How to congratulate a woman on her 70th birthday in an original way. Scene "Visit of Little Red Riding Hood". All ages are submissive to warm words

I wish you many, many years
In the circle of relatives and friends to live without troubles,
I wish you warmth
May their fate be filled!
I wish to hear grandchildren laugh in the house
And hug and kiss them all!
After all, our main happiness is family!
Equal rewards and I do not know, -
Celebrate in the circle of relatives
Your 70th Anniversary!
We love you with all our heart and soul,
Our angel is kind, wise, golden!

I wish you this anniversary
Do not waste time on miserable handouts,
Seven thousand years, seven thousand summer days
And endless strength and good luck!
Seven thousand guests won't fit
Today in this hall, unfortunately,
And then we would walk for seven hundred days
Your entire seventieth birthday.
Be happy, healthy, have fun
Favorite and clever native;
Let your life be beautiful
We adore you, dear!

May all that you are waiting for come true
That the restless heart languishes,
And the sad rain will make a noise forever,
And the sun will shine with rays
Your soul is a crystal wondrous garden,
Your hope wondrous lands!
And on this birthday I will be glad
Admiring smiles do not melt,
Congratulate you - gently, breathing a little,
Happy seventieth birthday!
You are beautiful and fresh to me;
Everything else is fleeting smoke!

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Remained beautiful and in 70 years.
You have achieved everything, raised children,
And we wish you further victories!
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm more reliably than summer.
There are two beauties in man.
And if the outer short term,
That one, another beauty, from the century
Nothing in the world threatens
An arrow will not pierce time
Whatever the years
She will always beautify us.
This beauty is kindness.

Congratulations on your 70th birthday!
But this is only a number and words!
On your anniversary, I sincerely wish
So that youth lives in your soul!
Let your heart not be disturbed by boredom,
In the eyes, let eternal happiness live!
Let beauty be your friend forever
He won't leave you, he won't leave silently!

To the best woman in the world
Today is the anniversary.
That's why it became on the planet
Even brighter, more beautiful, more fun.
Just like in her youth, she will give
Your sweet smile and laughter
And we will tell her without hiding
That she is simply the best.

And I want to raise a glass
For a young woman forever.
She is 70 - few people knew.
But she is infinitely young.
I want to wish her smile
And every year more wisdom
To avoid all mistakes.
And let your eyes shine like in youth.
She is still young and beautiful.
And it is only admirable.
May she always be happy
And not just on your birthday.

Today is a very nice woman.
He celebrates his anniversary.
And admiring glances
Meet everywhere all day long.
Her beautiful eyes
From happiness, as from the sun glow.
Let only good friends
She will meet in her long life.
I want to wish her a lot of success
Always be young and wise
Many sincere smiles and laughter
In such a life a little difficult.

Surprise for everyone
This one has not seen the white light:
Well, who would think that seven
Do you live for tens of years?!
I saw many old people
I saw a lot of other...
No one would give you fifty:
Slender, beautiful, chest-arc!
You are without diets and boring schemes,
We wish you and we ask you very much,
Live for seven, eight decades!

I congratulate you
I wish you warmth
And great health
So that everything in life is cool.

You are young with us
So it's all commendable
You know and know a lot
And you always keep everyone warm.

Your name is grandmother
You create comfort here
He loves you, old and young,
You are a find, just a treasure!

Seventy years is not a hindrance
When the lady is good!
To have joy in life
And so that the soul flew!
Heart to keep beating
Like a young woman
And to be able to do everything
Your hands are at home!
Let the dumplings be delicious
You get
More joy and luck
Meet on the way!

Celebrate today
You are exactly seventy years old!
I wish you to be fashionable,
Beauty to please the world!
To make sadness go away
From you forever
And to surround you
Only the happiness of the river!
In those rivers you wash yourself,
Smile at your family
And absurdities, misfortunes
Let them just go up in smoke!

Everyone used to count seventy
Elderly for years. Not now!
After all, the old people now have become cooler
In his seventy wonderful years.
And the women are still on fire.
And your look betrays youth to all of us.
The character is powerful. And with a sure push
Strive for the best, go ahead!
Stand on it! Don't give up in life!
And don't be shy! You are young!
Do you remember how youth began?
She didn't pass! And we are glad!

You have been a grandmother for a long time,
After all, seventy is a big date!
And we raise a glass of wine for you,
Live long, you don't need more!
May your grandchildren always please
And they know: their grandmother is beautiful,
Their grandmother will never grow old,
He will give advice to everyone, believe me, it is not in vain.
On your anniversary, I want to wish you
To forget all your sores and deeds,
Let age stop scaring you
Let your soul be good, bright.

Today is the anniversary - what a date!
And there are so many memorable days in it,
Guests, and those that you once
In life, they became closer and more related.
You can't live in the past, move on!
After all, there is more work ahead of you.
Love to you and people without falsehood.
And so that the family is always friendly.

You are our dear hero of the day!
Let not eighteen, a little older,
Seventy - not too many and not too few:
You have become even wiser in a year!
Let's cut the birthday cake boldly,
So that everything you want comes true!
Toasts, wishes, congratulations
Take today without hesitation!
Let them sound and not be silent,
'Cause everyone just loves you
And today we are very, very happy
Honor you from morning to night!

Dear, our dear birthday girl,
Your kind heart is a wonderful treasure!
You are a faithful friend, you are a family favorite
And the soul of the company for many years in a row!
The funniest, the funniest!
Our hero of the day does not take strength!
It would be easier for her with the Olympic team
Get medals at competitions!
These forces are thrown on the beloved family,
Helping family and friends!
Happy 70th birthday, our you are good -
From the bottom of our hearts we speak to you!

70 is not that much.
After all, you still live and live,
There's still a road ahead
Very long lies.
May God give you health
Children - surrounded by love,
May your evening be cozy
As it used to be in the morning.

I would like to be a witch
Or catch a miracle fish in the pond.
There would be only one desire,
But to make it true:
Grandmother's age - lived days -
Divide 70 years in half.
But if the fish jumps off the hook,
And I couldn't do a miracle myself
I will ask you, dear,
Take care of yourself and don't be sad!
Sunny days and less hassle
So that your garden always blooms
Happiness, health, cloudless days
I wish my grandmother!

With all my heart, with great excitement,
With which, without finding words,
We congratulate you on your birthday
Happy 70th birthday to you!
Our dear hero of the day, do not be sick,
Don't get old, don't be sad, don't be bored
And many more years
Meet birthdays.

It just so happened that it is customary to celebrate the anniversary in a friendly company. Seventy years is an excellent occasion to arrange a spiritual feast, because the dearest people from among close relatives and friends will gather to congratulate the birthday girl.

Congratulations on the 70th birthday of a woman will play a significant role on this day, their role is no less important for the hero of the occasion than gifts. The seventieth birthday is a real celebration. There should be no reason for despondency on it, because life goes on. Congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to a woman should express your feelings and love for the birthday girl as accurately as possible and at the same time become a tribute to her.

All ages are submissive to warm words

When choosing congratulations on your 70th birthday, remember that a woman always wants to remain beautiful and attractive. In this regard, the question is: will compliments to an elderly lady become a crime? Not at all! Your task is to choose such a congratulation on the 70th birthday of a woman that will emphasize her feminine charm and charm.

It is possible that you have already been to the anniversaries of quite old people, so you should know that one of the important points in congratulations on your 70th birthday is an expression of respect for the hero of the occasion. You can do this by writing a beautiful congratulation to a woman in prose or poetry. It is worth pronouncing it emotionally and sincerely, so that it can be seen that the words come from the very heart.

A lot of people will gather for the 70th anniversary: ​​children, grandchildren, friends, work colleagues - and everyone wants to congratulate the birthday girl. In this vast ocean of pleasant words and wishes, your poem or toast can easily get lost, so do not forget about originality.

Let's say if you have prepared a congratulation on your 70th birthday to your grandmother, let your child read it, and if you don't have children or they are small enough, then cooperate with brothers, sisters, cousins, cousins ​​and read it in unison.

Congratulations to mom on her 70th birthday should be special. Try to tell her all the words of gratitude that have accumulated in your heart, mention how dear she is to you, how much she had to go through and what to achieve. Tell her that you love her and are ready to gather year after year in the family circle to speak beautiful words to her and wish her long life.

Congratulations to a woman for 70 years from a life partner should consist of words of love and compliments. You were lucky to live with the birthday girl for many years, you raised children, saw your grandchildren grow up, rejoice at your great-grandchildren and the fact that your spouse is still with you.

No one will replace her for you, she will forever remain the same, the only one. Don't be shy! Be gentle and attentive, shower your wife with beautiful words, read poetry to her, sing - today your wife should glow with happiness.

If you are preparing birthday greetings for 70 years to a woman who is your friend, then the main thing is no sadness in words about the age of either the birthday girl or yours. You know each other for most of your life, you went through a lot together, so thank the hero of the occasion for being and remains a good friend for many years, joke, smile. You need to prove that, regardless of age, you can have great fun.

In warm wishes on the anniversary of a female colleague, gratitude should be expressed for her success at work. If the birthday girl is already retired, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten her at her previous place of work. You should say this as delicately and politely as possible, and also wish you health, happiness and long life.

As mentioned above, at 70, a woman already has different views on what is happening around her. She is an accomplished mother and grandmother. With this in mind, when choosing congratulations for the anniversary, remember the following:

  • No need for "duty" and "hackneyed" phrases.
  • Wishes should be age appropriate: you should not wish a 70-year-old woman a prince on a white horse and a villa in the Canaries, even if she is a girl at heart.
  • Exclude from congratulations even the slightest hint of familiarity.
  • No need for too long congratulations to a woman in verse.
  • It’s better not to choose funny congratulations on your 70th birthday, because an elderly person may not catch the essence of the joke.
  • Talk in advance with relatives invited to the anniversary about congratulations in order to exclude possible repetition of poems or toasts.

Usually, aged ladies appreciate congratulations in poetic form with wishes of all the best and compliments. This option is suitable for your spouse, and girlfriend, and colleague.

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother can be presented in verse and prose. It is not worth writing them yourself in the absence of talent, because there are always a lot of great options on the network. The same applies to congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to mom.

As you can see, age plays a huge role: the older a woman is, the more she has a desire to feel beautiful and full of vitality. A sea of ​​attention, compliments, thanks, sincere wishes and warm toasts, in which every word will caress the ear - this is all that the hero of the occasion is waiting for.

Make her happy! Forget about stupid joke congratulations and give free rein to your real feelings, because for sure you are not a random person on this holiday. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva, sources:

You are not tired of being kind and gentle,
Remained beautiful and in 70 years,
You have achieved everything, raised children,
And we wish you further victories.
May your sunset be brighter than the dawn,
And autumn will warm more reliably than summer.

Let the soul not fade the light,
We wish you unbridled happiness,
And on the paths of untrodden roads
God bless you from every bad weather.

Our dear and beloved! We congratulate you on your 70th anniversary and wish you health, strength and happiness. Let illnesses bypass, the heart always sings, and the soul remains young and cheerful. We love you very much, you give us comfort and care all your life, so now accept it all from us.

Dear hero of the day! You are 70! We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you health and light in life. Let the care of loved ones not be impoverished, their love only becomes stronger, and you yourself only get younger with every passing year!

What does a person in 70 want?
Health, and do not lose heart at all!
And you, of course, take care of your nerves,
Let any load fall off your shoulders soon.
May your dreams come true
I wish you much happiness and love.
I wish you never to be sad
And continue to achieve your goals!

Surprise for everyone
This one has not seen the white light:
Well, who would think that seven
Do you live for tens of years?!
I saw many old people
I saw a lot of others.
No one would give you fifty:
Slender, beautiful, chest-arc!
You are without diets and boring schemes,
We wish you and we ask you very much,
Live for seven, eight decades!

Grandpa's seventy
Native restless.
I want to congratulate you
And glorify your character!

You are the kindest soul
You are always in a hurry to me
You go so that we can be together
Cheerful and in fun during the day.

We don't get bored
You are an amazing jack of all trades.
I learn, I take an example from you,
I do everything your way!

Anniversary is coming.
And let it be an autumn day.
70 is not easy at all
seventy is another life.
And the orange sun
Like a child, laugh.
Read poems.
Touch happiness with your hand.

Entries 1 - 20 from 25

No wonder the years are called wealth -
Priceless wisdom and spiritual light,
That even at seventy they allow to live brightly.
They are more valuable than gold coins.

Congratulating you on this anniversary,
We admit: you are a woman-star!
No you are kinder, more beautiful, more fun,
You will keep it forever.

Good health to you, most importantly, we wish you
Let the energy always be in full swing.
The one who is young at heart, we know for sure
Warmed by sunshine.

Anniversaries are a great occasion
Gather all relatives together.
Must be fun, fun
Celebrate this holiday.

Bird years fly away
Don't be young again
But believe me, it's not too late
Live, laugh and love!

Remember, 70 is just a number.
Cheerfulness of spirit - that's the secret.
Happy birsday, my dear!
Rejoice us for another 100 years!

You always walked straight through life,
Keeping the warmth of native hearts.
You, our grandmother and mother,
An example for us and a sample.

Warming with your smile
Sharing your wisdom
You helped me dear
We have to deal with adversity more than once.

And now the family together today
We are going to congratulate you.
Let everything be as it should be
And long, long - this life.

Health, strength, mood
Let the Lord give you.
On the 70th birthday
The soul rejoices and sings.

A wonderful date - seventy years!
How much is behind
Joyful days, success, victories,
And how many more to come!

Let so many years behind you already,
You are still the same beautiful woman:
With a spark in the eyes, with warmth in the soul,
With such a changeable mood!

I wish you good health,
Smile every moment
Every hour and every day!
Read life like an open book!

70 today lady
You can't be called otherwise.
You keep intoxicating
And insanely admire.

Stay so beautiful
I wish you always.
Let prosperity, peace, happiness
Only the years go by.

I also wish not to get sick,
Don't go to doctors.
To joyfully dawn
Always smiled at you.

Already treacherously wrinkles
Your experience is given to people.
But 70 is still so little
May the years only go in happiness.

Only the joy of life lives in the soul,
Let pride in children grow.
Yes, your age is already solid,
But there are so many days ahead.

Just take care of your health
To have the strength not to stand,
But only fun with a smile
To walk through a fabulous life.

Seventy years is a long time
The roads were difficult
There were bumps and descents
Much joy and sadness...

There was both happiness and sorrow
But there was also a sea of ​​love,
Passions raged in full
They were not allowed to sleep at night.

Well, now everything is calm,
You walk as before, you are slim,
Wisdom in the eyes and anxiety
How many roads are left?

May you be loved, cherished
And dare not offend
Live long and be happy
Be cheerful and beautiful!

Seventy - what a date!
Sounds smart and rich
Congratulations dear
Be the same you continue to be.

never give up
May fate give you
After all, what are the years
How young is the soul!

Throw in the past tests -
And forward, since so much strength!
Every year for your efforts
To bring happiness.

Dear mother, you have no relatives!
You are 70 years old!
Throughout life, you have always been with us,
She could hold us both with a word and with a look.

She gave us her love without a trace,
I cooked a lot - both tasty and sweet.
I always found time to listen to everyone.
Now we understand how much you loved us.

Let me today, at a solemn hour,
For all that you have done for us mom,
Bow down to you from the bottom of my heart,
You warmed us with the light of the soul since childhood.

Health, dear, and many years ...
And our love will keep you warm.

My dear mother
The only one, beloved
Native, beautiful, smart,
Wonderful, kind, wonderful.

Attentive, responsive
Caring and smiling
charming, elegant,
Delicate and invisible.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you all the best
Health, love and patience,
Joy, strength, inspiration.

Good luck, success, luck,
Hopes, dreams of fulfillment,
Gifts, friends, adventures,
And only good mood.

For me your age...
It just doesn't exist!
Mom you, period
Nothing more.

We won't think
How old is it today
It's darling
It will be our secret.

The years fly by
Waving the wing
We are with you, dear
We'll survive everyone!

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
After all, 70 years is not just a number.
This life is full of events,
Which is hard to say in a nutshell.

Let health not fail you
Every day gives new strength.
May happiness not depart from you
Holding your hand tightly.

Let worries and everyday life
They will get along with ease at times.
Let the sadness of pale fatigue,
Do not touch, mommy, your eyes.

Let, mother, you are already gray-haired,
May you already be 70
But you, beloved, dear,
One, one in our destiny.

We, congratulating on the anniversary,
"Thanks!" we tell you.
For the fact that you do not sleep at night,
I cared about the restless kids.

We love you endlessly
There is no better person!
Let it burn without fading
There is a distant light in your window!

And each, our dear mother,
Warmed by that maternal light.
Live longer, don't get sick
And wait for your children!

70? Excuse me, what is this date?!
The passport considers something a bit bad for years.
Our mom is only a little over 30.
Whatever she does, you can be proud of everything.

The beauty and grace of all men slays,
Experience and wisdom is simply amazing.
You will always be like this - for children so sure,
After all, you have always been a strong protection for us.

Smile, have fun, be always happy,
Only joy let the overflows bring life.
We love you very much, forever young,
On the centenary, we will dance!

The sun told me today
A very amazing thing:
It's like his daughter is my mother.
Well, how can you not believe this?
I'm so proud of you and admire you
And I appreciate you very much.
And it's like going back to my childhood...
When we are next to you.
Today you are 70, dear.
And from the bottom of my heart I wish for you:
Let your hitch
In a warm smile
Plays like a glass of wine.
And caress warms in the palms,
My own mother!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
beloved grandmother,
Even in my 70s
You are very beautiful.

Your hands are kind
Your tender heart
And in the eyes of a smiley
Young, old.

Be always healthy
Be always happy
The most gentle, kind,
The most beloved.

There is nothing better than my grandmother
I bring her a large bouquet of roses,
Today is her anniversary
Seventy years old!

Grandma, I love you
You are the sweetest person
And sincerely I say
Live for at least another century.

You nursed me from childhood
You haven't slept for hundreds of nights
Second mom for me
You replaced my doctors!

I will repay you in full
I will always be by your side,
You won't be alone
You are my best reward.

Grandma has another birthday today
The seventh decade of life behind,
Please, granny, goodbye all insults,
And flourish, you are like cognac over the years.

Thanks again for your advice
Which often saves
And life is easy for you, so that without troubles,
And do what you love.

Still dear, sincerely kind,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart today
To love loved ones always,
To not meet in life with pain.

You have always been my grandmother,
Always gray-haired, with a wrinkle, good-natured.
But you used to run like a girl.
And there were seven, and now it has become seventy.

And your pies are tastier than any,
And fairy tales are the most interesting.
And the hands are softer and kinder. You know,
After all, birthdays are for kids.

You are not so happy with gifts,
You worry about what to put on the table.
And there are no friends nearby, but only relatives,
But the house is filled with happiness here.

Let the years go, run, let them fly.
We will be close, hug, love.
Let seventy today, but sometime
And in my heart always - seventeen years.

I still rejoice
If you need to come
After all, such a grandmother
Not to be found in the whole world.

Let's be clear, let's just say
What is the calendar to flip through:
Seven tens - the very age
This one suits my grandmother.

We celebrate not weakly,
You cook more
And thank you, grandma
For great love.

Forget the times when at the age of 70 a woman was considered old, and she was referred to only as a grandmother. Today, everything has changed dramatically, including congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to a woman, because despite their age, the fair sex leads the most active lifestyle.

Thanks to this, the approach to celebrating this serious anniversary has also changed. If earlier it was celebrated in a close family circle and at home, today birthday girls want noisy celebrations and unexpected surprises. Be prepared for this, going to a woman’s 70th birthday, pick up congratulations in advance in the most scrupulous way. Perhaps you will stop at a classic congratulation, but even it can be presented in an original and unexpected way if you read it, for example, to musical accompaniment.

From her beloved spouse, the hero of the day, of course, expects all the same romance as 50 years ago. These expectations will come true, one has only to present the woman with poems in her honor. Feel free to be romantic, it will bring incomparable joy to the birthday girl. Such congratulations on the anniversary for 70 years to a woman remain in her heart for a long time, they are told about them for a long time to grandchildren and friends.

Are you tormented by the question of how to be original, eloquent at a celebration in honor of the 70th anniversary of a woman? You can visit our website which will best answer this question. With our help, you can easily pass for a skillful speaker and really successfully congratulate someone who is dear to you on the holiday. The variety of choices will be a real discovery for you. We can offer holiday wishes for all age groups. Congratulations to a woman on her 75th birthday or a woman on her 50th birthday found here, personalized congratulations or cool pranks will take a significant place on your holiday. Without puzzling over the rhyming of lines and words, you can easily find poems with humor for a woman.

However, think about what kind of humor the hero of the day loves. Many people like to laugh heartily, but are not at all delighted when they are played, and they find themselves in a funny situation. Joking congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to a woman cannot be too harsh, contain ambiguous hints. In general, good humor will never spoil the holiday or the mood of the hero of the day, but will only cheer her up. You can easily understand whether the jokes are received the way you expected by the reaction of the birthday girl and her smile.

Despite the fact that a woman at the age of 70 is a pensioner in our country, today she may well continue to work. Colleagues should treat the celebrated date with due respect and attention. Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of a woman from colleagues should definitely be accompanied by a large bouquet of flowers and beautiful solemn lines. Recognition by colleagues of her indispensability and efficiency is exactly what will perfectly complement any congratulation.

Congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years to a woman with whom you are separated by a serious distance of hundreds of kilometers can be sent via the Internet or by mail. The most successful solution would be a birthday card for a woman.

Video congratulations on the anniversary of 70 years for a woman