How to cheer up VKontakte. When your girlfriend is in a bad mood: what to do

Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher ... Jealousy in the heart, the roof is going! Come soon, come on! Or from the roof of the Shiganu. 9

Gather your lips in a bow, relax, stretch in a smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival! 13

Wanted the most beautiful person in the world who illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you in the first place! 7

Your lucky number is 73526852234316562. Look for it everywhere! 5

Due to the violation of the article of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. We will seal the verdict with a kiss, it is final, not subject to appeal. 32

If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, then don't stop. 30

I lie, struck in the heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines will not help here, the disease of love for you is incurable! 10

My heart was stolen by you. Take it - I'm not greedy! 22

(function (w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function () ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -132683-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-132683-1", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

Honey, I love you so much that the zipper on my jeans can't stand it! 13

Do you know what people say behind your back? - Cool ass! 15

Sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun. Your photo, of course! 11

The virus got into my phone book, chose the most beautiful, smart, affectionate, sexy and charming girl there and sent her this SMS! 23

I need to have a serious talk with you. I have a bad news. It will be better if you learn about it from me. Imagine, quite by accident I found out such a nightmare, it turns out that Santa Claus does not exist! 16

The pulse is beyond the limit, the pressure is high, the state of mind is terrible, there is no coordination, the diagnosis depends on you, the treatment is your love! 12

In paradise, they said that the most beautiful angel escaped from them ... But I did not betray you! 18

I want to gently kiss you so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love! 29

You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, in my head. When will you pay for your stay? 16

Autumn has come, the leaves are falling. I don't need anyone but you. 11

The world is conquered by the brave, the strong, the noble. Of course, it's about me! 11

One hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot be compared with you in softness and fluffiness! 10

I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there is not enough space in the smartphone's memory! 13

You've won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup! Brooms and dustpans are provided for free! The offer is limited. 6

You are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied! 10

You are just awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button is absolutely stunning! 12

It has long been known that women are emotional beings, which means that much in their behavior, and in general in life, depends on their mood. If the girl's mood is good, then things are going well, and there is order in the house, and she does not refuse intimate life.

If, however, something is wrong, then thunderclouds hang over the couple. Moreover, what is the best way to get a girl to meet you? Of course, cheer her up. And if you met online or are you far from it? In this article, I will tell you how to cheer up a pen girlfriend.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

However, first, a few words about why your girlfriend might be in a bad mood. And this is really important to understand, because if you do not know the reasons, then you can waste a lot of time, or even make it worse.

There can be many reasons. But there are a few of the more common ones that I can't help mentioning. Otherwise, you definitely won’t understand how to cheer up a girl by correspondence.

  1. Quarrel with someone. Any person can feel insecure after a conflict with someone, especially a weak woman. Perhaps the incident occurred at work or at school. Let me talk. If she trusts you, she will describe everything in detail. It is easier to speak out in a letter, because no one sees her tears.
  2. Self-doubt due to any flaws in appearance, failures at work or school, or lack of sociability. If you guess that this is the reason, then a good compliment can defuse the situation.
  3. Someone didn't live up to her expectations, maybe you. If the mood worsened after a date with you, then this is a clear hint. Try asking her what's wrong. But analyze your behavior yourself - maybe you behaved unmanly somewhere, or didn’t fulfill what you promised. And in the end, it upset her.
  4. Troubles or failures at school or at work. She can’t cope with something, or the relationship doesn’t go well with someone. In this case, it is important to cheer up the person and say that life does not end there.
  5. Problems at home. Your girlfriend may get sick from one of her relatives, or she just quarreled with a close relative.
  6. She may also have health problems, for example, in the female part.
  7. A former lover appeared on the horizon, perhaps he is even trying to return her.
  8. She had to change plans for objective reasons, and for an emotional person it is always stressful.
  9. She just accumulated fatigue, and there is practically no time to rest.
  10. Well, the most unpleasant thing is when a bad mood is caused by your behavior.

What to write to a girl to cheer her up?

  • Already in the morning you can write something pleasant to your girlfriend, and the most obvious is a wish for a good morning and a pleasant day. This should put her in a good mood for a while. How to cheer up a girlfriend by correspondence? Send her a cool photo. For example, a postcard with a cute puppy or kitten or a funny emoticon. Such simple jokes are usually liked by all girls.

  • A great way to cheer up a person by correspondence is to use short funny SMS. Choose short jokes, which can be found a lot on social networks these days.
  • Send her a funny video, for example, related to animals, girls love it. However, not everything that you share with your friends is suitable for your girlfriend. And therefore, immediately forget about frankly stupid and vulgar videos.
  • Feel free to compliment her even if she's in a bad mood. The fact that girls love them is an indisputable fact. For example, you can say that you can’t forget her incredible eye color or that the dress she was wearing on a date really suits her. You can think of anything. Especially if you like it, it means that there is something in it. And this is something you can focus on. However, if it's just a big chest, flattering in this direction too frankly is also not worth it. After all, she probably has other virtues, for example, intelligence, a kind soul, a great sense of humor, and so on. How to compliment a girl correctly? What content should they be? All this you can find out.

How to make a pen pal laugh if she is sick?

An illness, especially a serious one, is not a laughing matter at all. Therefore, the maximum that you can and should do is to support her morally and try to cheer her up. And stupid jokes will definitely not work here. She probably sits at home or worse - lies in the hospital and languishes within four walls.

And therefore, a great option on how to cheer up a pen pal is to invite her to go to some interesting and unusual place as soon as she recovers. This should motivate her well, all the more, there will be a wonderful occasion for conversation - plans for spending time together.

Beautiful poems or a love song, which are also in abundance now on the Internet, will also help. They will show her that you think of her and miss her. She will definitely be pleased, because a disease for a girl is always a reason to doubt her attractiveness. That is why at this time words of support and compliments from you are so important to her.

Cheer her up with a positive forecast - you have no doubt that she will soon recover, and you will meet. If you can visit her, then use this opportunity, but do not abuse it. Still, bed rest and rest are important for recovery, and girls always start to worry during such visits, because they feel insecure about their appearance, especially in a hospital ward.

However, you should not leave a person all alone for a period of illness, because she may think that you still do not care for her, and that you only need her healthy. If you do this, then do not be surprised that after recovery, the girl will cool off sharply towards you, and even offer to end the relationship.

In general, the ability to surprise the fair sex is half the success in seduction. However, often guys do not believe in themselves, and they think that they need to come up with a really grandiose plan to make a girl happy without money, or this will inevitably result in serious expenses. However, as practice shows, it is not at all necessary to have serious financial capabilities in order to simply cause surprise.

That is why you need to show your attention regularly, and think about how to entertain a girl by correspondence. So that she does not feel sad, you can make a collage of your joint photos and send it to her. And you can order her flowers and balloons with delivery in addition.

There are many ways to cheer up a girl by correspondence. To do this, you can use jokes and jokes from the Internet, beautiful and funny photos, poems, songs and videos. It is important at the same time to at least roughly know the cause of her sadness.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Every person's mood rises and falls. Nearby there is a natural desire to help a person to cheer up. The issue becomes especially relevant when you need to cheer up or a potential partner.

There can be many reasons for a low mood, ranging from ordinary boredom to serious problems. It does not matter here what reason prompted the girl to lose heart. The guy has an urgent need to cheer up and make his partner laugh, so that he feels good at the same time.

The online magazine site understands how important this need is becoming. Sometimes guys just don't know what to do to solve a situation.

How to cheer up a girl?

To cheer up a girl, you need to start by finding out the reasons for his decline. Usually girls openly talk about what happened to them. Based on this, you can understand what needs to be done. Eg:

  1. The girl is just bored. Invite her to go to the movies or to some interesting event together.
  2. The girl says she has problems. Offer your help in resolving the issue.
  3. The girl is mad at you. This is the most common option why a girl can be sad and even cry. If a guy offended or upset her with something, then to cheer up, you need to eliminate the cause.

Many people are surprised when partners who once loved them leave. They say that perhaps it was not love, but a fleeting feeling. But if you ask them if they had quarrels, they will answer: “Yes!”. If we remember that scandals do not arise out of the blue, then it should be understood that it was the failure to eliminate these reasons that led to the fact that the lovers broke up.

There can be many reasons for quarrels. One of the categories of likely clashes between partners is that one offends the other with his actions or words.

What grievances can be discussed? No one, for example, likes to be physically beaten or verbally abused. There are some actions and other expressions of one's emotions that are unpleasant for absolutely any person. There are also individual factors that are not accepted by a particular person. For example, someone does not like being bitten even in a fit of passion. Another may not like being called a "bunny". The third one is annoyed when a partner puts on red underwear. Each person has such factors that, for some reason, unbalance, cause anger.

Entering into love affairs, men and women usually talk about what they like and dislike. This is exactly what is important to remember if you intend to build a harmonious relationship. What to do with that list that has the name "He (She) likes" probably does not need to be explained. You just do what pleases your partner than what you bring. But sometimes people forget that with the column "He (She) does not like" you need to do the exact opposite. Quite often, men and women, knowing that their partners do not like it, still do things that can lead to grief.

Why are you doing something that offends your loved one? After all, from the fact that you act badly, you will not smile back. It's one thing if you do what your partner doesn't like without fear that he will leave you. You do not intend to build a serious and long-term relationship with the one you see, so do not care about what he likes and does not like. But if you are looking to create a long and lasting relationship, then why don't you listen to the requests of your loved one?

Quarrels arise because you do not want to hear what your partner does not like and act in the desired way. Why are you surprised that they stop loving you, moreover, they leave you? You yourself were disrespectful to the wishes of your partner. So, why should he continue to respect you?

If you know what your loved one doesn't like, then just don't do it. You do not need to play psychologist and find out, and then force your loved ones to change in order to love what they do not like. You don’t like something or you are afraid of something, and the partner says: “Yes, you spit on it. It's so cool! And for some reason you're nervous." How would you feel? You were treated disrespectfully, did not try to accept the fact that you did not like something, and even asked that you love something that rejects you. Do you believe that your partner loves you?

Don't act like this. You should not worry about the reasons why your loved one does not like something. For you, the main thing is what exactly frightens and does not satisfy your partner. If you do not want unnecessary quarrels and reasons for the next problems, then simply accept that your man or woman does not like something, and do not do it, even if you think that there is nothing wrong with your act. Be respectful of your partner's wishes, then he will begin to respect your wishes and preferences!

The recipe is quite simple: just do or tell the girl what she wants! Guys should not neglect the desires of girls. If they are in dire need of something, they even begin to be offended, sad and cry, then you need to listen to their desires and do what they want. It will definitely lift your spirits.

How to cheer up your girlfriend?

Guys quite often go into a stupor when their girlfriends start to be sad, cry or take offense at them. However, the stupor has not yet helped anyone in resolving the issue. If you want to cheer up your girlfriend, then use the following tips:

  1. Talk to the girl. Find out what happened that caused her mood to drop. Usually guys do not listen to their girls at first, which is why they bring the situation to a quarrel or conflict. If the girl is really upset, now you should listen to her calmly and adequately.
  2. When you find out the reasons for her bad mood, be sure to solve the problem. Either agree on something, or promise. Sometimes it’s enough just to bring negative experiences to the point of absurdity. Tell the girl that she has nothing to be upset about because you are fine.
  3. If a girl does not want to talk about the reasons for her bad mood, then do not insist. Let her want to tell you about everything herself, and you let her know that you will be waiting for this moment.
  4. Have a good time together. Depending on where your girlfriend likes to spend time, you can go for a walk, do something extreme, arrange a romantic dinner, etc.
  5. If you are not near the girl, then you can cheer her up by phone. Call her, talk to her, tell her a lot of pleasant and kind words.
  6. Do not forget about gifts that can be made even remotely. Order a bouquet of flowers or some gift that will be delivered to the girl's house by a courier.
  7. Write a nice message via phone or social networks. You can send her some pleasant or relaxing video, a beautiful picture or just a smiley.

In other words, to cheer up a girl, start paying attention to her. The main thing is to do pleasant deeds and speak good, kind words. And everything else will become unimportant.

How to quickly cheer up a girl?

Psychologists advise to influence a girl in several ways at once, which will help her quickly cheer up. How can I do that?

  • Give her something tasty. Girls feel better when they eat something sweet.
  • Compliments. Just don't overdo it and talk to the point.
  • Give her new emotions. So that she does not dwell on her experiences, it is better to give her new experiences. They arise when spending time together, for example, on a walk, when going to some institution, etc.
  • Invite the girl to go shopping. You may not understand this, but any girl gets a good mood when she makes purchases.
  • Make pleasant touches. We are not talking about sex, although we do not exclude it. Hug a girl, touch her, press her to your chest - all this is a pleasure.
  • Watch a movie together. Depending on the situation, choose a movie that will distract your girlfriend from sad thoughts.

But sometimes a guy will not be able to cheer up a girl. This is also normal, because there are a lot of reasons for the decline of the spirit. The guy should not try to be omnipotent and influence the girl. If you try various methods, but they do not help, then the reason for your bad mood may lie in something else. Sometimes you can’t do without the help of a psychologist if the girl has gone into a depressive state.

How to cheer up a girl by correspondence?

Modern technologies help lovers or just friends to keep in touch at any distance. If you are not close to the girl, but want to cheer her up, then various ways on social networks allow you to do this by correspondence:

  1. Write some long and interesting letter to a girl in a positive way.
  2. Send her a gift that the social network allows you to make.
  3. Send the girl various jokes, anecdotes, pleasant or funny pictures.

If you write something to a girl in order to cheer up, then be sure to write literary words and in full. Abbreviations, obscenities and slang can be perceived negatively by a girl, as disrespect for her.

It is not necessary to expect the girl to respond to your message. Understand that in a bad mood, she may not communicate with anyone. She read your letter - this is the most important thing. You tried to help her, now a lot depends on her.


Not always you will be able to influence the mood of the girl. And this is understandable, because her mood depends only on her. Only she herself can spoil the mood, and no one else. If it seems to her that other people constantly do bad things to her, offend, annoy her, then she is mistaken. In fact, she does all this by observing what is happening around.

If someone spoils the mood for a girl, she does not need to succumb to provocations. The fact is that the mood of a person depends entirely on his decisions that he takes at one time or another. Two factors matter here:

  1. Does the girl find something pleasant or unpleasant for herself.
  2. Does the girl think something is right or wrong.

In the first case, what she sees at one time or another, she evaluates as “like” and “dislike”. If she likes something, then she rejoices; if you don’t like it, then you feel sad, crying, irritated, angry. But the fact is that only she determines for herself what she likes and dislikes. For example, a yellow T-shirt may not be liked because of its color, but a girl can change her mind about a thing if she suddenly turns out to be very practical and wearable.

In the second case, the stereotypes, delusions, principles, views on the world that the girl has learned since childhood speak about the correctness and incorrectness of what is happening. Her parents brought her up in a certain direction, and now everything that they have invested in her, as right, will please, as wrong - upset. But in themselves things, people, events cannot be right or wrong. They just are what they are. And correctness and incorrectness are marks, as in school "5" and "2". But if the girl had been brought up differently, then her concepts of right and wrong would have been different.

See how the girl's mood depends on her? In fact, only she is responsible for the mood she is in. No one else can spoil her mood if she herself does not agree to someone spoiling it.

Every day we are faced with different situations: some charge us with excitement and positive emotions, while others, on the contrary, plunge us into sadness and even despair. The human attitude to a certain situation in psychology is called mood.

This state changes many times during the day, however, for the fairer sex, who are more prone to mood swings, the emotional background can decrease for a long time.

Therefore, any guy needs to understand and “cure” sadness.

Before embarking on active actions, trying to cheer up your beloved, use the recommendations of specialists. After all, the negative emotional background of one partner will certainly affect the state of the other lover.

  1. Do not criticize her condition. Your chosen one will be even more upset if you start pointing out to her that you don’t like it when she gets annoyed, angry or shows negativity.
  2. Be sure to listen. If a girl is ready to talk about the reason for her bad mood, listen and try to understand her position. Avoid criticism, do not reread, even if you do not agree with your beloved.
  3. Don't interrogate. When a girl is sad but refuses to reveal the reason for her negative emotions, don't push for a conversation. Often young ladies are silent so as not to burst into tears or not to remember unpleasant moments. Be delicate!
  4. Don't share your problems. There is no need to “support” your beloved with a story about your failures. Some girls may get angry that you interfere with such "trifles", while others will be even more upset, taking your problems to heart.
  5. Don't mention PMS. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity tend to explain any female nervous breakdown by physiological characteristics. This can offend her (even if you guessed right with the reason) and worsen her mood even more.
  6. Notice bad moods. Let the woman brush off your questions, but if you do not notice her negative emotions at all, she will begin to consider you an "insensitive chump." In addition, it is extremely important for girls to feel your care and reverent attitude towards her condition.
  7. Hug your loved one more often. This is perhaps the most important recommendation. It is with this that one should begin to find out the reason for the bad mood of the beloved, and end the conversation and support. Seeing the tears of your girlfriend, take her hand and kiss. Perhaps only this act of yours will help restore her smile.

There are many methods to cheer up your chosen one, but everything is deeply individual. Therefore, familiarize yourself with all the options in order to then choose the most suitable and most effective in a given situation.

So, if you are close, then try the following methods:

  1. Treat your loved one to a delicious meal. Despite the constant “sitting” of girls on various diets, no representative of the fair sex will refuse a delicious chocolate bar, an exotic dish, ice cream. In addition, you can cook a "yummy" with your own hands to show your attitude towards your beloved.
  2. Give a compliment. What will instantly dry women's tears? With beautiful or original words, you can please any girl, even those who are in the worst mood. - tete-a-tete, in SMS, VKontakte or even by ordering a song on the radio. The most important condition - must be said with all my heart.
  3. Have an adrenaline rush. Extreme sports or recreation is an unusual but very effective method to cheer up. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the psychotype of the girl and her temperament, but still you can choose extreme sports for every taste and budget.
  4. Call her friends for help. If your beloved has not talked with her friends for a long time, is mired in routine affairs, do not leave her to sour on. Phone the girl's friends, invite them to your home without warning your missus about it. To add to the surprise, send them shopping or to an entertainment center.
  5. Get a massage. The ideal “cure” for a bad mood is massage, caress and kisses. Invite your beloved to arrange an evening of relaxation and bliss, give her a light massage (regular or erotic). It is possible that from stroking you will move on to closer communication.
  6. Arrange a romantic evening. Not a single girl (even if she is sad) will not give up gatherings in her favorite restaurant, a trip to the cinema for the last session. You can book a table in secret from the missus, and if you are not sure of her consent, send an SMS with a proposal to meet in a certain place where a surprise awaits your beloved.
  7. Have sex. Scientists have proven that making love promotes the active release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy and good mood. As they say, just what the doctor ordered! If the girl does not mind, give her real pleasure, fulfilling every whim and every desire. By the way, this is the most accessible method to improve the mood of your beloved (and not only her).
  8. Present a gift. Even if it is an ordinary trinket, the main thing is your care and tenderness. Give your chosen one a bouquet of roses or daisies, some decoration or something that she has long dreamed of.

It is not always possible to be close to the chosen one, to hold her hand and as a consolation. If you are now far from your beloved, high technologies in the form of social networks and SMS will come to the rescue.

Through short messages, you can express your feelings, sympathize and write a few nice words.

You can cheer up a VKontakte girl in several simple ways:

  • visit her page, put "likes" under photos, write amazing comments on photos, video clips and music;
  • if it is not possible to order a real bouquet, give virtual flowers. Believe me, they will give the girl no less pleasure than real roses;
  • send a beautiful or funny poem, any unusual image that suits a particular situation - girls especially love pictures with cats or children.

In addition to the possibilities of social networks, the advantages of SMS are also at your disposal. You can improve a woman's mood both in your own words and find ready-made funny phrases, beautiful poems or tender declarations of love on the Internet.

Of course, a bad mood is unlikely to be significantly improved by one SMS message, but your main task is to show that your beloved occupies a central place in your heart and life. It is easy to write such an SMS, but the effect of it will be felt for a long time.

You should not expect an immediate response from the chosen one, since it will also take time to change the mood. Therefore, if the girl is silent, do not worry.

Most likely, she is already smiling, just too busy for now and cannot answer your SMS message.

The desire to please a girl when she is sad is completely natural. However, choosing a way to improve mood, you need to take into account the characteristics of the female character, her preferences and temperament.

If your beloved prefers romantic gatherings, secluded pastime, try the following methods:

  • a trip to nature, a picnic, cooking barbecue on an open fire;
  • weekend in a country house;
  • attending a concert of your favorite artist or orchestra;
  • going to the cinema and watching a romantic comedy;
  • water procedures in the water park or city pool.

If your beloved loves outdoor activities, prefers noisy gatherings to solitude, there are also countless methods to cheer her up. For example, you might suggest:

  • go out into nature with a large company, where fishing, catamaran riding, various competitions and other events await her;
  • organize a party to which she will invite her best friends, select musical accompaniment and menus, come up with contests;
  • book a table in a nightclub where you can go with a large company;
  • go to an entertainment center or park where swings, ice cream will bring you back to childhood;
  • engage in extreme activities - parachuting, diving.

When thinking about how to cheer up a girl, it is important to understand that every woman needs male attention, a warm attitude and support.

Therefore, it does not make much difference which of the above methods you use.

The main thing is to show that she is not alone, you will always come to her aid. In this case, the negative attitude will quickly be replaced by a positive outlook on the world around.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Hello dear readers. In this article, you will learn how to cheer up a girl in the absence of personal communication. You will know how to achieve this, what words to use. Consider cases with an unfamiliar young lady and with a friend. Take a look at SMS examples. Find out what mistakes can be made in virtual communication.

Cheer up

If you want to cheer up a young lady with whom you have been talking for some time, a classmate, classmate or work colleague, you want to cheer up a girl on VK or by phone, then you should listen to the following tips.

  1. Wish good morning. Be sure to cheer up the whole day. In addition to the words themselves, you can add a beautiful postcard, for example, with a cute cat basking in the sun, with a snowdrop breaking through the snow.
  2. If you notice that the young lady is in a bad mood, she is sad, then you should not interrogate, revealing the reason for what happened. If a girl wants, she herself will tell about everything. Your task is to switch the young lady to something positive. For example, invite her to answer some strange question that is very important to you at the moment.
  3. Send a colorful postcard with an interesting poem, a cool video or a fun melody to your wall on a social network.
  4. Send a video in which you appear in an interesting way. Say something funny or optimistic. You can also send videos that show funny situations with pets or babies.
  5. Send the girl a beautiful song, comment on it, for example: "listening to this music, I think of you." You can also send a poem, especially one written with your own hand.
  6. Please with a virtual gift that can be accompanied by a playful commentary.
  7. Write an interesting anecdote that is sure to bring a smile to her face. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the girl and her sense of humor.
  8. Give the young lady a new experience. Invite her to the cinema or to some event, you can even go to the circus.
  9. Remind yourself of some funny incident that happened in your joint past, if the virtual communication was preceded by a personal one. Submit a collage with photos of that moment, if any.
  10. If you communicate close enough and for a long time, send two photographs to the young lady. The first will be your old picture, the second - a photo that you will take on purpose, making a funny face. If possible, you can wear some kind of cool outfit or cap. You can make a collage from two pictures, and leave a comment under it: "Find five differences."
  11. Wish the lady a good day. Ask her to smile as often as possible. Follow this request with a fun emoji.

If you want to cheer up a girl, avoid writing very large messages, it is better to give preference to short SMS.

How to cheer up a stranger

Let's look at how you can cheer up an unfamiliar girl by correspondence.

  1. Cheer up by writing a message accompanied by unpretentious emoticons.
  2. Please the young lady with a cute picture. It can be kittens or other animals (preferably cubs), flowers.
  3. Leave a humorous comment on the wall. This may intrigue the girl. If the young lady pays attention, wants to talk, start the conversation with a funny story that supposedly happened to you. But it's better not to lie. Therefore, if there is no such story, tell the story that you read on some site.
  4. Compliment the girl based on what you know about her. Nice words are sure to cheer her up.
  5. A stranger will not remain indifferent if you can tell a story with a share of self-irony.

Message Options

I bring to your attention examples, SMS texts or short messages on a social network, which will surely bring a smile to the young lady's face.

  1. "You are the thief of my heart, you must be detained."
  2. "I can't wait any longer for you to call me and I'll come running."
  3. "Save me, otherwise I will perish without your love."
  4. "Getting out of bed in the morning with memories of your eyes."
  5. “Here I am writing a message. Guess who? The most beautiful creature on our planet. I'm very happy to have it with me."
  6. “Your image is always before my eyes. Thank you for filling my life with happiness and my heart with endless love.”
  7. “It’s very cold outside, but the memories of you warm my soul. I'm very lucky to have you."

You can write something similar in your own words. The main thing is that the meaning is similar, and your message carries only positive and always brings a smile to the face of the young lady.

Possible mistakes

When deciding what exactly to write to a young lady via SMS or on a social network, keep in mind that there are certain points that need to be avoided. These include:

  • compliments that include the girl's weak points, her complexes;
  • jokes that offend her personally or those close to her;
  • messages with profanity;
  • stories about relationships with other girls;
  • offers of an intimate nature;
  • it is unacceptable to write jokes with obscene words, vulgar, about blondes (if the girl is one of them, or about redheads, brunettes), about informals, about the stupidity of women, about ugly young ladies, fat women. It is possible that the girl may take it personally, think that you are mocking her.

Now you know what to write to a girl in order to cheer her up. As you can see, with virtual communication, you can make mistakes that will not only make the young lady cheer up, but will also make her even more discouraged. The main feature of your messages is a positive attitude, a charge of optimism. If you have a good sense of humor, feel free to show it.