Excursion to the medical office in the younger group. Plan-summary of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: "Excursion to the medical office." For children of senior and preparatory groups

Tasks: to introduce the professions of a doctor, a nurse; explain how their work differs and what unites them; show how the doctor and nurse take care of children; expand the play experience of children; educate respect for the work of adults.

Equipment: teddy bear, bunny.

caregiver. Children, let's see who we don't have in the group today?

The children answer.

And what happened to Masha, Olya and Seryozha? They must have gotten sick? Let's remember how we treated our dolls?

The children answer.

That's right, we gave them injections, gave them "pills", "drank" hot tea. Do you want to see who in the kindergarten takes care of the health of children so that they do not get sick? Come on, they're waiting for us in the medical room. You can take a bear and a bunny with you to be treated.

Children enter the medical office, greet the doctor and nurse.

Doctor. Children, what happened, why did you come here?

The children answer.

Are your toys sick? Let me fly them. First I will listen to how they breathe. Ira, bring your bear here, put it on the couch. (“Listens” with a tube as the bear breathes.) And now I will measure his temperature, the nurse will help me. The nurse is my assistant. Anna Petrovna, put a thermometer on the bear, please. Yes, he has a high fever and cough, he needs to be prescribed pills. What happened to the bunny?

The children answer.

Does he cough? And why?

The children answer.

Wet your feet?

The doctor conducts a dialogue with the children, encourages them to ask questions, to answer the questions posed. The nurse "puts" mustard plasters on the bunny, makes an injection.

Children, which one of you is coughing? Who has a sore throat?

The children answer.

Is everyone healthy? Well done! Now I will treat you all with vitamins so that you do not get sick!

The children say thanks and leave.

After an illness, he will meet And affectionately greet. He will measure everyone's height and weight, And he knows how he sleeps and eats. And if a child suddenly has a headache, He will immediately rush to help. Who is this? … (Nurse) NURSE A nurse is a doctor's assistant who cares for sick people and helps them heal. A nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and perform other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs and measures their height, and administers vaccinations. She prepares a menu for every day so that the chef prepares tasty and healthy food. The nurse's office has the necessary equipment: height meter, scales, syringes, various medicines, vitamins. The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant. Sergey Mikhalkov Vaccination - Vaccination! First grade! - Did you hear? It's us!.. I'm not afraid of vaccinations: If necessary, I'll prick! Well, think, an injection! They pricked and - went ... It's only a coward who is afraid To go to the doctor for an injection. Personally, when I see a syringe, I smile and joke. I am one of the first to enter the medical office. I have nerves of steel Or no nerves at all! If only someone would know That football tickets I would gladly exchange For an additional injection! .. - For an inoculation! First grade! - Did you hear? It's us! .. Why did I stand against the wall? My knees are shaking... Sergey Mikhalkov Nurse I am a nurse Healthy and sick people need: Here's an injection, a pill - A medicinal candy. I treat children with a doctor In a white office, To boldly go to the doctor Little children! And in kindergarten we will measure your height and weight. I will vaccinate all children And make them healthy! Yulia Latushko's story There is a nurse in our kindergarten, her name is Natalya Borisovna. She gives injections to children, measures the temperature, bandages wounds, sticks plasters, smears bruises with ointment. The medical office has a bed for sick children; cabinet with pills, syringes and bandages. The medical office is needed in order to help sick children. The story of Nastya Vertinskaya I go to kindergarten. My name is Nastya. Honey works in our garden. sister, her name is Natalya Borisovna. She has a very scary office, because there are injections. And she herself is kind, beautiful. She comes to our group and examines the children. Sometimes in an office to honey. other doctors come to my sister and look at our eyes, ears, nose. Egor Khazov's story The patient fell ill! Who will heal him? Today we went to the medical office. I saw a lot of interesting things in the office. The vials contained white and yellow medicines. green, bronze. I saw syringes and throat sticks. There is also a scale and a device for measuring height. Honey. my sister showed us everything and told us why we need medicines. Sonya Eremina's story A nurse is a doctor's assistant. She always wears a white coat. She is kind and will always come to the rescue if someone in the garden gets sick. She comes to our group and examines us. She has her own office, which stores medicines, thermometers, and more. Olya Antropova's story We have a medical office in our garden where honey works. Sister. Her name is Natalya Borisovna. We were taken there on a tour. Natalya Borisovna showed us a jar that contains clean bandages and cotton wool for vaccinations. There is also a refrigerator where ice is stored. Many shelves with medicines, a couch for examining patients.





conducting educational activities in the middle group No. 1

Developed and conducted

Nikulina T.V.

Mytishchi 2013

Target: continue to acquaint children with the profession of a nurse; develop

Observation, attention, thinking, coherent speech, enrich vocabulary

stock; to educate in children the need to be healthy, respect and interest in

Someone else's work.

Preliminary work:

  • conversation about the rules of safe behavior in the medical office;
  • reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination";
  • holding a thematic "Health Day"

(as part of a single day of prevention "Health is your wealth);

  • organization of the role-playing game "Hospital";
  • conversation "At the doctor's appointment";
  • D / and "Who needs what for work."

Integration of educational areas:

  • Cognition
  • Safety
  • Communication
  • Socialization

Tour progress

Educator: Hello guys! How are you feeling? (Answers of children). let's

once again we will say hello loudly and wish each other good health. (Children are healthy

are torn). Good. Now try to guess my riddle:

Who sits at the patient's bedside?
And he tells everyone how to be treated.
Who is sick - he will offer to take drops.
Anyone who is healthy will be allowed to take a walk. (Doctor)

Well done! And who in kindergarten always monitors your health? (Nurse).
- To maintain your health, a nurse in a nursery has a lot of work. And to find out what it consists of, I invite you on a tour of the medical office. But first, let's remember the name of our nurse and the rules of conduct in her office (Children's answers).

In the medical block

Children come in, say hello, look around the office.

Guys, describe which office? (Spacious, cozy, beautiful, clean, interesting, consists of several rooms).

In this room, the nurse writes all the documents.

Ekaterina Alekseevna, tell me, please, what do you write on such a large sheet of paper? (This is the menu).
Nurse: Do you know what a menu is? (Answers of children). I write a menu for every day of the week. It is necessary for cooks so that children's food contains all the useful food components and vitamins. It is necessary to calculate everything correctly so that the cooks can prepare delicious food, but the main thing is that the dishes are healthy, appetizing, so that all children eat them with pleasure and grow up beautiful and healthy.
- Guys, what do you think, what foods do children need every day? (Milk, bread, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc.).

Educator: Well done! Let's remember our finger gymnastics about vegetables.

Finger gymnastics "Vegetables"

Guys, what do you think, why are there scales in the medical office? (To weigh children, compare how much they recovered).
- And what is the stadiometer in the office for? (To measure height, compare how much children have grown).

Ekaterina Alekseevna, please tell us, we have a lot of children in kindergarten, how do you remember the names of everyone, who lives where, what vaccinations have been given, and who has not yet been vaccinated? (Each child in our kindergarten has a card in which all the information is recorded).

Nurse: Guys, you have already managed to see and consider a lot, before getting acquainted with the situation in the next room, let's give your eyes a rest.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Bridge"

We close our eyes, that's what miracles are.

Close both eyes.

Our eyes rest, exercises are performed.

Keep standing with your eyes closed.

And now we will open them, we will build a bridge across the river.

Open your eyes, draw a bridge with your eyes.

Let's draw the letter o, it turns out easily.

Draw the letter o with the eyes.

Let's go up, look down

Eyes up, eyes down.

Turn right, turn left

The eyes look to the right and to the left.

After gymnastics, the nurse invites the children to the treatment room.

Educator: What medical items (instruments) do you see in this room? Name them (syringe, cotton wool, scales, medicine, pills, iodine, brilliant green, thermometer, etc.).

What do you think they do in this office? What is it called? (Vaccinations are given, medicines are given to children, wounds and abrasions are treated, etc. This is a treatment room).

Nurse: Guys, tell me, can children touch, play with medical instruments

cops, drink medicines on your own? Why? (You can't. It's very dangerous. You can-

but get hurt, pricked, poisoned, etc.).

Correctly. And now let's look at the insulator (Children are looking at the room).

Why is this office needed? (Here, those children who are sick are waiting for their parents).

Excursion to the medical office.

Prepared by the teacher:

Lozina Olga Olegovna

GOAL: Continue to acquaint with professions, acquaint with the content of the work of a nurse.

Tasks : Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Develop the ability to answer questions, name objects and their purpose, introduce new words (scales, stadiometer). Teach health practices.

Equipment: teddy bear toy, medical office equipment, plot pictures, V. Suteev's book "The Behemoth Who Was Afraid of Vaccinations".


First part (introductory)

Guys, look how sad Mishutka we have today. What happened? Let's take an interest. (The teacher takes the teddy bear). Yes, his paw hurt. What to do? Maybe someone knows? (listens to the suggestions of the children: wet, put to sleep, feed ...)

The group includes a nurse.

Hello children. (children greet).

Educator: Evgenia Igorevna, our Mishutka is sick, his paw hurts, but we don’t know how to help him. Can you help us?

MS: of course. Let's go to the medical office, everything you need is there.

Main part. Excursion.

.: Look how spacious, clean, comfortable and interesting the office is. Our nurse works here.

MS: Guys, come into this office. It's called procedural. There is a couch here, where I examine the children who are sick. Rita, sit down on the couch and hold Mishutka so that he is not afraid, and I will fly him. What's up with your paw? (examines and applies a bandage). Here they are cured!

Bear: I'm already a little better ...

. S.: Guys, there are many other things in my office. Why do you think the scales are in the medical office! (weigh children to measure body weight).

MS: That's right, in order to weigh you, compare how much you have grown. Go Nikita, take off your shoes, stand on the scales. (We weigh 2-3 children).

V .: Look, children, and this is a height meter. It is needed in order to measure height, to compare how much you have grown in length. (we measure 2-3 children)

V .: But Angelina was capricious today and had a bad breakfast, please look at her.

MS: Let's see. I'll take a phonendoscope and listen (listens to the child) Everything is all right.

Educator: Children, this tube is called a phonendoscope. This is a very difficult word. Let's take Angelina's temperature. To do this, take a thermometer and put it under your arm. The temperature is normal. The girl is healthy.

Children, but in this office they vaccinate so that the children do not get sick. And this room is called an isolation room, children who fall ill in kindergarten are placed there, they are waiting for their parents so as not to infect other children in the group.

Q: Thank you for an interesting tour. We will not get sick, we will eat vitamins, temper ourselves, play sports. Thanks for the mouse.

Final part.

Children, what do you think is the right profession, a nurse, what is it for?

role-playing game "Polyclinic".



GOAL: Continue to introduce professions, introduce the content of the work of a nurse, help draw a conclusion about the benefits of a nurse's work for children, learn to answer questions, name objects and their purpose, introduce new words (phonendoscope, stadiometer). Cultivate a respectful attitude towards adult labor.

1 Organizing moment

The group includes a nurse.

Honey: Hello children. How big you are, how you have grown. Come with me and I will measure and weigh you. Educator: Thank you Galina Viktorovna! We have already been in the medical room and wanted to come to you for a tour today. Honey: Okay, I'll be waiting for you! Educator: Guys, let's take a bunny with us. He complained that his finger hurt!

2 Main part. Excursion. (children look around the room)

Educator: Look, what a spacious, clean, comfortable and interesting office. Our nurse Galina Viktorovna works here.

Med: Guys, what do you think, why are there scales in the medical office! (to weigh children, to measure body weight) Honey: That's right, in order to weigh you, to compare how much you have grown.

Go Sasha, take off your shoes, stand on the scales. (We weigh 2-3 children).

Educator: Look, children, and this is a height meter. It is needed in order to measure height, compare how much you have grown in length. (we measure 2-3 children)

Educator: Galina Viktorovna, but Seryozha was crying today, please watch it.

Honey: Now we'll see. I'll take a phonendoscope and listen (listens to the boy) Everything is all right.

Educator: Children, this tube is called a phonendoscope. This is a very difficult word. Let's measure Serezha's temperature. To do this, take a thermometer and put it under your arm. The temperature is normal. Serezha is healthy.

Educator: Children, and in this room, Galina Viktorovna is vaccinated so that we do not get sick. And this room is called an isolation room, children who fall ill in kindergarten are placed there, they are waiting for their parents so as not to infect other children in the group.

Here the children have a device for warming the nose and throat.

And here we drink a tasty and healthy cocktail.

3 Game "Bunny got sick"

Educator: Galina Viktorovna, but our bunny’s finger hurts, please look

Honey: Come here bunny - coward, I'll look at the finger. It's okay, now we will anoint the wound with iodine and bandage it with a bandage. Go Anya, take a piece of cotton wool, anoint the bunny's wound with it. Well done! But Matvey will help me bandage the bunny's finger. Well done!

Educator: Thank you Galina Viktorovna for an interesting excursion. We will not get sick, we will eat vitamins, temper ourselves, play sports.