Female and male human genital anatomy. Additional information about the structure of the genitals of men and women

additional information about the structure of the genitals of men and women.

Additional information about the structure of the genital organs of men and women.

"There were all sorts of them,
All sizes, all colors. "
(A.S. Pushkin about vulvas).

In living nature, everything is individual, and in everything the globe for example, there are not even two identical leaves. The male genitals are different (length and thickness of the penis), buteven more varied are the genitals of women. In addition to the topographic position of the slit (queen, sipovka, okay), the genitals of women also differ in the size of the vagina (length, width), the position of the clitoris, relative to the vagina (high, low), the size of the clitoris (large, small), the size and design of the labia , especially small ones, by the degree of moisturizing of the vagina with juice during sexual arousal (dry and excessively wetted vagina), as well as by the plane in which the woman's genital tube is compressed.

If menstruation occurs during menstruation but mucosal lesions do not occur, the ovaries are likely producing too little estrogen, or the cycle is anovulatory. The ovulation cycle does not occur in the anovulation cycle or in the production of the corpus luteum.

Exfoliative vaginal epithelium and cervical secretions form an offensive substance that moisturizes the vaginal wall. About 5% of this substance is lactic acid produced by bacteria. Bacteria are unicellular organisms that sometimes form systems of several loosely bound cells. They are enrolled in the kingdom of Moner. Increased secretion and white discharge are a sign pathological changes... The vagina is supplied with blood through the vaginal artery, which is a descending branch uterine artery or a straight branch of the internal iliac artery that reaches the lateral edge of the vagina.

Classification genital organs of women according to L. Ya. Jacobson:

  • Virgin - untouched by men the sexual organ of a girl (in Polish "Pervachka").
  • Wildlife is a genital organ with an extensible hymen, which is preserved until delivery.
  • Chilean is a girl's sexual organ without a hymen. Found in India, Brazil, Chile. This is explained by the fact that mothers in these countries wash little girls so vigorously that the hymen is completely destroyed in early childhood.
  • Eva is a vulva with a large clitoris (6-8 cm or more), women with a large clitoris are less intelligent, but more sensitive.
  • Milka is a vulva with a clitoris located close to the entrance to the vagina (low) and rubbing during intercourse directly with the man's penis. Women with Milka are easily satisfied; during intercourse, they almost do not require affection.
  • Pava is a vulva with a high clitoris. During intercourse, such a vulva is extremely in need of caresses, since her clitoris does not rub directly against the man's penis (but rubs against other parts of the man's body, which greatly reduces feelings).
  • Zamazulya is a vulva with abundant secretion of juice during sexual arousal of a woman. It causes unpleasant sensations in the sexual partner and often leads a man to refuse copulation.
  • Drupe - underdeveloped flat external organ women with infantile labia. It is found, as a rule, in thin women with a narrow pelvis, almost all Drupes are Sipovka, that is, they have low location genitals. The drupe is one of the most unattractive genitals for men.
  • A monkey is a woman's sexual organ with an abnormally long clitoris, more than 3 cm. It is named so because in some monkeys the clitoris reaches a length of 7 cm and is often longer than the male's penis.
  • The Gottendot apron is a woman's sexual organ with overdeveloped labia, covering the opening of the vagina and hanging outside the labia majora. This organ pathology can develop as a result of excessive female masturbation on the labia.
  • The princess is the most beautiful female genital organ with a well-developed clitoris, labia minora in the form of a pink flower bud above the entrance to the vagina. The princess is the most beloved by men, the most attractive and convenient for intercourse in any position, the sexual organ of a woman. With good hormonal secretion, a woman who has a princess is able to receive herself and give a man unspeakable pleasure. In addition, the small size of the genital tube, which also attracts men. The princess is found only in short (but women of average height, inclusive) women with full hips, developed breasts and a wide pelvis.
Half-duchess, half-knots, half-women, etc., the organs occupy an intermediate position.

This classification of the appearance of the vulva.

Some authors also mention transverse vulvas, vulvas of the "Mongolian type".
But no less important on
the course of sexual intercourse is exerted by the size of the genital organs of women and men. Even the most naive people understand that the size of all female vaginas or male genitals may not be the same.

Sometimes on back wall anastomosis of an odd artery forms in the vagina. The veins are connected to form a powerful vaginal weave. This strand forms a connection with the rectal and vesicular tissues and veins, leaving external genitals... These dishes are inserted into the internal iliac vein.

Biology dictionary, collected from the upper part of the vagina, moves along the internal iliac artery and pours out into the internal iliac ligaments, and lymph collected from the lower part of the vagina pours out into the inguinal and rectal nodes. The vagina is not destroyed by somatic and vegetative fibers that come out of the lower abdominal plexus. At the height of the outer membrane, a vaginal weave is formed, consisting of thin nerve coils. From it come the fibers that cover the muscle and mucous membranes.

These dimensions are described by the following classification (Jacobson):

  • Manilka - vagina up to 7 cm long (attracts men)
  • Swan 8-9 cm
  • Guinea fowl 10 cm
  • Durilka 11-12 cm
  • Manda 13 cm or more.

  • Hop - a 2.5 cm wide vagina (gives hops to men)
  • Enchantress 3 cm (charms men)
  • Sweetheart 3.5 cm (sweetened during the act)
  • Lyubava 4 cm
  • Heterosexual - 5 cm or more (this is how prostitutes were called in antiquity).

Male organs differ as follows:

Inside the mucous membrane, the fibers form another weave. They come from two types of fibers: one ends in flasks in a plate, and the other forms the end of the mucous epithelium. There is a point near the vaginal opening, which is the place hypersensitivity... He is nervously nervous with a nerve, a parallel movement of nerve fibers woven into the connective tissue of a limb. Nerves contain nerve fibers that represent the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.

The female genitals are commonly referred to as the vulva. Vaginal anesthesia and the urethral mouth surround the labia. They are delicate and cover the mucous membrane. The labia minora are surrounded by the labia majora. In the place where the lips of the small lips meet, there is a clitoris. The clitoris is a homologous organ of the male penis and is somewhat similar in structure. The clitoris is the center of sexual arousal as it touches many nerve endings. The cavernous clitoral bodies are uniformly formed.

  • Laskun - a member 10 cm long when excited
  • Swan 11-12 cm
  • Balun 13 -13.5 cm
  • Sultan 14-16 cm
  • Food 17 cm and more.

  • Kid - 2cm thick when excited
  • Prince 2.5-3.0 cm
  • King 3.5-4.0 cm
  • Golovan 4.5 cm
  • Elephant 5 cm or more.

Sexologists use the following terminology:

Their origin is the legs of the clitoris, which attach to the lower branches of the pubic bone. In the segment where the legs are medial, then upward they cover the sciatic muscle of the cavernous muscle. A little below is a combination of both legs. The clitoral nucleus is divided into ascending and descending parts. At the end of the clitoral stalk is the apex. Vertices and thin skin covering the skin are a genus of the clitoris. The body of the clitoris connects to the ligaments of the clitoris.

In this part, there is an incomplete separation between the corpora cavernosa. There is a whitish membrane around each corpus cavernosum. The inner part of the corpora cavernosa is divided into pits, between which the bars are composed of smooth muscle and connective tissue. As a result of sexual stimulation, the corpus cavernosum is filled with blood and straight. Blood to the clitoral nourishes the deep and superficial clitoris. These are branches of the internal gastrointestinal artery that emerges from the internal iliac artery. Blood from the clitoris is collected deep vein clitoris and dorsal vein of the clitoris.

  • Vanka-vstanka is an easily aroused penis of a man. Rises at the slightest thought of sexual intercourse or at a woman's touch.
  • The groom is a man's sexual organ throughout his sexual life who has had a relationship with only one woman (the member, as it were, remains the groom of the female vulva for the rest of his life).
  • Cornflower is the penis of a young man who did not know sex.
  • The lucky one is the genital organ, the head of which is closed foreskin(since he is, as it were, in a shirt).
  • Amanita is a member that is not capable of an erection due to age.
  • Bacchante is a female organ with easily excitable erogenous zones, always having a desire for affection. Such an organ is popularly called "hot vulva" (in Georgian tskheli muteli).
  • Forget-me-not is a female organ that does not give birth.
  • The bride is a monogamous vulva, that is, a female organ that knew the affection of only one man.
  • Chamomile is the girl's sexual organ before the onset of the first menstruation and hair growth.
  • Madonna is the vulva who first experienced sexual intercourse.
  • The drinker is the sexual organ of a depraved woman.

As you can see, the names are pretty accurate. Of course, the above terminology did not cover the whole variety of distinctive features of the genital organs, especially the female ones, as they are incomparably more complex in structure.

The deep clitoral vein enters the internal vein, while the dorsal clitoral vein descends into the venous plexus Bladder... The lymph is collected using superficial sawdust. The clitoris is sensitively sensitized by the sensory nerve of the clitoris, which arises from the vulvar nerve. The vegetative fibers of the clitoris emerge from the plexus.

The clitoral clitoris is a sexual process. The clitoris is a homologous organ of the male penis. The atrium pads, which are part of the clitoris, are homologous to the body of the spongy penis. Development of female reproductive organs determined by the absence of male sex hormones.

The internal genital organs also vary greatly in women. Different inclination of the genital tube relative to the pelvis, different angle of the vagina with the cervix, different size and location of the uterus, the degree of its mobility - that's far from complete list internal diversity of female genital organs. Since copulation reflects not only such parameters of female organs as the width and length of the vagina, but also its slope, and the degree of moisture and, even to some extent, the acidity of the vagina, you will understand that there are no two identical vulvas in the world, that two billion women on earth - this is the same number of genitals, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The labia minora surround the vaginal vestibule and urethra. The secretion produced by the atrium glands strengthens the vaginal vestibular wall. The mammary glands are specific mammary glands that result from the transformation of the sweat glands. Their secretion is milk fed to young mammals. Histologically, they are classified as follicular adenomas. From the vesicles, milk ducts end, which are connected to form a tube, the mouth of which is located in the upper part of the nipples.

More A dictionary of literary symbols is secreted directly on the surface of the skin. Milk germs appear in embryonic development in both sexes, but males are exposed further development retrograde. Most of the mammary glands are located on the ventral side of the body. Breast glands symmetric in the number of one or more pairs. One pair of nipples is found not only in humans, but also in bats.

About the spread of a particular type of female genital organ. I will make a reservation in advance that the frequency with which this or that type of female vulva occurs is different in different nations... The names of vulvas given by me, depending on the length and width of the vagina, are valid for the peoples of Europe, including Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the USSR (Russians).

More Dictionary of literary nipple symbols. Among the cutaneous glands, the mammary glands are the largest. It consists of the body of the breast, surrounded by a fatty body and located at the top of the nipple cover, within which the nipple is located. In adult females, the mammary gland is located between the third and seventh ribs. Most of the gland lies on larger breasts, and a small part lies on the front belt. During pregnancy, the mammary glands enlarge under the influence of estrogen and progesterone.

West gave great importance measurements of male and female genital organs. In this direction, Indian sex contracts divide sexual organs into three classes, according to their size, and recommends that they match their loved ones as much as possible. harmoniously... Immoral-sexual unions are equal or unequal depending on the size of the genitals, and certain sex positions are explicitly indicated to counterbalance certain sexual imbalances.

They are found in Europe with the following probability: Eva - one in twenty vulvas, Milka - one in thirty vulvas, Pava - very common, Drupe - quite often found, in Europe each of 6 Drupes vulvas, and in some peoples even more often, Khmelevka - one for 70 vulvas, Manilka - one for 90 vulvas, Swan - one for 12 vulvas, Enchantress - one for 15 vulvas. As for the Princess - the most amusing female organ, looking at which even women experience aesthetic pleasure, not to mention men, they meet with a probability of one in 50 vulvas.

The Taoist text says: The form and rigidity that nature has endowed a man are only outward signs... More importantly, it is the ability with which he can enhance, through the improvement of sexual continence, the pleasure of a woman during the act of love. If a woman really holds a man and vice versa, and if both of them constantly practice abstinence, then the fact that his penis is longer or shorter, thin or thick, does not matter at all. The same text reads: Long and thick, which goes into a difficult erection, sometimes worse for a woman than small and thin, but which soon becomes hard and tough.

Sexologists, however, note that in some nations this or that type of female organ may prevail. So, for example, it is no secret that among Greek women, French women and Italians, narrow and short vaginas predominate (among them there is a high percentage of Khmelevok, Manilok, Lebedushek, Enchantress). In women of African nationalities, as well as black women and mulatto women of the American continent, long vaginas predominate. Drupes predominate among Georgians, Spanish and German women. It can be added that every nation necessarily has all the types of genitals described above. When a man marries, he chooses not only a life friend, but also a sexual partner with a certain type of vulva. Of course, the capabilities of the Turkish sultan were incomparably wider than those of a modern European man.

However, a firm and rigid body, which is pushed and fired violently, is worse than a soft and harmonious body, which is carefully, tenderly and tenderly touched. Sometimes Taoist literature includes some medical formulas for increasing or decreasing the size of both male and female genital organs. These texts show that when using aliquots, compresses, powders and potions prepared from certain herbs, wood shells, mushrooms and other organic or inorganic substances, desired effect can be received.

All of these formulas usually include sulfur or sulfur dissolved in solution hot water... If a couple of lovers are deeply harmonized, then their genitals will adapt to each other like a charm. It is seldom necessary to resort to artificial means to match their sizes. A very interesting foreplay is a great help in sexual harmony, and at the same time it is important to overcome the main differences that exist between the two lovers. Never forget to be considerate and affectionate to your lover or girlfriend.

The Sultan first made pre-warming selection. Women with underdeveloped genitals, as well as vulvas did not get into the harem large sizes... The best women from this country, as well as from among the captured foreigners, were concentrated in the harem. Women with an unattractive vulva, despite the fact that she even had exceptional facial beauty and charm, did not, as a rule, get into the harem. Best of the best, color sorority for the beauty of the physique and sensitivity fell into the harem. But the selection did not end there. The Sultan chose for himself one of the many women, sometimes outwardly not the most attractive, but apparently with an organ magnificent in beauty and structure, and made her his first, main wife. Of course, from time to time he was interested in other wives, but this was a rare occurrence. To many of his wives, he could never look, not touch for 3-5 years. Longer than this period, the sultan did not keep wives, they grew old, and in the state new female creatures were ripening for him, with which the harem was replenished. True, an exception is known. There was a woman so beautifully created by nature for love and affection that for 15 years alone turkish sultan enjoyed it by rejecting others. And only once finding a wrinkle on her face, the Sultan lost interest in her.

So the sultan could enjoy the possession of herself passionate woman in the matter of love, which had the most charming vulva. Even from such a body as the princess - the dreams of men, he made a choice of the very best. This choice was cruel and inhuman. It was only possible in "uncivilized times." Modern men have the right of permanent marriage with only one specific woman. This is why they must be extremely careful when choosing a sexual partner.

Why does humanity need a third sex?

"Who do you have?" - the first question that a young mother hears after childbirth. But how to answer it if the baby is a boy and a girl in one body? The concept of intersexuality, the so-called hermaphroditism, has always existed. V modern world was invariably considered a pathology to be treated. Several years ago, the "pathology of sexual development" went beyond the walls medical institutions and became the subject of new legislation.

At the end of last year, Germany became the first country in Europe to actually legalize the "third sex". A similar law is already in force in Australia. Meanwhile, the hermaphrodites themselves believe that this law is the result of the fashion for the recognition of pathologies as the norm that has swept the tolerant West.

Since November 1, 2013 in Germany, a dash can be placed in the gender column in birth certificates - on the recommendation of the Ethics Council of the Ministry of the Interior, the German government has amended the civil status law. Now in cases where a baby is born with physiological signs of both sexes, parents have the right not to write "M" or "F" in the birth certificate, but decide later or even wait for the moment when an intersex person - this is the name of a person with an undetermined gender - will be able to decide his fate himself.

But you can only be intersex in childhood. The majority in Germany comes at the age of 18, and at this age you still have to choose who you are - a man or a woman. In the identity document of an adult German, the traditional gender must be indicated. True, some intersex rights advocates are in favor of changing this norm as well. Supporters of the "third sex" argue that there is less harm from an empty column in documents than from a painful one. surgical intervention and taking hormonal drugs.

Indeed, before the adoption of the law, the parents of such babies tried to bring the sex of the child to an external correspondence with the generally accepted as soon as possible, says Angela Krauf, a doctor from Dusseldorf. - In addition, some intersex adults who managed not to get under the knife in childhood even declare that for them full-fledged sex life possible only with two, male and female, genital organs.

Opponents of the law remind that the innovation will cause many not only legal, but also everyday problems... It is not clear how to refer to such children - "he" or "she", what name to give - female or male. And across the country, public toilets will have to be modernized with the addition of an intersex booth. By the way, one such water closet has already been opened in the center of Berlin.

Nevertheless, in some countries it is already possible to live with the "third sex" all your life. Australia was the first to legislate the ability to be neither a woman nor a man. In 2011, the country's parliament adopted an amendment allowing to put the letter “X” in the passport instead of the female or male gender, intersex people have the status of so-called “others” there. Muslim states - Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan - indicate an indeterminate gender in the documents.

Pathology or third sex?

According to some representatives Russian science and medicine dealing with this problem, the law on intersexuality has the right to exist rather with psychological point view, the issue of a tolerant attitude towards people born with this pathology. Indeed, in most cases, when a child of "undetermined sex" is born, he still has a certain gender. The main thing is that doctors notice the disease in time, spend everything required analyzes to establish the true gender and began treatment. Moreover, the earlier such treatment begins, the more effective the result will be.

In scientific language, these pathologies are called a violation of sexual differentiation (NPD), explains endocrinologist Larisa Zhitinkina. - This means that the external genital organs of the newborn are half female, half male. To treat such a disorder, use hormonal drugs, with congenital defects of the genital organs, a surgical operation is performed. At the same time, neither their sensitivity nor functionality is impaired. The main problem with intersexuality is that a child's true genitals are sometimes not visible on external examination. That is, the child looks like a boy, but in reality he has a uterus and ovaries. In addition, intersex people who are not treated or operated on have very high risk development of oncological diseases.

According to Larisa Zhitinkina, all scandals and litigation in Europe around intersexuality are associated with the fact that doctors did not notice its pathology at the birth of a child. In large Russian cities where there is modern equipment in maternity hospitals, a child with a pathology of sexual development can hardly be missed. But as far as the province is concerned, some doctors there are often not aware of this problem at all.

As far as I know, European supporters of the law on intersexuality blame doctors for the fact that they en masse make girls out of such children, since it is easier to cut off an organ than to form it, ”says Larisa Zhitinkina. - But this is hard to believe, because a child with a similar pathology is subjected to a huge number of tests, with the help of which the true sex of the baby is established with 100% accuracy. So nature determines the gender of such people, doctors only correct her mistakes, that is, they remove excess organs and conduct hormonal therapy. In many cases, intersex people become quite normal people capable of having children. Trying to equate such people with the third sex is akin to equating them with the new gender. Siamese twins... The disease needs to be treated in time, and not to contribute to its development.


Intersexuality in humans refers to developmental pathologies that can be genetically determined or arise from various disorders intrauterine development... Distinguish between true and false intersexuality. With true intersexuality, both female and male sex chromosomes are simultaneously present in the body, that is, some of the cells have a male karyotype, and some have a female karyotype. As a result, the sex glands have signs of both male and female body, and the external genital organs are formed along mixed type... With false intersexuality in humans, the sex glands correspond to one sex, and the external genital organs can be formed according to the other sex or have a mixed development, which has both male and female features. According to statistics, every 2000th child in the world is born with a diagnosis of “false intersexuality”, while no more than 150 cases of true intersexuality have been recorded over the entire period.

Seven Sealed Mystery

Information about children born to intersex persons, as well as about patients with sexual deviations in Russia in general, is kept by doctors under seven seals. Perhaps this is also why hermaphrodites are perceived in society as outlandish people, not women, not men.

My daughter Anya was born with this diagnosis 15 years ago. We lived in a small provincial town, - says Tamara Maslova (surname has been changed. - Author). - I was shocked when I found out what problems my child has! She hid it from everyone, even from the closest relatives. At first I didn't even want to tell my husband, I didn't know what his reaction would be. Then she couldn’t stand it anyway, she admitted. He was shocked, but said that he loved his daughter no less from this ...

The Maslov family was lucky. Local doctors noticed the pathology immediately and sent the girl - then it was not yet known for sure that it was a girl - for examination in Moscow.

We were told the true genetic sex of the child after 2 weeks, but the treatment lasted a long time, and even now Anechka is taking special hormones, ”continues Tamara. - The operation to remove the extra genital organs was done to her only at 4 years old, as the doctors decided, so before that we kept the girl at home. Indeed, in kindergarten would quickly notice that Anya is not like everyone else, rumors would spread, then like a stigma for life. Thank God, now everything is over, my daughter is growing up as a full-fledged woman, according to the doctors, she will even be able to give birth to children in the future. The most important thing is that no one found out about our misfortune, otherwise they would have tortured us with gossip and excessive curiosity. I don’t know about America and Europe, but in our country, I think, people are not yet ready to perceive people with similar diseases adequately, as other patients.

Tamara does not understand why introduce some kind of "third gender":

How and with whom will these people, who recognize themselves as representatives of the "third sex", start to create families ?! Why push them on this strange path when you can simply cure the disease! V recent times in the West, there is some fashion for the recognition of anomalies as the norm ... And Anya also thinks so, she says: Mom, it's good that I was cured ...

Over the past few years in Russia, only a few times information about the birth of an intersex child has gone outside the hospital setting.

Not so long ago, a family of Muscovites was born unusual kid... During the whole pregnancy, the doctors "promised" the woman a boy. And when, after giving birth, the baby screamed, the doctors did not immediately show it to the mother. A little later, an alarmed woman found out that she had a baby with signs of both sexes. 5 days after giving birth, the young mother was discharged from the hospital, and the baby was transferred to another capital hospital in the pathology department. Fortunately, doctors quickly figured out the baby's true gender - the boy actually turned out to be a girl. Parents even managed to register their daughter at the registry office in the prescribed month term.

But the inhabitant of Rostov-on-Don had to endure a more difficult ordeal. During pregnancy, doctors could not determine the sex of the baby, and after giving birth, they told the dumbfounded mother that she had a boy with female organs inside. The woman was urged to give up the "abnormal" child. Fortunately, she didn't. At the age of two, a baby - and research has shown that this is not a boy at all! - had an operation to remove the penis and plastic surgery of the female genital organs, and now a full-fledged girl is growing up in the family.

The first thing we pay attention to is gender, we can forget the name of a person, what color his hair and eyes are, but not who it is - a man or a woman, - explains psychotherapist Nina Tyurina. - A child develops a gender identity by the age of three: girls 'dresses, boys' pants, dolls, cars, etc. Therefore, if a child was born with a diagnosis of "false hermaphroditism", it is necessary to determine as soon as possible the true gender of the baby and raise him accordingly. The operation to correct the genitals can be performed later, when the doctors deem it necessary, it is not so important. The law on intersex people, in my opinion, could be useful for true intersex people, who practically do not exist in the world. And boys and girls, whose gender is quite clear, such innovations can inflict an irreparable "mental blow". When parents put "gender" - "undefined" in the column, they thereby block the baby's sexual identification, he cannot understand who he really is. Of course, anything can happen in life, but if a child, genetically born as a boy, later wants to become a girl, it will be a different story - about transsexuals, not intersex people. And so there are a lot of feminists among women, so why do we also need a “third sex”!

The word "hermaphrodite" first occurs in Greek mythology - that was the name of the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. At the age of fifteen, Hermaphrodite fell in love with Salmakis, at the request of the lovers, the gods united them into one creature so that they would always be together.

Many ancient peoples had a custom to kill children of "unknown" sex immediately after birth. At the beginning of our era, the Romans stopped destroying hermaphrodites, but in the Middle Ages, the persecution resumed with particular cruelty. For example, in the 16th century, the French woman Antide Collas was considered by the Inquisition to be the devil's mistress. A half-man, half-woman was burned at the stake in the center of the city.

The need for legal protection of the rights of intersex people in Europe and the United States began to seriously think a few years ago. Obviously, one of the prerequisites for intersex law in Germany was judicial precedent. Shortly before the adoption of the law, a surgeon was convicted in the country, who 30 years ago removed the uterus and ovaries of 17-year-old Thomas, who was admitted with a diagnosis of appendicitis. Thomas was born with genital atrophy, without specific gender characteristics, doctors mistakenly identified the child's sex as "male", and his parents raised him as a boy. But by the age of 50, Thomas made the decision to change his gender and become a Christian. Having learned that after a couple of operations and hormone therapy she could have been a full-fledged woman, if at one time she had not come under the knife, the newly-made Christiana sued a surgeon for 100 thousand euros for "forced transformation into a man." The court ruled that, having discovered full-fledged female organs during the operation, the surgeon had no right to cut them out without the patient's consent. Indeed, in this way he violated the right of Christians to self-determination and harmed her health.


Anne Fausto-Sterling, a medical biologist and intersex researcher, proposed in the early 90s to replace the bisexual system with a five-sex system. In addition to men and women, she suggested distinguishing between hermes (people with testicles and ovaries), merms (intersex men) and farms (intersex women). The proposal caused a storm of indignation, although it was not completely serious. The woman scientist was simply trying to draw attention to the fact that our ideas about sex do not fully reflect existing reality.