How original to admit to her husband that she is pregnant. We go shopping and shopping centers. We inform about the imminent addition of a child to the family

Pregnant women are often worried about how to inform their husbands and relatives about their pregnancy in an original way. The most difficult task is to tell your friends about it, what original can you think of?

Test hint news
stork tord surprise
walk keychains lettering
uzi bow postcards

A theme party is a good option. Invite friends to get-togethers, and decorate the interior of the apartment with a hint of replenishment in the family, for example, with candles in the form of angels or figurines. You can turn on music or a film of the corresponding topic, it will not be difficult for everyone present to guess what is wrong.

Complement the serving with a personal jar of baby food for each guest, or baby fun napkins for each plate. Another option to inform about an impending event is to invite your friends to take a big shared photo, and when you press the camera key, say: "Everyone is smiling, we will have a baby soon!" The faces of friends at this moment will forever remain in the picture in memory of a happy day.

A pleasant surprise for friends will be a message about pregnancy by mail. This is a photo with a hint, there are many options for how to take it:

  • the recipient will be very surprised to receive a postcard in the mail;
  • after opening, the person will be surprised by the image, and such an event will be much brighter and more pleasant than just talking about your pregnancy over the phone.

How to surprise your husband with your pregnancy

How to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way, this question is the most basic and important. There are tons of options to make an event incredibly special.

This is the story that will be told many years later, so it's worth working hard and thinking everything over to the smallest detail.

This event will be remembered for a lifetime, therefore it is necessary to present the news in the most original way.

It is very important to choose a convenient time, when none of you is in a hurry, does not worry about any reason, and choose one of the following options.

  1. The easiest way would be to give your husband a gift box with a bow. Inside, put another box, in which another, and so on, when he reaches the very last box, where booties or any other children's attribute will lie.
  2. You can arrange a romantic candlelight dinner, during which you can give your husband a gift or just a pregnancy test with two stripes.
  3. Using modern gadgets, e-mail will not be very appropriate and romantic. You can use the mail services and send your husband a telegram with the text: "I will be there soon, your baby", or: "I will be on March 12 - your son (daughter)", etc. Show your imagination, such a telegram will become a pleasant decoration in a future children's album ...
  4. You can go to a bookstore, buy a thematic book, for example, about what name to choose for a child or how to become a good father, tie the book with a ribbon and give it to your spouse. To avoid misunderstandings, you can attach a postcard with the inscription: it's time to get ready or in 9 months it will come in handy!
  5. If you want to do this more simply, then you can write the corresponding inscription on the stomach with special paint and invite your husband to take a shower with you. There the husband will see the inscription.
  6. You can place in the bathroom various accessories for the unborn baby, a small toothbrush, a duck for bathing. The spouse, seeing this whole set, will be surprised.
  7. You can give your husband a T-shirt with the inscription: "I am a dad" or "The best dad", this will be an excellent gift and option for reporting your pregnancy.
  8. Alternatively, tie your belly with a ribbon with a bow and go into the room where your husband is sitting, inform you that you have a gift for him, point to your belly.

How to please parents with such news

It is also important to tell parents about pregnancy in an original way, because for them, as well as for you, this is also a new experience - to be a grandparents. All parents are looking forward to their grandchildren, and the way the message is presented will play a big role.

Popular options.

  1. Report the news using an ultrasound scan. You can make a copy of the ultrasound images, send them in a frame by mail and wait for a call back with congratulations.
  2. On your next trip to your parents, grab small bags with gifts for them, in which you can put any items of children's paraphernalia or T-shirts with the inscriptions: "I will become a grandmother (grandfather)", "The best grandmother (grandfather)". Give them gifts at the right time. After unpacking, there will be many smiles on the faces of loved ones. The ideal option would be to prepare such a presentation for a family holiday or anniversary.
  3. A great way to present the news, if the pregnancy is not the first, would be to dress up the first child in a T-shirt with the inscription: "Big brother or sister", and that's it, wait until someone notices the inscription and an unknown commotion begins.
  4. If you are expecting a child on the eve of some holidays, then any event can be thematically beaten. Invite everyone to your celebration and, for example, for Easter, you can wrap notes with news in empty eggs, and for New Year you can prepare additional socks over the fireplace for the future baby and wait until someone notices, or put a postcard with the news or an ultrasound scan in socks of each of the family members.
  5. A good option would be to simply arrange a themed evening, where to solemnly announce the news or hint about an event using the appropriate paraphernalia.

Tell your employer about pregnancy

Don't expect your boss to be overjoyed to hear this news and rush to congratulate you. For him, the event is difficult. He loses a good employee who will go on maternity leave in the 7th month. In addition, you will have to save space until the very moment when your vacation is over. All these problems will have to be solved by the boss, which will create troubles for him.

You need to be very careful to notify the employer, the main thing is to find the right moment

  • it is better to inform the employer about your pregnancy calmly, without frills;
  • be prepared that he will not like the news at all, so you should not be nervous or worried about this, you have nothing to do with it;
  • it is worth talking about your position after the third trimester;
  • be sure to provide a certificate from the hospital confirming the state of affairs, as well as the fact that you are registered;
  • before informing the manager, familiarize yourself with your rights in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, if necessary, provide them to the employer.

What options should not be used

It is better to communicate this news to all relatives at the same time in order to avoid resentment.

It is necessary to report a joyful event in an original way so that this day will be remembered not only by you. So you don't need to do it like that.

  1. Inform your husband about pregnancy by phone. This method should be categorically excluded. Firstly, you will not see his reaction, and secondly, you do not know what is happening to him at the moment, maybe he has troubles at work or problems, this news will be perceived completely out of place.
  2. Parents should not be deprived of their attention. If all relatives communicate well, then so that no one is offended, it is worth breaking the news by bringing them all together. Tell someone earlier, someone later is not worth it, your "sin" will be remembered for many years to come. Or just make sure that none of the relatives know who was told first.
  3. You should not report pregnancy to your boss in the early stages. Also, be sure to guess the moment when the state of affairs in the working atmosphere is more or less calm, there is no special blockage so that the bosses can digest the news.
When is it better to report your situation

The decision of when to notify the husband, family and friends is taken by the expectant mother on her own

When to inform family and friends about pregnancy, each woman decides for herself individually. It all depends on the life situation, the state of affairs, whether it is a long-awaited pregnancy or an unplanned one.

  1. The husband or boyfriend, the person who is the father of the unborn baby, should be informed immediately. After all, you should be taken care of from the very first days of pregnancy, and he, like you, has the right to initially know about the state of affairs.
  2. When to inform parents, it's up to everyone. Many inform their relatives after the third month of pregnancy. Most often, girls who are in a fairly close relationship with their mother cannot stand it and tell her even earlier than their husband, it all depends on family relationships. The best option would be to tell the news at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. As for the work, the bosses, it is worth postponing with such news. If you do not have the opportunity to ask for time off without problems or take a day off for your business, then you can only report when the belly is visible. If you need to go to an ultrasound scan and to a doctor, and the employer refuses to let you go, then you need to inform after the 3rd trimester. Was she helpful?

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Finally you find out that you are pregnant. Now you should somehow inform your beloved husband about this. In order not to burden yourself with ordinary phrases like "Darling, we will have a baby soon" or "Darling, I'm pregnant", you can use original ideas. In our article, we have collected several unusual recommendations that will help you remember this day for the rest of your life. So, how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way?


Before you beautifully inform your husband about your pregnancy, think about his feelings. Suddenly he is very emotional and vulnerable, and the unexpected news of the addition to the family will "shock" him.

Therefore, those who are too sensitive should be prepared in advance. Start from afar. Talk about the delay, feeling unwell, dizziness, etc. Return to this topic every day, thereby preparing your husband for serious news. Constantly tell your beloved that life will be wonderful if a small child appears in the house.

If the husband did not consider such a scenario at all, discuss the likelihood of pregnancy with him directly. After this preparation, original ideas can be considered.

Table for three

Call your loved one and make an appointment at one of your favorite restaurants. Upon arrival, ask the staff to set a table for three. Give the waiter an envelope with a pregnancy test and a letter in which you write in advance: "Sorry, I'm late, I'll be there in 9 months."

When your husband arrives, let him know that you are expecting a third guest. Be sure to create an intrigue (ask every minute: "But where is he?", "How long can you wait?", Etc.). Signal to the waiter. Going to the table, he must inform the husband that the guest is late and asked to pass the envelope.

Now observe the reaction of your beloved. Original ideas don't end there. There are other ways to communicate that “I'm pregnant”.

Good news on the phone

For this method, you should stain your tummy with paints. Write "Dad, let's get acquainted" or "I live here." Take a picture of your creativity and send by phone using MMS.

Another way to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way using your phone. While your beloved is in the shower or is busy watching your favorite show, take his mobile and change your name to "Stork" in the contact list. When your husband goes to work, send him an SMS with the inscription: "I will be there soon, wait."

Morning surprise

Buy a stork card or envelope from the store and include a pregnancy test. While your husband is sleeping, place the "paper surprise" on your nightstand.

Such a gift can be made even when a loved one is at work by handing over the coveted envelope with a postcard by a courier.


T-shirts with the words "Future Dad", "I will soon become a father" are sold almost everywhere now. And if you do not know how to beautifully inform your husband about pregnancy, purchase this item of clothing. Wrap the T-shirt in a gift wrap or send it by mail in the form of a parcel. Seeing the inscription, the future dad will certainly not be able to restrain his emotions.


If you do not know how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way, try the following method. Does your faithful love sweet things? Fine! Order him a cake (or bake it yourself) with a picture of happy parents. Be sure to make the inscription: "You will soon be a dad."

The original ideas did not end there. Further - more extreme methods.

Under the window

This is perhaps the most extreme way to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way. You can do it yourself or ask one of your friends. Write under the window: "Darling, you will soon become a dad." Try to get your husband to look out the window the next morning. Surely he will imagine that at least someone from your house is very lucky. What exactly this great news awaits him is the last thing he thinks about.

A little later, call him or send an SMS, where it is written: “Did you read my message under the window? What do you say?".

We use gadgets

Did you go through the first ultrasound scan and receive a cherished photograph of your baby in your hands? Perfectly! Place the photo as your desktop background.

You can do the same with the phone. The photo can also be placed in his favorite newspaper or magazine.

Group photo

This method is rather unusual, but very original. So, gather all family members for dinner. When guests arrive, ask them to sit back for a shared shot. Instead of the coveted phrase "Smile", say: "I am pregnant." Then look at the reaction.

With friends

When you get together with the whole company, ask your friends to stand in one line. Say: "Come forward those who have no children." When your faithful takes a step forward, ask: "Where did you go?"


While your man is at work, you can surprise him. Hang photos, undershirts, sliders, etc. all over the apartment. When your husband gets home from work, pretend to be asleep. At the same time, listen to the reaction.

On holiday

If any holiday is expected in the near future, and you do not know how interesting it is to inform your husband about pregnancy, then this is a great reason for news. Beautifully and in an original way, pack the postcard with the inscription "Darling, we will have a baby" and place it under the tree (pillow, on the table, etc.). After he unpacks the postcard, he will clearly not have time for gifts.

If you prefer more original ideas, you can hand over something from children's paraphernalia instead of a postcard. For example, a rattle, a pacifier, sliders, etc. Just remember to wrap your gift nicely. Unfolding the treasured box, your beloved will probably think that there is another pair of socks or a razor. Now watch the reaction.


If you are unsure of how to inform your husband about your second pregnancy, try the next option. Send your husband a birthday card with the appropriate caption. Imagine: you are both at home, the postman rings at the door and says that a telegram has arrived. Surely your husband has forgotten such a word.

Laundry box

Place booties or baby socks in your husband's underwear drawer. After he opens it, watch the reaction.


Many men are very afraid that after the birth of a baby, they will fade into the background. So prove to him that it is not. Prepare well after reporting your pregnancy. Wear stockings and sexy lingerie. With this gesture, you will demonstrate that you love and always think about him.

How not to tell your husband about pregnancy?

It is better to talk about future replenishment even before early toxicosis overtakes you. Therefore, in order not to spoil the good news, do not delay it.

If you do not know how interesting it is to inform your husband about pregnancy, it is better not to do this on a responsible day for him (negotiations, meeting, exams, etc.). This will deprive him of the opportunity to truly rejoice, and yourself - to see the reaction and expression on the face of the faithful at the moment of receiving the news.

If it turned out that you were preparing for a surprise, and your husband came home late from work, then do not tell him about the pregnancy in a fit of anger. Better to wait until morning for the tense situation to disappear.

Many girls want to please their husband after learning about the long-awaited pregnancy. Very soon, a man and a woman will become new parents. However, before looking ahead, the wife must inform her husband that he will soon become a father. Some girls prefer to pronounce a hackneyed phrase like: "Honey, I'm pregnant!" or "Dear, you will become a dad!". Others wish to break the news in a more informal setting, presenting the pregnancy as a surprise. Let's consider the most interesting ways, highlight the main aspects.

Method number 1. Quest

Organizing a mini-quest for a spouse is considered an interesting way to report pregnancy. Start in the morning, send a message to your husband on your phone: "Come home, we are waiting for you a note ...". When a loved one returns from work and reads the message, it should say "Look in the dresser!"

The husband looks into the drawer and discovers a message on the sheet: "There is something interesting waiting for you under the pillow ...". You can continue indefinitely, the essence is the same - intrigue your partner with messages, but do not drag out the quest so that the man does not get bored.

Particular attention should be paid to the last note with the words "Dear, I'm pregnant!" The main thing is to make sure that the spouse does not find her before the others. You can make the extreme message point to the linen closet that holds the baby booties. The cherished words are attached to them.

Method number 2. New Year's gift

If you find out about pregnancy on the eve of the New Year, you can tell your husband about it with a gift under the tree. Choose and pack a present for your spouse, pick up a postcard with the words “I love you!”, Write your news inside. Attach a message to the top of the gift. The method is suitable not only in the case of the New Year, but also the birthday, as well as any other holiday.

The second option for a gift can be matryoshka dolls (5-7 pcs.). Write on a thin strip “Honey, I'm pregnant!”, Then place the leaf in the smallest matryoshka doll. Pack it in a box, attach the test, place it under the tree.

Method number 3. Reaction to photography

The option of such presentation of information is suitable for married couples for whom the birth of a child was desired. Capture the happiest news with your camera. The reaction to the photo cannot be called fake, since the photo will be taken the moment it occurs. To start manipulating, invite relatives and close friends to visit. Ask them to sit or stand next to their spouse for a shared photo.

Since you will be the photographer, get ready to shoot. At this time, say "I'm pregnant!" instead of the usual "Smile!" Literally after 1 second, press the camera button, take one or several pictures. After the lapse of time, you will laugh for a long time, looking at the surprised and joyful facial expressions on the faces of the guests.

Method number 4. Improvisation

The method is suitable for couples who have an excellent sense of humor and at the same time really want a child. Come up with some weirdness to make it fun. You can create a "paradise" in the room by wrapping in a sheet or wearing a swimsuit. Take 1 kg. ice cream, place a plate of smoked herring (preferably bitten) next to it. Install an umbrella, a kind of chaise longue or hammock, wait for your husband to appear.

When the faithful crosses the threshold of the room and in surprise says: “What are you doing?”, In a carefree tone answer him: “You know, darling, I'm pregnant! And pregnant women, as they say, have their own quirks! " If the spouse has a sense of humor, the situation will come out funny and touching at the same time.

Method number 5. Shopping

Agree with your husband that you will carve out one day to go shopping. Tell them that you want to update your wardrobe, but do not say what kind of things you go for. When you arrive at the mall, head straight towards maternity clothing.

Then pull the man by the hand, start looking lustfully through dresses, sundresses and underwear for ladies in position. With a serious face, ask your spouse how this or that style is for him, whether this jacket will suit you, etc. At the same time, observe the reaction of the faithful to your actions. Stay in the store for so long until the betrothed gets to what is happening.

Method number 6. Pregnancy test

What could be clearer than two stripes on the test? This is a rhetorical question, but such a gift must be presented correctly. Give your spouse a present for your birthday, February 14, New Year or any other holiday. You can purchase a jewelry box, then place a test in it and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. Funny but simple.

Of course, this kind of gifts should be made only if the faithful is aware of what a pregnancy test looks like. For example, if before that you tried to get pregnant for a long time, and then each time you waited for two strips with trepidation, while being next to your spouse.

Method number 7. Romantic dinner

Call your spouse while he is at work. Let me know that tonight you will have dinner with an important person, so a man needs to be fully armed. When setting the table, place three pairs of cutlery and utensils. Next, choose one of two options for how to inform your husband about your pregnancy.

The first thing you can do is write a note with the words "Daddy, I will be late, I will come in 7-8-9 months!" (depending on the term). Next, place the message in an envelope and place it on a plate for the third guest. Especially creative young ladies are advised to draw this phrase in gouache on the stomach, but do not use markers or felt-tip pens.

After you sit down at the table, the spouse will begin to wonder who the third mysterious guest is. Take your time to reveal your cards, whet his curiosity every minute, answer evasively. When you see that the man can't stand it anymore, lift the T-shirt with the inscription or let the husband open the envelope for the late guest.

Method number 8. Ice cream free

The role of ice cream can be a dessert or any other dish of your choice. The scenario of the event is as follows: go with your spouse to your favorite restaurant or cafe, let him place an order (this is the main condition!). Make sure your husband orders your meals, then head straight to the ladies' room.

On the way, catch the waiter, arrange with him that the employee brings a delicious cake or ice cream to your table. Naturally, the spouse will begin to be indignant, claiming that he did not order such a thing.

The waiter must make it clear that today the institution is holding a promotion for future parents, who are provided with a delicious dessert for free. After that, the man will be dumbfounded, but pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will pay for the treat later, the moment itself is important.

A few more ideas ...

  1. Photo album. The method is suitable for those ladies who have already done an ultrasound scan and can boast of a picture. Create a photo album for your husband, print the most memorable images. Anything will do: your wedding, vacation together, buying a car, walking with your pets, etc. Put all the pictures in an album, it is important that there are about 25-30 photos. This will make the viewing more interesting. Insert the ultrasound image in the middle or at the end of the album, watch the reaction.
  2. A message from the stork. Have the man receive the message from the stork himself. While the faithful will sleep (night, late evening), take his smartphone, rename your name to "Stork". After that, go to rest, and in the morning send a message from your phone with the following content: “I flew out! I'll be there in 7-8 months, wait! "
  3. Sexual overtones. Put on stockings and garters, do your hair, do your makeup, go for a manicure and pedicure. Light candles, furnish your bed, order dinner from your favorite restaurant. Start seducing your beloved with erotic dances, establish a rule that says - "Do not touch with your hands!" After your husband gets very aroused, gently tell him that you are pregnant. If the baby is long-awaited, amazing sex is provided for both of you.
  4. "Kinder Surprise". Purchase an egg "Kinder Surprise", carefully remove the wrapper from it. Dip the knife in boiling water to heat the blade well. Now cut the chocolate at the seam, take out the toy. Put a test or a note in a yellow box with the words "Darling, I'm pregnant!" Then fold the two halves together as follows: re-heat the knife, reheat the edges, then immediately join the chocolate together. Wait until it sticks together, wrap it up.
  5. Recording under the window. Get a stencil or get ready to write by hand. Take care of a spray can or paint can, a brush, gloves in advance. Write under your windows “You will soon become a dad!”, And be sure to specify the name of your husband so that he understands who the message is addressed to. In the morning, go down to the courtyard, stand next to the sign, call your spouse and ask to look out of the window. He will be pleasantly surprised, provided that the inscription is clearly visible.

It is not difficult to inform your husband about pregnancy, if you show ingenuity and patience. Make a New Year gift for him, come up with a quest with notes, create a family photo with surprised faces. Improvise, go to the store for expectant mothers together, present a pregnancy test in a beautiful package. Have a romantic dinner for three, ask the waiter to bring you “free” ice cream.

Video: how to talk about pregnancy

Pregnancy…For many women, this word tastes downright sweet!

Remember that it is in this order - first the husband, then the parents. Even if you already have the opportunity to tell the news to your mom, and your husband will return from work only in the evening, wait for him and first of all tell him!

For a man, there is nothing worse than learning about his wife's pregnancy from his mother-in-law or other relatives.

When are we going to shock?

The sooner the better! If it seems to you that others do not notice your position, you are mistaken. Some behavioral shifts are likely to be observed. Better you tell about the pregnancy yourself, rather than arouse suspicions in your family, what else will they think that you are sick with something.

Happy husband

It is decided - first of all we inform the husband. In the age of modern technology, when the message about what a person ate for lunch appears in the public domain two minutes after the meal itself, the question of how long you need to wait before informing your lover about pregnancy seems ridiculous. But the telephone and even more so the social network are far from the best helpers in communicating this good news.

Many women, having learned about pregnancy, immediately run to the store for scented candles for a romantic atmosphere in the evening. In their imagination, the picture looks something like this: a tired and exhausted husband comes home, and then a delicious dinner, a smiling wife, pleasant music awaits him. And in all this idyll you say in a soft voice: "Honey, we will have a baby." The husband immediately begins to shine with a mischievous smile, picks you up in his arms and circles, circles, circles ... And now we take off the rose-colored glasses and put them in the farthest drawer of the table. As statistics show, in 99 percent of cases, the reaction is just the opposite. The man falls into a stupor. From him phrases like "Are you sure?", "Child?", "Are you serious?"

Of course, for a woman to watch this picture is not the most pleasant feeling in life, but you just need to come to terms with it. Even if the pregnancy was long-awaited and later the man will really hold you tightly in a joyful embrace, then for the first couple of minutes he seems to be obliged to lower it, realizing what happened in general.

We inform our parents

With parents, the situation is slightly different. If you have an observant mother, then there is a possibility that she has already guessed about your interesting position for a long time. If the parents are happy with their son-in-law, then they will be very happy about pregnancy. The previous troubles in relations with your mother, if any, will suddenly begin to leave you, because now you seem to become on a par with her. Soon you will understand the meaning of your mother's “terrible” actions when she did not allow you to go out late or make you study well.

In the case of parents, it is also important not to hesitate. They should learn the news from your face or from both of you and your husband, but not from your son-in-law, otherwise they may be offended.

Making Husband's Parents Happy

Breaking news of your pregnancy to your spouse's parents can be challenging. If you are not in the warmest relationship with them, entrust this important mission to your beloved, he must have an approach to them. It's great if you go together to report the good news.

If you notice that even now the mother-in-law is beginning to guide you on the "true path", try to approach her advice with maximum attention and disposition, without showing your dissatisfaction, by the way, many of them may be really worthwhile.

How to report a long-awaited pregnancy

If you and your husband have been dreaming of a child for a long time, it will be easy and pleasant to say that you are pregnant, because in this case you know for sure that your spouse will be happy.

Show test

Sometimes women begin to report pregnancy, picking up a few veiled phrases like "Darling, our family will soon be bigger" or "We will soon have someone." Now these words seem simple and understandable to you, but being unprepared for such news, the husband can answer with a question like "What, mother-in-law is coming, right?" The easiest option is to show two stripes on the dough. If you want it to be more interesting, put the test on the table, and then ask your husband to come over to see what lies there.


No, we are not suggesting that you send a text message to your husband at work. But a very original version in the evening, after going to bed, send an SMS to your beloved "I'm pregnant!" In this case, the most difficult thing is not to see the husband's reaction, and not at all out of fear of being rejected, but out of interest - well, what is his facial expression now ?! If you are ready to endure in such a situation while your beloved begins to show signs of life, take action!

Nobody canceled a romantic dinner!

Originality doesn't have to overshadow the romance of the moment. If your husband is a romantic, then that very dinner and delicious-smelling candles is the very thing.

And to be unusual, you can communicate your delicate situation with the following phrases:

1. Sunshine, do we have an extra couple of thousand for courses for future dads and moms?

2. Darling, soon you will have to work for three.

3. Look, this is the first photo of our baby (show an ultrasound scan).

Before saying these phrases, think about whether your husband will react normally to this way of communicating the news? If he's okay with a sense of humor, then you can try, but believe me, the standard "Honey, we'll have a baby soon" will also produce an overwhelming reaction.

How to tell about pregnancy if it is unexpected

The first and foremost thing to remember is that an unexpected pregnancy does not mean unwanted. Even in such a situation, the husband may be delighted with the news. If you had the opportunity to observe how a man treats small children, then it is easier for you to talk about how he will react to the news of pregnancy. In this situation, remember that any creative is superfluous. Do you want to surprise? Surprise later, surprise with ultrasound images placed in a frame on the table, surprise with behavior (although this does not really depend on you anymore), surprise with anticipation of the upcoming event. In the meantime, you need to report the news as calmly and pleasantly as possible.

Choose a moment

It is necessary to communicate the news that a new life is being born in you when your husband is in a good mood. If he is deadly tired after work or he has some serious problem, wait a little with good news.

Use words that are pleasant to your spouse.

Immediately say that he will become a wonderful father, that you have always dreamed about it. But it is better to miss the moment that your life will soon change, he already understood this. The fact is that some men are a little selfish (the rest are completely selfish) and the first thing they come up with is the thought that now your family needs more finances, the adjusted rhythm of life has come to an end, bowling trips with friends are canceled every Saturday and stuff like that. ... Hug your husband, give him confidence in the future.

Don't be intimidated by the reaction

Reporting a long-awaited pregnancy is never easy, let alone when the news is unexpected and already potentially negative. If a man is silent for a while, do not be alarmed, do not start talking about the fact that you are not going to lose your child, he may not even have this in his thoughts! After some time, a meaningful speech will still visit your spouse, then you will analyze the reaction.

Parents, both in the case of a long-awaited and an unexpected pregnancy, need to be told the news with joy. If you are sure that they will receive this message with a smile, you can talk with emotion about the appearance of a tiny creature in your tummy. If you have some doubts about their reaction, it is better to say as calmly as possible about everything, and then orient yourself according to the situation.

We are surprised: how to say about pregnancy in an original way

Using an original method for the message is a great option for you. Because when you try to squeeze out the phrase “Dora, I’m pregnant,” words do not appear treacherously, but say a phrase like “Darling, soon you will not need to carry me in your arms, but you can roll me like a bun” or organize some surprise - much easier! So it will be interesting for you to do all this yourself.

Christmas tree gift

Pack a New Year's gift for your husband and place a postcard with the words "I'm pregnant" on top. Believe me, it won't come to a gift. You can do the same for his birthday or any other holiday.

There is also an option to wrap the text as a gift. It will take many boxes of different sizes. Place them one in another, and put the text and booties in the smallest box.

T-shirt with creative lettering

Order a T-shirt for your husband with the words "I'll be a dad soon!" and present it to your loved one. If you are not afraid of your husband's reaction and you are sure that his happiness will have no boundaries, you can present him with such a present at some holiday, when there are a lot of friends and relatives around.

Message from the stork

At night, quietly rename your husband's phone number to the Stork contact. And in the morning quietly send him an SMS with the text “I'm already taking off. I'll be there in 9 months. Wait! "

Let's get insolent with a running start

Return home when your husband is there, and on the doorstep "I want cherries, currants, sauerkraut and cake." He: "Sfigali?" Well, then how it goes.

Stunning photography

Gather all relatives for a general photo. Become a photographer yourself. And when the time comes to click on the camera button, instead of "Smiling" say "I'm pregnant." Do not forget to press the coveted button to capture the faces of relatives after such words. Surely you want to have such a photo, which you can then look at with a smile. By the way, and the child can be shown.

Entertaining game

On the service, you can make a game, at the end of which the picture you need will appear on the screen. So, as this picture there can be an inscription "Soon you will become a dad" and take a picture of a certificate from the doctor. Let your husband play.

An unforgettable congratulation

It's great if your spouse has a birthday soon. This method is very extravagant. In the morning, while your husband is still in bed, sit on top of him and bare your belly, on which the inscription "Dad, happy birthday!" You can't think of a better gift.

Magic egg

If you find out about pregnancy on the eve of Easter, you can give your loved one an egg, inside of which there is a test with two strips. It is very simple to make such an egg. On both sides of an ordinary raw egg, we make small holes through which you need to blow the yolk and white, and carefully push the dough inside. The husband certainly does not expect such a surprise!

Surprise book

Buy a book for your husband "For the future dad" or "How to swaddle a baby", and put a test as a bookmark. Give such a gift to your husband and wait for a reaction.

When informing parents about pregnancy, it is better to leave the creative for later. Original methods can be used only when the parents are humorous and will definitely appreciate the joke. Otherwise, you will cause bewilderment, which will lead the parents to a dead end, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward position.

There is an opinion that it is useless to report pregnancy in an original way, because the news itself is stunning. But if you know for sure that your husband will be happy about this, why not be original?

Then together you will happily remember your surprise, but with a crumb in your arms.

This moment should be remembered, but how will it be remembered if you report pregnancy in words “I went to the hairdresser's here today. By the way, prices have gone up there. I am pregnant. Don't forget to buy some potatoes. "

An interesting story about the creativity of a novice mother can be told to a child in the future.

Suspecting the first signs of pregnancy, girls are usually in no hurry to share this with their significant other, as this may turn out to be a "false alarm." But after you have verified a positive result by visiting a doctor or taking a pregnancy test, the question arises: how to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way?

Regardless of whether this event is long-awaited or completely unexpected (but no less desirable from this), try to present this news as positive and beautiful as possible. To do this, first of all, you must first cope with your own emotions.

You should not send your husband a photo from the toilet with a wet pregnancy test in your hands as soon as you see the result. Even a long-planned pregnancy sometimes catches by surprise, and women in a state of shock simply do not have time to think that the news of an interesting situation can be conveyed in some original way.

But it is not enough just to embody the idea, it is also necessary to find the right moment. The most important rule is to communicate in person if circumstances permit.

Yes, sometimes you can't wait to call your spouse at work right in the morning, but this is not the best moment. His thoughts are busy with very different things, so the reaction may not be what you expect.

Shouting "I'm pregnant" as soon as your husband walks into the doorway is also not a good idea. Prepare a calm, possibly romantic setting. The spouse must be fed, not busy playing computer games or watching TV. The best moment is to show an ultrasound scan or a pregnancy test after dinner.

But even if the pregnancy makes your husband very happy, be prepared that the state of shock sometimes blocks the manifestation of happiness. A spouse, falling into a stupor, may ask: “Are you sure?”, “What do the two stripes mean?” “I don’t understand what is in this picture,” “How did you know?”. Do not be offended if you did not see the reaction that you expected. Men by their nature are not capable of showing emotions as much as women, and even more so when it comes to such speedy changes in life.

10 and 1 idea

If the option with a picture after dinner seems too banal to you, we offer some original ideas on how to tell your husband about pregnancy:

Perhaps one of these options will inspire your own idea of \u200b\u200bhow to tell your boyfriend about pregnancy more interesting.

If you have a large family and you want to tell everyone about your pregnancy in an unusual way, suggest taking a family photo. As soon as everyone is in the lens, say: "Chiiiz, I'm pregnant!" and take a picture. A photograph will be remembered where you can see the genuine emotions of each family member.

Situations in life are different. Many girls are wondering - should I tell my ex-boyfriend that I'm pregnant with him? It is definitely worth telling. But only for the sake of letting you know.

Do not try to bind a man to yourself by this, do not expect a positive reaction. The above ideas will not work in this case. You need to meet, provide a doctor's opinion, the guy will probably ask about it. Discuss everything calmly, dot the i's.