What is terrenkur. Terrenkur: to whom it is shown, routes, benefits and benefits of therapeutic walking, reviews. Route rules

Flower garden: annual plants (flower care in the asphalt play area)

MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 217" in Barnaul, Altai Territory - winner of the city competition "The best design of the territory of the preschool educational institution - 2013". The project presented by the teachers of the preschool educational institution was awarded a gold medal in the All-Russian correspondence competition "Vocation-educator" for a set of teaching materials for teachers "".

In the federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the FSES DO), the requirements for preschool education are formulated, focusing on the territory (site) adjacent to the educational organization or located at a small distance from it, adapted for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education and including materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protection and, accounting for and correction of developmental deficiencies.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing subject-spatial environment should:

provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, the motor activity of preschoolers, as well as opportunities for solitude; be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment of the territory adjacent to the preschool educational institution, depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and abilities of children, by compiling a summer schedule of classes in the preschool educational institution.

One of the ways to create a unified educational space for the development of the child, including the adjacent territory, may be the organization of centers for cognitive research activities in the kindergarten area. Educators of different age groups, a physical education instructor, a methodologist (senior educator) jointly develop several special educational routes, or educational health paths, on the territory of the preschool educational institution of various categories of complexity, depending on the children's health group, their age, interests.

Terrenkur (German: terrain - terrain, area, territory, kur - treatment) - a method of treatment with distance, time and angle of inclination dosed on foot ascents along marked routes. The natural health path in the preschool educational institution treats not only with a dosed load, but also with communication with nature, clean air, and psycho-emotional comfort. Terrenkur, which is part of the summer schedule of classes at the preschool educational institution, helps to harden the body, and the beauty of nature, a calm environment create the prerequisites for relieving neuro-emotional stress.

Educational paths in the preschool educational institution are part of the summer schedule of preschool activities, as well as specially organized routes for children around the territory with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers of cognitive research activities, and the passage of ecological and health trails.

The purpose of the educational health path in the preschool educational institution is to improve the health of the pupils, increase the level of motor activity, and the cognitive and research activities of children and adults.

The tasks of the educational path in the preschool educational institution

Exercise children in basic movements; development of their endurance, dexterity, coordination of movements, self-organization skills; education of curiosity, a responsible attitude to walks in nature, a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.

Oratory platform

Requirements for the organization of educational paths in preschool educational institutions

Approximate route options are developed taking into account physical activity, cognitive content, children's interests, are discussed in the process of interaction between educators and a physical education instructor, and are approved by a senior educator or methodologist of a preschool educational institution; equipment and attributes for organizing sports, didactic games, independent activities of preschoolers are selected in accordance with the developed routes, taking into account the interests of children, the time of year and weather conditions; walks provide for monitoring the observance of proper breathing, maintaining the optimal load, which results in the appearance of pleasant fatigue among the participants of the route by the end of the path; clothes and footwear for walking must correspond to the season of the year and weather conditions; a first aid kit is a must.

Educational paths in preschool educational institutions imply the integration of the following educational areas: "Physical development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development".

The path path through the territory of the preschool educational institution includes not only specially created centers, but also a sports ground, a play area on asphalt, a health path, an ecological path, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution. As a rule, many group sites are decorated in a certain style, for example: "Zoo", "Sea Harbor", "Cosmodrome". In this case, the health path routes may include visits to these sites, if this meets the goals or interests of the children.

How is the educational path in the preschool educational institution

Walks along the health path in the preschool educational institution are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of gradually increasing the pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of preschoolers.

The path path in the preschool educational institution is divided into several "stations", or "houses". : "Meteorological laboratory", "In the country of fairy tales", "Glade of heroes", "Bird's dining room", Recreation center, etc. At the same time, not all "houses" are stationary, the location of some of them can be periodically changed. In the hot summer time, a “Water Fairy House” may appear (a splasher or an inflatable pool, home-made sprinklers), in the fall - a labyrinth of dry leaves, in winter - a snow labyrinth.

To create new "houses" it is most convenient to use portable flat layouts. On them, a contour indicates a figure, for example, a fairy-tale character (the Frog Princess, Baba Yaga, Thumbelina, Malvina, Puss in Boots), or the skeleton of a rocket, a tower, Baba Yaga's house. The portable model is mounted on a stand and installed anywhere on the territory of the preschool educational institution before starting to move along the path in the preschool educational institution.

Walks along the health path should be carried out regularly, during the non-hot time of the day in the first half of the day, due to the time allotted for a morning walk and outdoor physical education. The duration of the walking route for older preschoolers is 1.5 hours, for younger preschoolers - 1 hour. They start by building in pairs on the street. The physical education instructor or educator goes ahead and determines the pace of movement.

2-3 adults can directly participate in the walks (group teacher, physical education instructor, teacher assistant, parents).

Before the walk-hike, the children are informed of the purpose of the upcoming activity. If the preschool has a banner with designated centers of cognitive research activities, recreation areas, sports facilities, then it is possible to draw up a route with the participation of the preschoolers themselves, taking into account the preliminary work on discussing the symbols on the banner.

A conversation is held with the children about which “stations” they would like to visit, the rules of behavior on some of them are reminded (for example, on an ecological path, in a play area on asphalt). Some centers are temporary (surprise) and are installed additionally before the trip, taking into account the purpose of the health path in the preschool educational institution, the time of year, the age of the pupils, etc.

The plot task "Defeat the Serpent Gorynych - unravel the knot"

What can be a path in a preschool educational institution

The structure of the walks includes:

collection and movement to the next waypoint; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; independent activity of children; collection and return to the group.

When conducting educational health paths with children, teachers must comply with certain requirements for their organization and safety rules.

Training on the basketball court

Moving in the process of moving along the path path in the preschool educational institution from one "house" to another, children conduct experiments, research, repeat counting, make up oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, exercise, play outdoor games and games on pavement.

Such a play space contributes to the physical, intellectual and psycho-emotional development of the child: he learns to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and small motor skills, speech and its intonational expressiveness, eye, correlating movements.

The following can be cited as examples of "stations" of the educational path.

"Samodelkin's House" is a workshop where preschoolers create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various machines, mechanisms, etc. There are tables, benches, a shed, containers for storage and sorting.

"Possession of a soap bubble" - a table on one leg, a large container with soapy water, straws for cocktails, folded into different packages (according to the number of children). Here, preschoolers can blow soap bubbles, the solution for which is made by teachers according to the schedule for following the path in the preschool educational institution.

The “Island of Reflections”, or the “Debaters Club” is a place where benches stand opposite each other, which are used both as a place to relax and to discuss a problem that has arisen or proposals for compiling a further route for the health path.

To design the "House of the Queen of Mathematics" at the preschool site, natural material (stones, cones, sticks, acorns, chestnuts) is prepared in advance, which is used for counting exercises; mounted on a fence or a portable chalk board is installed. To introduce preschoolers to geometric shapes, sand or asphalt can be used at this station.

To decorate the “Kingdom of the Brush”, benches, tables are placed under a canopy, on which paints, pencils, paper, and water containers are placed. If this educational path station is located in a place specially designated for recreation, it is more advisable to use an easel with a sheet of paper fixed in advance for the collective work of children.

Installation (English installation - placement, installation, installation) is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (industrial and household items, natural objects).

Another example of an educational health path "station" in a preschool educational institution is an installation made of waste materials. Their difference from ordinary crafts is that the child does not just participate in the creation of some kind of art object for display at the exhibition, but is an active user of it, a player. If the composition is mobile (for example, it has propellers, has sound effects), the pupil can “revive” it. It is necessary that he is actively involved in the toy: knocking, rattling, using all the available elements. Installations allow you to think in a new way, enrich the world of children's play.

Installations during the terrenkur in the preschool educational institution

With the help of the installation, you can create a wall with non-traditional musical instruments - noise makers, knockers, rattles, fixing various metal parts on the board.

Original installations in the form of a mobile are a decorative, often humorous project of artistic imagination, a suspended structure (its different elements are connected by wire at one point). Mobiles are created, as a rule, from waste or natural materials. For this, wires, tubes, rods are used, which can be given a curvilinear shape; threads, fishing line, rope, wire, chains are used as fixing elements. In one mobile, you can combine different materials.

As they go through the route of the educational path, the children perform various tasks, while using or making the necessary equipment and attributes. Most often, preschoolers play with pebbles (as the most common object), but leaves, cones, seeds, etc. are also used.

Examples of tasks for the health path in the preschool educational institution

Let us dwell in more detail on some tasks and exercises that may be provided for by the terrenkur route in the preschool educational institution.

So, among the tasks that can be offered to children, for example, at the station "The House of the Queen of Mathematics", - laying out the sequence: arrange the pebbles in size (from small to large) or make more complex rows (for example, lay out the same number of pebbles of different lengths or vice versa , their different number in rows of the same length). The child must understand which row has more, less or the same number of pebbles.

The next task is laying out geometric figures, numbers: the teacher draws the outline of the figure on the sand or asphalt, and the children repeat it with the help of pebbles. Pupils of senior preschool age can be offered to guess the figure by points (for example, the teacher lays out three pebbles, the child guesses that this is a triangle). An interesting game is tic-tac-toe with the help of pebbles of two colors on a field drawn on sand or asphalt.

throwing center

When visiting this station, it would be appropriate to get acquainted with numbers and the alphabet: the teacher draws numbers or letters on the stones and uses them as didactic material.

You can also offer preschoolers the following exercises to develop perception:

walking barefoot on large stones; trampling on a pile of small stones; laying out “paths” for fingers from stones; activity with a sensory box: sand is poured into the box, large and small, smooth and rough pebbles are placed; preschoolers, without looking, look for the necessary objects with their hands or stamp their feet on such a mixed surface; lesson with a tactile bag: pebbles of various sizes, shapes and textures are poured into a small opaque bag; children, at the request of the teacher, are looking for smooth, long, rough, round, small pebbles; balancing on stones: the teacher puts boards of different heights on stones, pupils walk on them, balancing; ear development exercise: children knock pebbles on various surfaces (against each other, on wood, plastic, metal) and find out which sound is higher, lower, which sound is produced by a large stone, and which one can be knocked out from a small one; throwing stones into the water (puddle, basin) and observing the consequences depending on the size, weight and shape of the stone, the depth of the reservoir; selection of objects by color: children select pebbles painted in the appropriate color to pre-prepared color cards; a game of "sorter": several holes of various diameters are made in a small box - for small, medium, large stones; in another box - for oval, round, long and short stones; a game of "scales": an ordinary hanger with bags attached to its edges is placed on a tree branch; preschoolers, putting stones in bags, determine which one is heavier or how many stones are needed to balance one large and heavy stone (you can diversify the game by first trying to determine the weight by appearance or by weighing it on your hand, and then check the result on the “scales” ).

An interesting task for children will also be sorting natural material. To collect and sort natural material, you will need several sorting boxes. For clarity, pictures with the corresponding images are glued to the cells of the box: stones, branches, cones, seeds, moss, grass. You can take several sorter boxes for a walk: put stones of different sizes and colors in one, soil samples in the other, etc., depending on the purpose of the walk, the path path in the preschool educational institution.

A sorter is a closed container with holes of various shapes, which allows the child to sort objects by shape, size. If the sorter involves the classification of objects by color, structure, type, then a box (for example, from under eggs) with different compartments painted in different colors can be used as a sorter.

At the Lost and Found station, you can offer pupils to play find-and-seek games. For this purpose, special cards are made with the image of the contours of the leaves of trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten, the contour or drawing of plants, wildlife (trees, flowers, grass, birds), artificial landscape (garden, flower garden, greenhouse, flower bed). Cards for sketching the location of a particular object must be prepared in advance.

They can be both collective and individual. The whole group of children plays with collective cards. They are with the teacher, and as they move along the route, he, together with the pupils, notes (either with a tick or by tracing a contour) which of the objects has already been found and where to find others. You can use several identical cards for children to work in subgroups. In this case, an element of competition is added to the game.

It is better to involve parents in the manufacture of individual cards. You can sort them by type of plant or natural material.

As an example, the application presents the routes of health paths in the preschool educational institution for younger and older preschoolers.

Approximate routes of health paths on the territory of the preschool for children of younger and older preschool age 1

Junior preschool age

Building children

1st stop - "Flower Garden: Perennials"

Children examine what is on the site, name familiar flowers, depending on the time of year, they tell how to take care of them. The stop lasts 5 minutes.

2nd stop - "Future Olympians"

During this stop at the sports ground, the educator or physical education instructor organizes games with preschoolers and physical education sessions 2 . Stop time - 30 min.

Breathing game "Hamsters"

Children “turn” into hamsters hiding food behind their cheeks: they puff out their cheeks, close their mouths, breathe only through their noses - this is how 10 steps go. Then, at the signal of the educator or physical education instructor, they clap their cheeks with their fists so that the air comes out of the mouth, and take another 15 steps.

Then the game is repeated. The teacher monitors the posture of preschoolers and correct breathing. The exercise is carried out for 2 minutes.

Exercise "What a beautiful back"

The teacher or physical education instructor pronounces the text, shows the appropriate movements, the children repeat after him.

Hands along the body
(Children stand up straight.)
We brought the shoulder blades together.
(The shoulder blades are brought together, hands are kept on the belt.)
We walk on socks
(Turn around on toes.)
We'll go on our heels.
(Turn around on heels.)
Let's go softly like foxes
(They walk like foxes.)
Well, if you get bored,
Let's go together like a bear.

During the exercise, the teacher monitors the correct posture of the pupils and, if necessary, corrects them.

Game "Rain"

The game proceeds similarly to the previous exercise. The teacher or physical education instructor pronounces the text, shows the appropriate movements, the children repeat after him.

Rain, rain! What are you drinking?
(Children make 4 claps.)
Will you let us take a walk?
(Perform stomps.)
Rain, rain! Full pour!
(Make 4 claps.)
Children, the earth, the forest to wet!
(Jump in place.)
After the rain in the country
(They walk with a simple step.)
We will jump through the puddles.
(Jump back and forth, as if through puddles.)

Play "Listen carefully"

Children go in a column one by one. At the whistle of the teacher or physical education instructor, they perform the appropriate movements:

1 whistle - jump on two legs;

2 whistles - stop;

3 whistles - walk in a semi-squat.

The correspondence of the number of whistles to the movements is agreed in advance.

Game "Swamp"

Children are divided into teams - "frogs" and "cranes". The educator or physical education instructor plays the role of leader. Team members stand on two opposite sides of the site. A circle is drawn in the middle - a “swamp”. Children enter into a dialogue that the leader ends.

They walk along the shore
And they collect midges.

Fly under the sky
All gray and white
And with long noses.

Frogs, frogs,
If you want to be alive
Then hurry up from the cranes
Go to the swamp.

The "frogs" jump over the bumps into the "swamp", the "cranes", waving their "wings", try to catch them. Caught "frogs" are out of the game. The game continues until only two "frogs" remain.

Game "Cunning Fox"

Children stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder, holding their hands behind their backs. The educator or physical education instructor plays the role of leader. He goes around the circle from the outside with a fox toy, quietly puts a toy in the hand of one of the children standing in the circle - he chooses who will be the "fox", and he himself becomes the center of the circle. The host, the children and the "fox" enter into a dialogue.

Leader and children:
Sly fox, where are you?

Here I am!

All participants scatter and hide anywhere, but so that their feet do not stand on the ground. Those who did not have time to do this, and whom the “fox” taunted, fall into the “fox hole”. The game continues until there are two players left.

Then the movement along the path path continues.

3rd stop - "Recreation area"

Children consider which trees grow on the kindergarten site, name them, find similarities, differences. The stop lasts 5 minutes. The range of questions and the nature of the discussion depends on the age of the children.

senior preschool age

1st route option

Building children

1st stop - Throwing Center

The educator or instructor in physical education organizes with children throwing at vertical and horizontal targets in different ways. Stop time - 10 min.

The game "The most accurate"

Children take turns throwing the ball at a target from a certain distance. 3 attempts are given for throwing with the right and left hands. At the end, the winner is announced - the most accurate participant.

2nd stop - "Asphalt play zone"

A physical education teacher or instructor conducts outdoor games on asphalt, on which "classics", mazes, "snakes", "walkers" with numbers, letters, images of animals (for example, a cat, a chicken, a dog, a sparrow, etc.) .). The stop lasts 15 minutes.

Game "Snake"

Children take each other's hands, forming a chain. The one who turned out to be the last in the chain is appointed the leader. He runs, dragging all the participants of the game with him, describing various figures: along drawn contours and circles, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles; leads the chain with a snake, twisting it around the last player, then straightens it. At the end of the game, the "snake" stops, spins around the driver.

Breathing game "King of the Circle"

Children stand in a circle and, according to a counting rhyme, choose a driver who becomes along with the rest of the players. A ball is placed in the hole in the center of the circle. Preschoolers, calling the name of the driver, say: “... (they call the name of the driver), do not sleep, take the ball quickly!” The players scatter, and the driver runs to the hole, takes the ball and shouts: “Stop!” Then he calls one of the players by name and throws the ball at him. If he misses, then he remains the driver - the "king"; if it hits the player, he, in turn, becomes the "king" and the game repeats.

Breathing exercise "Rhino"

It is carried out with the aim of developing proper nasal breathing. A physical education teacher or instructor invites children to “turn” into rhinos: take a deep breath through the nose, puff out the cheeks and exhale through the mouth. Exhalation can be both with a voice and silently. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Game "Running"

On opposite sides of the site, two “houses” are marked with lines, the distance between them is 10–20 m. The participants in the game are divided into two equal groups and occupy “houses”. In the middle of the site becomes the driver. Players need to move from one "house" to another. But the driver does not let them through, trying to overpower those who run across. The one who was taunted is out of the game. The group with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Movement along the path path continues.

4th stop - "Bird's canteen"

Children stop near the feeders, examine them and perform the tasks of a teacher or physical education instructor: find the highest, lowest feeders, feed the birds, etc.

The terrenkur route ends at the entrance to the kindergarten.

2nd route option

Building children

The route begins with the construction of pupils in pairs at the entrance of the kindergarten.

1st stop - "Climbing Center"

A physical education teacher or instructor invites children to climb in different ways on a special climbing board. Stop time - 10 min.

2nd stop - "Health Path"

The educator or instructor in physical education invites children to walk along the "Health Path", the main goals of which are:

prevention of flat feet, improvement of coordination of movements; improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems; increased resistance to infectious diseases; improving the emotional and mental state of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

Stop time - 10 min.

3rd stop - "School of the ball"

During this stop, the educator or physical education instructor organizes games with children and physical education sessions. Stop time - 30 min.

Breathing game "Kings of the Winds"

Children are given turntables. The educator or instructor in physical culture says: “The winds from different parts of the world somehow gathered and decided to choose the strongest. They arranged a competition: which wind blows the strongest.

Pupils are divided into pairs and, at the command of a teacher or physical education instructor, they blow on a turntable. The teacher shows how to blow correctly: air is inhaled through the nose and exhaled sharply through the mouth. Whose turntable will spin longer, he won. The winners are solemnly awarded the title "Kings of the Winds".

Game "Catch a mosquito"

Players stand in a circle, at arm's length, facing the center. The educator or physical education instructor stands in the middle of the circle. He holds in his hands a rod 1–1.2 m long with a cardboard mosquito tied to a cord. Cord length - 50 cm.

The teacher circles with a rod (“circling a mosquito”) over the heads of the players. Children try to catch the "mosquito" when it flies over them. The one who grabs the "mosquito" says: "I caught it!" Then the game is repeated.

Game "Find your color"

Children are given flags of 3-4 colors, they are grouped into 4-6 people in different corners of the site. In each corner, the educator or physical education instructor puts a colored flag on a stand. At the signal of the teacher “Go for a walk!” The students disperse around the playground. To the words "Find your color!" they gather near the flag of the corresponding color. The teacher notes which group members gathered faster.

The game "My cheerful, sonorous ball"

Children are located in different places of the playground. The teacher or physical education instructor stands in the center, takes a big ball and, beating it with his hand on the ground, reads S. Ya. Marshak's poem “The Ball” (“My cheerful, sonorous ball ...“). Then he calls the players to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at a given pace.

The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, making a movement with his hand as if he continues to hit the ball. Children jump, trying to keep the same pace. Having finished reading the poem, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up!” And the students run away. He tries to catch them, making deceptive movements in different directions, then gives the command: “Line up!”

4th stop - "Jungle"

This is a corner of untouched nature on the territory of the kindergarten with an artificial bulk grass hill. There is equipment for climbing, three-dimensional models of various animals.

Children examine what is on the site, perform tasks of varying degrees of complexity: climbing and descending a grassy hill, walking on a log, jumping off stones and stumps.

The terrenkur route ends at the entrance to the kindergarten.

1 The routes were developed by the senior educator E. B. Melnikova and the physical education instructor N. N. Bacherova MBDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 217" in Barnaul, Altai Territory. - Note. ed. 2 You can conduct other outdoor games appropriate for the age of the children. - Note. ed. 3 On teaching preschool children to exercise with the ball, see: Handbook of the senior preschool teacher. 2014. No. 7.

From the experience of MBDOU 217 in Barnaul Several special educational routes of different complexity categories have been developed on the territory of the kindergarten, depending on the children's health group, age, and interests. On the territory of the kindergarten, several special educational routes of various categories of complexity have been developed, depending on the children's health group, age, and interests.

Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive research activities, ecological and health trails. Educational health paths are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers for cognitive research activities, ecological and health trails. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children.

The territory of a preschool educational institution, along which several routes for walking (health paths) are laid, is a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children. The territory of a preschool educational institution, along which several routes for walking (health paths) are laid, is a landscaped area with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, intended for games, entertainment, physical education and cultural and educational activities for preschool children.

The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution. The route includes not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, an asphalt play area, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Hiking structure: collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; collection and movement to the next stop of the health path; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; a complex of recreational games and physical exercises; independent activity of children; independent activity of children; collection of preschoolers and return to the group collection of preschoolers and return to the group

One of the ways to create a unified educational space for the development of the child, including the adjacent territory, may be the organization of Centers for cognitive and research activities on the territory of the preschool educational institution. One of the ways to create a unified educational space for the development of the child, including the adjacent territory, may be the organization of Centers for cognitive and research activities on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games . Moving along the health path route from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games .

In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements.

The content of walking tours depends on the chosen topic, season and weather. In the content of the walk-health course, teachers can include: cognitive conversations cognitive conversations observations of insects, birds, plants observations of insects, birds, plants collection of natural material collection of natural material familiar to children mobile and didactic games familiar to children mobile and didactic games games for attention games for attention

Sports games sports games a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the season and weather conditions, age characteristics of children a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the time of year and weather conditions, age characteristics of children

"House of Samodelkin" Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various machines, mechanisms, etc. This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various machines, mechanisms, etc.

Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, or the skeleton of a “rocket”, “teremka”, “Baba’s house- yagi". Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, or the skeleton of a “rocket”, “teremka”, “Baba’s house- yagi".

Playground complexes for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of free use landscape, on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered. Playground complexes for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of free-use landscape , on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered.

The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment of the territory adjacent to the Organization, depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and abilities of children. The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment of the territory adjacent to the Organization, depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and abilities of children. Entertaining and educational routes on the territory of the preschool educational institution A playground for playing on asphalt, in addition to traditional classics, zigzags, paths, may include a “sound track” for kids. The asphalt playground, in addition to traditional classics, zigzags, tracks, may include a “sound track” for kids. When passing the sound track, stepping into a circle in which different animals are drawn, the child must make certain sounds “Moo”, “Quar-quack”, “Qua-qua”, etc. When passing the sound track, stepping into a circle in which different animals are drawn, the child must make certain sounds “Moo”, “Quar-quack”, “Qua-qua”, etc.

Characteristics of the developing subject-game environment at the preschool educational institution site, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard: problematic saturation; problem saturation; openness to active completion by the child, a dialogic way of functioning; openness to active completion by the child, a dialogic way of functioning; unusual; unusual; clear formalization of subject sources of development; clear formalization of subject sources of development; multifunctionality; multifunctionality; adaptability to the needs of joint activities of children and adults. adaptability to the needs of joint activities of children and adults.

The experience is presented in the publication of Davydov O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p. Davydova O.I. Educational paths on the territory of the kindergarten (cognitive and research activities of children on a walk, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard). - AltGPA, p.

The health of a preschooler, its protection and strengthening is a priority for the system of preschool education, the problem of an integrated approach to improving the health of children, the effectiveness of this work remains relevant. To solve this problem, the teachers of our institution have created optimal conditions for the health improvement of preschoolers in a kindergarten in the following areas:

Protection and strengthening of the psychophysical health of the child;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of each pupil;

Education in children of a conscious attitude towards their body and familiarization with physical culture and sports;

Kindergarten is an open educational system that ensures the physical, mental, emotional and socio-cultural well-being of the child.

For the physical education of preschoolers, a sports and recreation space of the preschool educational institution was created: health corners, thematic exhibitions on physical education, sports and recreation centers in groups that allow physical activity, sports equipment, non-traditional sports equipment.

We decided to use the entire territory of the kindergarten with children of different age groups for the health of our children. Health routes have been developed.

Our health path is a system of dosed walking, jumping, running, outdoor and sports games using the passage of these routes through the territory of the kindergarten.

The new technology is interesting and convenient for children because they like:

Simplicity and naturalness of movements;

The ability to perform them at any time in the air;

Attractiveness due to the possibility of game motivation.

Routes of the middle group

Monday: Route 1

Stop 1 "Flower bed"-

Clarify the names of flowers, their structure, features of their size, color, shape of petals, leaves, stem; encourage comparative statements; pay attention to the fact that some flowers smell pleasant.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up - (Torso to the right, to the left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore. (Torso forward, back.)

Moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew. (Hands up, left, right.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.)

Game "Guess by description"

Here is the morning! Stop sleeping!

Before you take off

You need to stretch your wings.

Up wing, down wing

And now vice versa! (One straight arm is raised, the other is lowered, hands change with a jerk.)

We spread wings to the sides,

And bring the shoulder blades together. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking the arms to the sides.)

Leaning left and right

And swayed back and forth. (Tilts left-right, forward-backward.)

We squat on command -

One two three four five.

We do the exercise.

Chur, friends, do not lag behind! (Squats.)

Game exercise "Herons"

"The Frogs"

Stop 3 "At the sandbox"-

To teach children to play together, to continue to acquaint children with the properties of sand, to develop imagination when sculpting sand figures.

We put our hands apart: (Hands to the sides.)

The plane appeared. (They flew like planes.)

Wing back and forth, (Tilts left and right.)

Do "one" and do "two". (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (We clap our hands.)

Hold your hands to the sides, (Hands to the sides.)

Look at each other. (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (Jumping in place.)

Hands down (Hands down)

And everyone sit down! (Sit down.)

Game "Blind a figure"

Stop 4 "Visiting the maple tree"-

The wind gently shakes the maple,

Right, left tilts:

One - slope and two - slope,

The maple rustled with leaves. (Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, torso to the left and right.)

The game "From what tree leaf"

P.I. "Wind and Leaves"

Tuesday: Route 2

Stop 1 "Grass-ant" -

To teach to establish a connection between the state of wildlife and inanimate nature, to develop the ability to express one's thoughts, to cultivate love for nature.

Silence surrounds

The mowers went out to the meadow.

Sweep back and forth

Do one and do two. (Children make movements with straight arms to the left and right with a turn of the torso in front of the standing leg.)

The game "Who eats what?"

P.I. "Zhmurki"

Stop 2 "Garden"-

To form generalized ideas about vegetables (vegetables are the succulent parts of herbaceous plants that are grown in the garden for eating), to clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe variety of vegetables.

Now turn on the pump

We pump water from the river,

Left - one, right - two,

Water flowed in a stream.

One, two, three, four - (3 times.)

Well, we've worked hard. (Tilt to the right, the left hand slides up along the body (to the armpit); tilt to the left, move up with the right hand.)

Game "Edible-inedible"

Stop 3 "Kuban yard" -

To teach children to listen to the teacher, develop thinking, cultivate love for the small homeland.

Hey blacksmith, well done,

My stallion limped.

You kick him again.

Why not shoe?

Here is a nail, here is a horseshoe -

One, two and you're done. (Children walk, fall on one or the other leg, spread their arms to the sides, strike with their fists in front of them in the air for every word.)

P.I. "Duck and Drake"

Stop 4 "Sports ground" -

And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's go higher, let's go together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees

We take a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

From the heart we stretched, (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down.)

The game "Who is louder" (throwing the ball up, say the name)

Wednesday: Route 3

Stop 1 "Visiting the birch"-

To fix the name of the trees, to tell what benefits the trees bring to a person, to cultivate a love for nature.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The game "From what tree leaf"

Develop motor activity of children, cultivate friendships in the game.

One - get up, stretch, (Stretched.)

Two - bend, straighten, (Bent back, hands on the belt.)

Three - three claps in the hands, (claps.)

Three head nods. (Head movements.)

Four - arms wider, (Hands to the sides.)

Five - wave your hands, (Mahi hands.)

Six - sit down again. (Sit down.)

P.I. "Through the stream"

"Chase Your Shadow"

Stop 3 "Playground" -

Develop motor activity of children, cultivate friendships in the game.

The children stood exactly in a circle,

And then they suddenly sat down.

Made a jump together

Over the head - cotton.

And now everything is together

Let's jump over the puddle!

And now they're going in circles

They smile at each other. (Movement through the text.)

P.I "Hunter and hares"

P.I. "At the bear in the forest"

Stop 4 "Visiting the birds"-

To identify the features of bird adaptation to the seasons (to establish a connection between the nature of food, the availability of food and adaptation to weather conditions. We continue to get acquainted with some habits, features of the appearance of birds.

Signs: the birds sang in the rain - for clear weather; sparrows in inclement weather chirp merrily - to clear weather.

A nimble tit jumps, (Jumping in place on two legs.)

She can’t sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right foot.)

It twirled like a top. (We circle in place.)

Here I sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)

She scratched her breast with her beak, (Stand up, head tilts left and right.)

And from the track - to the wattle fence, (Jumping in place on the left foot.)

Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)

Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)

(A. Barto)

DI. "What is this bird"

P.I. "Sparrows and the Car"

Thursday: Route 4

Stop 1 "Playground" -

Develop motor activity of children, cultivate friendships in the game.

One, two - we stood up together, (We walk in place.)

We will put our hands straight. (Hands on the belt.)

Three, four - we will separate, (Hands to the sides.)

We will start to work. (Tilts forward with hands touching the toe of the leg (left arm-right leg; right arm-left leg).)

From the heel we will stand on the toe, (We climbed on toes, hands on the belt.)

Looked to the right, to the left, (Turns the head left and right.)

We sat down on our toes (Squats.)

And how the birds flew. (Let's run)

Independent play activity of children

Stop 2 "Sports ground" -

Develop motor activity of children, cultivate friendships in the game.

To make us feel better,

Let's dive deeper.

Leaning forward

And then vice versa. (Tilts forward and backward.)

Here's another challenge -

We do squats.

Don't be lazy to squat!

One two three four five. (Squats.)

We walk together, cheerfully,

But it's time to end the holiday. (Walking in place.)

Stop 3 "Experimental site" -

To teach children to answer the teacher's questions, to develop thinking, the ability to notice changes, to cultivate a love for nature.

To pick flowers in the forest

Bend over to your toes.

One is a flower, two is a flower.

And then we will weave a wreath. (Tilts forward, first to the right leg, then to the left.)

Conversation "What will happen to the flower if you pick it?"

Stop 4 "Park" -

To arouse interest in the world around; form realistic ideas about nature; expand horizons, enrich vocabulary, activate memory and attention.

We stretch our hands to the ceiling,

Like a flower to the sun. (Sipping, hands up.)

Let's spread our hands to the sides,

As if we will spread the leaves, (Sipping, arms to the sides.)

Raise your hands sharply up

One two three four.

We flap our wings like geese.

And then quickly lower. (With a sharp movement, raise straight arms through the sides, then lower.)

Like in the classics, a little

We jump on the right leg.

And now on the left too.

How long can we last? (Jumping on one leg.)

Tree watching in the park.

The game "Find a leaf which I will show"

Friday: Route 5

Stop 1 "Christmas tree beauty" -

Continue to teach children to describe trees, noting their differences and similarities, characteristic features; develop a love for nature.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher. (Children imitate the breath of the wind, shaking their torso in one direction or the other. To the words “quiet, quiet” the children squat, to “higher, higher” they straighten up.)

Independent play activities of children.

Stop 2 "Garden" -

To form generalized ideas about vegetables (vegetables are the succulent parts of herbaceous plants that are grown in the garden for eating), to clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe variety of vegetables.

A sunflower grows in the yard

In the morning it reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)

Next to him is a second, similar,

He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)

We turn our hands in a circle.

Don't accidentally hit a friend!

A few laps ahead

And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)

We had a wonderful rest

And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

Game "Vegetable or fruit"

Stop 3 Fairy Meadow-

Teach children to invent fairy tales, develop thinking, imagination.

The bunny went out for a walk.

The wind began to subside. (Walking in place.)

Here he is riding down the slope

Runs into the green forest.

And rushes between the trunks,

Among the grass, flowers, bushes. (Jumping in place.)

Little bunny is tired.

Wants to hide in the bushes. (Walking in place.)

Frozen bunny in the middle of the grass

And now we'll freeze too! (Children sit down.)

Making up fairy tales for children.

Stop 4 "Meadow of flowers" -

To cultivate a sense of joy when perceiving beautifully flowering plants, the desire to preserve them;

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place.)

A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is spread

And right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

Game "Name what color"

Learning a poem:

If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If everything: me and you,

If we pick flowers

All fields will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

Zavgorodnyaya Irina Vladimirovna

Educational health paths - these are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers of educational and research activities, ecological and health trails. Walks along the health path are carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and physical activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children.

Hiking structure:

Collection and movement to the next stop of the health path;

Stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults;

A complex of recreational games and physical exercises;

Independent activity of children;

Collection of preschoolers and return to the group.

Each "station" can have its own name

Moving to the health path from one Center (or House), children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, compose oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games.

In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements.

Informative conversations

Observation of insects, birds, plants

Collection of natural material

Mobile and didactic games familiar to children

Games for attention

Sport games

A complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the time of year and weather conditions, age characteristics of children

Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting.

This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various machines, mechanisms, etc.

To create new Houses, it is most convenient to use portable flat layouts.

Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga's house”.

Complexes of playgrounds for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of free-use landscape, on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered.

The asphalt playground, in addition to traditional classics, zigzags, tracks, may include a “sound track” for kids. When passing the sound track, stepping into a circle in which different animals are drawn, the child must make certain sounds “Moo”, “Quar-quack”, “Qua-qua”, etc.

"Repeat counting" for older preschoolers.

Asphalt play area: Stencils (drawing with flour)

Parkour is a youth street sport, the main element of which is the effective and quick overcoming of obstacles in an urban environment, without any auxiliary devices. Human nature is characterized by a thirst for exploration and the need to find new ways, this desire is already manifested in young children. In childhood, each of us, without suspecting it, was engaged in parkour (climbing trees, fire escapes, etc.).

Goal parkour

The obstacle course is one of the most favorite children's games. Overcoming an obstacle course develops a child physically (trains muscles, agility, coordination of movements), allows him to explore the capabilities of his body, teaches him quick wit and independence. Thinking about how to overcome an obstacle unfamiliar to him, the child learns to solve problems, to look for a way out in difficult situations.

Obstacle course options


b) 2 wooden racks.


Problem saturation;

Openness to active completion by the child, a dialogical way of functioning;


Clear formalization of subject sources of development;


Adaptability to the needs of joint activities of children and adults.



Organization and conduct of health paths and parkours with children on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Educational health paths - these are specially organized routes for children on the territory of a preschool educational institution with a visit to the asphalt play area, centers of educational and research activities, ecological and health trails. Walks along the pathare carried out in natural conditions, in the fresh air, according to the principle of a gradual increase in pace and motor activity, which contributes to hardening, increasing physical endurance, and normalizing the psycho-emotional activity of children.

On the territory of the kindergarten, several special educational routes of various categories of complexity should be developed, depending on the children's health group, age, and interests.

The route should include not only specially created Centers, but also a sports ground, a play area on asphalt, a health trail, an ecological trail, flower beds, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse and other possible objects on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Hiking structure:

  • collection and movement to the next stop of the health path;
  • stop, halt, cognitive and research activities of children and adults;
  • a complex of recreational games and physical exercises;
  • independent activity of children;
  • collection of preschoolers and return to the group.

The route is divided into several "stations" or houses

Each "station" can have its own name

"Meteo-laboratory", "In the land of fairy tales", "Glade of heroes", "Bird's dining room", Recreation center.

Turning into the process of moving along the routeterrenkur from one Center (or House) children perform various exercises, conduct experiments, research, do mathematics, make up oral stories, study the properties of plants and traces of birds and animals, do physical exercises, play mobile and asphalt games.

In such a play space, the child learns a lot - to communicate with the outside world, he develops large and fine motor skills, speech, intonation, eye, correlating movements.

  • informative conversations
  • observation of insects, birds, plants
  • collection of natural material
  • mobile and didactic games familiar to children
  • attention games
  • sport games
  • a complex of health-improving physical exercises depending on the time of year and weather conditions, age characteristics of children

"House of Samodelkin". "Music Wall"

  • Tables, benches, shed, containers for storage and sorting.
  • This is a kind of Workshop where you can create installations from waste material, cardboard, plastic bottles, old broken parts from various machines, mechanisms, etc.

In summer - a labyrinth on asphalt, in autumn - a labyrinth of dry leaves, in winter - a snow labyrinth.

  • To create new Houses, it is most convenient to use portable flat layouts.
  • Some figure is marked with a contour, for example, the fairy-tale character “Frog Princess”, “Baba Yaga”, “Thumbelina”, “Heel”, “Puss in Boots”, “Teremok”, “Baba Yaga's house”.

In winter, it can be snow sculptures and art objects.

  • Complexes of playgrounds for groups of different ages should alternate with lawns, landscaped areas of free-use landscape, on which boulders, stumps, tree trunks, etc. are picturesquely scattered.

Entertaining and educational routes on the territory of the preschool educational institution

  • The asphalt playground, in addition to traditional classics, zigzags, tracks, may include a “sound track” for kids. When passing the sound track, stepping into a circle in which different animals are drawn, the child must make certain sounds “Moo”, “Quar-quack”, “Qua-qua”, etc.
  • "Repeat counting" for older preschoolers.

Asphalt play area: Stencils (drawing with flour)

Organization and conduct of parkour

Parkour is a youth street sport, the main element of which is the spectacular and fast overcoming of obstacles in an urban environment, without any auxiliary devices. Human nature is characterized by a thirst for exploration and the need to find new ways, this desire is already manifested in young children. In childhood, each of us, without suspecting it, was engaged in parkour (climbing trees, fire escapes, etc.).

Goal parkour - quickly and beautifully without auxiliary means to move on the ground in the shortest way. The equipment of a tracer (a runner, as a follower of parkour is called) includes only a pair of good sports shoes. Like any other sport, parkour requires good physical fitness. Discipline, concentration, the ability to realistically assess your strength and self-control are also important points in training.

  • The obstacle course is one of the most favorite children's games. Overcoming an obstacle course develops a child physically (trains muscles, agility, coordination of movements), allows him to explore the capabilities of his body, teaches him quick wit and independence. Thinking about how to overcome an obstacle unfamiliar to him, the child learns to solve problems, to look for a way out in difficult situations.

Obstacle course options

1. Exercises in balance - walking on a wide (narrow) support (gymnastic bench), with different hand positions.

2. Climbing up and down the gymnastic wall in opposite and similar ways.

3. Crawling on a horizontal gymnastic bench in an emphasis while kneeling and crouching in an emphasis.

4. Exercises with climbing elements.


1. It is made from: a) hat gum (round) - 5 meters
b) 2 wooden racks.

2. We develop skills: climbing, coordination of movements of arms, legs, body, dexterity.


1. It is made from saw cuts of a tree of one or more diameters and heights of stumps.

2. Develops balance - a necessary component of any movements. Accuracy of movements, coordination, muscle tone of the legs. Use requires concentration, attention, strong-willed efforts from children.

An obstacle course for children can be equipped with obstacles (elements) in their various combinations at a distance and consist of 6-10 elements (obstacles). Depending on the size of the sports hall or outdoor area (on gymnastic and sports camps), a stationary or, as a rule, a transformable obstacle course is equipped.

Characteristics of the developing subject-game environment at the preschool educational institution site, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • problem saturation;
  • openness to active completion by the child, a dialogic way of functioning;
  • unusual;
  • clear formalization of subject sources of development;
  • multifunctionality;
  • adaptability to the needs of joint activities of children and adults.


Goals, objectives, methods

Project "Educational paths"

Objective of the project: to educate a healthy, comprehensively, harmoniously developed pupil of a preschool educational institution, active in choosing the content of his education in the process of passing the routes of educational paths.

Project objectives:

- creation of safe territorial conditions for walking;

Creation of conditions for the manifestation of individuality, initiative and independence in various types of educational activities;

Building the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Formation of the need for cognitive activity, physical activity, a healthy lifestyle.

Novelty lies in the fact that the term "terrenkur", used in sanatorium-and-spa treatment, was applied by the authors to the field of education, to the construction of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, simultaneously with the improvement of the body of the pupil of the preschool educational institution.

Terrencourt(German: terrain + recovery) - a method of treatment with distance, time and angle of inclination dosed on foot ascents along marked routes.

Educational health path- a specially organized route for children, throughout the territory of the preschool educational institution, with favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions, during the passage of which the educational process is implemented simultaneously with the improvement of the pupil's body.

The principles underlying the project:

Scientific principle consists in the use of reasonable and practically adapted methods aimed at improving and strengthening the body of pupils.

Principleaccessibility and individuality - building an individual educational trajectory based on the characteristics, needs, initiative, interests of each child, giving the pupil the right to choose the content of his education.

Principleenvironmental education is considered as a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of the child, aimed at the formation of an ecological culture, respect for living and inanimate nature, the environment.

Project Implementation Plan:

STAGE 1 Theoretical:

Preparation of the project "Educational paths";

› Calendar-thematic planning of educational health paths for all age groups of preschool educational institutions;

Inspection of the territory of the preschool educational institution, determination of the location, content, design of stationary stations;

Development of measures to ensure the safety of children at each station;

Writing an additional general developmental program "Educational paths - a method for the comprehensive development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education."

STAGE 2 Practical:

› Improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution;

Designing a map-scheme of health path routes indicating the location of stationary stations on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

Production of portable layouts, plates with the names of stations and pointers to them;

Decoration of stations in accordance with the requirements of protecting the life and health of children;

Conducting educational health paths throughout the preschool educational institution for all age groups.

Preparing the territory of the preschool educational institution for practical work:

Establishment of 8 stationary stations (Sportlandia, Green Pharmacy, Flower Garden, Bird Canteen, Sandy Island, Rules of the Road, Kitchen Garden, Recreation);

Creation of mini-gardens, flower beds, small architectural forms, sports facilities, health paths;

Creation of conditions for joint creative and physical labor of children and adults;

Creation of conditions for cognitive development, experimental, research, observational activities of pupils;

Creation of conditions for sports, mobile, sedentary, didactic, theatrical, creative, intellectual games.

In addition to stationary stations, mobile stations are located on the territory of the preschool educational institution, their location, name, content, the teacher plans based on the tasks and interests of the children.

Preparation of the teaching staff for practical work:

Study of literature on the subject;

Preparation of consultations;

Conducting workshops;

Creation by a creative group of teachers of the project "Educational paths";

Writing an additional general developmental program "Educational paths - a method for the comprehensive development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard".

Calendar and thematic planning for each age group of the preschool educational institution;

Development of scenarios for educational path.

Parent preparation(legal representatives) of pupils for practical work:

Individual and group consultations;

Communication on the website of the teacher, group, preschool educational institution "Polyanka" Kindergarten, Mirny village, Tomsk region

Parent meetings;

Involvement in the preparation and participation in educational health paths.

When all the preparatory work was done, the teachers led the pupils along the routes of educational health paths passing through stationary and mobile stations, through ecological and health trails, realizing educational and educational tasks, integrating 5 educational areas. When moving from station to station, the pupils perform physical exercises, breathing exercises, and monitor their posture. At each station of the educational health path, pupils learn the educational program.

detailed instructions

Requirements for the organization of the route of educational paths:›

›- Accounting for physical activity, cognitive content, interests of pupils;

›- Taking into account the age characteristics of pupils (for children 2-3 years old, the duration of the route is 30 minutes, 2-3 stations; for children 5-7 years old, the duration is 1-1.5 hours, 6-7 stations);

- Accounting for the time of year and weather conditions;

- Compliance of clothes and shoes with the season, weather conditions;

- Conducting safety briefings with pupils;

- Approval of the route by the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution;

- Availability of a first aid kit!

Rules for conducting an educational path:

1. Regularity of walks;

2. Carrying out health path during a morning or evening walk (walks after meals are not recommended);

3. Clothing does not restrict movement, breathable, light, shoes are comfortable;

4. Compliance with the rules of San. Pina., Safety;

5. Performance of physical exercises and exercises to restore breathing during the transition from station to station;

6. Correct posture;

7. Even breathing

8. Good mood.

Rules for constructing the educational process:

› The teacher, pupils determine the theme of the health path;

The teacher sets a goal, tasks, plans the duration of the health path (in the winter season, the duration is shortened, in the summer it increases);

Together with the children determines the stations that they would like to visit, lays the route of the health path;

Selects age-appropriate options for activities, materials, games, physical exercises that are performed on the way and at the health path stations (children are given a choice);

Selects inventory, portable layouts.

Educational health path is accompanied by control:

Cognitive activity, content richness, compliance with the age characteristics of pupils;

Choosing the type of activity, materials, content of education;

Compliance with safety regulations;

Observance of correct breathing;

Correct posture;

Correct performance of physical exercises;

Maintaining optimal load;

The appearance of pleasant fatigue among the participants of the route by the end of the journey.

Expected results

Expected results:

1. improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution, the transformation of the developing object-spatial environment;

2. creating conditions for walking around the territory of the preschool educational institution;

3. activation of the choice of the type of activity among pupils;

4. reduction of child morbidity, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, hardening;

5. ecological education of children;

5. formation of the basics of safe behavior at health path stations, as well as on roads, streets, at home;

6. good health of pupils.

Analysis of project results and conclusions

During the year, the teaching staff of the MADOU "Kindergarten" Polyanka "p. Mirny" of the Tomsk region worked on the project "Educational paths", so we can talk about the results.


The territory of the preschool educational institution has been landscaped, conditions for walking have been created, the developing object-spatial environment has been transformed;

The cognitive activity of pupils is developed, the choice of the type of activity, the content of education is activated;

Children's morbidity has been reduced, the desire for a healthy lifestyle and hardening has been developed;

The basics of safe behavior have been formed at each health path station, roads, streets, and at home.

Professional competence of teachers has been improved in the conditions of innovative development of preschool educational institutions;

The educational process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Card file of scenarios of educational paths for all age groups has been created.

On the subject of this project, the following activities were carried out:

Regional practice-oriented seminar "The role of educational paths in the environmental education of preschoolers" 56 participants (teachers of the region)

Regional practice-oriented seminar "Ecological education of preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education" 24 participants (teachers of the district).

At the seminars, the teachers of our preschool educational institution broadcast practical experience and theoretical knowledge, and also conducted a master class demonstrating the preparation and conduct of educational paths.

At the moment, there is a practice of monthly educational health paths in preschool educational institutions in all age groups, at any time of the year. In addition, general garden paths, paths with the participation of parents, the participation of elementary school students are held.

Monthly reports are posted for parents, the public on the websites of the preschool educational institution (http://tom-dsmirny.dou.tomsk.ru/), groups, teachers.

An additional general developmental program "Educational health path - a method for the comprehensive development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard" has been written

Teachers actively share their experience at various IRs, seminars, conferences. In addition, in 2016 our kindergarten was recognized as an innovative platform, and in 2017 it received the status of "Center for Continuous Environmental Education" thanks to the implementation of the "Educational Pathways" project at the preschool educational institution.


The project "Educational paths" is universal, convenient, does not require large material costs for its implementation. A prerequisite is the presence of a large territory of the preschool educational institution. Work on this innovative project has led to a positive effect in the process of comprehensive, harmonious development of the preschooler, as well as in the process of strengthening and improving the body of the pupil. Our children have become less likely to miss kindergarten due to illness. The organization of the upbringing and educational process in accordance with innovative activities made it possible to intensify the choice of activities of pupils, the choice of the content of their own education, to conduct environmental, patriotic, moral education of preschoolers simultaneously with familiarization with a healthy lifestyle. Activities for the use of innovative technologies cover all types of activities of preschoolers, allow you to build an individual development route for each preschooler.

But we consider the most important result of the work on the "Educational paths" project to be the happy faces of parents when they bring their rosy-cheeked, healthy children to our kindergarten every day, and the children are happy to visit us, our teachers, along the routes of educational paths.

Video interview

Video interview with parents 2 minutes - http://hdd.tomsk.ru/desk/ncfcnyzj#, full version of video interview 11 minutes - http://dropmefiles.com/

Terrenkur (from French terrain - terrain and German Kur - treatment). This term is called one of the methods of treatment, which is used in the spa industry. Terrenkur provides for dosed physical activity on the human body through walking, climbing and descending in mountainous areas along specially prepared and marked routes. In humans, health path actively promotes the development of endurance, helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, also actively stimulates the metabolism in the body, and helps to stabilize nervous activity. Terrenkur is usually prescribed by the attending physician and is carried out under his supervision. Currently, the term terrenkur is most often used to name laid routes (laid on purpose), which in turn are intended for therapeutic walking.

History of development

A bit of history... In Russia, the first health paths appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In Kislovodsk in 1901, the doctor N.N. Oblonsky, who studied Ertel's method in detail, designed and laid one of the first health path routes in Russia.

Terrenkur in the Kislovodsk Medical Park

The natural landscape of the area made it possible to create 6 routes on the Kislovodsk Park area, during the development of which the distances, slope angles of the paths, their height above sea level and many other factors that directly affect the effectiveness of the health path were dosed with high accuracy. The terrenkur routes in the city of Kislovodsk are located at an altitude of more than 800 meters above sea level and have a length of 1700 to 6000 meters (their total length is more than 31 km).

Terrenkur in the Zheleznovodsk Medical Park

The second well-known place in history where terrenkur routes were designed and laid is the city of Zheleznovodsk, which is located in the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region. In the Zheleznovodsk park, several therapeutic paths (routes) are offered for vacationers, the length of which is from 800 to 8000 meters.

Rules for using the health path

When using therapeutic walking, certain rules must be followed. Otherwise, the terrenkur will not be useful. Only a specialist should draw up a route. Only he can, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, draw up a competent treatment plan with the help of walking. When drawing up a scheme, the doctor will definitely pay attention to the features of the course of the underlying and concomitant diseases, the patient's age, the ratio of height and body weight (the presence of emaciation or obesity), and the patient's fitness. After that, the specialist chooses which route is shown, as well as at what pace it should be done, how many stops should be made.

Walking along the health path should be carried out systematically, preferably every day, preferably in the morning or in the evening. Walks that include dosed climbing immediately after eating are not recommended. When treating with health paths, natural conditions are always taken into account. Unfavorable meteorological conditions with high meteorological sensitivity of patients lead to the need to limit the distance and duration of therapeutic walking. Clothing for this activity should be breathable, light and not restrict movement. Naturally, shoes should be without heels. Each walk should be accompanied by a good mood, proper breathing and the appearance of a little fatigue by the end of the route.

Usually health path routes are laid in picturesque mountainous or rugged windless terrain, with dry, clean air. The degree of load during the passage of the route is determined by the angle of ascent, distance, pace of walking, duration of stops and their number. At a slow pace, from 60 to 80 steps per minute are taken, at an average pace - from 80 to 100, and at a fast pace - more than 100 steps. There are sanatorium and general resort health paths. In the sanatorium health path, depending on the degree of load, an easy route is distinguished - up to 500 meters, medium - up to 1500 meters and difficult - up to 3000 meters. Every 150-200 meters along the route, benches are installed in shaded places for a comfortable rest. General resort routes differ not only in length, but also in relief.

Walking has long been recognized as a simple and very affordable method of disease prevention and recovery. It is considered an integral part of relaxation and treatment in many resorts. Walking perfectly eliminates the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and nervous strain. This is a very valuable addition to the treatment with healing waters, which normalizes and stimulates metabolism, the functioning of the digestive organs. The alternation of relaxation and tension during walking creates very favorable conditions for the functioning of the circulatory organs, the nervous system, and respiration. During such walks, the surrounding natural beauty and climate simultaneously affect the vacationer, having a hardening effect, as well as positively affecting the psycho-emotional sphere, which greatly enhances the healing effect of therapeutic walking.

Terrenkur in the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is used to treat cardiovascular pathologies, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, in addition, therapeutic walking is prescribed for the purpose of rehabilitation after a heart attack and other diseases.

Breathing plays a very important role while walking. It should be uniform and always through the nose, while inhaling it is necessary to moderately protrude the peritoneum and expand the chest. Breathing must be combined with the pace, rhythm of walking: along a flat route, about 2-4 steps - inhale, and 3-5 - exhale, while on the rise 2-3 - inhale, and exhale for 3-4 steps. On the rises, the step should be shorter, it is not recommended to talk on the way, and even more so to smoke. Even if you do not feel tired, you need to stop for a couple of minutes to rest. For those who are treated according to the sparing regimen - every 200 meters, according to the training regimen - after 800 meters, and according to the sparing-training regimen - after 500 meters. During the break, you should perform a couple of breathing exercises, as well as exercises to relax the muscles of the legs. After completing the route, be sure to sit for at least half an hour.

Therapeutic walking should be completed no later than one hour before balneotherapy, mud applications and other physiotherapeutic procedures. After them, using the health path or walking on flat terrain is permissible only after a couple of hours. Among the signs of good tolerance of such walks: even free breathing, slight fatigue, a sense of satisfaction. But shortness of breath, pronounced fatigue, palpitations, heaviness in the head, pain in the heart - all these are signs of an illiterate use of walking. Stop walking immediately if you experience any of these symptoms and seek advice from a health path doctor or your doctor. If you feel unwell, dosed walking is prohibited. Properly selected physical activity will lead to the normalization of blood pressure, as well as the disappearance of ischemic manifestations on the electrocardiogram and pain in the heart.

Combining physical therapy, landscape and climatotherapy. In fact, this is a walking tour along specially designed routes, dosed by distance, angle of inclination of the terrain and pace of walking. The term "terrenkur" comes from a combination of the German words "terrain" - terrain, territory, and "kur" - treatment, that is, literally means "treatment by the area." About what kind of method it is, what effects it has on the human body, what categories of patients it is indicated for and what rules it is carried out, we will talk in this article.

A few words about the history of the method

The first in history to appreciate the benefits of therapeutic walking, so to speak, tested it on himself, was the German doctor M.J. Ertel. Then, at the end of the 19th century, he also marked out the first health path, and the patients to whom the doctor recommended this method suffered from obesity of the heart. The treatment system of Dr. Ertel was widely recognized by his colleagues and within a short time spread to many resorts in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the resorts of the Russian Empire also began to introduce health paths: almost simultaneously, in 1900-1901, “health paths” were developed and enjoyed success among vacationers
in Zheleznovodsk (the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters), Kislovodsk, and also in the Crimean Livadia.

Nowadays, almost every self-respecting sanatorium uses health paths among the methods of treatment, having on its territory several specially designed routes for patients of different levels of training.

Health path effects

Therapeutic walking improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In the process of therapeutic walking along the “paths of health”, many positive changes occur in the body:

  • increases endurance in relation to physical activity;
  • more than 50% of the muscles of the whole body are actively working;
  • the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized (blood circulation improves, the heart trains);
  • the work of the respiratory system improves (breathing becomes deeper, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen);
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • mental activity improves, nervous tension decreases, resistance to stress increases;
  • the body's defenses are activated, because while walking along the route, the patient inhales the aromas of medicinal herbs and phytoncides and simply breathes oxygenated air.

Who is shown terrenkur

We can say that almost every person this method of treatment will benefit. In most cases, terrenkur is recommended to people in the following cases:

  • leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • untrained, having low endurance to physical activity;
  • suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, hypotension, myocardial infarction, etc.);
  • suffering and obliterating endarteritis;
  • suffering from diseases of the digestive tract;
  • suffering from metabolic disorders;
  • with obesity;
  • suffering from chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • in the period of rehabilitation after pneumonia;
  • in the musculoskeletal system;
  • suffering from neurosis, increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • regularly stressed.

Terrenkur routes

Terrenkur routes are developed by a doctor and methodologist of exercise therapy. They are laid, as a rule, in a picturesque calm area with dry, clean air. Every 150-200 m of the route, benches are installed for patients to rest. Along the track on most routes there are signs that indicate the angle of ascent, the distance to the final station and the number of the stop (if it is provided in this place).

The length of the route determines the degree of its severity - there are 3 types of them:

  1. up to 0.5 km - easy;
  2. 0.5-1.5 km - medium;
  3. 1.5-3 km - difficult.

The angle of elevation also varies and can range from 2-3 to 30°.

The total travel time of the route is 15, 20, 30 or 60 minutes.

The health path route is selected for each patient individually, depending on his age, diseases and fitness level. This is done by the methodologist of exercise therapy. When the route is drawn up, it is given to the patient with a detailed indication of all recommendations - the duration, the angle of the surface, the pace of walking, the frequency of walks, its duration and stops.

Route rules

It is advisable to carry out the health path daily, 1-3 times a day, during the non-hot time of the day (in the morning, in the evening or before bedtime) in the summer and during the warmest time of the day in winter.

The patient's clothing should be loose, shoes - comfortable, without heels. It is not recommended to start the route immediately after eating - you should wait 30-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the route.

They start the health path with a horizontal walk or climbing at a slight angle. You should walk calmly, rhythmically, silently. Smoking during the route is also contraindicated.

While walking, it is important to monitor your posture and follow the recommendations for breathing: it should be uniform. If the patient is walking on a flat road, then his inhalation should correspond to 2-4 steps, and exhalation - 3-5 steps. When lifting, you should breathe more often - inhale 2-3 steps and exhale 3-4, and the step should be shorter. Breathing is nasal, mixed (with expansion of the chest and a slight protrusion of the abdomen on inspiration).

Periodically (with a sparing treatment regimen - every 150-200 m, with a sparingly training regimen - every 300-500 m, with a training one - after 0.6-0.8 km), it is necessary to make stops lasting 1-3 minutes. During them, you should perform several breathing exercises and trainings that relax the muscles of the lower extremities, count the pulse, and relax while sitting on a specially installed bench. When the route is completed, the patient also needs to rest in a sitting position for half an hour.

Separately, I would like to say about weather-sensitive patients ... In case of weather conditions that negatively affect their well-being, the terrenkur route should be temporarily replaced with a less difficult one.

Walking along the paths of health can be combined with other methods of physiotherapy, but it should be borne in mind that between them, both before and after walking, time must pass - 1-2 hours.

If this route is suitable for the patient, at the end of the walk he feels good, noting a pleasant feeling of fatigue and satisfaction. His breathing is even and free. If, during the passage of the route or at the end of it, a person feels discomfort, severe fatigue, he complains of palpitations, shortness of breath, heaviness in the head and pain in the heart. This means that the route is too difficult for him and an easier “health trail” is needed.
In this case, the patient should stop walking and seek help from a specialist.

Walking is very beneficial for human health. For an hour of fast walking, as many as 300 kcal are consumed and about 35 g of fat are burned. Half an hour of brisk walking per day reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases by 30-40%. In addition, walking in a picturesque area gives a person moral satisfaction, improves mood. Terrenkur is accessible to everyone and the least expensive method of physiotherapy, by doing which you will noticeably improve your health.


Terrencourt- unhurried walks in fresh air on flat or hilly terrain for therapeutic purposes. As a rule, health paths run in resort areas where the air is especially healing, but you can also practice health paths in an ordinary park or forest area.

The history of the development of the health path

Motor activity, of which health path itself is a part, as a prevention of a huge number of diseases, was recognized as effective around the end of the 19th century. The founder of the health path itself, as a medical direction, is the German doctor Max Ertel. The essence of his system is the gradual increase in motor activity in the treatment of obesity and cardiovascular diseases. At first, the patient should walk on a flat area with the opportunity to rest at any time, sitting on a bench, with which the entire path of the health path is generously provided. Then the route is gradually lengthened and an uphill climb is added with an angle of 5° to 30°. The Ertel treatment regimen with the use of health path quickly became popular and spread to most of the famous resorts in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. To date, the health path is included in many medical tours and is popular with tourists traveling for the purpose of recovery. The first health path in Russia appeared in 1901 and was laid in the resort town of Kislovodsk. Today, its total length is about 70 km and has as many as 6 routes, equipped according to all the rules with benches every 100m, special signs and medical stations that monitor the health of patients.

Varieties of terrenkur

The recommended terrenkur route depends on the patient's state of health and may run along the plain, include ascents, or contain exclusively descents. In the latter case, patients climb the mountain with a special lift or other means of transport. The frequency of such walks, as a rule, is 2-3 sets per day. Only the attending physician can advise this or that type of health path. He also assigns the duration of the walk and its pace:

according to the duration, the health path is divided into 15-20-30-60 minutes;

according to the pace, the health path is distinguished depending on the recommended number of steps per minute (70-80-90-100-110);

according to the angle of elevation, the health path is from 0 ° to 30 °;

according to the degree of load, a light health path is distinguished, when the distance is up to 500 m, a medium health path, when the distance is up to 1500 m, and a difficult health path for a distance of up to 3000 m.

Areas of application of the terrenkur

Terrenkur is a walk that will be useful for any person, because this type of treatment is indicated for diseases of almost all major systems of the human body:





To be more specific, the health path is primarily indicated for such diseases as:


hypertonic disease;

cardiac ischemia;

valvular heart disease;


bronchial asthma;

osteochondrosis, etc.

The benefits of the health path

There are a lot of bonuses from health path practices.

Firstly, during the health path, the metabolism is activated and up to 35 g of fat is burned in an hour of walking. All these factors certainly contribute to weight loss;

secondly, unlike running, walking does not create an additional load on the joints and spine, which is especially valuable for people in the recovery period after injuries of the musculoskeletal system;

thirdly, walking in fresh air is always an element of hardening the body, which in turn makes it more resistant to various kinds of diseases;

fourthly, health path is an excellent cardio training (after all, while walking, breathing becomes deeper);

fourthly, health path pacifies and perfectly calms the nervous system;

fifthly, health paths in resort areas give aesthetic pleasure from enjoying the opening views of mountain and sea landscapes.

The main rules of the health path

So, if you decide to practice health path as a prevention of congestion in your body, then you should learn some basic rules for such therapeutic walking:

walk regularly

choose a cool time of day for walking (morning coolness or time in the evening before bedtime);

the weather should be conducive to walking;

increase the load gradually;

dress according to the weather and so that it is convenient to move around;

shoes must be without a heel;

keep the correct posture during the health path;

breathe evenly, with a stray breath it is better to stop and rest;

take into account the acclimatization factor when doing health paths upon arrival at the resort;

do not practice health path on a full stomach;

smoking during therapeutic walking is unacceptable;

a walk in the company should be silent;

children can be introduced to the health path, starting from primary school age;

The following criteria will tell you that you have chosen your terrenkur route correctly:

while walking, your breathing remains even;

you feel pleasantly lightly tired;

you do not have shortness of breath;

you do not feel an increased heartbeat;

you don't have a heaviness in your head.

Geography of trails for health path

The most accessible health paths are broken in the Crimean Livadia (the famous Tsar's path), in Kislovodsk already mentioned above, also in Pyatigorsk, Belokurikha, and Sochi.

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In modern medicine, a huge number of therapeutic techniques are practiced, and health path is one of them. Despite the unfamiliar name - health path, everyone knows what it is. This is mountain walking. Terrenkur is a complex concept, but it is based on, competently developed by specialists, namely therapeutic walking, and climatotherapy, landscape therapy, and aerotherapy have an additional therapeutic effect. Being engaged in terrenkur, a person can significantly improve his well-being, mood and health in general.

Walking health path as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for various ailments was proposed in the middle of the 19th century by Dr. Hartwig. To almost all of his patients, he recommended walking in hilly areas and along the sea coast. In parallel with him, another doctor, Professor of Medicine Herr Werber, was also interested in the technique. His recommendations differed only in the choice of a place for hiking, he believed that the trails of the resorts of Switzerland or Germany were ideal for recovery.

The very name of the therapy was given by the German doctor Max Ertel: the area in French is “terrain”, and the course of treatment is “cours”, hence the “terraincours” - health path. This doctor became the author of his own system for the treatment of heart disease and obesity, based on a person receiving dosed physical activity in the form of walking at a certain pace along a certain trajectory. In 1885, Ertel paved the route of the first health path, and since then health walking along Ertel has become incredibly popular among all segments of the population. The leading resorts of Austria, Switzerland, Germany and other countries with suitable climate and landscape conditions took it into service.

On the territory of Russia, health paths or paths of health, as they are also called, were first marked at the dawn of the 20th century. They were laid along the picturesque mountainous sea routes of the Caucasus and Crimea, and they operate to this day. In addition, almost all modern sanatoriums strive to create suitable conditions for the development of this type of health-improving and therapeutic physical education on their territory. Specialists develop health paths for patients with different levels of physical fitness and health status.

Features and rules of the health path

As already mentioned, terrenkur occupations suggest the presence of specially designed routes, laid preferably in picturesque places with changing terrain: mountainous plains, forests, sea coasts, if possible protected from the wind and always located in ecologically favorable zones.

At the same time, the degree of load on a person will depend on the length of the transition, the number of halts for rest, the angle of ascent (for the health path, an area is selected where it can be from 3 to 20 degrees), as well as the pace of movement and weather conditions. All these and a number of other factors are taken into account by a specialist - a doctor (exercise therapy methodologist, physiotherapist), who develops routes for different patients, taking into account their chronic and acute diseases, current physical condition, age, past illnesses, excess weight or, possibly, exhaustion. , psycho-emotional state, endurance level and other individual indicators.

A properly selected road will be most useful in each case. There will be no excessive load on the joints, blood vessels and heart, lungs, spine, but only benefit - all organ systems will receive optimal tension, oxygen supply.

Walking paths open landscapes of amazing beauty, they can have different surfaces - asphalt, paving stones, gravel, soil or grass. Special benches for rest are often placed at certain distances. During the transitions, there is an opportunity not only to enjoy the views, but to take beautiful photos. Routes are divided into three categories based on difficulty:

  • low complexity - no more than half a kilometer long;
  • medium difficulty - about one kilometer;
  • high difficulty - two or more kilometers.

Each of the routes involves a different terrain and a certain number of stops.

Walking on rough terrain at a moderate pace is a unique, simple and affordable way to prevent most of the diseases that are provoked by a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle and nervous strain. During the passage of the route, a harmonious alternation of rest and activity, tension and relaxation is provided, which has the most positive effect on blood circulation, respiration, digestion, and the organs of the nervous system. Not only walking itself heals and restores the resources of the body, nature, air, and climate act in unison with it. This type of spa therapy is an ideal addition to balneological procedures, hydrotherapy.

As for the rules that should be followed during the health path, they are extremely clear and logical:

  • regularity is the key to success, you need to walk often, and as your condition improves, try more difficult routes;
  • while walking, it is better not to talk, so as not to beat your breath;
  • when lifting, move in small steps, breathe through the nose;
  • people in rehabilitation - count the pulse;
  • you can not walk immediately after eating, at least an hour must pass;
  • also, you can’t go along the route immediately before visiting other physiotherapy procedures - massage, mud, hydrotherapy, etc., you must return from the trip at least an hour before they start;
  • if there is a great sensitivity to meteorological changes, you need to choose the time when you feel as good as possible;
  • after the procedures, it is advisable to go along the route in 1.5-2 hours;
  • if after a walk the breathing is even, the mood is normal, there are no uncomfortable sensations, except for pleasant physical fatigue, then the load is chosen correctly;
  • if you are very overtired, feel dizzy, palpitations, pain and other unpleasant symptoms - consult a doctor to review your route;
  • it is best to plan a hike in the early morning or just before bedtime;
  • optimally overcoming the prescribed route 2, or even 3 times a day;
  • travel time from 15 minutes to one hour.

Indications for terrenkur

Speaking of terrenkur, many believe that this is an activity that is shown only to people with obvious health problems. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. Therapeutic walking is useful and recommended to absolutely everyone, except for very young children - for them, it is likely to be not only not useful, but simply not interesting. But for schoolchildren and all who are older - this is a real panacea for a number of conditions and diseases.

  • During moderate walking along a varied route, most of the muscle groups on the body are activated.
  • Significantly increases the level of endurance.
  • There is an active saturation of tissues with oxygen, healing clean air, containing a large amount of natural medicinal substances - aromas, phytoncides, as a result, the body hardens, immunity increases, and basic metabolic processes are stimulated.
  • With daily walks, weight and metabolism gradually normalize, sleep improves.
  • The effects of stress and overstrain are removed, mental activity, memory, thought processes are activated.
  • The work of the respiratory organs is restored, the lungs are cleared.
  • Excellent prevention and treatment of all cardiovascular diseases, improvement of the functioning of all individual organs of the system.

The effectiveness of terrenkur in all stated areas has been proven by any generation of patients. It is strongly recommended:

  • after operations on the heart and blood vessels, heart attack, stroke,
  • hypertensive and hypotensive patients;
  • with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • with an inactive lifestyle and static work;
  • after various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with osteochondrosis, back problems;
  • with lethargy of the intestines, poor digestion, poor outflow of bile;
  • people with impaired metabolism;
  • physically and emotionally weak people;
  • , return to sports form, as an element of hardening;
  • with excess weight;
  • asthmatics;
  • smokers;
  • who have had pneumonia and suffer from frequent bronchitis;
  • people who are often exposed to stress, with increased emotionality and nervous excitability;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

In the presence of intra-family problems, the health path is recommended by psychologists to reduce their exacerbation and gradually eliminate them. Hiking with family and friends is a good way to get closer and reach mutual understanding.


Particular attention should be paid to equipment for terrenkur. It includes only comfortable, breathable clothes and shoes. The latter without heels, of course, and on non-slip soles, with a suitable block. It is best to take a shoulder pad with you, in which to put a bottle of non-carbonated water, a hat in case of heat or cold weather, possibly medicines prescribed by a doctor, a phone, a camera. Nothing should put pressure, hamper movement on the descent or ascent, greatly burden. Outerwear with a hood and a zipper is more practical. It can be removed and tied at the waist, the hood will save you from the vagaries of the weather.

It has been proven that health path is the most budgetary way to maintain and restore health. Surely, if desired, each person will be able to find a suitable place and time for himself to make such useful walks. Be healthy.