Thin or overweight. What kind of girls do guys like? fat girls or thin

The age-old female question "Which women do men like more, fat or thin?" does not want to let go of the weak half of humanity. And although there is no dispute about tastes, let's try to solve this problem.

Over the centuries, the ideal of female beauty has been constantly changing, and it was not always dictated by male tastes. Society as a whole influenced the presentation of the ideal most of all.

Ancient world. During this period, as can be seen from ancient frescoes and records, women were generally slender due to their lifestyle and traditions. Although, as such, there were no generally accepted standards of beauty.

Middle Ages. At first, slender, even very thin girls were in fashion, who were sung in ballads as ladies of the hearts of knights. Later, women of a stronger physique, able to endure the hardships of the period, began to be appreciated.

Renaissance. Look at paintings by Raphael or Titian. Are dry ladies depicted there? No, these are quite puffy ladies who, by today's standards, have not just appetizing forms, but rather obesity. However, society subconsciously considered just such a figure to be beautiful. Because a fat woman could easily bear and feed children.

Over the years, beauty standards have changed more and more rapidly. They were influenced by historical events, famous personalities, and in the 20th and 21st centuries by the whims of famous fashion couturiers. And women, all the time looking back at the standards of society, either lost weight, then gained weight, or disfigured themselves with inept plastic surgeries. And all in order to please the opposite sex. But are such sacrifices really necessary?

Which women do men like more, fat or thin? Tastes could not be discussed

Ask your girlfriends what kind of men they like and you will hear a variety of answers. Someone loves pumped-up males, and someone - slender asthenics, some ladies are touched by a beer belly and bald head, while others love tall thugs. Then why did you decide that the guys are different, and they have an unambiguous answer to the question: which women do men like more, fat or thin? There is no such answer. All people are different, they have their own predilections, great tastes. After all, everyone, in the end, finds his own pair: both slender girls and donuts.

Although there are still some statistics on this issue. Studies all over the world have shown, first of all, that a man's addictions depend on his nationality and lifestyle. For example, Europeans really prefer women of average corpulence, without obesity, and Slavs, especially Easterners, as well as Latin Americans, prefer girls with shapes. Athletes most often choose sports ladies, but cozy business executives do not. Therefore, if this notorious issue is still on the agenda, it is worth studying the “target group” whose attention you want to attract.

Which women do men like more, fat or thin? How to please a man

The stronger sex loves with his eyes, and this is no secret to anyone. Yes, the tastes of men are different, but there is something that unites them. To the question "Which women do men like more, fat or thin?" 90% will answer - well-groomed and with attractive shapes.

You can have 5 bust and 80 cm at the waist, or you can fit the standards of top models, but the body must be attractive. Cellulite, stretch marks, saggy skin, belly, stoop are neither feminine nor seductive. In addition, the vast majority of men agree with the statement that even a slender girl should have slight curves in the right places (that is, beautiful, albeit small, breasts and neat buttocks).

Obesity and anorexia are also not among the top things that attract men, so you should not go to extremes. Just love yourself, your body, take care of it. And forget about complexes alone with your loved one.

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Our article is devoted to the question,do men like fat girls! We will talk with you about what figure men consider ideal! And should a fat girl go on a diet to become attractive to men?

What kind of girls do men like - fat or thin? For our article, we conducted a survey among men! Read our article on the real preferences of men!

Fullness or thinness - do men like a fashionable figure

Any fashion at all times row with one size fits all. If serious anorexia is in vogue, it is believed that only emaciated skinny women like men. The new trend is full thighs. It is automatically believed that only a voluminous ass is able to attract a man's gaze.

But fashion is set by a narrow circle of people! People who are not chasing life itself, but fleeting passing aesthetics! And to believe fashion trends that change too abruptly and often is already considered unfashionable. Such a paradox arose from the conflict between fashion and reality - the parameters of a woman's “ideal” body are incompatible with health.

And the tastes of men often do not change at all until the end of their lives! And some people really have to lie to others and to themselves about their preferences, because they are not "fashionable".

Statistics output:men like fatand thin women in a 1: 1 ratio! Moreover, men are looking for a slim, like a cover girl, mainly to show off to friends, and not for personal happiness.

Thick or thin - what kind of girls do men like

Men who love fator thin women, they say with one voice: a woman should love herself! And be relaxed both in communication and in bed. If a man is satisfied in an intimate way, he will not seek out figure flaws in his beloved woman. And if she commands respect from those around her with her speech, then weight ceases to play a role at all!

Only men recognized one thing - rarely does anyone like a swollen figure. Elastic fullness, when a dense layer of fat is felt under the pink elastic skin, a wide rounded butt and, of course, a voluminous soft chest - and on average up to 85 kg with an increase of 1 m 68 cm is not visually perceived as excessive fullness.

But if the body is loose, if the skin hangs down in flabby folds, the limp chest dangles from side to side, and the belly seems to be swollen, then even 1 extra kilogram will be perceived as a serious drawback. With such a figure, it is better to maintain thinness. A man can forgive a swollen body only to the mother of his child. And no longer than a year after giving birth.

Men like fat girls - reasons

The reasons cover all areas of life. Some donuts don't even know thatguys like fat girlsboth aesthetically and subconsciously! And that only the shyness of the girl prevents the guys from appreciating all her charm!

Fat wife - wealth in the house

A real man is a breadwinner! And if his beautiful wife is skinny, then even with a constantly full refrigerator, a man may feel that he cannot cope with the house. What brings home little or not what is needed. The more he feels this, the more often he thinks about children. After all, if my wife looks emaciated, then I will not feed the children!

And some jealous people try to feed her on purpose to "protect" their lady. Like, I love her and I love her, but other men will not bother!

Plump woman cooks well

This is sometimes not the case. But mostly a plump girl herself loves to eat deliciously, and pamper her man with hearty food. And who of the men will not rejoice at the borscht, over which the caring hands of his beloved worked?

Kindness and goodness

As psychologists say, the rumor that thin people are meaner than donuts is often true. Everything depends on the person, of course, but food makes the hormones of joy be produced. Those who love to eat these hormones are simply more. And fat girls do not like to find fault, because they know that they themselves are not the ideal of fashion. And men forgive shortcomings more often than thin ones.

Family and Children

Instinct persistently compels a man to seek a mother for his offspring. Sometimes the views of men change depending on his desire to have children.Do men like fatladies or not, but it is the more voluminous forms in such a period that cause greater sexual desire. A man unconsciously begins to feed his beloved one with more high-calorie foods. In general, a plump lady looks healthy and ready for pregnancy.

Character of a woman

If a man is looking for character in a woman, then harmony fades into the background. Or the third.Do guys like fatgirls for possible relationships are usually clear after 25 years. And mature men, unless they try to compensate for complexes or maintain status, are more and more inclined to choose more voluminous women. Who look more loyal and responsible.

How to find a man for a fat woman for a relationship

As well as thin!Fat woman maybe meet a manin the same places as any other! And the theater, and the park, and the cafe, and a master class in woodcarving! Although you need to make an impression a little differently.

Open outfits are suitable for slim ones, but plump ones can indulge in a moderate neckline. The catchy colors of clothes look vulgar - you need to choose suits in moderate colors. And the shoes should only be comfortable - the waddling plump gives the impression that she is not healthy. Ideally, these should be shoes with a low, stable heel.

Flirting and flirting should be more smoothed out than in the case of a skinny one. A full body looks more impressive, and this needs to be compensated for by ease of behavior.

It is imperative to smile and communicate with pleasure! Cheerfulness is a necessary decoration for your face! By the way, jewelry is almost always full, so do not hesitate to complement your outfits with beads or bracelets.

And of course, self-love. Attractiveness appears when a woman values ​​herself. Do not be shy about your forms - they are beautiful, because nature thinks so! And don't listen to crazy European fashion designers! The beauty of models for one season, and yours - for centuries! Make sure of this by visiting any art gallery!

Do men like fat girls: conclusion

From this article we have learned:

  1. Do guys like fat girls
  2. Why men like overweight women
  3. How a plump woman can attract a man

The main thing is that your sense of self is correct. You are beautiful both externally and internally! And the graceful lines of your body are just a dream for some men! So allow yourself the pleasure of being desired!

Be happy! And see you soon!

Every girl, starting from adolescence, dreams of beauty and sexuality in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Standing at the mirror, anyone critically examines himself, studying his appearance, figure, facial features. If you have extra pounds at the waist, chubby cheeks, you start thinking about whether guys fall in love with fat ones. If you are too tall or your legs seem to be short, thoughts about the flaws in appearance are spinning in your head.

What kind of girls do guys like - facts based on statistics

Psychologists have conducted many surveys. And then we systematized the answers of men to questions about which women they prefer. All parameters were taken into account, including the color of hair, eyes, nails, height, height, chest volume, hips, feet, a description of a smile and a laugh. Statistics allowed us to study information and draw conclusions.

Now you don't have to guess who the guys are looking at: brunettes or blondes, swarthy or pale-faced. Statistics provide answers to all these questions.

Appearance preferences

It is known that men, when meeting or communicating, first of all look at the girl's appearance, evaluating all her data. According to statistics, most of them have their own preferences and stereotypes.

Figure preferences

  • Girls like athletic physique more than bbw, but many like some bulges, smooth body lines
  • Most people prefer breasts of the second or third size, but no one minds the fourth either.
  • Men do not like too angular figures, almost everyone declares that breasts with a booty should be noticeable
  • Tall beauties are more attractive, but many want to have a girlfriend of average height, not taller than themselves
  • Crooked legs are repulsive, especially if they are very thin, like sticks
  • Emaciated, diet-obsessed ladies push men away with their looks

Appearance requirements

  • Blondes are more attractive than brunettes and red-haired girls, this is a known fact
  • Long-haired beauties with curly curls, curls are more attractive than ladies with short straight hair
  • A well-groomed appearance, shaved legs, armpits, hairstyle, outfit are important - everything must be neat
  • Guys do not like fatties who do not follow the figure - extra pounds can push anyone away
  • Most do not notice the scent of perfume, but they look at clean white teeth, straight nails
  • Tall, skinny girls with lush breasts, thin waists and athletic hips are the dream of many men.
  • All polls said that they love long slender legs most of all.

Clothing and makeup requirements

  • Men like high thin heels, stockings, short skirts, minimal makeup
  • Mascara with lipstick without brightness and streaks
  • Too fragrant astringent perfume should not be used, many people do not like it
  • Clothes in ordinary situations must be clean, fashionable, too revealing outfits cause condemnation
  • You should not dye your hair in bright unusual shades, shave the back of your head with temples - this will definitely push your partner away
  • In everyday life and on walks, male representatives prefer jeans with sneakers or skirts with comfortable shoes on their friends - high heels and mini in nature, they consider it stupid to relax by the river
  • Men do not like too long sharp nails, causing makeup

What character is important for a friend

If some men sometimes look little at their appearance, then they study the character very meticulously. Guys want a girlfriend to be:

  • Good
  • Delicate
  • Affectionate
  • Calm
  • Friendly
  • Wasteful
  • Cheerful

What character traits, behavioral features they do not like, has also been clarified:

  • Impudence
  • Anger
  • Envy
  • Sadness
  • Resentment
  • Reproach

It doesn't matter if a thin friend, plump, short or tall - if she is a brawler, a lover of being capricious, commanding, bugs prefer to part with her than to endure such behavior further.

What requirements do guys put forward to their future wife

The future wife, unlike temporary girlfriends, is idealized by men. What wishes they expressed in surveys and questionnaires is now known:

  • Quiet, calm, smiling, cheerful, affectionate
  • With a beautiful face, long hair, an athletic figure
  • In the presence of a lush chest, elastic hips, but a thin waist

In fact, men are not particularly demanding on the appearance of their future wife - love makes them close their eyes to many of the shortcomings of their beloved girl. It doesn't matter if she is tall or plump, thin or not tanned - if feelings appear, she will like everything else. Do not worry in vain - there will definitely be a connoisseur for each type of figure, you just have to want it.

You do not have a model appearance, do not rattle your bones when you walk, your weight is far from 60 kg? Do you think that men will never pay attention to you? And in vain! Today we will share a man's opinion on which girls are more popular with guys, fat or thin. You will find out why puffy ladies attract and repel the opposite sex, what men like about them, how to interest the "powerful of this world."

No matter how offensive it may be, absolutely all guys first assess the appearance of a potential soul mate and only then the inner world. And above all, their gaze falls, of course, on the figure. According to statistics, 75% of guys choose skinny ones and only 25% prefer ladies “in body”.

But one cannot fail to take into account the fact that each representative of the stronger sex has his own idea of ​​plump and thin girls. Approximately 65% ​​of men believe that women with a weight of 65-70 kg and a height of 165 to 175 cm are not fat at all. In their opinion, they just have mouth-watering curves and curves.

According to the male opinion, thin ones should weigh at least 53 kg, less is no longer skinny, but anorexic women. But they can be called complete when the body weight reaches 80 kg or more.

Who are attracted by voluminous ladies

A young man can pay attention to a magnificent lady not only because of his "taste" preferences, but also because the reproductive instinct speaks in him. At the sight of a liquid chest and rounded thighs, the thought instinctively slips through him that the lady is successfully carrying and giving birth to a child.

Libido often plays a role. Donuts eat as much as they want, which is why men believe that they are relaxed in bed. There is also an opinion that they will feed their lover well, and this is what almost every man wants.

Another reason lies in the fact that donuts are always smiling and in a good mood. Therefore, the plump ones will certainly not throw tantrums and scandals.

Here are the types of men who are attracted to chubby women:

  • those who want to compensate for their small stature and thin physique;
  • very fat men who have problems finding a slender lady;
  • hardworking, kind young people who like to spend a lot of time with their family;
  • villagers or people from the village, accustomed to hearty meals;
  • lovers of rounded shapes.

It is these men who most often choose plump women.

What kind of men are repulsed by fat

Taste is the deciding factor in this matter. Many are crazy about long, slender legs, flat bellies and tight pops. And now, according to our survey, there are 91% of them. At the same time, only 15% of guys like small breasts, the rest prefer a lush bust and voluminous buttocks without cellulite.

Fashion cannot be ignored either. Now the trend is sports, dried, slender bodies. Skinny girls adorn the covers of all glossy magazines, appear in celebrity clips and advertisements.

What attracts men to curvy women

The bodies of donuts, as 73% of those surveyed answered, attract the stronger sex with their seductive roundness. But still, no one likes cellulite and friability. There is nothing wrong with that, because even one who has extra pounds can become fit.

Character is also very important. "Donuts" are unlikely to point out the shortcomings of their partner, criticize him. They will love him for who he is, they will not make claims to his weight.

How to please a guy if you're overweight

If you want to date a young man who is weak in front of slender ladies, there is only one option for a plump lady - to lose weight. For this, first of all, you need. Here are all the details. But in no case hassle yourself with diets, just adjust your diet and exercise. You can go to. In this article you will find the basic rules of classes.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep him attached for years to come.

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If you need to lose weight dramatically, it is necessary. Here you will find several video tutorials and effective exercises. At the same time it is important. In this article, we talked about how all this is harmful and how to forget about them. And don't forget. Read here about water regime, nutrition, training, timing.

It is also worth remembering that you need to take care of yourself at any weight. You should always have a perfect manicure, hands are the calling card of every representative of the fairer sex. Hair and face should also be in perfect order.

Style is also very important. Avoid overly tight clothing. Do not wear bright outfits, choose beige, gray, black with light prints or decor. Buy yourself some nice slimming underwear.

Unpleasant comments for chubby girls in this video, but there is something to think about:

And most importantly, in order to please a guy and make him fall in love with you, you must get rid of all complexes. It is also important not to confuse obesity with obesity, these are completely different concepts.

4 chose

In the book "Sex and the City" Candace Bushnall cited the story of a man who secretly dated a girl. He was quite happy in this relationship, but hid the girl from friends and acquaintances, because her figure did not meet model standards. Indeed, if you ask men what kind of girls they like, they, without hesitation, will answer that they are exceptionally slender. But don't they become victims of the imposed fashionable image in this case? Let's figure it out.

Of course, all men are different, and their tastes, accordingly, also differ. But psychologists have noticed interesting general patterns.

Don't push it to the limit

Here we must make a reservation that we do not mean extremes. Few people are attracted by obesity or thinness on the verge of anorexia. And this is logical: men are interested in healthy women. And severely overweight or severely underweight just speak of health problems.

In recent years, a sporty type of figure has been in vogue - and this is not bad. Men really like fit women. But even here you do not need to go to extremes, pumping steel muscles and getting rid of any subcutaneous fat. After all, adipose tissue is one of our differences from men: nature intended that we have more of it than the stronger sex. And men like this difference. Many admit that it is pleasant for them to hug a soft girl, and the muscles are quite dense fabric. Anyway, do you know many men who enjoy watching women's bodybuilding championships?

Beauty for the ages

It's no secret that the standards of female beauty have changed dramatically throughout history. By the way, contrary to popular belief, magnificent ladies were not always popular in ancient times. Yes, paleo figurines of women do have the shape of a ball. But in Ancient Egypt, thin, tall and long-legged young ladies resembling modern models were popular. Ancient Greek beauty standards seem to be quite harmonious today. Ideal women of the Renaissance had curvaceous, even loose forms. The most striking example of this is the paintings of Rubens.

Historians say that these ideals depended on how strongly people in a given historical period were interested in procreation. The more important this issue was for the survival of the population, the more voluminous the ideal women became. This trend can be traced even in the XX century. For example, during the baby boom in the United States, Marilyn Monroe was a sex symbol. And she was replaced by a miniature, child-like Twiggy.

What now? The era of skinny super-models has passed, followed by sports figures. For a long time women tried to get rid of extra centimeters around their hips, and now thanks to Kim Kardashian it is believed that this is not bad at all. Does this mean that the world is preparing for the next baby boom? Let's see.

For home, for family

This leads to one interesting pattern: men who are ready to start a family pay attention to girls with more rounded shapes. This type of figure is subconsciously perceived as the most suitable for the birth of children.

Opposites attract

On several women's forums, visitors noticed a funny trend: thin men prefer overweight girls. There are no official statistics on this score and, naturally, it is impossible to talk about some undeniable rule here. But, in principle, such a pattern can be traced. The fact is that thin men usually have difficulties with weight gain, and it is not surprising if subconsciously they are looking for women who do not have such problems, thus compensating for their own complex.

Stress and kilograms

British scientists have found out another feature: men in a state of stress are drawn to overweight women. They deliberately brought the participants of the experiment to white heat, after which they asked to evaluate the photographs of different women. So, men from this group preferred women with normal or overweight. And those who were not nervous about scientists chose slimmer girls. Most likely, this is also an echo of our primitive instincts: under pressure, we choose those partners who, it seems to us, have more abilities for survival.

So here's a trick of the day: you don't want to lose weight - just keep your husband under stress.

But seriously, it seems to me that men are much less concerned with the female figure than the girls themselves. If for us a set of a couple of extra pounds is a real tragedy, then most men will not even notice such changes.

What do you think?