What you can eat at 8 months. Meat recipes. What foods are additionally introduced into the diet

V nutrition of the baby 8 months differences in natural and artificial means feeding disappear so much that the child's diet in both cases is practically the same.

If the mother has enough milk, she is breastfed during most feeds. If there is a shortage of breast milk or its complete absence, the child receives one of the mixtures during the first and last feeding.
At 8 months old, meat broth is introduced into the baby's diet (with the recommendation of a doctor), 20 ml of which is given along with vegetable puree.
You can soak a small crouton in the broth - this will be the first introduction to bread.

After 1-2 weeks, as soon as the child gets used to the meat broth, vegetable puree soup can be prepared on its basis.
To do this, peel and finely chop 1/5 potatoes, carrots, parsley root, turnip or turnip. Carrots and rutabagas (turnips) are poured with hot meat broth and cooked under the lid for 10-15 minutes, after which potatoes, parsley are added, green pea and cook until vegetables are soft. Then it is filtered through a sieve, the vegetables are wiped and combined with broth.
You can add 1 teaspoon of cream and 1/2 hard-boiled and mashed into the dish egg yolk... If the soup is cooked with yolk, then it must be excluded from the vegetable puree.

The baby still receives 2 types of complementary foods (vegetable puree and 10% porridge, 150 g each), 60 g each of fruit juices and fruit puree.
If in the first half of the year he was given homogenized fruit purees, then from the seventh month of life, mashed varieties of them can be used. The daily amount of cottage cheese at this age is 40 g.

V baby food 8 months boiled meat is introduced (after consulting a doctor).
Its nutritional value is due primarily to animal protein, which includes essential amino acids... Meat also contains fat, mineral salts, extractives, vitamins. Possessing high taste, it is easily combined with vegetables and cereals and, according to indications, it can be given to the baby in more early dates- from the age of five months.

In baby food, it is recommended to use lean meat of hens, chickens, turkeys, veal, beef, which have the greatest nutritional value and are well absorbed by the child's body even at an early age.
The biological advantages of tender poultry meat are especially high: its protein contains all essential amino acids, its fat, in comparison with the meat of other domestic animals, contains a greater amount of unsaturated fatty acids that have great importance for developing organism, it is quickly digested and easily absorbed.
At the same time, it causes allergic reactions more often than other types of meat.

Along with meat in the diet of children of the first year of life, it is advisable to use by-products - liver, brains, tongue.
Their nutritional value is also large enough. The bulk of liver proteins are represented by critical importance albumin, and more than half of the total amount of liver lipids are biologically active phosphatides. The nutritional value of brains is due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, organic phosphorus compounds, and vitamins such as choline and inositol in fats. Beef tongue in nutritional value it is not inferior to meat.

Despite the fact that a child from 6 months already has 2 teeth, his food should still be finely ground.
Therefore, cooked meat must be minced twice, after which 20-30 g of it is added to porridge, vegetable puree or broth.
You can use and meat puree, the recipe of which includes 80 g of meat, 2 g of flour each and butter, 10 ml of milk.
The flour is brewed with hot milk so that there are no lumps, the rolled meat and butter are added to it and the resulting mass is thoroughly ground to a pasty consistency. Assign meat puree 20-30 g 1 time per day.
When using boiled liver or tongue, they are also passed twice through a meat grinder with a fine grate or rubbed through a sieve:

It is recommended to introduce canned meat into the nutrition of children 7-9 months, starting with one teaspoon a day, and then gradually increase their amount to the required level. They should be warmed up before use.
Canned food can also be used for instant soup or together with vegetable purees and cereals. The unused part of the product remaining after opening the tin can be transferred to a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 24 hours.

Along with the crouton, the baby can be given cookies soaked in kefir. For the first time, bread appears in his diet - 5 g of white crumb.

It is recommended to replace meat broth with fish broth 1-2 times a week. It is prepared in the same way as meat, using fresh or frozen fish - cod, hake, pike perch. When preparing fish broth, it is necessary to strain it very carefully so that even the smallest bone does not get into finished product... It is most convenient to use fish fillets for making broth.

Along with baby canned meat, the child can be given similar canned fish. These are special purees for feeding children of the first year of life, prepared from fish along with vegetables and cereals. Like meat, fish puree are produced in three types: homogenized (finely ground), puree (finely ground) and coarsely ground. The same canned food is made from some marine invertebrates - squid, scallops, shrimps. They can also be used to prepare the first course.

In no case should you use ordinary canned fish in the diet of a child of the first year of life, no matter how finely you can grind them. The formulation of these products includes various spices and preservatives that can easily cause indigestion in a baby.

The other three feedings do not differ in either qualitative or quantitative composition.
For the second feeding, the baby, as before, is given porridge, but its portion is increased to 180 g.
Together with the porridge, he receives cottage cheese and drinks it with fruit juice.

Lunch for an 8-month-old child consists of a vegetable soup in broth with croutons or bread, meat and vegetable puree and fruit juice for dessert.
At this age, the baby can be given 180 g of vegetable puree per day, to which half an egg yolk and 2 teaspoons are added vegetable oil.

However, if you include the full amount of vegetable puree in lunch, then it will be overloaded, since other dishes also make up a large part of it.
Therefore, it is advisable to divide the daily portion of vegetable puree by 2 times, and give the main part of it for the third feeding, and the rest for the next.

Whole kefir with cookies and fruit puree... His daily amount reaches 80 g, the same amount of fruit juice is required.

The consumption of bread remains the same (5 g), while the amount of croutons and biscuits can be doubled - up to 10 g.

The kid is growing and the range of his skills related to eating should be gradually but persistently expanded. First of all, this applies to basic hygiene rules.
Be sure to wash your baby's hands thoroughly with soap and water before feeding, as it will become a habit later.
Attention should also be paid to table setting. So, the soup must be given in a plate, porridge, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese - on a platter, and kefir, juices - in a cup.

By the end of 8 months, the child's weight should increase by 500 g, and his height by 1.5 cm.

Research shows that babies who feed on breast milk during their first year of life grow up stronger and healthier than so-called artificial babies. After all, mixtures provide only vitamins and minerals, while with mother's milk the baby is transferred antibodies to pathogenic microorganisms. Complementary feeding in the form of cereals and fruit puree begins as early as six months, but the child is ready for the adult menu only from eight months.

Porridge is a source of heroic strength

At phasing out from breast milk, you need to accustom the baby to cereals so that they are the main course, and other products are perceived more as a delicacy. To do this, you need to give the child porridge every day, preferably a couple of hours after the first breastfeeding (at 10-11 hours). At first, it is enough to give a teaspoon of porridge a day, gradually increasing this dose to three tablespoons.

A child who is on breastfeeding, the first time is better to cook semolina, since it has a minimal fiber content, and therefore semolina is easy to digest. Oatmeal can cause digestive upset, so it is best to give it from the age of nine months. For eight one month old baby the most useful will be buckwheat, rice, corn, barley and wheat grits, cooked in milk with a small addition of sugar.

Fruit and vegetable nutrition for a baby at 8 months

An artificially fed baby is provided fruit diet from 4-5 months, but all fruits, except for bananas, are cooked, and they must be thoroughly mashed. From eight months, it is already allowed to feed the baby with fresh fruit in the form of mashed potatoes or juice, 50 g per day (usually at 14:00 or 17:00). However, there are some peculiarities:

  1. garden fruits (pears, apples, peaches, plums and apricots) need to be peeled as they are difficult to digest;
  2. it is better to choose overripe bananas - with black peel and yellow-brown pulp inside;
  3. citrus fruits, in order to avoid allergies, you can give two slices a day;
  4. berries (raspberries, lingonberries, black currants and strawberries) must be ground with sugar;
  5. child suffering frequent constipation, it is necessary to give chopped prunes - it improves the stool;
  6. you should not feed your baby canned fruits, since the amount harmful additives they significantly exceed the content of vitamins.

Vegetable purees can be a good alternative if your baby doesn't like porridge. Any vegetables can be included in the diet, but children usually prefer potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets and tomatoes. Onions, radishes and cabbage are rarely liked by babies, but once a week they still need to be offered, because the taste of a child can change. Corn for an eight month old baby is prohibited, as it is difficult to digest.

Vegetables with a high starch content, in particular potatoes, put a heavy load on the stomach, which is especially felt by an infant who is accustomed only to mother's milk. Potatoes are necessary because they are high in iron, but if the child refuses to eat, then you can replace them with hard-boiled egg yolks. It is possible to understand which vegetables can be given to a child and which not, according to the state of the stool. If it is liquid, then you need to stop introducing vegetables into the child's diet and resume complementary foods from the ninth month, but in small portions.

"Renewed" milk

From the eighth month, the baby opens new world, because, in addition to ordinary milk, he is allowed to use sour cream, kefir, yoghurts and cottage cheese. It is best to buy homemade dairy products that you can make your own yoghurts and cottage cheese. Recent research has identified many dangers in store-bought milk:

  • antibiotics - most often it is cheap tetracycline, which increases the shelf life of dairy products. Also, manufacturers add chloramphenicol, streptomycin and penicillin. The use of such milk is fraught with a deterioration in immunity, the appearance of allergies, gastritis and dysbiosis;
  • vegetable fats - used to save milk mass and increase fat content. They are made from palm and coconut oil. Normal temperature the body (36.6 ° C) is not enough to melt them, so vegetable fats clog the walls of blood vessels, preventing normal blood flow and cell nutrition.

Store-bought milk can also contain flour, baking soda and genetically modified starch, which nullifies the usefulness of such a product.

If you do have to buy milk from the store, remember that price is not an indicator of quality. If the label says "Normalized milk" then it has passed the fat mixing stage. of different origins... If it says "Reconstituted Milk", then it is powdered milk stirred with water. And if it says “ Whole milk", Which means that it has only gone through heat treatment. By the degree of usefulness last option will be the best of the three offered in the store.

Hearty mode: meat, fish, eggs

It is recommended to introduce meat into the diet first in the form of broth, to which vegetables can be added. In the future, it is allowed to mix chopped meat in mashed potatoes. If you cut the meat into small strips, the child will learn to chew, which is very useful, because the chewing function relieves the pain during teething.

Fish rich in phosphorus (hake, cod, flounder, perch, etc.) will provide children's organism amino acids and trace elements necessary for healthy development bone and articular tissue. If it is recommended to cook the meat, then the fish can be given in any form: boiled, fried and baked. However, you need to get rid of all the bones in advance. Ideally, it is recommended to cook for the child fish cakes and a sole, which is completely boneless.

Eggs are rich in iron, and therefore very useful, but it is recommended to give a child at 8 months only hard-boiled yolk, since the protein can cause allergies. Scrambled eggs and soft-boiled eggs are allowed only from the tenth month of life.

Sample menu for an 8 month old baby

The diet of a child at 8 months involves five complete approaches. In between, you can pamper your toddler with a sweet fruit or cookie, but frequent snacks should be avoided.

Form a diverse and balanced diet for an eight-month-old baby, a table will help:

Time Possible meals Product Daily rate
7 h. breastfeeding Fruits 50-60 g
10-11 hours porridge (semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc.), fruit juice or fruit drink, egg yolk Vegetables 40-50 g
14-15 hours steamed cutlet (meat or fish), meat broth, vegetable soup or puree, compote Juices 40-50 g
18 hours fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt Porridge 100-150 g
20 h breastfeeding Cottage cheese 10-30 g
Wheat bread 3-5 g
Butter) 1-4 g
Vegetable oil) 3 g
Cookies, crackers 3-5 g

When shaping a baby's diet, it is worth remembering that many foods can cause food allergies. These are citrus fruits, red foods (raspberries, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes), honey, chocolate, etc. Therefore, when a rash appears on the child's body, you need to exclude an allergenic product from the diet and consult a doctor.

The child's diet already includes white vegetables and dairy-free cereals. From the second half of the eighth month, porridge can be made a little thicker, and vegetables can not be beaten, simply kneading them with a fork. During this period, you need to accustom your baby to harder food. The chewing process has a beneficial effect on the gums and teeth. Also, at eight months, the baby strives for active knowledge of the world and you can already acquaint him with a spoon and a sippy cup.

When drawing up, it is advisable to adhere to the tips experienced pediatrician... He will take into account many factors - what kind of nutrition the baby is on, how he gains weight, how often allergies or constipation occurs. A public table will help you navigate this issue on your own. The World Organization Health care. It is recommended to arrange innovations in daytime, no more than once a week. Prepare food just before eating.

It is better to water the toddler up to a year drinking water or special herbal teas... If you still prefer store-bought juices, then use clarified and sugar-free juices. The daily allowance is no more than 70 milliliters. You can also cook dried fruit compote.

How to feed an eight month old baby

Acceptable foods for 8 months baby:

  • Vegetable puree
  • Puree, fruit juices
  • Dairy products
  • Lean meat, fish
  • Egg yolk
  • Cookies, bread

Vegetable purees for an eight-month-old baby are preferable to cook from zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. The use of potatoes is also allowed, but in combination with other vegetables, so that its share does not exceed 1/3. Offer your crumb vegetables every day for lunch. Serving size - 150 - 170 g.

If before this time you got acquainted with dairy-free cereals, now it's time to add the milk option to the baby's diet. Start with buckwheat, corn, or rice, then add oatmeal and multigrain. It is ideal for breakfast, serving size 150-170 g. Semolina, millet and pearl barley are too early to include at this age.

Add 3-5 grams of butter or vegetable oil to your second course to enhance the flavor and ensure required amount healthy fats. But with salt, you should wait up to a year, until the baby's kidneys are ready for such a load.

Meat is the source huge amount vitamins and minerals. You can make a one-part puree from low-fat varieties. The best choice considered rabbit, beef, lean pork, venison. You can mix it with your usual vegetables. The meat must be cleaned of fat, veins and films, boiled and chopped a couple of times in a meat grinder. Then the crushed product must be wiped with a sieve. If you buy ready meals in jars, then carefully read the composition and give preference to puree without additives. Adding potato starch and spices increase the likelihood of allergic reactions. Start your acquaintance with meat from 2-3 grams, gradually bringing it to 30.

Do not cook meat broths for crumbs for up to a year. When boiling into broth, substances are released that can cause negative impact on a fragile organism. The optimal solution in this case, it is a light vegetable soup, to which you can add a little greenery.

Some children cannot tolerate the components cow's milk, in such a situation, you will have to give up veal. Chicken is also a common cause of allergies.

Fish is a treasure nutrients... It contains omega3, vitamin D, amino acids and trace elements that play important role in the development of the body. Many pediatricians recommend injecting it into. Fish is a perishable product, therefore one should approach its choice responsibly. Choose low-fat varieties such as pike perch, hake, or cod. After cooking, carefully remove all the bones and grind the fillets in a blender. The maximum allowable portion is 20-30 g. fish dishes contraindicated for up to a year.

Some doctors recommend cottage cheese and kefir as the first stage of complementary feeding. But, as a rule, they are administered closer to nine months. Cottage cheese can be cooked at home using a 1% kefir solution or solution calcium chloride... It is necessary that fermented milk products appear on the menu every day, best of all for dinner. You should start your acquaintance with cottage cheese without fruit fillers, gradually increasing the portion to 40 g.

At eight months, the yolk of a hard-boiled egg appears on the children's menu. Start with 1/8 part and work up to 1⁄2. The grated yolk is added to the finished dish or slightly diluted with breast milk. In the absence of allergies, it can be consumed twice a week.

WITH fruit juices and mashed potatoes of the little gourmet are recommended to be introduced last. The above products have a higher nutritional value... Introduce fruit into the diet of an 8 month old toddler preferably from a spoon apple juice or apple baby food... Gradually the juice can be brought to 50-70 ml, and mashed potatoes up to 50-70 g. Citrus and Exotic fruits it's too early to offer. And pear, peach, apricot, prunes will be quite appropriate.

If the crumbs already have front teeth, you can treat him to bread or special cookies. It quickly softens in the mouth, however, watch the baby closely so that he does not choke. Bread up to a year is recommended to be given exclusively white. Daily dose flour products in the diet of an 8 month old baby should not exceed 5 grams.

Diet and a sample menu for the day

From the very beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is important for parents to establish correct mode eating. The health of the baby depends on this, and it is also very convenient for parents. Feeding should be done at regular intervals - normally it is about 4 hours. With this approach, the baby eats 5 times a day, and the amount of food consumed is 1000-1200 ml.

Sample menu for the day:

  • In the morning (6 am) and before bedtime (10 pm) - breast milk either a mixture (200 ml)
  • Second breakfast (10 am) - porridge (150 g), yolk (no more than 2 times a week), fruit puree (40 g), breast milk or mixture (50 ml)
  • Lunch (14.00) - vegetable broth (30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), juice, mixture or breast milk (50 ml)
  • Dinner (6 pm) - kefir (50-100 ml), cottage cheese (30 g), breast milk or mixture (50 ml)

Observe the regime so that the crumbs develop the habit of eating healthy food, and his body receives all the necessary nutrients at the most favorable time for assimilation.

For growth and optimal development the child needs to eat healthy foods. When he turns 8 months old, the diet is replenished with new products, regardless of whether the baby is breastfed or artificial.

At this age, the baby is already quite active, and he needs a lot of energy, which he receives thanks to balanced menu... 8 month - it's time to accustom the baby to the diet. Therefore, even with early age he must have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a strictly defined time.

The new product should be introduced little by little, over several days, until it becomes familiar to the baby. At the same time, parents can be advised to keep a diary in which all stages of the development of the children's diet will be recorded.

  • vegetable puree: potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beets;
  • soups: meat, fish;
  • porridge: a variety of cereals, boiled in water or milk;
  • dairy products: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • fruits: apples, apricots, peaches, bananas;
  • greens in small quantities(it is usually added to vegetable puree);
  • meat and fish;
  • natural juice or compote.

Abroad, except for the listed components children's menu, 8-year-olds are fed soy tofu and other types of cheese based on cow or goat milk... Moreover, in some cases, such products begin to be introduced as early as 6 months. In our country this practice did not receive much distribution, perhaps for the better.

Key ingredients of the diet

If the child is still feeding on breast milk, then at this age you should not completely transfer him to artificial feeding just for the sake of expanding the diet. Some babies like to end their main meal with mother's milk. You can also leave morning and evening breastfeeding.

When preparing food for crumbs of 8 months, you should use a blender or mixer (these modern appliances allow you to achieve maximum grinding of the ingredients), as a last resort - a special strainer for complementary foods or a grater.


The most common dish in a baby's diet at 8 months old is porridge, which can be cooked in various variations. For example, an assortment of several types of cereals, with the addition of fresh or.

You can cook porridge in milk, preferably homemade with a high percentage of fat (this must be diluted with water). You can grind the cereals yourself, or you can buy ready-made chopped ones, which you just need to fill with boiling water or hot milk.

The development of a child largely depends on the variety of cereals in the diet, since they contain many substances useful for the child's body.

Meat and fish

Meat is an excellent source of protein, although this stage of development, children receive most of it with mother's milk. The main advantage of the product for babies is its high iron content. Indeed, it is in the period between 6 and 9 months that babies most often experience a lack of this mineral.

Meat like separate product An eight-month-old should be given puree, but can be mixed with vegetable puree or added to water-boiled porridge.

Low-fat varieties are best suited for the baby: chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, beef. The meat must be cleaned of fat, films, veins and boiled. Then twist several times in a meat grinder and pass through a sieve.

Fish is very useful product for the growth and development of the body, rich in amino acids, omega3, trace elements and essential. Pediatricians recommend introducing it into the baby's diet at 8 months.

You need to choose fish carefully, give preference to low-fat varieties such as cod, pike perch or hake.

Cooking will also require you to be careful. After boiling, the fish broth should be strained several times to prevent bones from entering the food. And it's still better to buy a quality fish fillet than a gutted carcass.

Soups and broths

Starting from 8 months, it is allowed to cook soup for a baby in meat broth, but the meat used for this should not be fatty. Fish broth can be given once a week.

Potatoes, a little onion, carrots and herbs are also added to this broth. You should also add quite a bit of salt, although pediatricians disagree on this.

At the end of cooking, season the soup with butter (vegetable or butter).

It is necessary to grind everything thoroughly in a blender, since the child still has few teeth. If there is no technology at hand that is so useful for a young mother, the most regular plug, but lumps will remain.

Sour milk

It is necessary to continue giving the child fermented milk products in the form of kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. They are alternated in the menu according to the principle: one day - one product.

It is better if the "milk" is homemade... It is no coincidence that homemade yogurt makers have become so popular among parents. When shopping in a store, you should carefully check not only the production date and shelf life, but also the composition.

It should be 30 ml per day. Continue this for several days, and then increase the portion to 150-200 ml in 8-9 days.

To diversify the milk table, use children's yogurt, you can add a little fruit to it, but sweetening with honey is prohibited. The presence of bee products in the menu of a child under one year old is fraught with severe allergies.

Egg feed

Chicken or quail eggs in the child's menu, 6-9 months contribute to the development of the brain, however, the independent introduction of these products into the diet is not recommended. Since eggs are a strong allergen, it is best to consult a pediatrician.

At first, the baby should receive mashed egg yolk, mashed with a fork.


Beans, peas and lentils are high in protein, so they look very attractive for a child's diet. Indeed, with the gradual transition to artificial feeding for the development of the child, it is extremely important that the protein component in his diet does not decrease.

But be careful. All legumes cause bloating, so don't overfeed your baby with foods in this group.

Finished baby puree any kind bought in a store can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours. Although some labels have longer deadlines, it's best not to risk it.

You can also feed your 8-month-old baby with a bagel or crouton, but be careful not to swallow a large chunk or choke on it.

Some foods can provoke allergic reaction... These include: chicken, cow's milk, many fruits and berries, and some vegetables. For example, there are cases of a child's allergy to carrots.

Power mode and sample menu

A child of 8 months should have a clear diet. He needs to be fed at about the same time every day.

There may be light snacks between meals. Children's diet it provides for. If the crumb constantly asks for food, slightly increase the portions of the main dishes. Intermediate snacks can consist of cookies, a piece of fruit, or a crouton.

  • The first meal from 6.00 to 7.00 is breast milk or artificial feeding.
  • From about 10.00 to 11.00, the child eats porridge. Boil it in water or milk, you can offer a little chicken yolk.
  • Lunch from 14.00 to 15.00 in the form of a soup with meat broth or separately: meat puree, vegetable puree and broth.
  • Evening feeding from 18.00 to 19.00 traditionally consists of dairy products (kefir, yoghurt) and fruit puree.
  • Before going to bed, from 22.00 to 22.30, the toddler receives breast milk or formula.

The described regime is very formal, since each child is unique. Everyone's sleep patterns are different, so meal times may shift.

If your toddler is sick or teething, he is likely to refuse complementary foods and ask for breast milk more often than usual. This is quite natural - this is how the baby seeks to calm down and feel safe. When the baby's condition improves, the previous feeding regimen should be restored.

Diet according to the Ruth Yaron system

Ruth Yaron is a popular author among American parents, who promotes his own developed system of feeding babies. The key principle: quick and easy preparation, as well as the absence of animal products in the diet. If you want to adopt this system, consult your pediatrician. Since in Russian realities, not all of the listed products are suitable for your child. But it's interesting to read.

Here's what Ruth Yaron recommends for 8-month-olds:

Meat is a valuable source of animal protein and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, iron). This can be lean beef or veal, lean pork, horse meat, venison, rabbit meat, and also tongue.

ATTENTION! Be careful with veal and chicken as your first meat feed. If a child has an intolerance to cow's milk, it is better to refuse veal, and chicken in some cases can cause an allergic reaction.

How to prepare meat complementary foods at home?

If you are making meat puree at home, remember that it must be very well chopped, because the baby has not yet learned how to chew properly. Meat without fat, peeled from veins and films, boil and chop in a blender (if you do not have this miracle household appliances, a regular meat grinder will do). But even in this form, the baby may not like it at first, because in its consistency it differs from the usual mushy food. To have baby there was no negative reaction to meat feed , you can mix minced meat with vegetable puree in the early days. After a week or two, try to give the meat puree separately. So that the meat "dish" does not seem too dry to the baby, add a little breast milk or mixture to it, and put the vegetable puree on the side plate as a side dish.

At 9 months in baby food you can introduce meatballs, and in a year - steam cutlets... Meat broths in menu for children of the first year of life are not used: they contain substances cooked from meat and can negatively affect the child's body. Much healthier for cooking meat dishes use vegetable broths without salt and spices (they will also be very useful for a young mother who often suffers from excess weight accumulated during pregnancy). Use all cooked meat dishes immediately, do not store.

Meat puree from a jar: how to choose?

If you prefer to buy ready-made baby food, choose a puree made from one type of meat (mono-product) without the addition of spices and potato starch. This is especially important if your child is prone to food allergies.

It is necessary to select a meat product for it, taking into account individual tolerance. In the future, you can expand the range of meat dishes by introducing canned meat and vegetable products, but you still need to pay attention to their composition and the degree of grinding (the age from which this product can be used is indicated on the package). Many canned meat and vegetable foods contain carrots, in addition, it is often included in a variety of juices - healthy children can be given these products no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise the excess of beta-carotene will be deposited in the skin, and it can turn yellow.

At first, it is convenient to use jars of baby food marked "1st step". In them, the volume of the product is small, and the meat puree is subject to the greatest degree of grinding. The contents of the jars are sterile, ready-to-drink and, regardless of seasonality, contain the necessary nutrients. When choosing puree for a child, you should pay attention to the indicated age recommendations, that is, the timeframe from which this product can be introduced into the baby's diet. Unfortunately, these guidelines do not always coincide with the recommendations of domestic pediatricians and nutritionists.

Therefore, before you buy, and even more so give your child something new, you should first consult with a specialist.

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Rules for the introduction of meat complementary foods

Start adding meat puree to child's menu you can literally from half a teaspoon, then, the next day, if the product is well tolerated, a teaspoon (5 g). During the next week, the volume of complementary foods is adjusted to 5-6 teaspoons (25-30 g). A full portion of meat at the 9th and 10th months is 40 g, and by 11-12 months - 50-70 g per day.

An 8 month old baby's menu may look something like this:

  • 6:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g);
  • 10:00 - dairy-free porridge(150 g), Ѕ yolk (after the introduction of meat, it is advisable to transfer the yolk to breakfast), breast milk or mixture (50 g);
  • 14:00 (lunch) - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), breast milk or mixture (50 g). Of course, you can give not just broth, but in fact a vegetable soup (vegetable broth and some mashed vegetables);
  • 18:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g);
  • 22:00 - breast milk or formula (200 g).

If juices and fruit purees were introduced earlier, then the menu may look different:

  • 6:00 - breast milk (mixture 200 g);
  • 10:00 - dairy-free porridge (150 g), Ѕ yolk, juice (20-30 ml), fruit puree or breast milk (30-40 ml);
  • 14:00 (lunch) - vegetable broth (20-30 ml), vegetable puree (150 g), meat puree (30 g), juice or breast milk (30-40 ml);
  • 18:00 - breast milk or formula (160-170 g), fruit puree (30-40 ml);
  • 22:00 - breast milk (mixture 200 g). As a reminder, the volume of each feeding is approximately 200-250 ml.

Thus, a child receives about 1000 ml of food per day (with a five-time feeding regimen).

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