I want to tell a guy that I like him. For brave girls. Ways to tell a guy that I like him

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings, dear ladies! I often hear from women and girls that it is much more difficult for them than for men in terms of romantic dating. After all, there is an opinion that it is somehow not customary for women to take the first step. In particular, the first to confess their feelings.

But I insist on saying goodbye to this counterproductive stereotype once and for all! Q: How do I tell a guy that I like him? concerns not only schoolgirls. He keeps many girls who have not yet begun a romantic relationship awake. So that's what we're going to talk about today.

To begin with, you will have to somehow get to know the subject of your sighs and start friendly communication. After all, you won’t go to confess your love to the first person you meet on the street?

Although such stories, of course, mankind knows. And some of them even ended in a wedding... But for now, we will still start from situations that will give real chances for success.

So, you have known each other for some time and communicate from time to time. Now what? Many girls are intimidated by the need to be direct about their feelings. Suddenly the guy refuses, or even laughs at them. Like, how can a girl's pride survive this.

I perfectly understand all these concerns, and therefore I recommend that if you are not sure of a positive outcome, you should act more elegantly. Purely feminine, so to speak.

Firstly, if it’s so hard for you to communicate with a young man you like on some topics face to face, then you can always transfer some of the conversations to the Internet. If you are still new to each other, then an excellent solution would be correspondence in social network or through the Internet messaging program on the phone (such as Viber, WhatsApp).

So you can get to know each other better and avoid many embarrassing moments. Plus, if something suddenly goes wrong, you can remove him from your contact list with the least moral loss and forget the situation like an unpleasant dream.

Secondly, it is also absolutely not necessary to speak in plain text about your sympathy. Use some indirect methods for this. Which? Read on!

How can I tell that I like him?

Here are a few simple options, which you should not be limited to in any case. If you come up with something else that can help you in your hard work in the romantic field - feel free to implement it!

Body language, gestures, facial expressions, voice

Our eyes can tell us a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. His manner of movement, facial expression, intonation and timbre of voice, gestures - all this together makes it clear what mood a person is in and how he treats us. So feel free to use this opportunity to tell him how you feel. For this:

  • When talking to him, try to make your voice and tone sound as attractive as possible. After all, you probably noticed that when you are dissatisfied at work, you have one timbre, and when talking with loved ones close to you, it’s completely different. Softer, calmer, more benevolent.
  • Smile more.
  • Look into his eyes more often. The look can be both playful and flirtatious, and serious, deep.
  • Make fleeting touches to him (well, kind of random) as gentle, light, affectionate as possible.
  • If you are standing or sitting next to him, then turn your body slightly in his direction. It also tells about sympathy, openness and desire to be closer to him.
  • Forget about legs crossed in his presence, arms are bright psychological stop signs that speak of a person’s closeness and discomfort.
  • You can periodically play coquettishly with a curl, beads, a bracelet on your watch. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will look like a neurotic.


Men love compliments just as much as women. And it will also work in your favor! With maximum sincerity in your voice and admiration in your eyes, emphasize his dignity, strengths, skills. And, of course, say that you really like all these pluses of it.

  • Thanks for helping me move the closet. You are so strong!
  • God, I've been solving this problem all week, and you did it in half an hour. Yes, you are just a megamind!
  • Cool you fought back the boss. I love strong men!
  • I have never had such delicious coffee before. I respect guys who can cook!
  • It's always so nice to talk to you. I'll talk to you, and already the mood rises.

Just remember that you need to give out courtesies in a dosed manner. You remember that it is pleasant for a man to "hunt" a little for the lady he is interested in. Girls who hang themselves around their necks are no longer so interesting to him.


The more often you turn to him for one reason or another, the faster he will realize that you are not indifferent to him. It is not necessary to start a two-hour conversation every time.

Just send him a cool track or a link to a video in a message. Ask about something simple (for example, if he heard such and such news and what he thinks about it). Just send an emoji without words.

A couple of times you can call him to a meeting under some pretext. For example, you may “accidentally” have a movie ticket lying around or need help getting potatoes from the garage to your parents. Read more about this method here.

You know, after such obvious hints and obvious clues, only a very narrow-minded guy will not guess about your sympathy. True, it may also happen that he is simply not ready to reciprocate you.

I hope the article will be useful for you. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments. I will definitely answer. All peace, goodness and mutual love! See you soon! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

The woman asks: "There is a man. Serious, strict, businesslike. On the one hand, I really like him, on the other, I respect him very much and am very shy in front of him. I want a relationship with him, but I don't know how to tell him."

Question from a woman last week- tenth or twentieth of similar content):

"I like a man. Serious, strict, businesslike. On the one hand, I really like him, on the other hand, I respect him very much and am very shy in front of him. I want a relationship with him, but I don't know how to tell him."

My answer:

Letting a man know that you like him is a very exciting thing, especially for modest girls. It is especially scary to hear in response “but you don’t tell me” or, even worse, ridicule, mockery.

However, in fact, the easiest and most effective way is to tell everything to a man as it is. I am a supporter of directness, honesty and openness in relationships and an opponent of uncertainty, fog, hints and wobbles. Therefore, I consider directness the best way. Of course, provided that the man is familiar with you and somehow knows you. Otherwise, in response, instead of a refusal, an even more embarrassing “Who are you?” may sound.

So, let's start with the situation if you are relatively well acquainted with him (and he is with you) and the question "Who are you?" doesn't sound right. It doesn't matter at all whether you know each other in real life or online. There is even more going on online now. successful dating than in real life, because people spend a lot of time on the Internet. And often relationships are established between people living in different cities.

The simpler and more direct you tell him about your interest in him, the clearer it will be:

1. His attitude towards you. Agree - great. Refuse directly - there will be no need to suffer from the unknown. Will start "neither yes nor no" - see point 2.

2. Who is in front of you. By his reaction you will understand a lot. He will mock, ironize - you're better off that you recognized the jerk even before the start of the relationship. He will hesitate, "neither yes nor no" - his seriousness and efficiency are very doubtful. In addition, it is possible that he is a manipulator, a friendzoner. His answer will show very clearly his character traits.

When a woman makes it clear that she cares about a man, she kills two birds with one stone.

A. Men react very badly to all sorts of vague hints and other symbols. Especially business men. It is useless to make eyes, wag your tail, make eyesore, make vague chats on the net, leave comments and likes with them. Most likely they will perceive this as an ordinary female coquetry, which means nothing. And they will let it pass by themselves, like an unnecessary extraneous irritant. And if you do the same, but a lot and often, then a man in general can find a woman obsessive and strange. Moreover, he may not notice it at all. And when you make it clear that you are interested in him, then these misunderstandings can be avoided.

B. When a woman unequivocally tells a man that she likes him, the man's room for moves and wobbles is sharply reduced. In fact, he must choose between yes and no. Even by the nature of the fluctuations, one can determine the mood of a man. For example, direct questions. He does not give a clear answer, because he does not know you well. Or because there's something about you that he doesn't like. Or he's just already in a relationship, just not telling you to keep you on the bench. Or he is just a mumbler who does not know what he wants and is not able to make a decision. So it will hesitate, doubt, rush between alternatives. That's how much useful information woman gives directness and honesty.

It is not necessary to say “I like you, I want a relationship with you” from the first word. If you are modest and shy, very afraid of rejection, then you can first probe his attitude towards you. Is it positive or negative? Or neutral, indefinite? How to proceed, I explained in the article "How to understand that a girl likes you."

However, there is no need to be afraid of rejection. Better a clear rejection than for weeks, months or even years to suffer in the unknown and suffer from unrequited love.

But the reverse option, the consent of the man, will quickly direct the matter in the direction you need.

If he does not know you very well, then it is better to attract his attention indirectly at first. The easiest, but far from the most effective way is communication on general topics. Why the simplest is understandable. It doesn't require any pressure, it's easy.

Why not the most productive? Because really business busy men who do not have fun on the Internet, but are busy with work. They might think you're a chronohead with your chatterboxes. A frivolous lady who just kills time for meaningless, empty chatter. Kills THEM time. That's why big risk be ignored or even hear a strict request from a man not to take his time for trifles. For example, this is what I do.

So I suggest another way. It is more difficult, but much more effective. This is helping a man in his affairs. Just offer him your help. Do you even know what he does? By the way, this is a great test of your feelings. A woman who is in love is drawn to help her man. So there are no real downsides. But there is an opportunity to get to know the affairs of a man and with himself, his character, values, worldview. This is a huge plus. Nothing brings people closer than a common cause. It is only important that this desire to help him be sincere. A false desire - when a woman is not interested in the affairs of a man, she just wants to quickly and probably tie him up - is quickly recognized.

Your sincere help to a man will serve you well in the development of your relationship. It is unlikely that any man will dismiss his like-minded person and faithful assistant. Remember: mistress normal man Finding the easiest thing, but the faithful companion is much more difficult.

How to respond to rejection? No way. An honest refusal without manipulatives and mockery is normal. The man may be in a relationship. He may like a different type of woman. Yes, you never know! It is better to cry at least once because of the rejection than to torment yourself with uncertainty for months and even years. And for pumping self-confidence and fighting spirit, read my article "How to respond to female refusals". It is written for men, but the essence is the same.

How to react if he doesn't say yes or no? There are three options here:

1. He is not familiar with you, your character, maybe he treats you with apprehension, distrust. It differs from the other two options in that the man is interested in you and tries to get to know you better. Initiates contacts: dates, Skype calls. Asks a lot of questions about you, your attitude to certain things, situations. Especially serious men sometimes it feels like an interrogation, but don't be scared. It's not out of spite or suspicion. Just like that, thoughtful men are trying to understand what kind of person is in front of him. Such behavior of a man is a sign of seriousness and purposefulness. This good sign. Why - you will understand in comparison with the other two points. He treats your activity positively, supports it in every possible way.

2. He is a weak-willed, insecure person who himself does not know “yes” or “no”. To be more specific, a weakling who doesn’t know how to make decisions is always rushing between alternatives, running away from choice and from solving problems in general. He does not have a clear opinion and a strong position on any issue. Including about you. This is evident in his passivity. He does not seek to know you better in order to decide "yes" or "no." At the same time, he will accept your steps with joy. Actually, so such a person and can be recognized - by the discrepancy between one's own passivity and positive relationship to your activity. However, your activity may one day cause resistance. For example, if it leads to the need for a clear choice. In particular, if you offer him to move in.

3. He is an ordinary manipulator, but he sees you as a contender for the friend zone or for the bench. This is evident from his frivolous attitude to your activity and unwillingness to get to know you better. He, in principle, does not care what your character is and what kind of person you are. For the friend zone, it doesn't matter.

If you let him know that you care about him, and he met it with irony, ridicule, mockery. Well, sometimes we get bastards. And you were lucky enough to run into one of them. It is very good that his nasty essence was revealed before you started serious relationship. Is it worth it to regret that fate divorced you with such a person?

Warning: think, remember, did you do something to him that could cause irony? For example, if you once said “no”, dynamite or left him, and now you decided to return to him or get him out of the friend zone, then only you yourself are to blame. Sad comebacks can really only make you laugh. Or maybe from the first words you started making ridiculous demands and conditions with the same result. You only have yourself to blame here.

Honesty, directness, openness make life very difficult for manipulators of either sex, who find it more difficult to maneuver. Ideal Conditions for manipulators - a fog of uncertainty. And directness and openness disperses this fog in no time. But they make it a lot easier healthy relationships. When you know that your feelings are mutual, moving towards each other is much easier and more enjoyable.

In a situation where a girl sees that a guy is not indifferent to her, but does nothing to invite her to take a walk or confess her feelings, she herself can show reciprocity and push the shy gentleman to action. You should only hint to the man that he is of interest.

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By deciding to be the first to tell a guy that she likes him, a girl should consider that she is depriving herself of a courtship period that includes romance, surprises, and touching confessions. But if the desire to be close to the man of your dreams is much more important than sentimental moments, you should open your feelings.

What you need to know about the chosen one?

First, you should watch the guy and make sure that the girl is also interesting to him. A man who is embarrassed to admit his sympathy will still betray his feelings, showing them with non-verbal signs, such as:

  1. 1. Gestures: movements become abrupt, the guy fusses and does not know where to put his hands.
  2. 2. Voice and intonation: a man in love at the sight of a woman begins to speak louder, trying to emphasize his achievements and opportunities in words.
  3. 3. Poses: if the girl is interesting, he turns his body in her direction, bending slightly.
  4. 4. Sight: he is gentle, affectionate and close. The man quickly looks away and is embarrassed if the girl notices his interest from a distance.

Having noticed these signs in the object of desire, you can not be afraid and be the first to show the guy that he likes using female tricks and tricks.

Before you open up, you need to find out some information about the guy so as not to offend him with inappropriate behavior or assumption. You should find out what he likes in women and what repels. If his preferences are very different from the character and appearance of the girl, she will have to radically change in order to fulfill her desire.

In addition, you need to find out where the guy likes to be, and show up to him more often.

How to show sympathy to a guy?

If the girl decided to hint to the man about love, you can proceed to action. They include the following methods:

  1. 1. Look well-groomed and charming. Well, if other men pay attention to the girl. But you should not flirt with them, you should focus on the object of sympathy.
  2. 2. Flirt. In this way, it is easy to show interest without crossing the line and not being imposed.
  3. 3. Shorten the distance. You can accidentally touch, reacting with touches to the guy's jokes. It is permissible to take him by the hand and lead him to an object or place that you want to show.
  4. 4. Demonstrate openness to communication. It is important to show that the girl enjoys the conversation.
  5. 5. Be positive. Cheerful girl more likely to interest a guy than upset or dissatisfied with everything that happens. You need to joke, but so as not to offend, and sincerely laugh at the humor of a young man.
  6. 6. To compliment. You can tell him that he is smart, brave, strong and knows how to act. It is recommended to ask the guy for advice and agree with his opinion.

If the young man is an old acquaintance, you can ask him for help by entrusting him with the business of which he is an expert and which he will surely cope with.

How to make a confession?

In order not to be imposed and not to seem too persistent, and in case of refusal to maintain dignity, you should simply offer to go somewhere together. The young man will understand that he is not indifferent. His attitude will be clear from the answer:

  1. 1. If the guy did not refuse, then, most likely, he likes the girl and he will be happy with her recognition.
  2. 2. The refusal received and a vague explanation of the reason why he cannot keep company with a woman should be understood as an unwillingness to get close.

At the meeting, you need to talk more about him, asking about hobbies, and listen carefully to everything he says. It is important to show interest in every possible way, but not to show adoration, while maintaining and emphasizing your dignity. He should get the impression that he was noticed by a girl with whom many will be glad to meet. But she singled him out and wants reciprocity.

To acknowledge or hint at feelings, you should use the following phrases and sentences:

  1. 1. "I've never met a guy like you."
  2. 2. "You are different from other men, and I like it."
  3. 3. "What would you say to the girl who first confessed her love to you?"
  4. 4. "It seems to me that I care about you."
  5. 5. "I look at you differently than other men."
  6. 6. "I like that you have collected the best male qualities in yourself."

Also, a girl can ask him questions in a joking manner, without confessing first. Phrase examples:

  1. 1. "Could you love someone like me?"
  2. 2. "If I ask you out on a date, will you agree?"
  3. 3. "I bet you would fall in love with me?"

If you translate everything into a joke, there will be no awkward moments and bad dates. At the first meeting in private, you can understand how the guy feels and whether there is hope for a relationship.

What should shy girls do?

Modest and insecure persons should show their interest by correspondence. If acquaintance with a guy lasts for many years and love only grows every year, you need to talk about your feelings and find out whether it is worth hoping for reciprocity or you will have to go through this pain and move on.

  1. 1. "What do you do on the weekends?"
  2. 2. "Why are there no photos of the same girl on your page?"
  3. 3. "Does "annoying girlfriend" tire you?"

If he answers that communication with her is a pleasure and he is free, you should proceed to frank confession. It is always easier to write than to explain face to face. and SMS or email make the task much easier.

The important point is that no one is distracting the guy behind the monitor, and he is able to calmly consider a confession of feelings or an invitation to meet alone. And a slight hint of sympathy will not put you in an awkward position when you need to "save face" or not burst into tears.

It is easy to intrigue a guy with correspondence with a stranger who knows a lot about him and is an interesting companion. You need to start a third-party page and conduct dialogues from it, using flirting and luring the young man deeper and deeper into a relationship by correspondence. Then you need to make it clear that the young people are familiar, and offer to meet. He will definitely want to see a mysterious stranger who is his old girlfriend.

A frank admission and rejection is better than ignorance and vain hopes for a relationship with a person who will never love.

Romantic confessions in verse

In correspondence, you can use simple quatrains that will show a guy or a man romantic attitude girls. The first version of the revelation in verses:

"With you, I cherish every moment!

When I see your smile

I light up at the same moment

And I want to be closer to you!

Second option:

"I want to confess to you now

And his old secret to open.

Often girls, because of their shyness, are embarrassed to confess to a guy, to take the first step. Many women of the weaker sex need advice on how to tell a guy that I like him. Can not be universal ways, but still we will talk about some important points upon recognition.

Do I need to talk about my feelings

Everything, of course, depends on the nature of the person in love: some are sure that you need to confess in any case, so as not to miss your happiness; and some believe that a guy should always make the first move. The truest principle in this matter is: “It is better to regret what you have done than what you have not done.” Therefore, you should always talk about your sympathy.

It is especially important to confess if the guy also shows signs of attention and expresses his interest: he tries to speak, casually touches you, makes compliments and writes on social networks.

If you like a person who treats you disrespectfully or even negatively, tries to offend or insult you, or simply does not pay attention, it is better not to tell him about your interest and switch to another person.


We make no effort

If you have the opportunity to see your beloved or walk with him in the same company, this simplifies the task.

In this case, you will be able to express your feelings for this person without using words.

Your mutual friends or acquaintances.

It is enough to tell one of them about your feelings (of course, if you trust this person) and ask them to gently hint to your lover about them. Your friends will certainly agree to help and promote mutual sympathy between you.

In this case, you yourself will not have to choose the words to tell the guy about the sympathy.

Is there public recognition?

When girls fall in love, they become bold, while boys become timid. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many ladies in love have a desire to show their feelings in public and shout about their sympathy to the whole world, because this feeling gives extraordinary lightness and adds madness to the mood. However, will the young man appreciate such recognition?

Men, by their nature, like to hide everything, keep it in themselves and not flaunt it.

That is why they do not hold the hand of their girls in the company of friends and do not allow themselves to be called affectionately in front of them.

It is easy to guess that a public confession of sympathy for a guy can cause him backlash and even make it impossible to continue communicating with you.

Is it necessary to choose words in advance

Any girl wonders how to tell a guy that I like him, she chooses words carefully, comprehends. Of course, it is better to think about what exactly you will tell him and how you will do it. But a fact proven by many on bitter experience: the more you prepare for recognition, the more you screw up in practice.

It is better if you do it spontaneously and unexpectedly for yourself. This may be facilitated by a suitable atmosphere or some occasion. Spontaneous confessions give birth interesting relationship and passion.

If a guy ignores your sympathy

It happens that recognition is not always successful, and the guy either harshly rejects your sympathy, or simply ignores you. Many girls in such a situation immediately close up and begin to look for problems in themselves, they are afraid to catch the guy's eyes and walk with him in the same company.

This is absolutely wrong behavior in such a situation. If you find out that you are not interested in your lover, just behave as before: easily and naturally, as if there was no recognition of sympathy. You can flirt a little with other guys, make a mysterious acquaintance with some young man.

This will give you self-confidence and may arouse the interest of the young man who rejected your confession.

To finally recover after this and not lose self-confidence, start working on your shortcomings: lose weight, change your style and hairstyle, read.

We confess our sympathy through the social network

How to tell a guy that I like him in Vkontakte? This question is asked by most of the fair sex. Social network capture all spheres of our life, so often relationships are tied up on VKontakte. To express your sympathy for a guy, first find his page and leave any traces of your stay: “like” on a post or photo, and if he knows you well, then a comment. So you will arouse interest in your page, and he will certainly send a friend request. If he did not, add yourself - there is nothing to be ashamed of.

After accepting the application, you need to start a dialogue with him: if you have common topic or memories, you need to start with that. And if you have not communicated before, just write an unusual greeting. After several days of communication, during which you may have time to cross somewhere, you can casually talk about your sympathy. To arouse more interest, hint about it and exit VK - you can just go to sleep.

If you already know each other and communicated on VKontakte before, start a dialogue with common memories or some of your "chips" and jokes that only you understand. Gradually, you can move on to the very purpose of the dialogue.

From all of the above, we can draw conclusions that will help you talk about your sympathy without screwing up in front of a young man and make his decision correctly:

  • Don't show affection in public. Men do not like feelings for show.
  • Spontaneous confessions are better than carefully planned speeches.
  • If your sympathy is rejected, work on yourself and get distracted.
  • For those who are especially indecisive, there is an opportunity to talk about their feelings on the social network.

It's easy to tell a guy you like him. Take the first steps and be happy!


How to hint to a guy that I like him in VKontakte correspondence

It is no longer a secret to anyone that the Vkontakte social network, which has already gained wild popularity and a millionth number of users, is used for various purposes and directions. For today's youth, this social network is widely used not only for correspondence with friends, but also for dating the opposite sex.

How to hint to a guy that I like him in correspondence in contact

Here, with this kind of communication and dating, many girls ask themselves the question “How to hint to a guy that I like him in correspondence in contact?”. Such a question often arises not only from the invisible inner modesty of the girl, but also to create some kind of intrigue and flirting. So how do you do it in an unobtrusive and unobtrusive way? There are several options.

The most common of them are:

  • like photos and posts,
  • sharing videos or audio recordings,
  • various sets emoticons.

A few examples of a hint to a guy in a VKontakte correspondence that he likes:

Option 1-like photos and posts.

This is probably the easiest way to express sympathy, which is used by almost all guys and girls. Like a photo or a posted entry in an album or on the wall of a person you like, even with its heart-shaped logo, implies an expression of sympathy. And if you add an admiring comment to the like, then thanks to the fast notification system in this social network, your object of sympathy will definitely notice your mark of sympathy.

Option 2 - exchange of videos and audio recordings.

With regards to videos, as an option, send young man a video recording of something that both of you are interested in, or a video or video clip, where the plot is an expression of sympathy. Same principle with videos. You can find an audio track with a song you both love, or a track, or a fragment of a song where the text sings about a girl's sympathy for a guy.

Option 3 - different emoticon sets.

One of the most effective ways, since when corresponding in personal messages is provided huge selection emoticons-pictures, or pictures with inscriptions. There is a choice for any, as they say, taste and color. You can either send just a smiling face with smiles, kisses, etc. Or choose animal emoticons with a demonstration of ambiguity emotional state. Well, if you don't need it at all transparent hint for sympathy, there are many drivers of emoticons with signatures that can tell the guy you like that you were embarrassed, or for other reasons, did not write in the text of the message.

In conclusion, we can say that all the proposed options are quite effective for expressing sympathy. But we must not forget that expressed sympathy in correspondence, it is necessary to support in a personal meeting. Good luck!


How to let a young man know that you like him?

The guy aroused your sympathy, liked you a lot, but is he completely indifferent to you? You need to give him a hint that he impresses you. A young man either wants a relationship with you or not. Do not be afraid that the guy will reject you. It is unlikely that this will happen. And if this happens, it's okay, then the guy is not worthy of you. How to show your sympathy? Read on and find out.

How to hint about your feelings to a young man?

  • Do a little research. It is best to get to know his relatives and friends and slowly find out what the guy thinks of you. In the event that he has sympathy for you, that's great. You can move on. Produce good impression to his surroundings. Then all these people will surely tell your chosen one about such a beautiful young lady as you.
  • Try to catch the guy's eyes more often. Look amazing every time so that he remembers all your meetings. Mysterious stranger will surely be imprinted in his memory.
  • Find out where he usually spends his time. Go there some other time. If a guy likes going to the gym, sign up and you, if he loves rock climbing, try to do it too. Maybe he's a hiker? Pack your backpack and join.
  • Flirt. When meeting, look the guy in the eyes longer, then sharply look away. Shoot your eyes, play.
  • If you spend time in a common company, you can gently brush a fluff off your shoulder, inadvertently touch his hand, hurt your knee. By invading his space, you will already embarrass the young man.
  • Be positive, smile at the guy, express your disposition towards him with all your appearance. Vibes of love and tenderness should emanate from you, the guy will feel it.
  • Give him help by chance, do some kind of pleasantness, praise.
  • Next to you, he should be comfortable and warm, create a spiritual atmosphere.
  • Give a present for the holidays.
  • Don't talk about other young people in his presence.

How to tell a guy about your sympathy for him?

When you get the chance to be alone, make up your mind to speak directly. Of course, this option is not timid girls, if you are a strong, self-confident person, then do so. It is quite possible that the guy will be glad that you finally confessed, maybe he has been dying for you for a long time. Everything will be resolved. If the guy is negative, admit that this is a joke. Are you afraid to say open? Invite him to the cinema in the evening or to the square or park where couples in love usually spend time. He will immediately understand everything and either agree or not. On a date, tell him about yourself, tell him interesting story, have fun and be direct. Don't load it with problems. Disappear at the end.

You can write a note: “You are so cool. I already fell in love”, do not sign. Ask people you know to tell him, without talking about you. When you meet, smile and shoot with your eyes.

How to behave correctly

  • Be cheerful, cheerful and active. Smile, make jokes, but not evil ones, tease and incite.
  • Invite to ride hot-air balloon. Invite me to an amusement park. Offer a tour of the city, if you know the area perfectly, you can tell something amazing.
  • Give a special gift that he will remember. Not expensive but original.
  • Don't flirt or smile at others. Otherwise, your chosen one will not think very well of you that you are a frivolous person.
  • Don't hang yourself around the guy's neck, don't cry, don't pester, don't be cheeky.

How to tell a guy about your sympathy by correspondence

  1. Write that you intend to go to the club on theme party, you need to go with a company, and you are missing 1 person, and you wanted to invite him.
  2. Write a confession in verse. It will be beautiful and romantic. There is no need for suffering, tears and torment, show your love of life and optimism in verse.
  3. Send him a message about his eyes, write that they drive you crazy, you drown in them, forgetting everything.
  4. Write how courageous and strong he is, it is clear that a real man, knight and prince.
  5. .Tell him about your admiration for him beautiful hands They're so pumped up and powerful.

How to hint to a stranger about your sympathy in contact?

Send a present. Wish you well good day. Write a comment on his photo, admire his figure or ability to dress. Tell him that only a princess is suitable for such a guy.

Send him a song that hints to the boy about your feelings. Send a curious photo that will surprise him.

Wish in the evening Good night Sweet dreams. Write a funny poem for a young man. Offer him a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe.

There are a lot of options to show your feelings, choose what you like best.

How to let a guy know you like him at school

At breaks, do not run away to your girlfriends, but stay near him. Help with control work. Explain a difficult problem. Be nice, kind and friendly. Joke, smile and tell fascinating stories. Inadvertently touch the boy, hit him with a bag or hair. Look into his eyes, smile. Invite after school to a wonderful place, to a cozy cafe or to unusual cinema. Tell him the secret of what happened to you.

Tell us how you spent the summer, where you went and what you saw. Tell me about unusual animals and rare birds that you met on the trip. For example, if you have been to Bali, tell us about the Monkey Forest. Monkeys are so funny and mischievous, but also cunning and agile. Tell me how one monkey stole your brother's hat and another one snatched your sister's banana.

Be direct, kind and sweet. Agree if he expresses a desire to see you after school. Play pranks and have fun in his company. Be a little hooligan, sassy and classy.

How to show a guy your sympathy in a text message

Send the guy funny sms. Find funny or unusual pictures and send them to him. Write a text message: "I really like you." And the next day, be impregnable. The guy will be surprised, think about you seriously. Ask him in a text message why he was arrogant and snobby yesterday, because it doesn’t suit him, he is so sweet, kind, you know for sure.

Write a guy about him bottomless eyes sea ​​green, you're just dumbfounded and surprised that these exist. Call him for a walk in SMS.

It will help to give a hint to the guy about your sympathy:

  • Flirt. Flirt nicely and smile, you can giggle if he is joking. Be fun and spontaneous. Tease and joke yourself. You can lightly cling to him and hide from his field of vision.
  • Your presence beside him. Visit the places where he goes, meet him by chance on the street, catch his eye at school, get a job in his company. But don't abuse it. You don't have to tail him.
  • Praise and compliments. Say nice things to a guy, appreciate his muscles or mind. Comment on his photo, admire his courageous appearance.
  • Close contact. Touch it at the slightest opportunity, by accident and not on purpose. Lightly pet him. Shake off his clothes from fluff, as if inadvertently.

Mistakes that should not be made

Don't panic if the guy doesn't react the way you would like.

Turn everything into a joke. Don't show your feelings in front of everyone. He might not like it. Don't try to make him jealous. Cheap receivers will not work. Don't tell everyone around you that you love this guy unconditionally. Do not verbalize confessions through friends. Do not tell the guy unpleasant things from his life or past. Do not insult his buddies, relatives or other girls. Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Don't draw. Don't be cheeky. Do not expect an exceptionally joyful reaction to your confession, be prepared for failure.

How to please a boy?

Answers to other questions

How to make it clear to a young man that he is interested in you at a distance?

If the guy lives in another city, you can keep in touch through social networks. send beautiful photos, music or poetry. In the morning you can call and wish a good day. In the evening ask how he spent the day.

How to hint about feelings if you work together?

Invite to a cafe or a cozy restaurant. Help at work. You can treat him with pies or salad.

Call for a walk.

How to hint about feelings to your boss?

Find out if he is married. If free, go on the offensive. For starters, do your job well, you can stay late in the evening. Bring a delicious chicken or homemade sausage from home. Invite to the exhibition, for example, the Impressionists.

Everything will be fine

How to show a guy that you want to date him?

If you want to show a guy that you hope for a relationship, then do the following.

  • Actively flirt and do not hang out in his company. Be fun and inviting.
  • Get in his eyes more often. Look chic, even sassy.
  • Speak confidently, do not mumble, do not be nervous.
  • Touch him, stroke him or look into his eyes.
  • Be unpredictable and original, surprise and amaze.

Whether to wait for the next step from him, if he understood the hint

If the guy agrees to meet, behaves at ease and joyfully, then he also wants to be with you. If he pours compliments, admires your appearance, asks you about everything, this indicates that your efforts have been crowned with success. If by correspondence you also receive beautiful photos, he found out your number and calls you - it's clear that the guy has a crush on you. Rejoice, the guy himself was not averse to starting a relationship with you.

Video help

© Anna Solovieva How to please a guy - 3 points! (Guys don't watch)


Very often, couples in love for reunion are hampered by shyness and timidity, especially beautiful girls. If a woman likes a man, and he does not show any interest in her, she begins to wonder how to tell or how to hint to a guy that I like him, while not being intrusive. As a rule, women are better at hiding their tender feelings than, a man, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to say about feelings, because being an initiator does not mean being rejected. And we will tell you how to unobtrusively first express sympathy to a guy.

Reconnaissance before the battle

Of course, before you open your heart to the man that you dream of every night and tell about your love, you need to clearly understand what you can count on in the future. No one likes to be ridiculed, of course, not every guy, having heard a declaration of love, will laugh at a girl, but still you should protect yourself from trouble, otherwise in the future you will not want to confess your feelings to anyone at all. It will play into your hands if you have mutual acquaintances, and even more so friends, then you should boldly start your little investigation to find out all the smallest details of it personal life, preferences, and anything else that might be useful to you. You do not have common acquaintances and friends, so try to find them. If, for example, you study or work together, then there will be no problems.

Suppose, nevertheless, mutual friends were found, then you will have to find a friend who will not betray your secret, because if he is not stupid, he will immediately understand the reason for your interest. Ask a reliable friend to find out what is the opinion of the guy who constantly dreams about you, does he have a girlfriend or maybe he is already in love with someone, if so, then alas, this is most likely not the hero of your novel, but everything can be abrupt change means you don't have to give up. Ask the same friend to observe how the guy reacts to your appearance and whether he looks at you when you do not look at him. After all, after all, men also do not always know how to hide their feelings, which means they can give themselves away with giblets.

Gentle hint

Let's say your little the investigation ended more or less successfully, that is, the guy who is dreaming is single and does not show antipathy towards you, then you need to proceed to step number two, namely, very subtly hint about your sympathy for the first. Before you start hinting, you need to start talking, but at the same time not scare the guy away with your talkativeness, which means you only need to say the right things.

  • First, do not avoid conversations. Let's say you are in the same company, then the guy may think that you are not interested in him, and also will not make contact with you.
  • Second, tell him about your life, family, friends or hobbies. This will let him know that you are open to conversation and ready to let him into your life. Just avoid talking about your ex boyfriends and other personal details.
  • Thirdly, after talking about yourself, do not forget to ask about his life, but at the same time listen carefully to him.
  • Fourth point, laugh at his jokes, even if the joke is not funny. Give a guy a compliment, like how good he looks today, or how his shirt really suits him.

Pretty attentive guys, already at this stage will understand that you liked him, and, in the end, your nice conversation will end with an exchange of phone numbers.

In addition to holding conversations, you can tell a guy that you like him with your body language.

For example, visual contact. To tell a guy with your eyes about your feelings, do not stare at him endlessly, but only look slightly, periodically lowering your eyes to the floor. Also do not forget to smile, and do it naturally, as a forced smile is always noticeable. Use tactile contact, try more often, as if by chance, to touch the guy who you constantly dream about.

When communicating with a guy, you can easily and naturally touch the curls of your hair. Do not cross your arms over your chest, this may be regarded a little differently. And try to be as close as possible to the guy you are dreaming of and madly in love with.

Direct recognition

Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that men are thick-skinned, which means they cannot always recognize subtle hints. But wait, first you need to understand, does the guy really not understand hints, or does he just not want to offend you by the fact that he is indifferent to you, thereby giving false hope?! Yes, it's not very nice on the part of the guy. But what if the guy who constantly dreams is really such a “slow-thinker”, and how can he tell about everything? Try to use "not subtle" hints.

For example, ask a friend to casually tell this guy that you like him, for example, sympathy will not be mutual, you can always translate the words of a friend into a joke. But if such hints do not pass, then there is only one way out - you will have to muster up the courage and directly admit that you like him. Wait, do not rush to immediately stun him with your confession, you will have to carefully prepare for this battle.

First, carefully consider your speech, what exactly you will say. Rehearse in front of a mirror. And don't laugh. This tip will help you be more confident. For such a serious conversation, you need appropriate place Choose a place where no one can disturb you. Try to be alone, as even your best friend will become the third wheel, and his friends are completely useless here. Arrange a meeting in advance, that neither you nor he had planned things to do. Start a conversation with an extraneous topic, gradually leading to the main one, and do not forget to smile. In no case do not throw a tantrum if the guy said that he does not feel the same for you as you do. Do not forget about your dignity and do not give free rein negative emotions. In this case, it is better to remain friends or just friends.

Virtual declaration of love

For you, a direct confession of sympathy is like being shot? Then confess your sympathy to the guy through a message on a social network or SMS. You can just write a message first with the words: “I like you,” or you can simply and unobtrusively start a correspondence with him. Hung over the keyboard and do not know what to write to the guy you like? Start with simple question, for example, ask how he is doing, whether he passed the term paper on strength of materials or how he spent the weekend.

Suppose the guy answered, it is important to start a lively conversation. Something like "OK", "haha" or a smiley will not work. Be an interesting companion and flirt. You can even flirt over messages, for example, send him an ambiguous emoji, have fun, joke and laugh at his jokes. It is important not only to start the conversation correctly, but also to end it on time.

Suppose a guy who often dreams about you has stopped asking counter questions and answers only in the affirmative, then most likely your conversation has tired him, it is necessary to end the correspondence so as not to completely discourage him from communicating with you. It is important to finish the correspondence first, and not wait until the guy does it.

The guy stopped responding to the message, no need to shower him with question marks and phrases: “Where did you go?”, “Did you receive my message?”, “Why don’t you answer?” - such perseverance can ruin everything. When your correspondence by correspondence becomes something ordinary, and it will still be easy for you to communicate with each other, you can try to confess your sympathy to him or casually say that you dream about him every day. In any case, you yourself will already know how to approach and what to write to the guy you like.

  • If you like a guy and dream every night, never talk to him about other girls.
  • Remember that the stronger sex, like women, are greedy for compliments, so don't forget to give them nice words.
  • Always be yourself.
  • Don't flirt with other guys under the nose of someone you like, it's ugly. So you will not cause jealousy, but only push away from yourself.
  • Never be afraid to text a guy first. The main thing is not to do it all the time.
  • Never, we repeat, never send your erotic photos to a guy.
  • Do you dream about the guy every night? Look into the dream book of the guy you like, perhaps there you will find a hint on how to tell the guy first about your feelings.

Mini guide for men

Before the girl confesses her sympathy to you, she will hint at it in every possible way, it will help you to determine the degree of her interest simple instruction:

  1. The first thing that changes in a girl when she sees a guy she likes is her walk. Demonstrating a figure is a sign that you are not indifferent.
  2. The second sign is that the girl often refers to you by name. A lot of questions from a girl can mean that she is interested in your life.
  3. Smiling and being able to touch you also means that she likes you.
  4. The change in the girl's behavior when you appear also means that you are not indifferent.
  5. Very often, a girl who likes a guy starts asking him for help, even in some trifles.
  6. The girl is the first to start a conversation, as well as write messages on a social network. And also likes and comments under your photos can give out the feelings of a girl.
  7. And, of course, flirting. Surely any guy will be able to recognize flirting from a woman, because a girl will not flirt with a guy she does not like.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with being the first to tell a guy that you like him, because in fact it's worth it, because somehow you will form a new couple in love, in case mutual feelings, well, or at least you will stop tormenting yourself with doubts and false hopes. Love, meet, but do not forget about the feeling dignity.

Sometimes it turns out that a significant person appears in your life. Next to him is very comfortable and good, but sooner or later, there comes a moment when you need to talk about your feelings. And you need to do this very carefully so that you don’t frighten off the guy you like with a sharp revelation. It is also impossible to pull for a long time, because if the feeling is strong, then it will constantly bother you. If a guy doesn't make the first move, you do it!

Bold or not

If you are already absolutely ready to confess your feelings to a young man, then use a couple of tips:

  1. If you are brave, then say everything directly. You will only need to find right moment to talk to him without witnesses. You must be confident and determined. Start a normal conversation, and then pause and say that you like him;
  2. If, nevertheless, there is not enough courage, then invite him to go somewhere, but so that it is clear that you will be only the two of you. Even if he refuses, it will be much easier for you to hear “No, I can’t go to the movies with you” than “No, I don’t like you”

If he reciprocates, then confidently move forward. If not, then don't despair. Perhaps he is infatuated with someone or he has other reasons. But that doesn't stop you at all from trying to create with him friendly relations and carefully move towards your goal.

Here are some tips that might help you:

10 mistakes to avoid

In a relationship with a guy, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Don't brag and don't show off. During your conversation, this may look silly;
  2. Don't show affection in front of his friends. He may stop responding to signs of your attention to avoid ridicule;
  3. If you decide to ask for help, be sure to make sure you really need it. Don't ask for help with basic things. This will make you appear stupid and helpless;
  4. Be selective about his friends: don't tell everyone that you like him. Rumors spread fairly quickly;
  5. No need to make him jealous. Cheap games don't work well and end relationships;
  6. Never use friends or other people as intermediaries for recognition. This can cause distortion of information, and indeed leave a negative impression;
  7. Try not to get nervous or panic around him;
  8. Don't confess your feelings if you don't know the guy well enough. He may misunderstand;
  9. If you confess your love, then do not expect only a positive reaction. The guy may well be shocked, because he might not have suspected that you like it;
  10. If he says he doesn't like you, don't show how upset you are. This is his mistake and loss. And you deserve mutual love and attention.

And remember that in any case you will extract good lesson from this experience. If the guy reciprocates, then this may be the beginning of a romance, and if not, then you better find out now, and not miss the guy out of your life, while your boyfriend is somewhere nearby.