How to develop intuition in 7 days. How to develop intuition and hidden abilities: tips from parapsychologists, exercises for developing hidden talents. A list of exercises for developing intuition with a description and explanation of how and why it works

Before you start talking it is very important to check your motivation. Because it makes no sense to start something and then leave it after a couple of days. Learn hear your intuition The issue is serious and requires a significant investment of energy and effort. And I immediately have a question for you. I don't want you to waste your time starting and quitting. I want you to come to the question consciously development of intuition.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________

Specify maximum amount reasons. The more weighty these reasons, the more likely you are to succeed. After all, you must admit, a person finds resources for everything (time, money, energy, strength), if the motivation is high. If motivation is weak or absent, subconscious resistance to actions arises and you have to force yourself. If you have to force yourself, know that this is the beginning of the end. Discipline won't last long. You will jump sooner or later. The subconscious is stronger than the conscious. But to create internal motivation in yourself, why do you need to do something - this is another matter.

Right now, if you haven't written yet, sit down and think about what you hear intuition?

And now I will give you tips on how to develop and listen to your intuition:

Rule 1: Intuition never explains why something should be done.

Logic always explains why it is worth doing one way or another. Logic operates with facts, experience, it always relies on something and always proves.
It should be done this way because…….

Intuition - is the ability to feel answers from space. Intuition just knows because it has taken this information from space. She does not know the answer to the question why. She just knows. She has no proof, no explanation. She has nothing but a simple answer.

That's exactly why it very often loses to logic. Logic is superior because it justifies actions.

Rule 2: The more you trust and rely on your intuition, the better it works

Once you've made the decision to trust your intuition, you begin to focus on getting intuitive answers. Where there is attention, there is energy. And of course, the answers are coming. Intuition is like your faithful worker. The more tasks you assign to it and the more you believe in it, the better it works for you.

Losers say "I'll try." They always have an option for retreat: listen to logic. And of course, they show distrust. Intuition says: "Why should I try if he will listen to logic anyway."

Trust your intuition 100% and it will be your allies forever.

Rule 3: Meditate

Meditation helps you calm your brain.
I have such an association: thousands of thoughts with the "speed of light" are rushing through my head. And everyone wants you to hear it. They are like those little dogs that bark loudly in vain, just to feel their importance. And thanks to such speeds and such a number of thoughts, noise arises in the head. Because of this noise, you cannot hear real thoughts. You can not hear intuition. She is drowned out by the noise of naughty thoughts.

Meditation. Meditation removes unnecessary and other people's thoughts. The number of thoughts in the head decreases significantly, and their speed also fades. When order comes in the head, you are much more likely to hear your intuition.

Hence the following rule:

Rule 4: The calmer you are, the better you hear intuition

When you want to understand the answer to your question, you need to calm down first. Enter a state of harmony. It is very easy to do this with deep inhalations and exhalations. Do it multiple times. Try it right now and you will see the result. (Now try to breathe quickly. Do you notice how the speed of thoughts increases with accelerated breathing?)

Never make decisions in a state of excitement and enthusiasm.
Also, never make decisions.

It is best to make decisions in a state of peace and tranquility.

Rule 5: Intuition speaks with feelings, images, not words

Don't expect your intuition to give you an answer with words like "do this and that."
Answers from intuition come in the form of feelings or in the form of images.

For example, when you ask yourself if I should do this, and there is a feeling of joy, confidence, then intuition says yes. If you feel “something is wrong”, “it’s not clear”, “it’s all somehow strange”, a feeling of anger, rejection, aggression, then intuition says “no”. Duality is the answer "no".

Often the answers come in the form of images-associations. Not always the person himself can understand what these associations mean. Again, pay attention to your feelings. What do these associations evoke? What feelings?

Ask your intuition several times. Let her give you some associations.

Rule 6: Be alone with yourself

When you are alone with yourself, then you hear yourself. Other people, especially those you trust, have a very strong influence on you and your ability to make decisions. Often they inspire you with their decisions, and you accept these decisions as your own. Women (especially beloved women) very easily inspire a man with their desires and decisions. And because men have a weakness for women, they are not able to resist.

Ideally, when you get out of other people's space altogether. When you make a decision in the office alone, you are influenced by the atmosphere of the office. Moreover, other people in the building who are interested in a certain decision on a mental level also influence you.
It is better to retire in a park, forest, in nature, a restaurant, in some place where there are no interested people.

Follow these tips. Trust your intuition and it will become your allies.


Intuition is a feeling that everyone has to one degree or another. However, not everyone is able to hear and understand their inner voice. Is it possible to develop intuition independently? What are the methods and exercises for training discernment?

What is intuition?

The human mind can be divided into two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The first is responsible for the ability to think and analyze, the second is the zone of feelings and unclear thoughts, the repository of all the information that a person has ever received in his life.

Consciousness is able to catch up to 15 units of information per second, and the subconscious - almost a billion. All those small details that elude consciousness are fixed in the subconscious. Thanks to this person, sometimes the answer to the question suddenly comes to mind, the solution of which long time mind was busy. Intuition is a connecting thread of consciousness with the subconscious, a sixth sense that helps to see the right decision and protects against making mistakes.

To be successful in developing intuition, it is important to understand the following:

  1. A person who does not believe in intuition and its power will never be able to develop this skill in himself: in order to hear your inner voice, it is important to be able to hear it.
  2. You need to be confident in yourself and your abilities. Low self-esteem - additional obstacle on the way to skill development. Only a person who knows how not to doubt himself, listen and believe own feelings able to develop intuition and apply their knowledge in practice.

How can you develop intuition?

Methods for developing intuition are quite diverse. You can try to complete all the exercises, you can limit yourself to a few that you like the most.

  • Training

During classes, especially at first, it is advisable to ensure complete privacy - it is best to train alone when no one else is at home, turning off the phone, turning off the TV.

Correctly chosen posture is the key to a successful lesson. A comfortable position ensures complete relaxation and the absence of distractions, so you can fully concentrate on your workout.

  • automatic writing

Sit at a desk or sit in an armchair. Get paper and pen ready. Align your breath - take a few deep breaths and exhalations. Then take a pen and write down your thoughts. Anything that comes to your mind. They can be completely incoherent, inconsistent, but it is important to write down everything that you have time to write down. Then close your eyes and focus on internal images. No matter how stupid your thoughts may seem, do not censor them, let them all go to paper. Perhaps these will not even be words, but individual letters or some symbols. Write them down too. Continue for 5 minutes. Then pause and relax.

The next step is to analyze what has been recorded. The text on paper is your unconscious thoughts. Read them carefully, try to understand why it came to your mind. Highlight the words that you think are intuitive clues. For example, the letter "M" may mean that you rode the subway today.

Try doing this exercise in the morning and reread your list at the end of the day. You may find that some symbols refer to events that occurred after you finished your workout.

With each new attempt you will be able to more fully and freely display your thoughts on paper, bypass the desire of the mind to completely control the thought process, open access to the subconscious. And an increasing number of words and symbols written on paper will coincide with what will happen to you in the future.

  • Keeping a diary

Keep a diary in which you write down not thoughts, but feelings and sensations caused by events during the day. Try not to analyze, don't let your mind censor your true first impressions. Perhaps you have a fleeting unpleasant feeling when meeting a person, which almost immediately passed. And after a while, this person gave you trouble. It is important to write down every little thing, and then come back and analyze what exactly you were right about. So you can learn to listen to yourself, rely not only on logic and reflection, but also on the prompts of the subconscious.

  • Getting ahead of censorship

The purpose of this exercise is to write down the very first associations in words. Take a piece of paper with a pen, write down the first thing that comes to your mind next to each word from this list:

  • table;
  • fork;
  • cherries;
  • the fire;
  • creation;
  • bed.

It is important to catch the moment when, after the first association, the mind intervenes and tries to offer you some other, more the right words. This exercise helps to see the difference between intuition and reflection.

Now pay attention to what exactly you wrote. These words reflect what worries you at this moment, what your subconscious mind is doing today.

  • Defining your

For next exercise aimed at developing intuition, you will again need a pen and paper. Take a comfortable, as relaxed posture as possible. Look around the room in which you are, but do not look for any objects on purpose. Listen to your feelings, understand what kind of object interests you the most, dwell on it. Do not try to concentrate on it, on the contrary, relax a little, look and feel what the chosen object evokes in you. Let your thoughts flow freely, don't control them.

Transfer the images and sensations that have arisen to paper.

Now look at what is written. Try to identify in the text what expresses your hidden, secret desires, which you have not yet realized. Think about how they make you feel, what do they mean?

The purpose of this exercise is to understand what you really want.

  • guessing

This is a fairly simple and not time-consuming task. You can perform it anywhere. The bottom line is to try to guess something. For example, while listening to the radio on the way to work, try to predict what song will play next. Or, having seen the item you are interested in in the store, name, without looking at the price tag, its approximate cost. However, do not be guided by your consciousness - it will offer you a random answer. Listen to your inner voice, because it will tell you exactly the one that it considers right.

The point of this exercise, of course, is not to learn to predict the future. Task: to teach your mind intuitive perception.

No wonder they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Faced with some serious problem that seems almost insoluble to you, do not rush to despair. Take a break from it, but tell yourself at the same time that you will certainly return to it tomorrow. On the next morning think about the problem again. During sleep, your subconscious will try to find a solution, and if you have a sufficiently developed intuition and can listen to it, you can understand what is best to do.

You can also try another way. Going to bed, ask yourself how to solve this problem. In the morning, try to remember what you dreamed about. Maybe that's how you can find the answer.

  • Description of the future

You will need help for the next exercise. loved one. Describe to him first his present. Then try to imagine what his future will be like. Listen to your feelings, to your inner voice, try not to focus only on reason and logic. After that, let your friend analyze your words. Then switch roles.

The development of intuition is a rather painstaking process that requires attention and regular practice. But all efforts are justified by the opportunities that open up before you as a result.

Every person has intuition, although not everyone can hear it. Often people take right decisions, not based on any arguments and knowledge.

Although, probably, each person has many examples of the manifestation of clairvoyance or intuition. Only those who know how to dive into themselves, listen to the subconscious, who have supersensitive perception, are able to manifest and develop this feeling.

Since the area responsible for such insight is in the subconscious, it is studied by psychology.

Various methods help determine the degree of your sixth sense. psychological techniques. The simplest is testing. How to recognize your intuition and determine its degree of development? You can take several tests posted on the Internet or in books by practicing psychologists.

Ways to develop intuition

It has been proven that after serious head injuries, stress, strong emotions, superpowers were discovered in some individuals. In order not to resort to such methods of opening the subconscious, use the developed methods. Tips to help develop your sixth sense:

  1. Faith. You need to believe in the existence of intuition and in its power, be ready for its manifestations.
  2. Meditation. Open chakras, peace of mind, focus on feeling yourself and your desires will help activate insight.
  3. Feeling real. Memories that cause ambiguous feelings can be projected and interfere with the manifestation of the subconscious, confusing with it. Therefore, you need to let go of everything, leaving only the present.
  4. Keeping your inner energy level. Control over emotions and feelings. It is important not to give in to powerful emotions, they reduce the ability to hear the inner voice.
  5. The manifestation of sensibility. Be sure to use all your five senses, be sure to develop them. Listen more and more carefully, peer, etc.
  6. Trust in premonition, maintaining a balance between the inner mind and rational thinking. On the early stages development of intuition, a presentiment appears, on which one must rely, but not abandon logic.
  7. Ask the right questions your intuition, the answers to which are “yes” or “no”. This makes it easier to get a hint.
  8. To achieve good effect in improving the inner mind, they read special texts that affect the human mind, helping him to open up. Such conspiracies can not only promote spiritual development but also to improve health, improve material condition, protect.
  9. The development of this feeling must be systematic. You need to constantly repeat the exercises, without missing classes.
  10. Trust in a mentor. You need to let a specialist help you develop your abilities.

If we consider intuition in terms of gender, then we can say with confidence that women are more proficient in the gift of foresight than men. Women's intuition girls are endowed from birth. Due to upbringing, when desires are broken and stereotypes are imposed, the connection with the inner mind is weakened.

Exercises for developing intuition

Regular practice and purposeful studies will help to reveal the inner flair. Basic Techniques allow you to increase intelligence, unlock the potential of the human brain.

  • Method 1. Psychoradar. Training is aimed at developing spatial perception. You need to select and focus on the object. Close your eyes, spin around your axis. Try to feel the object, see its energy field. Open eyes. If not, then analyze why, then repeat again.
  • Method 2. Hand replacement. Take a pen and two sheets. On one, write questions with your usual hand, on the second - answers, with the hand that you usually do not write. This simulator connects both hemispheres to the solution of the issue, the whole mind is turned on.
  • Method 3. Traffic light. The technique requires self-manufactured traffic lights. It must be placed in front of the eyes. The task is to include a certain color along with the emotions that are associated with it.
  • Method 4. Alphabet. The method trains the brain, and also promotes quick decision making. We need a special table - the alphabet. When choosing a certain letter, you need to raise your arms and legs in the correct combination.

Ways to develop intuition are very simple, similar to children's games, but the result is amazing.

Self-tutor on the development of intuition

To start developing your abilities on your own, you need to flip through a lot of literature. Get a print assistant. Laura Day's Intuition Tutorial is a great option to explore yourself and your abilities. As you explore your inner mind, turn to listening to music at frequency 432. This frequency is in harmony with cosmic movement and natural vibration. When listening to it, a connection with the universal mind opens and the mechanisms of the surrounding world become clear.

Hypnosis allows you to penetrate into the subconscious of a person, even manipulate it. It is also effective in developing this ability. Allows you to find out deeply hidden problems and feelings.

Mantra for the development of intuition

You can also refer to esoteric techniques. Mantra is a divine song that helps develop hypersensitivity. There are songs for immersion in yourself, enhancing the perception of reality. They can be used in combination.

Mudra is a technique used in meditation. It allows you to remember the long forgotten or understand the unknown. It is performed by connecting the fingertips of both hands into a comb. The use of mudra improves memory, activates intuition.

Qigong is a technique that teaches you to manage your energy, intuition and self-control. Becomes relevant when independent development inner feeling.

Maps are heavily used in different methods by self-knowledge. Arcana tarot - a tool for the development of intuition, connection with subtle world. Learning to communicate with the deck is the road to yourself.

Foresight of events, the ability to find the most good decision, to avoid trouble - all this gives us intuition. In some people, it is developed quite well, while others notice that their intuition is weak. You should not despair, it can be developed, for which you need to perform some exercises and, first of all, want to do it.

Why do we need intuition and what is it?

Intuition is the ability to instantly solve problems based on a sense of foresight, as well as on own experience. Many decisions arise spontaneously and unconsciously, a person makes impulse action or rejection of it. This feeling is largely associated with the ability to deeply feel current events and people, to be ahead of the action by a few seconds, minutes or hours. Often, when making intuitive decisions, there is no logic, a person does not always understand why he suddenly did this and not otherwise. Sometimes decisions are made completely extraordinary and unexpected.

Why do we need this feeling? Intuition helps to avoid dangerous situations. Everyone knows cases when people suddenly changed their minds about getting on a plane, and then they found out about a plane crash. Intuition helps not only to save lives, but also for ordinary work, for example, when making business decisions.

Without the presence of this feeling, a person commits much more bugs, which is why it is so important to develop intuition and help yourself to navigate and respond to events most effectively.

11 ways to develop intuition

Even if it seems to you that your intuition is bad, it is quite possible to develop it and quickly enough. Next, you will learn the simplest and most accessible exercises on how to develop intuition for any person at any age.

Tracking the mood of the interlocutor

While communicating with other people, watch their reaction and at the same time try to understand what is hidden behind their emotions and what they are. true intentions. Notice any changes in facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice. Gradually, you will learn to quickly respond to a change in behavior and be able to assume what a person is going to do next. The ability to track facial expressions will allow you to identify a person who is lying to you or is going to harm you.

Follow your feelings

Set aside a day that you completely devote to studying yourself, your feelings and actions. Evaluate everything that you feel, but rather write it down. Follow your feelings. Consider, for example, what time you need to leave the house in order to be on time for a meeting. Which route would be the best. After completing the action, evaluate the result - did you guess right time, place or behavior of a particular person.

Feelings can tell us a lot. If it seems to you that it is better not to do something today, listen to your intuition. The more you listen to it, the more it will develop. Any sense, even the sixth, should be trained, because without training skills fade.

Bring your inner world into harmony

If you are tense, subject to fears, nervous breakdowns, doubts, then these states do not allow the feeling of intuition to manifest. Bring your world into harmony. Take care of yourself, your peace of mind. For these purposes, calm meditation, yoga or yoga classes are well suited. energy practices. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn to calm down and tune in to the current moment.

Ask questions

This practice will allow you not only to learn a lot of new things, but also to correlate your answers or assumptions with a real-life answer. Anticipate the answer you'll get and ask the question. It’s not scary if you suddenly didn’t guess the first time, everything comes with experience. The more questions, the more correct answers you will learn to give. By asking questions, stimulate more questions. Such exercises in the form of games are good to perform in a group of people. They will also help to develop the creative process.

Do not be afraid of the lack of logic in the decisions made

The sixth sense is often incompatible with logic, decisions come suddenly and some of them are surprising. If you are wondering how to develop intuition , then do not be afraid to be illogical and make extraordinary decisions. Listen to the subconscious, it is illogical, but capable of giving the right answers, while the consciousness works to make analytical decisions.

For good intuition, develop the right hemisphere

This hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, figurative and spatial thinking, perception of music and smells. Do exercises that will help you right hemisphere work.

Guessing events

Before you leave for work in the morning, consider who you might meet along the way. Imagine these people. Are they familiar to you or not? Think about what the weather will be like today. Don't take an umbrella if you don't think it's going to rain. Listen to your intuition, it helps it develop.

The phone rings? Before picking up the phone, try to feel who is on the other end of the line, what his mood is and what he wants from you.

Train yourself to predict events. At first it will be difficult to do this, but then you will automatically start to know what will happen in the coming hours.

Developing intuition through play

The simplest exercise is a guessing game with a deck of cards. First, try to guess just the color of the card you are holding. When the success process exceeds 50% of the correctly guessed color, you can move on to guessing the suits.

To complicate the process, take cards with drawn pictures. At first they should be the simplest, it is better to take geometric figures. Then you can add animals, plants, people, etc. You can also play with a coin, guessing which side it will fall on. Statistics say that heads fall in 50% of cases. You need to make sure that the number of guesses differs from the statistics. Even if you guessed 40%, it's already good - intuition works, just the other way around. In this case, analyze your feelings when you tried to feel which side the coin would fall on.

App for smartphone or tablet

If you do not have maps at hand or want to develop intuition anywhere, download a special program for your phone. The principle is the same - you need to correctly guess the numbers, shapes or other images.

Learning Visualization

Do you know that a lot of what we think about can come true? To develop intuition, it is useful to visualize positive dreams. At the same time, you develop the imagination and help good events come true. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax and imagine what you want to receive. You should scroll through your head only positive options for events. Scroll through the events, follow your feelings. Perhaps you will see exactly the option of action that will happen. Remember your thoughts.

Get rid of fears

Fear makes it difficult to think and act effectively. Fear blocks intuition. You feel doubts about whether you understood everything correctly and began to act. Of course, sometimes fear is part of the sixth sense, such as when you decide not to board a plane for some unknown reason or change your route abruptly. In this case, you need to listen to your fear. Thus, constant anxiety interferes with intuition, and rare bursts of fear can be a way to manifest it.

We looked at simple but affordable exercises. The most important thing is the desire to do it and constant training. Pay attention to any events that occur in your life. Compare them with your feelings, and especially those that you had shortly before something happened. Try to pay more attention to positive events, but sometimes listen to fear that has appeared for no reason.

Intuition is, first of all, knowledge and the ability to lead one's life. Use it and success will come immediately.

It is often easy for a person to find correct solution in the formed situation. The answer seems to pop up in his head. This is called intuition or sixth sense. Some people from childhood have developed intuition. Others have to learn to listen to their inner voice.

How to develop intuition and hidden abilities

To develop your intuition, you need to be patient. Constantly perform certain exercises and practice in life. You need to learn to predict events. At good result answers may come from outside. Such hints are also called "signs".

If you're trying to make a decision, fully immerse yourself in the situation. All thoughts should be occupied only with the solution of your problem. When you fall asleep thinking about it, the answer can come even in a dream. Just try not to put too much stress on your psyche, so as not to cause insomnia.

Learn to manage. Feeling fear, people try to hide from it, in connection with this, intuition is turned off. If fear develops into panic, then intuition also disappears. Fear is needed. Don't let him control you.

When communicating with other people, pay attention to their gestures, facial expressions. Using intuition, you can learn more about a person. The main thing is not to reason, so as not to suppress the sixth sense.

Staying in promotes the development of intuition. Walk more often, meditate.

How to develop intuition exercises

To choose in life the right way, you need to learn how to use the tips of your inner voice. There are several ways to develop intuition.

First way. Draw three colors on paper, like in a traffic light. Tape the sheet to the wall and sit opposite. Assign a value to each color:

  • Green means moving forward.
  • Yellow color - be careful.
  • Red symbolizes danger.

Be calm, breathing evenly. Now imagine that you have lit all the colors. At a positive result keep going. Mentally ask yourself a simple question (for example, say your name). Try to ask questions that will be answered green color. Then also work with yellow and red.

Each color evokes certain sensations. Green should be associated with the correct answer. Red warns of the wrong path. Practice with each color separately for 10 minutes. Then try to alternate them, gradually accelerating.

After a successful workout, it's time to move on to practice. Let's say you choose a bag. Settling on specific model trust your intuition. What color of traffic light do you have in mind? If red, then continue to choose further. A green one appeared, so it's worth buying.

By constantly using this exercise on easy questions, you will learn how to apply it to more difficult ones. Intuition itself will suggest the right decision.

The second way. Take some item. Touch him arms outstretched. Feel it, determine the distance from you. Then step back and spin around with eyes closed. Without opening your eyes, try to determine in which direction this object is located and at what distance it is now. Open your eyes and check. If you don't succeed the first time, try again. Thanks to such training, you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

The third way. If you are right-handed, take a pen to right hand. If left-handed - to the left. Write any question on paper. Now take the pen in your other hand and write the answer to this question. At this point, your mind begins to lead this process. It turns out that you write the answer intuitively.

Well developed intuition: how to understand

Think about how often things like this happen in your life:

  • You suddenly received a call at the door or on the phone, and you guessed who it was.
  • When you go to work, you imagine your employee pouring coffee for herself. An image appears in my head. You see the color of the cup, you feel the aroma. You can even predict what your colleague is wearing today.
  • You are going to tell the news to your girlfriend, but mentally you already imagine her reaction, facial expressions.
  • The interlocutor is just about to say a phrase, and it has already flashed through your head.
  • You can predict how this or that situation will end.

If this is about you, then everything is in order with your intuition. Feel free to trust her and then you will be able to solve even the most difficult task in life.