How to feed a one-year-old child: proper and varied nutrition. Fried chicken sandwich. What products are required after a year

Every mother wants to see her child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him everything he needs. This is breast milk, which has useful substances and trace elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child's body.

However, in addition to the feeding process itself, other factors are also important - proper breast care, comfort in position, pumping, the need for supplementary feeding, etc.

Find out all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed a newborn baby, the rules for feeding with breast milk and formula, nutritional characteristics with mixed feeding, how often and after what period of time to feed the baby (schedule and rate of food intake for the baby).

Natural feeding

In the first year, breast milk is a vital food for the baby. In order for this period to bring only joy to the baby and mother, you should know about the basic rules of feeding.

What determines the amount of milk in mom

The amount of milk can be influenced by:

  • transferred stresses;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • mom's nutritional features;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • fatigue
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of rest.

Breast size does not affect milk supply. Neither the shape of the nipple nor the type of milk matters.

Read on the pages of our site! Let's talk about the manufacturer and the composition of the product, how it differs from other infant formula.

Breastfeeding rules and breast care

When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room, where there is no one except the mother and the baby.

It does not matter what position will be adopted during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and convenience.

Separately, you need to talk about pumping and breast massage.... These procedures should be carried out in the first 3-4 weeks after childbirth. Then the milk supply is normalized.

Hands and breasts should be washed with soap and water before expressing and massaging. Do not use alcohol-based products.

Regular baby soap is an excellent antiseptic... It is also necessary to make sure that the detergent does not remain on the chest after washing procedures.

It is not recommended to use soap before each feeding.... The tool is able to remove the fatty film that protects the mammary glands from external influences.

So you need to wash your breasts only once a day... If necessary, warm running water is sufficient.

The massage itself is not difficult... However, make sure that the glands are of the same density. If seals are found, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

The chest is supported with one hand underneath. The second, with the help of 4 fingers, you need to massage the mammary gland in a circular motion, starting from the ribs and moving to the nipple. The hand that supports the chest from below should not be idle - the technique is similar.

At the site of the compaction, the movements do not intensify, only the duration of the massage increases.

Expressing is an important step for a nursing mother. If you ignore the excess amount of milk, it will lead to the development of mastitis.

So, only two fingers should participate in pumping - the index and the thumb. It is important to press not on the nipple, but on the gland tissue. The most effective method of expressing is using a breast pump.

The many difficulties associated with breastfeeding, consist in the appearance of cracks and abrasions on the nipples... These phenomena arise due to:

  • child activity;
  • features of the mother's skin;
  • insufficient hygiene.

Preventive measures must be followed. This includes:

  • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this, blot it with sterile gauze);
  • cleanliness of the chest;
  • a nursing mother should not wear underwear containing synthetics - only cotton;
  • the baby should grasp the areola (halo), not the nipple;
  • if a crack is found, treatment begins immediately;
  • mom's nails should be short (so as not to get scratched while expressing);
  • do not keep the baby near the breast for more than 20 minutes;
  • you can not bring the baby to such a degree of hunger that he pounces on the chest;
  • perform massage and pumping;
  • keep the chest open as much as possible.

For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), "Bepanten", sea buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotics).

If suppuration occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Meals by the hour or on demand

How many hours do I need to breastfeed my newborn baby?

Two options for breastfeeding are considered- feeding by the hour and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

Feeding by the clock is carried out strictly at a certain time every 3 hours... A break is made at night - 6 hours.

This regime lasts up to 2 months. Then the interval between feedings is increased to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

The advantage of the method is to teach the child to discipline from early childhood. Otherwise, this method is a radical choice on the part of the mother, since not all children agree with the regime.

Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

After birth, the child experiences severe stress, and the only effective way to get rid of it is through bodily contact with the mother. So it is so important to latch the baby to the breast when he wants it... After all, sucking is not only the process of getting food, but also an effective method of calming the baby.

This method is a highly effective means of maintaining lactation.

However, frequent feeding will prevent mom from doing household chores., therefore, the baby should be applied to the breast not at the first signs of anxiety, smacking lips, grunting, puffing, but when the baby really needs food - once every 2 hours with a 20-minute duration of feeding.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you a few words about the breastfeeding regimen and how to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk:

Which option to choose

The basic rule is a healthy child knows himself when he needs food. You should not wake him up just because, according to his mother, it is already time for him to eat. Exceptions are such cases:

  • if mom needs to leave urgently;
  • children who weigh little.

The optimal interval between feedings for babies up to 1 month is 2-3 hours. Further, the baby himself will gradually increase it as he grows and develops.

An important condition is latching on to only one breast during one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby is not full or if the mother has cracks on her nipples.

Make sure that the baby swallows during latching, not sucking. If you do not stop his desire to "hang" on mother's breast in time, then in the future it will be quite difficult to wean him from what he loves.

Bottle feeding your baby

Bottle feeding is different from breastfeeding. In the latter case, he himself determines the volume of milk and the duration of feeding. This allows milk production to adapt to the baby's needs. and changes as it grows.

There are different ways to feed your baby with breast milk if your mother is not around. This situation is justified due to the mother's inability to attach the baby to the breast (severe pain, urgent departure, etc.).

It is then allowed to bottle feed with a nipple. Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding, or if the mother is not around.

Nipple advantage- the safest and most natural process for absorbing food.

However, bottle sucking and sucking from the mother's breast have significant differences. In the first case, the baby makes less effort. Therefore, after getting to know the bottle, many babies refuse their mother's breast.

An alternative is choosing a special nipple.

  • When tilting the bottle, no drops of milk should come out of the nipple.
  • When pressing on the wide area of ​​the nipple, a trickle should flow.

Remember to take care of your bottle. It is necessary to regularly rinse and rinse baby containers with boiling water.

Expressed breast milk is allowed to be frozen... This will preserve all the vitamins and useful microelements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother leaves on business. It is not recommended to mix milk after several expressions. The frozen liquid is stored for no more than 2 months.

What to do if there is no lactation

How to feed a newborn baby if there is no milk? Often in medical practice, there are cases when the mother does not have enough milk to properly nourish the baby. Additional measures, agreed with the doctor, can correct the situation..

  • Mom should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • The crumb should be applied in the first days of his life as often as possible.
  • Do not replace breast milk with other fluids.
  • Nighttime latching is essential for good lactation.
  • Mom's nutrition is also important.

10-15 minutes before feeding, mom needs to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or dried fruit compote.

No stress and worries: with emotional disorders in women, lactation worsens.

Why can't grapes be breastfed? You will find answers to questions about nutrition for nursing mothers.

Introduction of the mixture into the infant's diet

If, despite all the efforts of the mother, there is still enough milk, then willy-nilly you will have to use additional nutrition - switch to mixed feeding. In the case of a complete transfer to milk formulas, we can talk about artificial nutrition.

What to give

The infant should receive nutrition that is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. These products are mixtures. All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

  • partially adapted (children after a year);
  • less adapted (after 6 months);
  • the most adapted (up to 6 months).

The best would be a mixture, on the packaging of which it is indicated:"Designed for feeding children from birth to 1 year."

You should not change baby food often, as the crumbs may develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic rashes, etc.

It is necessary to switch to another mixture if:

  • if the baby is not gaining weight;
  • if he has frequent constipation.

It is unacceptable to give diluted cow's milk as supplementary feeding (full feeding). This can lead to irreversible consequences.

The product does not contain those useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in the adapted formula or breast milk.

Mixed feeding rules

  • Give the breast first, then the mixture.
  • Only one feeding can be replaced with formula.

The product should be introduced gradually, starting with a small amount. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed the child's body temperature. It is only necessary to dilute the product with boiled water.

Here is another interesting video with the participation of Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the mode of feeding a newborn, whether you need to feed him at night and how many times you can do it:

Feeding hours and dosage

How to properly feed a newborn baby with a formula and should it be done on time?

With artificial feeding 6-7 meals a day are recommended in the first months of life with an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

A 6 hour interval should be done at night. It is important to take into account the required volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

So, for the first six months of life, an infant needs 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

The daily volume of food required for crumbs with normal weight indicators is:

  • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 of body weight;
  • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.

A new mixture is introduced according to the following schedule:

  • 1 day - 10 ml once a day;
  • 2 day - 10 ml 3 times a day;
  • 3 day - 20 ml 3 times a day;
  • 4th day - 50 ml 5 times a day;
  • 5 day - 100 ml 4 times a day;
  • 6 day - 150 ml 4 times a day.

Complementary feeding start

Learn to distinguish between "complementary foods" and "complementary foods"... In the first situation, the baby receives additional food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second, it is supplemented with mixtures in case of a lack of milk.

Complementary foods are introduced at the age of 6 months- with breastfeeding and 5 - with artificial feeding. Until this time, except for breast milk, formula and water, nothing can be given.

Start slowly and carefully. For the first time, you need to give half a teaspoon of complementary foods, and then supplement with milk or a mixture. The "test" is possible before the second feeding, at 9-11 am.

Assess the child's reaction to a new product... If rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) were not found, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

In no case should you introduce an unfamiliar product during illness or after vaccination. If there is any reaction, the start of complementary feeding is delayed by 1-2 weeks.

Don't force your child to eat. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for a new stage in life.

Find out more on our website! We will tell you how the drug works, what are the indications for its use.

And what is the right way to give a baby the drug Espumisan Baby? You will find out how effective this remedy is against abdominal discomfort in the little ones!

We have collected reviews about the dry mix Malyutka and the composition of these products.

Where to start feeding

Better to start with vegetables. These are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and cooked (in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan). Then it is ground with a blender.

On the first day - half a teaspoon. Then the dose is doubled every day and brought to normal.

If there are no extraneous reactions to the new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then make mashed potatoes from the previously proposed products. After 10 days, one meal of dairy food should be completely replaced.

For 7 months, you can offer porridge. This should be done at the very last dose - before bedtime. To begin with, the baby should be introduced to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

Use special baby cereals designed for 7 months of age. Giving semolina at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

At the 8th month, two feedings are already replaced... Now you can introduce your child to fermented milk products - kefir. On day 4, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

Fruits are introduced into complementary foods when the baby's first tooth appears.... The first is an apple. It is not recommended to completely replace feeding with fruit. They are given in addition to the main food.

Meat is introduced at 9 months of age and fish at 10 months... You can add half the yolk and vegetable oil to the diet. From 10 months, soup is already being prepared on meat, fish broth, to which bread crumb is added. The introduction of vegetable oil and cookies is allowed.

By one year of age, all 5 feedings should be completely replaced. Although some moms still breastfeed at night.

Water must be added to the diet... Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the baby.

The key to breastfeeding is to eat well.... It is prohibited during this period:

  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • eat spicy, salty, spicy foods.


  • exclude cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage from the diet;
  • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
  • exclude fast food and convenience foods.

During the feeding period, you should avoid stress, adhere to a sleep and rest regimen.

From this video lesson, you will learn a lot of useful information about breastfeeding positions for a newborn, how to properly feed a baby while sitting and lying on its side, in which position it will be best for you and your baby:

In contact with

After the baby has crossed his first age limit and he is one year old, a new stage begins in his life, which includes more and more innovations, including in nutrition. A one-year-old baby is no longer considered a baby, although breastfeeding can and should be continued up to one and a half to two years. Nevertheless, the child's menu at 1 year old includes new products, it is more varied than the previous food.

Ready for "solid food"

The digestive system functions well, with sufficient production of digestive enzymes in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This makes it possible to assimilate complex, multicomponent dishes, which six months ago were too tough for him.

By the way, about the teeth. By the age of one, the crumbs can be counted up to 10 pieces. This means that the quality of chewing food has improved and there is no need to grind everything in a blender and bring it to the state of pudding. The child will chew coarsely chopped food or even whole food (for example, carrots) with pleasure and interest.

Surely the baby already has his own preferences: he will gobble up a dish that he likes without a trace, and spit out the one he does not like mercilessly. Therefore, the main task of the mother is to continue to show her culinary abilities in order to diversify the nutrition of the child at 1 year old, to make it useful and desirable for the baby.

Do you need a regime?

It is believed that five meals a day are suitable for a baby up to one and a half years old. However, if you see that this is too much for him, it's time to switch to an adult regimen, which includes breakfast (25% of the daily requirement), lunch (35%), afternoon tea (15%) and, of course, dinner (25%).

It is best to feed your baby at the same time, approximately 4 hours apart. This regime contributes to the development of a good appetite, and also favors the timely release of digestive juice, which is so necessary for high-quality digestion of food.

Do not give sweets, fruits or anything else between feedings, which will spoil your appetite and it will be more difficult for you to feed the baby. Let's consider, by food group, what should be included in the diet of children after a year.

Milk products

Fermented milk products are a staple food in the diet of a toddler. She should be present on the table every day and be adapted to the age of the baby. Due to kefirs and yoghurts, the work of the digestive system is naturally normalized, its peristaltic properties are activated, and flatulence is eliminated.

Kefir 2.5% fat is suitable for children. But yogurt can be different, depending on its purpose:

  • drinking - milk yogurt in the classic version has a fat content of 2.5 to 4.5%;
  • milk-cream (fat content from 4-7%);
  • creamy (10%).

Kids love yoghurts and kefir

As for cottage cheese, after a year, some replace children's cottage cheese with adult fat-free cottage cheese. It is better not to do this and wait a few more months, since in ordinary cottage cheese the protein component remains a heavy food for children's digestion, which creates a load on the kidneys. From the point of view of storage safety, it is also better to buy special curds for children. Cottage cheese is given every day at 70 grams or every other day at 140 grams. A favorite delicacy of all children is cottage cheese casserole.

It is not recommended to give cow's milk at this age due to the high risk of allergic reactions. Acquaintance with him is advised to postpone until two years. Butter is used as an additive to porridge in a very small amount - 12 grams per day. You can add low fat sour cream and cream to dishes.

Meat and eggs - their place in the baby's diet

Meat should be included in the daily diet of the toddler. It is still better to cook with dietary meat: turkey, beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit, chicken. In the menu of a growing child, there should be meatballs or meatballs, as an option, pudding from these products in the amount of 100 grams.

Duck and goose meat, as well as lamb, are still difficult to digest, so if you give them to the baby for a test, then in smaller quantities and not often.

The role of eggs in the nutrition of a one-year-old baby can hardly be overestimated. They are rich in amino acids, easily digestible proteins, vitamins A, E, D, group B, phospholipids, macro- and microelements. For children, they choose quail and chicken eggs. They are used for steaming or hard-boiled omelette. Soft-boiled eggs, like raw ones, are not given for two reasons: firstly, in order to avoid contamination with salmonella, and secondly, they are harder for a small organism to digest.
A whole egg every other day or half a day is recommended. In addition to an independent dish, eggs are added when cheese cakes or pancakes are prepared.

Fish day

It's good if you have a day of the week in your house when fish is served instead of meat, say, on Thursdays. For a baby, a portion of 30-40 grams is enough, but without it, the diet will not be complete. Like meat, it is a source of building protein, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, useful minerals, iodine and phosphorus, B vitamins.

The first fish that the kid gets to know is, of course, from white varieties, lean, seafood. Pollock, hake, tuna, cod or horse mackerel are perfect. Steam cutlets are prepared from it, baked in steamed pieces. By the age of one and a half, you can taste red fish.

Soups and cereals

Porridge, which was one of the first in the children's diet, remains in demand throughout the entire time. The already familiar buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge can be cooked not finely chopped, as during the first complementary foods, but ordinary, but well-boiled. Sometimes you can boil pasta as a separate dish, or fill your soup with it. But do not give them often, since pasta is an easily digestible carbohydrate.

It is good to add a little oil to the porridge.

In our country, it is customary to eat hot liquid dishes for lunch. They also teach kids to do this. However, there are rules here:

  • soup or borscht is prepared mainly in vegetable broth or, less often, in secondary meat;
  • use a minimum of salt when cooking;
  • up to three years, they do not put bay leaves, bacon, hot peppers, smoked meats in the soup, do not fry;
  • children under 5 years old should not eat mushroom soups and broths;
  • it is not necessary to offer the baby cabbage soup with sauerkraut or sorrel soup until the age of three, they negatively affect children's digestion.

Bread is also a necessary product. The amount eaten per day should not exceed 100 grams. Until a year and a half, it is better to give preference to white bread, later - rye.

What drink?

The basis for drinking any person, including a small one, should be plain water. Bottled baby water is no doubt better than boiled water. If the child is still breastfed, then he is lucky, because he continues to drink a valuable drink called mother's milk.

From time to time, you can cook a dried fruit compote for your child with a minimal addition of sugar or on fructose. It is very useful to introduce jelly into the diet of crumbs after a year. The starch, which is part of its composition, covers the body's needs for carbohydrates, this drink does not interfere with zinc and iron to be absorbed properly. Kissel recipes can be found in the notebooks of mothers and grandmothers or on the Internet. Here is one of them.

Milk kissel for children

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • 15 grams of starch;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of fruit syrup.

Bring 150 ml of milk together with sugar to a boil. The remaining milk is diluted with starch and added to the boiling milk in a saucepan, stirring the mixture continuously with a spoon. Kissel is cooked over low heat for about 5 minutes, after which the pan is removed from the heat, vanillin is added and the contents are poured into glasses. Top with syrup.

The child will most likely like jelly.

Children are also allowed to drink herbal teas based on chamomile, mint in small quantities, and fennel. Children under three years old are prohibited from drinking carbonated drinks, even water.


Is it possible for children to have sweets after a year? Even necessary! The fact is that a reasonable (up to 40 grams per day) consumption of sugar at this age becomes the prevention of an acetone state. Therefore, introduce your kid to berry mousses, marmalade, marshmallow and marshmallows. It's too early to give chocolates, honey - you can try, but with caution due to its high allergenicity. It is important to make sure that dessert remains a dessert and does not replace a full breakfast or dinner.

Fruits and vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruits are an integral part of baby food. If you are not allergic, you can taste a little seasonal berries and fruits: strawberries, cherries, red apples. Among vegetables, the kid already knows a lot: zucchini, potatoes, cauliflower. You can add carrots, broccoli, while preparing boiled purees.

If your child is not yet familiar with pumpkin, now is the time to do it. Pumpkin contains a huge amount of beta-carotene, which is useful not only for the eyes, but also for the growth of bones, strengthening the immune system, and normalizing digestion.

Pumpkin dessert

Because pumpkin is high in fiber, it is easy to digest. 100 grams of this orange fruit contains the daily requirement of beta-carotene for children. For children, they make pumpkin puree, soups, cereals, desserts from it.

One of the menu options for a day


  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge - 150 gr;
  • compote or milk - 100 ml;
  • bread and butter - 15 gr + 4 gr.


  • vegetable soup - 100 gr;
  • mashed potatoes - 100 gr;
  • veal meatball - 40 gr;
  • tea with milk.

Afternoon snack:

  • kefir (drinking yogurt) - 100 gr;
  • banana - 100 gr;
  • cookies 20 gr.


  • omelet - 100 gr;
  • bread - 10 gr;
  • cottage cheese casserole - 100 gr;
  • kefir - 100 ml.

Thus, at a steady pace it will approach an adult. Try to cook as little as possible separately for your baby and other family members, because steamed food will be useful for your whole family, and you will have more free time.

© Inna Volodina / Photobank Lori

The nutrition of a child older than a year should already differ from that of up to a year. The baby can already chew food with his teeth, the stomach becomes larger, and digestion is better. During this period, the child is actively developing, the needs of the body change. Now almost half of the energy received from food is spent on physical activity. The food will gradually begin to approach the adult, but there is no need to immediately transfer the baby to the common table.

What can you feed a baby at 1 year old

If the mother continues breastfeeding, then at this age a decision can be made to stop. Mother's milk can no longer replenish the child's body with the necessary nutrients and it is now easier to wean the child from the breast.

With the development of chewing skills and the appearance of chewing teeth, it is necessary to introduce more solid food, but the consistency should be such that the child can easily chew it. Porridge-like food still occupies the main position in the baby's diet.

At this age, the role of dairy products is still important.

Every day, the child's menu should include:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • sour cream or cream.

Milk products can be from cow's milk if there is no allergy. But pediatricians are more likely to prefer goat milk products. It should be remembered that milk must be heat-treated before consumption.

Foods rich in animal protein are essential for a growing and rapidly developing body.

Meat dishes should be present in the diet of a one-year-old child:

  • veal,
  • lean pork
  • chickens,
  • turkeys,
  • a rabbit.

It is not advisable to give fried meat dishes. Better to steam or boil.

  • A fish... Fish is also very useful for a child, 2 or 3 days a week it is better to replace a meat dish with a fish one.
  • Eggs... If up to a year it was possible to give only the yolk of a chicken egg, then after a year you can give a whole egg every other day. But if you find a protein allergy, it is better to exclude it.
  • Porridge... Continue to give your child porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal are especially useful.
  • Bread and cereals... Many toddlers love pasta. But you should not feed your child with them often, there are a lot of carbohydrates and no vitamins. The average daily set of a year-old should include 15-20 grams of cereals, 5 grams of pasta and bread no more than 100 grams.
  • Vegetables... A variety of vegetables in any form are very useful. In summer, it is best fresh in the form of salads. Children enjoy eating a variety of purees. It is good to give both stewed and baked vegetables.
  • Fruit... Fruits and berries must be present on the children's table. It is they who will replenish the required amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as sugar. And confectionery is best kept to a minimum. Fruit and vegetable juices can be produced commercially for baby food. Carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

Table with an approximate menu for a child from 1 year old(increases on click):

How to feed a baby at 2 years old

At 2 years old, food should still be different from that of an adult, the baby's stomach is not yet capable of digesting adult dishes. Pediatricians still do not recommend the use of fatty and fried foods by the child. Although once a week, you can already give fried fish in batter or pancakes. All fast food is banned, and sweets should be limited.

  • Milk and dairy products important in this period of life, but the fat content of milk is already desirable to reduce, to give less fat.
  • Cottage cheese best served raw, but can be cooked as a casserole.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be in the diet in large quantities. You can no longer grind them in mashed potatoes, but give them boiled or stewed pieces. Many children love fresh vegetable or fruit salads, seasoned with sour cream. Now dill and parsley can be present in vegetable salads.
  • Meat and fish remain important on the child's menu. If your child refuses to eat meat, make a minced potato casserole. Many children love this dish. The omelet with fish has a soft consistency and is also liked by little fussy. Pediatricians do not recommend giving sausages and salted fish to a child.
  • Liver can be added to the diet of a two-year-old child... It is very useful for blood formation and digestion, and is also rich in easily digestible proteins. It is good to combine in dishes with vegetables.
  • Porridge may already bother the child, but you should not exclude them. It is enough to diversify the usual porridge by adding fruits and berries to it.
  • Soups vegetable or meat broth should be present at least three times a week. Pediatricians believe that borscht is the most useful for children's digestion. Only when cooking, you do not need to add spices and fried vegetables.
  • Bread in the child's diet should be present daily, and it is better not to give baked goods yet. For a light snack, it is better to offer your baby unsweetened cookies.
  • You can enjoy marmalade or marshmallows... Chocolate can be given in limited quantities if it is not allergic to it.

Sample menu in the table, for children from 2 years old(increases on click):

What can you feed your baby at 3 years old

Many parents mistakenly believe that from 3 years old it is time for a child to eat all dishes from an adult table. But digestion at this age is not yet sufficiently developed and it is necessary to continue to be attentive to nutrition. It must remain balanced and useful.

It is no longer necessary to wipe the food, so as not to lead to an incorrect bite. The food should be chunky, make the chewing muscles work and strengthen. But food should not be tough, the child will not be able to chew it well or will completely refuse such food.

  • Liver... Continue giving your baby liver dishes. It can be stewed with vegetables or made a paste. Children willingly eat liver pate with bread.
  • Meat and fish... Diversify meat and fish dishes. Now you can fry, not just steam. Sausages are still limited. It is advisable not to give salted fish yet.
  • Cottage cheese can be prepared in the form of cheesecakes or lazy dumplings. So children like it more, but raw cottage cheese is preferable. It is good to add raisins or chopped dried apricots to it.
  • Milk and kefir should not be excluded from the children's diet. Although the daily milk requirement is already much lower than in the early years.
  • Vegetables and fruits... Vegetables still make up the majority of the diet. Especially in its raw form, this is how all vitamins and minerals are preserved. In addition, the child is already able to chew them well. Stewed and baked vegetables and fruits must be present at the children's table. And vegetable broths can be used as a base for sauces.

Fats in baby food are also important, they help the absorption of certain vitamins. But not all fats are created equal. You should not give your child food fried in a large amount of oil, as well as margarine and foods where it is present.

For many parents, a healthy child is a child with a good appetite. And if the baby refuses to eat or eats little during the day, then this is a signal: something is wrong with him, he is sick. But is everything so clear? Is poor appetite always a sign of ill health? Let's figure it out.

Nutrition for a child up to one year old

The question of how to feed a child up to a year, as a rule, does not arise. Up to six months, the main food for a baby is breast milk or an adapted formula. After six months, the child begins to try new products that the parent offers. Someone starts with cereals, someone - with fruits or vegetables. The main rule of feeding is caution. A new product should be introduced gradually, observing the baby's reaction. Some parents practice pedagogical complementary feeding. The main essence of this direction can be summarized in the following theses:

Nutrition after a year

Many children have already tried basic foods by the age of one. How you can feed a child is a question that should not baffle parents. Now it will not be difficult to come up with a menu for a crumbs for a day. The baby's diet should be varied: meat, fish, cereals, pasta, fermented milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The time that must elapse between meals is 3.5-4 hours. The daily menu consists of 4-5 meals. At the same time, before going to bed, it is better to give the child kefir or yogurt, milk mixture. By the age of one and a half, you can add the "correct" sweets to your child's diet: honey, marshmallows, jam. It is better to wait up to three years with sweets and chocolates.

Who are the little ones?

Children who do not bark with a good appetite, and during the day rarely sit down at the table to eat their next portion, are called little ones. Many modern parents have faced this problem. Someone refers to this as a stage in the development of a child, someone begins to sound the alarm, believing that the child is sick. In order to be sure that the baby really does not receive the necessary substances for development, a special method has been developed - a food diary. In a notebook, the parent writes down what the child ate every day for several weeks. The number of grams of the eaten product must be indicated, this is necessary for an accurate calculation of the calorie content. For each age, there is a standard for the amount of energy that a child receives from eaten foods:

  • From six months to a year - 800 kcal.
  • From one to three years - 1300-1500 kcal.
  • From three years to six years - 1800-2000 kcal.
  • From six to ten years old - 2000-2400 kcal.
  • From ten to thirteen years old - 2900 kcal.

The above indicators are averaged, you should not be strictly guided by them, because each child is individual. But if, according to your calculations, the difference is great, then you need to think about it and contact a specialist.

Why does the child eat poorly?

Non-health causes of poor appetite can be grouped into five groups:

  • The child eats only those foods that he likes best in terms of taste. Parents often complain that children do not eat cereals, soups, meat dishes at all. But fruits, sweets or, for example, sausages do not need to be forced to eat. In this case, we are not talking about a child's poor appetite, but about selective. If the parents are satisfied with this, then nothing can be changed. Otherwise, explain to the child that for breakfast - porridge, for lunch - soup, for dinner - cottage cheese casserole. And there can be no alternatives. If the baby refuses the proposed dish, then let him know that the next meal will be in 3-4 hours. We will calm down those who are especially worried that the child will suffer from hunger. If you adhere to the planned tactics and do not offer your child any other food, then soon he will be happy to eat what you have prepared.
  • The second reason has a little overlap with the first - it's snacks. If the baby constantly interrupts the appetite with various snacks, then, of course, he will not want to touch the soup that his mother has prepared with love. In this case, it is also recommended to limit the child in snacks between meals.
  • A child is an individual. He may have his own characteristics of digestion, his own growth rate, type of character. For example, one kid runs and jumps like a top all day long, does not sit still for a second, while the other, on the contrary, loves quiet games, sitting with a book, and drawing. The calorie content of the daily menu in the first case may be higher, but the first baby is thin, and the second is well-fed. Therefore, a child's appetite is directly related to physical activity. The developmental stage of the baby also affects the desire to eat. Children in the active growth phase have an increased appetite. The main thing to be guided by when deciding whether to enroll your child in the ranks of the little ones is compliance with the level of his development.
  • The next point follows from the previous one. Children who are actively involved in sports, as a rule, do not suffer from poor appetite. After all, the energy spent on physical exercises must be replenished. And a sporty child will never refuse the offered meal.
  • Often, children who refuse to eat hear from their elders: “Until you eat, you will not leave the table,” “You won’t eat, you won’t grow up,” “You won’t eat, you won’t get sweets / toy / cartoon”. This tactic of manipulation and threats does not lead to an appetite. Therefore, if a child refuses to eat, do not force it, if he gets hungry, he will eat.

What to do

In part, the topic “how to help a child if he doesn’t eat anything” was touched upon above. But still, a detailed analysis will not hurt. Here are a number of rules, under which the relationship between the child and healthy food will improve:

  • If the baby refuses to eat, then it is not necessary to force it in. He knows when he's hungry.
  • Avoid unhealthy foods in your diet, including sweets, cookies, buns, cakes. They leave no room for healthy food.
  • Snacks should not be used as a substitute for main meals, so they should be limited.
  • Provide your child with physical activity for age.
  • Spend time outdoors more often.
  • Consistency. If you decide to limit the number of snacks, not replace the main meals with your child's favorite foods, then be consistent.
  • A parent is an example for a child. Mom and Dad are the main guidelines in the choice of food and favorite foods.
  • Try to change the serving of dishes. Apply embellishment, artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits. After all, it is much more interesting to eat porridge, on which a muzzle is depicted with the help of berries and jam, and soup - if "flowers" of carrots are floating in it.

How to feed children for dinner

This is a separate topic because eating before bed is very important. After using the wrong foods for dinner, a child may wake up at night from hunger, or vice versa - sleep badly due to the heaviness in the stomach. How to feed a child for dinner:

  • Curd dishes - casseroles, cheese cakes, mixtures with dried fruits and berries.
  • Egg dishes - scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.
  • Porridge.
  • Dishes from boiled, baked, stewed vegetables - stews, casseroles, etc.
  • Vegetable and fruit salads.
  • Kefir, yoghurts, fermented baked milk.

Parental Tricks

To solve the problem of how to feed a child if he refuses to eat, parents can use little tricks, or, as it is fashionable to say now, life hacks:

  • Offer to eat liquid food - broths, jelly, compotes, vegetable decoctions - through a straw.
  • Serve the next dish using bright packaging resembling a candy wrapper.
  • Invite the child to participate in the process of cooking lunch, dinner, breakfast, as a rule, children do not refuse the food they have prepared.
  • Use bright dishes, forks, spoons.
  • Use the original names of common dishes: horse porridge, Winnie the Pooh soup, Puss in Boots cutlets.
  • Sayings, funny rhymes will make the process of eating interesting.

Recipes: how to feed a child

There are a lot of options for dishes that will be appreciated by many children. Today, many parents share their experience in preparing food for their crumbs. Below are some recipes that will allow mothers to solve the problem of how to feed the child if he does not eat anything.

Recipe 1: cottage cheese casserole with banana

How to feed a child a year? The answer is curd casserole. There are a lot of options for performing this dish. One popular way is to combine cottage cheese and banana.

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • 1 medium banana;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon semolina.

The cooking process starts with mixing all the ingredients. The order in which the ingredients are added is not important. For simplicity, use a blender. After the products turn into a homogeneous mass, leave it for a couple of minutes so that the semolina swells. After that, spread the mass into tins and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Recipe 2: chicken cutlets "Flowers"

A good option for feeding a child at 2 years old can be tender chicken cutlets.

For cooking you will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 900 grams.
  • 2-3 slices of white bread.
  • Breadcrumbs (optional).
  • Butter.
  • Milk, salt to taste.

First, soak the bread in milk. Meanwhile, grind the fillet in a meat grinder, repeat the process several times for a more delicate consistency. Then squeeze the bread and add to the resulting minced meat, salt, add butter. Slice the meat well and form into small patties. Place them in flower-shaped baking dishes and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Recipe 3: Chicken Soup Without Potatoes

This recipe will go into the collection of quick cooking methods. As a rule, chicken soups are some of the favorites for children. But it happens that potatoes. A solution to the problem of how to feed a child if he does not eat potatoes is chicken

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 chicken drumsticks, peeled.
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 carrot, which can be cut in advance in the shape of a flower.
  • Curly pasta.

Cook the chicken drumsticks. After the first boil of the broth, drain it. Use recycled broth for children's meals. After the chicken is cooked, remove it and let it cool. Since many children don't like boiled onions, put the whole onion in the broth. Add curly carrots. Let the broth simmer for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the chicken into small pieces and add to the soup. The very last ingredient is pasta. Alternatively, boil them separately and add to the soup when serving.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to transfer a child to a "common table" a year. Like, the presence of teeth already makes it possible for the baby to chew on pieces of food. However, the “common table” in each family is different. Therefore, first, sort out your diet, make sure whether it is healthy. The digestive system of a one-year-old man is not yet ready to meet all the variety of products from our refrigerator. The digestive organs in children do not work at full strength, as in an adult, they do not produce a number of enzymes. What a child could not digest in a year will easily be absorbed at 5 or 10 years old. Children also have more permeable intestinal walls. Because of this, any toxins easily penetrate into the bloodstream, provoking.

“Unfortunately, there are catastrophically many mistakes in children's nutrition, and they can be said to be 'inherited'. Often grandmothers "feed" their grandchildren with food, worrying that their child is emaciated and the parents will not approve of this. A plump, ruddy kid is the main indicator of a good, responsible grandmother. Yes, and a strict mother says: "Until you eat, you won't leave the table," which also negatively affects the psyche of children. Without knowing it, adults prevent the child from establishing contact with his own body, learning to listen to himself and his needs. Another of the common mistakes of adults is premature transfer to the “common table”. Babies under three years old have weak immunity, insufficient enzyme activity, which means that the reaction to "adult" food can be severe. "

When is it worth transferring children to the "common table"

One day, switching to adult food will not work without harming the child's body. This should be done gradually. It is necessary for the grains to become softer. Until the age of three, children are not given fried food (they replace steam), sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise) and are protected from soup in meat broth - the broth must be diluted. Prohibited are adult canned food, sausages, pickled and salted homemade products, as well as sweets. Until the age of three, the child's body is physically unable to digest chocolate!

Chief Physician of the Clinic for Clinical Nutrition of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Research Center of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety", Doctor of Medical Sciences Zaynudin Zaynudinov:

“The eating habits of a child from 1 to 3 years old are gradually approaching what is usually eaten at home at the family table. The kid is more and more interested in the food of adults, he tries to imitate family members and certainly wants to try what his father, mother, brother or sister eat. It is during this period that food habits are formed. A child can already grind food well due to the fact that he has a sufficient number of teeth (by the age of 2 years - up to 20 milk teeth). And the child's diet is gradually expanding, liquid and semi-liquid food is replaced with a thicker and denser one. The menu includes soups, boiled porridge and stewed vegetables, scrambled eggs, vegetable and cereal casseroles, as well as small pieces of meat, meatballs and steamed cutlets.

It is not recommended to give meals prepared the day before. Mom should make sure that the baby always has freshly prepared food that is not only nutritious, but also visually attractive, appetizing and varied. During this period, as in the first year of life, the mother's helpers are industrial products that have a guaranteed composition, chemical and microbiological safety, as well as a wide range of raw materials, which avoids seasonal fluctuations in vegetables and fruits, and makes rare products available. Remember that good family nutrition is the key to your child's health! ”