The double influence of the precious mineral. How stones, crystals and minerals affect a person. Chakras and fingers. yin and yang energy

The impact of minerals and crystals on humans

Kuleshova Ludmila

Man has been using crystals for a long time, finding them various uses: for storing information in liquid crystal displays, lasers, medical industry, etc. In addition, it is known that many ancient civilizations skillfully used the wonderful properties of crystals to promote health.

When choosing a crystal (or jewelry) for yourself, take your time, especially when purchasing antiques. Hold it in your hands, feel the structure, weight, whether there is a response resonance (heat, cold or other sensations). Trust your intuition and your feeling of liking or disliking for him, and him for you. If the stone is “not yours”, then it will fall out of the setting, crush or fall, forcing you to remove it.

The fact is that crystals store information in their “memory”. This may be information about the previous owners, their possible "adventures" (sometimes bloody). Therefore, having acquired even a very nice crystal, be sure to clean it from old information programs: rinse thoroughly in a vessel with sea ​​salt(2 tablespoons of salt per glass of water), in spring water or, in extreme cases, running tap water. After cleaning, the crystals must be activated by standing in the sun for at least an hour. It is also good to place the stones on a quartz druse at night.

Below are the most well-known properties of common crystals.

quartz crystals help you get closer to the stars. They are like crystallized starlight. Like a laser, quartz radiates energy in a bound, highly concentrated form that can heal a person.

You can use a quartz crystal to gain strength, as a "magic vine" or drink an elixir infused with stones. Preparing it is simple: place a quartz crystal in a glass or porcelain container of water and place it on a windowsill to recharge the water with sunlight. The finest vibrations of the quartz crystal are transferred to the water. Now you can wash your face with this water, rinse your hair, and quench your thirst. It is also useful to look at quartz crystals, which improves vision and clears the mind. If you look at a lit candle through a quartz crystal for a long time, then a state of peace and relaxation sets in.

Quartz crystals are considered natural purifiers. For quick energy recharging and rejuvenation of the body, hold a quartz crystal in your left hand, pointing to your wrist, and vice versa in your right, and after 5-10 minutes there will be no trace of fatigue.

For the development of perception, hold the crystal in your left hand (point up hand). This condition must be met because right hemisphere the brain, responsible for the intuitive, creative principle, is associated with the left half of the body. The crystal mobilizes the latent potential of the right hemisphere and makes it possible the best way reveal your abilities. It will strengthen and help convey to consciousness what you have known for a long time.

And now a little about some water elixirs infused with other stones and having a healing effect on the human body. Take any clean glass vessel, pour in filtered water, place rock crystals, amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, carnelian and cacholong (the so-called “Tibetan mix”). Soak in the sun for 3 hours. Under influence ultraviolet rays water is charged with healing vibrations of stones, and, as a result, you get an elixir of vigor and health. Consume half a cup daily. You need to drink water in small sips, with joy feeling how a multi-colored rainbow flows into you along with water. Set your own deadlines. The effect will not be long in coming.

Almost all representatives of the world of minerals have a biologically active effect. An information exchange takes place between a mineral and a person. Some minerals (for example, carnelian, agate, cacholong) work more effectively when they are slightly heated. The strength and energy of the mineral can charge not only water, but also oils or ointments.

Amethyst - establishes internal balance, brings harmony to all levels of consciousness, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the kidneys.

Turquoise - one of the most powerful healers. Helps with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal and genetic disorders, treats eye diseases, tumors and ulcers. Stops internal bleeding. Favors pregnancy and easy childbirth. Improves memory.

Jet - helps with convulsions, reduces excessive tension and arousal. Improves eyesight. Removes headache and toothache. It is also recommended for diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

Hematite - Promotes resorption of hematomas. Purifies the blood. Treats the spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder. Stops bleeding.

Gypsum - restores the protective forces of a person. Helps with epilepsy, depression, insomnia and migraine. Improves the function of bones and joints. Prevents tooth decay. Dissolves and removes negative emotions. It has a positive effect on the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Improves memory and enhances attention.

rock crystal b - heals skin diseases, allergies, mental disorders, insomnia, headaches. Helps with hormonal disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, both in women and men, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Relieves alcohol and drug addiction.

pomegranate green - relieves stress and harmonizes all body systems, improves vision, hearing, metabolism, cardio - vascular system and removes excess salt.

Garnet dark red - enhances immune system, improves skin color, helps with frigidity and infertility.

Pearl - cures headaches and dental diseases. Helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genital area, bleeding, diabetes, cancer. Purifies the blood. Protects the fetus during pregnancy.

Malachite - stone of health. Helps with toothache, stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Relieves asthma, rheumatism, eye diseases, normalizes metabolism, arterial pressure, menstrual cycle and work of the gastrointestinal tract. Protects against heart attacks and hypertension.

Cacholong - has long been used by Chinese healers to treat asthma, kidney stones, promotes normal childbirth.

Obsidian - increases physical muscular strength, improves the function of the kidneys and adrenal glands. Treats gout and rheumatism, female and male diseases genitals. Cleanses organs at the cellular level.

Rhodonite - normalizes the work of the endocrine system; recommended for mental and nervous disorders. Helps with infertility.

cat eye - treats rheumatism and gout, female and male disorders of the genital organs, cardiovascular system, eczema, psoriasis and others skin diseases, nervous and mental dysfunctions.

Hawkeye - treats the same as cat eye, as well as the kidneys, eyes and nerves.

Carnelian (carnelian) - Renews the body as a whole. Helps the body to restore the reserves of silicon it needs, which decrease with age.

Eye of the Tiger - treats bronchi and lungs, relieves constipation, diseases of the female genital organs, allergies.

Amber - Helps with cancer, lung disorders. Restores endocrine system, vision, nervous and muscular tissues. Protects from infertility, facilitates childbirth. Promotes the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys. Restores strength. In addition, it contains succinic acid, which is a natural biostimulator of the nervous system, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, kidneys, and helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood in case of anemia.

Nephritis - chemically stable and does not enter into any reactions inside the body. It has amazing heat capacity. Applied to the area of ​​the stomach or kidneys, it acts as a warm compress, gradually eliminating inflammation and pain. It is recommended for all diseases of the urinary and digestive systems.

Several ways to treat stones

Preparation for stone treatment requires spiritual nobility and purity. In order to treat another person, you yourself must be practically healthy!

To gain energy must have yellow, white, or green stone. Stand up straight, inhale while raising your hands up, then exhale sharply, saying loudly “ha”; at the same time, quickly lower your hands down, leaning towards your shins. In this position, make a slight breath hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this exercise 3 times. Then produce easy run on the spot (7-10 sec.)

To eliminate wrinkles and rejuvenate the face: pour water into a glass bowl room temperature. Put in it crystals of amethyst, rose quartz, jasper. Charge water by moving another crystal over its surface (seven times). At the same time, you can make a healing slander: “I am young and beautiful, I am the Goddess of Beauty.” Then wash your face with this solution and wipe your face with an amethyst stone along the cosmetic lines.

To improve vision put pieces of chalcedony or malachite on the eyes. Exposure time 5-8 minutes. Tuning: “The fundus of the eye is well supplied with blood, the blood washes the fundus well, I see clearly and distinctly.”

The magical properties of gemstones

An old Persian legend tells that noble stones are the creation of Satan, who, having noticed how Eve admires the colorful flowers in the gardens, gave them magnificent colors in order to arouse greed and temptation in people's hearts.

Their geological origin is more prosaic - noble minerals were formed as a result of chemical processes occurring during the formation of the earth's crust.

Already in ancient times they served as ornaments, and their brilliance and color aroused surprise and admiration. Each era has its favorite noble stones.

The Egyptians willingly wore jewelry made of emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, rock crystal. The Romans valued diamonds and sapphires above all else.

Semiramis, Cleopatra and other queens of ancient times adored pearls. Fashion of the Renaissance and Baroque preferred colored precious stones: rubies, sapphires, topazes.

The toilets of ladies and gentlemen of the Rococo era sparkled with diamonds and, finally, the era of romanticism revealed the beauty of the floor. precious stones: garnets, opals, aquamarines and chrysolites. Jewelers made beautiful and original brooches, necklaces and bracelets, studded with reddish carnelian, green "cat's eye" or iridescent milky-blue luster of moonstones (selenites).

However, the choice of this or that jewelry depended not only on the taste of its owner. FROM noble stones were associated with a variety of superstitions and beliefs. The stone was not only an ornament, but also a talisman that brought happiness, an amulet that protected from illness and trouble, and sometimes a sign of a profession.

Astrologers claimed that every stone belongs to certain sign zodiac, that's why people born in this month, must wear rings with the appropriate stone.

Wearing a stone that does not correspond to the sign of the zodiac under which its owner was born has a bad effect on his fate.

In various everyday situations it was good to have suitable talisman stone. During the renaissance, newlyweds exchanged rings with emeralds , because these stones were supposed to provide constant feeling and also they favored pregnant women. moon rocks overcame love obstacles. The players were lucky.

There was a widespread belief about the healing properties of precious stones. In the Middle Ages, the goldsmith had to be not only a craftsman and merchant, but also sometimes a doctor who, if necessary, knew how to pick up a stone for his clients that would help with various bodily and spiritual ailments.

How to choose gemstones for yourself

It is known that the stolen stones show rather negative properties; those bought become talismans after many years, but stones donated or inherited are genuine talismans.

Also, stones are not indifferent to the gender of their owner; "female" stones are happy on a man's hand; "male" - on the hand of a woman.

It is known that male stones shine brighter and have warm colors and shades, women-stones do not shine so much and have cold colors and shades.

In order to increase the affinity with the stone, they put it on and, imagining themselves shrouded in an invisible golden light of the sun, try to absorb it in their imagination through the stone and pour it over the body or concentrate it in a diseased organ. By doing the exercises several times a day, one gradually accustoms oneself to "breathe sunlight through the stone" without any effort on the part of consciousness.

In crystals, the vibrational frequency of the elements is very high and stable, which is confirmed by scientific research(measurements). And they make everything that is at a short distance from them go to their level of vibration, including the cells of our body, which have their own internal vibrations.

When communicating with gemstones, you need to trust your feelings, and select for yourself what you instinctively like, what you are “drawn to”, what your hand wants to touch.

If you like a stone, it means that its vibrations help you, give you "energy", which corresponds to what is happening in your life in this moment. But, “everything flows, everything changes,” and you and the internal vibration of your body also change depending on your condition, so it is possible that after a while you will need something completely different from what you need today.

For example: if you are now drawn to a green stone, it means that your body needs peace and balance, but time will pass and you will be drawn to stones of a revitalizing red color. Your internal state changed - your choice has changed.

There are many options here, trust yourself, your intuition.

But if you doubt yourself, or want to make a gift to a person who does not have the opportunity to ask what he is intuitively drawn to, you can turn to the old known way, which puts the choice and time of wearing stones in a certain connection with the planets, luminaries and zodiac constellations. At the same time, those gemstones that are associated with the planet astrologically dominant in his destiny are considered the most favorable for a person.

Sun Stones : chrysolite, diamond, as well as aventurine, heliotrope, hyacinth, ruby ​​and chrysoprase.

moon stones : opal, adularia ( Moonstone), pearls, coral, aquamarine and beryl.

Mercury stones : golden topaz, agate, carnelian, emerald.

Stones of Venus : sapphire, agate, pearl.

Stones of Mars : ruby, hematite, jasper, garnet, diamond.

Jupiter stones : turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli.

Stones of Saturn : onyx, amethyst, dark topaz.

Neptune stones : amethyst, crystal, adularia.

From the table below, you can find out which planet commanded the year of your birth, while keeping in mind that astrological year starts March 21st. To use the table correctly, you need to shift your date of birth back by 2 months and 21 days, and then set the astrological year of your birth and the patron planet.

There are many horoscopes of stones. I present for your consideration a generalized horoscope of stones, compiled according to 21 literary sources (the number in brackets corresponds to the frequency of the name of the mineral in different lists).


Year of birth









































































Onyx (11), ruby ​​(6), chrysoprase, malachite (5), emerald, cat's eye, opal (4), agate, amethyst, jet, obsidian, jasper, charoite (3), all black, transparent and red stones



Lapis lazuli (10), obsidian, sapphire (8), zircon (hyacinth) (5), turquoise, garnet, Hawkeye (4), rhinestone,opal, topaz, jasper, charoite (2)



Amethyst (8), alexandrite, coral, sapphire (5), aquamarine, zhemchug, chrysolite, jasper (4), lapis lazuli, moonstone, carnelian (carnelian), chrysoprase, charoite (2)



Jasper (8), amethyst (7), carnelian, ruby ​​(6), diamond (5), rhodonite, sardonyx, chalcedony, all red stones



Agate (9), Carnelian (8), Rose Quartz (5), Turquoise, Coral (4), Haicinth, Jade, Onyx (2), all white and clear



Beryl (8), agate (6), tiger's eye, potaz, chrysoprase (5), rock crystal, sardonyx (4), amethyst, jade, rhodonite, chrysolite, citrine, charoite (2), all colored stones



Chalcedony (6), moonstone (5), selenite, pearl, chrysolite, chrysoprase (4), carnelian (3), aventurine, agate, amethyst, jade, onyx, chrysoberyl (2), all white opaque stones

a lion


Ruby, chrysolite, jasper (7), amber (6), beryl, topaz (4), sardonyx, zircon (3), rock crystal, garnet, obsidian, opal, citrine)2), all yellow and golden stones



Jasper (8), emerald, sapphire (6), jade, carnelian (5), rock crystal, chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine (4), diamond (3), agate, beryl, sardonyx (2)



Diamond, opal (7), beryl, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz (5), jade, jasper (4), emerald, moonstone, carnelian, topaz, citrine (3), chrysolite (2), all pink stones



Topaz (9), hematite (bloodstone) (6), aquamarine, garnet, carnelian (5), ruby, sapphire (4), coral, malachite, chrysoprase (3), agate, rauchtopaz (2)



Turquoise (6), hyacinth, emerald (5), amethyst, topaz, chalcedony (4), chrysolite, charoite (3), amazonite, garnet, lapis lazuli, onyx, radonite (2), all red and green stones

Horoscopes compiled by different astrological schools are somewhat contradictory, but in general they are no more contradictory than our life itself. Nevertheless, despite all the shortcomings of the horoscopes of stones, the mysterious symbolism of noble gemstones is full of charm for very a large number all countries and continents. You should not rush to completely abandon it, since its psychotherapeutic effect is well known and tested for centuries.

I would like to note that the most accurate selection of stones is carried out with the help of specialists who own the method of electroacupuncture diagnostics developed by R. Fol. This method allows you to determine the effect on a person of drugs and their bioenergetic radiation, medicinal plants and various minerals.

The stones are assigned the following meanings:

Amethyst - protects from drunkenness, restrains passions, "widow's stone."

Carbuncle - reconciles friends.

Chrysolite - drives away nightmares.

Coral - protects from lightning.

Pomegranate - gladdens the heart.

Topaz - pacifies anger, promotes friendship.

Sapphire - a symbol of fidelity, chastity and modesty, brings happiness in love, protects a woman from slander.

Opal - gives hope.

Chrysoprase - predetermines success, brings peace.

Cornelian - keeps marital happiness and fidelity, protects from witchcraft.

Emerald - brings happiness and joy.

Diamond - a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, brings happiness.

Agate - saves from the evil eye, poisons, gives longevity and health.

Turquoise - "stone of happiness", helps lovers, a symbol of unchanging and true love.

Pearl - "tears of anguish", protects from the torments of unrequited love.

Amber - protects from spells, the evil eye.

Olivine - Ensures the sympathy of others.

Nephritis - "stone of life".

Lapis lazuli - "healing stone".

Aquamarine - “stone of lovers”, protects marital happiness, promotes well-being in life.

Coral - Protects from the evil eye.

Ruby - reciprocity in feelings.

Onyx - "stone of leaders".

Malachite - strengthens spiritual forces.

Zircon - improves mental capacity, excites the desire for science.

Beryl - favors the constancy of feelings, a good companion of wanderers.

Chalcedony - helps to cope with spiritual weakness and despondency.

Sardonyx - protects from infidelity and lies.

Hyacinth - symbolizes good luck, strengthens strength.

Crystal - provides women with happiness in love, relieves bad dreams.

Stones and medicine

Gemstones are energy condensers. Nowadays, many scientists believe that stones are very important component to maintain health. Inseparable bond psyche and physiology, as well as the importance of trace elements for the normal functioning of the body, allow us to take a serious look at the relationship between a person and a stone in terms of health. With the help of precious stones, diseases that arise as a result of a violation of the harmony between the vibrations of living tissues and cosmic radiation are treated.

Diamond, sapphire, moonstone - skin diseases.

Pearl, emerald - inflammatory diseases, infections, jaundice, vomiting, enlarged liver.

Diamond, emerald, sapphire - kidney disease, urinary tract, diabetes, can have a hypnotic effect.

Pearls, sapphire, stones with eyes (cat's eye, tiger's eye) - female diseases, depression.

Emerald, ruby, eye stones - psoriasis, blood pressure.

Diamond, topaz, emerald, pearl, coral, moonstone, ruby, zircon, sapphire, cat's eye - various kinds chronic diseases. It also contributes to the effectiveness of medication.

Coral, moonstone, topaz - severe depression, jaundice, hormonal disorders.

Pearl, ruby - Asthma attacks.

Diamond, ruby, eye stones - schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, irritability, fatigue (wear at night for 3 months).

For centuries, stones have been used by man not only as decoration, but also in medicinal purposes. Amulets, talismans, amulets were made from them. Even in the Stone Age, men and women wore jewelry made of stones. They protected their owner from troubles and diseases.

In the tombs of those ancient times, stones are found that their owners did not part with even after leaving for another world. It was believed that between the stone and its owner there is a single magical inextricable link.

They were widely used in ceremonies, ritual initiations. The stone on the owner's chest said what power and strength his owner had.

Going to the store for another purchase, think about whether it might be worth buying a piece of jewelry with a stone that will amaze you not with its beauty, but will bring certain benefits.

They can energize, cleanse the aura, attract wealth, increase your intuition, intelligence, confidence, abundance, and even attract love.

The influence of stones on a person

In addition to the aesthetic pleasure of wearing, gemstones have many other interesting properties, including magical ones. In principle, perhaps magic became the main reason for wearing jewelry from them. It was believed that some of them could be interconnected with the spirit world and could gain their favor.

If you hold your "good luck" stone between a large and index finger and look at him long time Being in a relaxed state of meditation, new horizons of spiritual development can open up for you.

Magic, beauty, mystery, spirituality, energy - these are not all of their properties. In them lies healing power, which helps to solve health problems, give the owner hope for a better life.

It is believed that agate, a stone of farmers and gardeners, gives its owner longevity and health.

Amethyst is suitable for lovers, relieves stress, tension.

Lapis Lazuli helps people suffering from insomnia, skin diseases, fever, blood diseases.

Fluorite restores and strengthens bone tissue.

Tourmaline is a stone of confidence and firmness, helps to dispel fears and negative thoughts.

There are stones that help with kidney diseases, high pressure, diabetes. This list is endless.

The strength of a stone depends on its color. According to astrology, color attracts like and reflects other colors.

For example, emerald is the green energy of nature. It brings harmony with nature. In a sense, this property of them can be compared with water stored in vessels. different color can be used for medicinal purposes.

It is believed that the color and vibration of radiation can cure many diseases.

People whose body does not have enough infrared radiation are prone to blood diseases. It is very useful for such people to wear ruby ​​or red coral jewelry. When in contact with the human body, they emit red energy.

Stones can be used to make medicinal essential oils. To do this, they need to be put in oil. Place a vessel under something that has a pyramidal or triangular shape formed from crystals.

Then put 3-4 drops of this elixir under the tongue. It is necessary to take such a remedy in a calm, peaceful state. If you feel any discomfort, you should stop taking it immediately.

The effect of stones on human health

People who study stones and minerals, the chemical elements of the planet, energy, vibration and everything related to it, note their amazing properties. Radiation, color, surface features are all interconnected. Able to cure many diseases, even those that cannot be cured by drugs.

They restore the balance of the aura and the human body. For example, moonstone, its crystal structure attracts the rays of the moon, it is associated with water. This property helps with mental disorders, gastritis.

If a child suffers from lactose intolerance, this is exactly the stone that will help in such a situation.

Healing and magical properties

Abolon. This beautiful mother-of-pearl shell of a sea mollusk. It is believed to have great healing and calming energy, and encourage calm behavior. iridescent pastel colors rainbow, creates a sense of peace, beauty, compassion, love. Native American Indians consider this clam shell sacred. They bring gifts to heaven in it. Abolon is good to wear for those who need to establish or maintain a good calm relationship.

Agate. Is one of the oldest healing stones. As a stone of power, in ancient civilizations it was used on chest armor to give strength to warriors and bring them victory. It gives courage, emotional strength, self-confidence. It is often used in amulets.

Amethyst. Relieves stress, restores internal forces. This is a stone of businessmen, which can bring wealth to its owner.

Crystal of spiritual growth and protection. Gives its owner a clear mind, harmony with his feelings.

Amethyst repels negative energy. It attracts positive, which makes it an excellent protector of your home.

Aquamarine. Clears the mind, balances emotions, strengthens personal power. In ancient times, sailors took aquamarine with them on their voyages to protect them from the dangers that awaited them at sea. He also gave them courage.

Aquamarine connects with the heart chakra to help realize secret desires facilitating self-expression.

Aventurine. It is one of the leading stones for attracting good luck, abundance, success. Protects the heart. Can attract good luck in love. Aquamarine is the stone that can help turn your dreams into reality.

Azurite It is often called the heavenly stone. And not just because of its color. It helps to comprehend oneself, develop one's intuition and abilities. It calms, relieves tension, clears the mind, dissolves any negative energy. The ancient Mayan people used azurite for mystical and sacred communication with spirits.

Cornelian. Gives personal power physical energy. Wearing carnelian will strengthen the will, give confidence in achieving new plans and dreams.

Wear it when you go to your interview. It will bring confidence and good luck, awaken hidden talents.

The ancient Egyptians buried their relatives with him, as they believed that he would protect loved ones on their journey to the afterlife, remove fears about rebirth.

Chrysoprase. Activates and opens the heart chakra, filling the heart with a strong flow of energy to the heart, filling it with universal love. Chrysoprase is a stone of grace and compassion. It calls for self-acceptance, banishing feelings of superiority or inferiority.

Citrine. It is a stone of light and happiness. It does not carry any negative energy and therefore does not need to be cleansed. It gives its owner clarity of mind, helps to show their talents, everything that you want to bring into your life.

Citrine warms, cleanses, energizes, tones and strengthens the solar plexus.

Quartz. Quartz awakens and activates energy centers in body. Helps the owner to think clearly, focus on their dreams and desires, promote spiritual development.

Coral. It is believed that coral can help prevent misfortune, protect against skin diseases. Ancient civilizations believed that Mars was made up of red coral. It is often used for meditation or visualization as it symbolizes life and energy.

Pearl. Pearls are considered the arbiter of light, beauty and love. It also helps us become aware of the problems that are happening to us. This is the stone of innocence. Helps to see life through the eyes of compassion.

Pomegranate. Pomegranate is a stone of health and energy, passion and pleasure. Pomegranate is suitable for those who suffer from depression, as it brings joy and hope, helps to pacify anger. It also cleanses the chakras of negative energy, activating processes in the body.


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Stones and minerals are gifts of the earth that can protect and heal. That's why people in different times treated them with the utmost care and respect. Both ladies and men dreamed of having them, because they believed that jewelry, where precious stones are used, can endow its owner with unique abilities.

And now such an expensive (not only price) gift is able to cheer up, give confidence. Passing down from generation jewelry masterpieces, it is worth paying attention that the stones have high strength. But there are "craftsmen" who are able to wishful thinking: to sell low-quality jewelry or a fake.

You need to buy jewelry only in trusted jewelry boutiques. The purchase must be carefully examined from all sides, and only after you feel the stone energy - buy.

But not all gems are especially revered. But each of them certainly affects a person, and in order to choose your own, you need to know the "secrets of the stone."


Highly rare stone- "chameleon", changing from red-violet to dark green. This duality is tied to blood flows (arterial and venous).

It is believed that people who have problems with cardiovascular system, just need to wear alexandrite.

A variety of chrysoberyl strengthens blood vessels, cleanses the blood. Named after Alexander I, Ural chrysoberyl must be worn in pairs.

An excellent option would be earrings with this mineral, which, according to lithotherapists, will also protect against pancreatic diseases.

Alexandrite is a stone of the strong in spirit. The gem is best suited for Gemini, Pisces and Scorpios and will help them become more reasonable and calm.


Many people call turquoise set in gold an "amulet of health." And this is well-deserved, because this gem gives energy, strengthens eyesight, helps get rid of colds, strengthens the heart.

It is one of the few minerals that normalizes all processes in the body, especially resuscitates the vocal cords and the thyroid gland.

Turquoise is very often used for meditation.


« Best friends girls are diamonds ”- the words loved by many of the fair sex. Indeed, the mere mention of these sparkling and luxurious stones makes the female soul tremble.

It is diamonds that are symbols of good luck, love and engagement, and they have always emphasized high status its owner.

The diamond has a powerful energy. This transparent and faceted gem brings good luck, protecting from evil influences and the evil eye. It reflects the energy of ill-wishers.

But a diamond can “work at full strength” only when its owner is a person with a pure soul.

Since ancient times, we have been told that the stone has healing properties. Able to reduce the temperature, relieve insomnia. It helps to cure psychological and skin diseases, and also neutralizes the poison.

This "royal stone" has a powerful healing and magical power.


This gemstone is also called green tourmaline. It not only perfectly calms the body, but also betrays its strength, slows down aging.

This is a magical stone that can harmonize relationships with other people.


The "diamond-like" mineral is considered masculine, because it can cure impotence. But this is possible, according to experts, only if the gold-rimmed ring is worn on the middle finger of the right hand. The demantoid will also help to overcome male infertility, but then a silver frame is needed.

He is also endowed magical properties: helps to concentrate, be punctual and economical, not scattered over trifles, overcome laziness.

This stone is especially suitable for men born under the signs of Libra, Aquarius or Gemini. A very rare and most valuable green adraite.


“The symbol of longevity”, “the gift of well-being”, “fertile power” - as soon as they do not call the mineral of organic origin, called pearls. And therein lies his secret.

Pearl products help fight cataracts, restore digestive system to normalize blood pressure.

Pearls have a hemostatic effect.

Pearl items will be useful for signs of such elements as Earth and Water.


If you want to protect your dear person from various passions and charms, give him the most expensive gem - an emerald. This is a powerful talisman that can attract wealth. And emeralds strengthen memory, help to recover from diseases. Bladder, psoriasis.

A variety of deep green beryl is also able to restore visual acuity, treats diabetes, heart muscle pain, and helps with insomnia.


Lilac-purple stones are not very expensive gems. Any jewelry made from this mineral contributes to the stabilization of the cardiovascular system. He will be very useful to people suffering from tachycardia, as well as diseases of the central nervous system. If there are, often infectious diseases and reduced immunity - then your collection jewelry must be replenished with kunzite.

Those to whom the stone suits will be born in the elements of the Earth.

Lapis lazuli

The blue-lilac color of the stone is truly feminine.

  • It will help ladies overcome migraines by stabilizing pressure.
  • Protects future mother during pregnancy from a miscarriage.
  • It also perfectly normalizes blood formation and helps to fight various pain symptoms.
  • It is simply necessary for those suffering from allergies, as well as patients with dermatological diseases.

But he is not friendly with natural blondes, so it is better for blond ladies to refuse lapis lazuli.


The red mineral has long been the "king of gems." After all, it is able to increase vitality, give fun and protect the body from aging. Another ruby ​​treats melancholy and depression, helps to get rid of frigidity and impotence. poor appetite, as well as cancerous ulcers can be healed with this gem.

Since ancient times, mankind has tried to unravel the mystery and understand whether there is impact of precious stones on human life, his fate and health. After all, precious jewelry is not only jewelry and a sign of prosperity, but also conductors, for example, of the energy of the planets. What does it mean? It means that properly selected stones can give a person excellent health, give him strength and power.

Recall at least the notorious Monomakh's hat. The precious stones on it were selected with great care and skill. And only they gave protection to Prince Vladimir, protecting him from enemies and conspiracies. To another, she could only give adversity and problems. Not without reason, after the death of the prince, no one managed to put on this hat.

Magical and healing properties of stones

Take the traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. According to her statements, blue sapphire gives its owner self-confidence and peace of mind. BUT pearl, which is a symbol of motherhood and purity, gives a woman softness, femininity (of course, this is not a stone, but a precious mineral).

Many believe in the ability of stones to reduce stress through self-hypnosis. And wearing stones on the fingers of both hands can change the fate of a person in better side. If you believe that stones can heal you, then it will happen. There is a kind of exchange of information: hoping for the power of the stone, a person in return receives what he needs. This is the law of Vedic astrology. According to her, our skin, or rather, its pores, is able to receive both positive and negative energy from the outside. Once in the blood, this energy directly affects chemical composition blood. And through the blood given energy has an effect on other body systems.

Influencing a person physically, stones give him health, good appetite and beauty.
On the energy level they give him pep, marital life, business acumen, and creativity.
At the mental level, stones endow a person with intelligence, determination, nobility and the absence of bad habits.

There is another "golden" rule. Stones in a gold frame, copper or iron, are worn on right hand. In silver - on the left.
In this case, the stone must touch the body. So it is easier to feel its energy and character, and it will be easier to feel “your” stone or not.
Using stones as talismans, a person has long learned how to correctly wear them. So the talisman, located close to the heart, has a powerful therapeutic effect on a person.

Gemstones and Planetary Influence

Based on the influence of the planets on the fate of a person, the stones can be divided into nine main groups. Among them stand out rubies representing the power of the sun, emerald endowed with the power of Mercury and diamonds whose patroness is Venus herself.

Gems in astrology

So, the impact of precious stones on a person's life is a historically and partly scientifically substantiated fact, but it is necessary to add a few words about when, on what day and what sign one should buy certain jewelry.

For example, Taurus will suit diamonds and it is desirable to buy them on Tuesday. Then Venus will give you all her positive qualities.
Gemini needs emeralds, which are bought only on Wednesday.
Lions need rubies bought on Sunday. Then the sun will shine on them life path for many years.

Which gem to choose?

If you want to prolong life and fill the body with energy, then buy jewelry with is your constant companion.

Finally, I would like to add that when choosing precious jewelry of course, it is worth listening to the advice of astrologers, scientists and psychologists. But choosing a talisman, you need to trust your inner voice. And the main thing here is sympathy for the chosen stone, your own perception and feelings.

Minerals are probably the most ancient of all that exist on Earth. Even the nondescript cobblestone that lies on the side of the road, like the shining gem in the museum’s showcase, jewelry store, can store the memory of the era of dinosaurs and transmit this information to the modern world.

Stone is not dead nature at all. It contains beauty and harmony, which are accessible to human contemplation and understanding. He played a colossal role in the history of culture, became one of the material foundations for the development of human civilization.

Precious and semiprecious stones have long been used as talismans, the purpose of which is to protect the owner from adversity and bring good luck. In addition, the crystal can heal the soul and protect against the evil eye. Proven positive influence stones for health constant contact with the human body. A gem worn on the chest has a powerful therapeutic effect. Even in ancient times, doctors recommended drinking water in the morning, in which minerals were immersed at night.

Stones help with psychological problems. For example, in the old days they believed that it gives the owner self-confidence and reduces the feeling of fear, and prolongs life, filling the body with energy. was considered a stone that awakens a sense of beauty and promotes the development creativity. Lithotherapy was practiced by such healers as Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Avicenna, which certainly confirms the beneficial effect of stones on health.

When choosing jewelry, talismans and amulets, you can safely trust your intuition: the stone that you immediately liked will surely turn out to be a useful acquisition. If it already had an owner, it is advisable to erase information about the past from the stone. To do this, the crystal is immersed in water, and then placed in freezer for several days. There is another way to “cleanse” the gem - take the stone in your hand and hold it for a while under running water.

It has long been believed that all talisman stones require respectful attitude, they cannot be thrown and crushed, otherwise trouble may come.

    “When choosing jewelry from stones, talismans and amulets, you can safely trust your intuition: the stone that you like will come in handy,” I completely agree. To some stones it pulls like a magnet.

    Stones are always fascinating. They probably have something in them.

    stones certainly affect fate

    How to find out if the stone you like carries negative information?

    Stones, of course, can affect health if they fall on the head. Accordingly, and on fate.

    Listen, a stone is an inanimate object! How can he influence the fate of a person! His fate depends on the personality itself, and most of all on the Lord! And here are the stones!? Here is the fact that stones are beautiful, original - yes! Thanks for the article, the main thing is not to be in such a delusion! Reason is given to man to think!

    Lithotherapy and magic stones used by the priests of Egypt for their rituals!

    Peace to you. Excuse me, about "dinosaurs" you said, information about dinosaurs is very common today, supposedly someone found large bones, fossils, and lined them up, something similar can be seen like a dinosaur. Why a dinosaur? Did the seekers ask about the condition of the people at that time. Darwin's theory, science has shown him wrong. Man has now existed. It is known that people change - not evolution, but adaptation to the environment. — It is known — that people were taller than they are now, their height is 60 cubits = 30 meters. Minerals are wonderful, stones are beautiful. Time passes, and gradually, imagine, humanity began to forget about its Creator-Lord, who can help His creation in everything, absolutely in everything that he, a person, can only wish for. Forgetting about Him, then the person took all sorts of things for himself: talismans, feng shui, some symbols of happiness, all sorts of signs (the poor black cat is offended, the knife will go away, it will come ...). You - reasonable person, and what are they? And finally, the Almighty Lord is One, One, He did not give birth, and was not born, and there is no one like Him, He owns power over heaven and earth, He constantly sees us, knows about us, reminds us of Himself, gives us the opportunity to live ... Thank you. Life Values.

    An interesting and controversial topic. I am now preparing my store selling products from natural stones. And indeed, the power is hidden in the stones. Sometimes you really want to touch them, touch them, and sometimes you want to avoid them. IOnly to mother-of-pearl and pearls even friendly attitude

    Since childhood, I love different stones. Grandma will read the conspiracy, hang it on your chest and wear it until you lose it.
    Now I wear topaz.

    I have long heard from my grandmother about the benefits of stones for a person. I consider the topic interesting.

    In the Crimea, there used to be sanatoriums (I don’t know how they are now), where people were treated with carnelian plates. They say that someone else's ring or other jewelry with stones should not be worn by you. It is necessary to remove all information from it by placing it in a glass of water with salt for several hours. And only then put on