How to make lips bigger with. How to make lips plump at home: methods, videos, precautions. Ways to increase lips at home

Full juicy lips have always been considered a symbol of sensuality and sexual attractiveness, and are the dream of most girls whom nature has not awarded such “wealth” as Angelina Jolie. In this article I will tell you how to make lips plump at home. Of course, the effect will not be the same as after plastic surgery, but quite noticeable.

First, consider what methods of lip augmentation generally exist. The easiest way is cosmetics . Correctly performed lip makeup will visually enlarge the lips and give them volume.

Next, you can make lip contouring using a special gel containing hyaluronic acid. The molecule of this acid has the ability to create around itself an accumulation of a large number of water molecules, due to which the effect of fullness of the lips appears. By the way, of all the options for surgical intervention, this one is the least radical and most harmless. The disadvantage of this procedure is the need to repeat it regularly, since the acid dissolves over time, respectively, and the lips return to their original state.

Another procedure - lipofilling (introduction of your own fat cells under the skin of the lips, taken, for example, from the abdomen), will allow you to maintain a new shape for the rest of your life, but also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the desired effect is often achieved after several procedures. Secondly, the injected cells often do not take root, which threatens the appearance of bumps and other irregularities on the skin surface.

Well, the most daring and desperate choose surgical plastic with the introduction of implants.

plump lips at home

Our main task is to improve the blood supply to the skin cells of the lips. By providing sufficient blood flow, you can significantly increase the volume, make the color bright, and the contour clear.

  • A good effect gives a massage with a toothbrush. You should only choose a brush with soft bristles, since the skin of the lips is very thin and delicate, and our goal is to improve blood circulation, and not to tear off the skin. To ensure a rush of blood, it is enough to do a 30-second massage twice a day, after which it is recommended to apply lip balm or hygienic lipstick.
  • It will be very useful to use a lip scrub. Give preference to homemade recipes made from natural ingredients. Exfoliation of dead skin particles contributes to the speedy renewal of the skin, while saturating it with nutrients and improving blood circulation. After the scrub, you can make a mask of natural honey, which has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, making it soft and smooth, and promotes the healing of microcracks. Just apply a couple of drops of honey to your lips with massaging movements and leave for a few minutes, or better, until completely absorbed.
  • From store-bought lip care products or color cosmetics, choose those that include menthol, as it also stimulates blood circulation.
  • Pamper your lips with nourishing oil masks. The following oils are great for lip care: olive, almond or apricot. The oil should be warmed up a little. An easy and quick way to do this is to pour some oil into a hot spoon (dip it in boiling water or heat it over a fire). You can also add jojoba oil or liquid vitamin E to the warm base oil to provide additional nourishment to the skin.

The following exercises will help not only increase the volume of the lips, but also serve as an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles around them:

  1. Round your lips, as if pronouncing the letter "O", leave them in this position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 8 times.
  2. In the same way, “pronounce” the letter “U”, while straining the muscles of the lips as much as possible. Take a rest for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise again, and so - 8-10 times.
  3. Stick out your tongue (not very far) and press it with your lips. Stay in this state for 5 minutes. The total time for this exercise should not exceed 20 minutes.
  4. Make "lips a bow".
  5. And the most enjoyable exercise to keep your lips in good shape is kissing! Do not deny yourself such a useful pleasure!


To begin with, it is worth remembering that blood circulation is responsible for the plumpness of the lips. So the stimulation of blood flow will help you become the owner of amazingly attractive lips. How can blood circulation be stimulated? First, do not avoid. During exfoliating procedures, the skin of the lips is effectively updated, preparing for the active acceptance of various nutrients. An excellent natural scrub for hood is plain candied honey - just take a drop of honey and apply it to your lips, massaging gently, and then leave for a few minutes. Lips will receive an excellent portion of various nutrients and become surprisingly.

You can also practice massage with an ordinary soft toothbrush, on which you can apply a drop of oily or nourishing cream - your lips will instantly become brighter and noticeably more. Of course, you should not be too zealous, the massage should last no more than 30 seconds, and the brush should in no case be hard. Give preference to hypoallergenic nourishing creams - for example, rich baby creams. After such a procedure, it is worth blotting your lips with a napkin and applying a protective hygienic one. Another plus of this massage is that the contour of the lips becomes very clear.

You should pay attention to lip care products containing menthol. This is one of the safest and most effective ways to increase lip volume. The fact is that menthol extract increases blood flow to the lips, they become much more voluminous and plump. There are so many glosses and lip balms with menthol essential oil that you can easily choose something for yourself. After application, as a rule, there is a slight burning or tingling sensation - you should not be afraid, this is an absolutely normal reaction to vasodilation.

A little more voluminous and bright can make your lips and nourishing masks from various oils. For example, from almond and olive. You can also use apricot or peach - these oils should be applied in a slightly warm state, with the addition of any other additional components. For example, vitamin E or jojoba oil are great. Apply the warm mixture to your lips, massaging with a wrung-out cotton swab dipped in hot water, and your lips will plump up.

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plump soft lips- this is the dream of any young lady of any, even Balzac age. But if by nature the lips are thin, dry, pale, and in addition they are peeling, it is not worth sadness and lamentation ahead of time. Proven folk recipes will come to the rescue.


Emollient oils: Use vegetable oils to nourish lips. Just lubricate the scarlet area daily with cosmetic oils such as olive, avocado, wheat germ, peach seed, almond, jojoba, grape seed. After lubrication, remove the remnants of unabsorbed oil with a napkin. This procedure must be carried out daily. Best in the evening, but not before bed. In order to enrich the composition of the product, add to these oils - (10 drops) 2 drops of rosewood and lavender essential oils.

Massage: Daily massage will help keep lips soft. Just do it very carefully, because the skin of the lips is thin and easily damaged. Take a toothbrush and moisten it with ice water, start gently sponge. Continue this for at least a minute.

Masks: And finally, lip masks. Pamper your lips with them at least 2-3 times a week. The recipe is up to you. You can mix carrot juice (at the end of the procedure, all that remains is to lick the yummy from your lips), or you can - banana pulp with milk. Ordinary honey, applied to the mouth, which after this procedure becomes literally sugar, also gives a wonderful softening and nourishing effect. After the mask, which must be kept on the lips for up to 10 minutes, be sure to moisturize the lips with a nourishing cream.

Prevention: To prevent dry and flaky lips, use hygienic lipsticks, creams with ultraviolet filters, emollients and moisturizers. Be sure to protect your lips from cold, wind and heat.

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Modern fashion - voluminous plump lips. Due to the fact that nature has not given this plumpness and volume to everyone, many do not risk pumping their lips with special gels without thinking about the consequences. Few people know, but there are methods that can slightly increase sponges even at home, and without risk to health.

Lip skin massage

The first tool that can slightly increase the volume of the lips is massage. To do this, you need to take a toothbrush with medium bristles and gently massage your lips, gently pressing on them, for one to two minutes. At the end of the procedure, lubricate them with oil, for example, castor oil. If such a massage is carried out daily, then the sponges will not lose volume and softness for a long time, and their color will become fresher.

Lip mask

In a small bowl, mix a teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of ground red pepper (available at any grocery store). Apply the resulting mixture on the lips for about 10-15 minutes, then gently remove it with a damp cloth. This mask makes lips plumper and their color brighter.

Lip ice

Ice is a great lip augmentation. It is necessary to massage the sponges with a piece of ice for 10 seconds (for this you can freeze decoctions of herbs or natural juices), then immediately apply a napkin soaked in water at a temperature of at least 60 degrees to them. Repeat the procedure until a slight tingling sensation appears in the lips. It is worth noting that the effect of this procedure lasts up to one hour.

mint juice

It is necessary to take fresh mint leaves and squeeze the juice out of them (you only need a few drops). Then apply the resulting juice on the lips for 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the remnants with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile broth.

In the autumn-spring period of lack of vitamins, many are faced with the problem of chapped and flaky lips. Fortunately, there are secrets to avoid this.


In plastic surgery, one of the most requested procedures is lip augmentation. But today we will talk about how to make lips plump at home without injections and operations. Moreover, most of us treat our appearance adequately and do not strive to have incredibly shaped silicone lips.

Lip massage with fingers
Follow this simple procedure every morning and evening before applying makeup to your face. Make light pats along the contour of the lips with the index and middle fingers dipped in mint, menthol, almond, cinnamon or mustard oil. This is a good prevention of the appearance of early wrinkles and a decrease in skin tone in this area.

With the help of ice, you can increase blood circulation in the skin and achieve an instant effect of enlargement.
For the procedure, freeze cubes from plain pure water, herbal decoction or fruit juice. Wrap the ice in a tissue and move it over your lips from the center to the edges for about 2 minutes. Do this in the morning as part of your morning facial routine.

Vacuum lip massage
Popular massage with the help of plumpers - special vacuum suction cups-nozzles. Some women use a glass or jar for this. This is a quick way, but not very useful.

Vacuum procedures increase the lips due to swelling, while blood circulation in the tissues around the lips is disturbed. In addition, after such a procedure, a noticeable rim around the mouth remains, which does not decorate the face at all.

How to increase lip volume with exercise

If you regularly perform a set of exercises for 1-2 months, you will be able to “pump up” your lips and this effect persists for a long time, you only need to periodically repeat such complexes. Abroad, such exercises for facial rejuvenation are very popular and their effectiveness has been proven both scientifically and in practice.

Whistle. Puff your lips and whistle for 15 seconds, then pause and whistle again. There should be 10-12 such repetitions.
Ball. Puff out your cheeks by taking air into your mouth. Then release it slowly. Do 10-15 repetitions.
Blow out the candle. Take a full mouthful of air and exhale it sharply, stretching your lips forward with a tube. Blow as if blowing out a candle on a cake.
Howling at the moon. Pull out your lips with a tube, tilt your head back slightly and blow out the air, pronouncing the sounds "woo, woo, woo."
Fish. Pull your lips out with a tube and try to smile in this position. The second option: stretch your lips forward and squeeze and unclench them for 5 minutes.
Vacuum. Open your mouth slightly and forcefully pull your lips inward.
We sing sounds. Sing out the sounds O, A, U, I, clearly articulating with your lips. Do this slowly for 20 seconds.
The tube is a smile. Stretch your mouth in a smile without exposing your teeth, and then make your lips a tube. Repeat 10-15 times.
Wave. Close your lips tightly and, without unclenching, move them from left to right and vice versa. Repeat 12-15 times.
Circle movement. Close your lips tightly and move them in a circle 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right.

A dull "P" sound. Take a breath in your mouth, close your lips and tighten them. Then sharply and quickly say the sound "P" 4 times. Take a break of 20-30 seconds and repeat up to 4 times.
Infinity. Try making an infinity sign or the number 8 with your lips.
And another extremely pleasant way: kiss your partner more often!

Recipes for homemade lip masks

There are many recipes for lip masks that help increase blood circulation in them, and, therefore, help increase volume. All recipes help exfoliate dead skin, moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips themselves and around them. The effect of the application is obtained quickly, but it does not last long. It is best to use regularly and alternate between different recipes to achieve lasting results.

Coffee scrub mask

This composition helps to stimulate blood circulation and perfectly cleanse the top layer of old cells.
Take 1/3 teaspoon of natural ground coffee or coffee grounds, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, sugar. Mix all the ingredients and add 3-4 drops of peppermint oil.
Massage the composition on the lips and leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove with a tissue and follow with moisturizing lip balm.

Scrub mask with cinnamon

Mix ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil (can be replaced with olive oil). Massage the composition on the lips and leave on the lips for 10-15 minutes. Remove with paper towel.

Lemon mask

This procedure is carried out in several stages. Lips are first softened with oils, and then a mask is applied to increase the volume of the lips.
Take a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix it with a small portion of gelatin, add a teaspoon of peach or apricot oil. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes to swell. At this time, lubricate your lips with vitamin A, after a few minutes with vitamin E. Then wipe your lips with lemon zest and apply the infused mask, covering it with cling film on top. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour, give yourself a rest during this time.

Vaseline mask

This mask is very effective, as it contains many useful ingredients that nourish and moisturize the skin of the lips, but its main effect is to improve blood circulation. Starch in masks has the effect of Botox, and this is very important for lips.
Mix a teaspoon of potato starch with a teaspoon of grapefruit juice and olive oil. Dilute in 10 ml of hot water. Combine Vaseline with honey and sugar and put in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then mix all the ingredients together and heat again for 20 seconds. While the mask is warm, apply to lips and hold for 30 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with balm and blot with a napkin after a few minutes.

mustard mask

The mustard-based mask not only increases the volume of the lips, but also emphasizes the contour of the lips.
Mix honey and vaseline and heat in a water bath. Mustard pour 5 ml of burdock oil and 7 ml of lemon juice and let it brew for 10 minutes. Combine both compositions together and smear your lips with this mixture. Cover with cling film on top and keep for 20-30 minutes.

Honey mask

For the mask, take 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, 1.5 tablespoons of gelatin and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix all the ingredients and place in a water bath and heat for half an hour. Apply the composition on the lips for 15 minutes.
At this time, be sure to do exercises, stretching your lips with a tube, and then into a smile. Blot the remains of the mask with a napkin, and then wipe for a few seconds with ice from the infusion of lemon balm and then lightly pinch your lips.

Sour cream mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with a tablespoon and heat in a water bath until liquid. Add 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and 3-4 drops of rosemary ether and mix everything well. Apply this composition on the lips for 1 hour.

Mask with coffee grounds and mustard

Grind oatmeal and mix 1 tablespoon with a teaspoon of dry mustard, a tablespoon of coffee grounds and pour 1/5 cup of boiling water and set to swell for half an hour. While the mixture is still hot, add a tablespoon of butter to it and stir. Lastly, add a tablespoon of olive oil.
Lubricate your lips with olive oil first, and then apply the mixture and hold on your lips for about an hour. At the end of the procedure, massage your lips well, and then rinse everything off with very cold water.

Read about the cosmetic benefits of natural coffee and coffee grounds in the article.

Pepper mask for lip augmentation

The composition includes quite a lot of ingredients: chili pepper, honey, grape seed oil, petroleum jelly, lanolin, glycerin, rice flour, olive oil. Take all the ingredients in approximately equal amounts, half the amount of olive oil. Stir and heat in a water bath. When applied to the lips, the mask should be hot, but not burn. Try to hold it for at least 20-30 minutes, although it will sting your skin. Remove with hot water and brush immediately with olive oil.

Menthol mask

You will need fresh mint (25 g) and liquid menthol (20 ml). Grind mint, add menthol, a spoonful of instant coffee and a boat of corn or other vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the lips, then cover them with plastic wrap. Hold for about an hour, during which time you will feel tingling and cold. Finish the procedure by rubbing with an ice cube for 1-2 minutes.

Vegetable lip mask

You will need vegetables such as radish (1 piece), garlic (1 clove), cucumber (1/4). Grind all this, mix and heat in the microwave. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil to the mixture. This mask should be kept on the lips for 35-40 minutes. The smell of garlic will not be noticeable, it will neutralize the lemon juice.

Mask with beeswax and ginger

Melt beeswax in a water bath, and grind ginger or take ginger powder. In addition, mix a dessert spoon of gelatin with cocoa and pour hot water over it, let it brew for 25 minutes. Mix all the ingredients and add a couple of drops of cosmetic oil (peach, almond). Apply the mask on the lips, hold for half an hour, and then do the massage and lip exercises described above for 10 minutes. Just wipe off the rest with a tissue.

Making lips plump with makeup

To visually enlarge the lips, master the correct makeup. With the help of simple tricks, you can adjust the shape and volume.

The easiest way:
- Circle the contour with a pencil in the tone of lipstick, retreating from the edge of the lips by about 1 mm.
- Circle the upper lip with a white or cream pencil along the contour and blend.
- Apply foundation, and on top of it - gloss.
- Paint the center of the lips with a highlighter or white pencil and blend the line, and apply gloss on top.

Video tutorial on how to plump lips with makeup:

Modern medicine offers a large number of tools and manipulations aimed at correcting and enlarging the lips. However, not all the fair sex can afford to resort to the services of plastic surgery. If you prefer naturalness and do not accept surgery, try lip augmentation yourself.

The most affordable way to make sponges voluminous is proper care.. It is very important that special cosmetics are used for daily procedures that enrich the skin with nutrients. Creams, lotions and balms do not have to be bought, they can be prepared independently from natural ingredients.

Lip augmentation masks

Masks will help to make plump lips without surgery.

  • Honey mask. Mix one teaspoon each of honey, shea butter and rose oil. Add a few drops of lemon. Apply the mask on previously cleansed skin. The procedure is best done at night. The result of using the mask is smooth elastic lips.
  • Cayenne Pepper Mask. A couple of drops of any essential oil with a warming effect, half a spoon of petroleum jelly, 8 crushed tablets of nicotinic acid and a third of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. The mixture is applied exactly for a minute and washed off. Due to the ability of hot pepper to activate capillary blood circulation, after using the mask, the lips will become plump and increase in volume.
  • Peppermint mask. The principle of operation of this tool is similar to a mask with pepper. Peppermint oil enhances blood circulation in the tissues of the lips, increasing their volume and creating seductive volume.

How to plump beautiful lips with heat and cold? Use a simple technique: alternately apply ice and heat to the surface of the lips. This unique and easy method activates blood circulation in the tissues and makes the smile seductively puffy. To enhance the effect, the procedure can be combined with a light massage. You will be able to surprise others with lush lips.

How often can masks be done?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of masks. Homemade masks are good because natural ingredients are used for their preparation. However, it is important to take into account the fact that masks and massage are contraindicated if they occur:

  • damage (scratches, scars, cuts);
  • inflammation, including herpetic eruptions;
  • allergic reactions.

You can apply masks three times a week, as well as on the eve of an important event.

Use of cosmetics

You can visually make a smile more voluminous without resorting to massage or masks. You can make lips plump with the help of cosmetics. Your "weapon" in the fight for a seductive smile will be a contour pencil, lipstick and gloss. It is important to remember that the shade of the pencil should match the tone of the lipstick as much as possible.. If you use a pencil of a darker shade, you can get the opposite effect - a vulgar smile of a small volume.

There are several tricks that can make even thin lips look bigger. Before lipstick, outline the contour of the upper lip with a white cosmetic pencil and apply foundation that matches the skin tone as closely as possible. Next, apply lipstick or gloss. The effect of this simple technique is really amazing! By the way, such a trick is often used by stars to make the upper lip plumper.

It should be noted that when choosing cosmetics, preference should be given to lipstick and gloss of light shades with a glossy or satin effect, also use special enlarging agents or plummers. With their help, you can make natural lips more sexy and plump.

Gymnastics for lips

You can make lips visually plump not only with the help of cosmetics. The effect of increased volume can also be achieved with the help of special exercises.. Of course, this method is not as fast, but its effectiveness lasts much longer. There is a simple but effective set of exercises with which you can achieve a lasting effect of increasing the volume of the lips.

A set of exercises

To make lips lush and beautiful, here are a few exercises for them:

  1. Open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue as much as possible and count to five.
  2. Take in as much air as you can from your cheeks and close your mouth tightly. Try to make chewing movements, while moving your lips in all directions.
  3. Pull out your lips with a tube, open your mouth a little, and then close your lips as tightly as possible.
  4. Inflate your cheeks strongly, gradually release the air in short jerks, so that vibration is felt at the moment of exhalation.
  5. Whistle your favorite song every day for five minutes.

According to reviews, to make lips plump at home, it is necessary to perform each exercise daily 10-15 times for 3-4 weeks. It is very important when performing gymnastics not to stretch the skin near the mouth, so as not to get additional wrinkles along with the increased volume..

Worried about having thin lips? Forget about this problem! Becoming the owner of a seductive smile without surgery today is quite simple. It is enough to use our tips on how to make plump lips at home without much effort!

One of the most popular lip makeup techniques is ombre, when two shades of lipstick are used at once in one range. The darker one is applied to the outer corners of the lips, the lighter one is applied to the center. The effect of additional volume is achieved through the transition of colors and the play of light and shadow.

How to do ombre lips

For a visual increase in the upper lip, paint over its upper border with a dry highlighter or light shining shadows, going beyond the natural contour. A light highlight will give the impression of a slightly protruding upper lip.

Underline the lower contour with a light brown pencil slightly darker than skin color to create the effect of a natural shadow. Thus, the lower lip will also become visually plumper.

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With dark lipstick, paint over the corners of the lips, leaving the center free. Slightly blend the borders of the lipstick in the central part with a cotton swab.

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Apply a lighter shade of lipstick to the center of the lips. To paint over the lips, use an artificial brush. Use it to carefully draw the outline without resorting to a pencil.

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Blend the borders of different shades of lipstick with a brush so that the color transition is soft.

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Ready! Lips not only began to look spectacular, but also acquired more volume.

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You can also create an ombre effect with just one lipstick. Read the details in our.

And how to create a bolder version of the ombre, see our video:

How to do lip contouring

For a casual look, use lip gloss and a light brown liner slightly darker than your skin tone.

Draw a contour with a brown lip pencil. Duplicate natural, going beyond the boundaries of a maximum of half a millimeter, so that the makeup does not look vulgar.

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With the same pencil, draw lines on the lips themselves: highlight the center of the upper lip, and also draw three vertical lines on the bottom. Slightly blend the inner edges of the pencil along the outline with a cotton swab.

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Apply a sheer nude, slightly peach or pink gloss to your lips.

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If desired, add a little brown color to the corners of the lips or along the contour with a pencil.

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The effect of visual lip augmentation is visible to the naked eye! But do not overdo it: try not to go too far beyond the boundaries of the natural contour and do not use an overly dark pencil.

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How to choose cosmetics to create the effect of plump lips?

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Color selection

  • These can be the most neutral shades: a couple of tones darker than your skin; repeating the color of your lips; slightly more pink lipstick. The main thing is that such shades are as natural as possible.
  • When choosing lipstick, do not forget to focus on your color type (cold or warm), and do not forget about a pencil to match the lipstick.
  • The obvious advantages of nude lipstick are that it is more “wearable” and comfortable, does not require flawless application, and it is easy to renew even without a mirror.

Lip gloss Revolution High Color Lip Gloss, Kinky, Urban Decay © website

If you have an important event coming up and you can’t do without bright lipstick, watch our video tutorial on applying red lipstick.

Invoice selection

When choosing a lipstick finish, give preference to comfortable cream textures, lacquer lipsticks or lip glosses. Such products visually increase the lips, creating additional volume due to shine.

  • Matte lipsticks, especially liquid lipsticks, dry out lips and make them look smaller.
  • Liquid lipstick leaves a precise contour that emphasizes the natural borders of your lips.

Lipstick-balm Rouge d'Armani Sheers, 403, Giorgio Armani © site

Making lips plump: little secrets

To make lips more voluminous without painful and expensive injections, the following tricks will help.

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Your favorite lip balm or lip oil can serve as a lip base. Be sure to apply the base 5-7 minutes before using subsequent products.

  • Take a closer look at balms with mint or cinnamon oils, they improve microcirculation - blood rushes to the lips and makes them brighter and more voluminous. If you can't find a product with these ingredients, use pure peppermint oil. You can mix it with any base oil.

Get in the habit of using . Lips need exfoliation just like your face, so use a dedicated exfoliant at least once or twice a week.

  • If you haven't purchased a scrub yet, a toothbrush will do. Gently massage into moistened lips to remove any dead skin. On cleansed and nourished lips, any lipstick will fall much better.


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Even in lip makeup, concealer or foundation can come in handy. Apply a thin layer of concealer to lips with a sponge or brush.

  • Firstly, the concealer will cover your natural lip contour, and you can slightly correct it.
  • Secondly, such a “base” will provide a more even and durable coating of lipstick.

Lip pencil

Those who seek to visually enlarge the lips need to choose a pencil to match or a couple of tones darker than the natural shade of the lips. You will need a pencil not only for stroking, but also for filling the lips with this color.

For more detailed instructions on how to create plump lips with a pencil, see the video of beauty blogger Alina Fly Cloud.

Yes, bronzer can be used for more than just a natural tan. Run the bronzer in a thin strip under the lower lip, creating a shadow that supposedly falls from a plump lip.


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Highlighter can also be useful in creating the effect of plump lips. Apply your favorite shimmery product to the check mark above your upper lip, and the light-reflecting particles in it will make your lips look that much bigger.

Lip gloss

Lip gloss Ecstasy Lacquer, 600, Adrenaline, Giorgio Armani © site

When was the last time you used glitter glitter? If for a long time, then in vain! It is gloss with a large amount of shimmer that gives the lips maximum volume. In addition, sequins are back in fashion, so feel free to buy a forgotten product.

Smiles and kisses

To achieve a slight increase in the lips will help training the facial muscles. Don't worry, these are pleasant exercises that are easy to do every day. Smiles and kisses (even air kisses) will help not only give extra volume to the lips, but also cheer you up.

What tricks for lip augmentation do you know? Write a comment.