Making hair clips with your own hands. Delicate flower-hairpin fabric. Master Class

By decorating a hair clip with your own hands, you can demonstrate your individual identity and the ability to perform such painstaking work. There are many ideas on how to make beautiful hairpins - you can find some of them on this page. For example, you will learn how to make a flower hair clip, how to make a beaded hair clip, a fabric decoration, and a button accessory.

Automatic hairpins for hair decoration

Automatic hairpins for hair decoration consist of two parts: decorative and automatic. Whatever the decorative part, the automatic base is the same. It consists of three metal plates connected together at one end. The bottom is attached to the decorative part. At one of its ends there are "ears" and two adjacent teeth, which, when pressed on the "ears", move closer to each other. There are slots in the free end of the upper plate, located above the teeth of the lower one. They are inserted into the teeth, which move apart and hold the top plate. The middle plate serves as a stop.

Automatic foundations vary in quality. In cheap hairpins, the plates of the automatic base are thin and brittle. They are connected to each other unreliably, the plates can fly out. The better the hairpin, the more reliable its fastening.

The length of the automatic base is chosen depending on the length and thickness of the hair. The hairpin should be able to hold the hair. The thicker and the longer and stronger the hairpin is taken. For thin ones, a short little hairpin is also suitable.

The decorative part of the hairpin can be made from almost any material: wood, fabric, leather, plastic. Decorate the hairpin with beads, feathers, beads, rhinestones, braid, embroidery, etc.

If you buy an automatic base, you can make any hairpin with your own hands.

How to make a fabric hairpin with your own hands

Before you make a fabric hairpin with your own hands, prepare the material and soap. Take a piece of any fabric, fold it in half with the right side inside. With soap or chalk, draw the outlines of the future decorative part of your hairpin.

It can be a rectangle, square, triangle, oval, circle. Sew a seam along the drawn contours. It can be done by hand or by machine. Do not close the contour, but leave 3-5 cm unstitched. Through this hole, you turn the part inside out and stuff it with filler.

Cut out a piece of fabric, retreating 1-1.5 cm from the edges. Iron the seams so they don't stand out when turned inside out. Turn the workpiece through the hole left and stuff it with cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or other filler. Sew up the hole by hand with a blind stitch. Attach the resulting pillow to the automatic base.

Previously, you can embroider a decorative part or decorate with feathers, beads, beads.

How to make a flower hairpin with your own hands

Before you make a flower hairpin, take care of the base. You will need an automatic base 3-5 cm long, a piece of any airy synthetic fabric (for example, nylon, chiffon or organza), scissors, glue, a thread with a needle, a candle and a few beads that match in color.

Cut the fabric into several blanks of different sizes. The splendor and size of the future flower will depend on their number. For this do-it-yourself hairpin, 7-10 blanks of different sizes are required. The largest blank should be 12 cm long and 3 cm wide, and the smallest should be 2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide. For a flower of medium size, blanks of 3-4 different sizes are required.

The shape of the blanks can be oval or round. To form petals from blanks, they must be melted over a candle flame. Carefully take one piece at a time and bring it to the candle. It is safer to hold the blanks not with your fingers, but with tweezers. Slowly and smoothly turn the workpiece counterclockwise. Melt the edges of the fabric so that the blanks begin to resemble petals in shape.

The fabric should not be brought too close to the fire or kept in one place for a long time. Otherwise, the fabric will burn too much and black spots will appear on it. In the worst case, it can flare up, so for safety reasons, it is better to put a jar or pot of water next to it in advance, where you can immediately throw the ignited cloth.

When all the petals are ready, in a circle fan overlay the largest petals on top of each other. Tighten the petals by stringing them on a thread. Do the same for petals of other sizes. Gather all the layers of petals into a flower and secure them with a needle and thread.

The flower may turn out to be uneven, and individual petals protrude too much. In this case, you need to make a few more petals of the desired size and sew them on, covering the gaps.

Sew a bead into the center of the flower. Glue the finished flower to the automatic base.

How to make a beaded hair clip

To make a hairpin, you will need a sewing machine, fabric with or without a pattern, silk thread that matches the fabric in color, stuffing material, scissors, beads for decoration and a base for the hairpin.

First, the fabric must be folded in two layers and draw a circle on it with a pencil. The easiest way to do this is with a mug. Then stitch the outline of the circle on a typewriter, then cut out the circle with scissors, retreating from the seam 3-5 mm.

In the center of the circle, make small cuts through which you can place the stuffing material. When the material is inside, the incisions must be sewn up manually. Sew beads to the resulting pillow with silk thread. How many stitches there will be, and what pattern they will create - depends on the desire.

When the workpiece is embroidered, attach it to a metal base.

How to make beautiful button hairpins

To make this original hair clip, take three large buttons, two beads, a small piece of cord, an automatic hair clip, and superglue.

When making an original hairpin with petals, you will need wire, wire cutters, plasticine, medium consistency nail polish, and a base for the hairpin.

Cut the wire into equal lengths of 8-10 cm. Then bend each piece in the middle and twist on the handle to make a ring. Press it against the handle to give it an inclined position.

Dip the brush into the varnish and try to “pull out” the drop in the middle of the ring. In this case, the brush must be held at a small angle to the plane of the craft, from below or above.

When the varnish is stretched inside the ring, it must be twisted so that the varnish is evenly distributed. Rings can be filled with varnish of different colors. To dry, place the blanks in a plasticine stand.

When the petals dry, twist them into a flower and attach with a thread to the base clip. Paint over with varnish.

Materials and tools

- light synthetic fabric: acetate silk, organza, tulle, veil, crepe-satin in two colors - for flower petals and leaves;
- a metal base for a flower - a hairpin-automatic;
- a small piece of felt to match the color of the leaves;
- glue gun or other universal glue (preferably one that glues metal);
- a needle, threads of two colors to match the color of the petals and leaves;
- a strip of corrugated paper in the color of the leaves;
- soft wire, about 30 cm long (you can use wire for beading);
- a small patch of double-sided adhesive pad (available at fabric or craft stores)
- a satin ribbon in the color of the leaves, 5 mm wide and about 1 m long.
- scissors, candle.

From the fabric for the petals, we cut squares with sides of 3x3 cm, 4x4 cm, 5x5 cm, 6x6 cm - 5-7 pieces for each given size. The result will be about 20-30 squares. The more blanks, the more magnificent the flower will be.

From each square for the petals we cut out figures in the form of a truncated droplet or heart - without a sharp tip. We look at the photo:

In the flame of a candle, carefully melt each petal.

When melted, the fabric is deformed, and we get petals like real ones!

We begin to sew the flower from the middle, from the smallest petal. To do this, we twist the petal into a tube and stitch it at the base with threads that match the color.

Gradually add and sew on new petals in a circle - from the smallest blanks to larger ones, forming a flower.

We make leaves. We cut out 9x4 cm rectangles from the green fabric. We plan to make 3 leaves, so we will prepare 6 rectangles from the green main fabric and 6 rectangles from the double-sided adhesive pad. We also need wire - three pieces of about 10 cm each, corrugated paper in the form of a long ribbon 1 cm wide.

We wrap each of the three pieces of wire with corrugated paper - we form the basis for the leaf. Glue the ends of the paper.

We form a sheet by folding the blanks together (like a sandwich): green flap + gasket + curved wrapped wire + gasket + green flap.

We glue this “sandwich” by ironing it with a heated iron through dry gauze or a thin white sheet of paper. The double-sided adhesive pad melts under the iron and holds the fabric and wire frame together. We cut out the leaves from the rectangle, melt their edges over the candle in the same way as the petals did earlier.

We add “bows” from a satin ribbon, sew the middle with threads to match the color.

We fold the leaves together and hem them together, attach the bows. Glue the flower to the leaves. After the glue dries, you can additionally sew the leaves and the flower together - for a strong connection.

Glue a piece of felt on the base of the hairpin. It is better to do this in advance so that the glue has time to dry. Glue the flower to the hairpin. We follow all the instructions for gluing written on the tube! - so that our flower is held firmly on the hairpin, and does not deteriorate when worn. Leave overnight for the glue to dry.

The hairpin with a voluminous flower is ready. Our rose turned out beautiful, spectacular - like a real one!

- for: nylon or satin ribbon of two colors - 10 pieces of one color and 5 of another. The length of the segment depends on the width of the tape. With a width of 2.5 cm - a length of 7 cm, with 3.5 (3.8) cm - 8 or 9 cm, with 5 cm - 10 cm. The wider the ribbon, the larger the flower;
- for the bandage: satin ribbon 2.5 cm long, approximately 50 cm;
- elastic band 2 cm - cm 10;
- scissors;
- needle with thread;
- a bead or rhinestone for decoration;
- burner / lighter / candle.

So let's get started. If you have a burner, then with its help we cut the tape into segments of the desired length (depending on the width of the tape), at the same time we burn the edges so that they do not crumble (photo 1). If there is no burner, then cut with scissors and set fire to the edges with a lighter or over a candle flame. These are the petal blanks we got (photo 2).

We fold the tapes at an angle of 90 degrees so that there is the same distance from the edge of the tape to the corner (photo 3). We fold again, connecting points A and B marked in the photo. It should turn out as in photo 4 (view of the wrong side). Photo 5 - side view. We string the petal on a thread with a needle. We start from the front side, we make 2 stitches (photo 6).

Thus we collect five petals in a circle and tighten (photo 7). View from the front side - photo 8, view from the wrong side - 9. We make two more such flowers, collect all the tiers of our flower with a thread and a needle or glue (photo 10, 11). We decorate the middle of the flower with a bead, strassein or a beautiful button (photo 12).

We take a satin ribbon for a bandage. Stepping back from the edge of 2-3 cm, we make an incision and set fire to the edges (photo 13). We insert the elastic into the cut, stitch it across the length of the tape and along the edges, without grabbing the elastic along the dotted lines marked in photo 14. We do the same from the second side, turn it right side out (photo 15, 16).

We bend the edge of the satin ribbon under the elastic and sew it, without capturing the outer layer of the ribbon (photo 17). This is what should happen on the front side - photo 18. We do the same from the second side of the elastic band, this is how the bandage turns out - photo 19. Determine the place where the flower is attached and sew it on.

The American bow is a voluminous bow with many intricate curls. Such a bow is usually made of rep ribbons of different colors and different widths. When looking at the American bow, it seems that making it do it yourself very difficult. In fact, this is not so, because this design consists of several different bows assembled together. So, let's try to figure out how to make an American bow with your own hands.
, ribbon bow. American bow
This complex hair clip is made from a large number of ribbons of different widths. To create the bow itself, take a ribbon that contains some kind of pattern or just polka dots. The background ribbons can be plain or also contain a motif that emphasizes the design of the main ribbon of the bow. The tapes themselves must be from rep.

To create an American bow, we need:

Rep tapes.

For the main bow, you will need three ribbons of different widths (it is better that the width of the widest one is no more than 3-3.5 cm). For the background, 3-4 types of ribbon on which the bow itself will be located can be from 1 cm to 2.5 wide. It's not fundamentally important. The only important thing is that you arrange them harmoniously, but more on that later;

Needle and thread;
Pin, clips;

To create an American bow, we need to learn how to make its famous curls. We will use a special template that we will create ourselves. Take a regular piece of cardboard 15x7.5 cm.

Exactly in the middle, cut a line, 0.6 cm wide and about 3.8 cm long (slightly more than half).

We will need three such templates of different lengths. Each is 2.5 cm smaller than the other, but the width remains the same. I got templates with a length of 17.5 cm, 15 cm and 13.5, respectively.

Prepare a ribbon 2.5 cm wide, a pin, a clip, a needle and thread and a template. We begin to form a bow.

Using a clamp, fix the tape at the edge of the template, on the side where the slot is.

Wrap it around the template twice. Insert a fixing pin through the template, into the center of the ribbon (as shown in the picture above).

Carefully remove the tape from the template without removing the pins.

The next step is a very important part in making the American bow. Hold the tape with the tail up and fixing the center of the tape, where the pin is, with your fingers we begin to separate the turns to the sides so that we get something X-shaped.

Pull the loops until an even "X" is formed. When you look at the back of the bow, the ribbons should be aligned horizontally.

Using a thread with a needle, make a few stitches exactly in the middle of the bow. Make sure it doesn't lose its X shape.

Pull the thread tightly, wrap it several times and secure with a strong knot.

Using the same technique, make 2 more bows, but with templates of other sizes.

The next part of creating an American bow is to create a background, such as “thorns”. To form it, you can take ribbons of any width, for example, 3.8 cm, 2.5 cm and 1.5 cm wide. Cut each 12.5 cm and make a V-shaped cut at the ends, which immediately seal with a lighter.

Take 2 ribbons of the same color, put them crosswise and pierce the middle with a needle.

Do the same with the rest of the ribbons, stacking all the layers on top of each other. In this way, organize a beautiful background for the bow and give it an X-shape, as shown in the photo. When all the ribbons are in place, sew tightly in the middle and drag them with a thread.

These are the parts we should end up with. Now they are all ready to come together and create an American bow.

The American bow hairpin is ready! It remains only to attach the middle in the center. But I leave this decision to you.

Attach the base to the back. It can be either an iron “crocodile”, or a small automatic hair clip, or an elastic band, or ... your option.

Beautiful hairpins able to transform any hairstyle - the more original the hairpin, the more interesting the hairstyle looks. The most original, unusual and unique hairpins are those that made by hand. Let's try to make an interesting hair clip from ribbons in retro style.

metal hairpins,
tape 4 mm wide any color
hot glue gun.


You need to take a hairpin and 60 cm of ribbon. The middle of the ribbon cut is placed to the base of the open hairpin. Then you should pass one edge of the tape through the middle, but already through the outside. Repeat the same with the second tail.

This weaving continues along the length of the entire decoration. After that, a tight knot is tied at the end.

This is how the pins looked like before.

But we will not stop there and will make them more modern and sophisticated. The remaining tails of the tape are twisted and the flagellum is folded in half, forming a spiral cord.

And here we have in our hands excellent hairpins made by our own hands in retro style!

For you will need the following materials:

- two sticks for sushi (sold in any large supermarket);
- brown acrylic paint
- a small piece of fabric with a beautiful ornament;
- decorative thin cord about 10-15 cm;
- PVA glue and a brush.

How to make a hairpin. Master Class.

1. Cut wooden sticks so that their length is approximately 18 cm. Cover them with brown (or black) acrylic paint, leave to dry.

2. Grease the top of the stick with PVA glue. Now wrap each stick with a cloth (see photo). Bend the raw edges of the fabric, glue along the fold and attach to the stick.

3. Glue a small area of ​​the stick below the fabric (about 1 cm) with glue, and wrap it several times with a decorative cord. Secure the ends of the cord well with glue.

That's all, our oriental style hairpin is ready.

How cute little girls look in beautiful dresses and with openwork flowers on their heads! It turns out that such a cute decoration as an openwork flower can be easily made with your own hands.

To create such a cute headband for a girl, you will need a minimum of effort and free time, but despite this, it will look great and will be a great addition to any outfit of a little fashionista.

Headband with a flower for children, needlework master class:
For work you will need: lace, a piece of felt, a beautiful button or bead, elastic lace or a wide elastic band, and for older girls, you can take a regular plastic headband, scissors and a glue gun.

Using hot glue, glue the gathered lace onto the felt circle: start at the edge and move inward in a spiral.

In the middle we glue a bead or a button and glue the finished flower onto the base.

That's all: a wonderful headband for a little princess is ready! Isn't it easy and simple?

More ideas

If you are not satisfied with the quality of ready-made Chinese hair clips, it's time to learn how to make a much-needed hair accessory with your own hands. The easiest and most affordable way to make a hairpin out of fabric.

Most often, hair ornaments are made from thin translucent fabrics: organza, nylon, nylon. Silk, satin or crepe satin also work well for this purpose. You can even use an old but well-preserved polyester blouse. Braid, tulle, satin or organza ribbons are useful for decorating a homemade hairpin.

As an example, I will show

How to make a hairpin in the form of a flower from satin, guipure and lace with your own hands

Tools and materials for making fabric hairpins:

  • bright pink satin;
  • white guipure with lurex;
  • thin synthetic pale pink lace;
  • pink acrylic felt
  • pale pink threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • thin fishing line with a diameter of 0.2 mm;
  • wide pink hairpin;
  • decorative elements for decorating the hairpin (a large pink acrylic bead “under pearls” and silvery sewn-on rhinestones with a diameter of 0.6 mm);
  • transparent glue "Moment Crystal" (in a hurry left behind the scenes :)).

To make the hairpin lush and spectacular, it is better to make the flower multi-layered, consisting of several tiers. To do this, it is necessary to make petals of at least two sizes.

1. I cut out 2 circles with a diameter of 11 and 9 cm from office paper - petal templates.

2. I cut out 9 blanks of large petals of the first (lower) tier of the flower from the atlas. And there is one little trick here.

Of course, you can cut each petal separately, spending a decent amount of time on this. And you can cut the required number of petals in one fell swoop.

To do this, I fold the fabric several times, so that the number of layers of fabric corresponds to the required number of flower petals. Lightly iron the fabric. Then I place a paper pattern on top and carefully sweep the resulting design, making sure that the layers of fabric do not move.

3. After that, I cut out the blanks of the petals along the contour of the paper circle.

4. Similarly, I cut out 7 blanks of small petals of the second tier of the flower from guipure using a paper template of a smaller diameter. And as a result, I have 9 even, perfectly round parts with a diameter of 11 cm from satin and 7 blanks of petals with a diameter of 9 cm from guipure.

In fact, you can not stop there and, if desired, prepare petals for one or two more flower tiers. Accordingly, each subsequent tier should consist of a smaller number of petals, which in turn have a smaller diameter than the petals of the previous tier.

5. Now, from the resulting blanks, you need to make petals for a hairpin flower. I begin work with the manufacture of the petals of the first tier. To do this, I bend the part from the atlas four times: in half and again in half.

6. Stepping back 3-4 mm from the cut of the part, I sew it with small stitches, using a thread to match the fabric.

7. I tighten the working thread, thus obtaining a sharp petal for a flower clip. Further, without breaking the thread, I make the rest of the petals of the first tier of the flower in the same way.

8. If, after assembling the petals on a thread, the fabric crumbled at the cut of the parts, as in my case, you can carefully melt the inner edges of the petals with a lighter.

Important: you must first subject an unnecessary piece of material to such processing. If the cut of the fabric does not melt, but burns, which usually happens with natural fabrics like silk, or blackens under the influence of a flame, then this manipulation should be abandoned so as not to spoil the finished work.

9. I tighten the thread with strung satin petals and fasten it by closing the first row of petals into a ring.

10. I string guipure petals for the second tier of the flower on a thin fishing line, which I usually use for weaving beaded jewelry. After stringing all the petals, I tighten the line and fix it, but do not break it off.

11. I connect the blanks of the first and second tiers of flower petals and sew them together with the remaining “tail” of the fishing line.

Seams made with transparent and almost invisible fishing line are almost invisible to the eye. And this allows you to securely fasten the details of the flower, without causing damage to the appearance of the finished hairpin.

12. The third tier of a fabric flower is made of lace. To do this, I collect a piece of lace 20 cm long on a fishing line and gather it up.

13. I tighten the fishing line, fix it with a knot, and again I don’t cut it.

14. With the remaining piece of fishing line, I sew lace to the lower tiers of fabric flower petals.

15. I decorate the middle of the flower with a large bead, which I also attach with a thin fishing line.

Instead of a bead, you can use any decor you want. For this purpose, both the original button and the sewn-on decorative element are suitable.

Often on sale you can find the so-called "decor for American bows" - wooden or plastic decorative elements, convex on one side and flat on the other. They can also serve to decorate hairpins. To attach them to a fabric hairpin, it is best to use hot glue or Moment Crystal transparent glue.

16. So that the bead in the center of the hairpin flower does not look lonely, I supplement it with sewn-on rhinestones. This allows not only to decorate the hairpin, but also to additionally fix the details of the flower together.

17. I cut out a circle with a diameter of 3 cm from acrylic felt. I glue it to the back of the hairpin with transparent Moment Crystal glue and fasten it by making an overcast stitch along the contour with a matching thread.

In the absence of felt, you can use any fabric that does not crumble on the cut of a suitable color or a satin circle of a slightly larger diameter, the edge of which, when stitching the parts, must be tucked inside the hairpin so that it does not fray during wear.

18. It remains only to attach a fabric flower to the base clip. In my case, it's a hair band. So I just sew the finished flower to the elastic with fishing line.

As a result, I get such a cute hairpin for a girl:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making hair accessories. On the contrary, the process of creating original jewelry with your own hands is a great pleasure and makes it possible to realize any creative fantasies. What I sincerely wish to all regular and new readers of the HobbyMama blog!

In spring and summer, every girl wants to be attractive. An important role is played not only by the image as a whole, but also by individual details: shoes, elastic bands, invisible ones. To keep your hair always in order and your hair look neat, you should use not only hairpins, but also hair clips. It is easy to make them with your own hands. The process is fun and doesn't take long.

Little children are happy to make beautiful hair clips with their own hands. This is a great way to stand out, because you will not find similar products anywhere else. There are many ideas and ways to make hairpins. Simplify the task of modern materials, which are presented in stores in a wide range.

Types of hair clips can be different. Satin, velvet, light chiffon, crepe satin are suitable for the creative process. A twister for a hairstyle or a bun should be made of dense soft material. Fabrics with prints look interesting: flowers, figures. It is necessary to choose the threads to match the product, otherwise the design will not look beautiful. You can buy ready-made tapes in the fabric salon. It is easier to work with them: they are already processed along the edges.

The base will also come in handy. It is better to take the metal left over from old products.

With the help of special glue, the decoration itself will be applied to it. Designs from invisibles are also suitable. You can even use ordinary hairpins.

From fabric

Baby hairpins made of ribbons are the fastest way to stand out and add charm to your look. You will need:

  • ribbon 5 cm wide of the same color;
  • tape 2.5 cm wide of a different shade;
  • threads, needles;
  • bead;
  • basis-machine;
  • glue "Moment".

Now you can start the process itself.


This hair clip is made of satin ribbons. Now you can wear it with confidence. There is another option.

From rep ribbons

They have a suitable structure, as well as a large range of colors. Products with bright shades are suitable for children: they look original and do not confuse hair.

You will need:

  • tapes 10 mm and 22 mm long. It is better to take them in different colors;
  • scissors, thin fishing line, thread, needles, lighter;
  • basis for the product;
  • strong glue.


  1. First you need to decide on the structures. To do this, the ribbons should be folded in the shape of a flower or a bow. Then you need to choose the size. The length and width of the entire structure depend on it.
  2. Once the dimensions have been chosen, the ribbons need to be cut. In this case, it is desirable to leave a margin of 2-3 mm. The edges must be burned with a lighter or a match.
  3. The ends of the ribbons must be connected with a fishing line and a needle.
  4. In the center, carefully fasten the thread and wind the tape well with it. Get a bow.
  5. Then you need to take another tape of a smaller size. It is wrapped over the base. All excess should be removed.
  6. In the middle, you can glue or sew on rhinestones, a bead, a button. Then the entire structure is connected to the base.

From improvised materials

You can make beautiful invisibility for a hairstyle or a bun using improvised means that are always available in any home. Even bumpits can be made this way. Below are some popular and unusual options.

For high styling

Solemn hairstyles require special decorations, so the usual invisible buns will not do it here. Barrettes for volume bumpits hair are needed, as well as wedding barrettes for a spectacular hairstyle. If you show imagination, you can create an original hairpin that no one else will meet.

So, here's an unusual one. Suitable for a beam, and for other styling:

  1. It is necessary to prepare materials: fabric that can hold its shape, flexible and elastic fishing line, dry glitter, glue, threads and needles, the basis for invisibility.
  2. It is recommended to take exactly a solid standing fabric, otherwise the invisibility petals will lie ugly. It is necessary to cut several of these petals. Each of them can be processed around the edges so that the fabric does not crumble.
  3. It is interesting to create pieces of fishing line with sparkles. To do this, each piece must be dipped in glue, and then in dry sparkles. You only need to dip the tip of the fishing line into the sparkles. At the ends of the wire should be shiny. You need to cut several of these pieces.
  4. Now the fishing line and the petals need to be securely connected to each other. To do this, pieces of fabric are sewn or glued onto the base, and pieces of fishing line are inserted into the middle. This can be done in several ways, but it is better to make a ring at each end of the fishing line, which is then easily sewn to the workpiece.

Additionally, you can use bumpits - a tool for creating volume at the roots. This product bumpits - a great way to style.

A dress, shoes, a veil, bouquets, a beautiful stylish hairstyle… This list of invariable wedding attributes can only be supplemented with jewelry that a beautiful bride will wear. And flowers (live or made of silk, metal, beads, etc.) are perhaps the best addition to a gentle romantic look.

However, flowers should be chosen and prepared with great care, based on the style of the wedding event, the season of its holding, the appearance of the bride (hairstyle, hair color, temperament) and taking into account the semantic load that each petal carries in the hair.

The best fresh flowers for hairstyles and their meaning

If you want to tell others about your feelings, carefully choose the buds and their shade, then the “language of flowers” ​​will fully emphasize your mood.

Most brides choose a rose, the queen of flowers, for their hairstyles. White buds speak of both innocence and purity, pink and red - about deep strong feelings (lush peonies carry the same subtext), love and affection, yellow roses are a symbol of jealousy.

Bright gerberas are a symbol of flirting, good mood and smiles. Freesia is sincerity itself. Callas are a combination of simplicity and elegance, beauty and admiration. Lilies in the hair will symbolize purity, beauty, purity and devotion. And gentle alstroemerias will serve as a real talisman that protects from enemies and evil looks. Daisies also look great in hair and signify youth and romance. Orchids in hair and bouquets look luxurious, symbolizing magnificence along the way. And chrysanthemums, perhaps the best hair decoration in the autumn, mean happiness and nobility.

How to choose flowers for hairstyles

It is advisable to choose the shades of flowers for the hairstyle so that they are combined with other wedding accessories - the bride's bouquet, the groom's boutonniere, etc.

It is believed that hairstyles with large elements are best complemented by large buds. But you should not turn your hair into a flower bed, because flowers are just a nuance, a “highlight”, emphasizing the beauty of strands and weaves, and not the main element of the image. If you opted for large flowers, then there can be no more than three of them in the hairstyle.

Please note that large flowers do not look very attractive on very thin and liquid hair.

Small inflorescences and greenery beautifully emphasize curls, weaves, high complex hairstyles with many elements.

Fresh flowers are capricious, it is better to trust their preparation to a professional florist and order their delivery exactly on the day of the wedding ceremony, then the petals will remain fresh and will not wilt throughout the holiday.

Harvest or order a slightly larger number of flowers for a hairstyle, in case the unexpected happens during the collection process and the bud is damaged.

If you decide to prepare the buds yourself, then put the flowers in ice water for a day so that they are saturated as much as possible. Then take them out of the water, take a sharp knife and cut the stems at an angle. Leave the length of the stem slightly longer than the length of the bud. Now prepare a solution of water and aspirin (either saline or sugar solution), soak a piece of cotton wool in this solution and wrap the place with a cut of the stem. Cling film and silicone rubber or green teip tape will help fix the cotton.

Top the flowers should be sprinkled with hairspray.

After such processing, the petals of natural flowers will retain their original appearance and freshness much longer.

Often florists disassemble the petals and put them together, fixing them with wire and special glue. But at home, without proper experience, repeating the procedure is problematic.

Fix the flowers in the hair with silicone rubber bands, hairpins and stealth. And the attachment points are sometimes masked with gypsophila branches.

In the place where the bud will be, they make a pile, strengthen it with varnish, after which the flower is tied to the strands with silicone rubber.

If the use of elastic bands is unacceptable (for example, in high complex hairstyles), then the flower is inserted into the hair, the stem is fixed with a hairpin and the hairpin is additionally strengthened with invisibility, placing them crosswise at the ends of the hairpin.

Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers look no less attractive, and it is much easier to attach them to the hair (hairpins, headbands, headbands, etc.). When choosing jewelry, pay attention that the material from which the bud is made is in harmony with the material of the dress and shoes.

For work you will need: thin wire, fabric for petals, transparent fabric 40x40, long thin feathers (ostrich), beads to match the fabric, transparent second glue, headband or hairpin, scissors, cutter's chalk.

  • We carefully iron the fabric, after which we lay it out on the table and mark out an arbitrary number of petals in the form of drops. We draw them with chalk and carefully cut them out with scissors. It is desirable to cut the edges of the petals in a wavy shape.
  • Glue a thin wire to the center of each petal, leaving a tip up to 20 cm long.
  • Now we fold each petal in half (the fold line should coincide with the place where the wire is attached).
  • Now the hardest part. We put our left hand on the fabric, press and hold the petal with it. With my right hand, I begin to shift the fabric in the direction from the thumb to the little finger, describing a semicircle. In this case, the pressure of the left hand should be weakened only at the moment when you completely move the entire fabric to the little finger. We make movements smoothly, without jerks.

  • We wrap the ends around the rim or hairpins.

A beautiful large flower for a wedding hairstyle is ready. It remains only to fix it in the hair.

Peony is a complex, but very beautiful lush flower that will become a worthy decoration for the bride's hairstyle.

For work, you should prepare: threads and a needle, scissors, a candle and matches, chiffon of the desired shade (white, cream, etc.), a pencil, simple and thick paper for patterns, pins and a piece of foam.

Draw a big heart on paper and cut it out. The next heart is cut out a little smaller. The third heart, respectively, is even smaller. Now cut out a couple of petals of different sizes in the form of drops.

We take chiffon, iron it. We fold it into eight additions. To prevent the fabric from moving out, we pin the edges with pins.

We lay out the petals on the fabric, circle with a pencil and cut out. The more petals, the more magnificent the peony will turn out.

Now we light a candle and carefully begin to singe the edges of each petal. Under the influence of temperature, they will melt and bend beautifully. We put the petals in piles, sorting them by size.

We thread a long thread into the needle. Take the foam and stick this needle into it with the tip up. Thus we will collect the flower.

We start with the largest petals. On the tip of the needle we prick the tip of the petal and lower it onto the foam. We spread the petals in a spiral (the edge of the upper petal should overlap part of the lower one).

When all the large petals are used up, we begin to string pieces of fabric in the form of smaller hearts. Insert the petals last.

Now that the flower has become quite lush and beautiful, carefully remove the needle and thread from the foam and make a few stitches in the center of the flower, holding all the elements together.

It remains only to sprinkle the petals with varnish to make them more rigid and attach a hairpin (glue or sew). Gorgeous flower in the hair for the wedding is ready!

Ribbon roses can be made larger or very tiny by decorating their hair.

We select the tape of the desired shade and width. We process the tip with a lighter. Then we begin to fold the tape and fasten the turns with hot glue. When the rosette is ready, cut the ribbon and glue the hairpin or sew the rosette onto the hairpin. You can additionally decorate roses with small rhinestones and use artificial leaves.

Video - do-it-yourself roses in hair for a wedding