Oak barrels. Festive toasts and congratulations Anniversary of a relative 80 years of congratulations

Among all the exciting dates and solemn anniversaries, this 80th anniversary celebration is worthy of admiration and immense respect. Unfortunately, few people manage to live up to such a delightful date. Therefore, today's hero of the day, who has given so many years to his relatives and friends, as well as to his beloved country, deserves the most sincere and touching congratulations. You are very lucky if you have such a person in your environment. Do not forget to congratulate him on this wonderful occasion. And to make your words sound beautiful and solemn, we recommend using the wishes collected on this page. They will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the holiday and will delight the respected hero of the day.

Congratulations in verse on the anniversary (80th anniversary)

Happy anniversary
And I sincerely wish you
At eighty years old
Live without sadness and without troubles
In grace and peace,
And let the sun be golden
All year round and every hour
Warms you with happiness.
Strength to you, good health
Let care and love
Relatives surround you,
Delighting day by day.
Let you live like in a song,
Good, easy, wonderful,
And let the light pour
Up to a hundred years in your life.

80 years, oh a lot ...
Do not try to deny
But at the same time I know
The happiness of life is those years
What can you remember
To pick in memory,
How it was that came true
Or something did not work out ...
Well, if something goes wrong,
May the desires of all be sold out
Happy birthday will happen
It will come true, come true!
Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish you the best! ©

Congratulations and wishes on the 80th anniversary of the grandmother (woman)

Eightieth anniversary
At my beautiful grandmother!
I congratulate you, dear, on this,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
To continue to please, without getting old
Not in body, not in face and not in soul,
Be happy, cherishing your dream,
Be cheerful and most groovy!
Cheer up, dear, never!
Always remember your youth!
And know that even at eighty years
You're getting old, no, no, no!
Perhaps the years are not terrible for you,
You will remain young always!
Believe that I love you so much
I swear to protect my grandmother!

Congratulations on 80 years to mom

A great holiday has come in our family!
Our mother is eighty years old already!
And in the heart there is still love, and a lot of strength!
The same kind, gentle mother's light in the eyes!
May the light sadness barely touch you
But, mom, don't be sad: it's just a date!
You are not more beautiful in this world. Let be
You will have everything you want someday!

Mom 80 to you, and I don't even believe myself,
How the years go by
How sometimes we do not have time
To do everything they wanted to do
But only that they managed ...
But from now on, let it be different,
All tasks will be solved
Happy birthday mommy,
Congratulates you son,
Let everything that you dreamed of
It did happen, it did! ©

Congratulations to 80 years old grandfather (man)

You can't hold them for years
All in a row away from us,
And a meeting with a new anniversary,
Here, that's really waiting for you!
Congratulations on flying 80,
With a wealth of thought and soul,
With the fact that we do not contemplate,
But there is something in you that we know!
We wish you the best in the world
Everything, everything and a little more,
Beautiful, kind and wonderful,
So that there is a way for your life! ©

Congratulations on the anniversary for 80 years cool

You don't know what to wish for
After all, everything has come true what to dream about,
At one time you could still
And I want more, more ...!
So don't let life deceive you,
Will delight and bestow
And on the 80th anniversary,
Will spin with a second breath!
So that the days run and fly
Like a melodrama, like a movie
So that you can and you want,
So that you live well! ©

Congratulations on the 80th anniversary in prose

On this festive and solemn day, I want to tell you that it is very difficult to overestimate the contribution that you have made to my life. You not only helped me realize myself in this life, become a real person and learn to appreciate every moment lived, but you have always been a friend, advisor and reliable rear. Thank you for those joyful and unforgettable moments in life that you gave me and will give me more than once, for that youthful spontaneity that you have kept in your soul and the light that your huge and kind heart radiates. I wish you on your 80th birthday to remain as positive, cheerful and resistant to all adversity.

Today, on the day of your 80th birthday, I want to say a lot of warm and sincere words, but all of them, even to an insignificant extent, will not be able to open all your kind and bright inner world, to show what a warm and cheerful person you really are, capable of not only accepting friendship and love, but also to return them with a vengeance. Today is your holiday, your anniversary, which means there will be congratulations and gifts, but I am sure that the most important gift for you will be the love and attention of your family and friends, because you, like no one else, are worthy of admiration, respect and warmth. I wish that health and happiness are always near, and adversity bypasses you.

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law forbidding us to engage in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 28 , art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who produce products containing ethyl alcohol not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages", the illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with the confiscation of alcoholic beverages , apparatuses, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other values \u200b\u200breceived from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of marketing devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), storage of devices for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 informs: "The production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine) by individuals, semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as the storage of devices * used for their manufacture, - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the drinks, semi-finished products and apparatus ".

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

Now I understand very clearly
and I feel and see very clearly:
no matter what the moment is beautiful
but it is important that it is unique.

Let's drink to this inimitable moment in the life of our dear hero of the day, to his 80th birthday, to friends and relatives who have gathered at this wonderful table, for the joy and warmth of this moment to remain in his soul for many years.

It happens - you wake up like a bird
a winged spring on the platoon,
and I want to live and work;
but it goes away by breakfast.

Therefore, I want to raise a toast to the hero of the day, who is always active, full of energy and good mood. We, lazy people, looking at him, feel ashamed and we tear our asses off the sofas and delve into our little feats. For inspirer and driving force!

Do not be the will of the Lord,
we wouldn't know alcohol;
and, therefore, drunkenness is not a vice,
but a lesson in the highest goodness.

We drink and we destroy the liver
Doctors shout to us in deaf souls,
but we will heal the liver on occasion,
and sobriety dries up our souls.

Therefore, I propose to drink to our living and quivering souls!

When I die one night
then loved ones, putting sadness on their faces,
let it be in the morning just in case
they will still bring me a drink.

For loved ones who understand us!

Give, God, I'm so many years old
(and no more day is needed),
what time are decent houses
they did not call me again.

I want to drink to this house, in which we are all always welcome, no matter what!

I will die abroad or in my homeland,
doctors will not cope with the diagnosis:
i died of malignant life,
which he dragged with pleasure.

Let's drink to all the many joys and pleasures that have fallen to us in life. We will continue to drag out our lives with pleasure!

There are events among many events -
There is no way to separate them from the heart.
I came here with a great desire for a drink
Not to wet your throat!
And so that days without breaking the thread
Celebrate a wonderful anniversary.
And, therefore, I must drink today -
Not to make it warmer
And in order to personally express participation,
And remember together about the time of the past ...
And wish this happiness in life,
So that you can have a drink on the second!


Toasts from www.mirpozdravleniy.ru:

These are 80 years that shook the world ... I wish you to shake it for at least another 30 years, or even more! And for this you only need health, good spirits and excellent mood, which I wish you!

Long live the 80th anniversary of Great January! (February, March, etc. by month)

Let this anniversary be a holiday not only of memories and experiences, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, while a person lives and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! I want to wish you the main thing - youthful soul! Congratulations!

Dear hero of the day! With all my heart I wish the "carriage of your life" to roll easily and happily, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes through a garden strewn with fruits, and that everyone you need is next to you. I raise a glass to your well-being and success!

A person is as old as he feels. Therefore, I congratulate you on your 40th birthday! Remain at both 100 and 125 the same as you are today - joyful, cheerful, healthy! Congratulations with all my heart!

Happy holiday to you! Let this serious and big date not come on the throat of your song, let it not teach you to enjoy life and enjoy every day! We sincerely congratulate you, hero of the day!

The better the cognac, the more stars on its label!
The older the cognac, the more refined and noble its taste!
We would like to wish you that the more anniversaries remain behind your back, the more beautiful, stronger and more self-possessed you will become!

The famous ancient Roman philosopher Seneca once said: "Everything that we moan and horrify over is only a tax on life ..." I want to wish our esteemed hero of the day unobtrusive taxes!

When asked who can be considered happy, Socrates answered: "The one who has an honest way of thinking and a sharp mind." Based on what has been said, our hero of the day is happy, because he has the virtues that the great philosopher pointed out. Our hero of the day always does justice, he has a wonderful, sharp mind of genius. How not to drink to such a worthy person and rejoice in his happiness. For our kind hero of the day!

I will begin a toast to the health of our hero of the day with the words of the Roman poet Publius Ovid:
There is no need to count years: people live longer.
The point is not in years, but in deeds - they must be counted.

Let's drink not to the next anniversary of the respected (name), but to his deeds - past and future!

The people of art are destined by God to convey to us the rise of the human soul and to enrich our spirituality. I want to express my admiration and gratitude to the hero of the day with all my heart for his talent. Let's raise our glasses and drink to his health!

It doesn't matter that the whiskey is silver
And, like a troika, the years passed.
We must live and smile at fate.
And never grow old in soul!

Young is the one who still knows how to be surprised and get carried away ... Our dear dad is young, despite his years. Look how much youthful enthusiasm he has, how much sparkle in his eyes ... I wish you health for many years and inexhaustible optimism! Happy birthday dad!

The peoples of the Baltics have such a belief. If a child is born in a family, then 100 devils are born with him. When a child turns one year old, one angel appears, and there are one less devils in him. And so year after year: the number of angels is growing, and the number of devils is decreasing. If a person is eighty, this means that only 20 devils remain in him, but 80 angels have appeared.
Today we have before us a man, almost entirely consisting of angels! And every year the angelic principle will prevail in him more and more!

"A good wife is the happiness and longevity of a husband," says a Russian proverb. I have a good wife and I am happy! Let my beloved wish you on your anniversary:
So that joy shines in your eyes
For the birds to sing for you.
Long years to you, dear! Happiness and the feeling of flying over everyday life! For you!

Goethe wisely remarked: "They learn only from the person they love." I love my wife. I spent the best years of my life with her, learning sincerity, kindness and calmness.
And on this beautiful day of your anniversary, I want to wish you, beloved, beautiful sunrises, similar to your beauty, and that roses, but without thorns, cover your path in life.
For you!

There is a Sanskrit prayer: "Give me serenity to accept the inevitable. Courage to change what can be changed. And wisdom to know the difference! ..."
I drink to the wisdom of our dear hero of the day, who goes through life with her head raised, leaving behind her good deeds. She walks with her head raised, not out of pride, but out of the awareness of the righteousness of the cause she has always served. Health and happiness, our dear! For your wisdom!

Our dear, charming hostess has an anniversary. Schopenhauer said beautifully: "Just as torches and fireworks fade and become invisible in the light of the sun, so the mind, even genius, as well as beauty, fade, overshadowed by heartfelt kindness."
I want to raise a glass and drink to the kindness of our hero of the day, which warms us all like the sun. Health to you, happiness! Hooray!

Festive toasts and congratulations

Congratulations on the anniversary

[congratulations on anniversary, congratulations on the anniversary]

11. Be cheerful, cheerful,

Always happy

And don't be afraid

You will be years old!

You are respected

And friends appreciate

And sincerely loves

Big family!

12.And nothing that the head is gray

And behind the shoulders a whole century

You are always young for us

Dear, beloved person.

13. Be with us longer, dear,

As little pain as possible!

In spite of my years,

Don't grow old in soul, heart!

14.Happy anniversary, dear!

It is unlikely that the woman is different

Can be just as sweet!

We wish that there was

You are infinitely happy

I stayed young forever

May your anniversary year

Only joy only brings!

15.Congratulations on the anniversary,

We wish you vitality!

We love and cherish you,

And we want to bring

You health every year,

Which leads to the 100th anniversary.

16.Everything in life was:

Joys and troubles

And sweet honey

And bitter wormwood

But boldly exchange

Another dozen!

Let it be full

Health and love.

You are only life

Don't count the rest

To our delight

Live longer!

17.A white flock of years flew by,

But the soul, as before, is young.

The nightingales have not yet sung,

Not all the water has flowed away.

Your anniversary, festive and bright,

And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.

Long years to you, apple trees in white,

Joy and happiness and kindness.

18 it doesn't matter that the whiskey is silver

And, like a troika, the years rush.

We must live and smile at fate.

And never grow old in soul.

19 At the 80th birthday celebration for Winston Churchill, a photographer asked him:

I hope, Mr. Churchill, that I will be allowed to photograph you on the day of the centenary?

In that case, ”Churchill replied,“ you will have to take careful care of your health for twenty years.

I can tell the hero of the day that I am ready to take care of my health for thirty years in order to be able to congratulate you on your centenary!

The years pass by unnoticed
Whiskey is getting whiter
Past joys, hardships -
You remember everything on the anniversary.
So let after the anniversary
Health accompanies you.
Keep Cheerfully Younger
Contrary to my years.

Such dates are not often celebrated.
But since the time has come
We wish you a full cup of happiness
And with her health, joy, warmth

A little sad, but nice
Celebrate your birthday
Years go by forever
Just have time to count them.
Years reckless flow
No one can hold back.
Today, on your anniversary day
We want, dear, to wish
So that contrary to the law of life
You were always healthy
So that in everyday worries
You haven't been aged for years!

Anniversary 80 years

A white flock of years fly by
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not yet sung,
Not all the water has flowed away.
Your anniversary is festive and bright,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, apple trees in white,
Joy and happiness and kindness.

Happy 80th birthday,
We want you at the festive table.
Your anniversary, to celebrate in an original way,
With gifts, flowers and wine.

Beautiful age and everyone is grateful
That you are not upset, your age, number.
Your eyes, like the sun, are radiant,
And they warm all relatives with warmth.

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
We wish you in old age, not to run.
After all, your whole life, with rich wisdom,
With fun, joy and new celebration.

Dreams that have not yet come true
Have to find a way with magic.
You walked on it confidently and often,

Health allows you to work,
And keep your house in an exemplary way.
Do you know how to hide from diseases,
Leaving them strictly overboard.

Words, let your heart light up,
As in youth, with quivering fire.
Friends and relatives visit more often,
We all congratulate you today on this day.

Purchased and owned by the site.

To sweet mother with bows
We came today -
Whitened gray
Children, mom, yours.
It's your birthday
And a big anniversary
So congratulations
From my own children.
In our souls forever
You have found your shelter.
How full of rivers in spring
So the soul is warm.
We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mom and grandma
We really need you.
Yours head
We will bow before you
And you will stroke them again
With your kind hand.
This happiness is to feel again
The caress of my mother.
There is no need to even philosophize:
We are of the same blood!
We are forever beloved
No dearer, relatives!
Mother, protected by God,
You live, don't be sick!

The years passed, as if in a fairy tale,
Yours today, mom, anniversary.
There is so much affection in your eyes
There is so much warmth for the children.
Warmed with your support
We learn to take a punch ...
To you, mommy, "many years",
Our love and tenderness as a gift!

Anniversary 80 years

Happy anniversary, kindly,
Congratulations at this hour.
With a touching speech, tenderly,
We send a supply of wishes.

Happiness, joy, health,
At your eighty years.
And a fun feast
This holiday is the secret.

Let the celebration be noisy
Everyone speaks with his heart.
Evening, with its moonlight,
Let it burn in your soul.

Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children,
All guests are treated.
So there is happiness in the world,
And love among people.

An endless stream
Give all the gifts to you.
For joy to be the source
To wonderful words.

In celebration, flowers have,
Its own special aroma.
We think they will be able to
To brighten up the bitterness of all losses.

Purchased and owned by the site.


Congratulations, please:
Lived for tens of years - eight!
Although many clothes were taken down,
You are back in hope and strength.
Love in your heart and mind
They live, endless, at once.
Judge by the voice, the skin -
You children and grandchildren are younger!
You live the same amount again
To make us happy again !!!

You can't be ashamed now
In the fate of those who entered, round the years.
Should guests, you smile
Holding a large bouquet in her hands.

For eighty years are coming
A beautiful scattering of flowers.
All guests, as one, find
There are many kind words for the heart.

Gifts are touchingly given
And congratulations on the celebration.
Your anniversary is celebrated today
At your festive table.

They wish you good health
Fun in life and good luck.
Singing songs softly
Our violinist helps them.

Since childhood, we are friends with you,
All the years are near, as now.
Thank you friendship for the merits,
It instills strength in us.

Family, great happiness,
Let your house not leave.
Diseases will go away in one piece,
And joy is pouring in all around.

Purchased and owned by the site.