Beauty synergy: how to choose the right hair color for the face and eyes. How to find the perfect hair color for dyeing: useful tips for girls

The right hair color can dramatically change your appearance for the better. The eyes will become much brighter and more expressive, any skin imperfections will be hidden and even fine wrinkles will be minimized. And your curls will shine with a stunning shade and attract the attention of everyone around you. How to choose a hair color that suits you perfectly and how to choose a hair color based on your color type? In our article we will answer your questions. There are several ways to select a new shade, all of them are quite effective and guarantee you a gorgeous result. The first thing to pay attention to is your color type.

The owners of this appearance have light eyes - gray, blue or green. In addition, they have fair skin with a pink tint and light brown strands. Hair color for gray eyes should be in strong contrast to them. For a cold type, a light natural color is an excellent option. You should turn your gaze to light brown shades that are close to natural. Play with color, add honey tints - it will refresh the face well and correctly and give it a shine. But it is better to categorically refuse from red tones, as this will emphasize all the flaws and will not decorate your appearance. Model haircuts, for example, bob or cascade, are ideal for such girls.

Warm color type

For the owners of such an appearance, it still fits the definition of autumn, brown eyes of all shades and even saturated greens are acceptable. The skin can be golden and pale pink, and the natural color of the hair is dark blond or chestnut.

For girls with a warm color type, red, golden tones are perfect. But ash and light blond paints are categorically impossible, otherwise you will hide all your advantages by this.

Choose hairstyles without strict lines, perhaps even soft curls or an elongated graduated bob will do. However, even a cursory glance will be enough to understand that such a system is imperfect, because shades can mix, owners of light eyes can have black hair, what should be done in this case? How to choose a hair color so that it looks the most correct and attractive, perfect for the face and skin tone?

Hair color by color type "seasons"

Experts successfully use another, more convenient system that allows you to accurately select the hair color. According to this system, all girls are divided into four types: Spring, Winter, Autumn and Summer. Let's try to figure out which season you belong to and which new color you need to stop at.

Spring type

Women who belong to this color type have a romantic and gentle way. They have light eyes, from blue to green tones, fair skin, slightly pinkish. It is noteworthy that they are often the owners of pale and sensitive skin, which is severely burned by the sun's rays. The hair color of the spring type is light blond or closer to the shade of coffee with milk.

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Experts have found that the most suitable shade for representatives of this type of appearance is yellow. It is a rich color with many beautiful shades: honey, hazel, golden, red, amber. All these paints will look great as a new look and you can safely use them. If you naturally have a coppery shade and blue eyes, then try giving the strands a more chocolate color. You can try highlighting or coloring - this is great for refreshing and allows you to look younger, especially if you have a short haircut, for example, a bob. But it is better not to use dark colors at all, otherwise you will become the owner of too pale skin of the face, on which there will be noticeable slightest defects (wrinkles, pimples). Also, the ash and red colors are not recommended for the spring type.

Summer type

This is the most common color type, along with the fall option, which has predominantly cold shades. The eyes of those with this appearance are green, gray-green or light brown. The skin is very light, one might say, even with a pale transparency, and the hair color is light brown or white.

If you are the owner of just such an appearance, pay attention to the colors: silver and pearls, all light-brown cold shades and brown-haired. These new tones can brighten gray, ashy color, give freshness to pale skin and highlight the eyes. You can even try the nutty hair color, it will perfectly set off and decorate the summer type. Also note the amber hair color. But it is better to refuse dark colors, the same goes for red and red. Owners of brown eyes in no case should try to become a blonde, and golden paint is contraindicated for girls with a golden skin tone.


Girls with a color type - autumn are distinguished by bright and warm colors. They have expressive eyes from deep greens to brown and amber-olive shades. The fall color type is golden skin, often with freckles. But the blush on their cheeks will not be found, the skin tone of the autumn color type is very even. The owners of the appearance of autumn have the natural color of the hair - red, as well as all kinds of its variants. As a new tone of curls, shades of red, fiery copper, honey, chestnut and all variations of brown are ideal.

Black strands are not the best option, especially if you have a short haircut, for example, a bob.

Winter type

This color type is rich in cold shades, in contrast to the type - autumn and spring. The owners of this appearance have dark eyes, sometimes even close to black. The skin against their background stands out for its whiteness and pallor, but it can also be of swarthy tones. Natural curls can be from dark to light tones. For owners of a winter type of appearance, bright colors are perfect: black, red, rich wine shades. For girls of this appearance, there are no prohibitions on bold and extraordinary colors; individual strands can be highlighted in blue or turquoise. Perhaps the only exception is light colors, you need to be careful with them. Try to play with dark shades, for such colors a bob haircut will work well, it favorably emphasizes your advantages and makes you younger. In addition, a square, especially an elongated or beveled square, has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons.

How to choose a new hair shade by eye color

The eyes will help you choose a new tone for your hair, no matter how strange it may sound.

The color of your iris is a kind of litmus test, and with it you can easily determine which shade is best for you.

How to choose a hair color for owners of light eyes? If you have blue, gray eyes of a cold shade, then you definitely need to opt for the same light colors. If at the same time the skin is pale - make a choice in favor of platinum blonde and light brown color. Light hair color will perfectly accentuate blue eyes and make your look more cute and romantic. Cold shades of light brown, blond will be very suitable for the face. Hair color for gray eyes and blues should not be too dark. If you are the owner of bright green eyes, you should dwell on the wheat color, red tones. With green eyes, hazel, amber hair color, cognac hair color, and brown hair are perfect. If your skin is dark or golden with green eyes, opt for a dark blonde. For owners of brown eyes, dark shades are suitable, perhaps even black, as well as amber and reddish tones. In this case, the rule applies - it is better to choose dark shades of the strands, as they favorably emphasize the beauty of green, brown eyes and a golden skin tone.

There are, of course, exceptions, but it's better not to experiment. For light greens and blues, choose a light or dark blonde color. Cognac hair color, all shades of dark, brunette - absolutely not to your face.

If you decide on drastic changes in your appearance, you need to take into account many nuances and adhere to a certain sequence.

  • Correctly identifying your color type is the first thing to do. If you find out what type you are, then this is half the battle. Thus, you minimize the possibility of repainting in an unsuitable color.
  • Pay attention to the color scale. Before you start painting your curls, make sure that the paint pigment and complexion are compatible, otherwise you will have to correct the result, which will negatively affect the health of your strands.
  • The contrast of the face and color is something that you need to always remember. When choosing shades that are radically different from your natural color, you should pay attention to the level of contrast of the face.
  • When choosing a dark paint, keep in mind that it has its drawbacks. The dark color, as you know, adds age, and also highlights any even the smallest skin imperfections.

Consider your natural color

Now you have coped with the task, learned how to choose the right hair color, relying on your natural complexion and eyes. However, this is not all the subtleties. It is imperative to take into account your natural color of the strands so that the new shade fits well with your natural color. If you do not take into account this important detail, you can get a completely opposite result, since the paint simply cannot cope with the cleavage of the pigment. Did you know that not every natural color of hair can withstand drastic changes? Brunettes should not try to dye their hair red, cognac and copper, the same applies to brown-haired women - you should not dye the strands red. The only option in these cases would be - lightening the hair, and then further coloring in the desired shade. However, this option has a number of disadvantages and one of the main ones is the harmful effect of the clarifier on the health of your curls. If you dyed your hair into a new, for example, amber hair color and noticed with horror that it categorically does not suit you, do not despair and run to the salon to cut the strands.

In this case, a special wash will come to the rescue, of course, such a procedure cannot be abused, since it can severely damage the curls, in addition, it is advisable to carry it out in the salon with a real professional.

Modern technologies

If you want to choose the hair color that suits you the most, you can use special programs, there are a lot of them, both paid and absolutely free. Moreover, you don't even need to download them, just upload your photo to any online program, choose a high-quality picture where your facial features are clearly visible and feel free to experiment. Perhaps you will like yourself in an image with a short dark bob, or a light bob of a cold shade, and maybe even with a fiery shade and long curls. Having decided to change the image and choose the most suitable new shade of the strands, do not forget to follow and maintain the resulting hair color and health after dyeing. In addition to any folk remedies, use a special line for the care of colored curls and then your new color will retain its attractiveness for as long as possible.

To avoid disappointment with the wrong hair color, it is best to know in advance what suits you best. The article will help you understand the color types of appearance and make the right choice.

How to choose the color type of appearance

Eyes, skin, hair with their natural color are the main factors influencing the determination of the color and shade of hair for dyeing. All representatives of the Caucasian race are conventionally divided into several color types. Currently, the classifier is usually used: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each type is a natural combination.

Let's consider them in more detail:


The sun is shining in the clear sky, greenery and flowers appear. Spring color type keeps these cheerful warm colors

Eyes: bluish, greenish, nutty, always light. There are often mixed tones, such as gray-green.

Leather: light, thin - golden, ivory, bronze, dim apricot or peach. Blush arises easily, is well susceptible to sunburn.

Hair: with a golden or yellowish tint - blond, straw, honey, light brown, chestnut.


Very gentle, soft, cute, but slightly cool and restrained type of appearance - very common. The shades of summer are muted, smoky, matte, unobtrusive, delicate.

Eyes: gray, steel, bluish gray, cool green, nutty.

Leather: light, cold shade with blue - pale milky, pink. Tans badly, but if it gets a tan, then cool beige.

Hair: from light blond to dark brown with an ash tint. Sometimes there are indefinite, like a mouse color, over time, this tone can change.


"Red-haired beast" - this is the image that immediately comes to mind when remembering this type.

How to use the service

  • Take a picture. The photograph is taken in such a way that the face is open and the facial features are clearly visible. The photo is taken in full face, high quality;
  • Select a site.Now there are many sites that have. Choose the most convenient and understandable;
  • Proceed according to the instructions. In most cases, sites that have a virtual beauty salon provide detailed instructions for them. The procedure is as follows: gender is indicated, a photo is loaded, pointers are installed on the lips and pupils. After processing, you will be able to evaluate the types of hairstyles and color options;
  • Save. After choosing the appropriate option, it is possible to save or print the result.

Now that you have the information you need to choose your hair color, everything should be perfect!

Changing your appearance is a great start for a new life, a way out of a critical situation. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Dye your hair! How to choose a hair dye color? We will help you solve this problem.

How to choose hair color by skin type?

It is easy, quick to change the color, there are a lot of shades. You shouldn't imitate your favorite celebrity, it's not a fact that her color will suit you. Which one is right for you? To do this, we will define your color type.

Depending on the color of the skin, eyes, natural hair, all people share into four color types:

  • spring... The skin of these girls is soft beige, with ruddy cheeks, tans well, and the presence of freckles. Hair is light blond, light brown, with a golden tint. Eyes are green, bluish, other colors, but not dark. A spring girl is usually blonde or light brown-haired;
  • summer... The young ladies' skin is light, with a cool blue tint, the hair is not dark, freckles are usually of a grayish tint. The eyes are gray-green, blue, light brown;
  • autumn... The skin is peach-colored, the hair is red, brown, almost all have freckles to match the hair, the eyes are brown, gray;
  • winter... The most aristocratic color type. Have cold, pale skin. The contrast is created by dark eyebrows, eyelashes, dark brown, black hair. The eyes are brown, blue, dark.

Having decided what season you belong to, proceed with the choice of paint color.

Owners of freckles you should not choose hot - black paint, will emphasize the freckles themselves, all the flaws. Also, middle-aged women will not benefit from such a reincarnation.

Red, red will not go to the owners ruddy cheeks, the hair will merge with the skin.

For cold type shades are suitable for girls: "light blonde", "dark blonde". The image will become warmer, more attractive.

Girl spring can choose any color from blonde to light chestnut. Consider the color of your skin after sunburn. If your hair is paler than your skin, you should not dye it in this color.

How to choose a hair dye to match your eye color?

Nature has endowed us with an excellent combination: skin tone - eye color - hair color. The main rule: after staining, the harmony should be preserved. Owners of light skin, dull eyes are suitable only for warm, beige, light brown shades. Accordingly, dark-skinned girls with dark eyes - chestnut, dark shades.

Let's take a closer look at what hair color will accentuate your eyes:

  • brown-eyed ladies should emphasize their advantages with the help of bright colors. Choose dark shades of chestnut, black... If you have dark skin, don't do yourself a disservice - don't lighten. Accentuate with golden chestnut or milk chocolate. If you have light skin, choose dark red, golden shades;
  • gray is almost universal, but don't choose too dark colors, don't become a gray mouse. If you have very light or even pale skin, use platinum color, all varieties of ash... For dark skin, caramel, golden shades are ideal;
  • green-eyed women can experiment with copper-red, gold, chestnut, dark blond flowers. It is also possible with a red hair color, if there are red, golden blotches in your iris;
  • blue-eyed fit bright hues... If the skin has a pinkish tint, choose ash, platinum, light blond. For swarthy ladies, brighter colors are suitable: reddish, bronze, honey, wheat hair color.
  • The health issue after staining is very important. Without harm, you can lighten up to 2-3 tones, with natural paints. If you are a burning brunette and want to be blonde, use chemical paints. Consult a specialist. The result may not be what you expected.

    Remember! Such a radical change can be detrimental to the hair.

    It is easier for blondes in this regard, it is always easier to paint in a darker color.
    To make sure of the correctness of your choice, the World Wide Web offers many tests, there are also programs that allow you to impose different colors, shades, even a variety of hairstyles on your face.

Choosing the right color, length or shape of a hairstyle can significantly affect the impression a person makes on others. Therefore, it is important to find what suits you 100%. However, not all experiments with appearance turn out to be successful. People often follow fashion trends and do not take into account their individuality. The wrong choice can significantly ruin the whole image. For example, a hairstyle will highlight flaws: add years or focus on what you would like to hide. It is always difficult to decide on drastic changes. Fear of the unknown appears. I would like to see the result in advance, choose a suitable option, evaluate myself from the outside. This task can be easily handled by programs that help to choose hair color online. This can be done from a photo for free.

Top 7 programs and online services

You can conduct a test test, visualize your future image using special programs. They are installed as applications or run online.

Movavi Photo Editor

This is an alternative to Photoshop.Even a beginner can handle the interface. The program is not limited only to the selection of haircuts and styling. Here you can completely process the photo: edit the background and colors, clean up unnecessary elements, eliminate imperfections in the skin.

Available options and versatility make Movavi Photo Editor to the top of our rating.

3000 hairstyles

A program that firmly holds leadership on the selection of the image for men, women and children. Benefits:

  • a wide range of;
  • simplicity of service;
  • the ability to edit and supplement the overall image - changing the shape of the eyebrows, different types of makeup, accessories.

A person uploads a photo, adjusts the desired parameters for the length and color of the hair, and then adjusts the strokes at his own discretion. The final result can be saved.


The program appeared in Portugal. Its advantages are:

  • complexity - selection of hairstyles and makeup;
  • speed - the program "thinks" quickly, changes appear instantly.
  • unlimited number of hairstyles;
  • no paid mode, the program is completely free.

Disadvantage: lack of Russian language - interface in English.However, the options are indicated by pictures, which allows you to visually find the desired parameter.

Hair pro

The program is also focused on the selection of hairstyles. One feature sets it apart from others - the creation of the author's styling. You yourself can feel like a stylist and realize your ideas. The program is equipped with the necessary tools and options. Besides this, there are other pluses:

  • Hair pro advises options, taking into account the shape of the face;
  • the ability to change the thickness and direction of hair growth;
  • two formats for saving the result to choose from - PNG and JPG.

Disadvantage: free version is limited. You can use 56 attempts, after which payment is required for further work with the service.

Salon Styler Pro

A program for connoisseurs and professionals, is in demand in beauty salons. Numerous reviews recommend Salon Styler Pro as a solution to the problem.

Benefits of the program:

  • regular database update;
  • the ability to consider yourself from all sides (front, side, back);
  • the presence of the auto-selection function - you can not waste energy, but just watch the change of hairstyles in the photo with an interval of 3 seconds;
  • wide range of accessories.

Here you can choose your makeup, reduce your weight and smooth out wrinkles.The selected options are sent to the gallery.

Attention!The Russian version is limited. To use all the features, a license purchase is required.

Makeover by

Features of the service:

  • the opportunity to try on a celebrity's hairstyle;
  • constant updating of the database;
  • a wide range of options: selection of hairstyles, makeup;
  • photo retouching.

Virtual HairStyler from

Another similar service for online selection of hairstyles.

How to use the programs

Here's a typical flowchart for using photo editors:

  1. Choose a good quality photo where the facial features are clearly visible.
  2. Upload photos to the editor.
  3. Some programs require determining the position of points on the face: eyes, nose, mouth.
  4. Choose a haircut, choose the right angle and size.
  5. Edit photos with tools (retouching, choice of accessories).
  6. Save the result to your computer.

How to choose hair color

It is undesirable to paint at home, especially if you want to change your image. Home painting will save the budget, but it is not known how the paint will behave - it is very likely that the hair will be damaged, and the color will turn out to be far from the desired one.

When choosing a particular shade, consider the following nuances:

  • the color should be in harmony with the color type of the appearance;
  • complex staining will hide imperfections on the skin;
  • coloring is carried out after a haircut.

Regular root dyeing is required to maintain hair color. If you don't have the energy and money for this, you should choose tones that are close to natural.

Choosing a hairstyle and color is a big decision. It is not always possible to find a professional in his field and trust him. The programs are intended for those who doubt their choice. Remember that there are regular updates with improved options and a rich base of hairstyles.

Useful videos

How to change hair color in a photo in Photoshop, a detailed video tutorial.

Easy to change hairstyles!

How to choose a hair color.

In creating your own attractive image, it is important to consider everything: from hairstyles to clothes. Not the last place is occupied by hair color. It is the right shade that transforms the appearance, and the wrong tone destroys the attractiveness. Today we will find out how to match the hair color to the face.

Color matching by color type

According to stylists, all people can be divided into 4 color types according to their appearance. They have their own names - spring, summer, winter and autumn. Note that it is precisely on the basis of the color type that you need to select the color of the curls. We will learn how to do this.


This color type is considered warm. Its characteristic features are green eyes, as well as eyes with a golden or hazel tint. The epidermis in this case may be peach-colored or may have a slight yellowness. The natural shade of the curls ranges from light brown to chestnut.

color type Spring

Red shades, as well as chestnut or chocolate are suitable for this color type. They will accentuate the color of the eyes and successfully shade the skin. However, if you have too thin epidermis on your face, through which you can see small blood vessels, called "stars", then it is better not to paint in red shades, as they will only highlight this problem.

For the spring color type, it is not advisable to paint the curls in ashy, light red and blue-black colors. If you choose these tones, then the eyes will be "lost", and the skin will fade, therefore, you will lose your natural beauty and become outwardly unattractive.

Bright spring

Light spring

Warm spring


The characteristic features of the summer color type are blue, blue and gray shades of the eyes. In addition, he has white skin and hair shades from blonde to light brown.

color type Summer

For the summer color type, a light shade of curls is suitable, which will have a golden tint. In addition, dyeing in the color of milk chocolate or light chestnut tones can be done. All of these shades will suit both skin color and eye color.

In this case, you should abandon black, red and dark brown. All of them will negatively affect the appearance. Skin color will appear unnatural and eye color will dim.

Bright summer

Mild summer

Cold summer


In this case, the characteristic features are a swarthy epidermis, as well as a yellow or golden skin tone. As for the eyes, the color range is determined here from light green to dark brown, golden shades are also allowed. Natural colors of curls - chestnut or light brown.

color type Autumn

For a girl - autumn, a red shade of curls is suitable, as well as chestnut, red, copper and chocolate. These are the most successful colors that will suit any shade of eyes and skin typical of this color type.

In this case, you should not paint in light shades. The color of the skin and curls will be contrasting, and this will not have a positive effect on the appearance.

Mild autumn

Deep autumn

Warm autumn


The characteristic features of this color type are dark hair and eyes. However, an eye tint is also allowed and green. As for the epidermis, it can be either dark or light.

color type Winter

Chestnut, light and red shades are the colors that a girl should give up - in winter. If you paint the curls in these tones, then the face will become faded and unattractive.

Bright winter

Cold winter

Deep winter

Dyed hair care rules

Now that you know how to match your hair color to your face, you might want to color it. You can carry out this procedure both in a beauty salon and at home. After that, it is important to provide the curls with proper care so that the color stays on the hair for as long as possible and does not lose its saturation.

  1. You should know that it is best to choose hair dye, shampoo and conditioner from the same series. The fact is that the manufacturers performed the products in such a trim that one complements the other, providing the curls with full care and color retention. If you performed the staining procedure in the salon, then ask the master what is the best shampoo and balm to use for this paint.
  2. Curls should be washed and conditioned once every 7 days. If you do this more often, the hair will become heavier, and will look unkempt and greasy. If you perform these procedures less often, then the effect will be the same.
  3. Try to avoid direct sunlight on your curls. The fact is that ultraviolet light not only negatively affects the color of the curls, but also destroys their structure.
  4. It is not recommended to use products containing natural oils for colored hair. The fact is that they can change the color of the curls and you get a completely unexpected result.
  5. Touch up the roots regularly. This rule is especially true if dark curls are painted in light shades.

Knowing how to match the hair color to your face, you can choose the coloring option that will emphasize your beauty, and not hide it. In addition, if you follow the rules for caring for colored curls, then the shade will remain for a long time and will not require updating.