Guardian of pregnancy: why doctors prescribe Utrozhestan and how to take it correctly. What is the best way to take Utrozhestan? What is the best way to take Utrozhestan or there is no difference

Utrozhestan– a drug that is prescribed when planning pregnancy to prepare the inner wall of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg to it. During pregnancy, it is prescribed to thicken the endometrium and the growth of the system of blood vessels in it that feeds the embryo. The main task of Utrozhestan is to prevent pregnancy from miscarriage.

Characteristics of the drug: its purpose and release form

Even if the egg has been fertilized, it is too early to talk about pregnancy. The fertilized egg must attach to the wall of the uterus, which is impossible if the mother’s body produces insufficient amounts of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. If there is a lack of progesterone, a woman is prescribed Utrozhestan, a synthetic analogue of this hormone.

The drug is available in two forms:

  1. Non-opening round capsules (similar to large pills). Most often, this form of the drug is prescribed orally, but according to the instructions, it can also be used vaginally. One capsule contains 100 mg of progesterone (orange pack).
  2. Unopenable oval-shaped capsules (so-called suppositories). The candles look like a large elongated white capsule. They are taken either orally or inserted vaginally. Most often, this form of medication is used for vaginal administration. One capsule contains 200 mg of progesterone (lilac pack).

Indications for taking Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

1. Progesterone deficiency, which is characterized by:

  • menstrual irregularities (irregular menstruation or delays);
  • low body temperature in the luteal phase (that is, in the period after ovulation).

Progesterone is a hormone that takes part in preparing the uterus to secure the fertilized egg inside it. It begins to be synthesized in the corpus luteum of the ovary after the egg is fertilized. If the corpus luteum produces it in insufficient quantities, then the mucous membrane covering the uterine cavity from the inside, called endometrium in gynecology, does not develop as expected. The fertilized egg cannot implant and the pregnancy fails.

A woman may not even realize that pregnancy has occurred, but has failed. She will perceive a delay in menstruation as a simple glitch in her cycle. And the woman will mistake the bleeding that occurs after the rejection of the fertilized egg for menstruation. In fact, such bleeding will be a consequence of a miscarriage.

That is why Utrozhestan is prescribed to women who experience low body temperature in the second phase of the cycle, which indicates low progesterone levels, as well as women with “habitual miscarriage” in the past.

For the same reason, Utrozhestan is also prescribed in preparation for in vitro fertilization (IVF). The drug creates the best conditions for implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity and the likelihood of developing a full pregnancy after artificial insemination increases significantly.

Impaired progesterone production is also observed with shortened (less than 21 days) or extended (more than 35 days) menstrual cycles. Therefore, to maintain the second phase, taking Utrozhestan is also necessary.

2. Prevention of endometriosis. Artificial progesterone is prescribed to women to prevent endometriosis.

With endometriosis, the uterine mucosa begins to grow pathologically or penetrate into the deeper layers of the uterine tissue.

Figure 1 - Layers of the uterus (for a visual perception of the growth of the endometrium beyond its limits)

Most often the disease occurs in women:

  • with a shortened menstrual cycle;
  • with impaired metabolism (in this case, there is a significant increase in weight up to obesity);
  • who used intrauterine contraceptives before planning pregnancy;
  • whose age is in the range of 30-45 years;
  • with increased levels of estrogen (excess of this hormone is confirmed by a special blood test for estradiol).

Due to the presence of this disease, a woman may not become pregnant, since endometriosis is often accompanied by the formation of cysts inside the fallopian tubes, in the ovaries, and on the wall of the uterus. And this reduces the patency of the tubes, disrupts the function and anatomy of the ovaries, and makes it difficult for the embryo to implant into the uterine wall.

Therefore, gynecologists recommend that women at risk take Utrozhestan before conception.

The drug promotes:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle in case of its disturbances;
  • creating the necessary conditions for fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterus;
  • maintaining pregnancy when there is a threat of losing the child.

Although it is believed that the drug does not suppress ovulation, it should not be taken before the egg is released from the ovary, since the presence of progesterone in a woman’s body during the first phase of the cycle (i.e. before ovulation) can negatively affect conception.

Indications for taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy

After ovulation, a woman’s body produces large quantities of progesterone, which is necessary for the growth of the endometrium. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine mucosa thickens and is enriched with blood vessels, which is necessary to supply the embryo with nutrients and oxygen.

But not all women produce this hormone in sufficient quantities. That's why in the early stages Utrozhestan is prescribed for prophylactic purposes in case of miscarriages and isthmic-cervical insufficiency in the past.

The drug is also prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage due to increased uterine tone. With low progesterone, the uterus begins to actively contract, causing fetal rejection. If the tone of the uterus is caused by a lack of this hormone, then taking the drug will help reduce the contractility of the muscles of the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself, giving the woman the opportunity to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Directions for use and dosage when planning and during pregnancy

Inside, with water. The standard regimen for taking the drug is as follows: 200–400 mg of medication per day, dividing this dose into two doses (morning and evening).

Explanation. For example, the doctor told me to drink 200 mg of Utrozhestan per day. Then:

  • In the morning you need to take 100 mg of the medicine, that is, 1 orange tablet.
  • and in the evening you also need to take 100 mg of the drug - 1 tablet in an orange pack.

If the doctor prescribed a course of 400 mg per day, then:

  • In the morning we take 200 mg of medication - i.e. 1 tablet of a lilac pack or 2 tablets of orange.
  • in the evening we drink 200 mg of the drug again - i.e. 1 tablet of a lilac pack or 2 tablets of orange.

For menstrual cycle disorders, which are characterized by insufficiency of the luteal phase, the drug is usually started from the 17th day to the 26th day of the menstrual cycle, inclusive (i.e. 10 days in a row).

The diagnosis of luteal phase deficiency is presumably made based on the patient's basal temperature chart (if the woman keeps one) when:

  • the temperature difference between the two phases of the cycle (before and after ovulation) is less than 0.6°C;
  • shortening of the second phase of the cycle, i.e. the period from ovulation to the start of the next menstruation is less than 10-14 days (depending on the length of the cycle).

And the diagnosis is confirmed using a blood test for progesterone, which is taken on days 22-23 of the cycle.

Vaginally, inserting capsules deep into the vagina.

1. To support the luteal phase during in vitro fertilization (IVF) in a natural cycle, the attending physician prescribes Utrozhestan vaginally in a dosage of 200 to 600 mg per day.

You should start taking the drug on the same day on which the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin is prescribed. The duration of taking progesterone is the entire 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

2. Utrozhestan is administered women with non-functioning ovaries who have undergone IVF with implantation of a donor egg.

The regimen for taking the drug in this case is as follows: on the 13th and 14th days of the cycle, 200 mg once a day, from the 15th to 25th day of the cycle, 100 mg twice a day.

From the 26th day of the cycle to the 7th day of the delay, you need to take 300 mg daily, then you need to increase the dose by 100 mg weekly (i.e., you need to drink 400 mg per day for the next week, and the next week - according to 500 mg, etc., until the dose reaches the maximum - 600 mg per day).

When a pregnant woman reaches the point of taking 600 mg of the drug per day, this dose should be divided into 3 doses (each 200 mg). The duration of treatment with maximum doses should be 2 months, i.e. Utrozhestan should be taken 600 mg per day until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks of pregnancy).

3. For menstrual irregularities when it is necessary to maintain the luteal phase or for infertility caused by dysfunction of the corpus luteum of the ovary, Utrozhestan suppositories are introduced into the vagina at a dose of 200-300 mg per day for 10 days, starting from the 17th day of the cycle (if a woman has ovulation, and it occurs after the 17th day of the cycle, then they begin to take Utrozhestan strictly after ovulation). Treatment continues further only in case of delay of menstruation, followed by confirmation of pregnancy.

4. In the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed in case of threat of miscarriage due to low progesterone levels or for prevention purposes.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, Utrozhestan can be prescribed vaginally for premature opening of the internal pharynx, softening or shortening of the cervix.

In the third trimester, Utrozhestan is not prescribed orally, because in late pregnancy, taking this form of the drug can negatively affect liver function.

The attending physician determines the dosage, form of the drug and duration of treatment according to a specific clinical case.

You should not self-medicate, as this can be harmful.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Utrozhestan is contraindicated in:

  • malignant tumors of the breast and genital organs;
  • bleeding from the genital tract, the cause of which has not yet been identified;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (soy and peanut oil).

It is prohibited to take the drug orally if a woman has:

  • serious liver dysfunction;
  • tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis (increased formation of blood clots, accompanied by inflammation of the veins in places where they are blocked by blood clots).

If a woman has not completed her lactation period, it is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding while taking the drug.

Artificial progesterone should be taken with caution if a woman has:

  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension;
  • migraine;
  • depressive states;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperlipoproteinemia (excess lipoproteins and/or lipids in the blood).

A few hours after taking Utrozhestan, side effects may occur. They consist of drowsiness, which turns into dizziness. Allergic reactions to the drug are possible.

How is the drug withdrawn correctly?

Discontinuation of the drug should be accompanied by compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician. “Wean off” the drug by gradually reducing the dose. Abrupt refusal of hormonal medication in the first and second trimester can lead to miscarriage.

Here is an approximate withdrawal plan for Utrozhestan, if its daily dose was 400 mg:

  1. Reduce the dosage to 300 mg per day, take this for two weeks.
  2. Reduce to 200 mg per day for two weeks;
  3. Decrease to 100 mg per day for one week;
  4. After this period, completely discontinue the drug or, if necessary, switch to alternative treatment.

Discontinuation of the drug may take 1-1.5 months. During it, the condition of the expectant mother must be constantly monitored by a local doctor. If a nagging pain in the lower abdomen or blood discharge from the genital tract appears, the dose of Utrozhestan is left the same or slightly increased.

In the absence of the symptoms described above, withdrawal continues according to the established scheme.

Utrozhestan does not increase a woman’s blood pressure and does not contribute to excess weight gain - as much weight as you need to bear a child in your case, is how much weight you will gain. You will gain weight only if you overeat and abuse sweet and unhealthy foods.

Also, Utrozhestan cannot cause edema or birth defects. Why are sick children sometimes born to women who took progesterone during pregnancy?

Because under normal natural conditions, a fertilized egg with a defect would not attach to the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy would not occur. This is how natural selection occurs.

But when taking Utrozhestan, such good conditions are created for gestation that the weak “buds” are tenaciously attached to the uterus, in the end they either die, but later, or go through the entire development path, and sick children are born with various defects that are caused by the fusion “ low-quality egg with sperm, and not taking progesterone.


International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Capsules 100 mg, 200 mg


1 capsule contains

activeohsubstancesO - natural micronized progesterone 100 mg or 200 mg

Excipients: soy lecithin, sunflower oil,

capsule shell composition: gelatin, glycerin, titanium dioxide (E 171)


Round, soft, shiny yellowish gelatin capsules containing an oily, whitish homogeneous suspension (without visible phase separation) (for a dosage of 100 mg).

Oval soft shiny yellowish gelatin capsules containing an oily whitish homogeneous suspension (without visible phase separation) (for a dosage of 200 mg).

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Sex hormones and modulators of the reproductive system. Progestogens. Derivatives of pregnene. Progesterone.

ATX code G03DA04

Pharmacological properties


When taken orally

Micronized progesterone is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma gradually increases during the first hour, the maximum concentration in the blood (Cmax) is observed 1-3 hours after administration. Communication with plasma proteins - 90%.

The concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma increases from 0.13 ng/ml to 4.25 ng/ml after 1 hour, to 11.75 ng/ml after 2 hours and is 8.37 ng/ml after 3 hours, 2 ng/ml after 6 hours and 1.64 ng/ml after 8 hours.

The main metabolites that are detected in blood plasma are 20-alpha-hydroxy-delta-4-alpha-pregnanolone and 5-alpha-dihydroprogesterone.

Excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites, 95% of which are glucurone-conjugated metabolites, mainly 3-alpha, 5-beta-pregnanediol (pregnandione)

These metabolites, which are determined in blood plasma and urine, are similar to substances formed during the physiological secretion of the corpus luteum.

For vaginal insertion

Absorption occurs quickly, progesterone accumulates in the uterus, high levels of progesterone in the blood plasma are observed 1 hour after administration. Cmax of progesterone in blood plasma is achieved 2-6 hours after administration. When the drug is administered at a dose of 100 mg 2 times a day, the average concentration remains at the level of 9.7 ng/ml for 24 hours.

When administered in doses of more than 200 mg/day, the concentration of progesterone corresponds to the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Communication with plasma proteins - 90%.

Metabolized to form predominantly 3-alpha, 5-beta-pregnanediol. Plasma 5-beta-pregnanolone levels do not increase.

It is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites, the main part being 3-alpha, 5-beta-pregnanediol (pregnandione). This is confirmed by a constant increase in its concentration (Cmax 142 ng/ml after 6 hours).


Progestin, hormone of the corpus luteum. By binding to receptors on the surface of cells of target organs, it penetrates into the nucleus, where, activating DNA, it stimulates RNA synthesis. Promotes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by follicular hormone to the secretory phase, and after fertilization - to the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. Reduces the excitability and contractility of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the end elements of the mammary gland.

By stimulating protein lipase, it increases fat reserves, increases glucose utilization, increasing the concentration of basal and stimulated insulin, promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver, increases the production of pituitary gonadotropic hormones; reduces azotemia, increases nitrogen excretion in urine. Activates the growth of the secretory section of the acini of the mammary glands and induces lactation. Promotes the formation of normal endometrium.

Indications for use

Progesterone deficiency conditions.

Oral route of administration


Disorders associated with progesterone deficiency:

Premenstrual syndrome

Irregular menstruation with disovulation or anovulation

Benign mastopathy


Menopause therapy (in addition to estrogen therapy)

Infertility due to luteal insufficiency.


Threat of miscarriage or prevention of habitual miscarriages due to established luteal insufficiency

Threat of premature birth

INaginal route of administration

Hypofertility, primary or secondary infertility associated with partial or total luteal insufficiency (disovulation, luteal phase support during in vitro fertilization, oocyte donation)

Threat of early miscarriage or prevention of habitual abortions associated with luteal insufficiency

Directions for use and doses

The duration of treatment is determined by the nature and characteristics of the disease.

Oral route of administration

The average dose is 200-300 mg of progesterone per day, divided into 1 or 2 doses, i.e. 200 mg in the evening before bed and 100 mg in the morning, if necessary.

Atluteal insufficiency(premenstrual syndrome, menstrual irregularities, premenopause, benign mastopathy): treatment should be carried out for 10 days per cycle, usually from the 17th to 26th days inclusive.

Atmenopause therapy: Since estrogen therapy is not recommended alone, progesterone is added in the last two weeks of each therapeutic course, followed by cessation of any replacement treatment for approximately one week, during which abstinence bleeding may occur.

Atthreat of premature birth: 400 mg progesterone every 6-8 hours depending on the clinical results obtained during the acute phase, then in a maintenance dosage (for example, 3 times 200 mg per day) until the 36th week of pregnancy.

Vaginal route of administration

The average dose is 200 mg of progesterone per day (i.e. 1 capsule of 200 mg or two capsules of 100 mg, divided into 2 doses, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening), which is inserted deep into the vagina, if necessary using an applicator. The dose may be increased depending on the patient's response.

Atpartial luteal insufficiency(disovulation, menstrual irregularities): treatment should be carried out for 10 days per cycle, usually from the 17th to the 26th days at the rate of 200 mg of progesterone per day.

Atinfertility with complete luteal phase deficiency (oocyte donation): The progesterone dose is 100 mg progesterone on days 13 and 14 of the transfer cycle, then 100 mg progesterone morning and evening from days 15 to 25 of the cycle. In the case of the initial stage of pregnancy, starting from the 26th day, the dose is increased from 100 mg of progesterone per day to a maximum of 600 mg of progesterone per day, divided into three doses. This dosage should be maintained until the 60th day.

Supported byluteal phase during in vitro fertilization treatment should be carried out starting in the evening of the day of transfer, at the rate of 600 mg of progesterone in three doses - morning, afternoon and evening.

When there is a threat of miscarriage or when preventing a habitual miscarriage due to luteal insufficiency

The average dosage is 200-400 mg of progesterone per day in two divided doses until the 12th week of pregnancy.

The capsule should be inserted deep into the vagina.

Side effects:

The following adverse events were observed with oral administration:

Often>l/100;<1/10 :

Menstrual irregularities


Intermenstrual bleeding





A temporary feeling of dizziness

Cholestatic jaundice

Rarely >l/10000;<1/1000:


Very rarely<1/10000:




For vaginal use:

Despite the potential for local irritation (soy lecithin), no local intolerance (burning, itching or oily discharge) was observed in various clinical studies.


Hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the drug

Tendency to thrombosis, acute forms of phlebitis or thromboembolic diseases

Bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin

Incomplete abortion


Established or suspected malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands and genital organs

Severe liver dysfunction


Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Arterial hypertension

Chronic renal failure


Bronchial asthma





Lactation period

Drug interactions

When hormonal therapy of menopause with estrogen, it is necessary to prescribe progesterone for at least 12 days per cycle.

Combined use with other drugs may cause increased metabolism of progesterone and a change in the effect of the drug.

This happens in cases with:

Hepatic enzyme inducers such as barbiturates, antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin), rifampicin, phenylbutazone, spironolactone and griseofulvin (these drugs cause increased hepatic metabolism)

Some antibiotics (ampicillins, tetracyclines) cause changes in the intestinal microflora, the consequence of which is a change in the enterohepatic steroid cycle.

Progestogens can cause a decrease in glucose tolerance, as a result of which it is necessary to increase the need for insulin or other antidiabetic drugs in a diabetic patient.

The bioavailability of progesterone may be reduced in patients who smoke and with excessive alcohol consumption.

special instructions


Treatment must be carried out in accordance with existing recommendations.

If treatment is started too early in the menstrual cycle, especially before the 15th day of the cycle, a shortening of the cycle or bleeding may occur.

In case of uterine bleeding, the drug should not be prescribed until the cause is determined (for example, examination of the uterine cavity).

Due to thromboembolic and metabolic risks that cannot be completely excluded, discontinue use if:

Visual disturbances (such as vision loss, double vision, retinal vascular lesions)

Thromboembolic venous or thrombotic complications (regardless of their location)

Severe headaches.

If there is a history of thrombophlebia, the patient should be closely monitored.

If amenorrhea occurs during treatment, you must make sure that you are not talking about pregnancy.

More than 50% of early spontaneous abortions are caused by genetic complications. Prescription of progesterone on the recommendation of a doctor is indicated in case of insufficiency of secretion of the corpus luteum.

Utrogestan® contains soy lecithin and may cause hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria and anaphylactic shock).

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of UTROZHESTAN by vaginal route of administration, capsules, is not contraindicated during pregnancy, including in the first weeks. (see section: “Indications for use.”

The entry of progesterone into breast milk has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, its use should be avoided during breastfeeding.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

Drivers and people operating machinery should be alerted to the risk of drowsiness and/or dizziness associated with oral use of this drug. Taking capsules before bed helps avoid these consequences.

Care should be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Symptoms: increased side effects indicate an overdose.

They disappear spontaneously when the dose of the drug is reduced.

In some patients with unstable endogenous secretion in anamnesis, the usual dose of progesterone may be excessive and manifest itself in special sensitivity to the drug or too low concomitant estradiolemia.

Treatment: reducing the dose or prescribing progesterone IN THE EVENING BEFORE BED for ten days. In case of drowsiness or a short-lived feeling of dizziness, it is necessary to postpone the start of treatment to a later date in the cycle (for example, the 19th day instead of the 17th). In case of shortening of the cycle or spotting, it is necessary to check that estradiolemia is sufficient in premenopause and during menopausal hormone replacement therapy.

Release form

14 capsules per blister pack made of PVC/aluminum foil or PVC/PVDC/aluminum foil.

2 blister packs together with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a cardboard pack (for a dosage of 100 mg).

7 capsules per blister pack made of PVC/aluminum foil or PVC/PVDC/aluminum foil.

2 blister packs together with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages ​​are placed in a cardboard pack (for a dosage of 200 mg).

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25° C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription

Name and country of the marketing authorization holder

Bezen Healthcare SA, Belgium

Name and country of the manufacturing organization

Name and country of the packing organization

OLIC (Thailand) Limited, Thailand

Name, address of the organization receiving claims on product quality in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, responsible for post-registration monitoring of the safety of the medicinal product

Representative office of the company "Bezen Healthcare Czech Republic s.r.o" in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Samal-2 microdistrict, 77A, office 3/2

The use of hormonal drugs during pregnancy is limited to strict indications. The doctor will prescribe Utrozhestan at the stage of preparation for conception and to maintain the ongoing pregnancy. The main condition is to strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations.

It is important to take the drug correctly: this applies to the method of administration and treatment regimen. You cannot reduce the dose on your own or take capsules instead of vaginal administration, as advised by your doctor.

Options for using the drug

Utrozhestan during pregnancy can be used as follows:

  • take orally;
  • insert into the vagina.

Both methods can provide excellent results, but in some cases it is better to use the option indicated by the doctor. There are several reasons for this:

  • if you drink capsules, then in the gastrointestinal tract some of the hormonal substance will be destroyed, without giving the desired positive effect;
  • when used vaginally, absorption and penetration of progesterone into the pelvic area occurs much faster;
  • Utrozhestan has a good effect on the cervix, preventing isthmic-cervical insufficiency and reducing the risk of premature birth;
  • if you use vaginal administration of the capsule, then smaller doses of the drug will be required to preserve the embryo.

The doctor is well aware of the effects of the method of drug administration, so he prescribes a treatment regimen taking into account the quick and effective action during pregnancy.


Drinking capsules is much easier and more convenient. This can be done in any conditions - at home, at work, on the road and in nature. It is this factor that forces some pregnant women to take the medicine orally, avoiding inserting the capsule into the vagina.

The treatment method is simple: depending on the doctor’s prescription, you need to take Utrozhestan 200 mg several times a day. It is advisable to take each dose with water. The maintenance regimen of therapy implies that you will need to drink at least 2 capsules - 1 in the morning and in the evening. If necessary, the dosage can be increased - one capsule in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is necessary to strictly observe equal intervals of time between taking the drug. With a 3-dose regimen, Utrozhestan must be taken every 8 hours.

Vaginal insertion

Using the method of insertion into the vagina is somewhat more difficult: there are not always suitable conditions for timely and convenient use of the medicine. Especially if the woman is not at home or there is no restroom nearby. However, in most cases, during pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe 1 capsule at night when the pregnant woman is at home.

A preventive regimen is the administration of Utrozhestan 200 mg before bedtime. If there are complications, then the typical treatment regimen for ICI or threatened miscarriage is 200 mg twice a day (morning and evening). The most difficult option is to inject the drug into the vagina three times a day. Typically, this treatment method is required for rapid and pronounced shortening of the cervix, when the pregnant woman must be on sick leave or in hospital for conservation.

For each woman while carrying a child, it is necessary to individually select the dose, administration method and treatment regimen. In addition, it is necessary to reduce or increase the dosage in time if there are reasons for this.

Contraindications for oral administration

It is possible that during pregnancy it is undesirable to take Utrozhestan orally, but only vaginal administration can be used. You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • against the background of diseases of the digestive system, when there is a risk of worsening a chronic disease or lack of effect from treatment if Utrozhestan does not enter the woman’s blood;
  • in case of liver pathology, when the medicine harms liver cells or aggravates hormonal deficiency;
  • in case of cardiovascular pathology, when the drug in a certain dose can affect vascular tone or the tendency to edema;
  • for endocrine disorders, when the drug provokes hormonal imbalance.

At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, the doctor will identify risk factors, and if they are present, will prescribe Utrozhestan locally in the vagina. It is necessary to listen to the recommendations of a specialist so as not to harm your own body.

It is better to take Utrozhestan correctly from the very beginning. There is no need to experiment or follow the advice of friends: if vaginal administration of the drug is prescribed, then you must follow the recommendations.

Sometimes the smooth gestation of the fetus and the delivery of a healthy baby at term depend on this. It's all worth sticking with a not-so-convenient treatment method for a while, isn't it?

Not always everything goes according to plan during pregnancy. To maintain the proper course of pregnancy, doctors prescribe certain medications. One of them is Utrozhestan. You need to know how to take it correctly so that your pregnancy goes smoothly.

1 How to take Utrozhestan during pregnancy - is it better to drink or inject?

Utrozhestan capsules can be taken either orally or intravaginally. If you are unsure how to take it, consult your doctor. If you take it vaginally, you will achieve the effect quickly. The active substance will be absorbed through the bloodstream without affecting the liver and stomach. When administered orally, Utrozhestan may affect the liver and stomach. But during pregnancy, Utrozhestan can not always be taken vaginally; with some contraindications, you will still have to take the capsules orally.

2 Correct dosage of Utrozhestan during pregnancy

The hormone Utrozhestan is taken in different doses for each case:

  • If you are at risk of miscarriage, you should take the hormone twice a day for the first two trimesters. The required dosage is 200 or 400 mg per day.
  • If there is a shortage or complete absence of this hormone in the body, take the drug in cycles. Treatment is required for 60 days; for each cycle there is a certain dosage, which will be indicated by the attending physician.
  • If fertilization occurred using IVF, Utrozhestan should be taken by a woman in the first trimester and second trimester of pregnancy. The dosage will initially be 200 mg per day and gradually increased to 600 mg per day.

3 How to take Utrozhestan orally during pregnancy

First, you should determine whether there are any contraindications to the use of this hormone. In the absence of liver disease, various malignant diseases, or increased blood clotting, this drug can be taken orally. Swallow the capsule with water. There is no need to chew it. In case of threat of miscarriage, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 200 milligrams twice a day.

4 How to take Utrozhestan during pregnancy intravaginally

Intravaginal suppositories should be inserted deeper. If your doctor has prescribed one capsule a day, take it before bed, in the evening. If there is a threat of miscarriage, Utrozhestan is prescribed to be administered intravaginally at 100 or 200 mg once or twice a day.

5 Cancellation of Utrozhestan during pregnancy

You can’t leave Utrozhestan abruptly. A sharp drop in progesterone in the body can easily provoke a miscarriage. It is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage over the course of a month, reducing it every week. For a detailed dosage reduction plan, consult your doctor. If you experience any discomfort, your doctor may tell you to resume taking the drug.

Be careful with medications, especially when it comes to something as important as pregnancy. Only your doctor can prescribe the correct use of the drug.

Often women face hormonal problems that interfere with conceiving or bearing a child. The most common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester is a lack of progesterone, which is called the pregnancy hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum. Utrozhestan during pregnancy is in most cases used specifically for the treatment of this pathology.

Characteristics of the drug

Utrozhestan is also prescribed to normalize the cycle, treat some benign diseases of the reproductive system, and support the second phase of the cycle. In this case, women are naturally interested in the question of what is the likelihood of pregnancy while taking Utrozhestan or its analogue, Duphaston, and what further actions should be taken if pregnancy does occur.

To understand this, special attention should be paid to the mechanism of operation of the drug, indications and contraindications, as well as methods of administration and its withdrawal.

Composition and mechanism of action

The active ingredient is natural progesterone, the chemical formula of which has been improved to facilitate absorption from the gastrointestinal tract or vagina. It belongs to the group of gestagenic agents. Progestogen (synonymous with progesterone) is a hormone that produces the corpus luteum, which forms after ovulation at the site of egg maturation. Read more about the yellow body→

The hormone prepares the endometrium (inner covering) of the uterus for the introduction of a fertilized egg into it, reduces the contractile activity of the uterus, thereby helping to maintain pregnancy. It also has an effect on the mammary glands, stimulating preparation for lactation.

Absorption of the drug occurs quickly both from the gastrointestinal tract and from the vagina. The main difference is that with intravaginal administration, progesterone quickly accumulates in the uterus and the local effect is more pronounced. If the administration of the drug exceeds 200 mg per day, then the concentration of the hormone in the blood corresponds to the first trimester of pregnancy.

Indications for use

Utrozhestan during pregnancy and other periods is prescribed only if there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body. There are differences in indications for taking the drug orally and vaginally.

Utrozhestan is used orally for:

  • cycle disruption due to lack of ovulation;
  • mastopathy;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • premenopause;
  • replacement therapy in women after menopause.

Utrozhestan as vaginal suppositories is prescribed for:

  • replacement therapy and “support” therapy in in vitro fertilization (IVF) protocols;
  • early onset of menopause;
  • infertility due to insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle;
  • prevention of spontaneous abortions and premature births in women at risk;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • habitual abortion due to low progesterone levels.

Please note that Utrozhestan can only be used intravaginally during pregnancy. The drug cannot be used during breastfeeding, because it passes into breast milk and will affect the baby's hormonal levels.

Release form and analogues

The drug is available in special gelatin capsules containing 100 or 200 mg of natural micronized progesterone. Auxiliary elements are vegetable oil and soy lecithin. Capsules can be used for oral and vaginal administration depending on the indications. Packages usually contain 7, 14 or 30 capsules, depending on the manufacturer and dosage.

An analogue of Utrozhestan, Duphaston, is available in tablets for oral administration; unlike Utrozhestan, it contains a synthetic analogue of gestagen.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

Utrozhestan can be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist to prevent miscarriage if a woman is at risk of miscarriage or has a low level of her own progesterone according to the results of a blood test. The drug can be urgently prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage in order to prevent it.

Women are at risk if:

  • in the past there were spontaneous abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy associated with a lack of gestagen;
  • an in vitro fertilization procedure was performed;
  • there was infertility due to luteal phase deficiency;
  • the woman was taking Duphaston or Utrozhestan at the time of conception;
  • there has been a previous premature birth in the second trimester of pregnancy;
  • there is shortening of the cervix in the present.

But each pregnancy is individual, so the question of prescribing the drug should be decided by the attending gynecologist, taking into account the woman’s medical history, concomitant diseases, age and other important factors.

Cancellation of Utrozhestan during pregnancy is a long process; you should not suddenly stop taking the drug, since a drop in progesterone levels can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage. The dosage reduction usually lasts 1-1.5 months. Only a doctor can determine the time when you need to start reducing the dose.

During the withdrawal period, the patient should monitor her well-being - note the amount and nature of discharge while taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy, the presence of pain or a feeling of petrification in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lower back or sacrum. If bloody discharge occurs, as well as brown or black color, pain, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

The advantages of the drug are obvious - it helps to carry a pregnancy, the disadvantages are side effects (and they are quite common) and the need for gradual withdrawal.

Often women find themselves in a situation where a hormone is prescribed to support the second phase of the cycle. While taking it, pregnancy occurs, but the woman does not yet know about it and cancels the drug in order to induce another menstruation. This can cause a miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, which is a disadvantage of the drug.

About 50% of early miscarriages occur due to genetic disorders and infectious diseases. In these cases, Utrozhestan or Duphaston will not help maintain the pregnancy, but will only delay the onset of miscarriage. Therefore, the prescription of the drug is justified only in case of proven progesterone deficiency in the current pregnancy or multiple miscarriages due to progesterone deficiency in the past.

Method of use of the drug during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Utrozhestan is used intravaginally: the capsule is inserted deep into the vagina, after toileting the external genitalia.

Mode of application:

  • During a threatened abortion or to prevent a habitual abortion, the dose of utrogestan is from 200 to 400 mg per day. It is divided into 2 doses. Should be taken daily in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. By the end of the 2nd trimester, the drug is gradually discontinued.
  • With IVF, the dose is determined individually. Start taking it from the day of hCG injection and continue until the end of the 2nd trimester. The maximum dose is 600 mg, divided into 3 doses per day. This dose is achieved gradually according to an individual scheme, and the drug is also gradually discontinued.
  • Prophylactic use in women at risk of premature birth (shortened cervix, unfavorable medical history) - from the 22nd to the 34th week at a dose of 200 mg once a day at night.

In all cases, the doctor may change the dosage, because it depends on the level of hormones of a particular patient and the problems that exist. You should not skip doses of the drug or stop taking it yourself.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects usually occur when taking the drug orally, and with intravaginal administration, only local allergic reactions to the components of the capsule are observed - burning, itching, oily vaginal discharge.

However, some women complain of drowsiness, dizziness and increased toxicosis. Despite unconfirmed data, you need to keep in mind such systemic side effects.


  • intolerance to components;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, strokes, myocardial infarction in the present or past;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • breast or reproductive system cancer, as well as suspected cancer;
  • porphyria;
  • bleeding from the vagina with an unknown cause.

The drug should be taken with caution in case of renal and liver failure. Before prescribing, assess the magnitude of the risk and possible benefit. During admission, it is necessary to monitor the biochemical analysis of blood and urine.

Thus, Utrozhestan is an indispensable drug for miscarriage due to a lack of progesterone. Unfortunately, many doctors prescribe it without sufficient reason. If you have doubts about whether the drug has been prescribed correctly, it is recommended to see another doctor.

If the appointments are confirmed, then it will be necessary to take Utrozhestan daily for quite a long time, despite the high price of the drug. Fortunately, it very rarely causes side effects when administered intravaginally. The drug is considered safe for the fetus, although studies are still being conducted.

Useful video about the drug Utrozhestan

Partner news

Utrozhestan belongs to the group of drugs that are sources of the female hormone progesterone. His task is to help the woman bear the baby. However, it is prescribed not only to those who are at risk of miscarriage.

Utrozhestan during pregnancy

Modern gynecologists are very fond of prescribing this drug or its analogues. Poor ecology and a frantic pace of life weaken us, and even the most seemingly healthy women have situations when they need to support the body hormonally. Progesterone drugs help a pregnant woman spend months waiting for her baby without unnecessary risks.

Release form, composition, mechanism of action

Utrozhestan is available in the form of capsules; depending on the dosage, they can be round (100 mg) or oval (200 mg). The capsules are soft to the touch, because... They have a gelatinous shell, and inside them there is a liquid substance. They can be either drunk or inserted into the vagina using the principle of suppositories.
Active ingredient: progesterone. Usually a hormone of plant origin is used, a complete analogue of the female sex hormone. Once in the blood, it binds to receptors on the surface of the “target” organs (uterus and ovaries) and penetrates the nuclei of their cells. It helps the uterus reach the state necessary for the proper development of a fertilized egg. It becomes soft and does not contract, which allows the egg to attach firmly and receive nutrition. In addition, progesterone suppresses ovulation, promotes the development of mammary glands, and helps the expectant mother accumulate fat (yes, this is also intended by nature for the safe bearing of a baby).

At the pregnancy planning stage, Utrozhestan helps to form a thick mucous membrane (endometrium) on the uterus, which will allow the egg, if fertilized, to attach to the uterus and begin development.

Use in early and late pregnancy

The official instructions for the drug state that pregnant women need to take Utrozhestan in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that progesterone deficiency can only occur when the placenta is not fully formed. At 16–20 weeks, the placenta is fully formed and provides the baby with hormones. Taking progesterone drugs after 20 weeks is considered pointless by many.
However, each case is individual, and there are women for whom doctors extend the drug to 34–35 weeks, mainly due to increased uterine tone.

An analysis of progesterone levels is done at the beginning of pregnancy - based on its results, a decision is made on prescribing the drug

The only question here is trust in the doctor. At one time I had to put Utrozhestan before 27 weeks. I believe that I would have used it until the very end if I had not raised the question of stopping taking it. The pregnancy proceeded calmly, and it seemed that there was no point in spending money on an expensive drug, which, moreover, had to be taken regularly, without missing a single capsule (this meant regular trips to the pharmacy and an endless search for discounts).

Objectively: there are other drugs, with a different mechanism of action, aimed at maintaining pregnancy in the third trimester, for example, Ginipral. It prevents excessive tone. However, the question of stopping taking Utrozhestan or switching to other medications should be discussed only with your doctor! Utrozhestan does not have any effect on the fetus, so there is no need to be afraid to take it if the doctor insists on it and gives valuable arguments.

Indications, contraindications, side effects

Pregnant women are prescribed Utrozhestan for:

  • threat of abortion or if the woman has had abortions before;
  • the existing threat of premature birth (when the due date has not yet approached, and the cervix has begun to shorten);
  • increased uterine tone.

My doctor prescribed this drug to me after an ultrasound at 7–8 weeks of pregnancy. The reason was the discovery of a corpus luteum cyst (as a result, a possible disruption in the production of progesterone). In addition, the gynecologist drew attention to the insufficient attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. The doctor immediately predicted that I would have to drink Utrozhestan until the middle of the second trimester. In addition to taking hormones, motor rest was prescribed at least until the first screening.
To survive, the embryo must literally “grow” into the endometrium, and this requires progesterone

Women planning pregnancy and those diagnosed with infertility are prescribed Utrozhestan in preparation for the IVF procedure:

  • to support the luteal phase (this helps the egg, if fertilized, to gain a foothold in the uterus);
  • as hormone replacement therapy if the body does not produce enough progesterone.

In addition, Utrozhestan softens the onset of menopause and improves the quality of life of women who have had their ovaries removed for some reason.

Contraindications to the use of Utrozhestan are:

  • thrombosis and thromboembolic disorders;
  • bleeding from the vagina with an unknown cause;
  • presence or suspicion of malignant tumors of the breast or genital organs;
  • porphyria;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • liver diseases;
  • age under 18 years (studies not conducted);
  • breastfeeding (passes into breast milk);
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug (especially soy lecithin).

Like any hormonal drug, Utrozhestan has side effects. If the “side effects” make themselves felt too strongly, then you should talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage.

Women taking this drug may experience:

  • drowsiness, dizziness;
  • menstrual irregularities, spotting outside of menstruation;
  • headache;
  • nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea;
  • skin rashes, itching.

If the side effects are too severe, your doctor may recommend switching from oral to intravaginal: as mentioned above, the capsules can be used in both ways.

Features of using a hormonal drug

If the doctor has prescribed you to take the drug once a day, then it is best to drink/put the capsule at night, because it can cause drowsiness. When taken orally, the capsule must be swallowed with plain water. When inserting into the vagina, you must wash your hands and insert the capsule as deeply as possible.

You should not take Utrozhestan with food: food will hinder the absorption of progesterone!

Only a doctor prescribes the dosage and regimen of the drug! Taking the drug in pregnant women and those who are just dreaming of conceiving a baby will differ greatly in the number of capsules per day and the duration of treatment. The manufacturer of the drug recommends taking 100–200 mg of the drug at a time and not going beyond the daily norm of 600 mg.

Depending on the goals and condition of the woman, the doctor may prescribe a regimen of 2 or 3 doses per day. It is not necessary that the doses in the morning and evening will be equal: 200 mg at night and 100 mg in the morning are often prescribed to avoid weakness. The dose can also be maintenance, only 100 mg - it all depends on the diagnostic results. Therefore, first of all, you should focus on the doctor’s recommendations, because The annotation describes only the general principles of treatment.
The duration of the course will also be determined by the gynecologist. The official instructions prescribe the use of the drug until the end of the second trimester. For those planning a pregnancy, the course of treatment is usually shorter: it lasts 10 days, starting from the 17th day of the cycle.

Like any other hormonal drug, Utrozhestan must be taken strictly according to the schedule and preferably at the same time. It must be discontinued gradually: over the course of a week, the dosage is reduced by half (that is, the amount of the substance is reduced), then the same amount is taken once a day, then every other day, and then reduced to nothing. The doctor should also describe the withdrawal plan.
A pill box or a special application on your phone will help you not to miss taking a capsule.

It is not advisable to skip taking pills. In my practice, there was a case when the pack ran out and a new one had not yet been purchased, and I had to skip the evening reception. There were no consequences from this, although unnecessary nerves were wasted. There are situations when the drug disappears from pharmacies due to supply interruptions. Considering all this, it makes sense to purchase Utrozhestan with a reserve: anyway, the drug is not abruptly canceled, which means it will most likely be used up.

The progesterone drug actively interacts with other medications. If a woman has to take other pills, she should definitely consult a doctor.

Photo gallery: which drugs cannot be combined with Utrozhestan

Tetracycline and penicillin antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of Utrozhestan Utrozhestan enhances the effect of drugs that lower blood pressure Utrozhestan enhances the effect of diuretics (diuretics) Utrozhestan may increase the need for insulin in patients with diabetes

Utrozhestan analogues - other progesterone-based products

Utrozhestan has analogues. It is interesting that among all these drugs there are no obviously cheap ones, that is, you will not be able to save significantly by taking an analogue. However, a substitute drug can help out if the main one is not on sale. Before taking an analogue, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Table: analogues of Utrozhestan and their features

A drugRelease formCompoundPeculiarities
DuphastonCoated tablets, available in 20 or 28 pieces per package.Dydrogesterone (progesterone analogue) 10 mg, excipients.To maintain proper levels of progesterone, pregnant women are recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day, but the regimen is prescribed by a doctor in each specific case.
The drug is in many ways similar to Utrozhestan. However, the manufacturer does not list drowsiness among the side effects, and also writes that “the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or use other mechanisms.” For many women this can be important.
PrajeesanCapsules, pack of 10 pieces.Progesterone 200 mg, excipients.As with Utrozhestan, this drug can be taken either orally or intravaginally. The manufacturer's recommended dosage for pregnant women is 200–400 mg 2 times a day.
IprozhinCapsules, pack of 15 or 30 piecesMicronized progesterone 100 mg, excipients.You can take it with water, or you can insert it into the vagina. To prevent miscarriage, a dose of 100–200 mg twice a day is recommended for pregnant women. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.
CrinonGel for intravaginal use. Each dose is packaged in a separate single-use vial.Progesterone, 90 mg per dose, excipients.Recommended for use when planning pregnancy. Pregnant women are allowed only if pregnancy occurred as a result of IVF and the gel has already been used in preparation for the procedure. In this case, it is used only at the earliest stages of waiting.

Utrozhestan is a drug with progesterone for oral and intravaginal administration, available with a doctor’s prescription. It is widely prescribed by gynecologists to maintain pregnancy at risk of miscarriage and for better embryo survival during IVF.

In some regions it is included in the list of drugs prescribed to pregnant women free of charge. The cost of the medicine is from 400 rubles.

If necessary, read Utrozhestan analogues and instructions for use; make the decision on replacement together with your doctor.

Manufacturer: OLIC Limited (Thailand)

Release form: capsules

Active substance: progesterone

Synonyms: Crinon, Progestogel, Prajisan, Iprozhin

The drug has the following properties:

  • ensures the transition of the uterine endometrium from the proliferation phase to the secretory phase, which occurs after ovulation a few days later and is characterized by thickening of the mucosa;
  • if fertilization has occurred, the hormone promotes the transition to the development phase of the fertilized egg;
  • induction or stimulation of lactation, especially often used in in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • stimulation of the development of normal endometrium;
  • decreased contractility of the uterus and fallopian tubes, which is a preventive measure for miscarriage or miscarriage.

The medicine also promotes the accumulation of fat and glycogen, and is involved in the synthesis, consumption and utilization of certain substances in the body (for example, nitrogen, glucose).

Indications for use of Utrozhestan

The medication Utrozhestan 100 or 200 is prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  1. threat of miscarriage or miscarriage (premature birth), with placenta previa;
  2. infertility;
  3. premature menopause;
  4. during in vitro fertilization in the preparation phase for manipulation;
  5. disrupted menstrual cycle.

A drug does not have contraceptive properties, therefore cannot be used as a means of contraception.

Research data. The main cause of miscarriage in 64-89% of cases is a lack of progesterone. In non-pregnant women, menopause, infertility, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy in 85% of cases are associated with an inadequate luteal phase. The action of progesterone is aimed at correcting the causes.

In 93% of cases of therapy before the 36th week of pregnancy, the number of cramping, nagging pain, the need to use antispasmodics and cases of spontaneous miscarriages, abortions and premature births decreased.

Utrozhestan - instructions for use

Utrozhestan 200 is most often prescribed, less often in a dosage of 100 mg for conditions caused by a lack of progesterone. The dosage, course and method of administration are determined by the doctor.

The medication does not need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Utrozhestan is best: drink or insert vaginally during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug is most often prescribed intravaginally. This way, side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, and headache are less likely to occur.

It is better to check with your treating gynecologist how to use it with a pessary. Many doctors recommend drinking to prevent infections.

Take Utrozhestan before or after meals

The medicine is prescribed orally 1-2 times a day, depending on the diagnosis. It is better to take on an empty stomach or before bed, in the evening.

Analogues of Utrozhestan

How to replace Utrozhestan depends on the indications, contraindications, and the reason for the need to select an analogue (dissatisfaction with the price, side effects that have arisen, or an intolerance reaction). It is extremely important to do this with your doctor.

Analogs of Utrozhestan in Russia with prices and country of origin


Release form: tablets

Active substance: dydrogesterone and estradiol

Utrozhestan substitute Femoston is an original antimenopausal drug containing two types of hormones. The analogue compensates for the lack of hormones, prevents pathological growth of the endometrium, reduces the severity of menopausal symptoms and prevents bone loss. It is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and with the selection of dosage for symptoms of menopause and deterioration in the patient’s quality of life. Once a year, it is recommended to undergo an examination and evaluate the balance of benefits and risks of taking the analogue.

Manufacturer: Orion Corporation, Finland

Release form: gel in bags

Active substance: estradiol

Synonyms: Klimara, Proginova, Femoston mini, Estrogel

The analogue of Utrozhestan 200 Divigel is used externally for estrogen deficiency or severe symptoms of menopause. To do this, the gel is applied to the front of the abdomen, lumbar region, forearms and shoulders, right or left buttock alternately. The advantage of the drug is that due to external use, there are no side effects of estradiol, one of which is an increase in blood pressure.


Manufacturer: Gedeon, Hungary

Release form: tablets

Active substance: norethisterone

An analogue cheaper than Utrozhestan in Russia is Hungarian tablets Norkolut. It has many indications - menopause, menstrual irregularities, individual oral contraception, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, etc. It is prescribed strictly by a doctor, the course and dosage depend on the indications. During pregnancy, Norkolut is not used, except in cases of miscarriage.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston - which is better?

Manufacturer: Abbott, Netherlands

Release form: tablets

Active substance: dydrogesterone

Duphaston is an analogue of Utrozhestan 200 during pregnancy and conditions associated with progesterone deficiency. The medicine is imported, original, and has undergone many clinical studies and tests.

The analogue is used when planning pregnancy and the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, miscarriage, irregular menstruation to normalize the cycle, with endometriosis and premenopause, with cryotransfer. This may cause headache and dizziness, rarely drowsiness.

Which is better during pregnancy – Duphaston or Utrozhestan, individually. The first drug is small tablets with synthetic progesterone and is taken orally 2-3 times a day, rarely causing drowsiness. The second - inside or deep into the vagina, contains natural progesterone.

When taking progesterone capsules orally, drowsiness is common and is not suitable for people with swallowing difficulties. Both drugs are imported and have been sufficiently researched.

Utrozhestan or Prajisan - which is better during pregnancy

Manufacturer: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, India

Release form: capsules

Active substance: progesterone

For many, the relevant question is whether it is possible to replace Prajisan 200 with Utrozhestan 200 due to the difference in price. Both medications belong to the same pharmacological group and contain progesterone. Indications, contraindications, side effects are the same.

The possibility of replacement should be discussed with your doctor. Utrozhestan is more often prescribed and has been more studied. The cost of the medicine is up to 20% higher.

According to patient reviews, the analogue of Utrozhestan 200 suppositories dissolves better during pregnancy because it contains peanut oil. The excipient of the original drug is sunflower oil.

Utrozhestan or Iprozhin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Capsugel Proermel, France

Release form: capsules

Active substance: progesterone

Iprozhin is an analogue of Utrozhestan suppositories with the same active ingredient, mechanism, and therapeutic effect given in the instructions. A distinctive feature is that it contains peanut oil instead of sunflower oil, so the analogue dissolves better when used intravaginally.

What to choose, check with your treating gynecologist. The cost of analogues is practically the same.

Utrozhestan or Crinon

Manufacturer: Fleet Laboratories, UK

Release form: vaginal gel

Active substance: progesterone

Crinon has the same composition as Utrozhestan and is available in the form of a vaginal gel. Used up to 12 weeks in cases of threatened miscarriage and miscarriage, amenorrhea and progesterone deficiency. The difference between the analogue is that it is inserted daily into the vagina during pregnancy or 2 times a week for other indications.

Is it possible to replace medications, which is better – Crinon or Utrozhestan for IVF? Discuss with your doctor based on your individual characteristics. The cost of the analogue is several times higher.

Analogues of the drug Utrozhestan cannot be chosen independently, without consulting a doctor. The drugs are available by prescription and have many contraindications and side effects. Unsystematic use can aggravate the disease and lead to irreparable consequences. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only.

Answers on questions

  1. Urozhestan or Utrozhestan?

    Urozhestan, Prozhestan – incorrect spelling of the medicine. The correct name is Utrozhestan capsules.

  2. Is Utrozhestan a hormonal drug or not?

    Yes, it contains progesterone.

  3. What is better - Utrozhestan suppositories or tablets?

    The drug is available in one form - capsules that can be drunk or inserted into the vagina. How to use is individual and agreed with the treating gynecologist.

  4. Is Utrozhestan a natural or synthetic drug?

    This medicine is based on natural progesterone.

  5. Does Utrozhestan cause cancer or not?

    There have been no studies on the relationship between cancer and medication use; there is no such data.

  6. Does Utrozhestan delay your period or not?

    No, the medicine, on the contrary, normalizes the cycle and the transition of the uterine endometrium into the proliferation phase (this is when menstruation is observed).

  7. Which is better - Utrogestan or Progesterone?

    Progesterone is a component of the drug.

  8. Do they get better from Utrozhestan or not?

    According to the instructions, the medicine promotes the accumulation of fat, so if the patient does not follow the diet and does not have a conscious diet, weight gain is possible.

  9. How to distinguish - Utrozhestan or leakage of amniotic fluid?

    To determine leakage, do a special test that is sold in pharmacies, or consult a doctor with a complaint about discharge.