How best to propose to a girl. How to propose to a girl. Budget options without ring

Modern coffee grinders allow you to make a coffee drink at home from real coffee beans. It should be borne in mind that these devices are intended only for grinding grains, if sugar and another component get into them, this can lead to failure of the device. To quickly put the product in order, it is worth considering how to repair a coffee grinder at home with your own hands.

Using the coffee grinder

How to disassemble

Coffee grinder devices have a simple disassembly scheme that anyone can handle. The main thing is to study the sequence of the algorithm.

Coffee grinder model

All grinders are of two types:

  • with a knife device;
  • millstone mills.

Models with a burr device have a separate disassembly mechanism for the grinding mechanism. Moreover, each model can have a different parsing process. But they have common features:

  • it is worth paying attention to the fact that the devices have tapered knives attached to the drive shaft with 3-4 bolts. They can be easily unscrewed with a screwdriver;
  • when reassembling, it is important to ensure that the bolt heads fit exactly into the seats;
  • If the bolts are not tightened loosely to the end, then this may further lead to the failure of the device. Also, small metal particles will constantly be found in the grinding, this may be due to the fact that the protruding parts of the fasteners will be in the area of ​​movement of the grinding device;
  • disassembling the case of coffee grinders is quite simple. To do this, several self-tapping screws are unscrewed on the lower plane, at the bottom of the device. Access to fasteners can be open or obstructed by the feet of the appliance;
  • a separate group of grinders may have latches. To do this, it is worth using special probes or screwdrivers, with which you can bend the latches.

Disassembled coffee grinder

An important part of the device is the engine. In order to dismantle and inspect this element, it is recommended to remove the knives. They can be filmed in several ways:

  • when the knife moves clockwise, a left-hand thread is usually applied to the joint surface. To remove, the screwdriver is placed in a special slot and turned clockwise;
  • when the knife moves counterclockwise, the connection has a right-hand thread. Accordingly, the screwdriver probe is also placed in the slot and rotated counterclockwise.

Engine and knife

Over the course of a certain time, the fastening part becomes clogged with particles from grinding. It can also be negatively affected by oxides. To remove all this, it is worth using special lubricants, and these tools can also greatly facilitate the process of unscrewing the knife blocks.

If the clamping nut has a tapered thread and is made of bronze metal, then it is worthwhile to slightly warm up the area with the connection. For warming up, you can use a soldering iron.

The subsequent process may depend on the model of the grinder. In any case, the disassembly of the device must be careful, accurate, during it it is imperative to monitor the limiters, all elements must be correctly removed from the grooves.

After the knives are removed, only a few steps are required:

  • unscrewing the fixing nut from the plastic base. It secures the grinding bowl;
  • when unscrewing the fastener, it is worth watching the gasket from the felt base. In no case should you lose it;
  • then the axle washer is removed, which is made of a metal base;
  • then the blocker plate is removed. To do this, it is gently pressed downward and removed from the area with limiting grooves.

Usually, for most models of coffee grinders, the parsing process ends with the removal of the dirt-proof washers and the dismantling of the power wire, the switch. Often, in the process of disassembling the device, it can be revealed that the breakdown occurred precisely because of the washer, for example, it burst or completely collapsed.

Repairing a coffee grinder is not difficult, the main thing is to properly disassemble the device. During the parsing, the sequence must be followed, which will also need to be followed in the process of assembling the device back.

If during parsing it is revealed that some element has broken or collapsed, then it is better to find out the detailing of the constituent parts for the coffee grinder model, this can be found on the Internet or in the instructions. Then you can go to the store or to the market to purchase a part exactly by number and series.

Types of problems and their elimination

In order for the elimination of the malfunction to be correct, it is required to consider the nuances of the repair. Breakdowns may vary in severity. Some of them can be fixed on your own, while others may require professional help.

To repair the engine or to establish its performance, you must have a multimeter. In addition, you need to have some ability and knowledge to use the device.

At home, you can do the repair of minor breakdowns, which can be eliminated in the absence of skills.

Power cable breakage and blockage failure

Damage to the power cable can be seen visually without any special diagnostics. If the bend area is located near the case, then it is quite easy to detect a breakdown - just move the wire. If the device works, turns on, then it will be necessary to replace the cable.

Interlock failure can occur due to clogging of the mechanism. It is located in the area of ​​the lid groove line. Also, this breakdown may occur due to the lack of pressure on the inner plate. Checking the blocking can be done easily:

  • for repairs, you will need a thin screwdriver, with which you press on the protruding element;
  • if when pressed, the coffee grinder is triggered, then you need to disassemble it;
  • then you need to fix all the problems.

Device does not start

A household coffee grinder may not start for several reasons:

  • broken cable inside the device. To fix it, you will need to have skills in working with a soldering iron;
  • perhaps a contact has come off inside, which can be soldered in place with a soldering iron;
  • if the device does not pray, then this can happen due to the complete failure of the engine.

Internal cables and contacts

If an engine breakdown occurs, then the repair will require knowledge and experience. In this case, fixing it will be ineffective, it can cost a lot. This will require rewinding or purchasing a new engine. In these situations, it is best to buy a new grinder.

Uneven movement of the knife, there is a sharp decrease in revolutions with increasing grinding

The main reason for the appearance of this breakdown is the partial upsetting of the motor or the burnout of one of the windings. It also negatively affects the power of the device.

Anchor or engine

Fixing can be difficult. It is advisable to take the device to a workshop for professional diagnostics. After it, the specialist determines the method of repair - rewinding or complete replacement.

A burning smell appears during operation

The main cause of this malfunction is contamination or oxidation of bearings and sleeve bushings. Additionally, the speed of the device is reduced. This problem is commonly seen with the Bosch 6000 series coffee grinders.

Cleaning the appliance

To fix the problem, you need to do the following:

  • the device must be analyzed;
  • the ease of sliding is checked for all blocks;
  • the bearings are lubricated if necessary.

If this problem occurs with a Bosch 6000 series coffee grinder, then the repair is done as follows:

  • it is necessary to remove the sliding sleeve from the upper part of the shaft;
  • then the shaft is processed with an alcohol solution;
  • in the presence of corrosive damage, it will need to be removed with special means.

Everything is done using the tools at hand

Corrosion can be removed with a zero emery cloth. When cleaning, be careful not to damage important parts.

Safety rules for self-repair of a coffee grinder

Regardless of which model of the coffee grinder will be repaired - grain, millstone, during the repair it is necessary to follow important rules and recommendations during the repair. They will help you do everything safely without harm to your health.

Coffee grinder detail

Important safety rules include the following:

  • work is recommended to be carried out in special gloves, they will protect against electric shocks;
  • in addition, you need to use special tools - a flat or curly screwdriver, pliers, electrical tape, pliers, a soldering iron and other necessary devices;
  • during repair, the device should be disconnected from the electrical network;
  • if damage or exposure of the cord is observed, then you should not touch it with your bare hands, it is imperative to wear rubber gloves;
  • splashes of water should not fall on the disassembled device, they can provoke a short circuit;
  • for replacement, it is worth using a part that exactly matches the device model. You cannot use completely different components, they can quickly damage the coffee grinder;
  • in case of serious breakdowns, it is required to entrust the repair to specialists, self-repair can only harm the device.

In case of minor malfunctions, repairs can be done independently with the help of tools.

If the breakdown of the grinder is not very serious, then it can be repaired by yourself. But first it is worth considering the device device, as well as the types of possible malfunctions. During repairs, it is imperative to observe important safety rules.

So you've found the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. How do you ask her to be yours forever? You need to stop worrying and remember that if you have a plan and know what to expect, you can propose to your girlfriend without ruining everything. You don't have to do something supernatural or crazy, unless of course you think your girlfriend is expecting just that. The most important thing is to speak from the heart and find the perfect way to tell her how much she means to you. If you want to know how to propose to a woman, see step 1. Make sure you choose a romantic secluded place or, on the contrary, crowded, but one where she would say the cherished "yes" and not "no"! And do not forget to ask your parents for the hand of your chosen one, otherwise they may dislike you!


    Make sure it's your "one and only". You've probably thought about this more than once. The most important thing here is to know that you love her and think that she is the one. List or think about all the reasons that make you want to marry her. This is very important in expressing your love for her during the proposal, and it will also help you make sure you are making the right decision. When you see your girlfriend, you should feel that you want to share the rest of your life with her, and that now is the time to tell her about it.

    Be as sure as possible that she will say yes. While it's impossible to predict this 100%, you must have a strong feeling that your girlfriend loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you. Consider if she has hinted that she wants to marry you, that she wants to live with you, have children, that she wants you to be part of her family, etc. If she never mentioned these things, then you can try her conversation to catch the direction of her feelings; if she feels uncomfortable and turns the conversation to another topic, then she may not be ready for marriage.

    • If you've only been together for a couple of months, make sure she's ready for the long journey. While many happy married couples are engaged after just a couple of months of dating, spend more time with your sweetheart to make sure you are made for each other so she is more likely to say yes.
    • While you may be nervous about figuring out the direction of her feelings, if you're unsure, it can save you an awkward situation during the proposal itself, when you figure out she wasn't ready.
  1. If her parents are a little old-fashioned, and she does not take it as an offense, you can ask your parents for the hand and heart of your beloved. Although many people consider it old-fashioned to ask permission from the bride's father, this act definitely may not be superfluous and will be considered a gesture of respect on your part in relation to the bride's family and will show that you will always be considerate and considerate of her family. This is also a sign of courtesy, would her family mind? But again, this really depends on the girl and the situation in her family, so test the waters well.

    Decide when you want to propose. It is very important to correct the time, as it is, in fact, the only thing that you can define. It is impossible to say for sure what the best time to offer is, it is important to choose the moment when you are not in a hurry, when you are calm, collected and ready. The time when you have planned everything in detail and are ready can be considered ideal. Although there are things that you always need to keep in check:

    • Is there a special day for both of you, like the anniversary of your life together or your first date?
    • Sometimes, the time is chosen by itself, especially when you live in different cities and you manage to meet together only on holidays and this is the only chance to ask her.
    • Think about the time of year when she would like to get married. It might be a good idea to ask her or ask her friends and family if she has a favorite season, month, or time period when she would like to get engaged so that she can plan a wedding without haste and shock. If she mentioned that she wants a fall wedding, try to propose around that time a year in advance - if you propose just a few months before fall and she wants a more opulent wedding, she might not like the idea of ​​waiting even longer for a year to get married.
    • The marriage proposal on holidays or birthdays has its positive and negative sides. On the one hand, on such days, this event may look more significant, especially if all this is happening in the bosom of the family or it is a big joyful holiday. But on the other hand, in the future you will always have to combine this important date for you with some other holiday. If you want to celebrate the day of your engagement, for someone this day will seem not at all special, but for someone it will be remembered forever!
    • Whenever you propose, make sure you have time to be alone after the proposal. If, for example, you want to do this on Thanksgiving, when your families are gathering, be concerned about inviting her out for a walk or a secluded spot before the whole family is overwhelmed by the news and you don’t have a moment to digest what has just happened.
  2. Decide where you want to propose. The place and atmosphere - they will be remembered for the rest of your life, and the most important thing is to remember that you are the main creator of this atmosphere! In principle, you can make an offer absolutely anywhere, but the main thing is that it is meaningful for both of you, so that you feel comfortable, calm and natural in it.

    Now you need to decide exactly how you will propose. Since you have already decided where and when it will be, it remains to think about all the intimate moments of how to do it. Typically, you can go the traditional route and present the ring, but you might want to add something else to keep it in her memory forever. Keep in mind that the story of how you proposed will be told from her words over and over again, so make sure everything is done in the best possible way! There are many different options and possibilities, but the choice is yours. We offer you several options for inspiration:

    • Think about a traditional pose. Get on one knee, take her hand and ask her to marry you. The beauty of such a gesture is recognized worldwide through films and can be performed anywhere. Just keep in mind that if there are strangers there, they will definitely eavesdrop (out of good intentions, of course!), So be prepared for their interest and support.
    • Think about whether she would like the public confession or would she like it to happen in private? Although in films, marriage is often proposed in public, in real life most engagements take place in an intimate atmosphere. You might think it’s a great idea to propose during a break at some sporting event or at a close friend’s party, but it might feel awful to have so much attention. Plus, if things don't go well, you will be even worse off because you embarrassed yourself in front of a whole group of people.
    • Think about something that could complement the event, like a quartet playing a romantic melody or serenade or a little fireworks, etc. These things are completely optional and will greatly affect your budget, of course, unless you have friends willing to help. But if this is in your spirit - such additions will add charm to the atmosphere.
    • Hide the ring. This is another well-known way to propose - she finds an engagement ring and you offer your hand and heart. The ring can be hidden in flowers, chocolate, in a gift. Don't forget to ask her to open the gift right away, otherwise you may have to wait forever! And make sure you hide the ring securely, not so that she could accidentally swallow it; it will ruin the whole holiday.
    • Be creative. If you don't want to propose traditionally, or you can't come up with a confession yourself, there are plenty of planning ideas that can be really entertaining and show that you are the one who is crazy for love who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. For example, you can prepare your own puzzle or crossword puzzle, the answer to which will be the words "Will you marry me?"
    • You can do something small and cute with the help of younger siblings, or even your pet.
    • If you have enough money and you are sure that she will like it, you can order a plane that will write a cherished question in the sky while you stroll through the park.
    • Another popular way is to propose while on vacation. If you decide to do this, make sure she says yes! Nothing ruins your vacation like giving up on your first day.
    • Think of a public offering, for example, make it in a newspaper ad that she will read for sure, or have the DJ of her favorite radio say the offer, or post a question on a billboard that she drives by every day.
  3. Choose a wedding ring. If you know which rings your spouse likes, that's just fine. If you don’t know or don’t want to ask, take a temporary ring that she can exchange for something that she likes; for many women, this is the best solution. But if you know for sure which ring she wants, quietly try to grab the ring she is wearing to find out the size. She will be touched that you memorized the ring she wanted and that you chose the right size! But if you have no idea what kind of ring she wants, and ask "between times", she can figure out your intentions.

    • You shouldn't spend all your fortune on a ring, especially if you cannot afford it. It is better to choose something modest and classic and spend that money on living together than to spend all of your savings on jewelry.
    • Read the article on "How to Choose a Wedding Ring" to learn more about it.
  4. Dress as best you can according to the event and location. Wear something that makes you feel beautiful and attractive. This is a special occasion and deserves to "look perfect". She will definitely appreciate it. This, of course, applies when you are planning to propose in an elegant place and you have time to change. If you confess your love on the beach, on a picnic, on skis or soaring in the sky, choose wisely what to wear.

  5. Exercise. If you're going to propose, you need to exercise. Practice asking and explaining the reasons why you love her so much and want to spend the rest of your life with her. This will help you avoid stuttering and speak beautifully when the time is right. This does not mean that you have to force yourself. And although all these words will help your girlfriend feel the most special, she may soon remember nothing but the words "Will you marry me?"

    • Keep your speech simple, to the point and from a pure heart. For example, “Lena, my love cannot be described in words. You are the kindest, most generous, beautiful and sympathetic woman I have ever met and are honored to have the opportunity to spend my whole life with you. Will you become my wife? "
  6. "Kneeling" is originally a gentleman's pose showing complete respect for his future wife, which is very sweet!
  7. Talk to her about it. If you think you can live together for the next 50 years, you can talk about things like getting married. Make sure she wants to marry you.
  8. Don't worry if she says no. “No” or “I have to think” is also a serious step.
  9. Originality is cool, but don't overdo it.
  10. If you don't understand anything about this at all, ask her friends or relatives for help.
  11. If possible, set up your camera or have someone take pictures. It will be cool to show the photos to family and friends later.
  12. During the marriage proposal, do not be nervous and do not say any nonsense (although this is normal). You can record your speech and listen to it in order to practice and avoid mistakes later.
  13. Ask the waiter if they can serve champagne when you propose.
  14. Consider hiring a professional. There are organizations that organize personal, creative events at the suggestion of a hand and heart and help relieve the tension that may arise in connection with the cherished issue.
  15. Warnings

  • Try to avoid clichés like proposing at dinner or hiding the ring in food. Pick a place that she likes.
  • Try not to confuse her by telling her that you are not made for marriage or that you will soon need to run away somewhere. This is cruel and unnecessary, and you may even get into trouble when she feels annoyed by your unwillingness to make any commitments and by being overly busy. If you darken the evening with this, it will be difficult to bring back a good atmosphere. And even if she guesses what you are going to do, uncertainty will torment her until you make the proposal itself. Try to do everything "like in a fairy tale"!
  • Don't give yourself away when preparing for an offer. If you need to buy a ring or organize a place, just tell them that you are busy at work or that you have a meeting with friends. It will be better than making up some confusing stories.
  • Avoid sentimental or “defeat” phrases such as “I know this is all you wanted and now I’m yours for life.”
  • Calm your nerves; it will hardly be romantic if it all ends in incoherent babbling or feeling unwell due to fear.
  • If you're really worried, hire someone to plan everything for you so you don't have to worry about the details.

After lengthy meetings, if you are sure that your girlfriend is the one you would like to see as your wife and the mother of your children, the question arises: how to make an offer so that it is touching, beautiful and original? This is a pretty serious question. After all, you so want everything to work out and you were answered with consent! How can you make an offer so that this day will go down in your family history as one of the most beautiful?

When making an offer, you must remember that this step will most likely be the beginning of your life together, so it should be thoughtful and beautiful. Here are some very important details, without which it is unlikely to make an offer beautifully:


All special events require champagne, celebration, fruit, chocolate, dance. This will create an overall romantic atmosphere, thanks to which the girl will remember your proposal for a lifetime. The best accompaniment will be beautiful music.

As for the place, it can be almost anything. Not at home! You can make an offer in a restaurant, in nature, in another city - the main thing is that you like it there, and it was something unusual!

To make a beautiful proposal to a girl, the place must be memorable, romantic, in general, to match the reasons for his choice. Maybe your couple has "special" places of yours, remember them, choose the most romantic and boldly ask the main question.

Girls love it when their boyfriends remember important details of their relationship. You will move her to tears if you propose in the place where you met or kissed for the first time, where you took your first vacation, etc. Remember what is dear to her, what place she often remembers, what photos she keeps, etc.

And, of course, choose the right moment. If a girl needs to prepare for an exam at the institute, and you make an appointment with her in a restaurant at eight in the evening, it is clear that this is not the best day when you should propose.


Buying flowers is the first thing to take care of. Only give your favorite flowers. If a girl loves lilies, and you give roses, this will make you think about how well you know her and how much you want to bring her joy. Note that some people like flowers in a basket, others - in cellophane. But did you have time to find out what flowers your girlfriend prefers?

Wedding ring

This is a very important action and the main thing here is not to get into a mess. After all, the wedding ring needs to be chosen correctly. How to do it? You can go to jewelry stores and casually ask what the girl likes, you can ask a friend or mother of your future wife to help you in this matter.

Be sure to find out in advance, before proposing to a girl, if your bride wants to choose a ring herself! Because some girls are very scrupulous about jewelry. Many girls now know what kind of ring they want on their hand, so buy the rings later together.

You can also, as it were, accidentally walk past a jewelry showcase and casually ask what exactly she likes. Or you can ask her mother, sister or friend to help you choose a ring.

The words

This is also very important. Just do not repeat the "hackneyed" phrases from films. Better tell her how much you love her and how you want to be with her. Listen to your heart, and do not give out memorized speech - words should come from the soul.

It would seem a simple sentence "Marry me!", But sometimes it is very difficult to pronounce. The stage of creating a family is the most important decision for a loving couple and, of course, I want this moment to be remembered for a lifetime. There is no specific answer to the question of how to make an offer, but there are a number of tips.

You need to make an offer unexpectedly. After all, what could be better than a surprise, and even more so such a pleasant one. Pick a moment when the girl does not expect anything like this from you - and go for it! However, it should be understood that the setting should be appropriate, you should not make an offer, for example, in a supermarket.

The first option that you can propose to a girl is quite common. You invite your beloved to a good restaurant. In order to make such an offer, you need to pre-book a table, buy flowers, buy a ring, put on a classic beautiful suit, prepare a speech - and at the right time pronounce the main words in your life.

Despite its popularity, this method is very effective and works almost flawlessly. Efficiency and romanticism to this method can be added by live music, which can be a violinist.

The second option is that you propose to the girl in public. At the same time, options are possible both from a narrow family circle at some kind of general celebration, and proposals for everyone to hear, for example, on the radio. You can propose at a party or karaoke bar while singing her favorite song.

This method is especially effective in rooms where there is a small stage and a microphone, after reading a speech, which lists all the advantages, as well as a story about the history of your relationship.

The next step should be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. It is best to have a cheat sheet handy when speaking in such an exciting environment, as your over-excitement can ruin everything.

An extremely romantic confession can be made by booking a flight in a hot air balloon.

If you have enough funds, you can propose to a girl during a trip to Paris, or, for example, on exotic islands. By the way, there you can also hold a wedding ceremony according to their customs. It is very spectacular and will definitely be remembered by both you and your fiancee.

If you and your bride are parachutists, divers, or are just going to become one, you do not need to say how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. It will be unexpected, beautiful, romantic and, at the same time, extremely exciting.

You can invite your beloved to a trip around the city at night in a limousine or climb onto the roof and admire the starry sky. Isn't it a place for a proposal?

Soon a concert of her favorite band? Do your best and she will know about your intentions from the lead singer of the group. And you will be nearby with a ring and flowers.

A proposal to a girl can also be made in an original way. To do this, you can arrange for your significant other the recently popular flash mobs, with the involvement of a large number of mutual friends, as well as absolutely outsiders who are ready to help you, people. It is noteworthy that with this method, the essence of the flash mob can be completely different and is limited solely by your imagination.

If your girlfriend has strong nerves and is not against pranks, you can make a small action out of your proposal. Invite the girl out for a walk or dinner by asking someone or hiring a courier to deliver her a box with a ring. And you can pretend that you are surprised too.

And finally, you can propose to a girl in contrast. Those. this should happen in the most everyday environment. For example, on an ordinary gray morning, when she is brewing coffee, you invite her to look out the window and see a banner placed there in advance asking to marry you.

Or put a ring on her in the most inappropriate and everyday place - on her dressing table, for example. This method requires two important things - a carefully thought out follow-up and at least 1 hour of free time for both of you.

Proposal to your girlfriend

Starting a family is an important life milestone, a responsible decision for every couple, and if you decide to be together in sorrow and in joy, then it is necessary that the moment of the marriage proposal be remembered for a long time. Here are some tips for the groom:

  • First and foremost, to avoid surprises and discord in your future family life, before proposing, weigh the pros and cons. Talk to your future spouse about your upcoming family life, make sure your ideals and values ​​match. When you are sure that you are looking in the same direction with your future wife, you can begin to act. Make sure the two of you strive for this kind of life. But, despite the talk about family life, the proposal itself should come as a surprise. Pick the moment when the woman doesn't expect it.
  • When you decide to propose to your girlfriend, you will need to tell her why you want to marry her. The most important thing here is not just to strike the coveted five words that are pronounced by almost all men. If you are concerned about how to make a beautiful proposal to a girl, then remember - it should be classic, but at the same time individual.
  • Explain to your future spouse why you want to marry her. For example, you can emphasize your speech on the fact that with its appearance your life, and you yourself, have changed a lot for the better, that you really want your girlfriend to always be with you.
  • Talk to the girl's parents. Yes, such a ritual is no longer required. Many years have passed since the daughter was considered the property of her parents, and her marriage necessarily required the consent of her father. But there is still something respectful about asking for the blessing of the bride's parents. This, all the more, will help, in the future, to establish good relations with them.

And last but not least, don't expect your lady to say yes right away. Remember that it takes time to make such an important decision.

How you can't make a marriage proposal

In the desire to exceed the expectations of their beloved, many men begin to go too far. Surprise is great, but you shouldn't hide your wedding ring in food, this is no longer relevant. This has been shown in dozens of films, so you won't get a prize for ingenuity.

There is no need to try to propose to a girl a hand and a heart at sports games, the stadium will not allow you to achieve the attention and focus that such an event deserves. Don't make it difficult for yourself with limousines and garlands of flowers and balloons. The head should be free from vain problems. The most important thing is you and her, and what connects you.

Don't expect a woman to immediately say yes to you. You are offering to spend your whole life with you. This is a difficult and rather serious decision. If your lady of the heart said "I will think about it," take it with dignity with understanding and give her some time to think. This decision must be deliberate and come from the bottom of the heart.

Now you know how to propose to a girl. Good luck!

A candlelit dinner, a luxurious bouquet of roses, romantic music and a cherished velvet box with an engagement ring ... Nice, but too banal. Many modern girls want something more sophisticated and enchanting. We offer 15 ideas on how to propose to a girl she dreamed of. Be original, don't be afraid to prove yourself!

A marriage proposal is a touching moment that occupies one of the first places in the women's ranking. The story of this romantic step will be told to friends, colleagues, relatives, your future children, so it is important to make a proposal in a special way. You should not follow a simple path and limit yourself to standard phrases: “Let's get married” or “Marry me”, “Move with me”, said in an ordinary setting, as if by chance.

How to propose to a girl effectively and beautifully

In order to make the girl happy and to hear the same “yes” in response, it is enough to show imagination and, of course, carefully prepare. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money - sincerity and an extraordinary approach are much more valuable.

If you are sure that the chosen one is ready for the serious step of creating a family, you have been dating for a long time, then you can safely act. When choosing an option, you should focus on her preferences, interests and hobbies. So, if your chosen one is a bright personality and loves to be in the spotlight, then you can make her an offer to get married in a public place - on stage, during a performance of your favorite performer, during a football match, at work. If she is not happy with this, it is better to choose secluded places where you will be together. It is important for some to be present at this momentous moment of close people - parents.

Everything must be perfect, the plan must be thought out to the smallest detail. So, you can resort to the help of friends and acquaintances. Get inspired by our selection of unusual ways to propose to your girlfriend. They are also suitable for young people who want to invite the girl they like to date.

Top 15 ideas to propose to a girl

  1. The dream of many girls is not only a beautiful wedding, but also a romantic marriage proposal made by a loved one during a trip, vacation at sea. Choose the destination that suits you, whether it's secluded white sand islands or a trendy luxury resort. And then turn on your imagination. So, you can make a marriage proposal to a girl on the deck of a snow-white yacht, in a beautiful place on the seashore, while diving together, or just on the balcony of a hotel room, admiring the sunset.
  2. Every woman dreams of a fabulous surprise. It could be a box with butterflies with a wedding ring inside.
  3. If your darling loves vivid impressions and adventures, you can make an original proposal to her during a romantic hot air balloon flight, during an evening boat ride on the river or horseback riding.
  4. A classic of the genre is a hidden wedding ring. Arrange a real quest. Hints can be sent through strangers, sent to a mobile phone.
  5. A romantic confession with a proposal to get married can be posted on a billboard in her area.
  6. A ski lift in a winter resort or a cable car can be a great place to propose a marriage. An abyss will stretch beneath you, adrenaline will play in your blood - what could be better?
  7. You can beautifully design the phrase "Marry me" - lay out the letters with burning candles on the sand, fresh flowers, or use fallen leaves in an autumn park.
  8. During your seaside holiday, you can organize an unforgettable adventure. Write a note inviting you to get married, submerge it in a pretty, aged bottle, seal it securely, and hide it on the beach. You can search for treasure together or accidentally find it on the way.
  9. The original option is to order a cake with the inscription: "Be my wife." Then you can enjoy a delicious dessert together. You can also invite the girl to date.
  10. An invitation to the theater is always romantic. Put on your evening gowns, arrange with the administration to propose during the intermission or after the performance on stage.
  11. A film for your beloved - you can shoot an interesting 5-minute video with a confession of your feelings and an offer to meet or get married at the end. Show it to your darling at home, and after graduation, present a ring and a bouquet.
  12. Fireworks. Treasured words can be accompanied by colorful fireworks. You can order a professional organization or ask friends to light colorful fireworks on command.
  13. In a limousine or retro car. Hire luxury vehicles and enjoy romantic city walks. A carriage is also perfect for these purposes.
  14. Romantic picnic - you can have it on the beach while relaxing at the sea, in the forest or in the park. Candles, rose petals will help to complement the atmosphere, and the ring can be put in a beautiful shell or in an oyster.
  15. Ask a street artist to paint a portrait with a marriage proposal lettering.

Important points to keep in mind

  1. Date - a marriage proposal is best done on a significant day for your couple or on the holiday of all lovers, New Year.
  2. Attributes - having bought an engagement ring, do not forget about a large beautiful bouquet (preferably one of your girlfriend's favorite flowers) and a bottle of champagne.
  3. Scenario - make a detailed plan of the event from start to finish, providing all the nuances.
  4. Assistants - in organizing a fabulous marriage proposal, you may need the help of friends, colleagues, loved ones. At such a crucial moment, moral support is also urgently needed.
  5. Place - the setting should be romantic, pleasant, memorable. It may be related to a special event for your couple. A universal option - a seaside vacation, a small island, a beach under the moon, a balcony in a hotel room. A more extreme and original way to offer to meet or start a family can be on the roof of a high-rise building, while flying in the sky, under water.

If the girl did not accept your marriage proposal or asked for time to think, perhaps she is simply not ready to start a family yet. Give her time to make a decision. You should also not make claims or sort things out, as well as perceive what happened as a tragedy. Maybe it's for the best.

Relationships should never stand still, otherwise the couple risks losing that passion and emotionality of feelings, as well as getting stuck at any stage without the desire to move on. There is even a saying that if you look at a girl you like for a long time, you can see how she gets married. Therefore, the question of how to propose to a girl should sooner or later arise before a man.

If there is a close relationship between partners, there are strong time-tested feelings, and the goals of building a family are set, you can safely plan a marriage proposal. At the same time, psychologists emphasize that most women dream of such an enchanting and romantic proposal that cannot be forgotten throughout their lives. It remains only to choose ideas on how to propose to a girl to marry from the proposed options.

How to make an offer correctly: basic rules

Only an original and romantic proposal for marriage will be remembered by a woman forever. Therefore, a man should not rush into action, but it is better to carefully consider all the defining criteria and nuances. You can just make an offer beautifully, borrowing an idea from other people, or you can take someone else's idea, but modify it taking into account your financial capabilities, the character and preferences of the girl.

We take into account the age

Correctly making a plan on how to propose to your beloved is possible only taking into account her age. Psychologists say that for young and young girls, the romantic side of the event, as well as the originality of the script, is much more important. For adult women, it is much more important what words a man will say, in what environment everything will happen, as well as the degree of comfort at such an important moment.

Financial situation

Making a marriage proposal does not always mean spending a large amount of money on a festive event. When drawing up a plan and script, you need to soberly assess your financial capabilities so as not to seem like an unnecessary braggart to your chosen one. But it is extremely inappropriate to show economy, so as not to be known as a greedy miser. The main thing is that the man amazes the girl with a luxurious ring and a bouquet of flowers.

Lover's preferences and desires

An important criterion for choosing a scenario for how to make an offer romantically are the interests and hobbies of the girl herself. Surely, many girls sooner or later themselves hint to a man how they would like to receive an offer to create a family. Some cry in front of the movie with the moment of the proposal, which can be a great idea, while others tell incredible stories from the lives of others with delight and admiration. Where and how to propose can be determined and taking into account the woman's hobbies.

How to make an original and beautiful proposal?

Even if a man has taken the concept of a proposal from other sources, it can be tailored directly to his relationship and couple. It is imperative to pay attention to the character of the girl in order to decide whether it will be a public or private proposal. And of course, according to the setting and type of event, they make up the text, what to say when you make an offer. And although it is not the place that paints a person, but he him, the situation is the determining factor of success.


Most often, men prefer to propose to their lady at home in order to say some fateful words and promises in private. A prerequisite for the correct proposal at home is the creation of a favorable environment that will surprise the girl. You can lay out a path from the front door to the bedroom with rose petals, which will be decorated with candles in the shape of a heart and a ring in its center.

You can cook a romantic dinner, light candles, prepare a playlist with appropriate music, light a lamp with aromatic oils. Over a bottle of wine and delicious dishes that a man must prepare with his own hand, you can start confessing your feelings, say important words, and then give the girl a ring with the words about the proposal to marry. An offer can be made in the morning with breakfast in bed and a bouquet of flowers.

In the restaurant

The most common option where to propose to your girlfriend is in a restaurant or cafe. Psychologists insist that, in fact, offering a woman a hand and a heart in a restaurant is not the most trivial idea. The main conditions of the environment are a cozy interior, calm music, luxurious food and drinks, flowers. You can ask the waiter to bring champagne and glasses, one of which will have a ring.

Do you prefer to propose to a girl in a restaurant?


At this moment, a man needs to find all those important words that will show the depth of his feelings, the seriousness of his intentions, plans for a joint future. After the proposal, it is imperative to give the girl flowers, which will only add positive emotions. Or you can order a tray under a hood, put a ring inside and the inscription "Marry me". If a man is too worried, you can write a small letter in verse or in your own words, which will also be on the tray.

Other places

There are also many options for how best to propose in public or in front of other people.

Many girls welcome these options for surprises, which can take place in the following setting:

  1. With parents... You can organize a gala family dinner under any suitable pretext, organize a table, a favorable atmosphere. It is better for a potential mother-in-law and future wife to prepare bouquets of flowers; you can present your father-in-law with a bottle of wine. Next, parents need to thank for their daughter, then say about their intentions and ask for her hand.
  2. At the birthday party... The ideal day for a proposal is her birthday, since in the future, for each of her holidays, she will remember the man's act. You can gather the closest people and ask for a moment of attention in the midst of the celebration. If a girl loves society and publicity, this is the ideal scenario to propose unexpectedly.
  3. Traveling. New places and emotions will help rekindle passion and ardor, so travel and relaxation are considered the ideal setting to propose. A man just needs to think carefully about what words to say to his lady, and then pronounce them on the seashore, in a restaurant, at sunset or in his room, pre-decorated with flowers, candles, balls.
  4. In a public place. The most popular ways to make an offer in a creative and interesting way is through a flash mob or public acceptance. It is only important that the girl is not an opponent of such actions in the eyes of many people, so that she does not refuse because of panic, excitement or fear. This can be done in the subway, at the stadium before the match, in the theater on the stage itself, etc.
  5. At work or school. If a girl is at work or studying, she can be given a bouquet with a note through colleagues or fellow students, where the man will invite her to a cafe for a break or lunch. Or you can ask her to look out the window, where a man will stand with a bouquet of roses and a ring, loudly shouting out important words.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. An expert in family relations. Family psychologist.

If a girl has a serious hobby, you can demonstrate solidarity with him and attention to her hobby by making an offer on this topic. If she loves swimming, you can arrange an offer right in the pool. If the girl loves dancing, you can organize a dance flash mob, etc.

How to propose to get married?

Experts considered many ideas and scenarios, it is beautiful to propose to a girl, and then compiled a top list of the best options. It included 10 types of marriage proposals:

  1. Proposal in the restaurant, organize a remote table, holiday menu, formal dresses, flowers, and ring and speech for the proposal.
  2. The proposal is on radio or television, and during its sounding and broadcasting, you need to organize a meeting at home with friends and loved ones.
  3. Flying in a hot air balloon, during such an extreme date, you can say important words, give a bouquet of flowers and a ring inside it.
  4. A trip to Paris, if the man has the financial means. A marriage proposal can be made by climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
  5. Flying with a parachute or diving while scuba diving gives a woman tremendous emotions that can be supplemented with a proposal.
  6. You can organize a limousine ride around the city at night, shamanistic, flowers, after which you can climb onto the roof of a tall building together and confess your feelings under the starry sky, presenting a ring.
  7. At a concert of your favorite group or soloist of a girl, you can agree to invite the couple to the stage, giving the man the opportunity to present the ring.
  8. Will arrange a flash mob in any public place according to the theme of the event, involving not only friends, but also strangers.
  9. During a romantic walk, you can hire a courier who will promptly give the girl flowers with a box in the center of the bouquet.
  10. The most unexpected place and time, for example, earlier in the morning or in the middle of the working day, you can ask the girl to look out the window, where there will be a banner with the text "Marry me".

Of course, this is not the whole list of ideas on how to call a girl in marriage in an original and romantic way, but according to statistics, these ideas are most often popular among modern couples in love and future newlyweds.

What to say when you propose to a girl?

What does it take to make a perfect proposal to a girl? An ideal place and setting, the correct organization of the event, a romantic setting, and most importantly, a competently composed speech of a man. Women love with their ears, so the following should be said during the proposal:

  • you can start with how drastically the life of a man changed after the appearance of his chosen one;
  • then you need to describe in paints what a man feels in relation to her;
  • you can win her over and melt her heart with compliments that this is the best woman he has ever met;
  • then you need to talk about joint plans for the future, about the desire to create a family, the birth of children and life with her until old age;
  • at the end, a man must make important promises that will make her the happiest and will love her until his last day, kneeling down and holding out a box with a ring;
  • the final phrase is known to everyone - "be my wife" or "marry me."

The classic version of the proposal has been practiced by millions of men for many years, so psychologists recommend following this plan. Of course, a man can make his own individual adjustments, but words about feelings, plans for the future and promises must be present.

How to make a date perfect

The ideal marriage proposal date is where young people first met. If a man manages to resume the entire chronology of events, this will show how important it was for him to get to know his chosen one, as well as the fact that he keeps such dates in his memory.

Also, dating options for a proposal can be intimate, in entertainment venues, extreme or hobby-related girls. It is only important to create an inviting atmosphere and draw up a plan for the proposal of the hand and heart.

Advice! Psychologists advise a man not to be smart with dating ideas for such a celebration, so as not to immediately reveal all the secrets of excessive solemnity. Everything should look romantic, but at ease, so that the girl does not know until the last what the chosen one has prepared for her.

Other ideas on how to make your proposal unusual

In addition to the listed classic ways for a man to propose to his chosen one, psychologists offer other very unusual ideas, for example:

  • hide the offer note in a Chinese fortune cookie;
  • write a proposal with paint on the asphalt under the windows of the house;
  • a proposal for a speakerphone at the rink;
  • create a diary describing all important dates in relations with photographs, at the end of which there will be the current date with the text "Today I called her to marry";
  • treat the girl to coffee with the inscription “marry me” on the foam;
  • recognition by fridge magnets;
  • writing poetry;
  • ad in the paper;
  • climb a crane tower to a window with flowers and a ring;
  • dinner on the roof of a skyscraper;
  • themed party with friends;
  • an air show, during which the pilot will write the coveted phrase;
  • organize a quest room with an ending in the form of a proposal;
  • a banner or promotional poster with an offer in a crowded place;
  • swimming with dolphins, one of which will bring the girl a ring.

As practice shows, most women pay much more attention not to the date itself, the setting, the organization of the event, but rather to the words spoken by the man and his promises. But only originality, responsible preparation and a clear plan will help a man make this event memorable for a lifetime.


An offer of a hand and a heart is a serious step that not all men in serious relationships are ready to take. The main obstacle and inhibiting barrier is the lack of ideas and options on how to make an original and memorable proposal. In fact, there are a lot of ways, it was mentioned above. It remains only to compare them with their capabilities, and the preferences of the chosen one.