunion with spouse

Marriage in Denmark is not final stage the whole procedure. After enjoying the romantic ceremony, you will have to return home to apply to be reunited with your significant other. To do this, you will need a copy of your husband's passport and a certificate from his place of residence. They must be enclosed in a package of documents.

A mandatory procedure is an interview at the Consulate, which is carried out to identify the fictitiousness of your marriage and test your knowledge of the German language. Be prepared for absolutely any question, as the staff will try to find out if you are really being connected sincere relationship or you only met at a wedding.

The process of waiting for a decision can take a long time: as a rule, it takes from three to six months. The given time can be spent on sending things to Germany, because Russian laws in this matter are very tough, and sending things will also take time.

Impressions of Denmark: Video