How to be irresistible. How to be irresistible: harmony of external and internal beauty How to be irresistible

Understand how important it is to look good. Studies have shown that the appearance of a person is one of the main elements of his attractiveness. In addition, appearance is the first thing we can notice and appreciate in a person. Present in the best way to attract others, for this, try to make sure that your appearance and internal qualities are in harmony.

Shower regularly. Compliance with hygiene works wonders - your appearance will immediately become neat and tidy. Take a shower every day or every other day so that you do not emit an unpleasant smell, then you will look neat and attractive.

Maintain good oral hygiene, use a toothbrush and floss. Oral hygiene is important not only for maintaining health, but also for a neat appearance, especially if you often talk to others. Brush your teeth regularly with a toothbrush and use dental floss to remove plaque from your teeth. Through oral care, you will get rid of bad breath that can alienate your interlocutor.

Watch your weight. A normal weight is very important for overall health, and besides, thanks to a normal weight, you can transform your figure. If you take care of yourself and take care of your health, you will feel more confident communicating with others. Proper nutrition and regular exercise will not only help you maintain your weight, but it will also improve your skin, making you more attractive.

  • Dress stylishly. Clothing is the main element of appearance, it is on it (as well as on your figure) that the first impression of you is formed. By choosing the right clothes, you can emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide the flaws, becoming more attractive to others.

    • To dress stylishly, it is not necessary to buy expensive things in fashion boutiques. Buy a few basic things and just learn how to combine them correctly.
    • Now there are quite a lot of options and models of clothes, so you can choose clothes for your type of figure. Find things that suit you, think about how to emphasize the dignity of your figure, how to cover up flaws and weaknesses.
    • Accessories will add zest to your look. For example, you can choose a watch or a belt to match your look.
    • Do not overdo it with experiments on your appearance. Your goal is to look neat, tidy, and stylish, and not try to mimic cover models or dress in fashion, even if you don't like the fashion. For example, give preference to calm everyday makeup and a neat hairstyle.
    • Wear perfume or cologne. Smells are well captured and remembered by others. If one of your acquaintances suddenly smells the scent of your perfume on the street, this may remind him of you. Perhaps someone wants to be near you more often.
  • As you know, a man is by nature a polygamous being. But we, women, need to fight this trait of theirs and try with all our might to keep the man we like near us. It is sometimes difficult to do this, since any person craves diversity, and it is common for him to look around. How to make sure that your man looks exclusively in your direction, and does not allow thoughts (consciously or unconsciously) about leaving for another woman? In this article, 12 rules of what needs to be done and how to behave in order to always remain unique and irresistible for him.

    1. Always keep yourself in control

    A woman is naturally endowed with more sensuality and emotionality than a strong male. This makes us women and adds attractiveness in the eyes of men. However, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Sometimes we are simply unable to cope with the surging emotions, and we begin to say and do all sorts of stupid things, which we often regret later. Therefore, it is worth learning to control yourself - this will be your trump card, as you will stand out from other too emotional women.

    2. Be self-sufficient

    A woman can be compared to chocolate - it is almost impossible to find a person who would not love it, however, if you eat too much of it, it becomes cloying. Therefore, even the most beloved and close man should not be given 100%. Always leave a personal space for yourself, leave a piece of your soul or a favorite activity that will be only yours. Believe me, from this you will become more interesting to him and will cause more respect than you will completely dissolve in him.

    3. Don't be afraid to lose your loved one

    After all, fear is a very destructive force, it will destroy you from the inside slowly but surely, you will lose peace and behave inappropriately in normal situations. This will not add to your attractiveness in his eyes.

    4. Maintain dignity in any situation

    If you do not respect yourself, no one will respect you, including your beloved man. One has only to allow oneself to be humiliated once - and this will not be the last time.

    5. Be inaccessible

    Be inaccessible - and you will win the heart of that one. Although the 21st century is in the yard, most men have the same attitude towards affordable women as they did under our grandparents. If you are ready for anything on the very first evening, it is unlikely that you will be interested in him for further serious relationships.

    6. Don't take the lead

    A man always remains a man, even if you have seen his weaknesses and think that without your sensitive guidance he will not succeed. He will not forgive you if you take on the role of manager in the house and command him. He doesn't need another man. The wisdom of a woman is to gently and unobtrusively prompt him, so much so that he is sure that he himself has come to the necessary decision.

    7. Be Patient

    You should not talk from the very first meetings about what kind of wedding you will have, how many children and what kind of dog you will have. Most likely, such conversations will not please him too much. And you better remember that life is not a fairy tale that ends with a wedding. In reality, a wedding is only the beginning of a new life, which will require a lot of effort from both you and your husband to become happy.

    8. Never compare yourself to his ex.

    Also, do not ask for details about his previous relationships and girls. This will not lead to anything good and will be unpleasant not only for him, but also for you. Live in the present, and in the present your loved one is with you and loves you - and this is the most important thing.

    9. Stay always feminine and gentle

    Try to be like that, even if in fact you could stop a galloping horse. Why should he take care of you and protect you, if you have the courage to do it yourself? Keep your power to yourself, because a real man becomes only next to a true woman.

    10. Don't underestimate the role of praise and compliments in his address.

    Men love it too, and he will appreciate you even more if you remind him of his virtues more often. Since, despite the outwardly businesslike appearance, a child lives in every man who needs support and self-confidence.

    11. Remember to take care of yourself

    The way he says that he loves you and not made up and without hair, but remember how he loved you. It is unlikely that you were shaggy, rumpled and unkempt. Of course, we are all people, but you should not show him your bags under your eyes, cellulite, broken nails and other charms in abundance. Love your body and take care of it.

    12. Love yourself!

    Remember that how we treat ourselves is how others will treat us. So love yourself! You are the only thing you truly have in this life.

    Every day, waking up, first of all we face ourselves - so let this meeting bring us joy! Accept yourself for who you are and love with all your heart.

    Not too sexy, too plump, always unlucky on the personal front... do you no longer believe in your seductiveness and would like to become irresistible? You don't have to be a star to drive men crazy. Every woman has the inner resources to please men, but also to make her life easier and better. Here are some tips from Marie Forleo's How to Get All Men at Your Feet.

    What is she, an irresistible woman?

    She is not perfect, but she radiates a positive energy that captivates men and carries this charm throughout her life. By and large, life is easier when you are irresistible. Being an optimist, an irresistible woman is not afraid to tell the truth, does not compete with men, is in harmony with herself and feels great. Of course, each of us would like to be irresistible. Women's online magazine "Signorina" give you 10 tips on how to do it. Why postpone?

    1. To be irresistible, you need to build your own life.

    Take control of your life, plan it yourself and take responsibility for it. You cannot become a professional in conquering men by magic. In order to become irresistible, you need to make as much effort as to keep yourself in good physical shape. One visit to the gym is not enough. Moreover, it is always easier to know what needs to be done than to do it. Therefore, in order to become irresistible, you need to make an effort. It's about stopping acting mechanically: feel your life, not just react automatically. Stop making automatic judgments (“he didn’t call me back, I shouldn’t have gone to bed with him”) that depend on your mood and that lower your self-esteem. Be pragmatic and choose the right judgments (he didn’t call me, so I didn’t succeed with this, well, nothing, I’ll meet someone else).

    2. Don't wait to find someone

    Stop thinking that until you find your soul mate, you will not be happy and satisfied with your life. Many people believe that they are nothing on their own, so they need someone to come and save them.

    Live your life with optimism, do not expect that one day a prince on a white horse will appear and take you by the hand and take you to salsa courses. In other words, don't wait for someone else to do things for you that you would like to do. You will see, you can make yourself happy.

    3. Think positive

    Attract men with your good attitude. When you are angry, you cannot feel happy. Paying too much attention to all sorts of small annoyances that occur during the day (you missed the bus, the boss made a remark at work, a passing mime’s car splattered you with mud), we forget to think about positive things. Things are the way they are, and instead of changing them, change your attitude towards them, sometimes it is better to think about what is happening in a positive way. It's simple. Better yet, learn to see the good even in the bad, and see opportunities in problems. By doing this, you will gradually change your mentality. And believe me, one day you will thank you for it.

    4. Forget the rules

    Forget about the rules that people once made up that no longer work and even prevent you from moving forward. For example: do not call the first man, do not go to bed with him on the first date ... these are all guidelines that have been hammered into our heads almost from birth, and which have become rules that cannot be broken. Leave them aside and try to act the way you feel, listen to your inner voice. Just learn to enjoy yourself.

    5. Don't look for guarantees

    Stop torturing yourself with questions like “Is he good enough? Will he love me and be faithful forever? Stop! Rediscover yourself every day. Naturally, a woman needs encouragement and reassurance (Do you love me?), but we are in a process of constant evolution and change, and men too. But the most important thing is that even when the sweetest songs are sung to you and you are assured of eternal love, you can never be sure of it. The only advice: look at yourself in a new way every day (it may sound silly, but you must admit that today you are not the same as a year ago, and not even the same as yesterday) and do the same with your partner.

    6. Refuse to be manipulated

    To be irresistible means to be unique and have charm. So put aside the overused strategies like "how to seduce a man" or "how to manipulate people."

    Do you think that the technique “the more I love him, the less he loves me, and the less I love him, the more he loves me” is a wonderful technique? Well, then why are we always alone in this case? Moreover, by seducing men using manipulation techniques, you run the risk of not being able to get out of this game.

    Why manipulate those who already find you irresistible? Be yourself, and with a little bit of self-confidence, you will be a woman who deserves the love of a man for who she is, and if not, then why do you need him?

    7. Throw away the sheet describing your ideal man.

    To open up to men means to stop waiting for a man who probably does not exist in nature, but his image prevents you from seeing others. In your head you keep the image of your desired life partner: "he must be a tall brunette, a lawyer by profession and love dogs." But by rejecting all blondes, artists, and those who don't like sushi, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to start a beautiful love story. So burn that proverbial wish list and let things take their course, and also stop pushing yourself (you're not going to dinner with him so he'll marry you, are you?).

    8. Break away from your past

    In order to live better in the present, let go of your past. You feel insecure because you let your ex leave you, you were jealous when he drove you crazy ... in general, you had a lot of things in the past that a priori affect you. When you meet a man, do not tell him that you are afraid of being abandoned and other such things. Take a moment and talk better about what can connect you with your new acquaintance, such as common interests or tastes. Give him a chance to get to know you the way you are now, not the way you used to be.

    9. Take care of yourself

    Nobody asks you to become as irresistible as Monica Bellucci or follow all the canons of beauty. You just need to take care of yourself and be always well-groomed - both in order to arouse desire in others, and in order to gain self-confidence. Some people think that while they are single, it is not at all necessary to go out with a manicure and a washed head, and hair removal is postponed until later when it becomes necessary to go on a date. But it may happen that you will meet your future husband in a bakery, to which you, out of habit, went out in a tracksuit. Therefore, put aside all the things that do not decorate you and bring beauty every time you leave the house - for a date, for a business meeting or to the store. The causal relationship is obvious: you look great - men look at you - you feel great and - you are irresistible!

    10. Listen

    Women like to be listened to, but guess what, men like it too. Thus, you just need to learn to listen, this stage is very important in order to become irresistible. Some words can tell us more about a person than long speeches, so listen to everything a man says to you as if it were the most important thing.


    Dear ladies, today I decided to finally "surrender" us, men, with giblets and I will share with you the most important secret of how to keep the interest of almost any man effortlessly for many years.
    Why didn't you write about this before? In my opinion, this "secret" is so obvious that I did not even understand how it could not be understood.

    In total, what do women's magazines usually advise, and I myself in my articles? Pay attention to your appearance, flirt, study the psychology of men, learn to listen, etc. All these tips work, and how. Study, apply in life and be sure your relationship with a man, and your life will change. All this works, but today I will talk about what, in combination with the above tips, will make you simply irreplaceable, irresistible and the only woman for your man. Something that is almost impossible to repeat to other women. (This is another one of the strengths of this tip.)

    Before describing it, I will cite one of the fairly well-known differences in the psychology of men and women.
    A man is focused on decisions and actions, and a woman is focused on communication.
    Therefore, this difference is a fairly common cause of conflicts between a man and a woman. Suppose a woman wants to tell a man what happened to her and hear words of sympathy, and a man, without really listening to the end, begins to give advice and even criticize.
    However, this difference in the psychology of men extends not only to the fact that a man cannot listen to an upset woman. In many ways, the love of a man, love and interest in a woman for many years also depend on this male feature.
    In total, a man falls in love, remembers a woman for a long time, does not lose interest in her in many respects in the process of some business, actions, and not communication, like a woman. In other words, the main moment for a woman to fall in love with a man is his words. If a man knows how to say what a woman wants to hear, then other things being equal (mind, confidence, beauty, strength, money, etc.), he will always be more desirable for a woman than the one who does not know how to say this. And even if these conditions are not very equal, then all the same, a man who knows how to say what is needed and behave like a real man often still turns out to be more desirable for a woman.
    Men who do not know how to communicate with women do not enjoy success with them, and then in family life they also experience constant difficulties.
    Now let's move on to men, specifically to what needs to be done to become irreplaceable, irresistible and the only woman for a loved one? Communication for men, of course, is just as important. However, the main reason why a man falls in love with a woman is her joint affairs with a man. And already in the process of doing these things, you can communicate, fall in love, etc.
    A woman who intentionally or accidentally uses this feature of a man always has a better chance of falling in love and keeping a man for a long time than one who does not.
    Once again I will try to formulate, and only then examples. It is quite difficult for a man to fall in love with a woman just by talking with her over a cup of good tea. Even if the tea is very good, and the conversation is even better. I'm not saying that this never happens. After all, a woman can fall in love with a man who has never said anything to her, just by seeing him in front of her or even on TV. However, it is still much easier for a woman to do something with him, and not just communicate, in order to keep the interest of a man.

    It would seem that the obvious advice for men and for women. Men are more likely to say something nice to their woman, and women are more likely to do something with their man. However, despite this, many men are silent (some are better off silent), and women do nothing with men. This mistake makes it difficult to build good relationships at times.

    So, how to do something with men?
    Let's return to the initial example, where a woman and a man drink tea and have some wonderful conversation. The man in this example just sits on an armchair and sofa and drinks tea that the woman has made for him. He was fixed, and inside he is already starting to fidget a little bit. What can be done?
    - At a minimum, you can ask a man to help make tea, help move cups of tea somewhere, generally run to the store for tea (or something stronger and tastier), because the getter, so let him run and get it. Then it will be much easier to transfer the subsequent fixation on the chair. And with greater pride in myself and in my exploits. He fed the woman, did not let her go hungry;
    - After tea drinking or before it, you can take a walk along the street;
    - You can even talk, but touch on your and his affairs in the context of their decision, and not just just communication. That is, you can not just talk about something that happens in your work and life, but ask for advice so that he can advise in this situation and why.
    Naturally, you do not need to ask about something purely specific, about what your man does not understand at all. In addition, of course, consider the degree of development of relations. It is not at all necessary at the first meeting to puzzle a man with a couple of dozens of problems that you could not solve before for 10 years.
    These tips, which I listed above, are the most primitive. But even they can lead to the fact that a man is much easier to remember and fall in love with a woman. It is important that if you implement them in practice, you will avoid a large number of pauses in communication or even "death" silence. After all, men, as a rule, practically do not know how to communicate on other topics, except for business.

    Okay, the above tips are desirable for most men. Then communication with them will be noticeably simplified in any sense of the word. It is not necessary to set a goal to make him fall in love, you can thus improve relations with male colleagues, etc.

    However, what are the stronger means for a potential husband? What can make a woman out of competition maybe even for life?
    Strong joint experiences, actions, decisions of a man and a woman (or only men), associated with risk, struggle, hardship, victories and defeats for a woman or together with a woman, put this woman in a completely different, special world for a man. A man remembers such memories for a very long time or even for a lifetime.

    Now there is only this woman, and there are all other women. Beautiful and younger women will no longer be able to seriously compete with her. And if a man and a woman are able to avoid gross mistakes in the relationship in the future, which for some reason turns out to be more difficult for some than to go through difficulties and victories together, then the woman will always remain in a special place for the man.

    How to get these joint experiences associated with victories and defeats, risk and struggle? How to become out of competition? Of course, I do not suggest that you specifically get involved in some kind of fraud for this, so that later you can get out of them all your life. In life, without it, there are enough difficulties and difficulties. You just need to skillfully use them. How to do it?
    Here, unfortunately or fortunately, it is impossible to give such simple advice as in the example with tea. However, some guidelines can be given.

    First, don't completely remove the complexities and difficulties of a man in a career, relationships, etc. In other words, don't do the man's business for him. Otherwise, if everything is presented to a man on a silver platter, then the effect will not be in the expected gratitude, but in avoiding you and even, possibly, in betrayal.

    This is the most minimal advice that can be given after the tea example. I'm not saying that you can't help a man with advice or action, but you can't give or buy a man a victory, even if you have money, skills or acquaintances with which you can get this victory. He won't forgive you for this.

    Help in technical work (if you wish), support, discuss, let the man be silent, but do not get a victory for him. It's about life in general, and about your relationships in particular. You don’t need to immediately give yourself to a man without a fight, let him run at least a little.

    Secondly, deep experiences arise while moving somewhere and for some reason. In this case, by movement I mean, of course, not so much walking or running, but personal growth, achieving some goals, etc. Physically, you can stay in place.
    If you or your man have a quasi-stable life and you do the same thing every day, think the same thing, and the same thing happens around you, then strong feelings are unlikely to arise.
    Start moving somewhere. Set a goal for yourself, decide to change internally, try to learn some new skill or go somewhere new. Encourage the movement of a man somewhere. If you have a completely “marsh” life, where, for example, your parents decide everything for you and you work at some kind of boring job, then serious experiences are hardly possible in it.
    During this movement, fear, a state of happiness, other experiences, the acquisition of some kind of life wisdom will certainly arise. Again, I do not urge you to immediately make sudden gestures, quit your job, friends, etc. To begin with, at least think about it, you do not need to immediately begin to act. Then you can try to do something small. Then you can try to do something with a man. Demand or expect from a man changes in him or the achievement of some interesting goals. Whether you succeed or fail, the shared memories that cement your relationship are guaranteed. (Once again I say that you don’t need to take big steps right away, otherwise these will not be memories, but only severe pain).

    I understand that somehow changing your life and achieving goals or stimulating this man is not so easy. But this is not so difficult, if you do not aim at goals that are impossible for you or the reorganization of the world and the people around you.

    That's it, one of the most important secrets of how you can easily keep a man near you for decades and become for him the most irreplaceable and irresistible woman has told you. It's just something to do with the man. You can even just play the role of an active fan and a strategist who sees from the side of the mistake and generally helps with his female intuition and caution. This secret is very strong and almost impossible to repeat. (How can you repeat other people's victories and shared memories?).

    Use it and other secrets of communication with men, and they will be at your feet, waiting for the opportunity to fulfill your desires.

    Rashid Kirranov at

    So, ahead is a holiday, and you urgently need to become beautiful. However, you have little time and lack of willpower? Well, well, where there is no willpower, methodicalness and organization will help. It will take you only two weeks to achieve your goal.

    Write yourself a schedule and hang it on the wall so you can keep track of everything. Try to negotiate with yourself, remember that you only have to try for two weeks, and then you can relax again (although, who knows, you might enjoy being irresistible so much that you will constantly fulfill all the points of the program).


    So, you just need to do the exercises every day. In the morning, do a five-minute exercise: tilting to the sides, swinging your legs and arms, squats - all twenty times. This exercise will help you to be in good shape. In addition, shake the press for five minutes.
    While you get to work and directly during work, do the so-called "invisible exercises": squeeze the muscles of the buttocks - thirty times (this is an exercise to tighten the buttocks); inhale and exhale, "inflating" and drawing in the stomach, and fix each movement for ten seconds - do it thirty times (this exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles); sitting, cross your legs and slightly raise the knee of the upper leg, linger in this position for ten seconds, then raise the lower leg as well, linger for another ten seconds, then lower your legs - do ten times; sitting, first raise your socks without lifting your heels off the floor, and then vice versa (these exercises are for beautiful legs).
    During the day, try to walk the stairs more often, no matter: up or down, it is still very useful not only for the legs, but also for the buttocks, back and abs.
    In the evening, you need to take a walk or just walk part of the way home. The walk must last at least twenty minutes.

    In addition, in the evening you should do some more exercises:
    - Sit on the floor, legs straight, and move forward on the buttocks, and then back, for three minutes. This wonderful exercise will help you tighten your buttocks;
    - Simulate cycling for three minutes. Such an exercise is useful for both the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the legs;
    - lying on your back, legs bent. As you exhale, stretch your left elbow to your right knee, then vice versa. Repeat ten times. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.


    In addition, you will need to change your diet. It will be necessary to have breakfast, even if you are used to doing without this meal. It is during breakfast that the body replenishes a quarter of the daily requirement for trace elements and nutrients. And if you do not have breakfast, then the body will be without food for twelve hours (from yesterday's dinner until lunch). As you understand, such breaks have a negative impact on the general condition of our body.

    Another morning meal gives the body the necessary boost of energy, concentrates attention, adds vigor. And, most importantly, the lack of breakfast contributes to the deposition of excess fat in the body. Since later there is a feeling of hunger, and much earlier than lunch, and we eat everything and more than necessary.

    What you eat for breakfast is also very important. Sandwich is not the best option. Do not forget, you have a very important task before you - to transform in two weeks. Therefore, choose cereals for breakfast - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. It is necessary to cook porridge not with milk, but with water. With such a breakfast, you will provide your body with the necessary amount of calcium, magnesium, fiber, potassium, folic acid and B vitamins for the whole day.

    Make it a rule to drink green tea every morning (can be with honey or lemon). We all know that this wonderful drink helps to reduce weight by normalizing metabolism. It also reduces appetite and helps to avoid uncontrolled bouts of hunger. Therefore, green tea is what we need in the next two weeks.

    Include second breakfast in your daily routine. It will help you not to overeat at lunch. It is best if you eat fruit (apples, kiwi) or low-fat yogurt at this meal.

    Your lunch should energize, be useful both for the figure and for health. Therefore, we choose lean meat or fish, vegetables, fresh or stewed, and you can also prepare vegetable broth. Meat and fish should be baked, boiled or stewed, so you will reduce the amount of fat consumed. Vegetables are simply necessary for our body, because they contain a lot of useful substances, including fiber. And do not forget about green tea, sometimes during lunch you can replace it with orange or pineapple juice. These juices are also very good for weight loss - pineapple juice helps burn fat, and orange juice gives a feeling of satiety, removes toxins.

    For an afternoon snack, eat fruit (kiwi, orange, apple) or drink a glass of kefir. This meal allows you to maintain the desired level of sugar in the blood until dinner, and this in turn helps not to pass before bed.

    Dinner is the last meal of the day, so it should be light. In the evening, the metabolic rate decreases, fats are burned slowly, and accumulate quickly. So that these unnecessary fats do not accumulate, it is best if you prepare yourself a vegetable salad with a slice of rye bread or low-fat cottage cheese and, of course, your favorite green tea.

    Anti-cellulite program

    In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, anti-cellulite procedures are also necessary.
    First, you should take a contrast shower daily, both in the morning and in the evening. This procedure leads to a sharp opening and closing of the pores, so the skin becomes elastic and elastic, cellulite is reduced. Of course, special attention should be paid to pouring over problem areas. While taking a contrast shower, rub your skin with a natural bristle brush.

    Secondly, twice a week the skin should be cleaned with a scrub. This procedure cleanses the pores, stimulates blood circulation. It is useful to use coffee grounds as a scrub.

    Thirdly, manual anti-cellulite massage is necessary. It helps to improve blood circulation, breaks down the accumulation of fat cells, makes muscles elastic. Apply an anti-cellulite cream to the problem areas (it moisturizes the skin, fights cellulite, gives the skin elasticity) and perform a massage.

    Fourth, you will need daily wraps of problem areas. The duration of this procedure can be from fifteen minutes to an hour. Thanks to the sauna effect, body wraps reduce cellulite and speed up metabolism. The wrap can be chocolate, mud, seaweed, honey.

    Facial care

    Let's not forget about our face. Wash your face every morning with cool green tea. With it, you can improve skin tone, in addition, it helps to get rid of various rashes on the face. To do this, you need to brew green tea, let it brew for ten minutes, and then wash your face.

    After that, you should wipe your face with ice cubes. At the same time, your movements should be quick and gliding, and then the skin should dry on its own, then the cells will absorb those beneficial substances that you put in the ice. And it's very easy to cook it. You only need special molds for ice and a little time.
    So, the most important thing is to choose the right broth that you will freeze. For example, a decoction of nettle refreshes, nourishes and tones the skin. To prepare this decoction, you need to brew a tablespoon of dry nettle with boiling water, insist, cool, pour into molds and freeze.

    For oily skin, an infusion of calendula flowers is suitable. It will require two tablespoons of flowers to pour a glass of boiling water and put in a steam bath for fifteen minutes. Then you need to cool and strain it, and then add water until you get a glass of broth. Then freeze and it's ready.
    For dry skin, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile. A tablespoon of chamomile should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a couple of hours, then strain and freeze.
    You can also freeze fruit or berry juice, such ice refreshes the skin and, of course, serves as a source of vitamins for the face.

    In the evening, cleanse your face thoroughly. Then apply a nourishing mask. For two weeks you should apply the following masks:
    1. Mix a tablespoon of kefir, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of oatmeal, add a little salt and apply on your face for twenty minutes. Then rinse with warm and then cool water. This mask will restore your natural complexion;
    2. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, sour cream and a little sea salt. Apply to face, rinse with water after twenty minutes. This mask nourishes the skin;
    3. Five tablespoons of warm mashed potatoes, two tablespoons of olive oil, mix, and apply the resulting puree to the skin of the face. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. This mask will help smooth wrinkles;
    4. Soak a slice of white bread in three tablespoons of warm milk, then add a teaspoon of liquid honey, a teaspoon of olive oil and five drops of vitamin E solution. Mix everything and apply the mask on your face. After twenty-five minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab soaked in milk, and then wash your face with warm water. This mask will soften the skin;
    5. Mash half a banana, add an egg and half a teaspoon of honey, mix everything, apply on your face, wash it off after fifteen minutes. Apply night cream before bed. This is a nourishing mask.

    That's all. After this program, you (if you only follow all the points) will look irresistible at any holiday.

    (Photo: Zoom Team, StockLite, DUSAN ZIDAR,puhhha Valua Vitaly,