The girl gives the phone, and then does not answer? Polina Chaihona. Why doesn't she write her phone number

It happens that a guy is already skillfully approaching girls, starting a conversation, but when it comes to exchanging phones, he falls into a stupor. Or simply can not determine the right moment when it should be done. Meanwhile, time is running out, her interest in you is falling, or she is in a hurry somewhere. A if you do not take her number, then the meaning of all your previous attempts is lost.

It used to be, when there were no cell phones, people agreed to meet there and then, even after a month. And they found each other. But, alas, this time is irretrievably gone, and a modern girl in a week may not remember where you met and how you look. Moreover, if you often get acquainted, you will hardly remember. That is why it is important to know how to take a phone number from a girl, which I will tell you about in this article.

Basic rules for taking a girl's number

  • Point one. There is no set moment, so take the phone number when you feel like it. Naturally, this should not be your first phrase when meeting. When you have already talked a little, come up with any excuse for this. In this case, after you have written down her number, you can chat a little more. If you do this at parting, it will strain you, because you will always have fears that she may not give it to you, and all your efforts will be in vain.
  • The next moment - you definitely have to be sure of your desire, and show it to her. Otherwise, she will see your insecurity, and this is the worst. You can under any circumstances. This problem is certainly in your head, and therefore you are able to deal with this issue on your own. She will, of course, ask you why you need her number. This is a strength test. And therefore, you should have a very specific goal - to invite her on a date, you can answer so simply. Well, if during the conversation you managed to decide what she likes. For example, she is studying to be an artist, then you can say that you heard about an interesting exhibition this week, and would like her to keep you company. It just doesn't make sense to take a phone number. This will hint to her that you are taking it for show to consolidate your success. In this case, she will give it to you, only if she really liked you.
  • When you get to the right question, your phone should already be in your hand. And when asking her, look into her eyes with confidence - this shows your confidence, which often works. In any case, it will be much more difficult for her to refuse.
  • Before you take a girl's phone number, be sure to check when she will have free time. If she has one, it will not be easy for her to get out, referring to total employment. In addition, the very thought of the upcoming weekend usually sets a person in a positive mood. It goes without saying that she may already have some plans or blueprints for plans. But it’s not a fact that everything will work out one way or another, but a phone call will help her decide for sure. It is necessary to profitably convey to her such a prospect.

What to do if the girl did not give her phone number?

If the girl did not give a phone number, in no case be upset and do not show that you are annoyed. She shouldn't see you needing her. All she needs to understand is that you approached her and got to know her because you showed genuine interest, and not because you badly need her phone number and continued dating. If she is not interested in further communication, then you have no reason to bathe.

Often girls break down just for show. To check this after her refusal, you can talk for a few more minutes and try to change the subject. Try to distract her from the negative answer with any tricks, and then ask again. At the same time, say that you will call only once, and if she does not answer or call you back, then delete her contacts. This will once again show her your confidence in yourself, and can play into her hands. Another option is to offer her to write down your number and then tell her to dial you because you don't answer calls from unknown numbers.

When you do get her phone number, be sure to call her back. So, you will check two things - whether you made a mistake with any number, and whether she gave you some “left” number, which, for example, has long been blocked. Well, in the end, so it will definitely be know that you are the one calling. After all, many young ladies also tend not to answer if the number is unfamiliar.

But, especially if you call for the first time? A lot of difficulties immediately arise, as in live communication: what topic to talk about, for example. You must have a clear idea of ​​​​a goal, otherwise an intelligent conversation will not work, and you will waste time.


Now you know how to ask a girl for a phone number. But there are a couple more things to be aware of. For example, why a girl doesn’t want to leave you her contacts in any way. As a rule, there can be only two reasons for this. First, you just failed to interest her. Or she noticed your excessive need for her. In any case, you just lost interest for her, this happens when you bend the balance of significance in her direction from the very beginning. Know your worth! However, do not be upset, even if this happened. If you do not see the opportunity to change something right away - and if your communication a priori does not imply long-term communication - switch your attention to another object. You'll be smarter next time. In general, as well as experience in dealing with girls, self-confidence is acquired with experience.

The second reason. She just already has a boyfriend, but she was pleased to chat with you, and she wants nothing more. How to get a girl's phone number if she has a boyfriend? Do you need it? If she does not want to leave her contacts, then everything is fine in their relationship. If not, then she will leave it for the future.

When you met a girl, don't be shy to ask her phone number to continue the conversation. The main thing is self-confidence. And even if she refused you, in no case do not show that you are saddened by this fact. So, you will only raise the price of this acquaintance and her own price in her eyes. And it should be the other way around.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

The situation when someone asks for your phone number and you don't want to give it is usually pretty awkward. Not only do not each of us, in principle, know how to strictly refuse, here you have to put in a little emotional work so as not to offend a person and not incur trouble.

On the other hand, you have every right to refuse if you do not want to do this. This is not rude and does not mean isolation - you are a person who decides for himself with whom he should communicate. Now we understand that the excessive obsession of a fan may well relate to, and not at all to the struggle for one's happiness. You can use one of the simple strategies when talking to a person who asks for your phone number or VK page address, and you absolutely do not intend to communicate.

1. Direct rejection

Thanks, I'm not interested.

You know, it's simple: a direct answer is usually the best, and is appreciated by most people in the world. It is short and crystal clear. If you are in a situation where you can simply refuse, then do so without any remorse. Why play around and pretend to be interested if it's not so? You should not refer to a non-existent guy or the fact that you are allegedly a lesbian, and indeed, in any way, make excuses for your lack of interest in this person.

2. Say it's not the right time

Thank you, that's very kind of you, but I don't really have time to chat right now, so I have to say no.

The reason this answer is good is because it's not a direct rejection of a guy, but a turn of the situation in such a way that it's all about you. And it's not a lie - you really have a lot to do to meet ... with him. But shut up about this. Even if the guy looks like a drunken alcoholic, such a phrase will make him think that you really will not find time for him to be beautiful.

3. Offer an alternative

You know, I don't give out my number, but I can write down yours.

Answering on a thin thread of refusal makes the situation a little safer. It's not a definitive no, but you still protect your privacy. Of course, you don't have to call the number. Do not name specific dates, otherwise it will suddenly pull you to fulfill the promise. A possible awkward situation: you can cross paths again, and he will certainly ask why you didn’t call back.

4. Beware of strangers

I'm sorry, but I don't give out my number to people I just met. I've had bad experiences in the past.

Unfortunately, this too may well be true. You could already be in a situation where you gave out a number just to get off, and then regretted it, rummaging through your phone in search of a blacklist. In addition, people now understand the concept of dealing with strange people, so in an era of general distrust, they will not be surprised by your own principle.

5. Normal tone

Oddly enough, sometimes it is enough just to keep a normal and unremarkable tone so as not to offend anyone. Suspiciously mannered voice - who are you trying to deceive? People hear falsehood and think that there is another subtext: what if you like him, but are you shy?

The situation when someone asks for your phone number and you don't want to give it is usually pretty awkward. Not only do not each of us, in principle, know how to strictly refuse, here you have to put in a little emotional work so as not to offend a person and not incur trouble.

On the other hand, you have every right to refuse if you do not want to do this. This is not rude and does not mean isolation - you are a person who decides for himself with whom he should communicate.

Now we understand that the excessive obsession of a fan may well belong to the field of violence, and not at all to the struggle for one's happiness. You can use one of the simple strategies when talking to a person who asks for your phone number or VK page address, and you absolutely do not intend to communicate.

1. Direct rejection

Thanks, I'm not interested.

You know, it's simple: a direct answer is usually the best, and is appreciated by most people in the world. It is short and crystal clear.

If you are in a situation where you can simply refuse, do so without any remorse. Why play around and pretend to be interested if it's not so? You should not refer to a non-existent guy or the fact that you are allegedly a lesbian, and indeed, in any way, make excuses for your lack of interest in this person.

2. Say it's not the right time

Thank you, that's very kind of you, but I don't really have time to chat right now, so I have to say no.

The reason this answer is good is because it's not a direct rejection of a guy, but a turn of the situation in such a way that it's all about you. And it's not a lie - you really have a lot to do to meet ... with him. But shut up about this. Even if the guy looks like a drunken alcoholic, such a phrase will make him think that you really will not find time for him to be beautiful.

3. Offer an alternative

You know, I don't give out my number, but I can write down yours.

Answering on a thin thread of refusal makes the situation a little safer. It's not a definitive no, but you still protect your privacy. Of course, you don't have to call the number. Do not name specific dates, otherwise it will suddenly pull you to fulfill the promise. A possible awkward situation: you can cross paths again, and he will certainly ask why you didn’t call back.

4. Beware of strangers

I'm sorry, but I don't give out my number to people I just met. I've had bad experiences in the past.

Unfortunately, this too may well be true. You could already be in a situation where you gave out a number just to get off, and then regretted it, rummaging through your phone in search of a blacklist. In addition, people now understand the concept of dealing with strange people, so in an era of general distrust, they will not be surprised by your own principle.

5. Normal tone

Oddly enough, sometimes it is enough just to keep a normal and unremarkable tone so as not to offend anyone.

People hear falsehood and think that there is another subtext: what if you like him, but are you shy?

Dating & Pickup

How to get a girl's phone number

It is extremely rare that when meeting a girl, guys immediately promote her for a further meeting, so there is an objective need to take her contacts in order to develop trust and get her out on a date. And the best option is her phone number.

However, it often happens that you meet a girl, have an interesting dialogue with her, but your attempt to take her phone fails, or her phone number turns out to be fake. Perhaps, it is difficult to argue that this is not the most pleasant moment.

Therefore, in order to succeed in this business, you need to follow a clear algorithm of actions.

How to take a girl's phone: instructions

When to take a girl's number. Many guys sincerely believe that the girl’s phone number should be taken at the very end, when you are already saying goodbye to her. And this is the cause of half of all failures:

  • When you complete the dialogue with the girl, your charm and "magic" stops working, and the girl starts to think about her own business. And getting to know you is no longer on the list of these cases. Therefore, a girl may lie or brush you off in order to quickly run about her business. "Okay, I've got to go on business, bye."
  • A girl can get distracted at any moment, and you just won’t have time to take her number. For example, her bus will drive up, her mother or girlfriend will call, or even the guy will return from the toilet, and she simply won’t be able to finish talking with you. "Okay, my bus, we'll talk later sometime when we meet."

Therefore, you need to understand that taking a girl’s phone at the very end of your conversation is unprofitable and obviously losing, since either she will brush you off and run away, or circumstances will not allow her to end the conversation.

The best moment to take the girl's phone. You have to understand that a girl just won't give her number to a stranger she doesn't know at all. Therefore, first you need to somehow interest her, and only then take her number. As the practice of dating girls shows, it takes two to three minutes.

Therefore, you start a conversation with a girl and look at her reaction. As soon as you understand that she is listening to you, and what you are saying (if she liked you, this interest will be), you need to take her number.

At the same time, if you see that a girl is dangling her head around, looking somewhere into the distance, showing tension or looking at her watch, then you can be sure that she has already made a decision for herself to refuse you. Interested girls don't behave like that.

We don't give the girl a choice. The moment of taking the number from the girl should be accompanied by a visual challenge for the girl, so that she would be inconvenient to refuse you. To do this, it is best to get your phone, or a business card with a pen (you should not use a piece of paper). And tell the girl: "It's nice to talk with you, give me your number, unfortunately, I need to go now, but I would like to continue talking with you."

  • You showed your interest
  • You asked her for a number
  • You backed everything up with urgency
  • You showed the potential for further communication.

At the same time, you pretend that you are already ready to write down her number, so even if she did not want to tell you initially, it will be extremely embarrassing and inconvenient for her to refuse you. Therefore, you are guaranteed success.

You also need to know that you should not try to take the girl's phone with a request or a question: "Could you give me your number?" into the hands of a girl and give her a bunch of loopholes to play with the situation.

For instance:

- Could you give me your number?

- Another time, handsome, but now you're out of luck (and a smile).

Those. she refuses you without any emotional experience, which means that this is an easy solution for her. Therefore, it is impossible to give such a space for a girl, you need to “pinch” her into a corner.

Be sure to call the girl. After you have taken the number from the girl, you need to call her right in front of her. This is not done in order to keep your number with her, but in order to protect yourself from deception.

For example, a girl decided to give you a broken number, and then run away from you. She dictates it to you, and after that you say: “Let's also keep my number with you.” You start calling her back, and the girl has a panic on her face that she was caught red-handed.

As a rule, the girl immediately begins to say that she “accidentally” gave you her old number, or made a mistake in the number, and begins to dictate her real number. You won't believe it, but girls get caught on this thing very often, use it.

Confidence and calmness. A prerequisite for successfully taking the girl's number is your calmness and confidence. , lose your voice, sweat your face and shake your knees, the girl will begin to doubt your masculinity, and will think twice before giving a number to such a weak guy.

Your task is to behave in such a way that the girl does not even have a thought that you are afraid and worried. A cool man approached the girl to get acquainted, he knows that the girl herself will be glad of such attention, which means that he should not worry.

What to do if a girl does not want to give her phone number

Our practice shows that there are three objective reasons why girls will not give you a number:

  • She has a boyfriend and her heart is closed. If a girl has a beloved young man whom she loves, then for the sake of politeness, she can talk to you a little, but she will politely refuse to try to take a number. Having a boyfriend will give her enough reason to beat the awkward situation you put her in.
  • She didn't like you. In 10-15 seconds, the girl draws conclusions for herself about a particular guy. Therefore, if you approached a girl, spoke, and her face became sour and indifferent, then your attempt to take a number is doomed. It happens, no big deal.
  • The girl is in a hurry. Let's say a girl has a bad day today, her head hurts, and she's not in the mood. Then you come up to her and start talking to her. Perhaps she even liked you and became interested, but today she will pro-dynamize you and switch to her “problems”.

If the girl refused to give you the number, then you should not look offended or shocked, you should continue the conversation on an abstract topic for 15-20 seconds, and then say goodbye to her and go about your business. Refusal is refusal, not one will give, so the other, that's okay.

Asking for a number a second time, begging and somehow humiliating yourself in front of a girl - you shouldn't!

I wanted to write this article because it concerns everyone. When a girl like you easily gives you a phone, and then for some unknown reason does not answer you.

Why is this happening?

There can be many answers. And we will not be able to find answers to them if the girl herself does not answer us why she does not write. But that doesn't happen, unfortunately. It would be nice to have an encyclopedia of women's answers "Why I do not answer him." But we can still learn something from this situation for ourselves.

How do I do.

Firstly- if communication is rubber, then I am not trying to force communication. Meaning? It looks like a clown trying to make a disgruntled girl laugh. But a disgruntled girl needs to deal with her inner. So I ask one question, another, a third. If communication does not bring pleasure, then I simply close communication and do not communicate with this girl. Know your worth . If a virgin does not understand that she is communicating with an interesting guy who is able to send her into space, both in an emotional moment and in all intimate ones, then what is the conversation about ??? Let him accept courtship from another type of man.

Second. I can wait a while. It can be assumed that she had some kind of disappointment in her life. Session, girlfriend, friend, mother, the cat got sick, menses came, tore her favorite blouse. Do not forget that girls are more emotional and there are often days when they are “absent from this world”. Wait a moment and write later. After 2-3 days. In a week.

Third. Maybe you are a different psychotype for her and she just does not accept you. You had a date, you walked, talked. And then it doesn't get called. It happens 🙂 She just realized that you are not her Ideal. Understood and sits freezing in anticipation of the Prince on horseback.

And the last and very important. Of all the above, it is very important to add the most important. After all, it may not be the girl. And in you. Let me explain, you approached the girl and took her number, but emotionally you were like a bag and in order to quickly get rid of you - she gives you her number, and then does not answer. Or blurted out something. Or or.

You can generate a sufficient number of answer options. Always work on yourself and improve internally and externally.

How to understand a girl if she gives her number and does not answer?

Often this question remains unanswered. It is necessary to have great confidence in the girl, so that she would admit why she does not answer. Trust is not earned immediately. And so the guys think or think of answers, why the girl does not answer. There is only one advice - do not think. Just go ahead, chat with girls who want to chat with you and give you a number, they will definitely answer.

I will tell a story about this beautiful girl Polina, this time from Chaihona number 1.

I was sitting in Chaihona on Profsoyuznaya Street with my friends. Polina was the administrator, perhaps, in this institution. Many times I watched her walk past our table and her body said - “I'm ready, take me” 🙂 No kidding! She moved like a panther in her beautiful flowered dress. My desire was unstoppable.

Since it was noisy inside the establishment, I decided to chat with her outside the main hall. He approached her in the dressing area and said “hello, I want to talk to you”, to which Polina cutely put down the phone and we started talking.

I immediately asked the question - “do you have a boyfriend? - No". Our communication was quick, I complimented her, she responded well. Another girl was sitting next to her - Sultana. She was also complimented about "I like oriental girls, very hospitable." Then he immediately began to communicate with Polina “Let's talk outside of this institution, I would be pleased to take a walk with you, get to know you.”

And she began to write her number on a piece of paper. It was so fast that I was surprised myself. 🙂 🙂 Sultana commented “For the first time I see that Polina would give someone her phone number” 🙂 🙂

I wrote to Polina, but the communication was dry. For some reason, I did not want to continue the conversation.