How the boy will like a classmate at school in one day. How to please a classmate? Big success of little tricks

You are young and beautiful, but you haven't met a gentleman yet? Are you outgoing and friendly, but don't know how to get the attention of the guy you like? Are you confident and independent, but embarrassed when you meet a boy you really like?

Then this information is for you, your friends, classmates and peers! (Although it may be useful to your parents or older sister).

How to get a guy's attention


The best reason to meet in adolescence is to have such a reason. Are you 12 years old and all your dreams are focused on meeting that cute kid from the parallel class? Can't you imagine your future life without communicating with an intelligent, intelligent classmate? Do you develop various scenarios for meeting a mischievous and perky fidget living next door? What if you don't know each other?

For the best outcome of the first meeting and for its guaranteed continuation, you, as a military strategist, need to think over the tactics of your actions. Indeed, often the outcome of the battle, even on the love front, depends on careful preparation.

Where to begin?

  1. Start by gathering information... After all, whoever is knowledgeable enough is well armed.
  2. Find out what you are interested in where the guy you like looks for inspiration. What circles he attends, what hobbies he has, what social circle, what sport he prefers.
  3. Try to become a "doy" yourself in this region. This does not mean that you have to abandon art school and headlong into the football field. But knowing about outstanding footballers, successful teams, and the timing of tournaments won't hurt you.

A guy's hobbies are a great excuse to meet. If he is a genius hacker - turn to him with a request to deal with a "difficult" computer program for you.

If he can't imagine a day without cycling, ask him to teach you how to ride a bike. If he loves dogs, ask his opinion on choosing a pet.

With a glance

Tip: Don't look at the guy and don't talk too much.

Your desire to make an acquaintance should be represented by a sweet, humble smile. In no case should you gaze intently at the future gentleman, catch his gaze with your eyes - he can involuntarily feel like a victim hunted by the pursuer, freak out and run away.

How to proceed?

  1. Look at the guy for eye contact.
  2. As soon as the boy looks at you, immediately look away and smile modestly.
  3. Look at him again and try to keep his gaze.
  4. Keep smiling, don't keep your eyes on the floor.

This will be enough for the guy to understand that you are interested, and, of course, if he is not a notorious coward, he will take a step towards you.

Keep in mind: do not discuss the merits and demerits of a person in the presence of strangers. Such gossip will put even the strongest personality in the position of a guinea pig, and this, as you yourself understand, no one wants.


Guys are attracted not only by the girl's appearance, but also by the gestures she owns. Mastering gesture language means learning to send information perceived by others on a subconscious level.

What gestures will help you with this?

  1. Lightly touch your hair, as if adjusting the hair.
  2. Shake your luxurious curls and then straighten the stray strand.
  3. Run your fingers along your neck, giving the face a mysterious and dreamy expression.
  4. Slowly, humming to myself slow melody, slide the pad of your index finger over a pencil or the rim of a crystal glass.
  5. Play with the chain fingering its links or stroking the medallion.
  6. Never place your handscrossed on the chest. This sign shows that you are closed for communication.

Behavior of true ladies

Before you meet guys for the first time, you feel natural excitement, fuss and fear of failure.

Here are some tips from psychologists on how to deal with anxiety:

  1. A technique called "visualization" is effective... To do this, you need to mentally "play out" the best scenario for the meeting. Imagine clearly that the acquaintance took place, you amazed the guy with your originality and wisdom, you have a nice conversation, and he offers you further friendship.
  2. For timid natures, affirmations are suitable. - techniques for realizing one's own merits and calm, even perception of shortcomings. Try to say to yourself in front of the mirror: “I am perfection itself. I am a person worthy of respect and love. I attract harmony, beauty and happiness into my life. " Of course, one session will not be enough, but after a week of exercise you will notice the appearance of confidence in your abilities.

Remember with what calmness, dignity and self-respect the princesses endured all the negative news. Strive to match the image of the queen and then the king will be your chosen one.


So you met. For the first date, the meeting place plays an important role. Not the best option for communication would be queuing at a store, attending a rock band concert, or talking with loud shouts of football fans.

To be heard and perceived, you need a calm, not distracting by noise and not annoying with vanity. The atmosphere of a small cozy cafe or the peaceful sounds of nature on a walk in the park will do.

So that the dialogue does not become your monologue, and the first and last meeting with the boy, you should adhere to simple tips:

Exchange contacts

Both you and the guy were pleased with the first meeting. Do you care: when and how will you meet again? Don't be afraid to thank him for a wonderful time.

Choose an appropriate phrase, such as: "You have very easily explained this theorem in geometry, I would like to help you with a project in history."

A polite thanks, coupled with the help offered, will surely interest him and he will ask for your phone number.

Among the boys there are exhibits that slow down a little or simply do not dare to ask you. It takes them a few minutes to realize the happiness that has rolled over, and then they quietly whisper: "Leave me your contacts."

If this does not happen, take the initiative into your own hands and, by writing your e-mail or saying your nickname in contact, ask to send, for example, a new hit of his favorite band.

However, if he disappeared from your field of vision for a long time, deliberately avoids contact with you, think about whether you need such a deserter?

Further communication

Tip: Let the boy be the man.

Here is the long-awaited acquaintance. Who took the first step - you or the boy, is no longer important. What to do next? Go ahead, be a leader and direct and control the situation yourself?

At first, you should not show excessive determination, excessive activity, assertiveness and perseverance, bordering on importunity for some girls.

Although you are a confident person, you are the fairer sex. Therefore:

  • Stick to the natural order of things: a guy is courting a girl, not the other way around.
  • Let the boy give you flowers and make a little surprise.
  • Let him plan the route for the next date, he will decide for himself whether it will be a delicacy in a cafe or watching an exciting film. Men love to solve difficult problems, and do not deprive him of this opportunity.

Tip: Give your guy maximum freedom.

All representatives of the stronger sex believe that they are free creatures. Even if it is the father of three children living with an angry wife, or the grandfather of ten grandchildren who lived half a century with a grumpy old woman, all men, without exception, believe about their freedom. Do not deprive your boyfriend of this illusion either.

Tip: Be a sincere, but mysterious sorceress.

All boys, uncles and old people, regardless of age, love secrets. They love to solve puzzles and puzzles, and the more difficult it is, the more necessary and significant the solution is. Therefore, take your time with explanations, exposures - let his fantasy work a little for you.

But you shouldn't indulge in a stream of lies and deception - you can get confused in it yourself, and even being reputed to be a liar is not a glorious reputation for such a beautiful girl like you.

Interested in a guy you know

At school

It is quite easy to attract the attention of the guy you like at school, because the students spend most of their time in the same team.

The reason for getting to know each other at school may be a request for help in any academic discipline. It is appropriate here at break or after school to ask to explain the solution to a problem or an incomprehensible grammatical rule. The topic of the appeal can be co-writing a project or organizing an event.

The advantage of dating at school is that you can always enlist the support of classmates and find out about the boy's hobbies from his friends.

If you don’t dare to take the very first step, let your friends arrange a “casual” acquaintance. You can act through the guy's comrades. If they accept you into their team, then the long-awaited acquaintance will certainly take place.


You parted with your beloved for a long time, but he is still in your dreams and fantasies, he does not leave you in a dream, your thoughts are only about him.

If you want to get your ex-boyfriend's attention back:

  1. Decide: you need him with his shortcomings and his problems, or you are dreaming about the ideal you created.
  2. Decide: is he worthy of you and deserves your attention?
  3. Answer yourself: Do you really want to be with him again or do you annoy him with your aspirations for leaving you?

If you are sure that this guy is your prince on a white horse, then go for it. Analyze the reasons for your breakup carefully. If you see your part of the guilt, and in parting the wine is mutual, then you need to take all measures to remove your shortcomings, work on the development of your merits, improve your body, spirit, and character.

The awareness of your rebirth, the emergence of a new personality, stronger, more beautiful and more self-confident, will help to return the attention of a former friend. The next tip is exactly how to become decisive.

On the street

Acquaintance on the street can happen by "a pleasant coincidence". This does not mean that you will spy and spy on the guy.

But his regular route must be learned in order to choose the best time to meet.

It will not bring further prospects for the development of relations when you turn to the young man with a request to fix the problem in his bicycle at the moment when he rushes to the pharmacy for medicine for a sick relative.

But offering table tennis competitions when he is standing with a racket in his hand will be a good starting point for long-term communication.

Video: Pickup for girls

At work

If the young man you like already has a job, then in the office there are a lot of reasons for getting to know each other. You should find out about the activities of the company where the guy works, and contact the organization according to its profile.

If the applicant for your heart works in a travel agency, then the reason for your visit may be a natural interest in the available tours, their cost and excursion routes.

Of course, at your age, you will not turn to the car service employees with a request to urgently change the oil in a car engine, but a request to pump a wheel on a bicycle will be perceived quite adequately.

At the disco

Discos and nightclubs are created specifically for meetings and communication, of course, if your parents allow you to visit them. The friendly, relaxed atmosphere of these establishments has everything you need to get acquainted.

It will be better if you "accidentally" find yourself in the same company, but it will be appropriate when you and your friends, asking permission, sit down at their table.

Consider the main thing: although modern youth is characterized by pretentious defiant manners along with a catchy outfit, but vulgar behavior, bright makeup, extremely creative outfit will not become assistants and will not decorate a young girl.

Your main trump cards:

If he pays no attention to you

Tip: Be confident in your abilities, even if he does not pay attention to you.

Very often, young girls are let down by low self-esteem. On the slogans "I can not", "I will not work", "I am unworthy" - it is necessary to impose a strict taboo.
It is necessary to develop self-confidence and an optimistic outlook on life. You must be convinced that acquaintance and communication with this boy is necessary for you and you are ready for such a relationship.

Feel free to go to your goal, do not pay attention to the envious glances and female gossip around you.

Know that all representatives of the strong half of humanity appreciate self-confident ladies. And a smart, worthy guy will definitely note this positive quality.

Who has a girlfriend

Tip: Be one of a kind.

Neither social status, nor physical attractiveness, nor the level of intelligence are by no means the main factors to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The main criterion is to be unique, unique.

Each person has its own "zest", it is necessary to discover, develop and reveal it to others.

You have an excellent memory - amaze your listeners with unusual exciting news. Try to improve your dignity, show them everywhere and always, of course, knowing a sense of proportion, and in appropriate situations.

Do not strive to be a copy of your ideal, do not imitate the friends around you, but be yourself.

And all your friends will call you “a girl with charisma” and the originality of your image and character will not go unnoticed by the guy you like, even who has a girlfriend.

On the rink

Meeting at the rink at the age of 13 is a unique opportunity for cold, cold winter days. Friendly people gather here, who are distinguished by their love for a healthy lifestyle and unquenchable optimism, so it will be quite easy to approach the chosen “stranger”. Some girls even manage to make "assaults" on their prince.

Further communication can be continued with benefits for the body and soul, sipping a vitamin cocktail or freshly squeezed juice in a nearby cafe.

Remember another feminine wisdom: The male sex loves to be challenged.

Advice: Do not make it easier for them to feel like a breadwinner or breadwinner, do not pay for a meal in a cafe and never take out your wallet with him. Don't let him relax and be a gigolo.

Of course, his offer to order delicacies should not be pounced on the menu and ordering like a hungry savage. A sense of proportion and taste must be shown when choosing dishes.

In the bus

You can try to meet a guy who doesn't care about you on public transport. Standard cliches for the bus: "Are you getting off?", "When is the school stop?" discard immediately.

But to portray a mysterious stranger, throwing an intriguing look at a guy, giving him a mysterious smile, an alluring wave of luxurious hair - you can simply and quickly join the ranks of your admirers.

It would be appropriate to ask him: "Tell me how best to get to the Youth Theater?" Pronounced in a polite tone, a melodic voice, the phrase will set you apart from those around you, and it is often followed by a continuation to attend the performance together.

In contact with

Communication in contact is a simple and effective way to make new friends and a soul mate.


  • You immediately understand what the potential gentleman is interested in.
  • His circle of contacts will show how he meets your requirements for candidates.
  • You can yourself join his group or invite him to friends. Moreover, no one will notice the redness of your face, except yourself.

Women's trick: do not delay the correspondence by contact for more than 15 minutes.

Advice: Don't let him feel that you can sit in a comfortable chair and amuse yourself with a conversation with a sweetheart girl. For this privilege, it is necessary to raise one “seat” and take one step from virtual communication to real one.

On the Internet

Online dating is a good alternative for shy girls and for those who don't have the time or opportunity to visit potential meeting places.

Virtual space has tremendous potential for choosing a friend. There is an excellent opportunity to meet in social networks, a significant amount of information about people and their tastes, a huge geographic range.

You should not be afraid to try the pen and write: about yourself and your achievements, about problems and shortcomings. There will always be someone to whom your questions will be close and someone who wants to help in a difficult moment.

Advice: Do not rush to the first person you meet, especially in the virtual world, to reveal your soul.

Do not shift, even in writing, all the problems that disturb you on the neck of a young man. Of course, one does not need to lie in the answers, but it is worth keeping silent about some things.

We attract by correspondence

Many girls at the age of 13 are interested in how you can attract attention by correspondence?
Tip: Do not use formulaic phrases, at the same time, and do not flaunt your erudition and awareness.

They value educated and literate people, but they are skeptical of "upstarts" and "cramps".

Place an interesting fact on your site, highlight a significant event, write an exciting story, post a rating clip. Stand out from others! The next tip is on this topic.

Closing tip:

If your acquaintance adventure failed, your efforts did not bring the desired results, and the prince turned out to be not a prince, but a beggar - do not be upset! Even the most negative result is your new knowledge and experience. Clearly set aside time for suffering and torment - no more than two days.

Remember, life goes on, and interesting guys are a dime a dozen. Remember, life was made for you, not you for it. Don't get hung up on difficulties and try to get the most out of new meetings and communication!

School love is the most sincere and honest. At such a young age, fortunately, we have not yet learned to deceive others, and most importantly ourselves. What we experience and feel comes from our heart, these feelings are not subject to reason. That is why the first school love remains in the memory for life, sometimes becoming an important lesson.

How to please a guy at school? This question often arises for girls 12-16 years old. It is at this time that we begin to experience the first, real feelings for the opposite sex. We dream that everything would be like in a fairy tale: cute and touching, but in life this does not always happen. Most often, one has to face a wall of misunderstanding and lack of mutual feelings.

Any girl can fall in love with a classmate, there is nothing shameful and surprising in this. It all starts not only with banal communication, but also from the simple presence of this person nearby.

Handsome and not so

Any schoolchild can become the object of your sympathy. It is possible to identify the main types of schoolchildren in whom girls most often fall in love.

An example to follow. Surely there is a guy in your school who is always set as an example for everyone. He is a good student, good-looking, has a tidy appearance, goes in for sports and knows how to speak politely and beautifully with girls. It's hard not to fall in love with such a prince.

There is the opposite type of guy. He was the first to be criticized and scolded, considered the main punishment that fell on the school. He is the number one bully and if there is a fight somewhere, then he certainly participates in it. This guy has a cool temper, can stand up for himself and his friends, is not afraid to joke and mock teachers. Often classmates suffer because of him, and maybe he offends you too. But that doesn't make the bad guys any less interesting.

The third type of guy who wins the hearts of classmates is just a friend. You probably did your homework with him more than once, figured out how to escape from school, covered each other from parents and teachers. You just communicate and spend a lot of time together, but one day the understanding comes that there is no longer friendship between you, but there is something more.

How do you know that you are in love?

It is not so difficult. Here are the main signs that you fell in love with a guy at school:

  • You want to see him every minute;
  • You fall asleep thinking about him;
  • His gaze makes you feel pleasant and awkward;
  • You blush when he talks to you;
  • You take the blame on yourself;
  • You constantly visit his social media page. networks;
  • You cannot connect words in his presence.

If at least two items from this list are present in your life, then you really fell in love with a guy.

Conquering a high school student

Falling in love with a classmate is easier, after all, you spend a lot of time together and this makes you probably happy. But what to do if you fell in love with a guy at school who is in a different grade or even older than you. We will help you.

To win the heart of a senior guy, you will have to come up with a little action plan or strategy. The option that you will help him with his studies will not work, so you need to use other options.

The older guy at school might like the younger girl. Only for this she must be cute, because the opinion of friends is important for teenage guys. If he meets a horror story, then his friends will laugh. It's cruel, but this is the world.

Therefore, you must change your appearance, only without fanaticism. Healthy hair and a good haircut, not bright, but stylish makeup, cool manicure, fashionable clothes and a chiseled figure will win the heart of not only a high school student, but also all your classmates.

Now good looks must be supplemented with character. In no case do not become his fan, do not chase the guy. It's time to learn to show your pride and inaccessibility, when everything in your soul is torn from the desire to be with him. Constantly be in the field of vision of a high school student, but do not get involved in his company. Walk past him in beautiful clothes, on heels, straighten your back and smile pleasantly, and then he will notice you.

You shouldn't overdo it with pride. Your task is to attract his attention (be sure to let his eyes enter) and wait for him to be the first to make contact. After that, communicate nicely and calmly with him. You have to show that you are not only beautiful, but also smart.

You can be cunning. Find out what the guy you like is interested in. Well, for example, he organizes concerts at the school. It's time to discover the talent of a star. It is not necessary to be able to sing; in concert activities, extra hands will not interfere. You can help make costumes or draw posters. The main thing is to be close to him and show that you are not a dummy and that you also know how to do something in this life.

It is important not to show your stupidity at the first contact. Talk to him as if this is not the most important thing for you. You can blush a little, but you definitely don't need to stutter. Set yourself up morally in advance.

In principle, it is advisable to use the same advice with classmates as with high school students. Winning a guy's heart in class is even a little easier. After all, you see each other constantly.

Help him with his studies. Just don't be the first to offer him to write off his homework. Even at such a young age, guys like proud girls. Let him ask you to write off. And you, of course, with a smile on your face and as if nothing had happened, help him. You will see, he will appreciate it.

Make him interesting. For this it is important to be bright and visible. Chat with other girls, be in class and friendly with everyone. You don't have to be too correct, simplicity can conquer anyone.

In each class there are not the brightest personalities. They are also called "white crows". Such people are rarely noticed or worse, they are constantly bullied. A modest girl on the last row, who wears not the most elegant clothes and listens to alternative music, also has the right to the attention of a classmate.

How can she win the heart of a classmate? You just have to be yourself. Of course, you can get rid of the threatening elements of your appearance: spikes on bracelets, bright hair, a terrible sweater. But it’s important not to adapt to others. Play sports, take care of yourself and ignore the attacks of your classmates. If it doesn't work, then answer.

Just do it strongly, calmly and with dignity. For example, ask your offenders head-on about why they treat you this way. If insults go to your address, just turn around and give the offender in the face. It's not for nothing that you go in for sports. If the guy continues to mock you, then just forget him. He is not worthy of a person like you.

Now you know how to please a boy from school. We hope you succeed in winning his heart.

For many, it is teenage and youthful love that turns out to be the most emotional and memorable. How to behave and what to do to please a boy or young man who evokes strong feelings? In our article you will find the answer to this question! At such a young age, it is not easy to understand what exactly attracts the opposite sex and how to act so as not to spoil the impression of yourself. Nevertheless, if you take into account several recommendations, then, for sure, you will be able to achieve the desired result!

I want to please a boy at 10-11-12 years old

At 10-11 years oldAt this age, girls and boys are just entering adolescence. It is noteworthy that during these years girls are already quite ready to start relationships with the opposite sex, while young schoolchildren, for the most part, do not think about it yet. Ten and eleven-year-olds prefer to hang out with friends, play games, and so on, so you have to make some effort to attract their interest. If you yourself are 10-11 years old, and you hope to get the attention of a peer, then one of the possible options is to help him with lessons. On this basis, you will be forced to communicate, and, most likely, you will be able to interest the boy, while talking about your hobbies. It is advisable that your interests are similar to his. At 12 years oldBoys are beginning to pay more and more attention to their peers, but even at this age girls often have to take the initiative even more often. At the same time, it is advisable not to rush and not demonstrate excessive activity, because while girls have already studied many topics about relationships, boys are still shy and do not know how to build them correctly. Since at this age the boy is already interested in friendship with the girl, but he does not dare to say so yet, you can try to establish contact through correspondence on the Web - for sure, it will be easier for him to open up not in a personal conversation, but through virtual communication.

What to do to make a boy like 13-14-15 years old

At 13Growing up, the girl realizes that ordinary glances and friendship are no longer enough for her - she wants real romance. Meanwhile, many boys of this age are far from this lyrics, and are already beginning to look at their peers differently - they are more and more interested in the female body. At this age, relationships need to be built more carefully, to be open, but not to allow the young man too much - for now, holding hands is enough. If you are really dear to him, it will be enough for him for a while. At 14 years oldAt this age, girls are already beginning to realize their sexuality, and understand what exactly the opposite sex likes. Often they wear short dresses and skirts, wear blouses with a rather revealing neckline, and so on. Moreover, this behavior can only arouse a guy's sexual interest or provoke a wave of bad rumors, but is unlikely to lead to falling in love. Try not to go this way - dress simply and stylishly, keeping a certain intrigue and mystery in yourself, because this attracts the opposite sex at any age. At the age of 15Fifteen-year-old boys attach great importance to their appearance, therefore, in order for him to like it, this nuance must be taken into account. Use interesting, but not defiant outfits to emphasize the dignity of your figure, and with light makeup - the most advantageous facial features.

If you want to make a boy fall in love with you, be sure to pay due attention to your appearance. Of course, we are not talking about revealing outfits and provocative makeup - it is possible that you, without noticing it, overdo it and in the end you will look just ridiculous. Enough well-groomed appearance and a few interesting accents in appearance. You can start dressing in a slightly different style, change your hairstyle. The main thing is that all these changes are to your face and look feminine. Also, watch how you behave. Do not be overly intrusive - not all guys like talkers, most like it when a certain mystery remains in a girl. At the same time, you should not be too closed - this may seem strange to the chosen one, or he simply will not notice you. Be open and positive, but by no means intrusive. Talk not only about yourself, be interested in him too. Some girls, seeing the interest from the boys, often begin to ignore them, believing that the chosen one will appreciate them more if you make him "run" after the object of sympathy. Such a strategy is more effective at a more adult age - in school years, and sometimes in student years, it may not work, because during this period the guys switch to other persons much easier. That is why, seeing that you have aroused interest in the young man, show him reciprocal sympathy - this way you have more chances to "tie" him to yourself.

How to please a guy at school

When trying to attract the attention of a young man, his age should be taken into account. Let's consider some options. If he is your classmateIf we are talking about a classmate, then you have a lot of advantages - you see him quite often, you may know about his hobbies, and so on. Try to bond with him through study. If he does not study well, help him with some subjects. Perhaps his academic performance is higher than yours - in this situation, on the contrary, ask to explain some topic to him (choose something easy, so that your request does not seriously burden him). Give compliments to your classmate from time to time (“How do you manage to grasp everything so quickly,” “Cool backpack, and I want this one,” and the like).

If he's older than youTry to catch his eye more often. It would be nice to enroll in the same sections that he visits, learn more about his interests. Thus, he will see that, despite the age difference, it is interesting to communicate with you, because you are passionate about the same thing that he is. If he himself does not visit any sections, but is registered in social networks, you can see there which topics are of interest to him. Start demonstratively interested in the same thing - sign up for the same groups, add similar posts. Of course, it is important that he sees it. If possible, in order to show his importance, ask him for advice on a particular topic - for sure, he will like it. If he's younger than youIf the guy you are interested in is in a grade or two younger, then you can get his attention by helping with the lessons. Find yourself a friend in this class and find out what subjects the boy has problems with. Subsequently, you can offer him the services of a tutor in the "problem" subject, saying that you are just learning this, and it is completely free. You can also just invite him for a walk. It's that simple! Schoolchildren usually have a special interest in girls who are a little older, and if he likes you, he will certainly agree. In order not to take him by surprise and not embarrass him with such a proposal, it is better to do it on a social network or via SMS.

How to get a boy's attention if he likes another

First of all, think about whether you like this boy so much, or you can easily switch your interest to someone else. This will be quite appropriate if the person who likes this young man has similar feelings for him. Believe me, a new love will soon happen in your life, which will turn out to be happier! If you do not want to retreat and understand that your “competitor” does not care about your chosen one, then, of course, you can join the struggle. At this stage, we recommend that you make friends with the young man you like. Begin to get involved in the same things that interest the guy, go with him to the same places, if possible, consult with him on this or that issue. However, do not be intrusive! Once the contact is established, you can go for a little trick. You can, in a personal conversation or on a social network, tell the guy that you need his advice, since you cannot navigate who else to ask. Complain that a guy who is not interested in you is caring for you, and you want to know which words are better to choose so that he stops showing himself, but also does not take offense. Thus, you will show the young man that you are of interest to the opposite sex, which will make him look at you from a different angle.

At first, however, assume the thought that in fact you may like this boy, but you just yourself do not know about it. Many young men are very shy in showing their feelings, even if outwardly they seem to be the "soul of the company". So, if the young man you like does not look interested, it is possible that he simply does not know how to show his sympathy, or is afraid of being rejected. In this case, you need to endear him to yourself, showing that he is interesting to you - ask about his hobbies, give compliments, consult, joke. However, even if you are convinced that this guy is not really fascinated by you, then still let him know that he is interesting to you. Subconsciously, he will start thinking about you and presenting you as a possible lover. If you manage to establish a friendly contact with him, then it is possible that in the end he will still want more. To please the boy, focus all your attention not only on him, but also on other matters - otherwise you will be an unremarkable person for him. ... Sign up for several circles in order to be comprehensively developed and interesting not only to him, but also to other people. Seeing that you have many hobbies, the boy will never think that you are boring, and, most likely, he will want to know more about you. If this does not happen, then it is unlikely that you will be very worried - by signing up for several sections (especially those that other boys attend), pretty soon you will realize that your life is full and exciting as it is. Visit the places where guys are more often - this way you have an increased chance to make an interesting acquaintance. Go to a sports field with a friend, where young men play a ball, do exercises on horizontal bars, and so on. Of course, you need to look appropriate in the situation - do not put on high-heeled shoes and do not do complicated makeup. Dress simply and tastefully - sneakers, sundress, jeans or something like that. Just look at the young man with interest, and he will certainly pay attention to you too. However, these days, you can meet guys not only at school, on sports grounds or in parks - you can make acquaintance with the young man you like on the social network. First, you can start putting likes on his posts, then write something (“Where do you find such cool music?”, “In what area did you take such cool pictures,” and the like). Show the interlocutor that he arouses sympathy in you, and if it is mutual, soon you will see it yourself. As you understand, in order to make friends with a guy, you need to show him that he is really interesting to you - this can be done with a glance, a compliment, any signs attention. Any guy will be pleased to know that some girl likes him - thanks to this knowledge, he begins to look at her from the other side, to represent her as a girl, even if he did not particularly notice her before. However, do not overdo it - it is enough to show that he is interesting to you, but you do not need to impose yourself.

Which girls do boys like and why

It is difficult to argue with the fact that young men pay attention to attractive girls. To get a guy interested, you don't have to be like a model from a magazine cover, but you shouldn't forget about general nuances. Make sure to always look neat and appropriate. In high school, wear clothes that show off your strengths, but don't let it be at least a hint of vulgarity. Be sure to watch your skin (choose care according to age, visit a dermatologist if necessary), hair (make masks, rinse your hair in a decoction of herbs). It would be nice to choose your own special style in clothes, accessories. Perhaps it is not worth explaining why guys like well-groomed girls, because the female gender also initially pays attention to the appearance of the chosen one, and this is quite natural. Besides, guys like open and cheerful girls, because it is always interesting to be with them. However, it is not uncommon for young people to be attracted to mystery girls. Who exactly does not like the opposite sex are arrogant and upstarts - you never know what to expect from such persons, and these expectations, often, do not bode well. In general, be positive, simple, pay attention to your appearance, find yourself an interesting hobby, and then, undoubtedly, you will enjoy success with young men!

If you are just tired of dreaming about when a big and bright feeling rushes into your life, or you urgently need to find out, how to please a guywho does not want to pay attention to you, then try to take only 12 steps and see how easy everything will change in your life.

Just let's agree, the first 2 steps you change the way you think. As long as you do the next four, you do it. You take two more steps together with new hobbies and the final four - you flirt.

You probably know this incomprehensible feeling - you see the guy of your dreams, you know for sure that it is Him, but there is some distance between you, which is so difficult to overcome. What to do?

Stage one: how to please a guy at school

1st step... You will not change overnight, so first change the way you think, or rather their form, stop thinking like this: "I need a boyfriend." It is better to repeat to yourself: "I will have a boyfriend soon." You have to believe it.

2nd step... How often do you compare yourself to other girls? Hmm, this leg is longer, and that one has prettier hair, and Lisa has green eyes. Why don't you have those? And if there were, what would it change? You should not compare yourself with others - this is a useless exercise, we are all different, we are not all alike, you will not find a girl who is one to one similar to you anywhere in the world. You are unique and unrepeatable, stay that way! After all, you have your own advantages that no one else has, they just need to be emphasized. And comparing is just a waste of time.

Stage two: learn to take care of yourself

3rd step... Legs that have long been forgotten about depilation can be hidden by wearing jeans - this, of course, is the way out, but the trend itself is fundamentally wrong. After all, you will still know that they do not look perfect, and if there are several such "minor flaws" in their appearance, then you can forget about self-confidence, as well as about charm. And guys are the first to notice this.

4th step... The same rule applies to your clothes, even your underwear, you must like everything you are wearing. Let no one see that you are in cute shorts, and not in "grandmother's rarities", but your gait will be completely different in the kind of underwear that you like.

5th step... Of course, it is much more important to put in order every day what everyone sees, so clean, beautiful hair, well-groomed nails and glowing skin will take effort on your part. And how they are able to change your inner sense of self - not to convey!

6th step... Fashion is so important to you now, I understand, but do not forget that clothes should be comfortable. Too short skirts and a lot of trinkets will hinder your movements, what kind of grace and beautiful gait can we talk about then? But in the question of how to please a guy at school, this plays an important role.

Stage three: go public

8th step... The school will provide you with the widest choice, of course. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired, tall and not very, plump and thin - you can communicate with many and gradually come to an understanding of which of them you really like. But try to always give a chance to those guys who don't look perfect at first glance. Most often, they are the real princes.

Stage four: how to please a guy at school? - Flirt.

9th step... Try to get over yourself and one day just nod or wink back at the guy who's been looking at you for a long time. This is the easiest and most effective way to let him know that you don't mind if he comes up and talks to you. True, do not expect him to say something that you will remember for a lifetime. Most likely, it will be some kind of banality or even stupidity, but you can always appreciate his courage (sometimes it is a feat for them).

Even if you don't like this guy too much, do it anyway, later he may turn out to be a good friend. Or maybe, after talking, you will understand that it is He who is (sometimes we do not immediately understand this).

10th step... Our thoughts almost always come true. Therefore, sometimes (not during lessons) imagine how he is talking to you, smiling, holding your hand. Imagine what he looks like, what he is, what he is wearing. And such a guy will soon appear in your life (this rule does not work if you want to meet a famous movie hero, musician, or if you ignored the previous 9 steps).

11th step... If you have already met the one because of whom you are haunted by the question of how to please a guy at school, then you need to force yourself to say 2-3 phrases to him or ask at least one question. Are you afraid to freeze some nonsense while doing this? Try practicing first with other guys whose opinion you don't care too much. The skill of flirting is not given to us from birth, we acquire it with experience. Several recommendations for young men on this topic can be found in the article:.

12th step... If the guy of your dreams does not dare to speak first, invite him to go somewhere (to the cinema, cafe, on a date with you) yourself. Well think, what's wrong with that? Will he refuse? If that happens, don't be sad, it's just not your boyfriend. Whatever you think, the meeting with the One is still ahead, he will appear in your life later (he always carries them somewhere when they are needed now!).

Just keep following the 12 tips and loneliness will never settle in your life.

When asked how to attract the attention of a classmate, if he does not pay attention to me? given by the author Ѐin Li ~ ^. ^ ~ the best answer is There are the following guidelines:
1 - Become unpredictable. Today you are to him with all your heart. Tomorrow is cold. Confuse him. Remember:
In sex, too, do not leave certainty. Vary your behavior: either be assertive, EVEN ROUGH, or become more tender than gentle.
When you don't know who your partner will turn into in the next meeting - an angel or a demon - you start to appreciate him by anyone.
2. - You can fall in love with knowledge of the laws of psychology (according to Freud)
Apply the so-called SWINGING EFFECT.
This method consists of constantly changing stimuli. A person is sometimes caressed, then rejected. And so many times.
In the end, the usual reactions go astray: the person is waiting for praise, and he is scolded. He is waiting for a reproach, but he is praised.
THIS DOWNLOADS THE PSYCHE and eventually subdues the experimenter.
True, you need to make a reservation: the method does not always help to make you fall in love with yourself.
He can also cause violent denial, and even, moreover, provoke the hatred of a loved one.
Psychologists identify 8 main points in a woman's behavior that give her the opportunity to seduce even the most inaccessible object.
(it is necessary that at the first glance he has sexual thoughts)
The first look is CLOTHING:
Assess your figure: what can you like more about it?
Clothing should highlight the benefits!
---- The exchange of gaze can break through like an electrical impulse and be remembered for a long time.
It should read only three words: "I WANT YOU!"
How to learn to look like that ... (does not fit ...
--- This attentive gaze lingering on the object of seduction for a second or two longer than it should be.
However, he should not be aggressive or defiant - this will only scare away the "victim".
The best way is to slightly lower your eyelids, look furtively, askance. As soon as the "object" notices that you are watching him, immediately look away.
Try to look at the "object" sideways because of the rounded, raised shoulder - from the point of view of psychology, it is an imitation of your own chest.
As a rule, from just one such technique, a man BEGINS TO BE EXCITED.
A man can be lured into your nets and ... by the correct use of vowels!
According to biologists, in living nature, long drawn-out sounds have always been invocative.
It turns out that wide vowels (A, O, E) act on men more effectively than narrow vowels (I, E)
A series of consonants from a woman’s lips A man is HURTED, and hissing ones even cause disgust, being associated with a snake.
A well-known thing, but for some reason it is often forgotten by women.
Start stroking a cigarette, the stem of a wine glass, your finger, or any long cylindrical object.
This is a very specific hint of what's on your mind.
A man is arranged by nature in such a way that moist, parted female lips evoke a corresponding visual series in his brain - even if at this moment he is busy with not at all romantic things.
Another attractive pose is a cross-legged sit.
One leg is pressed tightly against the other, which creates a feeling of increased muscle tone.
This is the state of a woman who is ready for sex.