How to sew an African costume for a boy. Traditional African clothing

Tarzan and Jane, lion, tiger, panther, elephant, monkey, cockatoo, caveman, natives, mother earth, wild tree, hunters

Festive table decor
tablecloth, wooden dishes, "tiger" napkins, metal glasses with African print

chocolate ants, banana fries, tropical fruits, South African yellow rice, spinach with Garbanzo beans, African meat, chocolate covered mango banana ice cream, cake
cocktails "Tiger Paw", "Jungle Juice", juices

First, a few words about the dress code. This question is very relevant on the eve of an African party, both for your friends and for yourself. After all, you, I hope, are planning to set the best example in terms of a festive costume for your guests? You will shine against the background of your own created jungle in Tarzan's loincloth, or in the outfit of Bagheera's wild panther ... However, the costume base for an African safari is so wide that it won't take an hour to describe it in full breadth and depth. But, nevertheless, I will give you several directions for the development of imagination and the search for something of your own, corresponding to the mood and "call" of your inner, instinctive nature.

So, we select a costume according to the main direction of the party.

If you plan to make the basis of your African party the adventures of a glorious little monkey raised by Edgar Burroughs (I'm talking about Tarzan now), then it would be quite appropriate if guests come to your party in the guise of the main characters of the famous novel.

Tarzan and Jane

For Jane, a small khaki dress or a skirt and corset with a lacing in the front will do. It will be nice if you manage to decorate the dress with a leopard print. If your outfit is monochromatic, choose a hat and accessories (for example, bracelets, shoes) exactly to match the skin color of jungle predators. This version of the outfit will be especially good if you are not going to visit yourself, but accompanied by your own, domestic Tarzan, who will be dressed in a tunic made of tiger (leopard) skin. By the way, it would not hurt to add some accessories to the image of Tarzan. For example, you can tie a bandage over your head (made of the same material as the tunic), and you can wear a string with a wild animal's fang around your neck. As for shoes, Tarzan (the real hero of the novel) is used to walking barefoot in the jungle. If this shape is unacceptable for you, wear soft leather moccasins. I think that E. Burroughs will forgive your Tarzan for a certain departure from the law of the jungle.

Wild animals

However, it will not be entirely interesting if there are 10 tarzans and the same number of his girlfriends at your party. Therefore, initially distribute the roles (as in nature) between the guests. Let's say you (the hosts of the event) will get the main roles of the notorious multivolume epic of the great author. And the rest of the guests? They can be invited to choose a costume for any African animal with which they associate themselves!

Girls usually like to dress up as wild jungle cats - panthers, lionesses, tigresses.

The basis of such a suit is a suit or bodysuit of the corresponding color. You can add leggings to it (then the suit will more clearly emphasize your sexy forms), fur boots or leggings (for a more tangible effect), ears and a tail.

Very slim and tall girls can wear an elegant giraffe costume. It usually consists of tight two-tone trousers, a corset and a cute hat with horns.

Men, on the other hand (by the way, they more broadly approach the concept of wild animals) prefer to dress up in costumes of elephants, monkeys, birds and the first, cavemen.

Why the latter fell into the category of "wild animals" is still incomprehensible to me, but at an African party such types look simply incomparable! Someone needs to create a cheerful mood and make guests smile!

Completely different costumes will be needed if you plan to make the theme of wildlife and the harmonious coexistence of man with it as the main philosophy of the holiday. The primitive age, jungle, cave, bonfire, spears, mammoth hunting and ritual dances generate new images for your guests.

However, making such costumes will be as easy as shelling pears!

Wild people of the wild continent

Although, you can add a few more, decorated in ethnic style, and certainly - African shields and spears! Although you are at the party, you are warriors to the bone! What if, somewhere nearby, there will be a mammoth running, and you - without a weapon?

The image of the "cave" girl - African woman also strives for minimalism in clothes, but assumes a pretentious hairstyle, a lot of accessories. In particular - earrings, beads, hair ornaments.

Mother Earth

This image is also highly revered among African natives. Fertile Earth, which provides food, protection, wisely helps to sort out disputes, has always been deified. Sacrifices were made to her, songs were sung and ritual dances were danced at sunset.

However, the image of the Earth is epic, therefore, preparing for a party, you can recreate it in a costume absolutely arbitrarily. Most likely, the outfit for the Mother is a dress in calm green or peach tones, decorated with flowers, branches, ribbons. But your imagination can tell you something completely different. Listen to her and become the goddess of the African ball!

Living tree

Also a unique and versatile look for all African party options. In addition, such a suit will work great if your goal is to be a detached observer at the holiday and not participate in any competitions. The basis of the costume is a long fabric hoodie that is worn over the head and hangs freely to the floor. You can decorate the hoodie by trimming with flowers, branches, fruits.

And finally, a few words about the costumes for white hunters who came to the black mainland to take part in an African safari.

African safari hunter costumes

As a rule, both a woman's and a man's suit consists of a shirt (with buttons and with a collar) and trousers (shorts). Color - camouflage green, or khaki. Another must-have is thick woolen socks paired with hiking boots. And, of course, weapons.

Basically, if you're just going to an African safari party, you can simplify the strict hunting dress code a bit. For example, give up coarse boots (especially for sophisticated girls) and woolen socks (if the holiday falls on a hot season).

But you should not refuse a cute accessory - a classic straw hat or a crusted hunting helmet. As a rule, the recognition of the image always arises precisely thanks to this headdress!

And a few more words about interesting details that can be matched to a safari suit. As we have already mentioned, in our time, tourists go to Africa mainly to participate not in a real hunt for wild animals, but in the so-called photo hunt. Therefore, for the sake of plausibility, when going to a party, you can hang binoculars or a camera around your neck.

And also - take with you an interesting bag with an African print and large sunglasses.

Perhaps your guests have received enough "food for the mind." It remains to have time to turn all our and our own ideas into real fabric and enter the image. And you and I, dear hosts of the holiday, still have a lot of things to do! In particular, it's high time to discuss the holiday menu! What are you going to treat all the wild animals, natives and hunters that will soon gather in your house? After the safari, they'll all get very hungry for sure! Therefore - the advice of the best chefs to help you!



The festive table should not differ in the general style of composition from the ceremonial hall, where the main part of the event will take place. Therefore, I advise you to lay the tablecloth in black and white, you can choose a covering for the "leopard skin", and decorate the center of the table with a strip of shiny brown organza. It will be very beautiful and tasteful!

Dishes. Treats are best served on wooden flat plates, and drinks are poured into tall, coarse iron glasses (by the way, they can be decorated with a strip of fabric to match the tablecloth).

The only sign of civilization that "white hunters" can leave at their festive table is metal cutlery. When serving the table, they can also be wrapped in a napkin that matches the tone of the tablecloth.

Decorations. You can decorate the festive table with wooden figurines of the inhabitants of the jungle, as well as cute pots with young tropical greenery.

Well, now - let's talk about what will be nice to put on beautiful plates!


Real hunters (and their "trophies" too) will not be able to pass by the fresh green banana fries. This dish is originally from Kenya, and tastes like potatoes, which are familiar to Europeans, dried in oil.

This dish is not difficult to prepare. You just need to cut the not quite ripe bananas into strips and deep-fry them over medium heat, in a lot of oil. Serve to the table with fresh herbs and sauce, and, preferably, I will fight after frying.

You can also serve as an appetizer a primordial African delicacy - fried ants. If there are gourmets among your guests, they will surely appreciate your dish! However, real connoisseurs of the taste of insects are a rarity among Russians - therefore, I propose to replace real ants with chocolate ones. Or, at least, decorate tartlets with cream or green cheese paste with them!

Also throughout the evening, guests should have free access to dishes with exotic tropical fruits such as pineapple, bananas, mangoes and pomegranates.

For the parents of each baby, the question often arises about a carnival costume of one kind or another. Moreover, such a need appears not only on New Year's Eve: various thematic holidays and matinees, birthdays and outdoor events. And it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive suit in the store for every occasion. After all, there are a lot of options on how to create an interesting image for a child with your own hands!

One such example is Papuan costume. This is a universal solution - it is suitable for both a boy and a girl, and it can be done very simply, without large costs and long efforts. There are many variations on how to make a native costume. It all depends on the imagination of the parents.

And how interesting it is to connect the child himself to the manufacture! The inclusion of the baby in the process will make the costume especially beloved, because he made his own efforts. It is likely that a child will really help his parents to make an African costume: a child's fantasy, as a rule, is much richer than an adult's, and the child can suggest interesting solutions.

Usually, the savage costume consists of several components... They include:

  • skirt;
  • T-shirt or topic;
  • headdress;
  • shoes;
  • accessories (beads, earrings, etc.);
  • weapon.

Obviously, this list is not fundamental, and depending on the conditions and gender of the child, one or another detail can be excluded or added.

Materials from which you can make a Papuan costume with their own hands, are also very diverse. There are options made from garbage bags or New Year's rain, cassette tape or satin tapes. The decision depends only on the parents and the child himself. The suit can be very bright, or it can be done in one color scheme. The savage costume is a real platform for a flight of fantasy.

If you use make-up to create an image, the character will turn out to be even brighter, and the child will receive additional emotions from reincarnation. But not all children, especially boys, like to put “paints” on their faces. If the child agrees with what happens in most cases, then face painting will be the best material for applying additional entourage to the face, which is quickly and easily washed off without leaving traces and without irritating the child's skin.

Top of the suit

The perfect solution there will be an imitation of the skin of a killed animal for a boy and a light top for a girl. From any fabric with the color "cheetah" or other, you can sew a light T-shirt or simply wrap it around the body. but you should not use real fur - it is impractical, it will most likely look rough, and the child can be hot in such a suit.

For a girl, the most ideal outerwear solution will be a top made of the same material. from which the skirt is made. You can string, for example, New Year's rain or cutting from garbage bags on an elastic band that will fit the size of the chest of a young Papuasca. It will look great if the elastic is both above and below, forming a complete top, but hanging elements that are not fixed at the bottom also look great.

Integral element the skirt is independent of the baby's gender. It is suitable for both a girl and a boy, since the Papuans wore this item of clothing without being divided by gender. The basis for the skirt will ideally be a wide or narrow elastic band, measured according to the size of the child's waist. And here the skirt itself can be made from various materials.

One way or another, there are a lot of options for creating a skirt for an African costume. Everything depends only on the imagination of the manufacturers.

African headdress

As a headdress, the following may be ideal:

  • feathers;
  • flowers;
  • a hat made of the same fabric from which the base of the suit was sewn;
  • leaves of African plants (you can sew a hat, a wreath from them, or simply weave them into a hairdo).

It is important to take into account that the headdress should not be too large and draw attention to itself. Of course, this is if he not an accent in a suit and does not play a major role in the idea.

Papuan accessories and footwear

The whole is made up of little things, so do not forget about the details. Ideal accessories are necklaces (from large rings or floral Hawaiian beads), clip-on earrings that match the overall style of the costume (floral or rings), and armbands (best worn on the lower shoulder, just above the elbow or forearm, and they must be made in harmony with the main costume. The same accessories can be worn on legs, for example, just below the knee.

Shoes should be as comfortable as possible. Gym shoes will be the best option, and for harmony with the rest of the costume, you can sew on them from the remaining materials.

Papuan costume - an easy and quick way make the mood of the child really festive. You can play in it without fear of getting dirty or ruining it: you can run and jump in it without difficulty, because it does not hinder your movements at all.

It is noteworthy that such suits are very easy to carry - they practically do not wrinkle and take up very little space. The practicality and brightness of the image of the native will delight the child, cheer him up and make the baby an adornment of any holiday.

We all remember our best (and worst) carnival costumes from childhood. Sometimes, of course, you can make up any costume to your taste. But often in kindergarten or school they require something specific for each child so that it fits into the presentation at the event. Some parents approach this with increased enthusiasm - they order tailoring from professionals or buy expensive suits, if only their child looks at the highest level. But you can go the other way: make a suit with your own hands.

If you really want to do something with your own hands, then involve the child in the work, let him do what he can and according to his age. After all, there are some costumes that require a minimum of investment and effort, so under the guidance of an adult, even a small child will easily master it. It is also possible to create an African costume in many ways! And not only for children, by the way.

In general, the African costume itself is an interesting and witty idea for any party, if it is supposed to be costumed. It is easy to make it from existing clothes that you do not mind spending. Your best bet is to take something bright, of course. And if you have time, then this is not so necessary - just prepare a lot of beads that you will put on over the suit, or sew bright beads to it.

The simplest do-it-yourself African costume

Here is a version of the simplest costume on this topic:

For him, take the usual Christmas tree-New Year's "rain" of different colors and cut to one length. Sew all the "rains" (there should be a lot of them!) To the elastic band, which should be longer than your waist, it will be tied on the side.

Under this case, you need to wear short shorts, you can cut breeches or leggings. Or you don't have to trim, especially if they are colored - just make a lot of cuts along their entire length in front. At least a wig on my head, at least the same rain. There are also rain wigs, by the way.

Cover your face with paint or washable makeup - your look is ready. For girls, a short flesh or brown top is suitable for the top, you can sport it. Well, beads with bracelets - in unlimited quantities!

In fact, it is easy to make such a Papuan skirt from many materials. Here's at least from a blue garbage bag cut into strips:

Continuing the theme of Christmas tree decorations, you can see that rain is not required specifically. Take even simple tinsel:

Actually, you can take a costume for ballroom dancing, and to create an image, take a lush clown dark wig and make tinsel on your arms and legs from the same “rain” or even paper. As here:

DIY African costume: a more difficult option

For a more professional look, sew it from a piece of brown suede. We just cut the fabric into strips, wrap it 2-3 times around the body, but so that the skirt dangles freely around the legs. Sew the elastic in the same way.

We sew a piece of the same fabric on the front and back of any T-shirt or T-shirt, if you don't know how to sew, or sew a short top yourself. You don't have to make a fringe on your arms and legs, but just put on thick bracelets.

And if you want a fringe, and you still go to the store for fabric, then look for fringe there, it is sold, and of different colors, lengths and quality.

This costume is suitable for both girls and boys.

Actually, even the entire costume can be made from purchased fringes of different lengths. But you still need to wear something under your skirt.

If you are afraid of freezing, then make a suit over your regular clothes, only it should be black or flesh-colored. Then the suit can be transparent, because they will not need to cover anything. Or strips of spotted faux fur.

And from clothes you can take black tights or leggings, on top - a black turtleneck under the throat.

Papuan costume for a child

It is generally easy for children to make a Papuan carnival costume. We sew a skirt from the same fabric, such as for a ballerina's tutu.

And then, in large quantities, wherever possible, we stick / sew / glue beads, beads and multi-colored feathers, they are in fabric stores, and in stores where everything is for needlework. For a top, girls borrow any bright top. A boy can take a plain vest (priority colors - brown, yellow, orange) on his naked body or on a black turtleneck.

Also try making a skirt out of brightly colored scraps of fabric or even colored paper. Or take an already unnecessary skirt and cut it into stripes, and cut the top in different places so that it becomes very full of holes.

The main thing in the image, in short, is a patchwork skirt, a wig, bracelets or fringes on the limbs in large quantities. And face painting. Moreover - accessories in hand, like a spear or a tambourine.

Try, experiment, combine the incongruous, come up with your own ways to create this costume, taking one of the ideas as a basis. And do not be afraid of bright combinations or a large number of colors - this is more than normal for such a suit. The brighter the better!

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The hottest and most mysterious African continent inspires many modern designers to create their own unique collections. African style of clothing conveys the identity and cultural values ​​of this exotic world through luxurious fabrics, colorful colors, prints, various patterns and patterns.

African motives in modern clothing style

Many designers draw their ideas from folklore, elements of folk costume.

African style is the most recognizable ethnic style in clothing and accessories

Fashion shows are not complete without a collection in ethnic format.

African clothing style - bright energy of color

African style has become a bright, memorable and exotic ethno-direction. Lightweight and flying cut of fabrics with fringes, feathers and embroidery creates an exclusive and memorable image.

Ethnic style

- these are dresses and clothing sets filled with elements of national costumes of various countries and peoples of the world. The diversity of cultures entails a multitude of ethnic trends, each of which brings individuality, originality and uniqueness to the costume.

The uniqueness of women is in their versatility and incredibly bright and cheerful this versatility enlivens.

African clothing style is the most striking and recognizable among other varieties of ethnicity.

To create an image using ethno-elements, designers are inspired by exotic cultural trends:

  • Russian motives;
  • African motives;
  • Indian motives;
  • Egyptian motives;
  • Greek motives;
  • Indian motives;
  • Japanese motives.

The African continent presented in the spirit of a safari. The clothes amaze with their bright temperament, rich colors, stylish prints.

African style is rich colors, a combination of incongruous, catchy prints and large decorations

Elements of African ethnicity are catchy, memorable and expressive. Many fashion houses are happy to work in this direction, creating unique models.

African style of dress is dynamic and energetic

African motives that penetrate the soul of design

African style for designers is a platform for creating unique looks. They draw ideas not only from the landscape and the peculiarities of the life of individual tribes, but also from weapons, everyday life, and the animal world of Africa.

African style in modern fashion can be called the motif of African ornamentalism and primitive exotic images

Natural fabrics typical of local tribes, such as leather, linen, cotton, knitted elements are painted with geometric ornaments. They charge you with mood and energy.

The African style and its components are loved by the whole world, it is used in decor, clothing, art African style is one of the brightest and most distinctive phenomena in fashion and style

The models have a loose fit, shoes are light, like sandals.

African style is difficult to confuse with any other due to the abundance of bright natural colors
African-style clothing is presented in a huge variety of styles and colors

We should also talk about accessories separately. Multi-colored rows of beads, amulets on leather cords, unusual pendants, leather belts, bracelets made of wood, metal from narrow to wide.

African jewelry is always very dynamic, vibrant and impulsive.
African style in jewelry is exotic, mysterious, energetic and is attracting more and more interest among active youth

All products are decorated with natural stones, animal tusks, feathers, ivory, metals such as copper, gold, silver.

Designers do not recreate traditional African tribal costumes, but use separate details or colors.

African clothing style is original, bright and distinctive

Outfits with glitter of gold and bronze appear on the catwalks, mini-dresses in tones typical of indigenous tribes, light floor-length dresses and straight sundresses painted with geometric patterns or animalistic motifs.

African style is the most recognizable ethnic style in clothing now it is very popular and reads in a new way, in a modern interpretation

Chunky knit cardigans paired with chiffon tunics embroidered with traditional African patterns.

African style of dress is different in that it is cheerful and quite comfortable.

Handbags and handmade shoes complete the look.

African style handbags are the perfect accessory for a vibrant look

Characteristics of the African style

Modern women of fashion intelligently fill their wardrobe with ethnic outfits, trying not to overload their image.

African style - colorful color combinations and patterns

And if you are one of these fashionistas, and you like the African style of clothing, then pay attention to what diversifies your wardrobe in this particular direction:

  • Clothes are made from fabrics that reflect the culture and traditions of the people. Elements of the costume or its design often reflect the nature of the savannah, contain ornaments used by tribes to decorate their clothes, dishes and household products.
  • The predominance of natural fabrics, finishing with materials of natural origin. This can be the furs of animals living in Africa (bison, leopards, lions, gazelles), their tusks, decorative stones, bird feathers, etc. Modern technologies allow you to purchase jewelry made of synthetic materials that are similar to natural and practically indistinguishable from them ... · Characteristic African prints.
  • Sensual images will be emphasized by a catchy scarf with a leopard pattern or a flowing dress similarly painted. But these details need to be balanced with calmer techniques. For example, wear classic shoes, metal bracelets without fancy trim, etc.
  • The African style is suitable for all types of appearance, you just have to choose your own colors, shapes and size of the picture.

Ethnic fabric prints

Ethnic style involves the use of natural fabrics. African clothing is dresses, tunics, trousers, skirts, vests and other types of clothing, mainly made of cotton, linen, silk, leather and their combinations. The predominant colors are sand, coffee, and azure. Painting the fabric with a memorable ornament or print with the nature and animals of Africa.

A characteristic feature of African-style clothing is the use of numerous prints, the absence of monochromatic things

African style means spring / summer fashion. The pattern on the fabric in everyday life stands out for its uniqueness. What are the ornaments of local tribes, made in bright colors?

African style is motives brought by the wind of hot countries

Products infused with African influences stand out on the catwalks at almost every show. Prints are used both blurry and with scrupulous drawing of details. These can be large drawings in the form of savannah landscapes, animal outlines, painting with plant elements, abstraction and geometric shapes, as well as small sketches.

African style is loved by the world's leading fashion designers

African style elements in modern fashion

African style fills the owners with energy, recklessness, mystery and seductive appeal. Women and girls who have fallen under the charm of African motives create magnificent ethno-images. Using ethnic African motives, you should know when to stop so as not to be vulgar and clumsy dressed.

The African style of clothing attracts many women with its exoticism and originality, as well as a variety of variations.

The easiest way to add an African touch to your look is with jewelry and accessories. These items will suit almost every type of clothing - from jeans and T-shirts to evening wear.

African style is one of the most colorful, distinctive and bizarre styles in modern fashion.

Use massive necklaces and earrings made of metal, wooden and copper bracelets, pendants and amulets from claws and fangs, feathers, stones and beads. The simplicity of the style allows you to use its elements in the office and casual version of the dress.

It will be interesting to look at a sheath dress in brown or pastel shades with a modest African pattern trim.

An African-style dress will give you confidence

Trousers in combination with a silk feminine blouse, decorated with a floral pattern in soothing tones, will hide figure flaws.

Africa is bright colors

When going on vacation, it is convenient to take clothes in African ethnic style. Tops, sundresses, dresses, long skirts with colorful prints, shorts and sweaters for excursions, flat sandals.

African fashion - bright ornaments, tropical motifs, light silhouettes

In the off-season, prints with the nature of the hot continent will warm you with summer memories. Here, denser fabrics are used - wool, linen, leather, knitted elements, fur. Designers offer spectacular ethnic-style fur coats with a leopard pattern, decorated with huge collars, furs, and a fur cut.

African menswear trends

Although modern men are much less likely than women to wear ethnic-style costumes, you can also find unique things in their wardrobe. These can be shirts, shorts, ties, blazers and jackets.

Men's African fashion - unusual and extravagant

There is also bijouterie. The fabric pattern and decoration in the men's suit are much more modest than in the women's, and the colors are more muted. But despite this, African motives no less effectively convey ethnic mood, masculinity and identity to the stronger sex.

Men's African fusion style

For the correct perception, the designers in the men's ethnic suit set the following accents:

  • shades of beige - from sand and coffee, to ashy, khaki and olive, as the basis for African motives;
  • azure blue - a shade that emphasizes masculinity, tan, and also this color is combined with most saturated colors;
  • white classic - fills the image with freshness and facilitates the perception of other tones, diluting them;
  • deep red as the color of images on the main fabric;
  • sunny yellow - completes the motives of the drawing, placing bright spots that complete its perception as a whole;
  • colors such as grass green, purple, orange, lime green, pink, lobster, turquoise, blue, and deep black are also used.

In everyday life, not every man will use African motifs in clothes, but for men in trouser suits, designers dilute formality with ornaments on jackets, stylish ties, and small patterns on shirts.

Modern creative men choose a discreet African style

Afro look from braids to sandals

When creating a complete ethno-image, you should decide in the direction of style, because in different regions of Africa there are huge differences in costume.

Modern African fashion borrows a lot from its traditions, but takes global trends from the catwalk into account
  • Study the traditions of the selected region and select those materials that most accurately reflect them. For example, a leopard skin can be replaced with a cloth with a similar pattern.
  • Note for yourself what and how residents wear. Whether they prefer capes or loincloths.
  • The classic Afro hairstyles are braids, dreadlocks and small curls. You can also wind a bright piece of fabric in the form of a turban around your head.
  • On the hands - bracelets and baubles, on the ears - large designer earrings in the form of fangs, bones, feathers of animals and birds. Around the neck there are several threads of bright large beads or a necklace in the form of welded rings.
  • For parties - beautify your body with abstract designs in vibrant colors.
  • Shoes are flat. It can be sandals and sandals made of leather with an abundance of straps, fringes, beading and beading.

African clothing and its motives fit perfectly into modern world fashion

A carnival African costume, made quickly and easily with your own hands, can be made with a minimum of cost. At the same time, it will turn out to be no less good than bought in specialized departments of stores. Below we will look at ways to make an African costume for children.

We create a quick and easy do-it-yourself African costume

We called it so simply because to make this costume you only need materials that every home has.

  1. You can make a skirt from paper, cellophane bags and even juice containers. You just need to make leaves with scissors and attach them to a belt from a ribbon. Fastening can be done either with a needle and thread, or simply by carefully gluing them. You can also make a skirt out of straw or hemp (of course, if you have one of these on hand).
  2. We will also make bracelets for arms and legs from elastic bands with leaves sewn on them from the same materials that made the skirt, only in this case the prepared leaves should be much smaller than on the skirt. Also, these bracelets can be made from threads.
  3. We will make a necklace on the chest from the same materials, fangs and small bones can be cut out of pieces of cardboard, and attached to the necklace along with the bulk of the leaves.
  4. We will make a wig from threads on the head. Moreover, if the threads for the wig are thick, then you can do nothing with them (leave shaggy hair). And on thin strands you need to braid a large number of small braids. If there are not enough threads, then in the middle of the wig you can attach a small hat made of leaves that were prepared for bracelets and a skirt. The wig is attached to the head with elastic bands sewn from the inside.
  5. We attach two large rings to the wig near the ears. Or if there are clips in the form of large rings, you can put them on.
  6. If you wish, you can throw a tiger skin over your shoulder (you can even tear an old jacket or T-shirt with any piece of fabric of a suitable color). This costume is suitable for both a boy and a girl.

Garbage bag suit:
  • Garbage bags are better large, colored and with ties. On the bag we measure the desired length of the skirt, and cut off all the excess. We cut the workpiece into narrow strips. Let's prepare a skirt belt, for this we take a wide dense tape a little more than the girth needed for the child and with threads, with a stapler or glue, attach the prepared ribbons from the bags to the belt. Optionally, you can make a skirt in one layer or more fluffy in several layers. We sew several hooks or buttons on the skirt of the skirt.
  • In the same way for girls, you can make a bandage on the chest, only it is better to take a wide elastic band for the base and attach the strips to it by sewing with threads.
  • The necklace is made of short strips strung on a thin string.
  • Make bracelets for arms and legs using narrow elastic bands of threads and strips cut from garbage bags.
  • To complete the look, tint your face with paint and make a wig from strips of a black garbage bag, secure it to your head with a bandage with a feather.

Making a Papuan costume according to ready-made measurements for a festive carnival

You can dress up in such a costume for any carnival or party, it is simple to perform and is suitable for all children. The photo below shows an example of such a suit.

  • The top of the suit will be a top or a T-shirt, it is better to make of bright tiger-colored material, it will be an imitation of the skin of an animal. For girls, you can decorate the top of a two-piece swimsuit with a variety of feathers, beads, buttons, rags and all sorts of other things. If the holiday takes place in winter and it is assumed that the child may freeze in the room where it will be held, then it is advisable to wear a flesh-colored turtleneck under the suit for warmth and decorate it with decorative elements.
  • A native skirt can be made in several ways. Sew it from brindle-colored fabric and decorate as well as the top. Or collect many colorful ribbons on an elastic band. You can also use green scraps for the skirt, imitating the leaves and also collect them on an elastic band, like ribbons. Also, the skirt can be made from feathers, fringe and other various materials that your imagination tells you. Any child will like this costume.
  • It is quite easy to make a headpiece for this costume. You can take a bunch of feathers and fasten it in the form of a crown on your head. Feathers can be made from multi-colored cardboard, or white and painted on your own.
  • The crown on the head should fit well enough so that it does not slip when playing, and be light and comfortable.
  • A native needs to put beads on the neck; you can ask your mother for them or make them yourself. It is also necessary to make bracelets for arms and legs from multi-colored strips of fabric.
  • The necklaces made of bones, cut out of cardboard and painted in a light color, will look funny. Bones can also be woven into a hairdo and attached to a headdress.
  • Shoes for a school or kindergarten party should be decorated to match the costume.
  • A native can be given a spear instead of a spear in his hands, while decorating it. You can also help the child apply war paint on the body, only you need to make sure that the children do not overdo it.

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