How to correctly measure the temperature to determine pregnancy. Features of the basal temperature. Negative features of the method

For women planning to become a mother, this issue is more than relevant. But at the same time, this is a great way to learn many more subtleties of the female body. In this article, we will try to understand as carefully as possible how to measure basal temperature, and give a full description of its indicators.

What is this indicator?

And it is nothing more than the true indicators of body temperature. The area for measuring basal temperature is most often the vagina or rectum. Fluctuations in the numbers of this temperature depend on the reaction of the female body to the production of the hormone progesterone, therefore the results of its measurement indicate the approach of ovulation. In addition, basal body temperature data can inform about the following conditions:

  • About the beginning of ovulation.
  • About the full maturity of the egg.
  • They will indicate the hormonal background for the diagnosis of various pathologies.
  • They will inform about the onset of pregnancy.
  • They will notify you of the onset of your period.
  • They will make it possible to determine safe days for intercourse, without the risk of pregnancy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure

Like any other procedure, control of basal temperature indicators has a number of its advantages and disadvantages, which any woman who wants to become a mother is obliged to familiarize with. So, the main advantages of this method include:

  • Accessibility and ease of implementation, allowing you to perform the procedure while at home.
  • With the regular implementation of this procedure, it becomes possible to identify factors that contribute to the delay in menstruation. The cause may be delayed ovulation, lack of ovulation, or pregnancy.
  • You can quite accurately determine the safest days for intimacy without the use of contraception.

The main disadvantages of the method include:

  • Lack of accurate information about the timing of ovulation.
  • Does not provide accurate information about the timing of the end of the ovulation process. An increase in temperature can be observed immediately after the end of ovulation, and maybe even after a few days.
  • There is no objective information about the usefulness of the ovulation process. An example would be premature luteinization of the follicle.
  • Does not give any information about the functional state of the corpus luteum, about the level of the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum. Therefore, women often have to take a blood test to assess the level of progesterone. This analysis is carried out no earlier than a week after the end of ovulation.
  • Does not provide any information about the absence of ovulation as such. To clarify such details, a woman needs to conduct a control ultrasound study and take a blood test for hormone levels.

The process of measuring this indicator

It must be remembered that only with the right approach, this procedure will be able to perform its function with maximum accuracy, and the results of its implementation will not mislead you. Use the following tips:

  • Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up in the morning. The most optimal time is considered to be from 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning. Keep calm during the measurement.
  • The thermometer should be inserted into the anus one centimeter and held for at least five minutes.
  • Measurement of basal temperature indicators must be carried out every day, for 3 cycles in a row. If you want to confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy, then the basal temperature should be measured for several days in a row.
  • All temperature readings should be recorded on a special chart, which is then provided to the doctor.

The graph should be divided into 2 parts, which correspond to the phases. In the first 2 weeks of the cycle, the basal temperature does not exceed 36.7 degrees, then there is a sharp rise in its indicators over 37 degrees, and is kept at this level until the very moment of the onset of menstruation. Such a rise in temperature is an indicator of the onset of ovulation, when a mature egg begins to leave the ovary. After the onset of menstruation, temperature readings return to 36.8 degrees.

If the temperature readings look somewhat blurry, or the period of the rise in temperature itself is completely absent, then this may indicate some problems with ovulation. But distortions in basal temperature readings can also be the result of an incorrect measurement. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully read how to correctly measure the basal temperature in order to avoid distorted data.

Remember that, normally, the interval between the basal temperature figures of the first phase of the cycle and the second phase should be at least half a degree.

The basal temperature indicators are influenced by many factors, which should also be recorded in the above-mentioned schedule. These factors include:

  • Sleep less than 6 hours a day.
  • Diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature.
  • Taking medications.
  • Intimacy shortly before taking the temperature.

If you are planning a vacation in southern countries, then keeping a schedule or using the one already drawn up is inappropriate in determining the favorable days for sexual intercourse without using contraception. The female body is very sensitive to climate change, and the menstrual cycle always reacts with a malfunction.

As for the choice of days for safe intercourse without the risk of getting pregnant, it is also very important to know how to measure the basal temperature correctly so as not to receive false information. To obtain the most accurate data, and determine the safe days for unprotected intercourse, as well as the days that are most favorable for conceiving a child, the basal temperature should be measured for 4 cycles in a row.

From the very beginning of ovulation, 4 days should be counted (this is the period of sperm activity), and you should also count 2 days in advance from the moment the egg is released. For example, over 4 cycles, the earliest release of your egg occurred on the 13th day of the menstrual cycle (13-4 = 9), and the latest on the 18th day (18 + 2 = 20). From this it follows that the most favorable period for the implementation of conception is the time interval between 9 and 20 days of the menstrual cycle. And all other days of the cycle are relatively safe for unprotected sexual intercourse.

In order to finally understand how to measure basal temperature and get accurate results, you need to use some useful recommendations regarding this process. All the key conditions that guarantee the accuracy of this procedure will be listed below.

  • Determination of basal body temperature can be carried out in the rectum, in the oral cavity or in the vagina, it depends on the choice of the woman herself. The only condition is the consolidation of this measurement method for the entire period of the menstrual cycle.
  • Basal temperature should be measured strictly at the same time, without getting out of bed and immediately after waking up in the morning. The obtained indicators must be recorded. It is necessary to take measurements throughout the cycle, and not be interrupted for the period of menstruation.
  • If you use a regular thermometer, then it should be kept for at least 5 minutes. If an electronic version of the thermometer is used, then it is necessary to wait for its characteristic signal. If we talk about the choice of the thermometer itself, then the ordinary mercury version is significantly inferior to the electronic thermometer. For the entire measurement period, only one specific thermometer is used. When changing the thermometer, you must indicate this in your records.
  • Take a basal temperature measurement at the same time every day. If you like to sleep longer on weekends, be sure to include this in your schedule. Remember that every hour you sleep in the morning raises your basal temperature by 1 tenth of a degree scale.
  • Try to measure basal temperature no earlier than after three hours of sleep. For example, every day you wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning, but once had to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to go to the toilet, while basal temperature should be measured at 6 o'clock, and also mentioned in your schedule. Any other dimension will completely distort the overall picture and be misleading.
  • If a regular mercury thermometer is used, it is important to remember to shake it off before use. This condition can significantly affect the results of basal temperature measurements.
  • For a more accurate interpretation of the schedule, the procedure for determining the basal temperature should be carried out for at least 3 months in a row.

How to make a schedule

The best option is to enter the results immediately after the measurement procedure. If you do not have the necessary time, then this procedure can be postponed until the evening, but at the same time you need to take care that the sun's rays do not fall on the thermometer. If the scale of the thermometer is between two indicators, then indicate in the graph the one below. All events that have happened to you (stressful situation, illness, travel to southern countries) must be mentioned in the schedule.

If the temperature readings are rather suspicious, then you should wait until the next day, and only then start drawing the connecting line. Since basal temperature is a rather sensitive and variable indicator, its decoding requires close attention. In the case of unusual conditions (diseases of an infectious nature, alcohol consumption, stressful effects), you should make special notes in your schedule, especially if you have had insomnia.

Determination of ovulation

Actually, the main purpose of controlling the basal temperature is to identify the moment of the onset of ovulation, in order to select the most favorable days for conceiving a child. In anticipation of the onset of ovulation, the temperature is kept within low numbers, thanks to the influence of the hormone estrogen. And after the onset of ovulation, temperature indicators begin to increase, due to the heat-generating effect of the hormone progesterone. A decrease in temperature indicators during ovulation is observed in a small percentage of women. A sharp decrease in basal temperature indicators is very rare, therefore, to obtain more accurate information regarding a favorable moment for conception, one should rely on indicators of the position of the cervix and the intensity of cervical fluid secretion.

Fluctuation of indicators

Often, such a fluctuation tends to increase, but there are several types of fluctuations in basal temperature indicators in women. These include:

  • Smooth ascent. Temperature indicators increase gradually, within 0.1 degrees per day. The day of the onset of ovulation should be determined taking into account other characteristic signs.
  • Jumping rise. The temperature rise occurs suddenly, and is held for 3 days, after which it makes another sharp jump.
  • Return ascent. Temperature readings rise up, and the next day they fall below the separation line, and then go up again.

Notes for women

Don't panic if there is a slight temperature difference between the two phases of your menstrual cycle. Perhaps this is just an individual feature of your body, especially if the level of hormones is normal.

The body is a unique and sensitive system. Having an identical structure, each person has characteristics inherent only to him. An example of this is the female reproductive system.

The general concept of menstruation, their purpose and cycle is widely known. But few people think about the intricacies of their work. The active production of hormones and physiological processes, such as the release of an egg from the ovary, are accompanied by an increase in temperature in the organs involved. This process can be observed by taking a basal body temperature measurement.

Basal temperature - what is it?

Normal body temperature reflects the general condition of the body and is measured under the arm or through the mouth. Basal temperature has a more precise directionality. It must be measured rectally, since the fluctuations are not significant and have a small distribution area. According to its indicators, the activity of the genitals and the hormonal background of a woman is determined.

  • Negative attempts to get pregnant for a year or more;
  • Suspicion of infertility in one of the partners;
  • Suspected hormonal imbalance.

In addition, it makes sense to measure BT when planning the sex of a child, to increase the chance of getting pregnant, or for general development - to understand the processes taking place in the body and communicate with a specialist in the same language.

It makes no sense to measure basal temperature once. To be able to draw conclusions and monitor changes in the female body, long-term observation is necessary for several months. For clarity, they draw up a graph with which they are shown to the leading gynecologist. The doctor will be able to mark all the points of interest to you and explain everything in detail.

Only a qualified specialist can make the correct conclusions according to the schemes you provided. There are a lot of nuances by which the calculations are carried out and various deviations are determined.

To obtain reliable data, you should use a number of rules:

  1. Measurement should be taken in the morning without getting out of bed. Time fluctuations should not exceed 30 minutes.
  2. Enter the thermometer rectally for 5 - 10 minutes.
  3. The use of a mercury thermometer is preferred. In this case, it is prohibited to move. .
  4. Repeat the procedure daily for at least 3 cycles.
  5. All changes and related factors (colds, diarrhea, taking medications) should be recorded in the schedule.

We measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

If a woman has been keeping a chart of changes in basal temperature for several months, it will not be difficult for her to determine early pregnancy from it.

In a normal cycle, the graph displays 2 phases: stability and a sharp rise followed by a decline.

  • Phase 1 - the first 2 weeks of the cycle. In this period, the basal temperature is relatively balanced (36.3 - 36.8 degrees) and does not have sharp drops;
  • Phase 2. Basal temperature jumps to 37.1 - 37.3 degrees for 3 - 4 days before ovulation and stays at maximum rates. Then, about a week before menstruation, it declines - from 37.0 degrees to a minimum of 36.3 - 36.5 degrees.

If the basal temperature has not dropped before menstruation, but stays at 37.0 degrees or higher, the likelihood of pregnancy is high. Information is not guaranteed and a test or visit to a doctor is required. Monitoring basal temperature is more suitable for determining safe and favorable days than for determining early pregnancy. There are many factors affecting temperature changes - disorders, mobility, changes in climatic conditions, changes in hormonal levels, and an increase in body temperature in general.

Early BT

Increased basal temperature is typical for the entire period of pregnancy. Most women stop keeping records when they find out about their situation. In the early stages, the basal temperature corresponds to the indicators of the first days of ovulation - 37.0 - 37.3 degrees. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which is activated at the same time as ovulation. If conception did not occur, with the release of the egg, its level also decreases, lowering the basal temperature. In the case of pregnancy, the production of the hormone continues, thereby maintaining a high temperature.

How to make a basal temperature chart and why

Drawing up a schedule is necessary for a visual display of the activity of the internal genital organs of a woman. On it, you can make calculations and consult with your doctor about pregnancy and diseases. It is much easier to show ordered data than to explain it yourself, especially if you yourself are not sure what is going on.

Using the graph, you can determine the following points:

  • The time of maturation of the egg, which makes it possible to calculate the days of safe sex and vice versa - a favorable period for conception;
  • The maturation of the egg and the subsequent exit from the ovary. An increased basal temperature in the middle of the menstrual cycle means ovulation;
  • Find out the features of your endocrine system;
  • Calculate the onset of menstruation;
  • Assess the production of hormones by the ovaries;
  • The absence of an increase in temperature at the expected time of ovulation may indicate pregnancy. For couples seeking early conception, this information is very useful;
  • Diseases of the genital organs and inflammation also lead to an increase in basal temperature. It becomes possible to identify them in the early stages and take timely measures for treatment, without waiting for pain.

There are two ways to create a graph:

  • Computer applications

Specialized programs online or downloaded from the network provide the ability to maintain electronic records. This is comfortable for women who are well versed in computer technology who do not need outside help to fill out.

  • By yourself on paper

It is preferable to keep records by hand - it is faster and there is no need to print it out in advance for delivery to the doctor. In addition, not all women have sufficient computer knowledge.

To draw up a schedule, you need a checkered notebook and a pen. A standard coordinate system is drawn with the X and Y axes.

The X-axis marks the interval from the first to the last day of the menstrual cycle. Their number is individual. For different women, due to age, heredity and diseases, menstruation can go with a difference of 18 to 40 days. The standard is a cycle of 27 - 29 days for a healthy body.

Temperature readings are plotted along the Y-axis. The minimum indicator will be the temperature, a degree lower than your usual. In most cases, 35.6 degrees. The maximum indicator should be taken with a margin of 37.5 degrees. It must be borne in mind that there are people with high or low body temperature. This affects both conventional measurement methods - under the arm or through the mouth, and rectal. Therefore, the temperature prescribed in the reference book cannot be used. If up to this point you have not been interested in your standard body temperature, measure it for several days in a calm state in a convenient way (mouth or armpit). Once you've figured out the starting parameters, draw up a schedule.

Example of graph # 1 (click to enlarge)

Example of graph # 2 (click to enlarge)

Having a blank, you should wait for the start of a new monthly cycle and start filling: having measured the temperature in the morning, put the appropriate mark on the graph, and so on every day. By comparing the data of several cycles, a pattern will be found in which the temperature rise will occur in a certain period inherent in you personally. In the following tables, this moment is indicated by a vertical line and is called the ovulation line.

To determine the days of safe sex and days favorable for conception according to the schedule, you must use the following scheme.

The sperm cell is viable for 3 to 4 days, and the egg cell is viable for 1 to 2 days. Having determined the moment of the onset of ovulation, it is necessary to count back from it the days of the existence of an active sperm. Then add the days of its viability to the moment the egg is released. The resulting period of time is characterized by the highest probability of becoming pregnant. The rest of the days are presumably safe for sex without additional contraception. Naturally, no one can guarantee a 100% guarantee.

Many women want to know if conception has occurred before the test can be used. This is possible if you regularly check your basal temperature. With the help of such measurements, you can also find out how the reproductive system functions.

Basal temperature (BT) is measured in the rectum, vagina, or mouth. These are the lowest body temperatures that the body maintains during rest or sleep. If you record the values ​​obtained daily, you can make a graph of basal temperature.

How to find out about fertilization?

Women who monitor the work of their bodies know how to determine the onset of pregnancy even before the delay. An increase in temperature will indicate the implantation of a fertilized egg.

In phase 1, immediately after the end of menstruation, the temperature is in the range of 36.3 - 36.6 0 C. At this time, the concentration of the hormone estrogen increases. Before the onset of ovulation, it may decrease a little by 0.1-0.3 0 C.

When the egg is released, the release of progesterone begins. This hormone helps to increase the basal temperature. For 2-3 days, it should rise by more than 0.4 0 C. As a result, it is about 37 0 C. Before menstruation, the concentration of progesterone decreases, and the temperature decreases markedly.

It is possible to suspect pregnancy if the day before the expected day of the onset of menstruation, the temperature continues to stay above 37 0 C. For some, it even rises slightly. Doctors say that during pregnancy, indicators of 37.1 - 37.3 0 C are considered normal.

In some women, according to the schedule, 6-9 days after ovulation, it is possible to understand that conception has occurred. At this time, the so-called implantation retraction is observed for 1-2 days. It occurs due to the release of estrogen at the time of attachment of the ovum.

Doctors know how to determine conception on a schedule. In addition to implantation retraction, the fertilization of the egg and its attachment is evidenced by an increase in temperature on the days of the alleged menstruation. This is the so-called 3rd phase.

Why are measurements taken?

Gynecologists explain how to take measurements to those women who:

  • cannot get pregnant throughout the year;
  • want to conceive a baby of a certain gender;
  • trying to understand the functioning of their own body.

Daily temperature measurement allows you to find out the date of ovulation. Sexual intercourse on these days can increase the chances of pregnancy. Women who monitor basal temperature can know earlier that conception has occurred.

This method allows you to suspect a malfunction in the body. At an elevated temperature in the first phase, the doctor may suspect that the woman has:

  • lack of estrogen;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometritis begins.

If the temperature indicators in phase 2 do not rise to 37 0 C, then this may indicate an inferiority of the corpus luteum or estrogen-progesterone deficiency. Determining the level of hormones will help to confirm or refute the suspicion. But such tests should be prescribed by a doctor, he can also tell you when it is best to take them.

If pregnancy does not occur throughout the year, then it is the control of the basal temperature that makes it possible to understand exactly where to look for the problem. An increase in values ​​in both phases does not always indicate a problem. For some, these are simply individual characteristics of the body's work. The main thing is that the difference between the average values ​​of the two phases was more than 0.4 ° C.

Measurement rules

To understand how the body functions, you can measure your basal temperature daily. But to get accurate and correct results, you need to figure out how to do it right. Determination of temperatures should be carried out over several months. The main thing is to follow the established rules:

  • measurements are taken at the same time in the morning after waking up; it is not advisable to get out of bed;
  • temperature can be measured vaginally, orally, or rectally;
  • the results are evaluated after 5 minutes of measurements;
  • measurements are considered accurate if, before taking them, the woman slept continuously for 3-4 hours.

Doctors advise using a regular mercury thermometer. The determination of indicators throughout the cycle is carried out in one place: in the vagina, rectum or in the mouth. The most informative and indicative are rectal measurements.

If you want to find out if a pregnancy has occurred using a basal temperature, then you must follow all the established rules. This is the only way to notice the rise in temperature. It is important to record all data and make a graph.

Many people find out that with the help of basal temperature it is possible to determine pregnancy only when they notice a delay. But in this case, it will not be enough to measure the temperature once. This will have to be done for more than 12 days in a row. If conception has occurred, then it should remain at a level above 37 0 C. But this temperature also happens in phase 2. If you do not follow the indicators for a month, then late ovulation and the onset of phase 2 can be confused with pregnancy.

Deviations from the norm: is there a reason for panic?

Not always in women, after the attachment of the ovum, temperature indicators rise. If the test turned out to be positive, and the indicators do not exceed the mark of 37 0 С, then we can suspect the threat of interruption. This may indicate a lack of the hormone progesterone. It is he who is responsible for the safety and development of the unborn child.

Even if a woman did not measure BT throughout the cycle, the doctor may recommend starting to control it. During the 1st trimester, doctors advise those who have a history of missed pregnancies or miscarriages to take measurements. A decrease in basal temperature may be the first sign of a threat of the onset of a spontaneous abortion.

It is also dangerous to increase temperature indicators in an interesting position. An increase in BT over 38 0 C indicates an infectious lesion or an active inflammatory process. If a woman has a cold and her body temperature is elevated, then the basal temperature will be increased.

It makes sense to measure basal temperature up to 14 weeks. After that, it becomes uninformative. Indeed, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes.

Basal body temperature (BBT) shows a woman when pregnancy can occur, ovulation. They measure it in a certain way: early in the morning, just waking up, at rest. Any thermometer is suitable for measurements, the time that is needed is 3-6 minutes. It's simple, and the results clarify many points.

What is basal temperature and how to measure it

BTT is body temperature measured in the rectum early in the morning without getting out of bed. This will allow you to find out if ovulation or egg maturation is currently taking place, on which days conception is possible. Basal temperature will indicate the imminent onset of menstruation, changes in the cycle, help in planning and detecting pregnancy or diagnosing some gynecological problems in the body.

How to correctly measure basal temperature at home:

  1. It is necessary to measure BBT from the first day of the arrival of menstruation.
  2. The thermometer should be placed in the rectum and not in the vagina. The rectal method provides accurate data.
  3. The device should be kept for 3 minutes.
  4. Measurements must be made every day for 2-3 months in one hour.
  5. It is better to do this in the morning, after waking up, right in bed. BTT may differ by 1 degree if you measured it in the evening.

Why do I need to measure basal temperature

When menstruation comes, the woman's hormonal background undergoes changes. The increase in the amount of progesterone is immediately displayed in numbers on the thermometer:

  • When the egg matures (with high estrogen levels), BTT is low.
  • After this phase, it rises again.
  • On average, an increase in thermometer readings reaches 0.4-0.8 degrees Celsius and indicates that ovulation has occurred.

The days before and during ovulation are good for conception. You need to know how to correctly measure basal temperature to determine ovulation. It is important to first clarify for yourself all the points in order to keep a schedule, entering indicators into it with the necessary regularity. Such records will help the doctor draw up a picture of what is happening, and over time, the woman herself will understand the numbers.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy? The measurement should be made during the period of maximum rest, which is sleep. Since this is impossible, then you need to get as close to the ideal as possible and measure it early in the morning, when you are extremely calm. It makes no sense to find out the data if you are taking hormones or antidepressants, or even while drinking alcohol.

How to measure basal temperature with a thermometer

There are three types of thermometers for these purposes: electronic, mercury and infrared. The latter are least of all suitable for such a measurement. You should be extremely careful with mercury, because during the measurement early in the morning, being sleepy, you can break it. It is unacceptable to change the measuring device, otherwise errors cannot be avoided. Do you want to use a regular thermometer or change it to a more advanced one? No problem, but choose your device for a long time.

How to measure basal temperature with a mercury thermometer

Accurate data can be achieved using a mercury thermometer, but even in this case, it is possible to measure incorrectly. The thermometer can be inserted incorrectly or removed too quickly. Given the danger of mercury, this type of thermometer is less commonly used. How to measure basal temperature with a regular thermometer:

  • the tip of the thermometer can be greased with ordinary oil (vegetable) or petroleum jelly;
  • then smoothly insert the device into the anus;
  • wait 5 minutes, lying with closed eyes in a state close to sleep.

How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation with a digital thermometer

Electronic devices are easy to use, but have a bad reputation for not being able to measure accurately enough. To achieve the desired result, you should follow the instructions: so, using the oral method, close your mouth as tightly as possible so that the thermometer does not show a value less than it actually is. As a rule, the end of the measurement is indicated by a sound signal.

The greatest advantage of such devices (and the reason for the recommendations of doctors) is their safety:

  • If you drop it or it breaks in your hands while you are asleep, it will not harm you in any way.
  • The flexible tip makes the instruments comfortable to use, they are waterproof and measure faster.

How much temperature should be measured

Regardless of the method you choose, the timing of this process will remain the same. How to measure basal temperature correctly? It's simple:

  1. The thermometer lasts 5-7 minutes. All this time you should remain motionless.
  2. The thermometer itself must be prepared in advance and placed near the bed so that in the morning it does not make any unnecessary movements that could affect the data.
  3. The time when the temperature will be measured must be observed with an accuracy of a quarter of an hour.

Basal temperature measurement rules for scheduling

How to measure basal temperature so as not to make a mistake when drawing up a schedule? The main thing is accuracy, it must be measured at the same time. If this rule is violated, then measurements should be started again as soon as the next menstrual cycle occurs. The results should be recorded in a table for the convenience of the subsequent selection of dependencies, while it is necessary to mark there everything that can change the indicators. You cannot change the type of thermometer if you want accurate data, but you must write them down immediately.

Video: how to measure basal temperature

Based on basal temperature, doctors can judge how the female reproductive system is working. The popularity of this method is also due to the fact that many women use it to plan pregnancy. But in order to correctly decipher its readings, you need to know what factors affect its fluctuations and how to correctly measure the basal temperature.

What does basal temperature show?

Basal temperature (BT) is the temperature of a sleeping person ... Its indicators are very closely related to the level of hormones in the blood. Female hormones produced by a woman's ovaries act on thermoreceptors and create cyclical fluctuations in BT.

At the time when progesterone reaches its maximum level, the basal temperature begins to rise in unison, and vice versa, the increase in estrogen lowers the rectal temperature. The peculiarity of the ovarian blood supply allows you to catch these fluctuations primarily in the rectum, therefore, in other places (in the armpit, in the mouth), these indicators may not be so accurate.

Throughout the entire monthly cycle, the hormonal background undergoes sharp changes, but in general it has a certain sequence. With the help of regular measurements of the basal temperature, a woman, in fact, can find out how correctly and stably her reproductive system is working. .

What is the basal temperature measured for?

The process of measuring temperature is very painstaking, so many women wonder why they need to spend a lot of time on this activity.

Most often, the BT measurement method is used as a home ovulation test. But you need to fully rely on this method only if the woman does not have any pathologies of the menstrual cycle. .

Thermometry technique

The rules for measuring basal temperature are quite strict; failure to follow them can significantly reduce the result obtained.

Therefore, before starting to chart rectal temperature, it is worthwhile to thoroughly study all the subtleties of this procedure:

  1. BT is measured while lying down immediately after waking up. Three hours before this, a woman should not get out of bed. Only in this case the indicator will be accurate. The thermometer should be at hand, since, when you wake up, you do not need to make sudden movements and turns.
  2. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum. Also allowed in the vagina, armpit or mouth. Every time you need to measure in the same place.
  3. The temperature is measured for 5 minutes, after which the exact data must be recorded in a special table.
  4. For measurements, it is better to use a mercury thermometer. Its indicators, unlike electronic ones, are always more accurate. It is necessary to shake off the mercury thermometer just before measurement, this will affect the accuracy.
  5. The readings of a mercury thermometer and an electronic thermometer may differ, so you should always use the same thermometer.
  6. Basal temperature must be measured at the same time of the day - in the early morning from 6 to 8 hours.
  7. The procedure is performed daily, even during menstruation.
  8. It is necessary to record the readings without delay, as there is a risk that the data will be forgotten.

Factors affecting BT indicators

One of the most serious disadvantages of this method is the fact that basal temperature is sensitive to certain changes in the body. In this case, the overall picture of the chart may be distorted.

So, what reasons can cause fluctuations in rectal temperature:

  • A few hours after intercourse, BT may be higher than normal, especially if measured in the vagina.
  • Alcohol consumed the day before.
  • An imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Severe physical fatigue, exhaustion.
  • Cold or chronic illness, general rise in temperature.
  • Taking medications - sedatives, sleeping pills, hormonal.
  • Sleep less than 6 hours.
  • Severe stress.
  • Intense mental work.
  • Climate change, change of time zones.
  • Smoking.

In order to be able to track how this or that factor influenced the temperature and not to be fooled by false readings, you need to make appropriate notes on the graph itself on the side. In addition, doctors recommend entering data on the discharge into the table: color, consistency, quantity .

For those who are accustomed to using the Internet in all spheres of life, there are special services for building a schedule online, which automatically make calculations and notify about possible deviations.

Basal temperature norms

Measuring and recording temperature is only half the battle. To understand these numbers and graphs, you need to know how a standard graph should look like, and based on this, you should already draw conclusions about the state of your body.

In medicine, there are five types of temperature curves. The very first type is characteristic of the normal cycle. The other four indicate a deficiency of a particular hormone.

Provided that the woman's body works without deviations, the basal temperature during menstruation will be in the range of 36.4-36.7 degrees. After their end, shortly before the onset of ovulation, it drops sharply to 36. 3-36.2. Then the indicator rises rapidly and rises to the level of 36.6-36.7 during the day.

After ovulation, it stays at 37 degrees for another 10 days. And before menstruation, it drops again to 36.6.

When taking oral contraceptives, BT will be approximately the same throughout the entire cycle.

This is what a normal curve should look like.

If the graph shows strong deviations from the norm, it is imperative to see a doctor, but only if the woman is sure that she did everything correctly, and BT measurements were carried out without violations.