The girl said she didn’t believe me. Understand that she has a lot of emotional burden. How best to apologize

There can be many reasons, but two of them are most likely:
1. Most likely, the reason for your mistrust of the girl, first of all, lies in your lack of self-confidence. You think that she is deceiving you in order to change or even leave you and go to another. That is, you assume on subconscious level, himself, it seems, and not admitting in his thoughts that you are not so good for her, not so smart, strong, handsome, etc. In general, you are not sure of yourself. And this is already a separate topic, which we wrote about in the article, be sure to read it.

Instructions for action:
1. Stop asking her questions about other men, at least for a while. We girls love it when they are a little jealous of us, but only a little, and everyday interrogations only lead to quarrels and can generally destroy relations.

2. There is nothing tragic about being with other guys. Why do you think that if she communicates with guys even outside of work, then she should definitely sleep with them? Believe me, sometimes we do not attach any importance at all to the fact that we are communicating with a person in whose pants is a member, and not what we have. Hey, take it easy, this is just communication.

3. Get yourself some girlfriends to level the playing field. If you think your girlfriend is hanging out with guys too much, hang out with other girls, just hang out. You're not going to sleep with them, here's your girlfriend the same way.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say, if your girlfriend wants to deceive you, she will do it, whether you trust her or not. But sometimes such distrust can provoke her to an act that she did not even think about. We are such creatures, with our cockroaches in our heads. So do not spoil your life with unnecessary worries, occupy yourself more interesting things and work on self-confidence.

According to statistics, 80% of couples have a distrust problem. And that's pretty high rate... After all, long and strong relationships are built primarily on trust. In order to gain the trust of your partner, you need to make a lot of effort, but losing it is very easy.

What prevents to open up and why the question arises: how to trust a girl? Suspicions cause fear, anxiety, bad experiences of past relationships, doubts. This list can be continued for a long time. After all, everyone faced the problem of mistrust.

If trust is impossible, then many are lost important aspects relationships. Joy, lightness, closeness between partners, support - all this is impossible without faith in your soul mate. Mistrust has destructive force and should be disposed of.

If the question is “how will you learn to trust a girl? »Is relevant, you need to work on yourself and on your own perception of the world around you, perhaps the girl is not the direct cause of the problem:

You should learn to evaluate and perceive only those relationships that are here and now. Not worth evaluating existing relationship through the prism of past relationships, especially if they were unsuccessful and left behind negative memories.

You should not, in any situation, "look for" signs of betrayal. It should be remembered that sometimes being half an hour late is just being late. And the call was not answered only because of busyness. You should not demand reports from the girl for any reason. This is very annoying and affects her attitude and feelings.

You should not initially put your girlfriend in an “excuse situation”. You should not make her accountable for her every action or word. After all, although she is in a relationship, she is still free man and personality, not a toy.

If you really want trusting relationship, then you need to proceed from the fact that the girl is absolutely pure and innocent. You shouldn't check her phone and rummage through her things in search of incriminating information. This is humiliating for both partners. In addition, due to bias our fantasy distorts insignificant facts and turns them into evidence of treason.

V difficult situations don't forget about your sense of humor. And instead of yelling, demanding a report and sorting out the relationship, it is better to laugh at the current situation, support and cheer up your partner. After all, sometimes everyone finds themselves in rather ridiculous situations in which they themselves are not to blame.

You should try to see in your girlfriend only best qualities and positive sides... And don't forget to tell her pleasant words and compliments. Emphasis should be placed on unlimited trust in her. This will make it much easier to set up your other half for an honest, open and close relationship.

It is important to remember that vain and false suspicions may become, for a beloved girl, serious reason for unwanted actions. After all, the logic of our subconscious is at work here: "If you still suspect, then you need to give a real reason."

Many people think about how to start trusting, but not many really want to. Few men are capable of making changes in their own ideas. After all, first of all, it is worth changing yourself, and this is not so easy.

Sometimes changing is much more difficult than breaking up a relationship with a loved one. But here you should think about how life can change if you still manage to overcome yourself and eradicate all the negative of your past life from your consciousness.

Only unlimited trust allows partners to open up like beautiful flower... You shouldn't lie to each other, check endlessly. It is better to spend this time and energy on socializing and walking together. You should feel free to ask each other questions and answer them just as frankly.

You should always be yourself. And in a state of fatigue, and in great mood and in anger. It is necessary to remember that once, this girl won love and respect. There is no need to create an illusory ideal. After all, the second half is the most beautiful in its natural appearance. This is the smallest thing to do to regain trust.

An important factor in the development of complete trust between partners is the so-called “heart-to-heart talks”. You should talk openly, frankly, so that the parterre does not guess about your thoughts, but knows them. You need to try, as clearly as possible, to explain your point of view. Of course, sometimes it can be quite difficult to talk frankly. But this is necessary for the relationship, and even more so if questions or suspicions arise. There are five steps to having a productive and warm conversation:

Do not be shy, you should ask questions directly and, in no case, show guesses about what the partner had in mind. You have to wait and find out everything without guesswork.

When the interlocutor speaks, you should try not to interrupt and listen to the end. This will help to understand the course of his thoughts.

During a conversation, you should not start, urgently, to check all the information that you received from your beloved.

You need to try to always speak your thoughts, this will help other people see the situation to the fullest and understand each other's feelings.

It must be remembered that love is capable of forgiving a lot. Communication will be much easier and more interesting if each partner tries to understand the other. If one partner tries to prove that his point of view is the most important, and sometimes the only one, he will suffer inevitable defeat. This is far from love, but a desire to subjugate another person.

Scientists have proven that the stress that men develop due to distrust and jealousy of their partners leads directly to impotence. So, it's worth thinking about - changing your life for the better, or continuing to purposefully destroy it.

You need to be sincere in your relationship. And remember that trust is only in those cases when a person himself is pure and does not deceive - neither a partner, nor himself. You should not seek reciprocity or reward for your good relationship with your partner. A state of complete trust, mutual assistance, respect and love is the highest reward!

Why doesn't the girl believe?

Hi, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the guy's question, who sounds like this "Why doesn't the girl believe?"

And here is his letter that he sent me:

Hi, Lesha, I'm 23, girl 18, dating - 3 months. The problem is, we constantly quarrel, once or twice a week, the quarrel ends with the words “I'm sorry I'm a fool”, “you promised to be together”, “I'm sorry, I beg you”.

A girl of average beauty. Good man, I am pleased with her, we understand each other, everything is just awesome, there are no secrets, etc. She walks with her friends, sometimes with guys, asks me if I let her go for a walk with that friend of hers, I, of course, let her go.

Why doesn't my girlfriend trust and trust me? I don’t tell her a lot because I don’t want to hurt her. lonely Romantic Connoisseur (457), closed 4 years ago

I had met one girl before, but she didn’t love me and didn’t perceive me as a man, we were just like friends, and I loved her and therefore I even agreed to just be friends. Then he met another, but did not stop communicating with that one, as he was not sure of the new one. Then she herself somehow found out about the first one and said that she did not want to communicate with me anymore. I bought a bouquet of flowers, begged her to stay with me, said how much I love her and how bad I feel without her and that I will gradually stop communicating with my ex, but I want to do this gradually, and not as a traitor to abruptly disappear, it would be cruel. Then we had a conflict with that ex and we quarreled and stopped communicating. But my acquaintances and friends and relatives have added it to the world and communicate with it. And mine saw it and again a scandal.

How best to apologize

If the guy is offended, give him time to cool down and think about what happened. A premature apology and a showdown can lead to new quarrel... Just don't drag out the apology. A timeout of one or two days is enough.

If you are to blame, apologize to your beloved first. Just be sincere. Fake tears and tantrums will not help matters. Be honest about your feelings and admit your mistake.

Take care of young man... Arrange for him a pleasant surprise, give a massage or feed something tasty. Let him feel that he is dear to you.

It's better to ask the guy for forgiveness in person when you see each other's eyes and reactions. The addressee can ignore the apologies by phone or via the Internet.

Don't make promises when you apologize that you can't fulfill. And if you have promised, keep your word. They said that you will no longer be late for dates - become punctual!


Asks: Alsou (2009-12-13 14:20:58)

HELLO !!! I am 23 years old, I am a pretty girl, I could always easily attract a guy, Basically I had a serious relationship, I did not exchange for such, Here 4 months ago, on the Internet I met Arthur for 27 years, as it turned out later, we lived very close to each other, studied at the same school, and we have many common acquaintances ... For half a year I didn't have any guys at all, I became disillusioned with them, and spent all the time with my friend, we did everything together, But nothing intimate, of course, just were friends ... And then He appeared, I did not want to let him near me, I even told my friend that nothing would happen to him, but for some reason I was potential for him, And after 1 month we started dating, everything was just wonderful, I started with my friend see each other less often ... But sometimes he said such a phrase "I don't care about your past", my past was not so bad that I could hide it, or be ashamed ... I was always serious about sex ... I did not use alcohol.

A lot of guys are often mistaken about girls. Some of them think that the very fact of a message written by a young man should delight any girl and sometimes wonder why this beauty does not respond to the message. There are a lot of reasons, let's look at the most common mistakes guys make when writing messages.

Those guys who are trying to get to know a girl through the Internet should understand that a girl can only be interested in a positive young man, with positive attitude for life. Review your profile. Some profiles simply terrify the girls, and scare them away from a potential "interlocutor". Firstly, the avatar should only have your photo, preferably a positive one. No pictures or faces of successful actors, athletes. The girl may think that you have a lot of complexes, or you are shy. own appearance... Most guys especially love obscene pictures, as well as vulgar photos.

Love messages on paper in modern society long ago gave way to SMS messages and communication in social networks. And although the very form of writing to girls has changed tender letters, all the problems associated with not receiving an answer remained. A man in love wants all his messages to receive an immediate response, and when this does not happen, he begins to puzzle himself over why he was not actually answered and what this could mean. So let's find out why girls don't reply to messages, and what there are 10 common reasons for that.

Lack of sympathy

The writer may simply be unsympathetic to a girl (read how to please a girl here) and it doesn't matter that he himself seems to be an irresistible macho - u different girls tastes are different and it is not a fact that a noteworthy handsome man will definitely like any particular of them. Well-mannered girl she will never say in the face that the guy's appearance is not to her liking.

Tired of reading and listening to all sorts of instructive materials that having got into the status of a “friend”, a guy loses the chance to sleep with his “girlfriend”. Tired of stupid advice from under-pickers on how to try to bring a young lady to excitement. Tired of these bikes and clever schemes.

The other day we read that a girl in the first 20 seconds determines with whom she is dealing: with her potential lover, or a little girl who will give her gifts and receive a smile in return. And that's all. And then nothing can be changed.

This is all nonsense, guys. We asked around non muslin beauties and identified 8 real reasons why they can refuse a male to mate. And the "friend zone" is just a deliberately invented nonsense, so as "not to explain for a long time what is wrong." We have nowhere to rush - listen.

Smell and dirt

Just let's go without "This is how the man smells"! Something everyone else smells like soap and a hat, but here, here, here, here, a smelly peasant got in the way. You yourself are sniffing.

And then the fourth day comes, and in the morning you begin to prepare yourself for the fact that in the evening you will have to endure. And this despite the fact that he believed that having sex is half of the relationship as such.

And then He appeared. The one that I almost always want. In the morning. In the evening. When I see Him. And when I don't see Him. When there was no sex for two days. And immediately after sex. Dressed up. Stripped. Freshly shaved. With three-day stubble. I want goose bumps. Before pulling pain lower abdomen. To the nausea. Dizziness. To trembling lips. Up to nerve spots.

This is because we don't have sex. We're making love. And we get pleasure from the fact that we give this pleasure to each other.

But some (or even many) still continue to think that something is wrong with them! But everything can be quite the opposite. So, observations of a nefrigid (now I know for sure) blonde: why girls don't want sex? Men are not allowed to read.

I'm 32 years. I really like the girl, but I can't get reciprocal sympathy from her. In general, everything is in order.
We met already more than a year back against the background of general work / professional activity. A month or two after we met, I began to show a personal interest in her. I knew for sure that she had no one, it was evident, in other words, she herself spoke about it. Started giving flowers, enough expensive gifts(including gold as a birthday present), tried to invite somewhere for closer communication, but the meetings did not grow together, she always had some reasons for refusal, although she never bluntly said that she simply did not wants. We now meet several times a month, but we communicate quite a lot via the Internet or by phone, again mainly on business matters.
I wanted to gradually attract attention to myself and hoped that after communicating more closely everything would work out (or not work out) by itself.

Until He appeared in my life, I sincerely thought (or they tried to convince me of this) that I had problems: I don’t like sex, I don’t want to and I don’t know how to do it. I am frigid!

Before Him there was another and eight years of relationship. As it seemed to me good relationship... In any case, I hoped that in old age we would read books to each other aloud. Everything was good with us, except for ... sex. I didn't want him. Do you know how disgusting it is to calculate in your mind: yesterday there was sex, so now it's two days, or even three, if you're lucky, you can deny it? And then the fourth day comes, and in the morning you begin to prepare yourself for the fact that in the evening you will have to endure. And this despite the fact that he believed that having sex is half of the relationship as such.

And then He appeared. The one that I almost always want. In the morning. In the evening. When I see Him. And when I don't see Him. When there was no sex for two days. And immediately after sex. Dressed up. Stripped. Freshly shaved. With three-day stubble.

Now you seem to have been dating for a long time, sought her for a long time, courted her, your relationship is working out normally, and as soon as it comes to intimacy, the girl does not give. If the situation is familiar to you, and solutions have not yet been found, we advise you to read the article here "What to do if the girl does not give?".

Why the girl does not give, only she can say for sure, but we will still consider the most common taboos about sex.

The girl does not want to give because of her beliefs

Do not be surprised, there are still those girls today whose upbringing or beliefs do not allow to enter into an intimate relationship before marriage. There is also a more modernized option - the girl decided to lose her innocence, only being 100% sure that you have the most serious intentions... In this case, you can say that you are very lucky. You will know for sure that the girl had no one before you and that she will only be yours.

To believe in love, you must first get into it. If you are talking about youngsters, then they think collectively, these are the thoughts and conclusions that they are able to draw at their level of development and in their experience (their experience does not yet include love events like in movies or in books). In addition, it seems to all of them that giving out this phrase, they think in an original way, they do not suspect that they are participating in a mass survey)))

What kind of love can a 15-17-year-old girl have if she was half-friends or met and kissed a little? The advanced ones did not have a full-fledged relationship at all, the trial of sex does not count.

In short, if you had interviewed a different age group, you would have interviewed 5-year-old girls.

Compiled according to the course of the same name from Lukyanova, maybe someone will be useful. The main reasons and mistakes that men make when they want to get sex from a girl are considered.
Main reasons:

1. Standards of decency in society - a girl is not allowed to show her sexual desire... She cannot show her attraction in any way, she just has to wait.

2. Errors on the part of the man.

Typical mistakes:

1. Abrupt transition to sex - to abruptly and roughly grab a girl's ass, breasts, to speak directly about the desire to have sex with her. In this case, the girl feels not a desire to have sex, but aggression and defends herself. You need to build up kinesthetics gradually.

2. Communicate with a girl solely for the sake of sex. She feels that you only need sex from her, and as a person she does not interest you. You need to talk about how you feel next to her, translate your desire into admiration for her.

3. Get hung up on own thoughts, step back.

A group of scientists led by John Bury. a professor of psychology at the University of St.Thomas, compared how the level of reliability of men correlates with the trust that their partners have in them. This level was determined using one of the best personality tests - the California Psychological Questionnaire. Research has shown that we often trust those who are unlikely to deserve it. And vice versa - we cannot get rid of the fear that a reliable man will turn out to be a deceiver. Distrust can be total, or it can manifest itself in little things. A friend talks about the first date, and you doubt: "Let's see if he holds out until the third." Or, in response to a colleague's complaint, you sigh: "Of course, what to expect from them?" A skeptical attitude towards men is common even among very young women who, it would seem, have not yet had time to receive their portion of disappointment and learn to distrust. Thus, girls themselves provoke men to the end of love relationships.

Guys get nervous when girls don't text them. But is it worth worrying about this? And how to understand such a girl's relationship? This is what we'll talk about.

The usual story, you meet a beautiful girl in real or virtual world... You meet a girl and start communicating with her. You want her to pay more attention to call or write, but you don't know how to get what you want. And then you wonder why she doesn't write to me? Maybe she's not interested in me? In general, a mess begins in my head.

In this state, try to calm your emotions. You are a man, and that means you have to soberly assess the situation. In the fact that the girl did not write to you, in fact, there is nothing bad and nothing good. This is a common situation. So the girl is either busy or she has a reason. Do not rush to accuse the girl of being cold to you. Don't press on pity. It will not lead to anything good.

Many guys don't know what to do if a girl ignores, doesn't answer messages, doesn't pick up the phone, and doesn't call herself. There are many reasons for this, we will analyze only the most basic why a girl ignores you.

It is also important to know what to do when your girlfriend starts to ignore you, what are the tips and techniques to prevent this and return old love and relationships. You can easily fix and fix everything personal life if you read carefully this article"Why is a girl ignoring you" and you will apply the advice in practice.

So, let's analyze the situation when a girl does not want to communicate with you and in every possible way avoids and ignores you.

The reason for this behavior may be her reluctance to enter into a relationship with you or simply a closer connection. In this case, the girl can be compared, for example, with an alcoholic who is trying in every possible way to quit drinking, and therefore does not want alcohol to be present in his house.

I can’t help but comment - it’s strong!

And MasyaMen and Fanker Tu are sincerely grateful for
sincerity. : danko: For, after all, I know how the guys are arranged, but I have very vague ideas about the girls - I have never watched them in action. Porn doesn't count - you know.
It’s just that it’s just my boyfriend who didn’t come across such "cars" (as someone put it here), out of all his 12 previous ones. 13 is a lucky number.

There. and in general it is felt both physically and on a subconscious level ... with experienced, at least

Those. - we are very experienced, if we say so

If a girl calls herself, it definitely means something. And I realized that I was ready to spend my whole life with this girl ”. By the way, this is one of the most clear signs the fact that the girl is far from indifferent to you, since this behavior is inherent in physiology.

To begin with, all women are still not the same, and how which one will demonstrate or hint at her feelings cannot be predicted. However, there are some similar behaviors, which we will now discuss. Believe me, if she doesn’t care about you, she will not waste time and money on your phone. If she calls often and for no reason or with any questions that can be resolved in person, or without your participation at all, then this is a reason to think even more seriously.

The girl does not write or call first, what should I do?

Although few people believe in a pure and sexless friendship between a man and a woman. If at least once a day she writes to you, especially about good or bad weather.

Why does a woman who seems to love you so passionately refuses sex every now and then? What is this - greed, harm, military cunning? Or do women just prefer to say no because they like the way the word sounds?

A long time ago, there was a good old Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud, who built his great theory, including on the axiom that all women are a little jealous of men. Because men have a penis and women don't. But we men are jealous of women too. Because we, of course, have a penis, only he behaves too capriciously: he can, then he cannot; it wants, it does not want. Lots of problems with this penis, strictly speaking.

Here women are much more fortunate: they can always. But for some reason they do not use these crazy opportunities at all. Any normal man in their place, he would give to everyone and always - to anyone who wishes, twenty times a day. Okay, let's say this is overkill.

There are frequent cases when a girl, under various pretexts, refuses a guy intimacy... Guys bang their heads against the wall, but often do not understand what is the reason for this refusal. The regularity of such failures is especially unsettling. It makes you wonder what could be true reason refusal? Let's take a look at a few of the most likely causes.

She does not like potential partner... According to many studies conducted, a girl needs a few seconds after the first meeting with a young man to intuitively decide for herself whether she can sleep with him or not. Therefore, if she decided "no" for herself, then hardly any persuasion, gifts and others will help to dissuade her of this. True, it all depends on her cleanliness and desire for sex. A guy can try to show himself from a certain “other side” in the process of communication in order to change his impression of himself, then the chances will increase significantly.

Hi, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who sounds like this “ Why doesn't the girl believe?»

my new site


I will personally answer you.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

And here is his letter that he sent me:

Hi Lesha. I told my friends about your site. I'm 23, girl 18, we meet - 3 months. The problem is, we constantly quarrel, once or twice a week, the quarrel ends with the words “I'm sorry I'm a fool”, “you promised to be together”, “I'm sorry, I beg you”.

Girl of average beauty... A good person, I am pleased with her, we understand each other, everything is just awesome, there are no secrets, etc. She walks with her friends, sometimes with guys, asks me if I let her go for a walk with that friend of hers, of course, I let her go, I say don't even ask. Or if she doesn't want to go somewhere, like, there will be guys, I say, yes, go and rest, she doesn't want to.

Only loves me and that's it. I am a very calm and romantic guy in a relationship, I will not say that I am an alpha, rather, on the contrary, I do everything with reason, if we say something wrong, I explain, together we think, I make the decision, since the main one and she understands, very good listens to me.

But she's jealous of me for everyone, looks at the pictures, asks who I am going for a walk with, if the girls are still sulking there, and so on, she is constantly afraid that I will find better girl, I have to convince her that this is low for me and that everything is serious with us.

He tries to CONSTANTLY bring me to jealousy, CONSTANTLY! I am confident in myself, I used to be jealous of girls, then I realized that this is complete nonsense, why. She started to send me correspondence, to walk with a fictional friend (she later admitted), and constantly deduced that I was jealous. In other words, the girl doesn't believe in my love.

If it was not possible to cause jealousy, then she simply asked stupid questions “I was walking, a bunch beautiful girls,I don't understand why are you with me?". How she infuriated me, constantly quarreled, I thought to throw it, but on the same day I returned to her, because she was crying, etc.

I got it into her head that there will be anything bad in the relationship, but we must go through everything together, so she takes me back with my own words. Last time I also specially thought up a story with a guy, I immediately said, well, why are you lying, she - ahahah, would like to be jealous. For today I was jealous of you for that girl (with whom I greeted and talked on the street)

She could not possibly survive that I had been with another girl before. Today again, like, as a joke, she said about the guy, I’m tired of everything already, really pisses me off when a person wants to manipulate me and take out feelings of jealousy, he explained everything to her, said, I can’t do that, she understood everything, again tears, again I'm a fool, I'm sorry, I thought, well, figs, I’m giving up, no longer appreciates me.

I don’t know what to do, it’s just that she achieved what she wanted and began to be jealous. Although, on the one hand, I don’t care, on the other hand, I don’t know. I wanted to ask what is wrong with us on the part of an experienced person? And why doesn't the girl believe? I’m her first.

So, let's understand this situation.

And I can tell right away that there are people in whom only doubts prevail in communication... Any business for such a person (let's call him Vasya) becomes an unbearable occupation. The same questions are constantly spinning in his head.

Such as:

What if it doesn't work? What if I can't? What if I don't have enough strength? What if this is all complete nonsense and a waste of time? And in order to drown out all these questions and doubts, Vasya goes to his to the best friend(let's call him Anton) and constantly tells him everything and lists all his questions.

And Anton ( he usually has a lot more energy), consoles this person and says that it is he who will succeed and he will do this difficult task himself, constantly motivates him, pours his strength and energy into him.

And after a few hours of such conversation, Anton feels a breakdown, and Vasily understands that Anton is absolutely right, that he will succeed and everything will be fine, but after a day, Vasily again has doubts and new questions.

Why is this happening?

Because Vasily has an energy hole in his body, from which very quickly all the energy that Anton gave him flows out, as a result, Vasily turns into a vegetable again, and he needs a new portion of someone else's energy.

Why am I telling all this?

And to the fact that our boyfriend's girlfriend has exactly the same problem, she has an energy hole associated with the fact that she is afraid to be left alone and that her boyfriend will sooner or later leave her to the mercy of fate.

That is why the girl provokes the guy every day so that he constantly tells her that he will not leave her and will not give her to anyone... Manipulates him so that he is jealous and, in her opinion, would also be afraid of losing her.

But the whole problem is that no matter how the guy convinces her, that he will not leave her, the girl will still not be enough... Because doubts siphon all the energy out of her and give rise to new fears and questions.

What do we have to do?

You need to understand that you cannot live and develop in a masculine way with such a girl, she will milk you every day, will take your energetic resources, in the end, you will feel eternal weakness and all your successes, before meeting this girl, will decline. Because you won't have the strength to do something. Therefore, in your place, I would have thought a hundred times whether it is worth continuing a relationship with such a girl, and even more so creating a family with her.

This article is only a small part of what is on my sites, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately use this information successfully in practice with girls, without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites this lesha-dok ..

Click: More articles on this topic

By the way, if you want to guaranteed to get a girl from scratch, then go to my new site

Click: Guaranteed to get a girl for a relationship

If you have a question for me, then write, I I will personally answer you.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but your whole life in general. Now I live as a MAN, and the girls feel it)) "
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha !!! Tips from your articles are helpful, they change own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

"Alexey, thank you very much to you for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of behavior between guys and girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!) "

When a girl doubts you, don't take it personally. It's not so much about you as about her past, which taught her to be on the alert.

Know that she will be straightforward and harsh.

When you meet a girl who doubts people, she will say everything as it is, because many people deceived her. But she will not do this and will not allow anyone else to do this to her.

Understand that she carefully protects her heart.

Know what she really has kind heart that other people just use.

She watched as people just stomped on her, took what they wanted and left. There were times when she wanted to be a little more indifferent, so that it would not hurt so much.

Understand that she has a lot of emotional burden.

Even if the wrong people were to blame, she still remembers everything that went wrong and blames herself. She can tell you about the past that haunts her, which she must let go. But it cannot. And you have to help her in this.

Know that she believes in the best, no matter what.

She saw the worst in people, but still remained kind. She has every reason not to be like that, but she continues to believe that her good will return to her someday.

Understand that she got a lot that she didn't deserve.

When others passed their problems onto her, she needed to be strong. And she gained this strength, which you will not immediately notice in her.

She had to learn to rely on herself.

She had to learn to stand up every time someone hurt her or broke her heart. She learned how to live no matter what.

Know that she always expects the worst.

She expects the worst from everyone, from any situation. When someone is used to being disappointed, they begin to lower their expectations. If they are low, you won't be hurt.

And she's waiting to catch you in the lie.

Not because she wants something bad to happen. It's just that there have been so many times in her past, and if she stops being alert, she is afraid of being deceived again. Teach her that she can trust you and know that it will take time.

She will need you to convince her of this more than once.

She will ask you the same question more than once. She will ask a lot of questions. She will need these answers.

Her anxiety will protect her from new pain.

A lot of scenarios will swarm in her head, but you have to be confident in yourself and let her know that she can rely on someone else besides herself.

Know that you have to walk with her at the same pace.

The only way to build a relationship with someone who doubts everyone is not to rush her. She will begin to trust you when she’s ready, when she feels that she can.

Understand that if you rush her, she will push you away.

She can't stand pressure.

Trust is very important to her, but for now she can only trust herself.

She learned to trust herself and listen to her inner voice who tells her about everyone alarming sign... It takes time to earn her trust, but the best in our lives is not easy.

She loves with all her heart, but has not met someone who deserves it.

She used to give everything best topics who was not worthy of it. And she realized this, even though it was too late. Now she does not give her time and feelings to just anyone.

But as soon as he is confident in you, you will receive her devotion and love, and it will change your life.